Sagittarius sign is Aquarius. Compatibility in love relationships: Sagittarius and Aquarius. Compatibility in friendship

The union of Sagittarius and Aquarius is one of the most successful. The spontaneous and not always delicate Sagittarius evokes sincere sympathy in Aquarius with his inability to pretend. An unrestrained representative of a fire sign is accustomed to constant insults from other people, so he will mark Aquarius as an extraordinary person and show reciprocal interest. It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship this couple has, any of their joint endeavors will certainly lead both to success. Naturally, these people will do everything not to lose each other.


The Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman are lively and optimistic, they are pleasant to each other and are inclined to get closer. For a Sagittarius, the representative of the air element will be a real gift of fate. Next to this woman, he will gain a rare opportunity to be himself, because she is not offended by the harsh criticism and rude remarks that are characteristic of him. Sagittarius and Aquarius will benefit from this union - Aquarius will become more serious, and Sagittarius will learn to take things more simply, that is, they will come to a golden mean.

♐ + ♒: In love

PERFECT PAIR- The love relationship between an Aquarius girl and a Sagittarius guy is developing quickly. Young people are attractive to each other, their communication is pleasant and easy. Representative fire element is often focused on solving his own problems, he tends to complicate the most simple things. The Aquarius girl will sympathize with his seriousness and will try to unobtrusively suggest to him a simplified way to cope with troubles. There is no pressure or annoying advice on her part, she does not pretend to be a leader in the relationship and gives Sagittarius freedom of choice. As a result, the guy will take her hint, but will not feel dependent on his beloved.

Sagittarius and Aquarius do not allow anyone into their personal space and do not tolerate total control. Each of them values ​​not only their freedom, but also recognizes the right of other people to individuality and little secrets. Surprisingly, this is precisely what will become the main bringing factor together for lovers; they will become more friend trust a friend without fear of harsh criticism. Sagittarius will appreciate the lightness of character of the Aquarius girl, and she will respect his spontaneity.

Such couples rarely break up, because only each other’s company can give them a feeling of comfort. Most often, they decide to start a family, which they do not regret later.

♐ + ♒: Married

PERFECT PAIR- The marriage of Sagittarius and Aquarius is based on emotional intimacy and mutual understanding. The spouses are extremely frank with each other, they have no need to pretend and lead double life. His wife does not perceive the impulsiveness and aggression of a Sagittarius as dissatisfaction with herself; she tries to support her husband and gives him the opportunity to throw out accumulated emotions. If he is angry at work, his wife will listen to him carefully, after which she will definitely cheer him up.

Spouses like to spend a lot of time outside the home, they perceive household chores as a routine, so they willingly share household chores in order to quickly forget about them. The Aquarius woman is not the best housewife, but there is no dissatisfaction on the part of her husband about this.

IN intimate life the spouses are doing well top level. An inventive Aquarius woman behaves relaxed in bed with her husband, fully satisfying all his needs. For Sagittarius, Aquarius is the most suitable sexual partner, because representatives of other zodiac signs are afraid of criticism from him, as a result of which they do not open up completely.

Such families break up extremely rarely. It will be difficult for each of the spouses to meet a more understanding and close person, so they value their relationships and willingly make compromises.

♐ + ♒: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY- A Sagittarius guy and an Aquarius girl can for a long time communicate and trust each other, but in this case it is hardly appropriate to talk about. Young people are connected by a strong mutual interest, and even if one of them has already managed to arrange a personal life, this is unlikely to become an obstacle to the development of their relationship. Most likely, the guy and the girl will begin to spend more time together, become closer, and then become a happy couple.


Even if Aquarius and Sagittarius are connected purely business relationship, they still like each other as a man and a woman. These people are united by kinship of souls, common interests and views on life, and sociability. Even if they are both already married, this will not interfere with their relationship. A non-binding romance, despite its apparent ease, can develop into serious feelings, and in order to be together these people will go to great lengths. Neither material values, nor even children in a previous family will become an anchor for them. The mutual attraction between an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman has enormous power.

♒ + ♐: In a love relationship

PERFECT PAIR- Most often, an Aquarius guy and a Sagittarius girl don’t spend time trying to please each other. Nature has already done everything for them, so one meeting is enough for them, which will be decisive for them.

Each of this pair treats the other with the same understanding as he treats himself. The Aquarius guy often gets into unpleasant situations and finds adventures out of the blue. His beloved willingly helps him find a safe way out of this situation, for which he is very grateful to her.

The Sagittarius girl behaves a little harshly when communicating with people. Sometimes, while in bad mood, she can say unnecessary things to close people, or even ruin their opinion of herself forever. It's good that she has an Aquarius guy next to her. In such situations, he tries to turn the public’s attention to himself, tell him something funny, and, unnoticed by those around him, persuade his eccentric lover to leave the room. He acts delicately, the girl not only will not be offended, but will subsequently be very grateful to him for his timely intervention.

Aquarius and Sagittarius need each other like they need air, but this is by no means a painful dependence. They just feel very good together, and besides, each of them sees great advantages in this union for themselves and their other half.

♒ + ♐: Married

PERFECT PAIR- Sagittarius and Aquarius are each other's most suitable candidates for starting a family. In any situation they will understand and support each other, mutual claims, like the critics, no. There are no omissions between spouses, because they see no point in keeping something back and lying to each other. Such couples turn a blind eye even to mutual infidelity, trying only to protect themselves and their other half from the unpleasant consequences of love affairs.

In intimate life there is a complete coincidence of interests. The husband is more creative than his wife in bed, and she is not too demanding and is ready to fulfill any of his wishes. Even after many years life together, the spark of passion does not leave the spouses.

It cannot be said that this couple has a well-established life, but for both this side of life is almost in last place. The Sagittarius woman prefers to spend more time on her hobbies, while the Aquarius man is busy with work. As a rule, spouses do household chores only when absolutely necessary, for example, they carry out emergency cleaning before guests arrive. No one scolds anyone, no one feels guilty.

Such marriages almost never break up, and if this happens, then ex-spouses very often they reunite. It would be difficult for any of them to meet a more understanding person.

♒ + ♐: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY- The Sagittarius girl is friendly, communicates mainly with guys and believes in. Among her friends there may be an Aquarius, with whom she will become especially close. Most likely, he will become the only person in the campaign to whom she will be partial. If so, her chances of success are quite high. Representatives of other zodiac signs often do not perceive her as a girl, but Aquarius will be flattered by her understanding and support, so he will pay attention to her. The relationship will be successful, but most likely not friendly.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Compatibility between representatives of the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Aquarius is considered one of the best. Companions are distinguished by their open nature and spontaneity in communication. This brings partners closer together. The very elements that govern people also contribute to the development of successful relationships. Air kindles Fire well. In other words, Aquarius is able to bring a spark of inspiration into the positive and emotional life of Sagittarius.

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman – compatibility

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman are energetic and optimistic companions. They quickly get along and enjoy communicating with each other. For the partner in such a couple, there is an excellent opportunity to remain themselves under any circumstances. Next to an Aquarius woman, a man becomes more restrained, and his partner becomes more serious and stops taking life lightly.

In a love relationship (love compatibility 98%)

Compatibility of Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman in love relationships very high. Love between partners always develops rapidly. Having met, the partners are so carried away by each other that sometimes it is difficult for them to talk enough, because they can discuss any topic.

The Aquarius woman is attracted to smart and erudite men. Representatives of these zodiac signs are never bored together. They are able to organize a wonderful time, filling it with positive emotions.

In love tandems, complete understanding and tolerance reign. Their distinctive feature is their reluctance to quarrel over any reason. What contributes to a prosperous atmosphere is that partners take life’s difficulties lightly and never dramatize the current life situation.

In a love union, complete equality reigns; none of the partners strives for leadership. Representatives of these zodiac signs can get used to everyday inconveniences against the backdrop of a philosophical attitude that everything in life will work out on its own. This is often what happens. But if love leaves, then Sagittarius and Aquarius, without regret or resentment, part.

In bed (sexual compatibility 76%)

The compatibility of a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman in bed is high. Partners have no natural complexes, That's why sex life filled with nothing but positivity.

Some difficulties in intimacy arise due to the fact that the Sagittarius man is more passionate. A soft partner in her temperament cannot always meet his requirements. That is why the partner must understand that in order to get maximum pleasure in bed it is necessary to get closer to the partner on a spiritual level.

In the intimate sphere there are always equal relationships. And the longer they continue, the more harmonious they become. At first, the partner needs to remember about the natural vulnerability of the partner. It will be necessary to show her more tenderness.

In the intimate sphere loving people everything is always at the highest level. Over time, a subtle and sensitive partner begins to understand exactly what her partner needs, so she shows ingenuity.

Married (compatibility in family life 53%)

Compatibility between Sagittarius and Aquarius in marriage is not high, but this only indicates that the lovers are in no hurry to formalize the relationship. The marriage of representatives of this zodiac sign is always strong. It is based on emotional closeness and absolute mutual understanding, so divorces rarely occur.

Spouses are always frank with each other, they never pretend. A calm and balanced Aquarius wife never perceives her husband’s rude emotionality towards her. She understands that life circumstances have developed so that to a loved one I needed to throw out the accumulated negativity. For example, if a husband is angry at work, then the wife will definitely try to cheer him up.

It is interesting for spouses not only to be together, but also to attend various social events. They perceive everyday life as a routine, so they are always ready to cancel all household chores. The Aquarius woman is far from the best housewife, but this does not bother her husband at all. If necessary, spouses put aside all matters and jointly clean up the house, or resolve other household issues by agreement.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 74%)

Friendship between representatives of these zodiac signs is always strong. Moreover, it often develops into love, so people’s other halves have something to worry about. In a friendly tandem, friends completely trust each other.

As a rule, friendships develop on the basis of common interests. As a rule, friends are united by a common hobby. A similar rhythm of life and the same outlook on life are also unifying factors.

Friends cooperate well and business sphere. They are creative in solving production problems, which is why they often become successful. As a rule, in such a tandem, the friend comes up with solutions, and the friend brings them to life.

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman – compatibility

An Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman are always attracted to each other. Representatives of these zodiac signs are united by kinship of souls and compatibility of natural characters. As a rule, they are connected by common interests and hobbies.

In love relationships (love compatibility 80%)

The compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman in a love relationship is high. But at the same time, in order for the tandem to develop successfully, it is important that the lovers coincide on an intellectual level.

Erudite and sociable people find it easy to get along together. They can talk for hours on any topic. There is romance and positivity in relationships. Partners are not inclined to dramatize life situations, so they have a philosophical attitude towards all events occurring in the world around them.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Sagittarius in love indicates that problems almost never arise in love unions between representatives of these zodiac signs. Each partner in a couple strives to treat the other with understanding. Tandems are created in complete confidence. Partners quickly get used to each other and complement each other. But at the same time, Aquarius and Sagittarius are freedom-loving and independent. Danger to love union can be considered boredom and intellectual alienation.

In bed (sexual compatibility 60%)

The compatibility of Aquarius and Sagittarius in bed is not entirely clear. The thing is that in such a couple the partner is more passionate. And although the Aquarius man always looks after beautifully and has eloquence, he does not pay due attention to intimacy.

Therefore, in order to improve relations in sexual sphere The Sagittarius woman will need to be patient. As a rule, she succeeds and after some time the intimate sphere is harmonized. The man begins to understand the needs of his chosen one for sex and fully satisfies them.

If necessary, the partner is able to discard all conventions, move away from traditions and agree to any experiments. An Aquarius man can be completely relaxed and interesting in bed. This suits the sensual young lady.

Married (compatibility in family life 51%)

The compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman in marriage is not high. This indicates that partners do not seek to create family unions. But in fact, representatives of these zodiac signs are very suitable candidates.

First of all, it is very important that spouses are able to understand each other under any circumstances. They never make claims or blame one another, no matter what happens. There are no disagreements between husband and wife, family union is built on absolute trust. It is noteworthy that in such a tandem, spouses can even forgive infidelity.

The spouses’ domestic sphere is not well established, but it interests them little, so disagreements on this matter never arise. Despite the fact that equality reigns in the family, traditional relationships develop. The husband devotes more time to work, and the wife prefers to spend a lot of time on personal hobbies.

The couple are hospitable, but they also enjoy visiting. IN prosperous family smart and happy children grow up. Divorces rarely occur between representatives of these zodiac signs. If spouses decide to separate, they do so peacefully, without sorting out the relationship. If they are connected by children, then the ex-spouses continue to communicate.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships is 80%)

A true, strong friendship quite often develops between a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man. If friends are free, then they can simply enjoy communication. Friends are often connected by a common hobby.

Common interests and the same rhythm of life allow us to find mutual language when discussing any issues. In friendship there is no dependence on each other. Partners are freedom-loving and prefer to make all vital decisions on their own.

If married Sagittarius and Aquarius meet and a friendship develops between them, then the halves have something to worry about. If friends spend a lot of time together, then there is a high probability that a love spark will slip between them.

A Sagittarius girlfriend and an Aquarius guy can create a wonderful business alliance. But it is desirable that friends work in the ideological sphere. The energy and activity of partners allows you to successfully resolve any life situation. This is facilitated by the fact that partners understand each other perfectly. As a rule, a man comes up with original solutions tasks, and his girlfriend, who is more practical, implements them.

The meeting of a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man very often happens unexpectedly. But, attracted on a subconscious level, the chosen ones simply cannot pass by each other. That is why a Sagittarius woman may have a completely natural desire to win the heart of the man she likes.

For the chosen one important factor The thing that will make you maintain your acquaintance will be the sincerity and friendliness of the beauty. It is also important to demonstrate your erudition by casually maintaining conversations on any topic.

It’s very good if it works out to be close to your chosen one as often as possible. He will certainly notice the activity and ease of communication of the beauty. It is important to accompany a man to all events. With this behavior, the girl will definitely interest the fast-paced and unpredictable Sagittarius.

It is important to remember that the chosen one values ​​sincerity in people. Suspecting hypocrisy, he will never continue the relationship. Sometimes sharp criticism may follow from his side. But you shouldn’t contradict him in the initial period of acquaintance. It is necessary for him to understand that his chosen one is ready to accept him as he is by his natural character.

How an Aquarius man can conquer a Sagittarius woman

Since an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman are attracted on a subconscious level, it is absolutely not difficult to win the heart of a beauty. But in order to stay together for a long time, you need to take into account some nuances.

The chosen one loves active and purposeful men. She likes to take risks and is ready to participate in interesting and fun adventures. That is why you need to spend a lot of time with her in the company of friends. You should periodically invite her to picnics and various social events.

Under no circumstances should you put pressure on your chosen one, born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius, because she is freedom-loving. It is imperative to demonstrate the fact that her opinion is important to you.

It is important to look well-groomed and impressive. It is necessary to demonstrate your erudition to your chosen one, easily maintaining conversations on any, the most abstract topics. It is very important that the beauty feels warmth and kindness from her chosen one. She will agree to continue the relationship if she is confident in the sincerity of her chosen one. She must understand that a man will become her reliable support in life.

Hello, thank you for answering my question so quickly (about why there is no description for self-esteem 10 in the Pythagorean matrix).

I watched 11/28/1983, but this is not my date of birth, but a person whom I know, but not closely, he himself is a military man, with such a decisive character (11111)!
I was born on January 31, 1990. I myself have the character of 1111, but I am more of a shadow leader, and only recently have I felt this. So still an Aquarius! I feel very strongly about attacks on freedom, and I even try to fight it. And she has such a cute appearance that at first people think she’s a simpleton, but when they get to know her better... they understand that not everything is so simple :)

I would say that I really feel that there is little energy (2), and also problems with confidence and courage. Therefore, I have not yet fully revealed myself, as I thought I would in my career, in spirituality.

Sergeevna, now everything is clear. And I would like to separately rejoice for young man, who definitely found himself in the military sphere.

Of course, I can imagine how much anger I cause when I answer twice to the same person, while there are already more than a thousand letters in the mail, but it seemed to me that the information you sent for the calculation would be useful for the resource as a whole.

So, first I would like to say about your Pythagorean square: 1111 2 3 4 6 8 999. Obviously, the strongest qualities are will/character and mental abilities. This also leads to strong derived qualities from 1 and 9: “five” in determination and also 7, like 11/28/1983, in the spiritual diagonal.

And in this regard, Sergeevna, I would like to say that you are probably extremely attractive to the strong (111, 1111 and especially 11111) and smart men. For the reason that they see in you not only a cute appearance, but also a strength of character that matches their own, and besides this, also a developed mind, which deserves special male respect. Of course, such a man as from your first letter, with 11111, “all other things being equal,” will be more interested in a woman with 1111 than with a weak character. And this is logical. Just like a lion should be paired with a lioness, not a mouse :)

So we are gradually approaching your pairing from November 28, 1983. I suggest first looking at this compatibility from the male side. Here we have the following data:
- he is a Sagittarius, a representative of Fire, who covets an Air sign, such as Aquarius, like you
- he has character 11111 and you have 1111
- he has an intelligence of 99 and you have 999
- he has a 5 sense of purpose and you have a 5
- he has a “spiritual vector, like Putin’s” at 7 and you too, 7

It turns out that he sees all the strongest qualities that form the basis of this man’s personality in you. This is what is the first starting point for him in his interest in you.

And the following calculation of biorhythms/chakras is already a control one:

Two strong compatibility, one of which is at maximum - and both are “male”. What can I say: pure attraction strong man to a woman worthy of him. Hmm, if in your place it was not a woman, but a man, and the man in question was the commander-in-chief of the army, then a man with your date of birth would make an excellent team for him. Even, probably, would have been truly his right hand in command.

However, we are not at war, and you are not a man. Therefore, despite your possible interest in this strong military man-Sagittarius and his attraction to you, I, alas, would not say that you, Sergeevna, will be fully happy in a relationship with him. No, I’m not dissuading you, but this situation is simply, one might say, classic in terms of “male” attraction. And perhaps somewhere you will read about how well Aquarius and Sagittarius get along, or about how two are friends strong character, where one is still a little stronger. Perhaps even now this man is ready to carry you in his arms and really appreciates all your strong qualities, thus receiving a rather rare combination of love, understanding and respect. But all these things are not exactly what, according to the methodology proposed on the site, should form the basis of harmonious and happy relationship couples.

Of course, it’s up to you to decide, Sergeevna. Maybe this intellectual connection, commonality of aspirations and strong leadership are just what you are looking for. But, if you now make it clear to this Sagittarius that he can try to “conquer” you, then keep in mind that later he will definitely not retreat or, much less, give up. Never.

A little about you personally: I think life has so far given you few reasons to fully demonstrate your 1111 character and 999 mind. Then you wouldn’t say that you lack something in terms of confidence or will. And you know, Sergeevna, there are two ways out: either you find yourself in some extraordinary situations where you are forced to demonstrate the qualities given to you 100%, and only after that you will learn about them full force and then successfully apply it throughout your life. Or you, for example, start using them right tomorrow, Monday, simply by believing in yourself. you said very important thing that you are now managing to be a “shadow leader”. Believe me, there is no difference between a “shadow” leader and a “non-shadow” one. If you can be your strongest “in the shadows,” then you can do the same “in the light.” I believe in you and wish you good luck!

Good afternoon. I am 12/18/1981 Irina, he is 02/18/1978 Nikolai. We met in early 2007, started living together in 2008, and got married in 2009 on September 23. On December 28, 2012, I left my husband, having said in advance that it was a divorce. Reasons: lack of sex, my husband didn’t want it, I was tormented; I didn’t work for a year and a half, I was looking for myself, I had a dislike for society, one might say a social phobe, he only lets a few people approach him, and I probably always wanted to be that chosen one, and I became that for him, but this only made me more demanding, apparently I should was to be an unshakable ideal; from here constant criticism, nitpicking. On April 16, 2013, she received a divorce. Two days ago I found out that he moved out of the apartment we rented together. And I was seized with panic, I realized that there was nothing left that had anything to do with our family. And I was tormented by doubts. Do I want to return this one? Or I'm just lonely. Is there a chance? Is it even worth thinking about? Our union was painful. But at the same time, I am still convinced that the connection between us is deep, which still needs to be looked for and may not be found again. And I'm very scared. Where was the mistake... The fact that we ever got together or the fact that we divorced.

In-contri: Irina, you have, perhaps, one of the most confusing stories that have ever been told. Still, the math shows that you're getting more hyped up about how “deep” and special this relationship was. However, this happens very often after people break up, especially if one or both of them were difficult personalities. Well, Irina, let's see what connected you. Your signs are made up of complementary elements - Fire and Water. Moreover, the relationship in which they exist as a result of their location on the zodiac circle is called “Elder brother and younger brother" The first inconsistency is already here. "Big brother" - sign Aquarius - sign of your ex-husband. Those. “younger brother” is you, Irina. But in Pythagoras it’s the other way around: you have a character of 6, and your husband has only 2. Thus, there was a problem with the distribution of roles and, it seems, the husband’s position as a “number two” greatly depressed his personality. Let's now look at the husband's personality using an individual calculation of the Pythagorean square. And here we see a very rare square with almost all the cells filled, and in 5 cells out of 9 there are two numbers at once, which indicates the natural development of those qualities for which the corresponding cell is responsible. Simply put, your husband is actually quite a versatile and interesting person, who has access to literally everything in this life. Only such a square often becomes not a good chance for the owner, but an evil fate. A person does not know how to apply himself, he is not interested in developing, the feeling of his own exclusivity prevents him from building relationships. The people around him seem flawed, any monotonous activities quickly bore him and he always feels that he “deserves more.” This may be true, but one must be able to achieve “more”, because it is not simply given from above, just as various qualities are given to such a person. But, again, he doesn’t know how to achieve and is not used to it. Rarely does anyone escape from such a “closed” square. Which is exactly what happened with your husband. Even the “male” creative chakra, which overlapped with yours by 62%, could not move him from dead center. In conclusion, Irina, I suggest you also calculate the male and female levels in your couple in order to understand which of the two of you gravitated more toward your partner in this relationship. So, men's levels: physical - 88% (fast), intellectual - 63% and creative - 62%. In terms of intelligence and creativity, your husband did not have much attraction with you. And now yours, women: emotions - 57%, heart - 82% (this is already noticeable) and intuition in dissonance. And it is precisely your highest intuitive chakra, Irina, that suggests the right path: “Is it worth thinking about this at all?”, “Our union was painful,” “Where was the mistake... The fact that we met at all.” I think that the mistake was that you decided to build love out of the friendship that first connected you along the heart chakras. It didn't work out, Irina. It's worth admitting that. And once again, I would like to remind all readers that it is better to have a couple, but with a very strong level of attraction, than several, but half-hearted ones. Therefore, it is recommended to start with emotional compatibility of 70% and add to this something from the higher chakras. Irina, good luck to you in finding a new interesting and suitable partner for you.

Hello! I really like the site! It’s a fresh and interesting idea.
I have a few questions. 1. Compatibility on an emotional level is important, as I understand it, for girls. And compatibility at the intellectual level for men. Doesn't this mean that with good emotional compatibility but lack of intellectual compatibility, there is a possibility that the MC can run to another with whom he has good intellectual compatibility? And 2. I don’t fully understand how compatibility at the very last, highest chakra manifests itself. My birthday 12/19/1989, his - 02/7/1975. In general, the lack of compatibility across many chakras scares me. In your opinion, is there any prospects for this relationship? Or am I trying in vain. Thank you)

In-contri: Evgeniya, good questions, thank you. And it’s good, by the way, that you first match the elements: Sagittarius is the sign of Fire, Aquarius is the sign of Air.
— First question: a very accurate remark! Although this is more of the same thing (using an example): it is accepted that mathematics and physics are taught at school better for boys, and Russian and literature are for girls. Those. This division works for most students. But haven't we seen girls problem solvers of any complexity, and boys, writing essays the best? It’s the same with chakras: emotions are close to both women and men, but it’s not customary for men to show them too much, so the emotional chakra is conditionally classified as feminine. But, Evgenia, if there is good compatibility and in reality there is sympathy, then they will be equally mutual. But the fact that men “fall” for women with high intellectual compatibility - this works 90%.
— People take years to achieve compatibility at the higher chakra. This is already called a common destiny or the desire for a common ideal in life. When all the stages of compatibility are passed and the couple understands that they have already reached the stage of spiritual unity, then this is highest compatibility. As in the example of the Gorbachev couple.
— Your couple, Evgeniya: almost everything that is in the author’s minimum recommendations has been fulfilled. Besides the huge difference in temperament. But this can be smoothed out by the fact that your temperament, Evgeniya, will only develop at the age of 30, while your partner, on the contrary, will fade with age. Now, of course, you are passionate about the physical side of relationships with each other, but over the years, thanks to the maximum in emotions and compatibility in the highest chakra, when it opens, you should be all right. Those. perspective, I believe there is. Don't worry about incompatibilities. You just don’t have effective interaction at these levels, that’s all. The main thing is that there is a fundamental basis, emotional intimacy and, in the long term, spiritual.

The union of Sagittarius and Aquarius is considered one of the ideal combinations of zodiac signs. People born under these constellations are unusually similar in spirit, worldview and way of life. They have a lot common interests and hobbies. The open and friendly Sagittarius attracts the crazy and unpredictable Aquarius. These people, as similar as they are to each other, are also radically different, like opposites. But, despite the differences in character and temperament, representatives of these signs easily find mutual understanding; they seem to complement each other.

The character of Aquarius is multifaceted, his actions are absolutely unpredictable. He is characterized by frequent mood swings, from infectious joy to those around him, abruptly turning into melancholy and despondency. Representatives of this sign do not know how to clearly express their feelings, which sometimes interferes with building strong relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. But with Sagittarius, Aquarius feels and understands each other on a subconscious level. They easily agree on decisions on any, even the most controversial issues, since the level of mutual understanding between them is unusually high.

A happy and long-lasting marriage is predicted by astrologers for the union of these two signs. Although they warn that their compatibility is love affairs is not ideal, there are gaps in it that can destroy such a seemingly strong relationship.

Filling these gaps and learning to solve problems together is what this couple should strive for first. Otherwise, this couple of charming adventurers, always ready to realize their most extravagant ideas together, will find a common language. Representatives of both signs greatly value independence, both their own and that of others, which is another important factor that brings them together.

Aquarius and Sagittarius are great optimists, they are confident that a cloudless, happy future awaits them, and they are trying to do everything possible to ensure that this is so.

Sagittarius Woman

Among the representatives of the zodiac signs, the Sagittarius woman is the most straightforward. She always says what she thinks to her face, and it doesn’t matter to her how others react to it. However, she does not always choose expressions to express her opinion. This lady does not tolerate deception; in any case, she will not calm down until she gets to the bottom of the truth.

So it’s better to be as honest as possible with her. A woman born under the constellation Sagittarius is very friendly and sincere; she values ​​her independence and is always open to those people who behave honestly and fairly towards her. She has a light disposition, a cheerful and optimistic attitude that makes her pleasant to talk to, it is always interesting and pleasant to be with her, because, thanks to her highly developed intellect, this woman is able to support any conversation.

Whatever the representative of this sign does, she does it from the bottom of her heart, and never seeks to harm others, offend a person for no reason or hurt his feelings.

The Sagittarius woman is a very self-confident young lady, she knows exactly what she wants from life, always achieves her goal, and never doubts her capabilities. She is unusually energetic, is in constant motion, tries to help everyone, even unfamiliar people. For this reason, she often has conflicts in the family, since due to her desire to help everyone, the household members are left without sufficient attention from her. Often for this woman public life, the path to self-realization and to achieving any goals set for oneself are of greater importance than personal life and family relationships. Therefore, it often happens that a Sagittarius woman gets married at a fairly mature age.

Due to her penchant for adventurousness and adventurousness, a representative of this sign simply cannot live without some kind of travel, trips and long journeys. During her trip, she enjoys the freedom that she loves and appreciates so much. These women need frequent changes of environment; they do not like monotony and monotony.

The Sagittarius woman is very freedom-loving and independent, so a man who wants to connect his destiny with her must understand this and not limit her, otherwise a strong and lasting union will not work out between them. She should see in her chosen one an equal partner in intelligence and character. An Aquarius man can become just such an equal partner for her. Compatibility in love relationships, according to astrologers, in this combination of zodiac signs is very favorable.

A weak-willed and spineless man is unlikely to attract the attention of this young lady. She needs to be understood and accepted for who she is. You should not try to change the Sagittarius woman and impose your opinion on her, this will lead to inevitable resistance and... No matter how dear and close her man may be, she will not allow anyone to control her. And in this regard, an Aquarius man will suit her the best way. Since he also loves and appreciates the freedom of both his own and those close to him. In a relationship with her beloved man, the representative of the Sagittarius constellation is light, natural and open. She is not prone to mannerism and pretense.

Once married, this woman will be an excellent housewife, she will create a cozy nest for her family and will be devoted to her chosen one. He must only understand that he should not encroach on her personal space, prohibit her from doing what she loves, or limit her relationships with friends. A man must learn to trust her completely and completely, and if he allows himself unreasonable scenes of jealousy or interference in her work or pastime, then he risks losing her love once and for all.

The Sagittarius woman, gifted by nature with a bright appearance, extraordinary mental abilities, a thirst to learn something new. She needs to always be on the move, in search of adventure and new sensations. Sitting at home by the fireplace with knitting is not for such ladies. It is restlessness, fortitude, courage and thirst for adventure that attract an Aquarius man to a Sagittarius woman. He likes the openness, sincerity, lack of cunning and lies of the chosen one, who does not pretend to admire her partner’s intelligence and his intellectual abilities. She likes to understand the secrets of her man’s soul; she supports his penchant for adventurism and incites him to eccentric and unpredictable actions.

Aquarius Man

A man born under the constellation Aquarius is distinguished by his openness, ease and ease of communication. He is sociable, smart, independent and idealistic. He himself is honest and natural in his relationships with people, and therefore does not accept falsehood and secrecy in relation to himself. Aquarius is a very freedom-loving and independent person; he does not follow any generally accepted rules if he does not agree with their correctness. The only thing for him correct opinion- this is his opinion, and it is extremely difficult to convince such a person of anything.

If a woman who has feelings for an Aquarius man wants to get him as her husband, then she must remember the main rule - not to encroach on his freedom. You should not limit this man in anything, just believe him, because he is a very honest and fair person, you should not bother him with suspicions, this will push him away from you. In this regard, he will feel very comfortable next to a Sagittarius woman, since this couple is very similar in character and life position.

Maximum freedom and you will have a happy and harmonious relationship. In his soulmate, the Aquarius man is looking not so much for a lover as for a friend. A strong foundation for future family relationships with him will be the presence of common interests, the woman’s ability to support and understand her husband in any life situation, the absence of greed and obsession with material wealth.

IN family life There will never be a dull moment with a man born under the constellation Aquarius; he easily gets carried away by any activity and is able to carry his entire family along with him. He is a great inventor and original. Therefore, it is quite normal for him to suddenly pack his bags and go on a trip. And the Sagittarius woman, an adventurer by nature, will fully support him in this regard.

Such unions, as they say, are made in heaven. More good compatibility difficult to find among all zodiac signs. These are kindred spirits, so much so that they understand each other at a glance. The rapidly developing romance of this unusually harmonious couple often ends with a wedding within a few months of meeting each other.

The Aquarius guy is a great romantic; he can often arrange romantic dates for his beloved, shower her with gifts, and literally carry her in his arms. This couple will never be bored together. They are constantly in search of adventure and unforgettable experiences. They are united by a mutual love of freedom, they do not limit each other, but, on the contrary, complement each other, their relationship is very harmonious and easy. Family relationships strong and joyful. Spiritual kinship and intellectual interest make this couple akin, since for both of them material well-being is not so important, but rather happy moments from spending time together, the opportunity to give each other happy moments. This is the compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman.

Aquarius Woman

A woman born under the sign of Aquarius has a rather complex character. She is calm, restrained in her feelings, not jealous or suspicious. She knows her worth and has a rather highly developed sense of self-esteem. But, despite the fact that she greatly values ​​her independence and freedom, in marriage such a woman becomes a faithful and devoted friend to her chosen one. long years. An ideal union for a woman of this sign could be with a representative of the stronger sex, born under the constellation Sagittarius. They have a lot in common. They have similar goals in life and visions for achieving them.

A representative of the constellation Aquarius usually has developed intuition. It is very difficult to deceive such a lady. She is very inquisitive, she is attracted to everything unknown and new, everything is interesting to her. The man who became her husband will never be bored with his beloved wife. She will not pester him with jealousy, since she will only marry a man whom she will completely trust, and she will not limit his freedom, since she values ​​it herself. Which is very important for a Sagittarius man, who greatly values ​​his freedom and does not tolerate encroachments in this regard.

The husband of an Aquarius woman will never be ashamed to appear with her in society, since she always looks impeccable, has good manners, sociable and erudite, so she can carry on a conversation and become the life of the party. But they will also never be bored together at home; this young lady will always find something to do to spend time together with her family.

Sagittarius Man

A man born under the sign of Sagittarius is a man of honor, he always acts conscientiously and nobly. Cruelty in any of its manifestations is alien to him. This man needs variety and freedom in his life. He rarely commits himself to promises, serious relationship enters with extreme caution. Sagittarians often get married at a fairly mature age.

He chooses his life partner carefully and thoughtfully. He carefully studies all the positive and negative qualities partners. She must certainly be equal to him both in temperament and level of intelligence. This should be a balanced, sociable woman with a sense of humor, who loves to experiment, explore something new and interesting, and travel. She should not try to re-educate her Sagittarius husband, this is a useless exercise. You either need to accept him for who he is, or, generally, not enter into a relationship with him. The key to the heart of such a man is lightness and spontaneity. It is important for him, first of all, to see in his chosen one a good and devoted friend.

Sagittarius Aquarius love compatibility is very high. This can be an ideal union, the couple living in peace and harmony alike interesting people. Their home is always warm, joyful, crowded and comfortable. Friends often come to visit them, and hospitable hosts will always be happy to receive them, treat them and entertain them.

This is a pair of like-minded people who have similar interests and hobbies, which bring them closer together and make their union stronger. They are freedom-loving and value their partner’s freedom. Without encroaching on his personal space. They both do not like any restrictions or conventions. They think in their own way and act according to their beliefs, without being influenced by outsiders.

The Sagittarius man happily takes part in the numerous adventures of the Aquarius woman. They are never bored or uninterested together. They often go out into nature, love to travel, and learn something new. In everyday life, the Aquarius woman is not an ideal housewife, tied to the kitchen and pots. She will, of course, keep order in the house and fulfill her duties, but without much joy.

We examined the character traits of men and women of such zodiac signs as Aquarius and Sagittarius. We hope that you learned something new and interesting from this article. Now we know that compatibility in Sagittarius Aquarius love relationships is very high. Such an alliance promises to be strong and durable, but, of course, people are different and situations in life also differ. Therefore, a person, no matter what star he was born under, can make mistakes or unintentional actions. We wish all our readers to be wise and reasonable people in life, not to rely entirely on horoscopes, but to make efforts themselves, improve and never lose heart. After all, life is so beautiful.

To understand the compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius in a love relationship, you need to understand what each of these signs represents individually. Aquarius is ruled by the element Air. He is changeable emotionally, but does not accept changes in his own life. This is a bright individual who is prone to sudden mood swings. Sagittarius is fire sign, he has the talent of a leader. Those born under this zodiac sign love to comprehend everything new.

Love relationship signs

Compatibility in love between an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman can be called ideal, but there are some subtleties here too. These two are very similar in nature. They have a lot in common, starting with the positive aspects and ending negative traits character. Both signs love to make promises, but do not always intend to fulfill them. But by assuring a person of their readiness to implement something, they are completely confident that they will be able to do it, otherwise their other half will make the promise come true for them. Because of this, conflicts and quarrels arise in the couple.

The Sagittarius woman will be not just a lover for Aquarius, but also an excellent conversationalist, partner and ally in all matters. Lovers like to be alone with each other. The compatibility of Aquarius and Sagittarius in love is quite good, since the couple has general views for life. Partners like to travel together, and they never tire of each other. The couple strives for intellectual development.

Romantic relationships between the signs are distinguished by their uniqueness and abundance of bright events. Very often they become the standard of an ideal union.

Sex life

This couple's bed will never be made. Due to excellent compatibility, partners are tirelessly able to study each other, opening up new and unexplored corners. A woman is in no hurry to take a leading position, preferring to receive the pleasure that a man gives her. An intimate relationship can continue for quite a long time until the couple decides to legitimize their relationship or stop communicating and separate.

Pros and cons of marriage

A man and a woman value their own freedom, so they are in no hurry to submit an application to the registry office and get married. This state of affairs suits both partners. These people do not know how to keep their mouths shut and are practically unable to control their emotions. For this reason, any minor quarrel has the risk of turning into an all-destructive scandal.

Compatibility of Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman marriage can only be ideal if the spouses find a way to have fun that is interesting for both of them. Exciting adventures and an endless series of social events are what will make this union strong. But if one of the spouses gets bored with such a pastime, then there is a risk that the relationship will become obsolete. This will happen regardless of whether there are children in the family or not.

But even after the breakup of the marital relationship, these two will find a way to ensure that their offspring do not feel the damage from the separation of their parents. Not one of them is able to deprive their child of attention.

There are many positive aspects in the union of an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius girl. These include the following:

  1. Common hobbies - the couple knows how to have fun without outside interference.
  2. Same outlook on life.
  3. They don’t like to have a boring time, so they try to diversify their everyday life in every possible way.
  4. The material side of life is not a priority; spiritual development is much more interesting for them.

As in any relationship, couples have conflicts and disagreements. In addition, in the union of these signs one can observe negative sides:

  1. They do not know how to keep their mouths shut, because of this, during quarrels they are able to say a lot of hurtful words to each other.
  2. If one of the partners begins to insist on marriage, and the other is not ready for this, then the couple may separate forever.

Secrets to conquering the air guy

The Sagittarius girl meets her future lover unexpectedly. Some irresistible force brought this couple together so that they could stay together forever. Fateful meeting can happen in transport, cinema, on vacation and even in a bakery. After a while, when the lovers sit in an embrace and remember their acquaintance, they will simply be amazed at how cleverly the stars line up.

People of these two signs are attracted to each other at the subconscious level. Neither partner has to make any effort to win the favor of the chosen one. Everything happens on its own, and the relationship rushes forward like a stormy mountain river.

If at the first meeting there is no mental connection between a man and a woman, then only sincerity, friendliness and independent outlook on life will help the Sagittarius woman win the freedom-loving Aquarius.

It will be very easy to enter into a friendly relationship with a young man, but then it’s a matter of technique. An expressive look and a disarming smile will play into Sagittarius’ hands.

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