Why does a woman dream of losing her dog? Why dream of losing a dog - interpretation of sleep from dream books. I dreamed of a black dog - the meaning of the dream according to the dream book of Fate

It matters what kind of dog you lost. Angry, aggressive - don’t worry too much, even in a dream you don’t have to “look” for it, and soon you will get rid of bad influence. The dog is small - a relationship that you did not really value will go away. If the lost one is an affectionate friend, you are losing the trust of a very close person.

lose a dog according to the dream book

In your dream, is the dog injured or killed? Through the loss of a dog, fate warns you of an imminent illness or even death of a very close person.

what does it mean if you lose a dog in a dream

Losing a dog promises problems with the law. Don’t do things that you’ll have to pay for later, don’t look for dubious adventures... Are you confident in your honesty? Be on your guard, maybe someone wants to set you up.

dreamed of losing a dog

A lost dog in a dream promises a quarrel with a loved one. If you manage to find your four-legged friend before the alarm clock rings, make peace. If you find someone else's dog, get ready for a new relationship.

losing a dog in a dream

Do you have a lot of unresolved problems? A dream about losing a dog gives a hint - it is not always worth swimming against the tide, looking for your own way, some things should be accepted as they are. It will become easier.

what does it mean to lose a dog in a dream?

Your dog is lost and you don't know where to look. Your body is signaling danger - a serious illness is possible.

what does it mean to lose a dog in a dream?

The dog was lost and suddenly found, completely by accident, although you were already making plans on how and where to look for it. Reconsider your behavior and attitude towards others.

The human subconscious has limitless possibilities and often it is connected with the conscious part through dreams. As a rule, at night our brain “digests” all the events that happened during the day and projects them into “color films”. However, dreams are not always a reflection of reality; they can often foreshadow the future and warn a person about future events. Therefore, people have long treated the interpretation of dreams with respect. Let's figure out what a dog says in a dream.

The dog has been man's friend for many millennia and continues to be a good symbol even in a dream. However, a four-legged pet is not always a harbinger good events. Question " why do you dream about a dog?"is quite complex, since the interpretation of the dream depends on a number of additional factors, including the number of dogs in the dream.

As a rule, a pack of dogs is a symbol of accumulated problems and experiences in life. Such a dream speaks of obstacles that await you on the path to your desired goal, as well as unreliable associates and friends who are unlikely to wish you well-being. However, the meaning of the dream changes in the opposite direction if a pack of dogs shows affection and cordiality towards the person.

In this case, you can safely count on a favorable outcome in any matter. Circumstances around you will develop in the most successful way, creating positive result. Such a dream is a messenger good period to create your own activities. A personal project or starting your own business will meet your expectations.

Why do you dream about a dog? The meaning of sleep also depends on the behavior of pets. If a pack of dogs frolics with each other and shows friendliness towards members of the pack, then such a dream speaks of fruitful cooperation and good luck in business.

If the dogs start fighting among themselves, then soon there will be a “hole” in a friendly or professional relationship, which will not be easy to patch. Having “seen” such a dream, you should show maximum loyalty and restraint towards your friends, so as not to provoke a quarrel.

The meaning of sleeping with a lonely dog ​​depends on its size, color and behavior.

Let's look at the features of dreams in more detail.

Appearance of a pet in a dream


Why do you dream about a dog? The answer to the question is the size of the pet. The larger and larger the dog, the closer and more trusting relationships connect you with your friends in reality. However, if the size of a dog frightens a person in a dream, then this indicates his fear of his friends. You are afraid to open up completely; you see a certain threat in close communication with other people.

Why do you dream about a large dog?

  • a symbol of reliability - the dog will be able to protect you from any threats, is a symbol of success and stability;
  • all troubles will seem small and insignificant;
  • messenger of inclusion influential person, patron.

Pets of small size, as a rule, are a manifestation of awe and care for others. A small dog or puppy portends pleasant chores. Perhaps someone in your circle is having a holiday soon. Help in organizing or choosing a gift will be a pleasant leisure time for you. Small dogs they also warn that soon you will have to rely not only on your own interests in life, but also take into account the wishes of others. Sometimes small pets can symbolize your younger friends or relatives that you care about.

Pay attention to color

The color of the pet represents the degree of trust in friends and acquaintances, whom the dog symbolizes in a dream. Why do you dream about a dog? Let’s understand the palettes:

  1. - symbolizes not a friend, but rather an ill-wisher who will soon meet on your way. Sometimes such a dream warns of insidious plans that can be made behind a person’s back, and sometimes a black dog is a symbol of the dreamer’s distrust of others. It is recommended to clarify relationships with friends in order to get rid of gnawing doubts;
  2. white - a herald of an imminent meeting with an old friend, a good relationship with which they will be restored very quickly. Also, a white dog is a symbol of quick and very pleasant changes in life;
  3. redhead is a messenger of the machinations of ill-wishers who stubbornly pretend to be your allies. This means that your immediate environment is not always honest and open with you. In the worst case, a conspiracy is being prepared against you from those people you trust. If a man dreams of a red dog, then probably among his colleagues there is a dishonest person;
  4. gray is a symbol of the lack of support and help from a loved one at a difficult moment. Most likely, your friend will not soon take your side in a conflict with a third party;
  5. brown - unforeseen difficulties in a relationship with an old acquaintance. At the same time, you will have to prove your loyalty yourself.

A purebred dog in a dream - what does this mean?

Often people see dogs of a certain breed in their dreams, which symbolizes the desire to break into certain social circles, to rise through the ranks. career ladder, find a strong patron. In this case, the dog personifies the help of friends in this matter. Why do you dream about a dog - its breed and its meaning:

  • The shepherd is a favorable sign, indicating reliable friendship and success in all endeavors. Things will be especially successful if they involve caring for other people;
  • Rottweiler - symbolizes future changes. They can carry both positive and negative contexts, but they will be very difficult to happen. It will not be easy for you to come to terms with the upcoming changes; it will take time to accept them;
  • husky is a symbol of the fact that in work terms you will have to deal with extremely favorable and talented people. Your work will bring you a lot of pleasure, and your colleagues will begin to delight you;
  • Labrador is a harbinger of a great charge of energy in career terms. Friends will help you build proper and trusting relationships with your superiors. A pet speaks of satisfaction with one's own life and is an indicator of self-confidence;
  • dachshund is a harbinger of joyful events in the work team. If you have any problems, they can be resolved with just a few touches.

Dog actions and their meaning

Why do you dream about a dog? In many ways, the omen of a dream depends on the behavior of the pet and its actions. If you saw a sleeping dog, then this represents your conscience. Think about the appearance of your four-legged friend:

  1. a neat and tidy animal is a symbol clear conscience and lack of heaviness in the soul;
  2. a dirty and tattered animal indicates that your thoughts are burdened with various thoughts and doubts. Perhaps you blame yourself for doing wrong things towards your friends;
  3. Why do you dream of a dog sleeping on the aisle? This means that there is a burden of responsibility on your conscience due to wrong actions, which you are trying to get rid of.

If you dreamed of a kind and sweet dog, it means that next to you is a truly reliable and devoted friend who you can trust with secrets. He will become a strong support in any situation and will help you get out of any situation.

A dog that barks at you and shows obvious aggression is a sign that you will soon find yourself in a conflict situation. Try to be gentle and tolerant towards other people to avoid unnecessary quarrels.

If in a dream you do not see a pet, but hear barking behind you, then most likely you will be drawn into conflicts with third parties. You can also become an unwitting witness to a quarrel between your loved ones.

Seeing a mad dog in a dream means an unexpected and very big quarrel with best friend, as a result of which he can become a real enemy. The reasons for the conflict can be any, however, the outcome is the same - the loss of a friend as a friend.

A dog on a chain warns of your absent-mindedness in relation to your surroundings. The dog warns that it’s time for you to pay attention to your “contacts” list and delete unnecessary numbers. Many of your friends are not really like that.

Seeing a puppy in a dream - good sign, however, it also has its own characteristics:

  • an adult dog surrounded by puppies - pleasant chores;
  • homeless puppy - most likely you will soon provide support or help to someone, for which you will be rewarded in the future;
  • – a symbol of your readiness to join the family.

Contact with your pet

  1. growl- an alarming signal that indicates that you are involved in some kind of dangerous action in reality. It is worth giving up various adventures and helping friends who want to pull off a scam;
  2. attack dogs among themselves - a manifestation of high competition in real life. Perhaps you compare your own successes with the achievements of your colleagues and are dissatisfied with the results;
  3. bite– tangible harm to your life in various ways, direct aggression is not excluded. If the dog bites you, but you do not feel pain, then the upcoming difficulties will be small and insignificant. You can easily deal with them;
  4. running from the dog- says that in reality you are afraid of getting close to people, afraid to trust anyone, to open your heart. Often the reason for this behavior is a betrayal that your friend previously committed. Therefore, now you treat others with a great deal of suspicion;
  5. fight off dogs– most likely you will have to fight the rumors that will be spread around you, the moment of competition is not excluded;
  6. dying dog- a sign of an acute conflict with loved ones, after which you risk parting as enemies. The dog warns you of danger; it is recommended to be careful with the words you say and control your behavior. In some cases, a dying dog may be a symbol of the collapse of hopes and plans that you have made;
  7. feed the dog– care on your part towards friends and comrades. Feeding your pet abundantly may indicate that your dependability is often abused;
  8. – helping your work colleagues, which will cause you a lot of inconvenience. You may even have to sacrifice your own interests;
  9. iron pet - personifies a good attitude and a positive attitude towards the world, which, most likely, will answer you in kind;
  10. lost a dog is a symbol of one’s own insecurity, perhaps this is due to moving or changing jobs. You feel out of place.

How to interpret actions in a dream

  • a game– in reality you will start a joint business with a friend, it is possible to organize a joint business, create a project, search new job for both;
  • purchase pet is a symbol of upcoming acquaintances and contacts with the right people that will bear fruit in the workplace. Buying a dog also symbolizes increasing material well-being;
  • walk with a dog - presence in your life special person who will always lend a shoulder in difficult times and come to the rescue;
  • embrace with a dog - a pleasant time in the company, you will feel awe and care from your friends;
  • protection dog from attacks by other animals - luck will be completely and entirely on your side. All difficulties will be resolved without your intervention. Problems, as if by magic, will dissolve even before you begin to solve them;
  • save pet - soon you will provide help to your friends, and it can be of both a financial and moral nature;
  • – mean behavior on the part of friends or colleagues, which will be a real blow. However, if the dog’s action did not upset you in a dream, then in reality it can become a symbol of material wealth and unexpected financial income;
  • sick dog– on the one hand, such a dream may mean that your friend is in trouble and needs help. On the other hand, the dream suggests that the former friendship has cracked and now there is a tense relationship between you and your friend.

A dog in a dream - other interpretations

If you see a pregnant dog at night, you should take this as the most favorable sign. This means that at the moment you feel stability and harmony in your own life, you are satisfied with the current state of affairs. If an animal behaved aggressively towards you, then this is a reflection of its own insecurity. You experience fears and concerns that you created yourself.

If in a dream an animal gave birth to puppies, then this is a harbinger of imminent pleasant changes. Your efforts at work will not be in vain. You can safely count on solid results and financial incentives. This dream will be especially positive for people implementing a joint project.

In some dreams, there is a reincarnation of a dog into a human, which indicates drastic changes in life. Most often they are caused by a change in worldview and views of the world. New acquaintances and the emergence of hobbies are possible. A new professional environment cannot be ruled out, which will become lucky ticket for career advancement.

If you meet a talking dog, you should listen to its advice. As a rule, this is the voice of intuition, which, with direct instructions or light hints, points to the right path. If you don’t remember the dog’s words, then try to remember general impressions from the conversation. This will give you an idea of ​​what the inner voice is saying - is it warning of upcoming dangers?

Having contact with someone else's dog in a dream is a kind of warning from the subconscious. Most likely, new acquaintances have appeared in your life, but you should not trust your friends immediately and unconditionally. Get to know your new friends better before opening up all the corners of your soul.

If you dream of a dog that has already died or ran away, then this indicates that you miss some part of your life. What you have today does not give you much satisfaction, and your subconscious mentally returns to happier periods of life. A person feels nostalgic.

Why do you dream of a dog deprived? You should be wary, as this is a harbinger of betrayal on the part of a person whom you trust infinitely.

Seeing a thin dog in a dream means preparing for hard times who are already on the threshold of your life. You should expect troubles that will break into your work and personal affairs every now and then. This dream may be a harbinger of illness of the person himself or his loved ones.

Why do you dream of a dog suffering from hunger? This is a symbol of the fact that in a difficult situation you should not count on the help of friends. You will have to deal with troubles alone. This dream can also be interpreted as your inattention to your own friends - they need your care, but you stubbornly do not notice this.

Homeless pets warn that recently acquired things, acquaintances or even a position can easily sink into oblivion. You should not take the gifts of fate for granted, otherwise you may immediately lose them.

Why do you dream about a dog - interpretation by popular dream books

Many people are looking for the answer to the question “why do you dream about a dog” in today’s popular dream books. One of the most relevant publishing houses is Miller's dream book:

  • evil dog - intrigues from enemies;
  • a kind dog - a friendly attitude, both from old acquaintances and from newly acquired friends;
  • a dirty and skinny dog ​​- to financial losses, major quarrels and conflicts at work;
  • a purebred animal - to material acquisitions and well-being;
  • barking of an animal behind your back - imaginary friends are weaving intrigues behind your back;
  • mad dog - certain difficulties in one or another area of ​​life that require immediate resolution;
  • a hunting dog is a symbol of possible temptations that are better to refuse. It is also a symbol of favorable circumstances, which should be used wisely.

No less popular is Vanga’s dream book, in which the animal is associated with the dreamer’s friend. Therefore, the dog’s actions and appearance speak colorfully about relationships with friends and possible problems with colleagues. Vanga's dream book mainly focuses on the color of the pet, the meaning of which has already been described earlier.

The clairvoyant was convinced that the dog's behavior was interference higher powers into a person's life. If the animal behaves cute and friendly, then you don’t have to worry about business, because you have guardian angels on your side who will help in all your endeavors. If the dog behaves aggressively, then one should expect intrigues from otherworldly forces. To avoid negative interference, the clairvoyant recommends turning to God.

Other dream books

Why do you dream about a dog? Dozens of different dream books answer this question. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  1. Juno– identical interpretation to Miller’s dream book, however, if an animal follows you on your heels, then you should expect minor troubles in career and personal matters;
  2. Freud– personifies a dog with a child. In most cases, the animal is a desire to conceive a child, but there is no opportunity. Men often have such dreams. If you are already a parent, then a dream involving a dog is a classic problem for fathers and children, where you are unable to understand your child and suffer from regular conflicts;
  3. Nostradamus– associated the dog with world powers, a sign of greatness and power. The warning directly depends on the behavior of the pet. Goodwill promises conclusion lucrative contracts, aggression - to financial collapse;
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Losing a dog in a dream is just as sad as in reality. Often, having seen such a vision, a person gets out of bed with a feeling of anxiety in his soul. And, as the dream books suggest, his fears are not in vain. Interpreting what such stories mean in dreams, interpreters predict the loss of something valuable in the dreamer’s life. But this does not apply to the material sphere, but rather to the spiritual one.

A dog, according to interpretations of dream books, is a symbol of friendship and closeness with a specific friend. Therefore, losing a dog of a certain color in a dream is a warning that you may have a conflict with one of your friends, which will lead to separation.

  • a white puppy disappeared in a dream - means parting with a faithful friend;
  • black dog - you are “clinging” to friendship with someone who does not want to be friends with you;
  • you see that a red dog ran away from you in a dream - to a quarrel between a loving couple;
  • the gray suit represents a person whose separation will not bring you any regrets.

Miller and his “four-legged losses”

If you dreamed that your affectionate dog was lost, this means that you will not be able to retain the trust of a person close to you. But if you dreamed that the dog that was lost was evil, then this vision promises separation from a friend who had a bad influence on you.

But, explaining why you dream that a small dog is lost, Miller’s dream book gives the following interpretation of the dream: you will break up with a friend whose friendship you did not value. Do you see your pet covered in blood? This means that you are in for trouble with a blood relative.

Searching for the “lost” as a symbol of hope

After you dreamed that you lost your dog and were looking for it, be sure to look in the dream book in order to find out why you dream about such a plot. Eastern interpreter speaks of the resurrection of hope, and the White Magician’s dream book prophesies that those dreams that you considered unrealistic will come true, but on the condition that you still find the dog.

Losing a dog and looking for it - goals have a chance of not being realized, unfortunately. Review the options available to you and you will find a way out. Losing and looking for your pet in a dream, but not finding it - you are trying to find ways to solve the problem, but you are not succeeding, says the Lunar Dream Book.

Joyful reunion, or Dreams come true!

If you dreamed that you lost your dog and found it almost immediately - great sign! Soon everything you counted on will come true. Losing a dog and finding it after a long time means that your wish will come true, but you will have to wait, says Pastor Loff’s dream book.

And if you see in a dream that your dog ran away, and you walked at random and found him by accident, then perhaps you should make your plans for the future differently.

Visions of the death of a pet are a sign of disappointment and resentment.

I wonder why you dream of losing a dog in connection with its death? This is a sign that disappointment awaits you in the near future. It’s especially bad if the loss of your four-legged friend was your fault - you shouldn’t pay attention to your grievances, you yourself are to blame for your grief.

Have you ever lost a dog in a dream? This event is as sad as it is in reality. Of course it causes strong excitement and feelings in the soul. And as the dream books explain, your feelings are not unfounded.

Explaining why you dream of losing a dog, they usually foreshadow the loss of something truly valuable in spiritual terms.

What color

According to the interpretation of dream books, the dog symbolizes friendship and spiritual intimacy. Therefore, if you dreamed of losing a dog, it means that in your everyday life there is a high probability that conflicts and quarrels will provoke discord in your relationships with close friends.

So, if in a dream

  • if a white puppy is lost, then in reality you will lose a faithful friend;
  • a black dog has disappeared - in life you cling to friendship with a person who treats you badly;
  • the red dog ran away from you - in reality, you will quarrel with your loved one;
  • a gray dog ​​is lost - in life you will be separated from a person who is not at all dear to you.

Miller's opinion

Why do you dream that an affectionate dog is lost? Miller's dream book explains that in reality you will lose the trust of your loved ones. If the lost pet was of bad character, then in reality you will part with the person who had a bad influence on you.

In explaining why you dream about the disappearance of a small dog, the dream book foreshadows a break in relations with an acquaintance whom you, in general, did not value.

Have you seen your beloved pet covered in blood? In real life, you will have disputes with relatives.

Don't lose hope

Why do you dream that you lost your dog and were looking for it? The Eastern dream book believes that in reality you will find hope for the best. And the White Magician’s dream book promises the fulfillment of your deepest desires, provided that the loss is found in the dream.

Have you ever lost your dog and have to look for it? Not all of your projects will be realized. Try to take on projects in life that are truly feasible.

Have you ever lost your pet, searched for it, and couldn’t find it? According to the prediction of the Lunar Dream Book, you will not be able to resolve the difficulties that have arisen.

To joyful events

Did you imagine that you lost your dog, but then found it? In reality, everything you have dreamed about for so long will come true. But if you happen to lose your dog and find it after some time, then, as Loff’s dream book suggests, you will have to wait until your plan is realized.

If you dreamed that the dog ran away, but you found him completely by accident, it means that you must change your approach to life and build new tactics and behavior strategies.


Do you want to know exactly what the loss of a dog and its death can mean in a dream? This dream foretells you pain, loss and disappointment in life. If the loss of a pet in a dream was your fault, then you should not concentrate on your own grievances in reality. Everything that happened is your own fault.

Why can a dog dream - according to the dream book, the dream is interpreted as a friend or buddy; relationships and communication with people around you.

Dog's suit according to the dream book

If you dream of an animal of a certain color, then this characterizes its closeness to you. So white dog– a faithful, reliable, soulful comrade; redhead– a person very close to you, sweetheart, lover, spouse; black a dog in a dream - the one you consider a friend is not one, he “hides a stone in his bosom” and will let you down at any moment; gray- just a friend who you shouldn’t particularly rely on, he has his own mind and at a crucial moment will act as it will be more profitable for him; spotted– diversity and ambiguity, pay attention to the color of the spots on the animal and, depending on this, interpret what you dreamed about. Also, suit can simply mean hair color (if this is what your intuition tells you).


Interpretation according to the dream book of the dog’s appearance: big dog– a friend with a high position in society; respectively to see in a dream small dog- a person of minor status; fluffy– a kind and affectionate friend; thoroughbred- dreams of a noble, well-born comrade, or an intelligent person with a decent upbringing and manners; beautiful dog– a person with enviable charm, attracting everyone’s attention and enjoying the sympathy of others; skinny- a person in poor health.

Dog in blood- a person related to you by blood ties.

Wounded dog - your friend needs serious help and moral support. Sick– old connections collapse; has an interpretation according to the dream book as friction and mutual misunderstanding. I dream that a dog died- to the loss of a loved one. Dead (dead) a dog can also mean the end of a relationship.

Dog in a dream is turning into someone else - your connections are undergoing dramatic changes.

Dog on a leash– you clearly control relationships with people and dose communication with them according to your own concepts and worldviews; Also leash and muzzle on a dog can be interpreted as controlling loved ones; dog on a chain– difficult communication, constrained freedom.

The dog’s psychological mood and its disposition towards you

See in a dream angry a dog, according to the dream book, is the dissatisfaction of others aimed at you. You are annoying and challenging negative emotions. Having spoiled good dog - disposition towards you and affection.

Many dogs favorably disposed towards you - you happy man, supported by many friends; the dogs are aggressive - the circle of enemies around you is shrinking, be careful!

I dream that a dog growls- a quarrel, altercation with someone from your environment, claims against you.

If you are in a dream dog bites- the blow will come from a friend, don’t be too trusting. Biting your hand– your business partners will let you down; the one with whom you agreed will break the agreement, and the one you helped will repay you with black ingratitude. Bites your leg– your plans are wrong, and your chosen goals are false, reconsider your plans and intentions, a significant mistake has crept into them. Dog bitten until it bled- your blood relative will cause you a lot of trouble.

Dog bite hurts- betrayal will resonate with pain in your soul, you will experience the meanness of a loved one for a long time.

Mad Dog dream - the imbalance of a loved one will reach its apogee, trying to sweep away everything in its path.

Dream when attacks a dog portends attacks from those you trust.

If you dreamed that a dog licks face- to wise, benevolent advice; licks hands– assistance in employment, assistance in labor activity; licks feet– help in achieving what you want.

Dream about your relationship with an animal

Beat a dog that attacks - fight off ill-wishers; to beat someone who is whining and hiding is to unfairly accuse or offend a person.

choke dog - stop all attacks in your direction in the bud.

Kill a dog according to the dream book - get rid of an unfaithful comrade, defeat a serious opponent. Eat a dog in a dream - gain valuable experience, defeat the enemy.

Save a dog in a dream - lend a helping hand to your neighbor, provide friendly support. A lot will depend on you and your noble gesture will not go unnoticed.

In a dream feed dog - your comrades can always calmly rely on you, in any difficult situation you will definitely help out.

Petting the dog according to the dream book - to spiritual communication. Hug- to friendly gatherings in a friendly company; play with her - to a fun and pleasant pastime; hold in one's arms- a friend will have to help with work.

Wash (bathe) a dog - to provide a service, to take care of someone, to act “like a knight.”

Train a dog according to the dream book - to manipulate your immediate environment, trying to dominate them.

Walking the dog– you go through life in the company of a faithful and devoted person.

Running away from a dog in a dream who is running after you - try to put a barrier between yourself and the people who are reaching out to you.

Afraid of a dog– in reality, you are subconsciously afraid to start a relationship, perhaps due to unsuccessful past experiences. Perhaps you should open your heart to new experiences?

Other dreams about a dog

Dream that the dog got lost- to a quarrel with a loved one due to a misunderstanding; lose and search a dog in a dream - trying to find ways to solve the current problem, smooth out the conflict; find your dog– resolving disagreements in your immediate circle of contacts; find someone else's dog– new acquaintances and attachments.

Give birth to a dog in a dream - acquiring a new friend that you deserve; A congenial person will soon appear in your life, thanks to your own high spiritual qualities.

Dog head– you are too carried away with solving some problem, completely forgetting about everything else; a lot of dog heads– you are scattered to solve many problems.

Talking dog- listen to your inner voice, its advice will be very important for you now. Talk to the dog in a dream - you need friendly advice.

The dream book interprets: the dog has whelped (gives birth)- an alliance with a partner will be fruitful and will give excellent results, and there will also be an opportunity to acquire new connections. Dog with puppies dreams - to troubles, their nature can be predicted by behavior and appearance puppies.

Hear barking in a dream dogs - bad news. The dog barks It is on you that there will be gossip and intrigue that will affect your person.

Dogs fight in a dream according to the dream book to quarrels and conflicts that you will witness. If you find yourself in the midst of a dog showdown, then the scandal will affect you directly.

Gave a dog- you will be introduced to a person who will become close to you in the future. Bought you yourself - you will be the initiator of a pleasant acquaintance.

Dog shit myself in the house - according to the dream book, it means that a friend will act contrary to your expectations and desires, but this will ultimately turn out to your benefit.

The dog howls- something tragic will happen that will cause you moral suffering.

Wrapped around the dog snake in a dream - to a loved one help Wanted.

Fleas on a dog– you will be drawn into solving other people’s unpleasant issues.

Cat and dog- relationships between people of opposite sexes. How do they behave? Do they quarrel or, on the contrary, exist quite peacefully? This is exactly the kind of relationship with your loved one that the dream book now promises you.

Interpretation according to Miller

If you dream of an angry dog, expect failures and treacherous actions of your opponents. Affectionate - promises good luck and true friends.

If in a dream you are the owner of a purebred dog, you will be able to make a substantial fortune for yourself.

If a bloodhound follows you, the dream warns you against temptations that can become disastrous.

If a dog bites you, do not expect peace in the near future either in your relations with your business partners or with your wife.

Skinny and dirty dogs mean future failures or illness.

If you hear a dog barking, bad news awaits you.

A hunting dog in your home portends favorable circumstances in business.

Cute dogs of an exquisite breed are a promise to a girl, a frivolous, dapper admirer.

If in a dream you are scared of meeting with big dog– your destiny will be resistance to the entire environment, the desire to rise above vulgarity and mediocrity. For women, this dream promises a very worthy husband.

A dog growling behind your back is a sign that some intriguer is approaching your cherished interests. Sometimes this dream foreshadows your defeat, but it is always an incentive to active resistance.

A cat and a dog suddenly throwing themselves at each other promise you failure in matters of the heart. A vision in which you spill water on fighters is favorable.

A white dog circling around in a friendly manner portends great success in business and love.

The many-headed dog warns you not to get carried away with many things at once: this turns into vanity.

A chasing mad dog is, according to psychologist Miller, a call to mobilize all the forces of character in order to resist the fight. Good dream, in which you drive away or kill her.

Walking with a dog, especially a purebred one, and seeing how it kills a snake - both of these plots are extremely favorable.

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing a stray dog ​​in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a very difficult situation. predicament. He doesn't ask you for help only because he doesn't want to burden you with his problems.

If you dreamed of a completely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream predicts a meeting with an old friend whom you have not seen for many years. If you saw a black dog in a dream, then in reality you will be bitterly disappointed in a person whom you have long considered a close person. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also use your secrets in order to publicly discredit your good name.

Seeing a dog in a dream gigantic size- evidence that in the future you will meet a person who will subsequently become yours great friend. Sometimes a dream prophesies the support of an old friend.

Feeding an animal is a sign that in real life you can be relied upon. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore those around you respect and love you.

If you dreamed of a wounded or killed dog, this is a bad omen. You will soon receive very bad news about fatal disease or even the death of a very good friend.

If a dog protects you in a dream, then in reality you are under the protection of higher powers. You have nothing to fear, because you are protected by guardian angels who monitor all your thoughts and actions from heaven. If a dog attacks you, then such a dream suggests that in real life you will have a quick meeting with black forces. The servants of Satan will try to make your life miserable, causing one misfortune after another. If you repel the attack, then you will be able to resist the forces of evil, but this will only happen if you turn to God for help.

Natalya Rodnaya
© site Magenya.ru

Dogs are the most loyal creatures, and it is not for nothing that when you hear the phrase “my four-legged friend,” this particular animal immediately appears before your eyes. They have been living side by side with man for thousands of years, helping him in everything. But what can a dog dream about when it enters a dream? Is it always a good sign, or could it be a warning?

One dog or a whole pack

In most cases, a dog in a dream is a positive character, but not always. Much depends on the interpretation and related factors.

For example, a whole pack of dogs symbolize many problems, troubles and experiences that bother a person in real life. This dream warns of expected obstacles and dubious friends waiting for a person to make a mistake.

If dogs are favorably disposed towards a person, they caress and allow themselves to be petted, then the dream radically changes its meaning. In this case, you can count not only on your own strength, but also on luck, which will accompany you in all your endeavors. This dream foreshadows that the time has come for the most daring changes, to change the field of activity or organize your business.

Naturally, the behavior of dogs in their sleep is of great importance. If a flock of animals is friendly with each other, plays and frolics, then this is a sure sign that fruitful cooperation and a successful outcome of planned affairs are expected in a person’s life.

If the dogs are belligerent, fight, sorting things out among themselves, then the sleeping person will face a rift with friends or colleagues in life, which will not be easy to forget. This is a warning dream, after which you need to be more careful in your statements or actions so as not to become the culprit of a quarrel.

In addition to the number of pets, the interpretation of the dream also depends on what kind of dog you dreamed about.

As in life, in a dream many of a person’s associations when seeing a dog depend on its appearance. A big dog can cause fear, and a tiny puppy can cause tenderness. What animal parameters should you pay attention to when interpreting a dream?

Why do you dream of a big or small dog?

An animal of impressive size indicates that a person has good relationships with friends based on trust. But if a dog inspires terror in a sleeping person, it means that in life he is afraid of his comrades. And this does not allow you to fully open up to your friends, to fully trust.

There are several interpretations of dreams where a big dog appears:

  • symbolizes reliability, success and prosperity - a large dog can become a protector against any kind of threat;
  • the dream means that any troubles will lose their significance and become less important;
  • a large dog can mean that an influential and powerful patron will appear in a person’s life.

Small dogs most often mean small but enjoyable chores. Perhaps there will be a celebration in the family important date, the birth of a baby or a wedding is expected. Of course, preparation, choosing gifts, organizing a celebration is a troublesome task, but at the same time pleasant.

These same dogs warn that soon you will have to take care not only of your own life priorities, but also to wonder whether others agree with this way of thinking.

Small dogs can represent younger relatives or comrades who need protection.

Dreaming of a white, black, red dog

The color of the fur of the dreamed dog allows you to interpret the dream differently. So why might you dream of a dog of one color or another:

  • Wool black color is a warning about a meeting with an enemy. Sometimes this dream suggests that someone around him has evil intent, or that the dreamer himself has lost faith in his loved ones. In this case, a frank conversation with friends helps.
  • Wool white color- a messenger that a meeting with old good friends will soon take place, and the old relationship will quickly be restored. Also a dog white can be a symbol of changes in life for the better.
  • Redhead a dog is a sign of deceit on the part of supposed allies. This means that those around you are acting dishonestly towards you, or are preparing a conspiracy. If a man dreams of a dog with such fur, then there is a possibility of a dishonest colleague.
  • Gray The dog's fur means that in difficult times all loved ones will turn away. There is a great risk that your best friend will be on the other side of the barricades in a conflict.
  • Brown dog - mistrust on the part of an old acquaintance, which the sleeper will have to dispel.

Dog of a certain breed

Quite often, a purebred animal appears in people's dreams. The dream itself speaks of a person’s desire to be in some company, to achieve a promotion at work, to find an influential patron. Moreover, the dog seems to suggest that friends will help you achieve your goal.

What is the significance of this or that breed of four-legged friends:

  • A German Shepherd is a good sign, indicating that a person has friends who are ready to help. The plan will work out, especially if the activity is connected with caring for those in need.
  • The Rottweiler is a symbol of change, regardless of whether it is positive or negative, it will definitely cause difficulties for a person. It will take time for a person to come to terms with changes.
  • Husky - the upcoming work involves communicating with friendly and talented employees. Such activities will only bring satisfaction.
  • Labrador – symbolizes a huge surge of energy in the work field. Friends will help you establish good relations with your boss. Such a dog indicates that a person is confident in himself and his abilities.
  • Dachshund - portends unexpected joy at work, which will affect many. All possible problems will be decided once or twice.

What does a dog do in a dream?

The actions of the animal are very important. If a dog is sleeping, then this is a symbol of a person’s conscience. In addition, it is important what your four-legged friend looks like:

  • If the dog is clean, with neat fur, it means that the sleeping person has a clear conscience.
  • An animal in the dirt, shaggy and emaciated means that there are a lot of thoughts, doubts, and reflections in the sleeper’s head. Perhaps this is a feeling of guilt.
  • Dreaming of a sleeping dog that does not allow one to pass through is a symbol of the fact that a person’s soul is heavy because of previously committed deeds.
  • The kindest, sweet dog personifies true friendship, which means that there is someone nearby to whom you can reveal any secret. This is a real support in any situation.
  • A dog that barks aggressively at the dreamer - the dream warns that the person will soon be drawn into a conflict.
  • Mad Dog warns that a big fight with your best friend could lead to him becoming your worst enemy.
  • The chained dog says that you should be more careful in choosing friends; many of those around you are not such at all.

Interesting interpretations of dreams from other dream books

How many people, so many opinions. If we consider different dream books, then you can see that a dog can symbolize completely different phenomena.

  1. Looking into an ancient Old Church Slavonic dream book, you can read that a dog in a dream speaks of a person’s devotion and courage. Longo's dream book indicates that if a dog licks a person's hand, then good luck awaits him in his career. If the animal is sleeping, then most likely you will have to give up everything and take care of the children.
  2. Dream interpreter Kanonita points out that if you dream of a dog, then an unattainable goal can be achieved with maximum effort.
  3. Italians trust Maneghetti's dream book; according to him, dreams about dogs indicate who dominates in a relationship and who only submits. Most often these relationships are negative character, since one of the participants suppresses the will of the other. These may not necessarily be married couples, but also mother-child, father-child, etc.
  4. The well-known Nostradamus also did not ignore the topic of dogs in dreams. Its interpretation is connected with the financial situation of the sleeper, or more precisely with his instability. In such a dream there is a warning - it’s time to save money “for a rainy day.”
  5. Tsvetkov’s dream book says that a dog is a symbol of an upcoming victory. If a person experiences difficulties, then the matter will be resolved in his favor anyway.
  6. Freud focuses on the character and behavior of the animal, a kind dog dreams of new pleasant acquaintances, an evil one prophesies an imminent quarrel, a dog caresses - it will appear soon new love, bitten - grueling litigation awaits the sleeping person.

Whatever dreams prophesy, you should not rely only on them. You should benefit from them and build a life with your own hands.

Dream interpretation loss. Losing something in a dream means unforeseen events. There are several options, depending on the context of the dream. For example, if you lost something and then find it in a dream, it means your plans will come true no matter what. Sometimes dreams about loss mean liberation from shackles; here we mean allegory, figurative expression. Often in life there may be people or circumstances that are burdensome. If you see a loss in a dream, symbolically reflecting your “burden,” it means that in reality you will be able to get rid of hardships. THE WHOLE DREAM BOOK MAGIKUM - DATABASE OF ONEIRONAUTS HOW TO CAUSE PROPHETIC DREAMS? Getting lost in a dream yourself means getting confused in a situation or relationship in life. Lose purpose, clarity of thinking regarding events. If in your dream you are lost in the forest, the situation concerns your personal attitudes and consciousness. And in the city, for example, relationships with someone, situations in society, with other people. It’s bad to lose your home in a dream, your livestock, your movable or real estate, rings, earrings, bracelets, if they were dear to you, keys. Most often, people lose themselves in dreams. If a person is lost in a dream, the dream signifies your feeling of loss of connection with […]

Dream interpretation dog. A dog in a dream is always someone who is nearby, close. Is or was part of your circle and was and (or) remains a friend. In any case, this is a person with whom you were, are or will be friends, comrades. As an aspect of a character trait, this symbol means devotion, participation, and friendly support. Besides the fact that dogs are always friends, this symbol has one special feature. And not even alone. That's why I'm telling you in detail. Yes, a dog, like all animals in dreams, is a prototype of a person in reality. In some cases, this is an indication of a person’s character in life. In others, his “animal” nature is only in certain life circumstances. That is, a temporary manifestation of certain character traits as a reaction to a situation in life. So dogs are friends. The peculiarity is that angry and attacking dogs are former friends. ⠀ For example, when people communicated well, were friends, were colleagues and found mutual understanding. And then suddenly, for some reason, they turned against you. Therefore, do not look for the angry, barking, attacking dogs from the plot of your dream among strangers. Search among yourselves. There is an exception, like [...]

Dream interpretation of losing. Losing something in a dream means unforeseen events. There are several options, depending on the context of the dream. For example, if you lost something and then find it in a dream, it means your plans will come true no matter what. Sometimes dreams about loss mean liberation from shackles; here we mean allegory, figurative expression. Often in life there may be people or circumstances that are burdensome. If you see a loss in a dream, symbolically reflecting your “burden,” it means that in reality you will be able to get rid of hardships. Dream interpretation of losing Getting lost in a dream yourself means getting confused in a situation or relationship in life, losing your goal, clarity of thinking regarding events. If in your dream you are lost in the forest, the situation concerns your personal attitudes and consciousness. And in the city, for example, relationships with someone, situations in society, with other people. It is bad to lose your house, your livestock, your movable or immovable property, rings, earrings, bracelets, if they were dear to you, and keys in a dream. Most often, people lose themselves in dreams. If a person is lost in a dream, the dream represents your feeling of losing connection with him. Moreover, this does not mean direct contact, as a rule, [...]

Why dream of losing a Dog in a dream according to the dream book?

At first the dog was a light Labrador, big and beautiful, and got lost... later it turned out that she went into the basement... and a neighbor found her, and I found him with him... he really wanted to feed us... there was a fear of walking down the street... there was a guy walking next to me... I was afraid of him even though I was walking not alone, but with my mother, as it turned out later, the guy was also afraid of us... then the neighbor who found my dog ​​met us on the road... it became calmer... he offered us to change money at a rate higher than at the market and at the bank... I told him that this was not for him profitable, and he said to a good person everything was profitable..then there was a day...we were at the market..and bought new things...I couldn’t change the money for a very long time...and they started looking for me...I changed the money and bought things..the market was closing...then everyone went home..but it turned out that everyone was on their own.. I walked to the stop.. it was raining and the trolleybus wires sparked a little... I got on the trolleybus.. I didn’t wait long for it.. but it so happened that a girl got on it and she had to go the other way.. she then she got out.. and the trolleybus was going in some circles not along the route.. since it depends on the route because of the wires... when the girl got off the trolleybus, she got into the car.. and nearby there were boxes of fruit and many of them were very beautiful...then in some apartment (apparently the house where I was going...I was cleaning something and stained my jacket several times...they wiped it off for me...and then everything changed...the children, my sister was cleaning White sand.. I was riding a moped... I was looking for a good designer for renovation... I saw beautiful furniture and was very happy... cars guys... beautiful houses, crossroads

I dreamed that I went to the forest with my family, we were wandering, and my dog ​​ran away.
but in a dream I had another dog, I don’t know where it came from or whose, but it’s a fact.
then we left the forest, and I found myself alone. I went to my former school, and I met my friend there.
They told me that she was deceiving me and wanted to set me up, they showed me some video and I left. later they told me that the dog was in the Temple or shelter of the Holy Mother of God
the dream was colorful

I dreamed that I was walking around the village where I lived as a child, now I live in a different place. I was walking my Yorkie dog, I have him now, and then he disappears. I call him, but he’s nowhere to be found. When called, a staff dog comes running to me, I used to have a staff dog and his name was the same as the Yorkie’s name now, and he runs after me. And I wake up.

Now I woke up and immediately went to see where my dog ​​was.. I dreamed that I personally lost my dog, no one else, but me, they told me, don’t worry, you’ll find it. and mom says the same thing, I was very surprised that mom speaks calmly, because we love our dog very much, we allow her to do everything, sleep on the bed, etc.. In general, she is a spoiled girl with us, her name is Maggie, a dachshund, soon will be 4 years old.. So, I dreamed that I lost my dog, but for some reason I didn’t look for it, but went to the sea with my mother, I don’t know.. I always have dreams, as if I were right here and now , or rather, no matter what dream I have, it always seems to me that this is happening to me, I even woke up and cried.. In general, it’s like this,

I had a dream that I came to Kurchatov to visit, I was walking with friends, and my dog ​​disappeared, I was offered a job in Kurchatov and a hostel. I kept saying that I needed a dog and cried. I went to all sorts of places. in different outskirts. I thought maybe I ran into the forest and cried all the time. Everyone kept telling me that I was crying, stolen or ran away. He was gone. Then I woke up, what could this dream mean?

On a rainy evening, I asked my friend (a dark-haired, thin, curly man - there is no such acquaintance in life) to take my dog ​​home. He drove it. But after a while, I asked to return it back, and instead of the dog, he returned the puppy to me, saying that my dog ​​had died, I cried. Then I lost the puppy and cried even more

Hello Tatiana! from 2.10 to 3.10 (Thursday to Friday) I had a dream related to a toy terrier puppy. I absolutely love dogs of this breed... I bought a puppy on a rainy evening from some woman. The puppy was a girl. I took it and, in joy, ran to show the purchase to my mother, my mother was in a dark room (working / similar to something like a recreation center), I left the puppy in the room, and we went out, then we went in, but he was not there.. we went around all the dark rooms.. and I never found him..(why could he be dreaming about?)

Hello Tatyana! Please help me interpret my dream. I have a Pekingese dog. She is 3 years old. Very often I have a dream that I lose her on the street and cannot find her. Today I also had a dream that she was lost and I was looking for her, but so and didn’t find it. Besides, in a dream I dreamed of my late husband who stole another dog and brought it to me so that I wouldn’t cry. In general, some kind of nonsense. Does this dream mean anything or not?

I dreamed that I lost my dog, but in the dream I don’t see it as mine looks, but a big black diver, I’m trying to go somewhere with railway station, but I don’t leave - I look for her by name, I return to the house, but the house is not mine, but of my former employers, there are several more dogs there, they caress me, but I am in tears and very upset

I see a group of people and among them is my husband, and I am looking for my beloved dog. I must say that in reality the dog died, but in the dream she is alive and I ask my husband where she is, and he replies that he gave her away for some time woman. I screamed at him so much in my sleep!!! Then I seem to hear that he doesn’t even know where this woman lives, he gave the dog away on the street and now he can’t find this woman

We were walking and suddenly she was gone. I called her and looked for her and woke up upset. I had the same dream twice after about a while. And today I dreamed that I lost my things, and in return I got strangers’ things that I didn’t need.

My child was in the hospital, then he died. In reality, I don’t have a child. I found out that I had the plague and went to the beach, there some girls lost their shepherd dog, this was very important to me until I remembered that I had the plague. I left, then I met some puppy and hugged him for a long time, because he was very soft. Then I came home, decided not to give up, and went in for sports. Awoke.

Good afternoon)
I have a Yorkie, I dreamed that we were walking in the park as usual, suddenly the dream went into a different direction - the dream changed (I don’t remember what I dreamed about), but after it I remember that I was walking with my dog, I start looking for him, in a panic - no I can find it, on the way I meet a dachshund who asked me to take him instead of my dog, but I went further to look for my Yorkie... I woke up with the understanding that I had lost my dog. When I saw that he was at home and sleeping next to me, I was immensely happy.

I flew to Moscow with my dog, I started registering the dog and suddenly everything became black and blue and I realized that Bela was running away from me, I ran after her but lost sight of her. I was already landing and she ran up at the last minute;) What could this mean?

I dreamed that I had a dog, a purebred, big one, and when we went for a walk, the dog was walking without a leash, I was in the crowd.. he disappeared, and for almost the rest of the time I was sleeping, I tried to find him.. but I didn’t. I didn’t find it, but I only found the one who stole it and woke up

They gave me a long-awaited puppy (pug). I was happy, he was playful, affectionate, licking his hands. I went for a walk with him in the forest and he ran away. I couldn't find it. I searched, friends helped, strangers. They never found it. But I found other puppies: a poodle (black), a small puppy (white with spots), a German shepherd.
Because I couldn’t find the pug and cried a lot

My son and I were vacationing abroad and the dog was with us on the last night before departure, she ran away when the dogs barked, it was raining heavily, we ran all night looking for her, but we never found her, we had to return home without her.

I have a Pomeranian Spitz - cute and very beloved)) I dreamed that we seemed to be walking somewhere)) there were a lot of trees, bushes and I lost him)) I was looking for him, crying..... and then near some private house I saw small dogs and one with exactly the same muzzle, but smaller and thinner... I take it and understand that it’s not Sean and I wake up

I remember the dream vaguely. Towards nightfall I was driving a car, there was some kind of unpleasant situation on the road. I had to stop, and on the bus people needed help, I ran with my red Spitz in my arms to find where I could call for an ambulance. It seemed like I was entering a hospital , but at the reception they don’t let me call, they don’t let me in. I run around the floors looking for another opportunity, everything is somehow difficult with strange exits, I enter some kind of establishment like a cafe, there are some men distracting me, it seems like they’re already in their arms no dog. And I didn’t find where to call and can’t find the Pomeranian anymore. I’m looking, calling.....

from Saturday to Sunday I had a dream that I was walking with a neighbor’s dog (which is no longer alive), then I lost it, then I saved it younger brother from the train, and on the dam with him I swam downhill through a very dirty water, a landfill…. And all the time I was sleeping I was looking for a dog... And from Sunday to Monday, I dreamed that I found a dog, a soft black, fluffy one, which was thrown out onto the street, and I carried it in my arms and decided to keep it for myself, I really felt that it was a moth dog! Why can such dreams occur?

I lost my dogs, Duke and Danube. (I live in Kiev, and they are in Berezan at my grandparents’ dacha). Then some guy started pestering me, asking me to give him my dog. I didn’t agree. The guy was familiar to me, he had teased me before. Another lady wanted to kill my grandfather. I talked to her, tried to find out her intentions. She came to us. Then I rode something down a hill, like skiing (but it was summer !!!) And they praised me. Then we came into the house and hid. Some lady I didn’t know was in charge and commanded us (a bunch of my same-year-olds, I’m 13). She gave me tasks to re-pin the leaves. I counted, but it seemed to me that she was shielding I counted it incorrectly and counted it again, but suddenly adults appeared and spotted us. This is where my dream is interrupted. I had this dream today, March 24, 2015. I also used to have very strange dreams, for example: men kidnap me and throw me into a hole. One of them is very super mega strong and he protects me. I get out, they let me go. But on the condition that I bring them my mother’s brain...... this is yesterday dream. All this is very, very strange

winter and summer alternately, I lost my dog ​​who died a long time ago, I’m looking for her, screaming..... there is no access to the water, everything is built up with houses. I can only go to the balcony, I’ll move through things and scream…. then there are a lot of dogs on thin ice, deep water with thin ice... dogs swim towards me and drown

I found a Dalmatian puppy on the street. I played with him, and then he got lost. I ran everywhere down the street and looked for him, calling him by the name of my boyfriend. But I never found the puppy again. What is it for?

Hello. I had a dream that my purebred dog gave birth, after which I took one very beautiful red puppy with fluffy fur and went for a walk. He ran into some entrance and got lost there. I waited for my mother and friend and we went with flashlights to look for dogs, but nothing

I dreamed that I and my friends and my dog ​​went to some kind of concert in the open sky. And in the sky I see planes flying shells and a lot of stuff behind the clouds. And I started telling everyone to run away. We started leaving, I forgot there is my dog, he is more precious to me than anything in the world, we arrived as ladies and everything that flew from the sky begins to fall and according to our taxes private sectors, in my house was a disaster, it went up in flames, but everything was intact, I ran in to see, my mother was in the house, she was okay. and after that everything was fine on the street.

I was sitting on holiday with a backpack in a backpack, a plush dog, and there were gypsies, they stole my backpack and then we started looking for it, but we only found the backpack and we never found the dog, but we found out that the gypsies had the dog and they didn’t give it to me. .

Hello! I dreamed that I lost my dog, I have a small one, a Chihuahua breed, I lost it in the park.. I cried in my sleep, left the park, told my friend about it (I don’t remember who), and was going to go look for her again in the park.. Then the dream changes abruptly, as if I were unwrapping the foil, and there was a cake, not a whole one, but a large piece... I tried it, it was very tasty and there was a strong feeling that it was honey, very juicy and a strong taste of honey... but very... I offered it to my friend try... I took a piece with a spoon and a little fell on the floor... Such a dream..

I was walking my dog ​​in the evening, tied it up, and after a while I turned around and it was gone. Then it turned out that an acquaintance took her for a walk and then brought her back. and I was worried, running around the whole yard in panic.

Our 2 dogs ran away from the house, I’m looking everywhere, calling... The older Shar Pei dog is returning and for some reason someone else’s dog, clearly a mongrel, happily also comes into the house... Neighboring children say that they saw them far from the house near the water...
But I still didn’t find the little Yorkie, I woke up

I had a dog, it didn’t live long (2 years), it was poisoned a year ago. Today I dreamed that she was alive and we were together somewhere (not at home), then she disappeared. I started looking for it, it was a large building, many floors and rooms. They helped me in my search. There were many similar dogs there. I found her in the far corner of the back room.

I have a dog of the Yorkshire terrier breed, and I dreamed that we were walking somewhere with my boyfriend and the dog into some thicket with ivy or a thick vineyard and my dog ​​lagged behind, but then some other one appeared and I thought that it was mine, but then I realized that this is not my dog ​​and I say young man, that this is not our dog, supposedly the color is not the same and the face is not ours, and then she began to call her own and he came running from this vineyard or dense thickets.

Hello! My name is Tatyana. I had a dream in which I lost my dog, she was still a puppy, but then for some reason she turned out to be big. I saw how she fell into some kind of pond, I rushed after her, there was a very viscous, dirty substance in places, in which it was difficult to move, I tried to look for her under the “water” myself, making my way through other dogs that were alive and there were many dead, and then I saw dead person floating straight towards me, it was a man. I don’t know how I got out of this “swamp”, but I never found my dog. I was very sad and sorry for her.

Hello, I dreamed about my dog, she recently got lost. And the dream was like this: It was as if my friend and I were walking down the street, and we saw my dog. A friend saw her before I did and said, look who’s coming, she’ll bite us in an hour. I said, what, she doesn’t bite, she’s finally afraid of people. Soon the dog came up to us, she walked around my friend, and almost bit me, I fell and the dog continued on its way. Please tell me, what is this for?

Hello! I dreamed that I lost my dogs, one that I really have, and the second one that is small, but in the dream it was also mine. I looked for them all night. And then I sat down and was upset that that’s it, I’d never find them and came to terms with it. But then my parents come and bring two dogs. As if nothing had happened, they walked with them.

My son had a wedding. He and his friends went for a walk outside the city to the river. My dog ​​went with them, and I haven’t had this dog for a long time. She died. I have another dog now. They returned from the walk alone and said that the dog was gone. I cried. and ran to look for her. I didn’t find her. I told my friends that my dog ​​was missing and I was very worried. I went to look for her several times and screamed at her. Then for some reason I cut my hair. The hair turned out beautiful, but for some reason I was worried

Hello. I dreamed that I lost my dog ​​and was looking for him among a large number of dogs and people. A lot of dogs different breeds, from small to large... What is this for? Thank you for your reply.

I dreamed that they gave me a dog, but I don’t remember what breed, and also a Rottweiler dog ran into the house... Everything was fine. And suddenly the Rottweiler ran away, And then it turned out that she was beaten... And in real life we ​​also had a Rottweiler dog and she died and we don’t know whether she was poisoned, or she herself... I think it was a sign.

I'm walking through a very crowded place, like a market. Together with the dog (it feels like she’s familiar to me). Then, either I get distracted, or I move on, I generally notice that there is no dog. I want to call her, but I don’t remember her nickname. This crowded place was at the junction of familiar and unfamiliar landscapes. Those. on one side of the road where there was a crowded place, this is part of my city, and across the road there was some kind of desert, and there were a lot of lions and tigers there. There were also lions on the side of the market, but they were calm, you could walk past them, they were not aggressive. And one lion or tiger made fun of people, he scared them with a roar, i.e. he understood that people were scared, and he liked to scare people. There was also a man to whom a tree was tied, he was not tied, but the tree was tied to him, his task was to move this tree from place to place when he was told, it feels like this tree is being used as a Christmas tree, but not in our country Russia, but in another country. And I thought that he would be very tired of carrying our Russian spruce. I never found the dog.

I dreamed that I bought a small dog, it looked like a chow-chow.. I had it brought to me in the apartment.. And somehow I understand that something is wrong and untie it. Then she runs away and I look for her. Tell me why I have such a dream!)

Hello Tatyana! First of all, I must say that in real life I do not allow dogs or cats to live in my apartment. In a dream they brought me a very small purebred puppy and I was very happy about it. After some time, I dreamed of this purebred dog, only it had grown big and seemed (!) of a female (not clear in the dream) gender. She asked me to take her outside, she went out before me, and when I ran out after her, she disappeared, the thought was as if she had been kidnapped, because she was purebred, very beautiful, big and dark gray, almost black, I loved it very much. I tried to find the dream the whole time, but I couldn’t find it.

Hello! I had the following dream: I was walking with my dog ​​(German Shepherd) on the street, in the yard. The yard was not mine, but as a child I sometimes walked in this yard. Approaching the entrance, my dog ​​got into a fight with another dog (he was on a leash) and while I was separating them, he disappeared, and the second dog was on my leash. I went looking for him for a long time, but never found him. What does it mean? Thank you.

I had a dream more than once, but the first time I found my dog, and today I had a dream that I was looking for him in the same places as in the last dream, but alas I didn’t find him there, in the last dream I found him stolen I know some old woman who locked him in her apartment, but this time I didn’t find him there. I woke up because I couldn’t find my dog ​​and started to worry. She searched along the street, and in courtyards, and among other dogs, and called him and nothing...

Sela took a ticket for the bus, after driving a little I realized that I was going without my dog, they told me that I had to take 2 tickets. I was very upset, I think I got off the bus not knowing where to look for the dog. I woke up in fear.

I have a little white dog. In a dream, I dreamed that it was stolen and I bought the same one. Then I found her with a woman who, as it turned out later, knew my ex-husband. And I was either at a reception with her, or she is a psychic. But the dog's bangs were dyed black. I took her. Then in a dream my ex-husband called and asked what happened. I told him that he was magnetically drawn to some swindlers, that this woman not only stole the dog, but also mutilated it, dyed her bangs black, and cut her paws. This is where the dream ended.

Good afternoon
I dreamed that I was at work, I had two dogs, two bull terriers, one white, the other white and red, and some people arrived who either wanted to kill my dogs or take them away from me, I loudly shouted to them “run.” “Please run,” they ran away, these people ran after them. After some time, I began to walk around the courtyards, along the streets, asking for keys, I could not find my dogs, I knew that these people had not reached them, but still could not find them. On the way I met a lot of different bull terriers, many ran up to me and caressed me, but these were not my dogs. I couldn’t shout their nicknames on the street, because I couldn’t remember what I called them. I would really like to know the interpretation of this dream

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