We are opening a massage parlor. How to open a massage parlor from scratch

Massage is now a very popular service among the middle class in Russia. Today, the massage business is very popular both as a separate type of activity and as an additional service (in fitness centers, etc.). There are several reasons for this, including the relative ease of doing business, quick payback (from 3 to 6 months), etc.

However, no one creates cheap massage parlors with an average bill of 700-800 rubles. The exception is literally a few entrepreneurs from, by coincidence, Siberian cities. The advantages of this business are a huge flow of clients, which does not subside even in times of crisis. The downside is that the margin is slightly lower at 20-25% of turnover (which, by the way, is much higher). So this is definitely our choice!

Well, now let’s look at the business plan for a hairdressing salon. If you do not practice chiropractic care, you will not need a license.

A massage business will not require huge investments, so it may well be chosen by an entrepreneur with little capital. The first step is to decide on the premises.

A room with an area of ​​100-150 square meters on the ground floor of a residential building would be ideal. Rent per year will average from 600 thousand to 2 million rubles. In such a salon it will be possible to serve up to 10 clients at a time, in two main halls (women's and men's) and several VIP rooms.

The massage room must be equipped with a bathroom; you can additionally install a bathtub for client relaxation. The floors and walls of the office must be covered with tiles or washable wallpaper, according to SES requirements, since they will have to be specially processed once a week. Such repairs will cost 350-400 thousand rubles, plus about 200 thousand rubles for equipment of sanitary facilities.

For such a salon you will need massage tables and couches. For twenty pieces - about 250 thousand rubles.
Tables for cosmetics and other furniture to equip the reception desk and reception hall will cost another 70-80 thousand rubles.


The main consumables will be massage oils (olive and others). One bottle essential oil enough for 100 massages (it is added drop by drop to the base oil), base 100 ml – for 4-5 sessions. A batch of hundreds of bottles wholesale will cost 15-18 thousand rubles. This supply will last for about two months. It is also worth adding utility bills to your monthly expenses - approximately 22-25 thousand rubles for such a premises. You will also have to spend money on washing powders for towels (about 1 thousand rubles per month) and a car (15 thousand rubles in total).

Thus, you will need up to 10 massage therapists, 2 administrators and, possibly, additional specialists (if you provide services such as manicure, makeup, etc.). Costs for massage therapists are approximately 20% of the order. Total, with a monthly turnover of 1.5-2 million, which you will achieve with the right policy in 5-6 months, the expense will be 300-400 thousand a month. The salary of the rest of the staff is about 60-80 thousand rubles. Cleaning and accounting services on outsourcing.

The most effective way attracting customers for the massage parlor will be promotions in in social networks. distribution of flyers and business cards with “discounts”, as well as recommendations from old clients - “word of mouth”. It is also important to have a good sign, since it is expected that customers will come from neighboring houses.

The most popular services of massage salons are anti-cellulite and relaxation programs; approximately 70% of clients order them. Among these services, yoga, qigong and Thai techniques are especially in demand and fashionable, say salon owners.
The cost of services (approximate) will range from 300 to 900 rubles for a classic massage, 1-2 thousand rubles for relaxation, Thai and other wonderful things. In a day, your master (who does not take stars from the sky) will be able to serve about 15-20 clients.

Payback on average takes from 3 to 10 months.
You can expand your business in three directions: first, a massage and beauty salon, second, a SPA salon, and third, a relaxation and recreation center with a swimming pool and sauna.

What is the price

The minimum “threshold” for entry is about 600 thousand rubles of initial expenses and another 150 thousand rubles of current expenses per month (and the first clients will appear almost immediately). Another approximately 100 thousand rubles will be needed for initial promotion - creating a business page, registration in all catalogues, printing cards and flyers, etc. Net profit after taxes a year after the start will range from 400 thousand rubles to 1 million rubles per month.

One of best methods Massage is a form of relaxation, which is why it is popular in many countries at all times. Spectacular Thai massage, calm Indian and many others - they have all become part of our lives and are offered at a professional level in leading massage parlors. There are people who like to go to massage treatments, but there are also those who like to do it. If you consider yourself to be the latter, then there is nothing better than opening a massage parlor from scratch without a license. How to do it? Let's look at it in the article.

Where to start a massage business

Many enterprising men and women, possessing some kind of talent or art, do not have experience in running a business, so in the process of starting a business they are faced with questions: where to start, whether a business plan is needed, how much money is required, and so on. In fact, everything is quite simple if you sort out a huge pile of tasks “on the shelves”.


If you specialize in providing amateur massage for general body therapy and disease prevention, you can avoid the need to obtain a license.
You should find out about licensing for this type of activity at your place of residence, since requirements may vary in different regions.


The main thing you will definitely need to provide services is premises. According to legal norms and based on the personal convenience of the massage therapist, it will be necessary to allocate an area of ​​at least 20 m2 for one massage table, or 50-60 m2 for two or three. In addition, you will need to rent a room of 20-30 square meters. m. under the hall for waiting. The cost of renting such premises depends on several factors:

  • city ​​or region;
  • crowded location;
  • current condition and need for repairs;
  • footage

Average distance from the center of the area large city the price of such premises will be from 200,000 rubles per month. There are no special requirements for the premises - the main thing is the availability of access to communications - water, electricity, sewerage, as well as careful repairs.

Another option is to purchase premises for massage parlor into your own possession. It is relevant for those entrepreneurs who have good start-up capital and also have sufficient experience in doing business.

Taking care of your health is a trend today. So it is not surprising that now spa salons and massage rooms are appearing like mushrooms after rain. But even with this situation, the market still lacks such establishments. So massage can be a good business idea that will help you make good money. So, how to open a massage parlor?

Business specifics

Before you start preparing documents for opening a massage parlor, you should familiarize yourself with the regulations and legislative acts that govern this area and decide what kind of massage services you plan to provide. This is important, since according to the All-Russian Classification of Services to the Population, medical massage is a medical activity that requires a license, and hygienic massage refers to other services that are provided both in baths and saunas, and in hairdressing salons, as well as massage parlors and do not require obtaining licenses.

So if you choose hygienic massage, you will not have to apply for a medical license. Well, if you want to open a full-fledged massage parlor that will specialize in different types of massage, including medical, then you will have to undergo licensing.

Business profitability

It must be said that a massage salon is a profitable business that fully pays off within the first six months of operation. According to experts, its profitability is 25% and you can really make good money on it. But its specificity is such that it is not enough to just conduct a massage session (or a series of sessions), you need to create such conditions for clients and provide services of such a level that visitors not only become regular clients, but also bring their friends and relatives to the salon. This may seem quite simple to some, but in practice, creating a stable customer base is quite difficult. And it’s even more difficult to retain customers. This will require not only high-quality services, but also special discounts, promotions, expanding the range of services provided and other marketing techniques.

We prepare documents

Having decided on the specifics of your future business, you can begin the process of registering it. To do this you need:

  • Find a suitable premises and conclude a lease agreement with the owners (or purchase the premises, if finances allow).
  • Choose the legal form of your business. By the way, this is something to think about seriously. If you choose medical massage as the services provided and apply for a license, you will need to prove that you have medical education, since you will receive a license for an individual entrepreneur. What if you don't have one? Then register entity(easiest), hire general director, who has the necessary education, and calmly receive a license. Although, of course, you can provide massage services as an individual entrepreneur, without having any special education or obtaining a license. To do this, you will simply need to hire a licensed massage therapist (you can simply enter into a civil contract with him). But in this case, the services will be provided not by you, but by him.
  • Complete state registration with the tax authority and receive the relevant documents ( OKVED codes may be as follows: 93.05 Provision of other personal services, 85.14 Other health care activities, 85.14.1 Activities of nursing staff, 85.12 Medical practice - required for the work of a chiropractor).
  • Make repairs and equip the salon with everything necessary.
  • Obtain a license to provide medical services (if you plan to provide medical massage services).
  • Obtain the conclusion of the SES, fire service and Rospotrebnadzor.

To obtain a license and permits from the fire service, SES and Rospotrebnadzor, you must have concluded agreements with third-party organizations for export household waste, recycling fluorescent lamps, disinfection, deratization, disinfestation, maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems, washing and dry cleaning of employees' workwear.

Premises for a massage parlor

Choosing a suitable room for a massage parlor - important point business organization. There are several conditions: the room should not be on the ground floor, and its area should be such that the sanitary standard is observed (eight square meters per massage therapist). In addition, the room must be cold and hot water, bathroom, shower, separate ventilation and air conditioning. In this case, the walls should be finished with washable materials that can be regularly treated with disinfectant solutions.

Often, apartments on the first floors of residential buildings are rented or purchased for massage parlors. This is a completely suitable premises, but it must first be transferred from residential to non-residential.


Has the premises been selected and the lease agreement concluded? It's time to start repairing. And this process must begin by studying all the sanitary and fire requirements for such establishments. This is important because a salon ready for work will have to be “accepted” by the relevant services, without whose permission you will not be able to work. And so as not to hastily redo the layout or change the decoration of the walls later, it is better to find out in advance what exactly they should be.

As soon as all questions regarding resolved building materials and the interior equipment will be removed, you can begin work. The main thing here is to create a comfortable, harmonious space in which it will be convenient for employees to work, and for clients to rest and relax. To do this, you should choose a laconic color scheme and select the appropriate equipment. And at the reception desk, it’s a good idea to organize a seating area, highlighting it in a certain color, where clients can wait their turn.

Necessary equipment

Concerning necessary equipment, then for a massage salon you will definitely need massage tables and couches (it is better to buy modern massage tables with the ability to adjust and change the position of the massage surface), racks for massage products, towels, oils, sheets. If you plan to have a massage therapist visit your clients’ homes, then you should also purchase a special folding mobile table.

The reception area needs a sofa or soft chairs for clients, a coffee table, a reception desk, a computer, and communications equipment. It is also necessary to equip a bathroom, shower and staff room where employees can relax.

Salon services

When drawing up a business plan for a massage parlor, you need to think about the range of services you want to provide. When we're talking about not about providing massage services in a beauty salon or hairdresser, but about a massage parlor, it goes without saying that the establishment will different types massage. And the more services are provided, the more in demand the salon will be among clients. Of course, the main type is a healing, relaxing massage. As for other types of procedures, it all depends on the level of the massage therapist and his competence.

For business, it is desirable that the establishment provides exotic, sports, medical and hygienic massage services. It’s good if a specialist knows hardware techniques or does not only manual but also foot massage.

Legal advice: clarifying controversial issues

By providing massage services, you can get into predicament due to the fact that legally and legislatively this line of business is not very well regulated. So, when opening a business, it is worth consulting with a lawyer on controversial issues and clarifying which services you will need to obtain a license for and which may be classified as household services.


As for the number of massage therapists, it all depends on the level of the salon and its working area. But in any case, there should be several specialists. It is convenient if each of them specializes in certain types massage. Then it will be possible to form special programs for clients and make appointments to a specific specialist, which will work according to its own schedule.

In addition to several massage therapists with specialized education (this is a mandatory requirement!), you will need a salon administrator who will keep records of clients, control the recording and time of sessions, and accept payment for services. We also need an office cleaner and a director with the function of an accountant and personnel officer (this can be either employee, and the owner of the business).


A massage salon, like any other service business, needs high-quality advertising. Why should clients come to your salon? Why is your salon better than other establishments? This information needs to be conveyed to potential clients. This can be done in different ways:

  • put up advertisements,
  • organize direct mailing,
  • leave salon business cards in the mailboxes of nearby residential buildings,
  • hold a presentation in the nearest shopping center,
  • conduct an advertising campaign in local media,
  • arrange a grand opening of the establishment with the distribution (or drawing) of discount cards.

The main thing is to attract the attention of potential customers.

Initial Investment

How much does it cost to open a massage parlor? This question is asked by everyone who wants to work in this business. Let's calculate the initial investment, based on the fact that a two-room apartment in the city center on the first floor of a residential building with an area of ​​43 square meters is rented for the salon, and the rental cost per square meter per month is 3,000 rubles:

Of course, the costs at first glance are quite large, but we must not forget that this business has high profitability and you will return all investments after about six to eight months of operating the salon. And then you will work only for profit.

Using the proposed materials for drawing up a business plan for organizing a massage salon as an initial template and making adjustments to it to suit your specific conditions, you can easily draw up your own business plan for a massage salon.

Business plan for a massage parlor

If during the USSR massage was the exclusive prerogative medical institutions, then today massage services are provided by almost all establishments that are in one way or another connected with the beauty industry - from hairdressing salons and fitness clubs to beauty salons and massage parlors and studios themselves. The popularity of the massage business is facilitated by low initial investments in organizing a business and its quick (three to four) month payback.

For cosmetic and relaxing massage, you do not need to obtain permission and a license from the Ministry of Health, unless the list of services of the massage salon includes manual therapy.

Massage salon: Premises

Before looking for a place for a future massage parlor, you need to decide which category of visitors you will target.
If the main clients of a massage salon are people receiving massages for medical reasons, then the location of the salon is not so important; they will go anywhere to see a good specialist. But if the visitors are people who visit a massage parlor for pleasure, then a parlor near their home will be preferable for them. According to experts, only 30% of clients go to the salon for medical reasons, the remaining 70% of visitors visit massage for relaxation and self-care. Therefore, it is worth placing the salon in residential areas, areas of new elite buildings.

For the convenience of clients, the massage parlor should be located on the ground floor. According to SES standards, there should be at least 8 sq.m. per person. area. Ideally, each massage therapist requires a separate room, but it is possible to provide for the work of two specialists in one room with an area of ​​about 12 sq.m.
The required area of ​​premises for a massage salon is calculated depending on the number of massage therapists, plus a reception area and an administrator's room. On average, 70-100 sq.m. is enough for a salon. Experts believe that opening a salon with more than five jobs is not economically feasible. It is better to open several small salons around the city than one large one.

Massage salon: Equipment and tools

The massage room must be equipped with a bathroom; you can additionally install a bathtub for client relaxation. The floors and walls of the office must be covered with tiles or washable wallpaper, in accordance with the requirements of the SES, since they will have to be specially treated once a week.

Special equipment will require massage tables (up to 15 thousand rubles apiece) and two or three couches, each of which will cost about 4 thousand rubles. You can buy them at a medical equipment store. In addition to the main couches, you can also purchase a folding portable one. It can be used for field service.
Furniture can be limited to a table and a sofa in the reception area (30 thousand rubles), plus several cabinets or shelves for cosmetics in the massage room (10 thousand rubles).

To work, a massage therapist will need special oils. For a regular massage, you can use simple olive oil; for relaxing and more complex massage procedures, it is better to use essential oils. It is better to buy oils at wholesale stores, where their cost is 30% less than retail, and in batches of 7-10 different ones at once. One bottle of essential oil is enough for about 100 massages (it is added dropwise to the base oil), a base 100 ml is enough for 4-5 sessions.

Visitors must also be provided with clean towels. With a flow of 15 visitors per day, experts recommend always laying out 20 clean towels. To wash them daily, you will need to install a washing machine.

Massage parlor: Staff

The key factor in the success of the salon is the massage therapists themselves. People go to a certain specialist - this is an axiom. The work pattern in the salon is either shift work, when two or three masters work in one office in shifts, or on an order basis, when massage therapists come to the office for a specific order.
Finding a good massage therapist is not easy. Typically, experienced specialists conduct private practice themselves. You can lure a massage therapist from another salon by offering a higher salary and Better conditions work. Alternatively, you can use advertisements in the newspaper and resort to the services of an employment service. But here another difficulty arises - firstly, it will take a lot of time to select applicants, and secondly, it is very difficult to understand which specialist is in front of you. Information about whether the future employee has regular clients will help evaluate professionalism.

Experienced entrepreneurs do not advise hiring narrow specialists; it is better to hire generalists. The same type of massage quickly becomes boring for those visitors who go to the salon for entertainment or relaxation. A massage therapist must master the basics of European and Eastern massage techniques. The specialist himself should be interested in improving his qualifications and continuous training, and attend courses on various new products, for example, yoga massage and spa treatments.

The salary of massage therapists is based on a percentage of the cost of the session, usually from 30% to 50%. A good young massage therapist can serve up to eight people a day, a weaker employee - about four.
In addition to massage therapists, the salon will need an administrator and an accountant. Each person's salary will be 10,000 rubles. At first, the business owner will be able to perform these functions himself and save on wages.

Massage salon: Searching for clients

The most effective way to attract clients for a massage parlor has been and remains word of mouth, experts say. It is also important to have a good sign, since it is expected that customers will come from neighboring houses. As additional inexpensive means, distributing leaflets to the mailboxes of surrounding houses and announcements at transport stops are effective. But expensive advertising in the media, as experience shows, is ineffective.

Massage salon: Payback

In practice, in the first month a massage salon can count on five to eight clients per day, in the second or third months - on seven to ten. The time for one session varies significantly: classic massages last from 20 minutes to an hour, relaxing ones can last up to 1.5 hours. Between sessions, the specialist needs to take a break of about 20 minutes. When fully loaded, a salon with two workstations and three to four specialists is capable of serving about 15 clients daily. You can reach such a stream after just three months of constant work.

From a seasonality point of view, the peak in demand occurs in the spring, when people actively begin to put themselves in order in preparation for summer months. A decline is observed in the summer, and in the fall and winter, interest in massage is average, market participants note.

The most popular services in massage parlors are relaxation and anti-cellulite programs; approximately 70% of clients order them. Among the services, yoga, qigong and Thai techniques, which are now fashionable, are especially in demand, say salon owners.

A classic massage session costs from 300 (back) to 700 rubles. (whole body). Relaxing and oriental massages - on average 1-1.5 thousand rubles.

Experts estimate the profitability of the massage business at 20-30%. The payback period is up to a year, and with a successful combination of circumstances, your project will be able to pay for itself in three to four months.

You can expand your business in three directions: first - a massage and beauty salon, second - a spa salon and third - a relaxation and recreation center with a swimming pool and sauna.

Massage salon: Financial side of the issue

Below is a calculation for a massage parlor renting a premises of 70 sq.m. The salon has two massage tables and four massage therapists work in shifts. The massage therapist's salary is 40% of the order.

One-time opening costs:
Renovation of the premises - 200,000 rub.
Massage table - 8000 rub.
Telephone set - 500 rub.
Connection to a number - 9000 rub.
Towels - 2000 rub.
Furniture - 40,000 rub.
Washing machine– 10000rub
Signboard, leaflets - RUR 30,000

Total – RUB 299,500

Income – 360,000 rub.

Fixed expenses:
Rent -70000rub
Telephone fee – 2000 rub.
Salary of an accountant and administrator - 20,000 rubles

Total - 92,000 rub.

Variable expenses:
Salary of massage therapists – 144,000 rubles
Oils - 40,000 rub.
Unforeseen expenses - 2760 rub.

Total expenses: RUB 278,760

Profit before taxes - 81,240 rubles

Profitability 29%

Entry threshold: RUB 481,435

Based on an article by Marina Promyshlnikova for the magazine

Aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in many ideas before starting a business. Projects with a quick payback and relatively small investments. In the previous article we discussed, today we’ll talk about how to open a massage parlor from scratch. What are the advantages of this area of ​​business?

Business plan for opening a massage parlor

Before starting a business, you need to take into account the level of competition; the success of the entire business directly depends on this. To do this, you need to analyze the number of massage parlors in your city, the demand for this service, prices, and only after that, make final conclusions about the profitability of the business.

Business registration

In order to start a business in this area, it is worth preparing a package of documents. There are two options for the material and legal form of activity: individual entrepreneur and LLC.

Regarding licenses, massage business, today, does not require additional licenses and permits from the Ministry of Health. If you do not provide services manual therapy, then additional permits for activities will not be required.

Renting premises

The correct location of the massage parlor is very important. To do this, it is worth studying the demand for the service in your locality. Typically, people require the services of a massage therapist in two cases: for medical reasons and as a form of relaxation to take care of their body, so to speak, relaxation after a difficult work week.

If your massage salon provides medical services, then the location of the salon, in principle, does not matter, because people will come to a good specialist even from the other end of the city.

Cosmetic massage services. If you provide massage services for the purpose of relaxation or for the sake of obtaining a cosmetic effect (anti-cellulite massage), then the location of the salon has great importance. It is best to rent a place not in the center, there is usually a lot of competition and expensive cost rental, and in a residential area of ​​the city, closer to elite new buildings. The flow of people there who want to use such a service is quite large, so you will have customers from the first day of opening.

There are certain requirements for the premises of a massage parlor.

According to SES standards, a massage parlor must:

  • Located on the first floor of the building;
  • Area – at least 8 square meters. m., for the work of one massage therapist;
  • There should also be a separate room - a reception room, where clients will wait;
  • The total area of ​​the massage salon is from 20 sq. m.
  • Equipment for massage salon

The massage room must be equipped with the necessary furniture:

  • A massage couch is a special table for performing a massage procedure. Price from 20 thousand rubles;
  • Wardrobe, shelving for the office, screen for changing clothes for clients;
  • Sofa, table, chairs, equipment (computer, telephone, photocopier) for the reception office.

The massage technique involves the use of oils (olive, essential). As a rule, the consumption is small; 100 grams of oil is enough for 5–6 massage procedures.

Depending on the range of services provided, you will also need additional tools. For example, for anti-cellulite massage, you will need to purchase special massage jars.

Also, in decent salons, individual towels are always provided to each client.


Be responsible when recruiting staff for your massage parlor. It is very important to hire experienced specialists; they will increase the authority of your salon. Therefore, do not hire just anyone, save on good specialists you risk failing in business.

Masseur. Naturally, first of all you need to find a good massage therapist. This is not easy to do; as a rule, experienced specialists work for themselves. But you can hire a professional if you offer good conditions labor and decent wages.

A massage therapist must have experience, appropriate education, and be able to communicate with clients.

An administrator is a person whose functions include recording and meeting clients, accepting payments for massage parlor services. The administrator must be pleasant in appearance, be able to communicate politely with visitors, be competent in his work, find mutual language with all clients. On initial stage, in order to save money, you, as the owner of the salon, can perform administrator functions.

Atmosphere in the massage parlor

People come for a massage to relax. Your task is to create a favorable atmosphere. To do this, use the available methods.

First, start with the interior. Calm colors, dim lighting, all this promotes relaxation and peace.

Secondly – ​​smells. Use candles and incense sticks to create coziness.

Thirdly, muffled, unobtrusive music that calms and relaxes, allowing you to forget about all your problems and fatigue.

After the massage procedure, offer the client a cup of invigorating coffee or aromatic tea. Let kindness and an individual approach to each client become the hallmark of your salon.

Creating a favorable atmosphere will affect the attendance and popularity of your salon, so be sure to take this nuance into account.

Advertising campaign

Very important stage is to inform people about the service you provide. You should find out about the new massage parlor as soon as possible more people. Therefore, a well-developed advertising concept will help attract customers to your salon.

There are a few effective ways to attract people:

Advertising on the Internet and in the media

It is also advisable to create your own website where all information about the massage salon will be posted: address, Contact phone numbers, detailed description services and their costs. It is advisable that photographs of the salon be attached to the website.


A good way to attract customers to a new salon is to distribute leaflets in crowded places in the city. Hire a few people, let them hand out booklets, some people will definitely pay attention, and within a few days you will receive your first clients.

Promotions and discounts

Nothing attracts people more than “freebies”. Organize a week-long promotion, for example, the first three clients get a free massage, everyone else gets a 50% discount. This will attract people's attention, and they will definitely use the services of your massage parlor.

Costs and profits from a massage business

How to open a massage parlor from scratch?

I want to say that it is impossible to do without financial investments, but you can reduce them to a minimum.

  • Rent. As a rule, it is very expensive to rent a room. But if your property has an apartment or even a garage, then everything is simpler. It is possible to convert such a room into a massage room;
  • Purchase of equipment. You can purchase used equipment from abroad, thus reducing the cost of expenses;
  • Staff salaries. Even here, you can save money if at the initial stage you perform some functions personally, for example, combining the work of an administrator and an accountant;
  • Additional expenses (advertising). Regarding advertising, you can ask your friends to distribute leaflets. Create a website on the Internet yourself.

In general, if you wish, reducing the cost of opening a massage parlor is not only realistic, but also, in principle, not difficult. Approach the matter responsibly, think through every step and everything will definitely work out.

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