What is the name of a young spruce forest? Spruce forest - description, features, nature and interesting facts. Dependence of the dynamics of the state of spruce undergrowth on the recency of felling

Text by Boris Kolesov:

(1) Clear frosty winter morning. (2) I walk along a narrow village path with a bucket to the spring. (3) I am not yet old enough to bring two buckets of water at a time. (4) Later there will be two voluminous galvanized vessels, and even a rocker arm. (5) Following the example of my grandmother, I will go to the source with a well-armed village auxiliary device, but I will not be able to balance buckets - I will continue to walk.
(6) So, as a small peasant, I’m going to a ravine, deep and snow-covered, where a clean, never-freezing stream flows. (7) I see above, behind the white gap, behind the sky-blue snowdrifts, green fir trees. (8) And for some reason my soul becomes joyful and I want to skip and run into the ravine, so that later, at the exit from it, I can turn around and again notice the green living trees. (9) Together with them, I am pleased with the transparency of the sky, the whiteness of the snow and the brisk, not very strong frost.
(10) Then, already in the summer, more than once I walked past those Christmas trees three kilometers to the neighboring village.
(11) And he always met them on the road - on the side of the path - with such enthusiastic joy, as if he had never seen anything more beautiful on earth! (12) Or maybe I really haven’t seen anything to match their thick emerald charm: in our village, lost in the snow in February, and in the bird cherry gully wilds in July, there were no art galleries, not even a club.
(13) Now I’m almost seventy, but I always remember those Christmas trees with bated breath.
(14) I can’t explain what’s wrong with me - sometimes I’m in tears: my dear, beloved ones!
(15) Meanwhile, the days continued into a series of years; many events and meetings became familiar, memories were slowly erased. (16) But those days have not gone away when the feet of an idle spectator were led through the protected virgin lands of the Prioksko-terrace spruce forests, through the marvelous nature reserve there. (17) The spruces here were special. (18) The reserve itself, with all its plants and animals, is extremely interesting. (19) The bison alone are worth it! (20) Where else can you see the mighty giants that existed during the time of the ancient Slavic peoples? (21) But as for the reserved spruce undergrowth… (22) Keep your ears open here!
(23) On the other side of the Oka, in the forest-steppe or steppe south, it is already difficult to find a Christmas tree growing quite naturally. (24)V Middle lane In Russia, nature has set a limit for such trees, an invisible line has been drawn, explained by the peculiarities of the Russian climate. (25) Take, for example, moisture, which they were very keen on - there’s not enough of it in the steppes * isn’t it? (26) In a drier and hotter climate, it is not so easy for a small Christmas tree to survive, grow quickly in order to take root deeper into the ground and gain strength. (27) Even artificial forest plantations, where young trees are provided with careful care, turn out, in the language of foresters, unprofitable, and pines are preferred over conifers. (28) I saw neat green lines of young pines even on the steppe Don. (29) But I didn’t see any spruce plantings.
(30) Spruce is highly valued in woodworking, in paper production, in the production of melodious musical instruments... (31) But how to appreciate the beauty of its wonderful green decoration in the middle of the Russian snow?
(32) Our nature is so amazing that there is a desire to be at one with it in the desire to live, overcome difficulties and be useful people. (ZZ) I have had joyful ones, happy Days. (34) There have also been times when a business-like attitude made us understand what is important in people’s everyday life, full of all sorts of troubles. (35) Give someone a book, someone a violin, someone some wood for the stove, someone some blocks for building a house... (Zb) Whoever, but foresters know why they nurture artificial plantings.
(37) But my heart aches and aches for the spruce forest... (38) 3 and those spruce trees, as wet forest areas with a predominance of this type of conifer were called in the old days, for those plantings in nature reserves where young spruce trees are subject to merciless attack. (39) Who is stepping on them, the poor, in our times? (40) Often wild harvesters try to cut down a large and strong tree in order to take its lush top. (41) In addition, in large plantings, where it is not possible to provide adequate security, the collection of firewood is in full swing. (42) Maybe there will be people who will object to me, but why then are there so many ugly stumps in young forests, huh?
(43) Take care of the miracle of nature, take care of the beauties, especially on New Year's days.
(44) Young Christmas trees are for everything and everyone. (45) Youth is a golden fund for the country. (46) The green beauties of the reserves are a blessing for the Russian forest. (47) These tender Christmas trees are quite worthy youth.
(According to B. Kolesov)
Boris Kolesov is a Russian writer, journalist, screenwriter.

Essay based on the text:

What is the true beauty of nature? The Russian writer and journalist Boris Kolesov discusses this issue in the text.

The author recalls his childhood, how, heading to a source for water, he met green fir trees on his way. It would seem that they were ordinary spruces, of which there are many everywhere, but B. Kolesov remembered them all his life. Many years later, the author cannot forget the emotions that the “green beauties” gave him.

The author's position is clear: nature is beautiful. We must be able to see this beauty and take care of it.
I share the opinion of Boris Kolesov. Indeed, we need to be able to see and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. After all, nature does not hide it from us.

Let us turn to the poem “Winter Morning” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Lyrical hero admired by the beauty winter morning. The author brings the picture to life in every possible way, forcing the reader to penetrate the landscape of a beautiful winter morning and experience everything for himself. To show all the beauty, the author turns to such a means of artistic expression as personification: “the blizzard was angry,” “the darkness was rushing.”

In Vasily Shukshin’s story “The Old Man, the Sun and the Girl,” an eighty-year-old man, being blind, admired nature every day in the same place. The story makes you think about the fact that a person not only sees the beauty of nature, but also feels it.

Boris Kolesov is sure that it is much better to live in unity with nature than apart. The kind of emotions that nature and its beauty brings to humans cannot be found anywhere.

Let us imagine a forest capable of bearing fruit. The crowns of the trees are closed into a dense canopy. Silence and twilight. Somewhere high above, seeds are ripening. And so they ripened and fell to the ground. Some of them, finding themselves in favorable conditions, sprouted. So he appeared in the forest forest regrowth- young generation of trees.

What conditions do they find themselves in? The conditions are not very favorable. There is not enough light, there is not enough space for the roots, everything is already occupied by the roots big trees. But we have to survive, to win.

Young generation of the forest

Young generation of the forest, replacing the old one, is important for renewal. Naturally, existing in harsh conditions, with a lack of light and a constant lack of nutrients in the soil, the undergrowth does not look good. common feature teenagers - severe depression. Here is an example of such oppression. Spruce undergrowth, only one and a half meters high, can have a fairly respectable age - 60 and even 80 years. Over the same years, fellow juveniles, grown from the same seeds somewhere in a nursery or near a forest, can reach a height of 15 meters. It is very difficult for a teenager to exist. But he nevertheless adapts to the living conditions under the maternal canopy and patiently waits for changes in his living conditions.

It depends on your luck: either the mature trees will die or the young trees will die. It also happens that people interfere in this fight by choosing ripe trees for their needs. The regrowth then recovers and subsequently becomes new forest.

Particularly tenacious spruce undergrowth. In a depressed state, he sometimes lives almost half of his life, up to 180 years. One cannot help but admire his vitality and boundless adaptability, which, however, is understandable.

You have to be very careful with teenagers.. Without knowing his specific growth, driven by the most noble motives - to give him freedom, we can nevertheless destroy him. Living in dim light and suddenly receiving the long-awaited freedom from inexperienced hands, he unexpectedly dies. As they say, a teenager is “scared” of light. The needles quickly turn yellow and fall off, because they are adapted to a different mode of operation, to different living conditions. On the other hand, a teenager suddenly exposed to freedom may die of thirst. Not because there is not enough moisture in the soil. Maybe there is even more of it there, but with its poorly developed roots and needles the undergrowth cannot quench its thirst,

What's the matter? But the fact is that previously, under the mother’s canopy in a humid atmosphere, the young shoots had enough moisture. Now the wind began to blow around, the physiological evaporation of the young trees increased, and the pitiful crown and root system unable to supply the tree with sufficient moisture.

Of course, earlier parent trees oppressed and suppressed young growth, but at the same time they protected them from the wind and from frost, to which young spruce, fir, oak, and beech are so sensitive; protected from excessive solar radiation, created a soft, humid atmosphere.


Young trees that appear naturally in the forest are called undergrowth. They grew from seeds that fell on the surface of the soil. However, not every tree is classified as undergrowth, but only relatively large ones - from one to several meters in height. Smaller trees are called seedlings or self-seeding.

Undergrowth, as we know, does not form a separate layer in the forest. However, it is located mostly at the level of the undergrowth, although sometimes higher. Individual specimens of undergrowth can vary greatly in height - from short to relatively large.

There is almost always some amount of undergrowth in the forest. Sometimes there is a lot of it, sometimes there is little. And it is often located in small clusters, clumps. This happens especially often in an old spruce forest. When you come across such a clump in the forest, you notice that it develops in a small clearing, where there are no trees. The abundance of undergrowth is explained by the fact that there is a lot of light in the clearing. And this favors the emergence and development of young trees. Outside the clearing (where there is little light), young trees are much less common.

Small clusters are also formed by oak undergrowth. But this is noticeable in the case when mature oaks are found in the forest alone among total mass other trees, such as birch and spruce. The arrangement of young oak trees in groups is due to the fact that acorns do not spread to the sides, but fall directly under the mother tree. Sometimes young oak trees can be found in the forest very far from the mother trees. But they do not grow in groups, but one at a time, since they grew from acorns brought by a jay. The bird stores acorns, hiding them in moss or litter, but then does not find many of them. These acorns give rise to young trees located very far from adult fruit-bearing oaks.

In order for regrowth of a particular tree species to appear in the forest, a number of conditions are necessary. It is important, first of all, that the soil receives seeds and, moreover, benign ones that are capable of germinating. There must, of course, be favorable conditions for their germination. And then certain conditions are required for the survival of the seedlings and their subsequent normal growth. If some link is missing in this chain of conditions, then the undergrowth does not appear. This happens, for example, when conditions for seed germination are unfavorable. Imagine that some small seeds fell on a thick layer of litter. They will first begin to germinate, but then die. Weak roots of seedlings will not be able to break through the litter and penetrate into the mineral layers of the soil, from where plants take water and nutrients. Or another example. In some area of ​​the forest there is too little light for the normal development of undergrowth. Shoots appear, but then die from shading. They do not survive to the teenage stage.

In the forest, only a very small proportion of seeds that fall to the ground give rise to seedlings. The vast majority of seeds die. The reasons for this are different (destruction by animals, decay, etc.). But even if seedlings have appeared, not all of them subsequently turn into regrowth. A lot can interfere with this. It is not surprising that our trees produce huge quantities of seeds (for example, birch many millions on one hectare). After all, only with such a strange, at first glance, extravagance is it possible to leave offspring.

In a forest, it often happens that one species dominates in the tree layer, and a completely different species dominates in the undergrowth. Pay attention to many of our pine forests that are quite old. There is absolutely no pine undergrowth here, but spruce undergrowth is very abundant. Often young fir trees form in pine forest dense thickets on large area. Young pine trees are absent here for the reason that they are very light-loving and cannot withstand the shading that is created in the forest. In nature, pine regrowth usually appears en masse only on open places, for example, in fires, abandoned fields, etc.

The same discrepancy between mature trees and young trees can be observed in many birch forests located in the taiga zone. IN upper tier There is a birch tree growing in the forest, and under it there is a thick, abundant growth of spruce.

Under favorable conditions, the undergrowth eventually turns into mature trees. And these trees of natural origin are more valuable from a biological point of view than those grown artificially (by sowing seeds or planting seedlings). Trees that have grown from undergrowth are best adapted to local natural conditions, most resistant to various adverse effects environment. In addition, these are the strongest specimens that have survived the harsh competition that is always observed between trees in the forest, especially at a younger age.

So, adolescence is one of the important components forest plant community. Under favorable conditions, young trees can replace old, dead trees. This is exactly what happened in nature for many centuries and millennia, when the forest was little affected by humans. But even now, in some cases, it is possible to use undergrowth for the natural restoration of cleared forest or individual large trees. Of course, only when the young trees are sufficiently numerous and well developed.

Our story about forest plant communities came to an end. You could see that all tiers of the forest, all groups of plants and, finally, individual plants in the forest are closely related to each other and, to one degree or another, influence each other. Each plant occupies a specific place in the forest and plays one or another role in the life of the forest.

In structure and life forest plants there are many notable features. They will be discussed further. But to make the story more consistent and clear, we divided the material into separate chapters. Each chapter looks at plants from a different perspective. One chapter talks about interesting features structure, in another - reproduction, in the third - development, etc. So, let's get acquainted with some of the little secrets of plants living in the forest.

But first, a few more words. The book consists of separate short stories, original biological sketches. These stories will talk about a variety of forest inhabitants - trees and shrubs, herbs and shrubs, mosses and lichens. It will also be said about some mushrooms. According to the latest ideas, mushrooms are not classified as flora, but are allocated to a special kingdom of nature. But the greatest attention will, naturally, be paid to trees - the most important, dominant plants in the forest.

It should also be noted that our story will concern not only plants as a whole, but also their individual organs - both aboveground and underground. We will get acquainted with the interesting biological secrets of flowers and fruits, leaves and seeds, stems and rhizomes, bark and wood. In this case, attention will be paid mainly to large external signs that are clearly visible to the naked eye. Only here and there you will have to touch a little on the inner, anatomical structure plants. But here we will try to show how different microscopic features are reflected in external signs- on what is visible to the naked eye.

And one last thing. The division adopted in the book into separate chapters devoted to certain characteristics of forest plants (structure, development, reproduction) is, of course, conditional. This was done only for convenience of presentation, for some ordering of the material presented. There are no sharp demarcations between these chapters. It is difficult to draw, for example, a clear boundary between structural features and reproduction. The same material can be placed with almost equal rights in either one or the other chapter. For example, the story about the special structure of pine and spruce seeds, which allows them to rotate very quickly in the air when falling from a tree, concerns both structure and reproduction. In the book, this material is placed in a chapter devoted to the structure of plants. But it's simple arbitrary decision the author, which I hope the reader will forgive him, as well as some other similar decisions.

Assessment of the condition and prospects for growing spruce undergrowth in different types forests The work was carried out by: Alina Shilova, 10th grade student of gymnasium 363 and Anastasia Eremina, 8th grade student of school 310 Supervisor: Natalia Nikolaevna Alexandrova, teacher additional education St. Petersburg 2015 Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity Frunzensky District Department of Natural Sciences

Goal and objectives Goal: Find the most favorable places for the growth of spruce undergrowth. Objectives: 1. Determine the growth rate of spruce undergrowth in different biotopes. 2. Identify the most favorable biotope for the development of spruce undergrowth. 3. Find places where spruce seedlings can be grown en masse to restore spruce plantations.

Window dynamics are associated with the death of individual old trees and the formation in their place of gaps in the tree layer ("windows"), providing access to light under the canopy of the tree stand and allowing young trees to develop and take their place in the upper layer of the tree stand.

Conclusions The growth rates of spruce undergrowth in different biotopes are determined primarily by the light regime, as well as climatic conditions. The most favorable conditions for spruce were clay soils, with elements of waterlogging and a cover of mosses and blueberries. And also a more open space on the site of a fallen spruce forest, where there is little tall trees and gets better sunlight.

List of used literature and Internet resources 1. Korobkin V.I., Ecology. Textbook for universities / V.I. Korobkin, L.V. Predelsky, 2006 2. Potapov A.D., Ecology / A.D. Potapov, 2000 3. Shamileva I.A., Ecology: Tutorial for students of pedagogical universities / I.A. Shamileva, 2004 4. Renewable resources [ Electronic resource] – 5. Spruce forest and its undergrowth [Electronic resource] – aspx 6. Norway spruce or common spruce [Electronic resource] –

7. Norway spruce [Electronic resource] – %EE%E2%E5%ED%ED%E0%FF 8. Forests of Russia [Electronic resource] – html 9. Window dynamics of taiga forests [Electronic resource] – Assessment of the vital state of pine undergrowth [ Electronic resource] - ref.ru/04bot/podrost.htm 11. Recommendations for reforestation and care of young trees in the North-West of Russia [Electronic resource] - _id= Coniferous forests[Electronic resource] -

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