Watch hunting in Western Siberia. Secrets and features of commercial hunting. Hunting recreation centers in the Novosibirsk region

Siberia. In the old days, people were sent to this part of Russia by a court verdict for serious crimes, and no one forcibly exiled us, the participants of the next stage of the "Hunting Expeditions", we ourselves arrived. And all because when they visited this region once, they fell ill with it, just like climbers get sick with mountains, and now in Tyumen region we were drawn again and again. This time the plans were to hunt for ungulates. Aleksey Okhrimenko met the expedition team, and he introduced us to Andrey Borodulin, a true hunting enthusiast, and in addition, the owner of a whole family of West Siberian Laikas. Thirty-seven dogs are in his kennel. We stopped at the base of Andrey. From it they made forays into the lands. The weather was excellent. Frost minus fifteen, sun, and snow cover, allowing more or less comfortable to move through the forest without skis. At first, they engaged in the extraction of Siberian roe deer. Huskies helped us in the hunt. There is enough game in this region, so the first let of dogs into the forest turned out to be effective. Three goats jumped out at the edge of the forest at once. With two shots, the first trophy was obtained. A short break, and again they launched the dogs into the forest island. The likes gave up their votes in almost five minutes, and the roe deer attacked one more shooter. An accurate shot at a short distance from a smoothbore gun allowed us to congratulate each other “Happy field!”. Trophies were transported to escort vehicles on sledges hitched to the snowmobile Taiga Patrol 550 SWT. By the way, the Buran snowmobile, probably known to all hunters and fishermen, and the aforementioned Patrol, manufactured by Russian Mechanics JSC, made our life much easier. The super-utilitarian Buran 4T, equipped with a four-stroke eco-friendly engine and, as if created for hunting, the Taiga Patrol with a wide 600 mm caterpillar and sled, worked to the fullest. They laid a snowmobile trail, the so-called "buranka", transported trophies, served as a transport for scouts-pathfinders.

The next day was devoted to boar hunting. Several times we heard the voices of dogs, but for a long time they did not manage to stop the animal and give the shooter the opportunity to approach the animal for a shot. And then, finally, it happened. Two huskies "circled" a rather large boar. Long aiming, as there was a real chance of accidentally shooting a dog, a shot, and ... they took a boar. And also, on this day, a husky drove a marten up a tree. It happens like that. After all, they did not specifically deal with fur-bearing animals, but since it happened, they also got a marten. Activities for the removal of the wild boar to all-terrain vehicles, the processing of the trophy "ate" the daylight hours remaining until the end of the day. We returned to base at dusk.

Morning found us already in the grounds. To catch a moose is the task we have set for ourselves. The whole day passed in fruitless attempts to approach the elk. The dogs kept the animal, but as soon as the shooter approached the scene, the moose began to leave. No luck. Everyone was exhausted, making endless transitions through the dense forest. By the end of the day, luck smiled at one of the hunters. He tuned in to the voices of the huskies, and saw a young bull that broke away from a group of moose. Such an opportunity could not be missed. The shot was accurate. In the evening, by the fire, we recalled the events that had flown by unnoticed during these days. And in the morning we were waiting for the road home. We arrived in Western Siberia by car, so that on the way back we had to cross the Ural Range again and, as if by chance, move from Asia to Europe.

Hunting has been known since prehistoric times. She was both a means of subsistence and the greatest passion of the male population. With the development of mankind, its methods and goals began to change. To date, commercial hunting has changed to amateur or sport. Hunting tourism has become widespread, thanks to which hunting farms began to develop. But in some regions, commercial hunting remains relevant today.

Features of modern commercial hunting

commercial hunting- This rational use animals to obtain from them the maximum economic benefit, without prejudice to the reproduction of offspring. Its purpose is to track down and harvest predatory animals, obtain meat and valuable fur skins. For hunters and hunters, this occupation has become not only entertainment, during which their skill and endurance were tested, but also a source of good income.

Currently, commercial hunting is allowed to engage in legal entities and private entrepreneurs who have received a license. Fishing takes place in specially designated areas in a season that is clearly established legislatures. The most common fishing areas are the Urals, Far East, Siberia, Volga region.

Fishing in Eastern Siberia

Hunting in Eastern Siberia has long been the main occupation, and in areas with a small population, it is a source of food and livelihood. Amateur hunting has become widespread, which is not only entertainment, but also makes it possible to prepare a sufficient amount of meat.

Wild boars, elk, roe deer, red deer, bears, hares, as well as various types of waterfowl and forest game become objects of interest. Commercial hunting is carried out for sable, ermine, squirrel. Hunters and fishermen form artels engaged in the preparation of furs.

Commercial production of sable

Sable - predatory animal, which is the subject of fishing due to its valuable fur. Lives in the dark coniferous taiga. It can exist in harsh conditions, having good immunity to diseases. In 10 hours it covers a distance of up to 12 kilometers. The sable obtains food for food mainly at night or early in the morning, and during the day the sable rests.

The animal has a very sensitive hearing and instantly reacts to the barking of dogs or shots. If you carelessly wake him up, approaching close, he instantly rushes to his heels. And it's almost impossible to shoot him. In wide leaps, the sable first runs along the ground, and then climbs a tree and moves along the branches until it finds a hollow in the tree.

The hunter cuts down part of the tree, forming a hole, and sets up a net at the exit. Then, by knocking on a tree, he drives the sable out of the hollow, forcing him to run to the formed passage. When the animal enters the net, it must be immediately grabbed by the neck so that it does not bite on the hand. In this case, the skin of the animal remains without damage. Sable is also hunted with the help of traps and self-traps.

Laika is an indispensable assistant in sable fishing. It greatly increases the chances of success. This breed dogs are distinguished by endurance and can pursue prey for a long time and warn the owner that they have found sable. The ability and instinct is transmitted in such dogs at the genetic level, so these dogs are valued very dearly. Dogs have been trained since childhood, teaching them to swim in a boat and find the shortest path in the forest.

Preparing for the hunt

The duration of the hunting season is from 5 to 6 months. Therefore, hunters and fishermen take preparation very seriously. Before the start of the season, it is necessary to prepare a winter hut, clear approaches to it and bring food. Given that the sable habitat is quite large, in addition to a major wintering, the hunter needs to take care of intermediate camps.

A special booth is built for the dog, inside which hay is laid, the entrance is hung with dense material and covered with snow, leaving only a passage for the dog. Inside such a booth there should be two bowls - one for water and the other for food. The dog needs to be given warm food once a day.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of things. There should be two sets. The set should include: jacket, sweater, trousers. This will make it possible to change clothes in case they get wet or spoil. Thermal underwear will not be superfluous, which will serve as good protection against the cold in winter period.

When choosing shoes, you need to take into account the season of fishing. In the winter season, you can not do without boots or high fur boots. These shoes are indispensable on long journeys.

A warm sleeping bag and a tent are a must. The tent must be waterproof. Each hunter must have a compass, a GPS navigator and a replaceable battery with him. Powerful lantern with a set of replacement batteries.

The main tools in the taiga are an ax and a knife. Tools must be durable, sharp and practical. The ax should be one for cutting trees, the other for everyday use. The knife must be versatile and durable. Tools, as well as clothes, it is better to have two. Weapons, loops, traps and ammunition should be checked. Sometimes survival in Siberia depends on having enough ammo.

Not everyone will be able to spend several months in harsh conditions. Taiga life is only possible for professionals with fortitude, iron discipline, patience and endurance.

Fishing in Western Siberia

Commercial hunting in Western Siberia is aimed at regulating the number of animals. The method directly depends on the choice of the animal on which it is conducted. Group hunting is suitable for roe deer or elk. With this method of extraction, beaters, shooters, breeders and, of course, a person leading the group are needed. In group fishing, discipline and clear, well-coordinated actions of each member of the group are very important.

On a boar

The wild boar is usually hunted by round-up or drive.

When catching a wild boar by the method of corralling, the beaters drive the wild boar to the chain of shooters. In this case, there should be several beaters. Then, as for the round-up method, one beater is enough to drive the boar to the shooters. But in this case, there should be several shooters. They should be placed on a hill to have a good all-round view. Very important role disguise plays. It must match the color scheme. environment. If the fishery is carried out in winter, then the shooter's clothing must be white. IN summer period clothing should be dark green or black.

On the fox

The fox is usually hunted with dogs.

For this purpose, such dog breeds as the hound, greyhound and mink are exclusively suitable. It is possible to catch a fox with the help of traps. It is better to start hunting for a fox in the early morning. When hunting a fox with the help of burrowing dogs, the hunter must be careful and patient. If the fox hears the noise, then it clogs deep into the hole. The hunter removes the leash and collar from the dog, and when the dog goes into the hole, he chooses a place about twenty paces from the back and waits for the appearance of the fox, preparing to shoot.

On upland game they hunt in the early morning, when the capercaillie collects sand pebbles. Squirrel at this time is also busy collecting supplies.

Professional hunting in Western Siberia is also carried out for brown bear, reindeer, bighorn sheep, mountain goat.

Fishing in the Urals

Hunting in the Urals gives hunters the opportunity to replenish their trophies. It could be Brown bear, reindeer, elk, ermine, fox, wolf, roe deer. And also birds - golden eagle, sea eagle. Trophies mined in the Urals are highly valued.

In general, commercial hunting in Siberia and the Urals enjoys well-deserved popularity not only among hunters, but also among tourists. In addition, tourists are offered exciting hunting tours. That is why novice hunters who do not want to test the principles of survival in Siberia on their own experience go for trophies precisely as part of such a tour.

Hunting in these places is a great chance to feel like a real taiga hermit, enjoy the beauties of nature, fascinating baiting of the beast and get well-deserved trophies.


The video reveals interesting details and secrets of commercial hunting.

Numerous hospitable hunting bases in Western Siberia provide hunters, their families and friends with an excellent opportunity to spend their long-awaited leisure time in their own hunting grounds. The camp sites made sure that their guests feel at home, just like at home - cozy and comfortable.

Guests will appreciate excellent services, accommodation and organization of trophy hunting in picturesque evergreen taiga massifs. Hunters will never be bored! Their prey can be cunning foxes and snipes, wolves and goldeneyes, hares and great snipes, red-headed divers and shovelers, graceful elks and pintails, wigeons and teals, crested ducks and ducks.

Your families, while you are hunting, will at any time find something to do with their leisure time, as the bases offer a variety of recreational activities, sports games, organization of productive fishing in numerous reservoirs rich in fish and exciting sightseeing tours to the nearest sights.

fox hunting

In cold Western Siberia, foxes, the most cunning and mysterious animals of this region, are mainly found in vast territories, from the beautiful Gulf of Ob to the border with Mongolia, as well as from the Yenisei to the harsh Urals. Foxes are especially common in the Achinsk steppes, the forest-steppe belts of Kulund and Baraboy, in the swampy lowland evergreen taiga of Khakassia-rare.

All avid hunters dream of measuring cunning and intelligence with foxes. For almost all novice hunters, their first outings on foxes end in failure. "Patrikeevnas" know how to cunningly circle the losers around their fingers. But if you gain experience and professionalism, then nothing will prevent you from bringing foxes from the fields and forests.

There are many ways to gamble on this mysterious beast, consisting of hunting from the approach, with hounds, in holes with the help of dogs of burrowing breeds, with a decoy, in a ride, with stuffed animals, on ambush and bait.

How foxes are hunted

With dogs

Hounds are excellent for this type of hunting, although other breeds can be used. the main task dogs - drive out the foxes under the shots of the hunters. The results of hunters are completely dependent on experience, instant reaction, accuracy of hitting the target and good camouflage.

With decoy

Hunters should hide at the forest edges and carefully lure the red beasts with the help of decoys that imitate the squeak of field mice or the screams of wounded hares. Both species have proven themselves well, so you can use either of them for hunting.

On a ride

Such hunting is carried out without hounds. Hunters on horseback, holding greyhounds on packs, go around the fields in a deployed formation with slightly rounded flanks, carefully examining the surrounding field space. As soon as the greyhounds see the fox, they immediately point to it to the dogs, and a frantic race begins. This type of hunting can also be done for hares.


This type of hunting is carried out in autumn and in winter. Winter hunting is somewhat more interesting, since it is much easier and faster to track down Siberian foxes moused or hunting hares on snow-white snow. At these moments, you need to approach the cunning animals very carefully, be sure to note the most convenient ways of approach to yourself, in accordance with the barriers that often take the hunters aside and try not to lose a single second, so important in this moment for efficient hunting. Indeed, when running from the barrier to the next barrier, you can be in sight, and smart animals, noticing the pursuers, will immediately run away.

Hunting recreation centers in the Novosibirsk region

Hunting base "Khmelevka"

The hospitable base "Chmelevka", located in the Karakansky picturesque forest on the coast of the famous Ob Sea, invites hunters and fishermen to spend a charming holiday in their hunting grounds and enjoy entertaining hunting and productive fishing from the heart. At your service: a fenced area, comfortable accommodation, a sauna, an individual beach, mushroom and berry places, hunting and fishing.

Turbaza "Cool place"

Hospitable hostel, located near the Suzun village of Kargapolovo, on the shore famous river The Ob invites you to quench the “thirst of a hunter and a fisherman” in its picturesque lands. Excellent services await guests, consisting of comfortable accommodation in a cozy cottage for 20 people, organization of hunting and effective fishing, parking, transfer, rental of snowmobiles, motor boats, gamekeeper service with delivery to hunting and fishing places on special vehicles, smokehouse, barbecues, terraces and entertainment events.

Hunting recreation centers in the Tomsk region

Tourist base "Kedrovaya Zaimka"

The hospitable camp site, located on the shores of the purest Aksenovskoye Lake among the picturesque cedar reserve, offers outbound fishing services to nearby water bodies and trophy hunting in its own lands, comfortable accommodation in two-story log cottages, high-calorie meals and entertainment events.

Hunting base "Taiga Zaimka"

The year-round hunting base, located on the picturesque site of the former Kolpashevsky Dalnekurzhinsky settlement, near the purest river Kordzha, offers the organization of effective fishing and reckless hunting for foxes and ducks, hares and feathered representatives away from civilization in their own hunting grounds. At your service: huntsman service with delivery to destinations by UAZ "Patriot" car, serene rest, sauna, picnics in the virgin forest, an abundance of fragrant berries and mushrooms.

On the significant benefits of outdoor activities in pristine areas hunting camp sites in Novosibirsk and Tomsk region , know many admirers of hunting in the Siberian forests. After all, having rested once in hospitable bases, they are happy to return to these paradises again and again!

Good and predictable results in terms of accuracy and lethality are given by bullets of Russian designers Viktor Polev (Polev bullet 1, 2, 3, 3E, 5, 6, 7) and Viktor Shashkov (PPTS-E, "Grizzly-35", "Grizzly-36" , "Grizzly-40"). Bullets "Grizzly-35", "Grizzly-36", "Grizzly-40" are intended primarily for firing from "paradox" weapons, but can also be used in smoothbore weapons. The PPTs-E bullet is produced specifically by order of the Tula Cartridge Plant (TPZ) under the name "Sub-caliber target bullet (expansive)", abbreviated as PPTs-E. The Tula Ammunition Plant supplies WOLF cartridges with PPTs-E bullets. When self-equipping the above bullets, it is better to use gunpowder "Sunar-42" and "Falcon".
bullets for smoothbore weapons Bullets Polev, PPTs-E, "Grizzly" Good and predictable results in terms of accuracy and lethality are given by bullets of Russian designers Viktor Polev (bullet Polev 1, 2, 3, 3E, 5, 6, 7) and Viktor Shashkov (PPTs-E, " Grizzly-35", "Grizzly-36", "Grizzly-40"). Bullets "Grizzly-35", "Grizzly-36", "Grizzly-40" are intended primarily for firing from "paradox" weapons, but can also be used in smoothbore weapons. The PPTs-E bullet is produced specifically by order of the Tula Cartridge Plant (TPZ) under the name "Sub-caliber target bullet (expansive)", abbreviated as PPTs-E. The Tula Ammunition Plant supplies WOLF cartridges with PPTs-E bullets. When self-equipping the above bullets, it is better to use gunpowder "Sunar-42" and "Falcon". Shooting with Polev sub-caliber bullets and PPTs-E bullets can be carried out from smooth-bore weapons with choke up to a full choke (1 mm) inclusive. All of the above bullets allow their use from semi-automatic and magazine weapons without restrictions. To catch a large (300 kg or more) elk, it is hardly advisable to use Polev bullets (except for Polev 1; 6) at a distance further than 70 m, despite excellent accuracy.
Rubeykin Bullet The prototype of this bullet is the famous Blondeau bullet, invented in France by engineer Roland Blondeau. The Rubeykin bullet is not manufactured industrially and is not equipped with industrial cartridges. Bullet material is brass. Bullet quality: 1 - good stopping power. Even if hit in the wrong place, the beast quickly dies. Due to the sharp edges of the head part, the wound does not heal and always bleeds profusely; 2 - good accuracy and accuracy of combat even when firing at extreme distances; 3 - the bullet confidently overcomes the bush, does not change the flight path. Equipment: 1 - match the diameter of the container with a bullet with the diameter of the barrel; at the same time, the stiffening ribs in the container, which prevent the free placement of the bullet, must be removed; 2 - separate the obturator from the container and remove the jumpers connecting them; 3 - cut the container with the connecting bridges removed lengthwise into two parts. 2.3–2.5 g of Sokol gunpowder is poured into the sleeve, preferably plastic. A plastic obturator without a hole is sent to it with a force of 5–6 kg. A set of thin cardboard spacers with a total thickness of 2 mm is installed on it. One wood-fiber wad is placed on the gaskets; if felt is used, it should be soft, and it should be cut lengthwise into 4 parts to soften the blow to the bullet during the aftereffect. A set of thin cardboard spacers with a total thickness of 1 mm is placed on top of the wad. The thickness of all wads should ensure the height of the neck of the sleeve for twisting is approximately 5 mm. The halves of the container are put together, a bullet is inserted, sent into the sleeve and rolled with a regular twist. The petals of the container should not protrude above the bullet, the protruding part must be cut off. A cartridge equipped in this way guarantees accurate shot. Bullet Sauvestra (BFS - Balle Fleche Sauvestre)
Until recently, the most popular in Europe were only a few types of bullets for smoothbore ammunition - these are the bullets of Brenneke, Gualandi, McElvin. All the mentioned bullets at a distance of 80 meters show an accuracy of 5–8 cm. The only exception is the French sub-caliber bullet, designed by engineer Jean-Claude Sauvestre. The Sovestra bullet maintains a flat trajectory up to 100 m, which allows it to be successfully used for shooting a large animal. At the same time, there is no need to make vertical corrections when shooting at a distance of up to 100 m. The probability of hitting in real conditions depends on this. We can say that the flatter the trajectory, the less the shooter's error in determining the range to the target affects the probability of hitting a bullet. In rapidly changing hunting conditions, it is easy to make a mistake of 10-15 m, as a result, you can miss. The difference between the points of impact of the Sauvestre bullet at distances of 50 and 75 m is only 6 cm. The lowering of the trajectory at a distance of 100 m from the aiming line is 18 cm. It should be noted that the responses of hunters about the accuracy of the bullet are far from ambiguous. In a word, each barrel must have its own cartridge. For confident shooting at a distance of 100 meters or more, you must use an optical sight. When firing a Sauvestre bullet at winter time, when the air temperature is -25 °C and below, it is not recommended to use chokes of more than 0.25 mm, since the container may break, which will affect the accuracy of shooting. Time-tested samples of imported bullets include bullets such as Brenneke and Gualandi.
The Brenneke Bullet Even though the Brenneke bullet was patented over 90 years ago, it has not undergone significant changes. The Brenneke bullet has proven itself well in our country and abroad, it gives good accuracy and lethality up to 80 m. The classic Brenneke bullet was specially developed for rifles with chokes. And the best performance, according to manufacturers, is achieved precisely from full chokes (for the 12th - 1 mm), this statement also applies to the Brenneke-Magnum bullet weighing 39 g. companies "Tekhkrim" and "SKM". For game hunting, I would still like to recommend Brenneke-Classic and Brenneke-Exakt cartridges from RWS, because. all experiments in the fatherland with this bullet often led to inadequate results. This bullet is too simple in design, but as experience shows, this “simplicity” ruined many attempts to recreate it anywhere.
Bullet Gualandi is available in three versions: Gualandi 28 g; Gualandi 32 g; Gualandi 40 g Bullet Gualandi 28 g Sub-caliber bullet designed for firing from barrels with choke. At the same time, the complete safety of the muzzle constrictions is guaranteed. Comfortable recoil when firing a sub-caliber bullet will undoubtedly contribute to shooting accuracy. It is not recommended to use this bullet in weapons with chokes of more than 1 mm, due to the possibility of dismantling the plastic pallet of the bullet in the choke, as well as in weapons with an underbarrel magazine.
Bullet Gualandi 32g This is a typical 12 gauge hunting bullet. With this cartridge, you can get a medium elk and a large wild boar. It must be remembered that the effective firing distance of such a cartridge does not exceed 50–60 m. The cartridge can be used in most 12-gauge guns. Frequent firing of a 32g Gualandi caliber bullet from a 1mm choke barrel is not recommended. It is impossible to shoot from guns with a barrel with “reinforced choke” choke (more than 1 mm) with this bullet. It is better to use chokes of 0.5 and 0.25 mm. Bullet Gualandi 40 g Bullet Gualandi weighing 40 g has a good stopping power. At a distance of 50 m, the lethality of a bullet exceeds the stopping effect of almost all bullets rifled weapons caliber 7.62 mm and practically corresponds to a shot from a rifled weapon of caliber 9.3 mm. Cartridge with Gualandi 40 g bullet can be successfully used for catching large elks and wild boars. This bullet is used in magnum cartridges, so your weapon must be chambered at least 76 mm. Good ballistic characteristics of the bullet and excellent stopping power allow it to be used effectively at distances up to 70 m. Due to design features Forty-gram Gualandi bullets are strictly not allowed to shoot from guns with any muzzle constriction (only a cylinder). IN Lately the number has risen sharply various models bullets from materials alternative to lead (steel, brass, bronze). Steel with a specific gravity of 7.8 g/cm3 is a material that is resistant to deformation at the time of the shot, and allows you to give the bullet a complex shape, favorable from the point of view of aerodynamic flight. It should be noted that most of these bullets have a good stopping effect, acceptable flatness and accuracy at distances up to 100 m, a reduced ricochet probability, as a rule, the ability to shoot from barrels of any drill, the ability to overcome obstacles in the form of branches and grass without changing the trajectory. Steel bullets in a frame made of polyethylene elements are well developed today. The most successful bullets from this group in terms of design are: Ivanov bullet, Udar bullet, Blondo bullet, Rubeykin bullet, D Dupleks bullets (Dupo 28; Monolit 32; Monolit 28; Rossa 32; Hexolit 32). To increase the efficiency of energy transfer, the front of these bullets is made straight and flat. Such bullets partially lose their aerodynamic qualities, but they have a strong impact effect due to the wide and flat frontal surface. Experience and statistics on the range of hunting shots show that the degraded aerodynamic characteristics of a flat frontal surface cannot negative impact on a sufficiently strong bullet impact even at a distance of 120–140 m. Despite the fact that the high aerodynamic resistance of a flat frontal surface of a bullet is undeniable, tests have shown that the stopping effect of a bullet with a flat frontal surface is effective at a very long distance. This is explained simply: the large frontal surface of the bullet, even at a great distance at the moment of impact, provides a more efficient return of kinetic energy than a small diameter bullet. In addition to high drag, other factors are crucial for accurate and successful shooting at long range - starting speed bullets and the nature of the recoil of the weapon, which determines the angle of the bullet relative to the reference point of the weapon. These bullets are indispensable, especially when shooting a wild boar in driven hunting, stalking and shooting from under a dog. For confident shooting on animal hunting, you need to know the anatomy of the animal. Shooting practice shows that the most successful and guaranteed shot is either a shot at the lungs or at the front shoulder blade. It is desirable that the bullet opens up, while holding the mass, hitting the vital organs and leaving a good wound channel. This allows you to more effectively search for the beast on the blood trail. Right choice the type of bullet and caliber for a successful shot is very important. And, of course, the weapon must be well adjusted with the appropriate type of cartridge for hunting.

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