Cancer and Capricorn: successful compatibility of dissimilar elements. Cancer and Capricorn Love Compatibility Capricorn and Cancer Relationships

Astrology identifies several ideal zodiac pairs, one of which is the Cancer and Capricorn pair. The compatibility of such partners is truly ideal. At first sight, mutual sympathy arises between them. They seem to be attracted to each other like a magnet. Despite the slowness of both, their relationship is growing stronger and gaining momentum. These signs are able to carry their love through life.

1. Capricorn woman, Cancer man at the beginning of a joint journey.

2. Development of relations, features of the union.

3. Sexual compatibility, nuances of intimate relationships.

4. What difficulties does the horoscope indicate?

5. Cancer man, Capricorn woman married.

6. Summing up.

How is sign compatibility born? Capricorn woman, Cancer man at the beginning of a joint journey

The girl draws attention to such a gentleman, because he knows how to remain icy calm in any situation. At the same time, from the outside, he looks rather indecisive. It seems to Capricorn that this particular partner will be ideal for her. Arousing interest in Cancer in such a woman is not difficult, because he is naturally attracted to reliable, independent, strong-willed young ladies. High compatibility of the signs Cancer and Capricorn is achieved if the girl takes the initiative, takes on the role of leader in the relationship. She will succeed with ease, but she should not overdo it.

At the very beginning, it may seem to a woman that she still chose the wrong gentleman, because he is too shy and some kind of passive. It’s just that such a man is sometimes inconsistent, behaves rather absurdly. It's hard to predict his next move, especially if you've just met. Cancer in love does inexplicable things, he either shows a fiery passion, or becomes cold and aloof.

In order for Cancer and Capricorn to find compatibility in a love relationship from the very first meeting, a woman needs to show her best character traits, including consistency and reliability. The cavalier is attracted to such ladies, because he is not decisive, but rather notorious and shy. Understanding can quickly arise between partners, because both of them are quite conservative, ready to make sacrifices for the sake of love. That is, they have a chance for a joint future. The main thing is to endure the initial stage, to come to terms with each other's character traits. This will help lovers achieve happiness and harmony in relationships.

How do Cancer man and Capricorn woman behave? Development of relations, features of the union

These signs of the zodiac often form a strong union, because they have the same beliefs, they look at life from the same angle. Such partners are kindred spirits, besides, their mindsets are very similar. The excellent compatibility of Cancer and Capricorn women is explained by the characteristics of the character of both. The girl tries to make every effort to create something significant. The guy is characterized by excessive sensitivity and expansiveness, he is filled with dreams. Partners will be faithful to each other, because they feel good, cozy and comfortable together.

In life together, this couple can rightfully be called ideal. They match almost 100%. Their union lasts a lifetime. However, the problem still exists. It consists in the fact that the Cancer man and the Capricorn woman look closely for a long time, because they used to imagine their soulmate a little differently. The guy was looking for a modest, quiet girl, and she dreamed of an assertive gentleman. But in reality, everything turned out to be exactly the opposite. Fortunately, this does not affect the love relationships of partners in any way; a wonderful, happy future awaits them.

Cancer man, Capricorn woman have many hidden qualities. They should certainly be opened, because this is precisely the personal and spiritual growth of partners. They help each other with this. Lovers make their soulmate better, bring out hidden qualities. Capricorn makes his chosen one assertive, strong, purposeful. Just about such a life partner she dreamed of. And Cancer allows a woman to become gentle, meek, reveals maternal feelings in her.

What kind of lovers are Cancer man and Capricorn woman? Sexual compatibility, nuances of intimate relationships

Physical attraction between these partners arises in fact at first sight. Each of them knows how to satisfy the desires and needs of the second half. As in love, the compatibility of the Cancer man, the Capricorn woman in bed is one hundred percent. Both are aimed at a serious relationship, procreation is embedded in their brain. They are sure that the ultimate goal of intimacy is the birth of a child.

That is why the Cancer man and the Capricorn woman in sex see not only physical satisfaction, but something more sublime. It is important for both to please the partner, and therefore they serve each other's wishes. When Cancer is in the arms of a lover, he feels protected. Capricorn understands that the chosen one will not condemn her for frank statements. A Cancer man in bed with a Capricorn woman gets the most pleasure. A burning passion reigns between them, and therefore they completely satisfy each other. Thanks to this, their union has every chance of being long and happy.

What difficulties does the horoscope indicate? Cancer and Capricorn Relationship Compatibility

Despite the fact that this compatibility has been called ideal, it still has certain difficulties. Most of the problems are related to the fact that lovers have different temperaments. Raku constantly expects emotionality from relationships, for which his chosen one is simply unprepared. Capricorn knows how to stay in the same mood for a long time, her mood does not change as often as that of her partner. Such a man can be called unstable. In an instant, his joyful mood can be replaced by indifference and apathy.

Cancer needs a person who is always able to provide support at any time next to him. Despite the willingness of Capricorn to support her beloved, she sometimes cannot figure out when that very moment comes. Sometimes the compatibility of Cancer and Capricorn in a relationship worsens due to the fact that they see different options for solving problems that have arisen. A strong-willed, purposeful young lady is used to coping with troubles, and her chosen one, as a rule, is simply trying to get away from them.

This is the dissimilarity of partners. Naturally, in love, their actions also differ. As a rule, Capricorn tries to get into the life of the chosen one. This aggravates the situation. Despite the inconsistency and some strangeness of the gentleman, a woman will be able to maintain compatibility with him. True, she loves to criticize, teach, which leads to quarrels. She needs to try to overcome these qualities in herself in order to live happily ever after with her lover.

The love horoscope "Capricorn Woman - Cancer Man" indicates the following disadvantages of the union:

1. Both he and she are distinguished by their self-centeredness.

2. Both partners crave care and attention, but it is hard for them to admit this to each other.

3. Capricorn loves to criticize, and Cancer is able to be very offended by impartial statements addressed to him.

4. A man is very sensitive, as a rule, feelings and emotions seethe in him. Such qualities often irritate a partner.

5. Lovers often lack the patience to listen to each other.

6. Cancer expects sensitivity and warmth from the chosen one, which she is sometimes unable to provide to him.

What are the chances of zodiac sign compatibility? Cancer man, Capricorn woman married

If both partners are aware of possible problems in their relationship, they will be able to prevent them in a timely manner, thereby securing the union. A woman will eventually learn to recognize the emotional needs of a gentleman. At some point, she will become more condescending towards her beloved. In response, Cancer will try to become more patient and disciplined. A man is able to teach his beloved to share surpluses with others, getting pleasure and joy from this. After all, breaking the rules can also bring positive emotions.

Cancer man and Capricorn woman find good compatibility in sex, love and marriage thanks to trust. They immediately know about the needs of the second half, and therefore give each other exactly what is needed. Their life together is exciting and eventful. Both strive for the same goals. They like to create coziness in the house, make it comfortable and convenient. It is in their “own fortress” that they feel protected.

Partners show exceptional practicality in solving material issues. Both do not like to spend money on unnecessary things. Due to the fact that all important decisions are made together by the Capricorn woman, the Cancer man, their compatibility in marriage is exceptionally good. When spouses have children together, they become even happier. After that, it is much easier for them to make their dreams come true. Capricorn will eventually learn to bring his lover out of their bad mood. Her love, understanding and care will bring Cancer back to life. Their life together will be stable and smooth, not quite like in a couple, for example.

Summing up

Despite the fact that Cancer and Capricorn have almost perfect compatibility in love, they need to try to avoid some "pitfalls", guided by certain rules. The wife should leave her leadership habits at work. At home, she should try to be obedient, meek, affectionate and soft. It is with such a woman that Cancer will begin to show care, strength, and determination. For the sake of his beloved, he is ready for exploits. At the same time, a man must show some assertiveness and firmness, otherwise Capricorn will not feel completely safe with him.

In general, Cancer and Capricorn compatibility in love relationships is incredibly high. However, it should be remembered that only the efforts of both partners will help to achieve harmony and tranquility in a joint life. They should try to become better, smarter and more tolerant. This guarantees a stable, strong union.

If a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man decide to get married or have a business relationship, they can be congratulated on their successful choice of partner. Acquaintances may consider their union not too emotional and passionate, but they are perfect for each other. They are connected not only by a high feeling of love, but also by the same outlook on life.

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac according to the horoscope

The Cancer woman, at first glance, seems simple and predictable, but she can be very changeable. Such a girl has many positive features: dreaminess, kindness, openness, femininity, wisdom, sensitivity, mystery, romance and tenderness.

She was created for love and lives for it. A woman born between June 21 and July 22 is faithful in relationships and devoted to her chosen one. She does not claim leadership in a couple and never tries to re-educate her man. With Capricorn, she will feel comfortable and safe.

A man born between December 22 and January 20 is not inclined to obey the weaker sex. There is no such task that he would not have mastered. Capricorn is disciplined, fearless and self-confident. In love, he thinks for a long time and looks at the girl. The guy of this zodiac sign has many positive character traits, including: seriousness, calmness, diligence, determination, determination, conservatism, prudence.

If Capricorn grew up in a favorable environment and was surrounded by parental care, he will easily cope with bouts of depression. Even despite the gloominess and a certain dullness, a man attracts girls with his charisma, strength and reliability.

This is one of the strong couples in the zodiac circle. They are involuntarily attracted to each other and may well build a happy and lasting relationship. Their compatibility is quite high both in love and in business.

Overall Compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

History knows many examples when Cancer and Capricorn found each other among many other halves. At first, it will be difficult for these signs to understand each other, a conflict of interest may occur. Over time, Capricorn will see in a woman a strong personality and a faithful companion. He will support her in everything, cover her weaknesses.

If Capricorn truly fell in love and married a Cancer woman, this is forever. For a man, family is the most important thing. He will do everything so that his wife and children live in abundance. Such a husband will be admired by friends and acquaintances.

The Cancer girl is made for family life. Any horoscope will tell you this. Such a woman is an ideal hostess, wife and mother. She is able to create an amazing atmosphere of comfort in her home. Guests do not want to leave her, and her apartment is always clean. She often takes on men's responsibilities and believes that she can do everything.

The children of this couple will be surrounded by affection and care. They will receive a good upbringing and an excellent education. Capricorn will be a strict but fair father. If his children do not have enough attention, he compensates for it with presents. Thus, their compatibility in a love relationship is almost perfect.

Compatibility in love relationships: 4 out of 5.

Sexual Compatibility

Cancer woman does not like loneliness and needs proper male attention. She needs to be reminded all the time that she is loved. In bed, the lady is very gentle and completely surrenders to her partner. A seemingly modest and sweet girl can become a real lioness who knows no taboos. Cancerians behave liberated alone with a partner and love to indulge in sensual pleasures.

After intimacy with Capricorn, a woman will be delighted. He knows how to surprise his partner. Thus, the compatibility of signs in the intimate sphere is quite favorable. If they lack variety, a woman will turn on her fantasy, and everything will quickly work out.

Sexual compatibility: 4 out of 5.

friendship compatibility

The Capricorn man rarely makes friends with females, he does not take them seriously. Partners are not interested in each other in friendship, but they are not averse to building a love relationship.

If suddenly Cancer and Capricorn begin to communicate closely, then their friendly feelings will quickly develop into something more. Therefore, the halves of these signs need to be on their guard. Despite the loyalty of these people and natural decency, the mutual attraction may be too strong.

Friendly compatibility: 3 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

In work, both signs are stubborn and hardworking. They give themselves to her completely in order to achieve their desired goals. If a Cancer woman is the boss, and Capricorn is a subordinate, this is fraught with conflicts. A man is too ambitious and does not like to be below the status of a woman. She will have a hard time with the wayward Capricorn, who will keep her at a distance.

If a girl obeys Capricorn, they can make a good business alliance. A man is a strict boss who appreciates hardworking and responsible workers. A woman is just like that, but her emotions can prevent her from concentrating on an important task. If she keeps herself in control, then their business will go uphill.

Business compatibility: 4 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

A wise Cancer woman will definitely find an approach to the obstinate Capricorn. The main thing is to appreciate it, praise and admire it. There are other nuances that representatives of these signs should be aware of:

  1. To conquer the heart of Capricorn, you need to invite him to your home, where he will feel a pleasant atmosphere, see order and comfort.
  2. If Capricorn correctly prioritizes life, peace of understanding will reign in his family.
  3. A partner who considers only his own opinion to be correct will dominate in these relations.
  4. The man will ruthlessly control all the steps of the girl. He is not very objective and likes to talk about the right way of life.
  5. Lady Cancer must understand the seriousness of their relationship. Capricorn does not throw words into the wind. His choice is always conscious.
  6. It is important to show the girl that she can be weak behind the back of a strong man.
  7. The relationship of partners will be built on the sensuality of a woman and the earthiness of a man. It is interesting that they have mutual attraction and mutual dislike.

Astrologers advise lovers to spend more time together. This will improve their communication and save relationships that have reached an impasse. It's good to go on a trip together.

Relationship Benefits

These people are united by the will and strength of character. They will create a strong alliance if they find each other. Moreover, for complete happiness, a second half is enough for everyone. Friends and work will recede into the background. This relationship also has other advantages:

  1. The irresponsibility of a woman is compensated by the stability and reliability of Capricorn.
  2. Thanks to his companion, a man will become stronger and more confident.
  3. A girl must learn to control her feelings and emotions. So she can bring lightness and understanding into the relationship.
  4. Do not be offended by the dryness of a man. Capricorn does not know how to fully express his feelings and often seems detached. You need to understand his hidden emotions.

Having lived together for several years, Capricorn and Cancer will learn to hear each other and understand perfectly. Together they will achieve a lot. Moreover, the stars favor them in this.

Relationship Disadvantages

In the tandem of Capricorn and Cancer, difficulties are inevitable. The fact is that a man is a pragmatist and sees everything from a rational position. His companion is a very sensitive person who sometimes overly empathizes with others. Against the background of this dissimilarity, conflicts may arise between them. There are other disadvantages of this relationship:

  1. Sometimes the actions of a woman seem to Capricorn whims. He is not as vulnerable and emotional as she is.
  2. Capricorn is able to ignore the opinion of a woman. He cares about his own comfort.
  3. Often a man seems to his partner callous and cold.
  4. Capricorn is used to always talking to the point, and the Cancer woman is able to chat about nonsense every day. This irritates the man.
  5. Often, Cancers do not allow a loved one to their problems. From this, resentment and omissions happen on each side.

In a relationship, Capricorn will provide for the family, and Cancer will create comfort in the house and raise children. A more harmonious union is hard to find. However, there are exceptions in life, because the characters of representatives of one zodiac sign can vary greatly. Do not forget that much depends not on the horoscope, but on upbringing and other factors that influence the formation of a person's personality.

This article of our compatibility horoscope is about the compatibility of the zodiac signs Capricorn and Cancer. You will learn about their compatibility in friendship, sex, love relationships and marriage.

Cancer and Capricorn general compatibility and union prospects

Both signs are cardinal. But the first is in the watery trine and is ruled by the Moon, while the second represents the earth and is ruled by Saturn.

Cancer and Capricorn are exactly opposite each other in the zodiac circle. Both value stability and practicality.

As opposite signs, they may have opposite values, but in reality this is not entirely true. They both need stability in their lives and will appreciate people who give them a sense of security. Therefore, they appreciate in a partner, the ability not to leave the relationship and not give up, no matter how hard it is.

Cancer and Capricorn are usually associated with the love stories of those who lived before our time. They are sown with a deep need to correct what is broken in our family tree, what we all, one way or another, carry within ourselves. But these signs are intended to pay off karmic debts and unprocessed emotions of the families of their ancestors.

First, they will have to solve problems if they want to free themselves from the past. And only after they pay off their debts can they truly be happy. In most cases, partners will be for each other the same love that happens once in a lifetime.

Cancer and Capricorn Compatibility in Friendship and Business Relationships

This couple has the strangest thing in common - genetics. Not literally, of course. But they share the image of relationships that their ancestors had many centuries ago. Our emotional body has information about every emotion that our ancestors felt and didn't know how to deal with or use.

Cancer and Capricorn connect through the emotional body, as if they come from the same family.

Partners may feel like they knew each other before they met. They seem familiar and familiar to each other, as if they grew up in the same house, although the circumstances of their lives can be very different. Thanks to the closeness that exists between them, absolutely incomprehensible to others, they can talk about anything, they are rarely bored.

But it is important for them to maintain their communication on a deep emotional level. Otherwise, the opposite of goals can separate them in different directions.

Capricorn can seem like an emotionless career-obsessed robot. And Cancer will be perceived as a grasping housewife, regardless of gender.

The secret is that when they hide from their inner opposite side, they see each other in a negative light. In this case, they risk losing the chance to become whole.

But if they have established emotional contact, this is the potential for a close true friendship for life. When they work in the same profession, this is a highly effective tandem.

Capricorn is known to have a great ability to build a career or business. And Cancer has great intuition, creativity and the ability to anticipate market trends. By choosing one direction of activity, they can become successful business partners.

Cancer and Capricorn Sexual Compatibility

Cancer and Capricorn are opposite signs and there is a strong attraction between them. When a girl and a guy start dating, passion quickly awakens, and they become wonderful lovers for each other.

Capricorn's patience is exactly what Cancer needs to relax and feel sexy. And Capricorn needs a person who acts from deep emotions, and who does not take sex lightly.

Some representatives of this sign change many partners, but are unlikely to stay with someone who is not family-oriented and not emotional when it comes to physical relationships.

Cancer, with its intimacy and sensitivity, is able to give its serious partner exactly what he lacks. Capricorn lacks love, home, and warmth, and Cancer is able to heal this with great compassion. As a result, the emotionally frozen Capricorn melts, resulting in a significant increase in the sensuality and warmth of their physical intimacy.

They match each other in bed by 99 percent.

Cancer and Capricorn Love and Marriage Compatibility

Their romantic story is a love story that their distant ancestors expect from them. It can also be called a dream come true. Their relationship causes very strong emotions in both partners, but there is almost always a karmic debt that must be paid off before they are truly happy together.

These signs are on the axis of the ascension and fall of Jupiter. Therefore, their feelings are closely related to their expectations from each other and from the relationship.

One of them is considered the most emotional, the other the least emotional sign of the zodiac. One of them is family-oriented, the other is career-oriented. However, their emotions can run wild when they look at each other.

They will have to fight for the security and stability of their relationship, and although it will be difficult at times to reconcile these primary differences, in most cases they will find a way to do it.

The sensual side of Capricorn is really difficult to awaken, but Cancer will take it as their life task. When they are in love and attached to each other, it almost always ends in marriage, children, and the whole set of earthly love.

However, they can lose energy if they try to change each other. They need to take the partner's personality as a given that cannot be changed. Otherwise, they can spoil the happy ending of a romantic story by simply getting tired of each other.

He is Cancer She is Capricorn Compatibility

The man in this couple is a housewife. He would gladly take on this role if he were a woman, so whatever he does in life, his family comes first. The Capricorn woman is career oriented. Although she is determined to succeed and works so hard in the same way in order to provide for her loved ones.

The compatibility of this couple means the need to find a workable balance between career and family for both partners.

Spouses live on very different emotional levels. Cancer is intuitive and instinctive - it just "knows" things. The Capricorn woman is very organized, disciplined and logical. She plans, focuses, and gets things done long before her Cancer man decides he wants to do anything.

The partner, with her high efficiency at work and at home, has little time or empathy for her lunar partner's moods. But she appreciates his loving, romantic side, and adores him as a wonderful father.

Sexually, she is a sign of the earth, hiding unawakened emotionality, it represents the deep sensuality of water. Therefore, they are perhaps the best lovers for each other. However, outside the bedroom, the Capricorn woman is again busy with business.

It doesn't mean she doesn't love. She loves as much as he does. But she needs to make sure that practical issues are resolved before she can relax. Therefore, gentle, homely, loving and creative Cancer can teach her to have fun and relax without feeling guilty. She can support his dreams and help realize them.

The couple has very good potential for a long and happy married life, but they may not realize it in time. Sometimes, Cancer is so upset by the emotional alienation of a Capricorn woman that he ends the relationship before it has had time to fully develop.

Cancer Woman Capricorn Man Compatibility

Like most opposite signs, they are initially drawn to each other, as each feels they lack what the other has. The Capricorn man is a strong, ambitious and determined person, but he is cold and lacks the depth of emotion that the Cancer woman has. She is very caring, gentle and loving, but she lacks the practicality that an earthly partner possesses.

This is the union of earth and water, which is usually gentle and passionate. In sex, the caring nature of the Cancer woman warms the heart of the Capricorn man and frees his inner sensuality. This is a relationship based on loyalty and trust. All this makes their intimacy bright and deep.

Their life together is all about creating an exemplary happy family, and they are ready to do a lot for this.

Capricorn's contribution will be through the traditional role of the head of the family, the breadwinner. He takes his responsibility very seriously, and will pursue his career not for his own benefit, but for loved ones.

She, whether she works outside the home or not, will become a housewife. She will arrange life exactly the way she likes it and create the house of her dreams.

However, the wife may tire of her husband's devotion to work, although she knows for whom he does it. She will begin to demand that he spend more time with his family, and Capricorn will feel unfairly accused - he cannot be in two places at the same time.

As a result, he will get tired of the constantly changing moods of his half. He is emotionally stable, and although he has great patience, he gets annoyed at not knowing what kind of mood awaits him at home.

This can knead the "emotional mud" they have to go through. Fortunately, both partners are cardinal signs. When they really love each other, they both realize the need to take joint action to get out of this rut.

By combining the wisdom of Capricorn and the warmth of Cancer, they will be able to cope with such difficulties. Their marriage can last a lifetime, but only if both partners are aware of the problems and solve them together.

What you need to work on in a relationship Cancer and Capricorn

The main thing that the signs will need to work on in their relationship is building an emotional connection. It almost always occurs between these signs, but this will take time and patience.

The problem is that sometimes at the very beginning of a relationship, they can rush into making a decision, making it based on the differences and shortcomings of the partner. Which, in fact, are a reflection of the other side of their own personality.

Young people experience this more often than mature men and women.

5 /5 (8 )

The relationship between Cancer and Capricorn is very unusual: despite the fact that they are united by such qualities as stability, enterprise and foresight, their temperaments differ sharply, so it is quite difficult for these signs to understand each other. Cancer and Capricorn can get along very well in work, if it is related to the resolution of financial issues. But still the general Cancer and Capricorn Compatibility worth considering in more detail.

Compatibility Cancer Woman and Capricorn Man

A lady born under the constellation Cancer is charming and shy, subtle and sensitive. But at first glance, the ward of the Moon may seem absolutely harmless, but this is not entirely true, because a woman is endowed with the talent of clairvoyance, and everyone can envy her intuition. There are many men around the representative of Water, but she prefers to remain alone.

Before you meet your fate, Cancer will have several novels, but each time realizing that the relationship will not last long, she will immediately break this connection. The husband of a Cancer woman will be happy in marriage, but he should understand that he should not provoke his beloved to jealousy - the slightest glance at an outside lady can drive a jealous woman crazy, and then the man will not find it a little.

Watch the video. Compatibility Cancer and Capricorn.

The Capricorn man is strong and loyal, taciturn and passionate. This sign represents a mystery to other people, which is not so easy to solve. The ward of the Earth is diligent, he achieves the tasks set confidently and slowly, and in relations with the opposite sex the situation is similar - Capricorn will be able to win the heart of any woman, even if she is already married, and with a famous oligarch.

The earth sign loves constancy and confidence, so his future wife may not worry about a mess in the house or utility bills - a man always keeps everything in its place, and he prefers to fulfill any obligations in advance.

In love

As a rule, the first step in a relationship is taken by an earthly man. At first, the Cancer woman will like him, because she will find that their temperaments are quite similar. But as it turns out later, their union is harmonious only in the everyday part, and in love the main role is given to emotions and passion.

1/2 couples break up in the first six months

A lady born under the constellation Cancer is sensual and open, a Capricorn man is restrained and often repeats to his beloved that one should strive for perfection. At first, a woman will turn a blind eye to her partner’s remarks and the lack of emotions she needs, but one day she will express her claims to her lover, to which Capricorn will not react in any way, but will continue to repeat the same thing, because he is sure that his position is the only true one. It is unlikely that such an alliance will be able to hold out for a long time. As a rule, lovers break up within a couple of months after they met.

In a relationship

The water woman will find a way to convince Capricorn that they need to live together, because before the man of the Earth did not live with his beloved, and no one managed to persuade him to enter into a civil marriage. In appearance, Capricorn seems tough and confident, but only Cancer knows how many emotions and feelings he hides from others. But an ideal relationship in a couple will not last long - a jealous water woman will not last even a week without trying to convict her lover of treason. A man born under the sign of Capricorn does not have to be patient, but after his beloved turns over all his things, which are always kept in perfect order, he will not be able to restrain himself.

Capricorn who has lost his temper is a rather terrible phenomenon, just few people know about it - as a rule, after such a ward of the Earth, he closes himself from society and lives in solitude.

But the lovers find a way out - they decide to leave the city for a while - to a place where no one can get them. There is no Internet or telephone connection in this place, so the water lady can be calm - no one can encroach on her lover. The man of the Earth will go fishing, and his companion will gladly devote her time to preparing unusual and delicious dinners for the second half. And one fine day, the lovers mysteriously look at each other and go to the registry office.


The union of Cancer and Capricorn can become strong and reliable only on one condition - if for someone this marriage is concluded by calculation. As a rule, this happens on the part of Capricorn, he is materially interested in the Cancer woman, who still assigns the first place to love.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details of the compatibility of the Cancer woman.

If before marriage these two signs were in the same financial position and social status, then over time their existence will turn into a continuous struggle. The ward of Saturn constantly leads the impulsive wife to scandals with her discontent, and she is not satisfied with his stinginess with emotions and the manifestation of feelings, she believes that the man does not care about her.

80% of couples are incompatible in bed

In bed, Cancer and Capricorn are at odds. The ward of the Earth will be satisfied with an intimate life with his companion, but her sensitivity and violent emotions will begin to irritate him, because he himself is not capable of this. The water lady will not be able to enjoy with such a partner, as she seeks to diversify her sex life, and this is alien to Capricorn. In addition, the beautiful half lacks tenderness and attention.

This state of affairs will hurt Cancer's pride, he will hold a grudge. This union will last until the moment when the ward of Water meets another man on her way, who will prove to her that she is loved. The husband will try to save this marriage, but he will not be able to do it.

in friendship

Friendly feelings between representatives of the water and fire elements cannot arise, because they are absolutely opposite, but at the same time, Cancer and Capricorn can easily work together, and even reach a complete understanding in matters related to finance. If these two are united by a family connection, then it will be easier for them to communicate, but on the condition that the ward of the Earth stops making comments and teasing Cancer.

In sex

Restrained and practical Capricorn, in bed can be unrestrained and impulsive. His negative side can only be called the fact that he is not resourceful enough, but a Cancer woman can help in this matter. An earthly man will discover many unknown things for himself, not only in bed, but also in life, and for these discoveries he will be grateful to his water companion.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Capricorn man.

The Cancer woman feels herself with Capricorn, as if behind a stone wall, he is reliable and faithful to her other half, the woman feels that she can open up to him and Capricorn will definitely understand her. In other words, the man of the Earth makes their sex life reliable, and the water lady brings romance and diversity to it, which generally develops into a strong love relationship.

In work

In business, such a duet is very productive, but it may take time for Capricorn and Cancer to find a common language and understand each other.

These two signs are attracted on a subconscious level, and if they can gain mutual understanding, they will easily solve any work issue, even if it is rather difficult.

The ward of the Earth is prone to creativity, therefore, in this part, the leading position must be given to him, everything else will be taken over by Cancer. Both signs are responsible and executive, they have all the makings for the development of a successful business. Together, Capricorn and Cancer form a strong and mutually beneficial union. With the conclusion of various transactions, these two also cope with a bang.

In percentages

The compatibility of a couple in a love relationship does not exceed 40%, but in the business sphere such an alliance is 90% compatible.

In order for the family union of water and earth signs to become strong and have chances for a long existence, both need to try. Capricorn should stop constantly reproaching his companion, and his beloved should not demand sparkling feelings and romance from him, because he is simply not capable of this due to his temperament.

Psychological compatibility

Wards of Earth and Water are opposite signs, so they can be attracted, but at the same time, many problems can arise in such a pair. This is due to the fact that Lady Cancer and Capricorn Man are characterized by excessive stubbornness from birth, and if these two enter into an argument, then they will not be able to come to a common denominator.

Watch the video. Astrology: psychological portrait of Capricorn.

However, each of them can teach a partner something new. For example, a water woman lacks a sense of responsibility, which Capricorn has more than enough, the latter is deprived of fantasy and imagination, and many feelings are still unknown to him.

In fact, this pair complements each other very successfully, but this circumstance must be used correctly. If lovers can do this, their union can become strong and reliable.

With the help of her heightened intuition, a lady born under the constellation Cancer can easily discern his sensitive nature behind the external impregnability of the ward of the Earth, in such a situation she will take the man under her wing and will patronize him diligently and carefully. The emotional source in this pair is the woman. Often, such families create their own little world, where there is no access to everyone who wishes, only the closest and dearest have contact with them, there are practically no outsiders in their apartment.

Compatibility Cancer man and Capricorn woman

A man born under the constellation Cancer is sensual and romantic, he is very modest and quite handsome. The ward of the Moon is easily offended, so he can harbor evil and after a long time, perhaps even several years, he will definitely take revenge. At the same time, a water man is an excellent friend, one who at least once helps him out of a difficult situation can always count on the right shoulder of a water sign.

Cancer is always surrounded by many women, they vying with each other strive to capture the heart of a handsome man, preventing him from enjoying loneliness. A person born under the sign of Cancer tends to believe that there are ideal women, so he has no doubt that his future chosen one will be perfect. A water man will become a wonderful spouse - he has no equal in bed, he is ready to protect and surround his lady of the heart with attention and care, but by nature he is the owner, and he will arrange jealousy scenes regularly.

Lady Capricorn is a pleasant, shy and charming beauty. The ward of the Earth knows what she wants from birth, everything in her life must go strictly according to plan, and there is no doubt that she will bring her plans to life.

7 out of 8 women are interested in the financial situation of their partner

At first glance, a Capricorn woman may seem cold, but she attracts the attention of men, but she herself is very demanding and selective in choosing a companion. A beautiful appearance for an earthly woman is not yet a reason to enter into a relationship with such a man, his financial situation is also of interest to her - Capricorn's beloved must have a high intellect, only in this case the lady will turn her attention to the admirer.

As a spouse, Saturn's ward is simply perfect - she is unforgettable in sex, and she cooks in such a way that anyone who tries her cooking will definitely ask for more.

In love

The Cancer man and the Capricorn woman are of interest to each other, because both are distinguished by their seriousness of intentions and the desire to build a strong and lasting union. At first they think that they are perfect for each other, but over time they realize how different they are.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details of the compatibility of the Capricorn woman.

Romanticism is characteristic of a water man, and his lady is practical, and her companion will be offended by this. An earthly woman may not react in any way to an expensive ring presented to her beloved, because she considers this a waste of money. This discourages the ward of the moon, and often he does not know what to do so that the other half appreciates his efforts.

In this union, the feelings of the water sign will be stronger, but this does not mean that he will allow his companion to lead him.

One day, it may happen that the Capricorn woman decides that her lover is frivolous and irresponsible, trying to take the reins of power into her own hands. Only then will the nature of Cancer be fully revealed to her - he will not allow the lady to control herself and make decisions for him, and if the companion does not leave such attempts, this will end in parting.

In a relationship

An earthly woman is the owner of a unique memory, this will help her out in those situations when Cancer will arrange another scene of jealousy. She will simply tell him all the disadvantages of her former partners, and Cancer will feel like an ideal in comparison with them. They will not have other reasons for scandals, but there is one caveat. Capricorn is a fierce adherent of order, and if the water companion, having forgotten, does not put his things away in the allotted place, a conflict will certainly occur. But by and large, this is absolutely insignificant, so Cancer and Capricorn will be able to cope with such a misunderstanding.

In everyday life, Cancer and Capricorn will be pleased with each other - such problems as cleaning the apartment or washing dishes do not arise in their family. On the contrary, the water-terrestrial couple will fight for the right to cook dinner or clean the floor. These two will often go out into nature, where they feel complete comfort and tranquility.


Such a union has a chance to become strong and secure if a representative of the Earth is in charge of the budget. In this case, she should be tactful with the chosen one, because the man will not allow him to bend his character for himself. The lady in this family is more practical, so she can even provide a decent income better than Cancer.

If these two decide to live together, a woman should not try to remake her lover, because the water sign, although it has not reached the heights in its career, is independent, and will not bend under anyone. He has many obvious advantages that his wife likes. He likes to run a household, but Capricorn does not feel cravings for this. The strong half is also involved in raising children, and this only pleases the lady.

Such alliances become stronger over the years, but for this, the couple needs to be patient.

in friendship

A strong friendly relationship between water and earth signs will not arise, however, they are able to find a common language on a joint matter, and are also able to communicate if this promises both benefits. Wards of the Moon and Saturn can always count on the support of a partner, and the fact that both the Cancer man and the Capricorn woman do not forget the good will significantly strengthen their relationship.

In sex

Mutual attraction between Capricorn and Cancer appears very soon, because both meet the requirements of each other. Their passion and violent emotions will go off scale, and this will continue for quite some time. Such an alliance binds the mutual desire to create a strong and reliable couple. Having united, the water-earth union tries to be the best in all areas, including in bed.

This is interesting! Sex with a Cancer man.

Sexual connection for the Cancer man and the Capricorn woman is not just the satisfaction of natural needs. Everyone tries to take care of the desires of the partner, while showing affection and attentiveness to the second half.

75% of relationships are tied by the bed

A water man feels warmth and comfort next to a lady born under the constellation Cancer. At the same time, his beloved realizes what can happen to such a man herself. These two feel a mutual attraction based on passion, so everyone will be satisfied. This moment can have a significant impact on the happy existence of this couple.

In work

Capricorn and Cancer can create a successful business tandem. But for this it is desirable for them to occupy equal positions. It is worth noting that such a duet is distinguished by constancy, therefore, as allies at work, they can last a long time, such partners rarely part.

In percentages

The compatibility of a pair of Cancer man and Capricorn woman is 70%.

These two signs are quite capable of creating a successful union, but for this both need to learn to listen to each other. If a man and a woman stock up on patience, then they will definitely be able to overcome all obstacles and live a happy life.

The relationship of representatives of these zodiac signs is paradoxical - on the one hand, they have a lot in common: constancy, practicality and frugality, but these people do not have emotional compatibility, they are as far away as ice and fire, and in the zodiac system they are polar. Excellent relationships with these people can develop in the financial field of activity, where they are employees.

CAPRICORN man and CANCER woman

Very rarely these people can be seen together, such couples rarely form. The Capricorn man morally suppresses the Cancer woman, but he does it so skillfully that there is almost no way to object. Usually, after a short relationship, these people have an unpleasant aftertaste in their souls for a long time, but a cancer woman is very happy to be free from a relationship that weighed on her.

♑ + ♋: In love

UNWANTED UNION- The initiator of the relationship is most often a Capricorn guy. For a cancer girl, he may be attractive at the beginning of a relationship, based on her delusions about their similarity. In fact, this couple is compatible only at the everyday level, and feelings and emotions are more important in love relationships.

The Cancer girl is tender and emotional, the Capricorn is cold and all the time hints at the need for self-improvement. After suffering for some time the nitpicking of her beloved and emotional hunger, the girl will express her displeasure aloud, in response to which the Capricorn will calmly continue to stick to her line and give her opinion as the last resort.

These relations have almost no chance of development. Most often, such couples break up a few months after the start of the meetings.

♑ + ♋: Married

UNWANTED UNION- This marriage can be stable and with a calm atmosphere in the house only in one case - if one of the spouses has a material interest in the other. Capricorn is usually interested, since feelings are still more important for cancer.

If the living conditions and financial situation of the husband and wife were equal before the wedding, marriage will turn into a battlefield. Capricorn provokes an emotional wife into conflicts with her nit-picking, and she is unhappy with his coldness and regards this as indifference towards herself.

In intimate life, complete discord. A Capricorn man will be pleased with sex with his wife, but her emotionality and manifestation of feelings will irritate him, since his temperament is colder and not so pronounced. A cancer woman in bed with her husband will not be satisfied: firstly, she loves experiments in sex, and he is critical and conservative, and secondly, she lacks affection and warmth.

The self-esteem of a cancer woman will be shaken, resentment will accumulate in her soul. This marriage will continue until the other man gives her the opportunity to feel loved and desired. The husband's attempts to save the family will not be successful.

♑ + ♋: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- Intimacy, and even more so, between a cancer girl and a Capricorn guy will not arise due to the difference in perception of the world, but they may well communicate at work and reach mutual understanding in any financial area. If they are relatives, the chances of closer communication will increase, but if the Capricorn does not harass and constantly criticize the girl.

CANCER man and CAPRICORN woman

The relationship of representatives of these signs of the zodiac is stronger if a woman is a Capricorn, however, in this case, they are far from perfect. To improve relations, each of this couple will have to work on themselves for a long time. If there is no mutual respect or interest, there is no point in trying to find a common language, it is better to immediately disperse in different directions.

♋ + ♑: In a love relationship

UNWANTED UNION- A cancer guy and a Capricorn girl attract each other with seriousness and a desire to create a permanent and strong relationship. At first it will seem to them that this is quite enough, but looking closer to each other, they will realize how far apart they are.

The young man is romantic, and his girlfriend is practical in everything, and this will offend the guy. She may not appreciate an expensive bouquet of flowers as a gift, considering it an extra waste. Very often, cancer is simply lost and does not know how to behave so that the beloved is pleased with him.

In this pair, on the part of cancer, attachment will be stronger, but this does not mean that he will allow the chosen one to control himself. A moment may come that the girl will conclude about him as a frivolous person and declare her rights to leadership in the relationship. And then she finds out the true essence of her beloved - he will not agree to such an option, he will not allow himself to be controlled, and if the girl does not stop behaving in this way, the guy will decide to break off relations.

♋ + ♑: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- This marriage can be strong and financially stable if the Capricorn woman is in the family for the eldest. In this case, she should be delicate with her husband, because he will not allow himself to be controlled openly. In this couple, the wife is more responsible and practical than her husband, and she even manages to earn money better.

If she decided to live with this man, it is better for her to immediately stop trying to remake him, since cancer, although not so successful in business, is still not hopeless and does not seek to fall under the heel. He has many positive aspects that can please his wife. He is economic, but she does not like chores around the house. The cancer husband is more involved in children than his wife, and this also suits her.

Such marriages become stronger over time than at the beginning of their life together, the main thing is for both spouses to be patient.

♋ + ♑: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY- There can be no strong relationship between Cancer and Capricorn, but they can communicate on business or maintain relationships in case of mutual benefit. Each of them can rely on the other as a reliable person, and the fact that both the cancer guy and the Capricorn girl do not forget good deeds towards themselves will add mutual respect and sympathy to them.

Video: CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

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