Love spell on the generosity of a man to read independently. How to teach a man to be generous? How to make him happy to spend on you

Every woman dreams of spending her life with a man who not only loves and surrounds with care, but also spares nothing for her. To make your lover generous, use effective proven conspiracies.

Each representative of the fair sex needs love, care and affection of her beloved man. However, the generosity of the beloved is a rather pleasant bonus. Many women complain that a loved one either rarely gives gifts, or does not do it at all, and sometimes everyone dreams of such a sign of attention. If your chosen one is not generous or even stingy, use simple but effective conspiracies. With their help, you can save your beloved from greed, and soon your man will become generous and accommodating.

Strong conspiracy for sugar

Sometimes even subtle hints do not help a man understand that his beloved at least occasionally needs gifts. However, you can fix this with a strong sugar conspiracy. First you need to buy a full package of sugar, and then open it and say these words:

“Just as a mother spares no money, no food, no sugar for her children, so you (name) will never regret anything for me. I wish you not to be greedy and understand my requests perfectly. May my words come true and come true.

You can add charmed sugar to liquid or food. The most important thing is to do this throughout the week. Soon your loved one will stop being greedy and will give you gifts much more often.

An effective conspiracy for generosity

Some women are in a constant "pursuit" of wealth, and such a desire is not noble, but on the contrary, is condemned by society. Many of the fair sex simply want to receive signs of attention from their beloved man more often. However, not always a man generously endows his beloved with pleasant surprises. In this case, you need to use an effective conspiracy.

For the ritual you will need:

  • flower pot;
  • Earth;
  • seeds of any plant.

In the evening after sunset, sit on the windowsill, put on the bottom flower pot photo of a man, fill it with earth and plant a plant. Then look up to the sky and say:

“In the chambers of the palace there are golden chests. Precious stones lie in these chests. Diamonds and sapphires, diamonds and rubies. As many jewels lie in the chests, so (name) will give me many gifts. Will open the wallet, give me gold and silver. He will spare no coins or banknotes for me, and stinginess will not overcome him. I speak, (name), you, (name), to generosity, generosity, so that you love and spoil me. As a sprout turns into a flower, so you will become generous. Let it be so!".

The pot must be left on the windowsill. Do not forget to take care of the plant, and as soon as it sprouts, your lover will become generous and generous towards you.

Husband's Generosity Conspiracy

Probably, almost every woman was faced with the fact that over time, her man began to pay less attention to her, and, accordingly, there were significantly fewer gifts from him. To correct the situation, use effective conspiracy to the generosity of her husband.

The ceremony is best done during the waxing moon. In this case, you will be able to enlist the support of lunar energy, which means that the result will appear much faster. To perform the ritual, you only need a candle and a photograph of your lover. At night, when your spouse falls asleep, retire to a separate room, sit at the table, light a candle and put a photograph of your husband in front of you. Drop a little wax on it with the words:

“I speak to my beloved spouse (name) for generosity and kindness. So that he presented me with gifts, he threw jewels at my feet, as he dressed a queen. To carry around the world and give the most expensive gifts. To never refuse me anything, but only love and idolize. May my beloved be generous. Let it be as I say."

This conspiracy is effective way push the spouse to beautiful and bright deeds. Soon you will notice how he will become more generous, and you will begin to receive gifts from him much more often.

When love is unrequited, the feeling itself loses all meaning. Most often, it is the fair sex that suffers from unrequited love. Sometimes any attempts to win the heart of a beloved man are useless. The strongest harmless love spell will help you correct the situation. We wish you happiness, success and mutual loveand, do not forget to press the buttons and

12.05.2018 04:39

IN modern world it is difficult for a person to be alone, which is why each of us needs a second ...

How to teach a man to be generous? How to get him to give gifts?

I started asking these questions at the age of sixteen. And certainly not in order to corny "profit" at someone else's expense. But then, to evoke even stronger and more obvious feelings in my man.

I never liked bouquets of cut flowers, but passing by a flower shop, I shamelessly demanded that my future husband buy me another broom of roses. I understood that he had a modest salary and no extra money, but I also understood that they should always be on me. Let him spend on me, let him make it a habit to please me! There would be a desire - the means will arrive in time.

Learn to ask the right way

If you want to teach a man to be generous, the first thing you should be able to do is ask correctly. Not everyone is able to ask shamelessly and at the same time delicately. This is best done by a spoiled child. When “their spontaneity” pronounces the unfailing: “Daddy, buy it!”, it is never perceived as vulgar. The success of such a request lies in the fact that the child does not doubt the love of his parent, and is also sure that he really needs the required thing, that he deserves it. Therefore, when the “beloved child” asks, it does not experience fear that they will “send” it.

In the process of such a relationship with daddy, a pleasant reflex is fixed - “asked - received.” Thus, a fearless character is developed in the child, which is why they say: “Children must be pampered, then real robbers will grow out of them.”

In contrast to this example, most women either don’t know how to ask at all, or do it, damaging their feelings. dignity, which fundamentally contradicts our postulate that men should be dealt with easily and without tension.

So why have so many of you, so beautiful and smart, still not taught your men to be generous? The most popular answer: “To ask - pride does not allow - we want to be independent of men.” But this is self-deception! In fact, when you created a couple, you already became dependent on each other. And the point here is something else - that you consider yourself unworthy of "taking".

Where did you get this disease? Yes, everything is from there! From an unforgettable family charter. Most likely, your favorite daddies were big mean people, and you learned from childhood: ask or ask - you still won’t get anything. And if he does, then only with prerequisite- work out! And now this “condition” is becoming to you like a bone across your throat, preventing you from establishing a normal dialogue with your loved one, spreading all his material values ​​​​in front of you with a slight movement of your hand.

Then you were certainly reminded, they say, I gave you “this”, and you, so ungrateful, did not justify my hopes, that is, “did not work”. IN unconditional love to you from the side of a man you do not believe to this day, so you are forced to curry favor. And even now, when you have become an adult, at the mere thought of asking a man for something, you begin to feel slightly nauseous.

His fifteen-year-old daughter was addicted to dropping in with a friend in a cafe. Father did not like this and one day, by chance, he casually dropped the phrase in front of her: “It's funny to look at these decorated beggars in the Vesna cafe. They sit all evening with some kind of juice and pull-pull-pull it for three hours, until, out of pity, some sucker treats them to something more substantial. The daughter was smart. She became an adult - she treats men herself.

One day Larisa's boyfriend told her a heartbreaking story about his ex girlfriend, whom he "loved very much," while she was "so shameless, all she did was constantly twist him for money." We must give him his due - he never stingy with his ex. Rings, bracelets - gold, diamonds. One story of their breakup is worth something: he just didn’t have enough for a diamond necklace, which the “mercantile creature” ordered for his anniversary.

Impressed by his story, Larisa decided: I will definitely prove to him that “I am not like that.” She kept her promise to herself - her beloved, apparently feeling her monastic indifference to the material side of the relationship, gave her more than modest gifts. So she reveled in the feeling of her high morals, until she was sent home in a taxi, which they did not even bother to pay.

After such “adventures” you join the ranks of women who have been emancipated beyond the norm, for whom it is easier to take a man for maintenance, “lowering” him to the level of a gigolo, than to interact with a normal man. strong women, from childhood deprived of the opportunity to “easy to take”, throughout their lives they automatically reject potential patrons.

However, sometimes it happens even worse - chronic losers and victims of despots grow out of unloved daughters, who also reject all potentially “giver”. Outwardly, this can manifest itself as follows: as soon as a man promises such a lady something “good”, instead of smiling approvingly at him and “thanking him in advance”, she frowns and begins to play independence and incorruptibility.

A kind of bucking horse, which, due to its own “kicking out”, does not allow itself to be properly fed. Well, if she is too zealous, sooner or later she will attract those who will cynically turn her into a draft horse. Independence is always good, but flaunting it is sometimes just stupid.

I think it would be better to do this: for all the good that the man promised to do to you, you need to look at him affectionately and thank him in advance. For a woman, this is a non-binding flirtation, and for a man, this behavior is an excellent incentive to continue to communicate with her further, and even “appease” her with something more tangible than “just words”.

You don’t have to be indifferent to the material side of life - you need to purposefully teach your man to be “giftable”, in the name of strengthening his own feelings.

In fact, a “giving” man appreciates a woman who “takes with pleasure” more than one who loves him “for nothing”. The more time, money and effort is spent on a person, the further the giving side tends to go in their feelings. It's like building a house. He says: “I put my soul into it, how can I sell it!” The receiving side usually takes a more "cool" position.

Nietzsche said it well: “Really just people are not gifted. They return everything back. That is why they cause disgust in those who love them.”

Demanding as a lifestyle

So, be generous. Teach your man to be generous and give you gifts. And if he tells you: “Ask for whatever you want”, “wish” the most precious thing. Within reason, of course. If you are used to cheap cosmetics and clothes, to the cheapest dishes from the menu of cheap cafes, this is also an indicator for a man.

You will say, how is it, we are not prostitutes to take payment from men for our society! We are decent women. By the way, regarding venality, one way or another, we all put ourselves up for auction. Whether we get a job, whether we are looking for a life partner - we always dream of being appreciated. And this is good, it means that we have a healthy ambition.

In order to declare yourself as a luxury woman, it is not necessary to be beautiful, it is more important to be well-groomed. But true grooming is not one-time visits to a beautician, but daily self-control, which comes from exactingness towards oneself. Figuratively speaking, you can indifferently build up fat and ignore wrinkles, or you can solve these problems.

Demandingness, as a lifestyle, is useful to develop not only in relation to yourself, but also in relation to your man. And it is not necessary to spend a lot on creating an “expensive image”. Why hang around with numerous shiny trinkets? Rather than creating a “cheap” image for yourself, it’s better to do without any decorations at all. You know how noble ladies used to say at court: “You have to come for alms in your own carriage.”

Your “carriage” is not only your “psychological mood”, it is also, to some extent, your appearance. And your appearance is an indicator of what is the norm for you, and most importantly, what you are ready to accept from your man with a dear soul. If today you agree to wear cheap jewelry, diamonds will most likely not be presented to you.

By and large, it all depends on the addressee, and not on the donor. Life shows that the same men with different women act in completely different ways: buying a diamond necklace of one - parallel mistress, with clear conscience presented with a discounted stainless steel ring. Take it as a fact, your beloved men are the same people as everyone else - they perfectly see where and with whom you can save a lot. But what about justice? - you exclaim indignantly. And I will answer you that in fact, this is true ... because like always attracts like: Diamonds are suitable only for gold, but not for stainless steel!

The lover of twenty-year-old Masha was her sixty-year-old chef, director of the restaurant where she worked. She needed material support - he needed a vivid demonstration of his not passing masculine strength. At first, he regularly gave her gifts, and threw up significant amounts for her, but one day everything changed.
That day they went to the sauna, and on the way, in order to save money, she asked him to buy her shampoo and shower gel. In order not to spend it out of her pocket once again, after the “entertainment”, the practical girl put the wet bottles in a bag and took them home.
It would seem that it’s time to take pity on Masha and start throwing more on her needles and pins. An, no! From that day on, “investments” in a young mistress began to come only in products and household chemicals. And at the minimum. A to
When the girl expressed her indignation, her lover “changed his mind” and began to pay for each intimacy at the price of ... a modest food basket.
Simply, he decided that someone like Masha would be enough. Why pay more than the stated price?

It is important to understand that the sop you accept from him brings you down to a level from which it is already very difficult to scrape off your self-esteem. Picking up “lordly trifles” is the same as eating up in a cafe from his dish - all these are the habits of the poor and fools. You only need to take it big, or even sleep with him without money and without gifts and don’t give him anything yourself!

Of course, everyone has their own price point. To whom more is given, more is due. It doesn't befit an oil tycoon to give the woman he loves a lone coffee cup on Valentine's Day, unless it's made of pure gold encrusted with precious stones.

Since ancient times, a man has made offerings to a woman as a token of his adoration. Centuries have passed and ... nothing has changed! Do not deprive him of the pleasure of being a generous “giver”! Awaken in the natural money-grubber the desire to feel like a patron or just “daddy”. Love for a woman, which results in big expenses for a man, only benefits him, because she makes him be active: earn money, make a career, overcome difficulties. And if you directly tell him: “You know, I don’t need anything from you, I love you anyway and any hut of your choice will arrange me” - then he remains passive and he becomes bored. You don’t “charge” him, he doesn’t get his adrenaline.

When you enter into the position of a loser, you only make it worse for him! He will not seek to shower you with gold and diamonds and change something in his life for this - you do not give him motivation for this. Amuse yourself with the fact that you are so selfless, soft and fluffy? In vain.
On this subject I will tell you one true story, more like a joke.

A couple in love passes by the stadium.
- Beloved, in the name of our love, I will win the Golden Cup!
_ Whether you win it or not is not so important to me. I'm ready to love you without any cups!
He did not get the golden cup ...
The couple in love again passes by the stadium.
- Beloved, I seem to be losing my shape; Time to start training again...
- Don't worry, I will love you even if your tummy grows.
Time passes. The guy leaves the sport, quits training and begins to rapidly grow fat ... Again they are waddling past the stadium. He buys a bottle of beer and drinks it on the go.
- How much can you drink! If you love me, you must quit! she protests, taking the bottle from him.
- Is it true? Do you remember when I was a promising athlete, you said that you would love me, no matter who I was and no matter what I did? For the sake of our love, love me just the way I am. And… uh, give me back my beer!

How to teach a man to give gifts (concise)

The issue of “spending on you” is just a matter of prioritization. Quite a few things can be much “more important” to him than you: alcohol, friends, entertainment, or even “girlfriends”. When it occurs to you to enter into his “adversity”, think about it.

1. Test the waters: borrow some significant amount of money from him and pull with a return. If you remember - draw conclusions.

2. In the vocabulary of some “especially gifted” ladies, the word “buy” does not exist at all - it is replaced by a tactful word: “need”. Men listen to the words “I want” and “I need” much more, they do not irritate them as much as “buy”.
Work with the word follows
blowing scheme. From time to time, in conjunction with this “magic” word, you mention the desired thing, as if by chance remembering it. Remind about it often, but briefly. In no case do not allow any whining! Moreover, he should not have the impression that these words are addressed directly to him. Remember: you simply voice your desires out loud, without asking for anything from him and without being embarrassed.

If he is not a pathological miser and has feelings for you, he will do what you need. And if he doesn’t have such an opportunity now, he will thinkon how to find it. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone: give a person an impetus to development and get the desired thing from him.

There is one important nuance in this method - men catch the word “need” mainly from women, relations with whom are already “boiling” with might and main, but not yet completely “ready”. That is, if all you do is look into his mouth and try to go with him texactly in step, if you have pleased him by all the methods already known to you - rest, he will not spend too much on you. Because you are already a conquered object for him. In that case, leaf through my book and revise your belief system.

3. Give gifts to men first, and they will definitely give back. And if not - on
cheat is not your men.
The greatest effect on a person is produced by gifts not “on the occasion”, but “at the behest of the soul”. If you don't know when to present
such a gift, scroll through the calendar - there is a holiday indicated for every day. After all, there are days of trade workers, doctors and even astronauts! In addition, there are also name days - days when Georgiev, Andreev, Alexandrov and others congratulate everyone. He will appreciate your attention and sense of humor. In any case, in the eyes of your man, this will add points to you. After all, you see, not everyone would have thought of this. This is exactly the case when you can make the smallest monetary contribution, and make the maximum impression with your gift. .

4. Let the man understand that you need money not to satisfy your primary needs, but to receive various pleasures. Even if it really isn't. No need for these nauseating phrases: “Put it on my phone, otherwise I ran out of money” or “Buy me a bottle of mineral water, otherwise I forgot my wallet.” The rich man does not like to give alms, he likes to spend money tastefully. Show that you have this very taste, and he will gladly turn out his pockets and “shush” with you.

5. Don't feel the false guilt of "mean father's daughter." Remember, spending your man's money with and without him is an honor for any woman. You are entitled to it. Because according to the law of attraction of two hearts, you are he. By doing this, you will only become closer to each other.

6. Show a man what to spend on you large sums- This is fine. How to show? Make it normal inside of you. If you “understand everything, but you can’t help yourself” - break the “Cinderella” stereotype: having discarded the embarrassment, go to your own daddy and treacherously turn out HIS pockets. If it works out with his father, it will be much easier with other men. Thus, you will honorably return all your father's "debts".

7. Remind yourself from time to time important thing: I am a gift in itself, I deserve not to curry favor!

To answer all of the above questions, you need to understand the origins of male greed. Having identified the reasons, it will be possible to successfully overcome this not the most pleasant quality.

Why are men greedy?

One of the sources that manifest as greed in a man's life can be a difficult childhood. The one who lacked, for example, sweets in childhood, adult life will hide the last candy from his beloved or strive to eat the last cake. The constant fear that he unconsciously experiences in front of the person who is nearby will make the man do it again and again.

What kind of fear is this? In a way, it is the fear of losing yourself. After all, having fallen in love with a woman, he has already given her his heart, that is, the main thing that he has. And everything else is just things, keeping which he constantly remembers that in this life there is something left that is not subject to anyone and belongs only to him alone.

But in life, unfortunately for men, there are very few such items. And one of those things can be money. Therefore, often, bringing home a salary, a man wants to be appreciated. After all, for this money he wasted his precious time, listening to "fools - bosses", inventing something, dodging, wasting his nerves and, in the end, his health.

As a result, for him it is no longer just money, but a symbol of his victory over the outside world. The symbol of his status is the earner. Evaluation of his mind, knowledge, skills, ingenuity and everything else. And at home, the wife, not appreciating all this complex of male experiences, is simply interested in how much money he brought ...

Such a question for him is tantamount to an insult, because it turns out that his wife is only interested in the amount of money that he brings, and not how they got it, how his working days go. Hence the conclusion - a woman seeks to get rich at his expense. And why should he give money to a woman who can also make quite decent money?

The best option in this case, to remind you that you have everything in common, that you have tied your destinies together, turning them into one destiny for two. And generosity is an indispensable attribute of such a relationship. Material, however, the dependence of one spouse on the other does not lead to normal intra-family relations.

Another reason for greed may be a woman's demand for money for purchases that seem absolutely useless to a man. The man does not fit into his head why a new carpet is needed, if the old one is still quite normal, why new chairs are needed, if the old ones are still quite strong and perfectly cope with their “duties”.

A man simply does not understand that buying something new for a woman is necessary in order to maintain her "I". Unfortunately, there are very few women left who are able to inhale new life into old things. Give these things a new life by simply transforming them. But such women are not in passing demand. All the rest demonstrate to the man their lack of economy and inattention. And as a result - male greed.

So what to do, how to provoke men to generosity? First, determine the reason that turned your husband into a miser. If this is your fault, then you need to start with yourself. Stop hiding anything from him if you have done it before. He must appreciate it. In cases where someone else's influence is traced behind his greed, then you should definitely talk to these "well-wishers", behind whom his friends or relatives may be hiding.

In a conversation, it should be clearly indicated that all this is only your personal business with your husband, and not a subject for their advice. After all, by cultivating greed in a man, they deprive you of happiness. For smart people such an explanation would suffice.

Your affection and severity may well make a man generous. Explain to him that you need funds only for useful things, remind him occasionally that you feel absolutely nothing for him. Having received a salary, be sure to check if he needs anything!!! Make him a surprise - a gift, but only a useful gift, one that will definitely come in handy for him. A man will see that you do not spare money to make him happy. And he will answer you the same.

So to make a man generous is quite within your power. Dare, because now you know what to do if a man is greedy!

The woman who buried her husband must burn her widow's handkerchief on the fortieth day, while reading a special plot. If she does not get rid of the widow's handkerchief, then it is possible that she will live out her life in solitude. The conspiracy is this:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I go out into the street through the bracket and up to the ceiling, carrying a handkerchief in my right hand. Go, my misfortune, with smoke, come back with a wedding crown, wedding ring. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

To make it easier to get up in the morning

To make it easier to get up in the morning, to make it easier for you to wake up, and not to fall asleep during the day, every time before you go to bed, drink a glass of water, after reading a conspiracy 12 times on it:

Sleep at night, get up in the morning. I'll get up briskly, I'll go briskly. Forces of the day, enter me, live in me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Seven stones from seven troubles

This summer rite will help you quickly get rid of many troubles. It is especially effective when it is carried out at sea, but any other body of water is also suitable - a river, a lake, a pond.

Go to the water and collect seven stones along the way. Stand with your back to the water right hand over your left shoulder, throw stones in one movement into the water and say three times:

“Seven stones will converge in a circle and take my misfortune. In this circle, everything is not so, in it my misfortune is a trifle! (Now in your own words, briefly in the affirmative, say what needs to be got rid of or what must be fulfilled.) So be it and so it will be!

Come home to continue the ceremony - it must be completed in one day. Take it raw egg, sit down at the table, put a new white candle and prepare everything that may concern your desire: photographs, things, documents (after all, we can talk about a company, court, exams, relationships ...) The choice of desires is not limited. Hold the egg for a little while over the flame of the candle and start rolling over the items related to your problem. For at least five minutes, you tell the egg that you want to decide what result you want. Do not press hard on the egg. If you split it, the problem may not be solved for a long time!

Now take a carnation or a needle and an egg and go outside. You need to find a tree with a male name - oak, poplar, maple, cypress (what you grow) and, having made a small hole, lay an egg in it. With a nail or a needle, after you sprinkle the “burial site”, circle this place and say the conspiracy three times into the sky: “Seven stones will converge in a circle and take my misfortune. In this circle, everything is not so, in it my misfortune is a trifle! (What a disaster…) So be it and so it will be!”

We immediately throw a needle or a nail, we return home. Under no circumstances should you look back! At home, you need to rinse your hands under running water. cold water and forget to think about the problem. Everything is formed within 28 days.

Ritual for love, prosperity and sweet life

This ritual is done once a year at the crossroads of years. So, a week before the New Year, on the night from Thursday to Friday, on a sheet of A4 paper, you must write three of your most cherished desires associated with money, good life and love, which you would like to fulfill in the coming year.

Moreover, your desires should be connected only with you. That is, wanting a raise. wages to her husband or a happy marriage to her best friend in this ritual is not only not recommended, but forbidden. Simply put, the ritual will have no effect if the main actor you will not be in it yourself.

After you have written down on the sheet your three most cherished desires, you should write under them: “So be it!” Next, you must put the following components on the wish list: a piece of black bread, a piece of sugar and one red rose, which must be bought by you personally, and not donated by someone.

After that, the leaf should be picked up and whispered frantically, like a primitive priestess, for at least five minutes, that all your desires will be fulfilled within a year. All of the above components - bread, sugar, a rose - you must roll into a leaf, and then wrap the precious bundle with red and green threads, and also seal it with white candle wax. By no means yellow! You must put the bundle under the mattress, where it must lie for two weeks (fourteen days and nights): one week before the New Year and one week after the New Year. In the event that you do not spend the night at home, then this night does not count in this ritual, and the time the bundle lies under your mattress increases by exactly one day.

After the allotted time has elapsed, and you have slept on your package with wishes for fourteen nights, this package should be placed on your photo at the highest and open space in the apartment (wardrobe, sideboard, etc.) in such a way that other people could not see your magic bundle. This ritual is done for one year, that is, it works exactly one year.

Ritual to bring a person home

If you need to remind yourself of a person who does not make himself felt for a long time, and force him to return home, then resort to the help of this rite. If the person is alive, he will soon show up. The spirits sent for him will not leave him alone: ​​they will force him to call, write or return. Sending, or - in other words - return, is done in the following way. They take the dress or shirt of the one who is to return, tie it in a knot and hang it on a rope from the ceiling, then put the knife with its sharp end in the corner of the room and say:

"Spirit, go! Bring the servant of God (name)! Until he comes to his house, He will not find peace in his heart. Through the burning candles he is tortured and suffering. Go home!"

Having said this, the knife is rotated so hard that the blade creaks. After that, the apple is broken open, one half is immediately eaten, the second is placed next to the knife. They light a candle, and when it burns out, the next one, and so exactly forty candles.

Rite of Establishing a Connection with Ancestors

The first rite that you will need to perform is the Witch's Blessing ritual.

The essence of the ceremony is to establish a spiritual connection with sorcerers, magicians, healers who lived before you; and if you had a sorcerer or witch in your family, then this is generally fine. For the ceremony, you will need 12 candles, a black cloth and water. The rite is performed on the growing moon and, as a rule, it is not necessary to fake it. The rite will need to be repeated if you do not feel a spiritual connection, but this time the plot will need to be read not three, but twelve times. On the day when you will conduct the ceremony, you must fast, and also give up all kinds of fun, in order to set yourself up for the ceremony. Late in the evening, lay a black cloth on the table, put water in the center, and 12 candles around it. Read the Our Father three times and then the conspiracy three times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. All who lived before me, did divination, knew the fates, healed with herbs and roots, now I call on you. I bow my knees before you, I bow my knees before you, I expect help from you. You will bless me for this work, protect me from the forces of darkness, save me from enemies. I speak these words in truth, and if I retreat, let the earth take me to itself, not one sorcerer will save me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, you need to leave the water on the table until the candles burn out. After drinking water.

Now you have help and shelter from another world. Before an important ceremony, when you need help, read the conspiracy "Witch word before the ceremony" three times:

“Children of witchcraft, Childbirth of healers, read this conspiracy with me and help me in business. Amen. »

If we take the philosophy of this rite, then it is as follows: the church divides the saints into categories - prophets, martyrs, righteous people, great martyrs, pious kings, etc. Although the modern church does not recognize healers, but remember the Gospels when they told Jesus that someone heals in his name and he said that they should leave him and let them treat him. This is the essence of this rite to call for help the RIGHTEOUS souls of healers and masters, whom the Lord vouchsafed Paradise for their diligent merits, righteous deeds and all-night prayers. Why are they worse than saints? After all, we pray to the saints, martyrs, the righteous! The healers also fasted, spent days and nights in prayer and worked miracles in the name of the Lord, and therefore we can and will turn to them for help when we need it.

Conspiracy for generosity

“Your body is holy, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, and may it be with us in eternal life, and your honest blood for the remission of sins: wake me this thanksgiving in joy, health and gladness; in your terrible life and your second coming, vouchsafe me the sinful position at the right hand of your glory, with the prayers of your most pure Mother and all the saints.

Then take a photo of a man or imagine his visual image, and read the plot:

“I pray to you, Holy Prophet Elijah, God's servant (name). Send me 12 angels with white wings and gilded candles. Let all 12 go, they will find the servant of God (name), put three nails in his heart: the first - you can’t be greedy, the second is an expensive gift, the third is a generous soul, from the last so that a penny buys me everything I want. The word is mine, the deed, Ilya, is yours. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, amen, amen."

Speak out of anger and temper

On the flawed moon in women's Day(Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) to a woman, in Men's Day(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) - for a man in the morning, afternoon and evening, close the hook (latch) on the door and say:

“My cross, my strength, the Cross is God's symbol. My Baptist is with me, my great Cross. The angel was holding him. The evil of the demon from the slave / slave (name) cast out. Conquered by God's word."

Conspiracy against trouble

“I am speaking, a slave (name), my beloved young man (name) from a peasant sorcerer, from a raven karkun, from a witch woman, from an old man and an old woman, from a skhimnik, a skhimnik. I send from my dear friend everyone to walk through the forest, to take a needle case, according to his faith, and as long as he is alive, no one would have dishonored him or overlooked him. I am talking to a slave (name), my beloved young man (name) about saving on the road tightly, forever, for life. Whoever plucks and eats all the grass from the meadow, drinks all the water from the sea and does not get hungry, and he would not have overcome my word, my conspiracy has not been terminated. Who from evil people he will look at him, and look down, and bewitch, and spoil, then their eyes would be turned out of their foreheads into the back of their heads, and my beloved young man (name) will have a path and a path, good Health at my separation.

A conspiracy for money and wealth is read on the night of Monday to Tuesday in the kitchen at home. On Monday after 10 pm but before midnight at the dinner table, spend the following magical rite which will attract money, wealth and good luck to your home and your life. You can perform this ritual no more than once a year, so try to win so that you

  • Gypsies have money magic good plot- a spell for money and if you perform a gypsy rite to attract money, you can quickly get a large sum money and live in prosperity and wealth. On the growing moon, you need to go to the oak and take seven yellow acorns near it. Near the place where the oak tree grows, you need to find three white pebbles and a piece of moss the size of a palm. Moss must be

  • Vanga gave people practical advice for every day for good luck, money and prosperity so that life is filled with joy, good luck and prosperity. Today, conspiracies will not tell one very good conspiracy told by Vanga to attract money into your life, taking away the poor and poverty from your home. Following the advice of the Bulgarian clairvoyant, money in the wallet will always be found in

  • If a beloved man, husband or lover spares money for you, a special conspiracy will help fix this. Read a conspiracy so that a man gives all the money and is not stingy, cook meat on the bones, you can use chicken and say the following words for a treat to remove greed and stinginess from a person. Feed a greedy man a piece of meat and as soon as he tastes the food

  • How to force the debtor to quickly and completely return the money borrowed. Magic will help repay the debt with the help of a rite for the debtor and reading a conspiracy - prayers for repaying the debt, how to do this with the help of magic, conspiracies on, today they will tell you in detail. If the debtor does not want to repay the money borrowed, this will help to force him to pay his debts. strong conspiracy on

  • There is one good rite- a conspiracy for Shrovetide to read which you need to attract money and wealth for yourself and your family. There is a belief that if on any day of the cheese week from March 7 to 12 on Shrovetide week you yourself read a conspiracy that attracts money, you can forever get rid of the poor and poverty and get rich quickly. The most important thing in this magical

  • In white magic, a conspiracy for good luck and money so that they grow is customary to read with a growing moon. A very strong money conspiracy is a magnet that will attract money and good luck in business, at home and at work. Making a love spell in the house is very simple. If at home you read a money conspiracy for money, you need to read on the growing moon, then the ritual to attract money

  • To attract constant good luck in any business, they read a conspiracy for good luck that will help you become more successful. The oldest rite that brings good luck is done on a thing. You can speak any new things or objects, most often it is customary to read the conspiracy on jewelry that you will wear daily, this jewelry becomes an amulet that brings good luck to its owner. Magicians

  • Money conspiracies have always been popular, people read conspiracies to attract money and wealth in order to avert poverty and live in wealth with prosperity. In the villages, people perform an easy ritual to attract money and wealth to their home. Do you want to live richly and always have money in your wallet? Read the money plot for money in your wallet and the whole year

  • Conspiracies that need to be read for money really work and quickly give the expected result, subject to accurate execution and faith in the power of white magic. Luck has always been not superfluous, so that it accompanies you need to read a conspiracy for good luck. Immediately after performing a ritual to attract good luck, a person becomes completely lucky, luck will literally accompany him in

  • If you read this plot, then the money will be found all year. In ancient times, thanks to a light ritual for money to attract wealth, people who knew signs and customs got rid of poverty by reducing lack of money in one day! Nowadays, everyone knows how important this day is in Orthodox world. white magic with rituals and reading of Easter conspiracies on

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