Diana Gurtskaya - biography, information, personal life. Purposeful northern man of Diana Gurtskaya Petr Kucherenko how old is he

Diana Gudayevna Gurtskaya (Georgian: დიანა ღურწკაია). Born on July 2, 1978 in Sukhumi. Russian pop singer and public figure. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2006).

Diana Gurtskaya was born on July 2, 1978 in Sukhumi. Note that the singer’s surname is of Megrelian origin and is not inclined.

Father - Guda Adamurovich Gurtskaya, miner.

Mother - Zaira Amiranovna Gurtskaya, teacher (died in 2001).

Diana is blind from birth. However, this is not a hereditary disease - everyone in her family has absolutely normal vision. Soon after her birth, it became clear that Diana did not respond to pictures and bright toys; she only distinguished between light and shadow, day and night. The girl was shown to the luminaries of ophthalmology, taken to Tbilisi and Moscow, but everything was in vain.

She is the youngest (fourth) child in a large family.

He has two brothers: Dzhambul (businessman) and Robert (Diana’s producer), both graduated from Tyumen University.

Sister - Eliso.

Doctors saw no way to restore the child's vision. Unfamiliar with the world of sighted people, for some time Diana had no idea that she was terminally ill: the family treated her like other children, without focusing the child’s attention on his illness. She recalled: “Growing up an ordinary child- she also ran, fell, played pranks. I was punished for my pranks. As a child, I never thought that I had a problem. We never had tears at home, my parents never discussed mine. tragic fate. Although, of course, we were worried and took us to doctors. But they didn’t make fun of me; on the contrary, I always heard from my parents: “You’re just like everyone else!”

She graduated from a boarding school for blind and visually impaired children in Tbilisi. At the same time, she convinced the music school teachers that she could learn to play the piano. She had to rely only on her hearing and her own memory. In addition, Diana found herself cut off from her family: the boarding school was located 500 kilometers from her home.

At the age of 10, she made her debut performing at the Tbilisi Philharmonic, singing a duet with the Georgian singer Irma Sokhadze.

At the age of eighteen, she moved to Moscow with her family. In 1995 she became one of the winners of the music competition “Yalta - Moscow - Transit”. In 1999 she graduated from the pop department of the Moscow Gnessin Music College. In 2003 she graduated from the Institute of Contemporary Art and entered the master's program at the Faculty of Arts of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.

In 2002, the singer’s second album, “You Know, Mom,” was released.

On March 1, 2008, a qualifying round took place at the Tbilisi Sports Palace, according to the results of which in May Diana represented Georgia in Belgrade at international competition"Eurovision 2008".

She has collaborated with such performers as Jose Carreras, Andrey Kovalev, Goran Bregovic, .

In 2009, on the International Paralympic Day, held for the first time in Moscow, the Organizing Committee of the Sochi 2014 Olympics awarded Diana Gurtskaya the status of Ambassador of Sochi 2014, as a person popularizing the ideas of the Olympic and Paralympic movement in Russia and the world.

In 2011, Diana Gurtskaya took part in the show “Dancing with the Stars”, performing together with Sergei Balashov.

In 2014, a video for the song “I’m Losing You” was released, which became special: for the first time, viewers could watch Diana without glasses.

Diana Gurtskaya - I'm losing you

In 2017, she took part in the dubbing of the German film “Against All Odds.” She got to voice the role of the main character's mother. According to Gurtskaya, the work was easy for her, because she, as a mother, managed to feel her heroine.

“How I would like for people to talk about my work without remembering my dark glasses. But, apparently, this cannot be avoided... I myself try not to cultivate this topic. And I don’t consider myself anything special - a common person, I live normal life", says Diana.

Socio-political position of Diana Gurtskaya

Diana Gurtskaya - member Public Council under the Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia.

One of the founders and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for helping blind and visually impaired children “At the Call of the Heart”.

Since 2011 - member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation, Chairman of the Commission for Support of Family, Children and Motherhood.

Since 2013, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 603 dated July 3, 2013, Diana Gurtskaya has been appointed a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for Persons with Disabilities.

On March 1, 2014, she signed an appeal from Russian cultural figures in support of the policies of the President of the Russian Federation in Ukraine and Crimea.

She supported the idea of ​​Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' to ban abortion in Russia.

Diana Gurtskaya in the program “Alone with Everyone”

Diana Gurtskaya's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Diana Gurtskaya:

Married. Husband - Petr Aleksandrovich Kucherenko (born 1974), professor of the Department of Constitutional Law Russian University Friendship of Peoples, lawyer, Doctor of Law. We met in 2002 thanks to. At first there was business cooperation between them, and then a relationship began that grew into marriage. "At first, I didn’t even imagine that we would succeed. We were so different - he’s a serious person, I’m a chatterbox with a laugh. I was embarrassed by him. At first, we even called each other by names. Petya bribed me with his erudition... Then there were telephone conversations, which were getting longer and longer, flowers, signs of attention, a huge cake for Valentine’s Day with the inscription “From all those who are in love with you.” And then Peter declared his love,” Diana shared.

Together with her husband, Diana created the “At the Call of the Heart” fund to help blind children.

Discography of Diana Gurtskaya:

2000 - Are you here
2002 - You know, mom
2004 - Tender
2007 - 9 months

Video clips of Diana Gurtskaya:

1997 - “Magic Glass”
1999 - “You are here”
2000 - “Two Moons”
2001 - “First Love”
2002 - “You know, Mom”
2004 - “Tender”
2006 - “9 months” (duet with Andrey Kovalev)
2008 - “Peace Will Come”
2010 - “Native People” (duet with Joseph Kobzon)
2014 - “I’m losing you”

Staff of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation, Legal and judicial matters, the development of civil society was led by Pyotr Aleksandrovich Kucherenko. Before that, he was better known as a lawyer, and then the husband of the blind singer Diana Gurtskaya, with all the ensuing consequences. In recent years, Kucherenko’s name has not left the pages of newspapers due to all sorts of scandals: either another singer tried to bite off his genitals, or he was detained at Domodedovo airport with a batch of a substance similar to cocaine. A representative of show business desperately needs such stories as one of the elements of maintaining recognition. But how a person with such “baggage” will help monitor compliance with the Constitution and develop civil society is unclear.

Official's "bitten off" genitals

For the first time, Pyotr Kucherenko forced the majority of the “yellow” and not only the media to talk about himself in December 2004. Then an article was published in Express Newspaper under the heading “The “manufacturer” grabbed lawyer Gurtskaya’s groin with her teeth.” It said that Diana Gurtskaya’s lawyer Petr Kucherenko helped the singer terminate her contract with the ARS company, which belongs to producer Igor Krutoy. At the same time, he shocked the public with statements about how the general director of ARS, Vyacheslav Kormiltsev, beat him right during negotiations, and Vyacheslav’s girlfriend, singer Maria Rzhevskaya, almost bit off his genitals with her false fangs.

“On November 17, Igor Krutoy’s deputy Vyacheslav Kormiltsev burst into the ARS office in an inappropriately excited state,” Pyotr Kucherenko told the Answer magazine at the time. “And in an obscene form he began to threaten Gurtskaya’s representatives with physical violence if they insisted on their demands,” wrote EG. According to Kucherenko, when he left the office, a girl “with dull eyes” ran into him. As it turned out later, it was the aspiring singer Maria Rzhevskaya, who tried to deprive the lawyer of the most valuable organ for a man. Since Igor Krutoy was mentioned in the story, it quickly spread across the pages of newspapers and the Internet. ARS denied this information in a very harsh manner. What is noteworthy is that those around Diana Gurtskaya were quick to “disown” Kucherenko. The singer’s brother and producer Robert told reporters that his family’s interests are represented by another lawyer, and he doesn’t even know who Peter Kucherenko is. This whole situation with the “bitten off” genitals looked painfully ridiculous.

"Naive blind girl" and the murdered deputy

The media started talking about Pyotr Kucherenko again a few months later - in March 2005. Then his official wedding took place with Diana Gurtskaya. The same Express Newspaper found out the details of the novel and details of Kucherenko’s biography. “In an effort to win Diana’s heart, Kucherenko acted with the same shocking methods that he had previously tried to attract attention to himself as a politician,” said Express Gazeta. “At one of the parties future groom announced that astronomers had assigned the name of the singer to one of the stars, and solemnly presented her with a certificate. Gurtskaya later enthusiastically told in an interview that after such a gift her heart could not resist. The naive, blind girl had no idea that for a certain fee in the Moscow planetarium such a certificate would be easily issued to anyone who wanted it.”

“Kucherenko’s biography was replete with all kinds of adventures even before meeting Diana,” noted Express Gazeta. According to her, while still a 17-year-old student at the Peoples' Friendship University, Kucherenko managed to gain the trust of Galina Starovoitova, who had temporarily retired from politics. He called her and offered to run for the State Duma... from Taimyrsky Autonomous Okrug, where Peter was born and raised.

It is clear that Kucherenko could not help Starovoitova in any way, but he came to her attention. At that time, the politician’s inner circle consisted of young people who were extremely similar to representatives of a sexual minority. Kucherenko joined this team. When Starovoitova was elected deputy from St. Petersburg, Peter became her assistant and remained in this position until the murder of the parliamentarian on November 20, 1998. According to investigators, Starovoitova was shot because of the desire to remove a political opponent in the “northern capital”, and also to take possession of a large sum money that she was supposed to bring from Moscow that day. Who “led” the bandits to the deputy has not yet been established. Investigators are confident that it was a person from her close circle.

As for Pyotr Kucherenko, after the death of his leader, he embarked on very strange memories. For example, he told reporters that, together with Starovoytova, he often visited the prima Alla Pugacheva. She wondered why the politician wore an old, cheap down jacket. To which the deputy replied: “Otherwise voters won’t understand.” It is doubtful that such stories left a bright memory of Galina Vasilievna. However, all this did not prevent Pyotr Kucherenko from creating a certain Foundation named after Starovoitova.

Gay community and cocaine

“After the death of Starovoytova, Kucherenko quickly made a career in the Democratic Russia party, and in 2001 he joined the Union of Right Forces and even became a member of its political council. In this field, he distinguished himself with a series of scandalous statements,” noted Express Gazeta. In particular, he came up with an initiative that frightened the SPS leadership to invite Boris Yeltsin to lead the united democratic bloc in the 2003 parliamentary elections. And after the defeat in the elections and the split in the Union of Right Forces, he hastened to trumpet the creation of a committee to support the former co-chair of the Union of Rightist Forces Irina Khakamada at presidential elections 2004.

“In the Izmailovo concert hall, with the support of the Union of Right Forces party, a Forum of Right-wing Youth was held,” Nezavisimaya Gazeta reported in 2003. “The leadership of the party - Boris Nemtsov and Irina Khakamada, as well as the “youth wing” of the Union of Right Forces in the person of Andrei Vulf, Alexander Barannikov and Pyotr Kucherenko tried to match the audience as much as possible in their speeches.” It is noteworthy that Andrei Vulf and Alexander Barannikov became famous for being the first open representatives of the gay community in the State Duma who actively defended the interests of their “community”. Kucherenko, who joined them, never spoke about his sexual orientation, but was invariably with Andrei and Sasha. The last two dropped out of political life. But Kucherenko remained afloat. It is difficult to say with certainty which community is promoting it. But Peter managed to work in the office of the governor of the Samara region, the State Duma, until he found himself in a responsible position in the Federation Council.

All last years Kucherenko often appeared in news from the world of show business and crime chronicles in various media. Thus, in 2009, Lifenews reported that Diana Gurtskaya and her husband Pyotr Kucherenko were detained at Domodedovo airport with 10 kg of a substance similar to cocaine. However, no criminal case was initiated. The singer and her husband explained that they brought a package of corn flour with them from Armenia. It all looks strange. Well, why drag 10 kg of flour from Yerevan? Either this was just another PR move by the couple, or the very influential community that promotes Petra Kucherenko helped turn cocaine into flour. It is also noteworthy that the media suspected Kucherenko’s friend Alexander Barannikov “in lobbying the interests of drug dealers”

“I’m an ordinary person,” the girl says about herself with amazing and unusual fate. Having seen practically nothing since childhood, Diana Gurtskaya managed to find happiness both in her creative and personal life. Her husband, lawyer Pyotr Kucherenko, became her faithful companion, protector and support.

Strict mountain girl

Blind from birth, the girl always dreamed of love. She wanted her chosen one to be kind, decent, and, oddly enough, well-read. “If I come home from work, we sit down at the table, we have to talk about something.” Diana says about herself:

“I always understood that I was not the most enviable bride. I’m a blind woman, and if I get married and someone looks askance at our family, I simply won’t be able to stand it.”

Despite all the fears, the personal life of the famous singer was very successful. Brought up in a strict but immensely loving family, before meeting Peter, Diana had no relationships with men. Despite this, she was popular with the opposite sex.

Once she even reciprocated, but it didn’t lead to a close relationship. The young man was afraid of the girl’s severity, purity and integrity, and ran away. The singer was very worried about this breakup, because it was her first love. She even decided that she would no longer trust men, would never marry, and would have nothing to do with them.

“This had to happen in my life,” she says now, “thanks to this experience, I now know what love is. Love is when there is peace in the soul.”

Purposeful northern man

Pyotr Kucherenko was born in a remote Taimyr village into a simple family. His mother worked as a teacher, and it was she who instilled in Peter a thirst for knowledge and an understanding of the importance of education. After graduating from school, the young man from one of the most remote corners of the country moved to Moscow and entered the Institute of Peoples' Friendship at the Faculty of Law.

He did successful career, was an assistant to deputy Galina Starovoytova, at the age of 34 he already had a doctorate degree. Today Pyotr Kucherenko heads the apparatus of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Law, since 2015 – professor at RUDN University.

Peter and Diana met at one of the events. Gurtskaya recalls that at that moment she did not feel anything, although she has had special intuition since childhood. He seemed very serious to her, and she was terribly shy.

Once Peter came to a girl’s birthday party. During the celebration, the guests asked the birthday girl to sing. She sang a cappella Georgian song. It was this song that somehow excited Peter. After that day the calls started.

Peter behaved extremely correctly, did not violate traditional Mingrelian norms of behavior, and Diana began to communicate with him. She was impressed by the incident when Peter invited the girl to the cinema.

“Inviting a blind girl to the movies requires special courage,” recalls Diana. It was this attitude that the singer liked. He seemed to make it clear that she was an ordinary girl, that it was quite possible to “watch” a good film with her.

For a long time, Diana kept her distance, but gradually the man was able to win her over. Soon the man proposed to Diana.

He explained his choice like this: “ We don’t marry everyone we like, fall in love with, and hang out with.

I understood that 50% of a man’s success depends on the kind of woman next to him. I understood that next to Diana I could achieve something greater.”

Diana saw in Peter that same man - kind, decent and well-read.

In September, the newlyweds played a luxurious wedding, which was attended by many influential people and show business stars.

It is noteworthy that at the wedding the bride flatly refused to kiss to the sound of “Bitter”. This is not accepted in this area. “Well, there are men around, older people. This is not for prying eyes."

Interesting notes:

Long-awaited child

For two years after her wedding day, Diana could not get pregnant. When the long-awaited pregnancy arrived, the couple faced a new test.

Diana was worried that her disease would be passed on to the baby, and Peter was generally confused by the very fact of possible paternity.

He was stunned by the magnitude of the changes taking place in their lives. “Mountains of diapers, somewhere the curtains were taken to the dry cleaner, constant troubles, and so on without end.”

He explained that when God sends a child to a woman, her vessel of love is already full, and the man’s vessel is still empty. Everything happens when the child takes his first steps, the first “dad” says.

The couple had a son, Konstantin, the boy is absolutely healthy and makes his parents very happy. Today he is already 11 years old, he plays tennis, music and dancing. Boy with early age I’m used to the fact that my mother is blind, and helps her in everything. He never throws toys around; all passages in the house must be cleared.

Diana admits that she is sure that no matter what happens, she will always choose her family. “And Peter will also choose a family,” she says confidently.

The apparatus of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation, Legal and Judicial Issues, and the Development of Civil Society was headed by Pyotr Aleksandrovich Kucherenko. Before that, he was better known as a lawyer, and then the husband of the blind singer Diana Gurtskaya, with all the ensuing consequences. In recent years, Kucherenko’s name has not left the pages of newspapers due to all sorts of scandals: either another singer tried to bite off his genitals, or he was detained at Domodedovo airport with a batch of a substance similar to cocaine. A representative of show business desperately needs such stories as one of the elements of maintaining recognition. But how a person with such “baggage” will help monitor compliance with the Constitution and develop civil society is unclear.

Official's "bitten off" genitals

For the first time, Pyotr Kucherenko forced the majority of the “yellow” and not only the media to talk about himself in December 2004. Then an article was published in Express Newspaper under the heading “The “manufacturer” grabbed lawyer Gurtskaya’s groin with her teeth.” It said that Diana Gurtskaya’s lawyer Petr Kucherenko helped the singer terminate her contract with the ARS company, which belongs to producer Igor Krutoy. At the same time, he shocked the public with statements about how the general director of ARS, Vyacheslav Kormiltsev, beat him right during negotiations, and Vyacheslav’s girlfriend, singer Maria Rzhevskaya, almost bit off his genitals with her false fangs.

“On November 17, Igor Krutoy’s deputy Vyacheslav Kormiltsev burst into the ARS office in an inappropriately excited state,” Pyotr Kucherenko told the Answer magazine at the time. “And in an obscene form he began to threaten Gurtskaya’s representatives with physical violence if they insisted on their demands,” wrote EG. According to Kucherenko, when he left the office, a girl “with dull eyes” ran into him. As it turned out later, it was the aspiring singer Maria Rzhevskaya, who tried to deprive the lawyer of the most valuable organ for a man. Since Igor Krutoy was mentioned in the story, it quickly spread across the pages of newspapers and the Internet. ARS denied this information in a very harsh manner. What is noteworthy is that those around Diana Gurtskaya were quick to “disown” Kucherenko. The singer’s brother and producer Robert told reporters that his family’s interests are represented by another lawyer, and he doesn’t even know who Peter Kucherenko is. This whole situation with the “bitten off” genitals looked painfully ridiculous.

"Naive blind girl" and the murdered deputy

The media started talking about Pyotr Kucherenko again a few months later - in March 2005. Then his official wedding took place with Diana Gurtskaya. The same Express Newspaper found out the details of the novel and details of Kucherenko’s biography. “In an effort to win Diana’s heart, Kucherenko acted with the same shocking methods that he had previously tried to attract attention to himself as a politician,” said Express Gazeta. “At one of the parties, the future groom announced that astronomers had assigned the singer’s name to one of stars, and solemnly presented her with a certificate. Gurtskaya later enthusiastically told in an interview that after such a gift her heart could not resist. The naive, blind girl had no idea that for a certain fee in the Moscow planetarium such a certificate would be easily issued to anyone who wanted it.”

“Kucherenko’s biography was replete with all kinds of adventures even before meeting Diana,” noted Express Gazeta. According to her, while still a 17-year-old student at the Peoples' Friendship University, Kucherenko managed to gain the trust of Galina Starovoitova, who had temporarily retired from politics. He called her and offered to run for the State Duma... from the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, where Peter was born and raised.

It is clear that Kucherenko could not help Starovoitova in any way, but he came to her attention. At that time, the politician’s inner circle consisted of young people who were extremely similar to representatives of a sexual minority. Kucherenko joined this team. When Starovoitova was elected deputy from St. Petersburg, Peter became her assistant and remained in this position until the murder of the parliamentarian on November 20, 1998. According to investigators, Starovoitova was shot because of the desire to remove a political opponent in the “northern capital”, and also in order to take possession of a large sum of money that she was supposed to bring from Moscow that day. Who “led” the bandits to the deputy has not yet been established. Investigators are confident that it was a person from her close circle.

As for Pyotr Kucherenko, after the death of his leader, he embarked on very strange memories. For example, he told reporters that, together with Starovoytova, he often visited the prima Alla Pugacheva. She wondered why the politician wore an old, cheap down jacket. To which the deputy replied: “Otherwise voters won’t understand.” It is doubtful that such stories left a bright memory of Galina Vasilievna. However, all this did not prevent Pyotr Kucherenko from creating a certain Foundation named after Starovoitova.

Gay community and cocaine

“After the death of Starovoytova, Kucherenko quickly made a career in the Democratic Russia party, and in 2001 he joined the Union of Right Forces and even became a member of its political council. In this field, he distinguished himself with a series of scandalous statements,” noted Express Gazeta. In particular, he came up with an initiative that frightened the leadership of the Union of Right Forces to invite Boris Yeltsin to lead the united democratic bloc in the 2003 parliamentary elections. And after the defeat in the elections and the split in the Union of Right Forces, he hastened to trumpet the creation of a committee to support the former co-chair of the Union of Rightist Forces, Irina Khakamada, in the 2004 presidential elections.

“In the Izmailovo concert hall, with the support of the Union of Right Forces party, a Forum of Right-wing Youth was held,” Nezavisimaya Gazeta reported in 2003. “The leadership of the party - Boris Nemtsov and Irina Khakamada, as well as the “youth wing” of the Union of Right Forces in the person of Andrei Vulf, Alexander Barannikov and Pyotr Kucherenko tried to match the audience as much as possible in their speeches.” It is noteworthy that Andrei Vulf and Alexander Barannikov became famous for being the first open representatives of the gay community in the State Duma who actively defended the interests of their “community”. Kucherenko, who joined them, never spoke about his sexual orientation, but was invariably with Andrei and Sasha. The last two dropped out of political life. But Kucherenko remained afloat. It is difficult to say with certainty which community is promoting it. But Peter managed to work in the office of the governor of the Samara region, the State Duma, until he found himself in a responsible position in the Federation Council.

In recent years, Kucherenko has often appeared in news from the world of show business and crime chronicles in various media. Thus, in 2009, Lifenews reported that Diana Gurtskaya and her husband Pyotr Kucherenko were detained at Domodedovo airport with 10 kg of a substance similar to cocaine. However, no criminal case was initiated. The singer and her husband explained that they brought a package of corn flour with them from Armenia. It all looks strange. Well, why drag 10 kg of flour from Yerevan? Either this was just another PR move by the couple, or the very influential community that promotes Petra Kucherenko helped turn cocaine into flour. It is also noteworthy that the media suspected Kucherenko’s friend Alexander Barannikov “in lobbying the interests of drug dealers”

Diana Gurtskaya - famous singer, she comes from the city of Sukhumi. A girl was born into an ordinary, unremarkable family. She was the youngest of all 4 children, Diana has a sister and 2 brothers.

From the very first seconds of her life, Gurtskaya sees nothing. She was born with a terrible eye condition. But God gifted her with a beautiful, even magical voice.

Diana Gurtskaya

Everything was always good in the singer’s personal life; she did not complain about the lack of fans. One of Diana's most public romances was with singer Yuri Kononov. The couple often appeared together at events and even recorded a song together.

However, not for a long time later it became known about the upcoming wedding of the singer and lawyer Pyotr Kucherenko. The celebration took place in 2005. The couple met on business meeting, everything happened by chance. No one could have imagined that the relationship would lead to marriage.

Diana with her husband Peter

Lovers have a lot in common; from the first day they meet, they always have something to talk about. For a long time, Peter did not have the courage to confess his feelings to the talented singer, but when he decided to take such a responsible step, Diana was shocked. She did not want her chosen one to spend the rest of his life with her; she believed that living with a blind person was sheer torture.

Wedding of Diana and Peter

Peter was almost embarrassed by this state of affairs. He loved Diana with all his heart, and nothing else mattered. As it turned out, Peter copes with the role of a husband 100%. Their marriage is still strong and happy.

In 2007, a baby was born into the singer’s family - son Kostya. Diana is incredibly happy about the birth of her child. She gives all her attention and love to her firstborn. Peter took a very long time to get used to the role of a father. he couldn’t even imagine that it would take so much energy.

Diana Gurtskaya with her husband and son

But now raising a child has become an integral part of the lives of both parents. Kostya is growing up very smart and energetic. Rumor has it that the couple are planning to have new children.

Diana with her husband Peter and son Konstantin

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