How to dry mushrooms at home. How to dry mushrooms at home, in the oven, on a thread, in an electric dryer How to dry mushrooms at home

Autumn is the time to gather and dry mushrooms for the winter. Both adults and children strive for a quiet hunt for mushrooms in the forest, trying to enjoy a wonderful pastime on fresh air, great vacation, contemplation of unique landscapes. If mushroom season in full swing, the result will usually be a huge basket or just a big bucket of mushrooms. What can be done with mushrooms? Perfect option- send to jars, preparing a variety of marinades and salads. But after all, in winter you really want to treat homemade fragrant soup, reminiscent of a wonderful time spent in the forest. For this, mushrooms from pickles are not suitable, you have to do drying mushroom harvest, but for this you need to know all the rules of a difficult process.

Preparing mushrooms for drying

Before drying, mushrooms must be carefully sorted out, adhering to the main rule - send lamellar ones to another container, they are perfect for salads or pickles. Tubular ones are also not all suitable for drying; large and soft ones will subsequently simply crumble into gunpowder.

What mushrooms are dried:

  • mushrooms;
  • boletus;
  • boletus;
  • Polish;
  • boletus;
  • white.

Carefully inspect each mushroom, because the addition to the soup in the form of dried small worms does not attract anyone. Cut wormy places to clean pulp and discard immediately. A little secret - the knife for cutting out spoiled places and wormholes must be stainless, otherwise the flesh will acquire a dark, ugly shade.

They should be sorted under the supervision of an experienced mushroom picker, because it is quite difficult to distinguish poisonous ones. If any is in doubt, immediately throw it away without risking the health and even the lives of relatives.
It is not worth washing mushrooms intended for drying, they are easily deformed, and then it will take much longer to dry - tubular caps, like a sponge, will absorb liquid.

How to dry mushrooms in the oven

The most popular option for cooking dried is to use a conventional oven. You can dry mushrooms both in an electric oven and in an oven. gas stove. To do this, after cleaning, they should be cut into flat plates. Too thick slices will not work, you have to dry them for a long time, but there is a risk that they will remain soft inside.

Especially for the process of drying mushrooms, you can purchase thick stainless grates that allow hot air to circulate, thereby speeding up the process. You can’t use ordinary baking sheets, the pieces will only soften on them, but they won’t dry out at all.

At what temperature should mushrooms be dried in the oven? The ideal temperature for drying is 50 degrees. At a higher temperature, there is a risk of getting a baked product, the shelf life of which is very short, and the taste of the cooked dish will change, slightly giving off burnt.

It is important to keep the oven door ajar while drying the mushrooms. Can be placed underneath Matchbox or a folded towel. This is quite enough to evaporate moisture from mushroom plates.

It is easy to check the readiness of the product - if it bends easily, but does not crumble or break, you can turn off the oven. If the plates crumble - they are overdried, if a dent remains when pressed with a finger - extend the process for a few more hours.

Watch the video: how to dry porcini mushrooms in the oven

How to store dried mushrooms at home? Hot pieces should be cooled, only then sent to glass containers, clean and dry. Store the product in a cool place with the lid tightly closed.

Is it possible to dry mushrooms in the microwave

Microwave drying is a simple but rather troublesome process. The ideal product will turn out if you pre-hold the cut slices on the street. To do this, they need to be laid out on a wire rack or baking sheets covered with thick parchment. Only after such a process can you start drying the mushrooms in microwave oven.

It is important to cut the mushroom pieces into even plastics, otherwise they will cook unevenly - some will be dry, others completely raw.

Put the prepared, dried plates on a microwave oven plate covered with confectionery parchment. Turn on low power. Set the time for drying mushrooms in the microwave for 20-25 minutes.

After the signal of the microwave oven, carefully open the door, check the condition of the mushrooms. If a lot of moisture has been released, change the paper by laying it dry. Ventilate the contents of the microwave, repeat the process after a quarter of an hour. Continue drying until the plates are completely dry.

Storage dried mushrooms at home. Send ready-made mushroom plates for storage in containers with tight-fitting lids. The room should be cool, semi-dark. If stored improperly, moths can start in dried mushroom plates; it is strictly forbidden to use the product for cooking.

How to dry mushrooms at home on a thread

Even grandparents dried mushrooms in the simplest and most primitive ways. You will need a minimum of fixtures - a thick thread and a long needle. Large mushrooms should be cut into slices in order to speed up the drying process. String pieces of mushrooms on threads, trying to sort - hats to hats, legs to legs. The bottom part dries much faster than the top. At the end of the process, they are easier to send for storage.

How to dry mushrooms on a thread? Hang threads with strung pieces of mushrooms in well-ventilated rooms. Well, if it's warm there, the cool temperature will slow down the process. In sunny, hot weather, the threads are hung outside, but here mushrooms can become bait for flies. Drying is easy to protect - with gauze or a thin translucent fabric.

Mushrooms dried in this way may be softer than those from the oven or microwave. bring them to desired state You can use kitchen appliances, half an hour is enough for this.

How to dry mushrooms in an electric dryer

The lucky owners of an electric dryer will have to make a little effort to prepare the perfect component of mushroom soup. The device will easily turn the pieces of mushrooms into drying, but there are a few basic rules that must be followed strictly.

Mushrooms should be carefully prepared for drying, cut into slices after cleaning, trying to make them even in thickness. Put them on the grills of the device in one row. Electric dryers differ in volume, sometimes several kilograms of mushrooms are placed in such a device.

After filling the electric dryer, it remains to turn on a low temperature, wait a few hours and unload the finished product, sending a new portion for drying. It is important to store mushrooms prepared for the next load in the electric dryer in the refrigerator. Room temperature can spoil the product in a few hours, and worms are especially active in spoiling the pulp in warm comfortable conditions.

How to dry porcini mushrooms at home

If during silent hunting I was lucky enough to collect boletus mushrooms, most of it is better to send for drying. Only this variety in dried form is able to bring the perfect taste and unique aroma to the dish.
Drying porcini mushrooms requires special preparation of the product, because they are fleshy, which will complicate the process. It is better to pre-cut them into identical parts, carefully removing the places spoiled by worms.
Old legs can be immediately sent to soup, fried with sour cream or potatoes. They are unsuitable for drying - even during the process they will easily disintegrate into fibers. Soft old hats are also poorly stored and take a long time to dry. You can boil them, grind them in a meat grinder and cook delicious juicy cutlets.

You can dry porcini mushrooms using an electric dryer, oven, microwave oven and in the sun, in the fresh air. All methods are ideal for turning fresh mushrooms into a dry product. Storage of dried porcini mushrooms is traditional - in small containers with a tightly fitted lid, strong paper bags, cardboard boxes.

Dried mushroom plates are easy to turn with a blender into a wonderful seasoning. When preparing soup or second courses, it is enough to send a few tablespoons of fragrant mushroom powder to the pan and boil for several minutes.

Food moth is a terrible enemy of dried mushrooms. It is recommended that you check your inventory frequently. If a pest is found, immediately sort out the entire product. A small number of flying individuals allows you to save mushroom drying by throwing out suspicious pieces. If larvae appear, the product will have to be thrown away, it is already impossible to save it.

You can protect dried mushrooms from moisture by placing a small container of salt in the immediate vicinity. For the same purpose, you can put a linen bag of rice directly into the bag or container with the product. The cereal perfectly absorbs excess moisture, but sometimes you need to remove the bag, dry it and fill it with fresh rice.

Watch the video: how to store dried mushrooms in an apartment


diets and healthy eating 11.10.2017

Dear readers, autumn is the most great time for mushroom pickers. I myself love to walk in the forest, I rejoice at every mushroom I find. Of course, year after year is not necessary. This year we have very few mushrooms, but last year was very productive. But it's one thing to pick mushrooms, and another thing to properly prepare them for the winter. One of the most popular and useful ways blanks is drying mushrooms.

All mushroom preparations are run by dad. I am always surprised with what joy, pleasure, knowledge of the matter, he disassembles, cleans, cuts mushrooms and then prepares them for drying. Whole art! Today, dear readers, we will talk about how to properly dry mushrooms at home for the winter.

Mushrooms are considered a perishable product, so if you want to make delicious and useful blanks for the winter, you need to act pretty quickly. The drying process itself is not particularly difficult, the main thing, as I said, is to properly prepare them.

However, before drying the mushrooms, let's first figure out which mushrooms should be preferred.

There are several types of mushrooms that are most often harvested for the winter.

White mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms, in my opinion, are the most ideal mushrooms for both frying and drying. What is their the most delicate taste what a flavor! You can cook a lot of tasty and healthy dishes from porcini mushrooms: soups, decoctions, sauces, gravies, marinades and snacks.

They contain many vitamins and minerals, but in order to preserve them, it is important to know how to dry porcini mushrooms and in what conditions to store them. Always remember - minimal heat treatment will help to preserve the maximum benefit. Below we will discuss the intricacies of drying.


For winter preparations, all types of oil are perfect. Butterflies have a large fleshy hat and a thick leg. Dishes from these mushrooms are juicy and have a rich mushroom aroma.

Butter mushrooms, like porcini mushrooms, also contain many useful substances that can be preserved if you know how to properly dry mushrooms for the winter.

Honey mushrooms

These mushrooms grow in families, so it is quite difficult to pass them by. If you know the basic rules for drying mushrooms at home, you can not only enjoy mushrooms all winter, but also saturate your body with vitamins B, C, as well as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

You can cook a lot from dried mushrooms original dishes: mushroom caviar, soups, onion-mushroom appetizer, mushroom pilaf, sauce, pies with mushrooms.

Dried mushrooms do not require special conditions storage, so you can easily make preparations for the whole winter.

Boletus, boletus, mossiness mushrooms, chanterelles

These mushrooms are also good and great for drying.

So, after we figured out our national preferences and talked about which mushrooms are dried for the winter, it's time to learn how to prepare them for drying.

How to prepare mushrooms for drying

I want to draw your attention to the fact that mushrooms are NEVER WASHED before drying. This is very important, because mushrooms are saturated with moisture from contact with water and subsequently cook for too long.

How to clean mushrooms from dirt and dust? Many experienced mushroom pickers advise doing this very carefully with a slightly moistened sponge. Other mushroom experts say it's best not to hydrate mushrooms at all. We usually use a sharp knife and a brush or sponge to shake off the dirt, sticky needles.

Remember soft, overripe or worm mushrooms are not suitable for drying, so mushrooms should be carefully sorted before drying.

Mushrooms can be dried whole or cut into several pieces. In the first case, the drying process will be longer. If you decide to cut the mushrooms, try to do it in such a way that you get neat pieces of about the same size. Mushrooms cut into pieces must be dried immediately, otherwise they will become weathered and the quality of the product will decrease.

And now is the time to choose the appropriate method of drying mushrooms that you can use at home.

You can dry mushrooms at home in one of the following ways:

  • in the sun;
  • in the oven;
  • in the microwave;
  • in air grill;
  • in an electric dryer.

Drying mushrooms in the sun

This method is the most simple, economical and natural. In order to dry mushrooms in the sun, they are strung on a thread or laid out in a thin layer on a wire rack. Our dad always cuts mushrooms into strips. It's beautiful and it dries faster.

Mushrooms should be turned over several times so that they dry evenly. You can not dry the mushrooms in the wind, otherwise a lot of dust will fly on them. If the weather has changed, it has become rainy, then the mushrooms are removed under a canopy or dried in the oven or in other ways, which will be discussed below.

Drying mushrooms can take up to several days to 2 weeks with this method. It all depends on the size of the mushrooms and weather conditions. Mushrooms dry faster if they are cut into small pieces.

In our family, mushrooms are usually dried on a string. A fishing line, nylon thread is taken, the mushrooms are evenly distributed and hung in a ventilated place. The smallest mushrooms can be dried whole. We always cut the big ones.

Please note that mushrooms for drying under the sun cannot be laid out on metal trays and baking sheets, otherwise they may turn black and lose their taste.

Drying mushrooms in a gas or electric stove oven

Experienced mushroom pickers often argue about how to dry mushrooms in the oven. Some say that this should be done with the oven door ajar at a temperature of 70-80 ˚C, others say that the oven should be completely closed, while the temperature should not rise above 50-60 ˚C.

To dry mushrooms in the oven, they should be cut into thin plates of approximately the same size and laid out on wire racks mounted on baking sheets. The temperature in the oven should be around 65-75 ˚C so that the mushrooms dry well, but do not start to crumble.

While you are drying the mushrooms in the oven, the racks should be swapped. After 5-6 hours, the mushrooms will be completely ready, and you can remove your blanks before the onset of winter. We usually dry the mushrooms in several passes and close the oven. Many mushroom pickers advise after drying in the oven to string them on a thread and dry them in any warm place in your house.

For more information on drying mushrooms in the oven, see the video.

Drying mushrooms in the microwave

Microwaves are in almost every home today. This wonderful oven allows you to heat, stew, bake and even dry food. That is why in our conversation I want to tell you about how to dry mushrooms in the microwave.

The preparation of mushrooms for drying in the microwave is the same - we traditionally clean the mushrooms and cut them into small slices. For drying mushrooms in the microwave, glass trays or flat plates are used.

The drying process itself consists of the following steps:

  • spread out raw mushrooms thin layer on a glass tray;
  • turn on the oven for 20 minutes (at a power of 100-170 W);
  • after the signal, open the oven, remove the mushrooms and drain the water from their surface;
  • repeat the 20 minute drying cycle a few more times.

Drying mushrooms in an air grill

Before drying mushrooms in an air grill, it is important to prepare not only the product itself, but also the equipment. Pledge quality drying in an air grill - the optimal mode, which is selected based on the number of mushrooms and the size of the mushroom slices. For drying, you will need a grate (for large mushrooms) and a mesh basket (for small ones), which is included as standard with the air grill.

In an air grill, mushrooms dry better than in an oven - they do not bake and do not darken, but acquire a soft golden hue.

In the process of drying in an air grill, mushrooms retain most of the vitamins and nutrients, therefore, by choosing this method, you can be sure that you will get not only a tasty, but also a healthy product.

Drying mushrooms in an electric dryer

If you have an electric vegetable and fruit dryer, you can also use it to dry mushrooms.

The drying technology in this case is similar to that used in the air grill. The pre-prepared slices of mushrooms are laid out in a thin layer on the grates, the drying temperature is set (50-60 ˚С) and the time (optimally 3-6 hours). The drying period will depend on the number of mushrooms and their thickness.

Delicious and nutritious mushrooms is a product that is useful at any time of the year, because it has a truly huge amount of substances valuable to the human body. They can be included in soups, added to meat, cooked with it sauces, bake pies.

Those who pick mushrooms on their own or buy from the market are faced with the question of how to save them in winter time. Fortunately, the ability to preserve blanks has been passed from hostess to hostess for centuries. It is only important to choose the right way to dry mushrooms at home. Stored in dried form a large number of nutritional properties and remain better than when salted or preserved.

Which mushrooms are suitable for drying

In order to enjoy excellent taste in winter, it is better to harvest:

  • mushrooms;
  • boletus;
  • boletus;
  • oyster mushrooms;
  • goats;
  • chanterelles;
  • boletus;
  • flywheels;
  • honey mushrooms;
  • oak trees;
  • morels;
  • tinder fungi;
  • Champignon;
  • polish mushroom;
  • hangers-on, etc.

Such mushrooms after drying retain useful qualities and do not have a bitter taste. They convey a magical forest smell, remain very tasty and are suitable for inclusion in any dish.

Volnushki, Milk mushrooms and Russula, on the contrary, after drying, leave a not too pleasant shade.

It is necessary to dry according to special rules, which exist primarily in order for the harmful impurities accumulated in it to completely evaporate.

How to prepare mushrooms for drying

In order for the product to be preserved in the best possible way, everything must be done so that it does not deteriorate. And spongy, and tubular, and lamellar varieties require a very careful attitude. It is necessary to properly prepare everything so that they not only endure the long winter, but also bring the greatest pleasure while eating.

You need to dry for a precisely adjusted period, because otherwise the mushrooms will not be capable of long-term storage.

It should be borne in mind that mushrooms lose at least half and even more of their natural volume, so you need to be very careful about the harvesting process.

Most often it happens that from one kilogram of fresh raw materials a little more than one hundred grams of dried is obtained.

Therefore, it is of great importance proper preparation mushrooms to dry. It is necessary to inspect each of them separately, clean, dry. This part of the process will largely determine their nutritional value in the future.

It is necessary to dwell on absolutely whole, fresh and strong specimens. Any wormholes must be removed immediately. It is better not to take spoiled mushrooms immediately for harvesting.

Before leaving the raw material for winter use, it should be washed clean. It is best to use a regular damp kitchen sponge. It is not worth putting mushrooms under a tap or placing mushrooms in a pot of water.

In the future, they are laid out so that they do not differ in volume from each other. In whites, oyster mushrooms, milk mushrooms, oak trees, champignons, the bottom of the leg is removed. Hats are taken from butterflies and boletus.

In the future, everything is cut in very thin layers about a centimeter thick. It is also allowed to cut into cubes.

At what temperature to dry mushrooms

The temperature regime is selected depending on the method of preparation of the product. The quantity of raw materials, safety, degree of preparation, time spent on the process also matter.

In any case, it is better to dry the mushrooms at home, after spreading them in a thin layer and leaving small gaps between them. It is impossible to put them in several rows, located one on top of the other. The temperature should remain in the range of fifty-five to seventy degrees. Accordingly, the period during which the product will undergo drying will also be distributed. On average, it takes at least six to eight hours.

How to dry mushrooms at home

In order to perfect way dry mushrooms without leaving home, you should know the most preferred harvesting options suitable for preservation nutritional value and extending the shelf life.

Most of the methods are quite simple and are used even by housewives who do not have long experience with mushrooms.

In order for the result not to disappoint, it is advisable to carry out the process in summer or early autumn. What is collected in October, it is better not to leave, but immediately process it for cooking.

Outdoor drying

This method is traditional and has been used by women for more than one century. Mushrooms can be laid out on a balcony, in a loggia or in a well-ventilated indoor area.

  1. They are placed on a newspaper or on a dense fabric. They must be laid out in several rows so that they do not touch each other.
  2. It must be very warm so that a sufficient amount of sun gets on the raw materials. In the absence of sunlight, the product is treated with heat from a battery or heater. The temperature must be kept even, without drops.
  3. The measure of readiness is determined visually, as well as by touch. After it becomes clear that the mushrooms are completely ready for long-term storage, they should be packed in paper or linen bags. Their content is also allowed in iron or glass containers with tightly ground lids.

The closet in which they are placed must be dry, well ventilated and very clean. It is required that it be removed from the stove and other food products, as foreign odors quickly penetrate into the dried raw materials.

Drying in the oven

The oven is an excellent tool for harvesting mushrooms. Unlike the previous method, it needs much more attention and hassle, but the results are much faster and better.

However, in the absence of proper skill, some women spoil a large number of mushrooms at once, so it is better for an inexperienced hostess to first practice on a small number of them.

The workpiece has the following form.

  1. They take a metal grate and spread the product on it in one layer, then the sheet is pushed inward.
  2. The stove is set to a mode of sixty to seventy degrees.
  3. During drying, it is necessary to open the outer door from time to time for a steady supply of fresh air.
  4. After about a quarter of an hour, they take the second sheet and put it in place of the first. After a similar period, they are changed again.

The degree of readiness is determined visually. Much depends on the size of the mushrooms and the degree of their strength. One of the indicators is the change in the volume of the product. As soon as it has clearly decreased, it means that the drying time is coming to an end. Another determinant is complete dryness and lack of oiliness.

Drying mushrooms in a dryer

Experts believe that this method of harvesting mushrooms is preferable. Especially quality product It turns out if you process it in an electric dryer. Of course, the technique will not replace all the advantages of natural drying, but it will not allow spoiling the products. After harvesting in the fresh air, it is considered the most successful.

They act like this.

  1. Mushrooms are thoroughly cleaned, dried and cut into pieces. If they are small, then they are cut into cubes or simply cut into pieces.
  2. Pieces are laid out in the thinnest layer.
  3. exhibited temperature regime equal to fifty-five degrees Celsius. The process takes approximately two hours. In some cases, the time is longer if the mushrooms are significantly saturated with moisture or are too large.
  4. The degree of their readiness, as in the previous cases, is determined visually.

The use of an electric dryer is the most best method preservation of mushrooms, as it fits absolutely any of their varieties and types.

In the sun

This method of drying mushrooms is most suitable for owners of summer cottages who take them out into the sun or put them back into the house when night falls or rain falls.

The method does not need any additional devices and does not require the persistent attention of the hostess.

Workpiece progress.

  1. Mushrooms should be thinly sliced ​​or cut into small pieces.
  2. It is better to thread them through a harsh thread, and then spread them out on a tarpaulin or on a wooden plank in even rows.
  3. In the process, they must be periodically turned over to the other side, so that each surface is evenly and fully illuminated by the sun. In case of strong gusts of wind or significant cloud cover, the mushrooms should be taken under a canopy or in the canopy.
  4. They should be laid out so that they do not get dirt from the roads and do not carry dust from the gardens.
  5. In case the weather has deteriorated hopelessly, the mushrooms must be dried by a different method. You can not leave them to reach readiness in room conditions.

For this type of workpiece, at least fifteen days of continuous stay at sunlight, therefore, to dry better in summer.

How to dry mushrooms on a thread

This method is also traditional for drying mushrooms.

  1. Capron or thin fishing line are best suited for stringing them.
  2. Pre-prepared raw materials are carefully threaded onto the thread, making small gaps. Then it is attached in a dry, warm, ventilated and well-lit place.
  3. If the mushrooms are large, then they are cut into cubes. Small ones are hung entirely.
  4. In order for them not to hang for too long, it is necessary to place them near the battery. central heating, fan heater, oven, cooker, electric radiator.

The degree of readiness is determined by eye.

Air fryer drying

The method is suitable in cases where there are very few mushrooms and they are not expected to be dried in large quantities. It is also good for those who live in countryside and goes often enough for the gifts of the forest, stocking them in small portions. It is also suitable for those who are late and start the process in a cold autumn time when natural methods can no longer be applied.

Drying mushrooms, volnushki, chanterelles, mossiness mushrooms, honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus, Polish mushrooms is especially good. They come out beautiful, not darkened and not changed their structure.

Mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned, cut into a thin layer and held over the gas until moisture is completely removed from their surface.

The raw material is placed on special mesh stands and pushed inside the device. Then turn on the rotary mechanism.

The temperature regime is first set at around forty degrees, then added to seventy. Leave space between the cover and the outside for air to enter.

The raw materials are dried for five hours or more until cooked, making sure that the mushrooms do not burn. It is required to carefully monitor the process to avoid damage.

In the microwave

The method is not one of the best, but in the absence of another possibility of drying mushrooms, they use it.

  1. Raw materials are prepared in the same ways as in other cases.
  2. The pieces are folded wide and flat grate or a plate by placing it inside the appliance. Do not use iron containers.
  3. The regulator knob is placed in the position corresponding to one hundred and fifty degrees and left for twenty minutes.
  4. Then the apparatus is turned off and the mushrooms are taken out for fifteen minutes for airing.
  5. Repeat the procedure again for three times. If each copy is dried whole, up to five repetitions may be required.

The degree of readiness is determined visually.

Refinement of the condition of harvested raw materials

Despite indications that the level of drying is measured by eye, there are still certain criteria for its establishment.

Two or three times is enough and the hostess will learn at a glance whether the mushrooms have dried enough. They easily bend without breaking, spring under the fingers. It is unacceptable to feel that moisture remains in the raw material or, on the contrary, it crumbles.

Some specimens wrinkle a little and become like baked apples. Their color should range from light brown to brown.

If a woman prepares a product for the first time, then for indication it is useful to purchase some ready-made raw materials in a store or market and compare the result with it.

How to store dried mushrooms

When everything is done right and excellent dried mushrooms are obtained, they should be preserved so that they do not lose their taste properties.

It is required to follow a number of rules:

  • best view storage is paper or cardboard. It is also allowed to pour it into a linen bag.
  • Do not mix the dried product with other types of groceries.
  • Keep it near a window or vent.
  • A battery must be located nearby, otherwise the mushrooms will become moldy.
  • It is necessary to pour them out periodically and air them on the newspaper;
  • If corrupted instances are found, they must be urgently removed.

The bag or box is stored for no more than three years. But every two to three months, the container should be changed to a clean, dry and free from defects.

You can not leave the mushrooms for too long, from time to time without taking a sample from them in order to make sure that their structure is not broken and there is no damage.

Useful video

In order to determine by what method raw materials will be harvested for the winter, it is worth watching a video that details all the stages of drying. With strict adherence to all the rules, mushrooms can be preserved so that they do not lose their nutritional value, do not begin to deteriorate, and have an excellent taste and smell.

Every woman knows how useful it is to have dried raw materials in the house so that winter dishes acquire a special flavor of summer. It is used in unlimited quantities of recipes, and also complements ready-made dishes with it.

If you fulfill all the wishes for drying them at home, then for the whole year an excellent variety will be provided in the prepared recipes for pastries, meat, vegetables and soups.

In the season of mushroom fertility, gathering enthusiasts face a difficult task: to process and preserve a rich harvest. Different types mushrooms are stored with various ways. Some types can be salted and pickled, others will be tasteless after such processing. Many types of mushrooms can be dried. Ideal for drying porcini mushrooms, boletus, morels, boletus, boletus.

This type of blanks has undeniable advantages: compactness due to the removal of almost all moisture, fruits are reduced in size, making them convenient to store. When dried, mushrooms undergo minimal heat treatment, which allows you to keep useful substances and vitamins intact. Drying mushrooms does not require special equipment, anything will do: oven, dryer, sun.

Before drying, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work: first you need to sort the catch by species. Then clear of debris and earth. It can be done with a knife. Then you need to wipe each mushroom to remove any moisture. Before drying, the fruits must not be subjected to wet processing, otherwise they will absorb water, which threatens a much longer drying time. Large fruits need to be cut. The middle ones are easy enough to break, dividing their two parts, the leg and the hat. Small ones will dry without a knife.

The larger the pieces, the longer it will take for them to dry.

On a string

You will need a large needle and a thick thread, preferably from a natural material. Mushrooms need to be pierced in the middle of the top and dried in the sun. Many housewives cover such beads with a light cloth, this is done so that midges do not stick around future stocks.

In the forest and on a branch

On a hike important issue becomes food. Most often, it is very difficult to carry all the necessary products. However, if hiking in the summer in the forest, then nature itself can help with supplies. Mushrooms can be fried or boiled, they are very tasty and satisfying. However, such a pleasure will only help for one day - raw mushrooms will not last long in warm weather conditions and will serve as an extra burden for the hikers.

That is why many use one trick - dried mushrooms right in the forest. Such a product is easier to carry with you. Younger mushrooms are better suited for drying.

  • It is necessary to prepare the product for drying. To do this, it is necessary to separate the leg from the cap, clean the latter from adhering dirt. It is best to dry mushrooms in two stages.
  • During the first, the prey is laid out on newspapers and dried simply in the sun. It is necessary to spread where direct sunlight falls, the mushrooms should not come into contact with each other.
  • When they dry up by about half, they lose volume, you can proceed to the second stage - stringing on a thread. One garland should not be more than a meter, the pieces should be at a distance from each other.
  • Such threads are hung around the tents. Often covered with a light cloth to keep out flies.
  • If there is no time, you can dry the mushrooms on a fire, however, in this case they will absorb the smoke.
  • The last stage is preparation for the continuation of the journey. Before packing new supplies, it is necessary to check that all mushrooms are fairly dry.

All work can be spoiled even by one undried piece, which will begin to deteriorate.

If there was no thread with you - you can dry the mushrooms using improvised material. For example, branches. They can be placed around the fire, periodically changing places.

How to dry mushrooms at home

In a modern apartment you can use oven, microwave, air fryer. In addition, you can hang garlands of mushroom threads in the area above the burners and turn them on. After three days, the mushrooms are ready.

In the oven

For drying in the oven, you must first dry the mushrooms in the sun, for this they are laid out on paper so that they do not touch each other and leave them in the fresh air. When the mushrooms become dried, you can send them to the oven. It should be heated to a temperature not exceeding seventy degrees.

In air grill

Often the drying of mushrooms is delayed for a long time, then the question arises of how to speed up the process, or how to free the oven for other needs. If the house has an air grill, a solution will be found very quickly. It's perfect for small portions if your grocery shopping trip isn't a huge success.

Large mushrooms should be laid out in one row, small ones in a mesh pan. It is necessary to place an object under the lid that does not allow it to close tightly. This is done so that the evaporated moisture comes out of the fruit unhindered. After a couple of hours, dried mushrooms are ready.

What mushrooms can be dried

Several categories of mushrooms differ in structure, not all of them are suitable for drying.

  • Boletus mushrooms are distinguished by a layer under the cap, which looks like a sponge. It is made up of many small tubes.
  • Lamellar mushrooms. They differ from the rest in plates with spores, which are located under the hat and are located like rays.
  • Chanterelle. With an inattentive examination, they may resemble the previous view, however, these are not plates, but folds.
  • marsupial mushrooms. Differ unusual shape, spores are hidden in a special place. You can dry morels, however, they are considered not entirely edible. This means that they will have to be dried in the fresh air and for a very long time in order for the harmful substances to evaporate.

Mushrooms are best for drying, having a tubular structure. It is believed that lamellar will be bitter. Porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, boletus, champignons, honey mushrooms are best suited for drying.

What mushrooms can not be dried

Lamellar mushrooms. The opinion of many experienced mushroom pickers suggests that this species will be bitter after drying. Of the mushrooms of this species, it is categorically impossible to dry russula, volushki and milk mushrooms.

Chanterelle mushrooms are also not suitable for this type of preparation. You can dry the white truffle, which belongs to marsupial mushrooms, but this breed is a rarity in Russia and a value that is served in restaurants for a lot of money.

How long does it take to dry mushrooms

When drying in the sun, if you cut the mushrooms into thin slices, half a centimeter thick, they will be ready in a few days. Mushrooms dry faster on a thread. Literally a day and you can put them away for storage.

Borovik is considered the king of mushrooms, and mushroom pickers strive to collect as many fruits as possible in order to enjoy them to their heart's content. To make blanks for the winter from them, you can use preservation, freezing and drying. Mushrooms deprived of liquid retain their original taste and aroma, and can be used to prepare various dishes. The main thing is to know the nuances of drying and the basic secrets of storing porcini mushrooms.


Before the procedure, mushrooms should be properly prepared. This will preserve the taste and smell, as well as extend the shelf life. First of all, pay attention to the selection of mushrooms. Do not use wormy fruits for drying. If insects have damaged only one part (leg or hat), discard it, and feel free to take the second one into action. Old rotten mushrooms will not work either, especially if there are traces of mold.

Clean the selected mushrooms from sand, leaves, moss and other debris. It is strictly forbidden to wash them, otherwise it threatens to multiply mold and reduce the shelf life. After cleaning, cut the porcini mushrooms into thin layers of the same thickness. Small ones can be dried whole.

In the oven

For drying porcini mushrooms in city apartments, ovens are often used. This method is quite simple, but requires compliance with some rules. First of all, remember: you can dry the mushrooms on a wire rack or a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. They should not lie too close to each other, otherwise they will stick together.

When drying porcini mushrooms in the oven, do not forget to leave the door ajar.

To properly dry porcini mushrooms, it is important to choose the temperature regime. Experienced housewives recommend gradually increasing the temperature in order to get a quality product as a result. Preheat the oven to +50 ⁰С and place a baking sheet with mushrooms. After 3–4 hours, increase the temperature to +70 ⁰С, and after another 2 hours, lower it again to +50 ⁰С. Stir the mushrooms occasionally during drying to ensure they dry evenly. Also, remember to leave the oven door ajar to allow air to circulate and moisture to evaporate.

in the microwave

Drying mushrooms in a microwave oven is a rather long, laborious and energy-intensive process. But this method can also be used. Spread the porcini mushrooms on a wire rack and put in the microwave. Select a power of 120-130 W and turn on the device for 20 minutes. At the end of the regime, remove the mushrooms, mix them and repeat the whole process 3-4 more times, depending on the size of the pieces.

When drying mushrooms in the microwave, you need to constantly monitor the process. They can quickly dry out or, conversely, remain damp. In addition, the microwave oven can only hold a small portion of the blanks at a time, so the drying procedure can take all day.

In an electric dryer

In the context of modern technological progress best option for drying mushrooms, vegetables and fruits - use an electric dryer. The main advantages: the ability to remove moisture from a large number of products at a time, uniform processing of all pieces without outside interference and high energy consumption. To dry the porcini mushrooms, lay them out in an even layer on pallets. Assemble the device and turn it on. After 2–3.5 hours (depending on the model and power of the electric dryer), you will receive ready-dried mushrooms.

old method

For many housewives remains topical issue how to dry porcini mushrooms on a rope. This old method used by great-grandmothers. It is very simple, does not require financial investments and large time costs. To dry, string mushrooms or their pieces on a thread and hang in a sunny, well-ventilated corner. To protect from insects, cover them with gauze. Dry the mushrooms outside from morning until late at night for several weeks. If weather do not allow to dry the mushrooms in the fresh air, use the oven or microwave.

Storage rules

To ensure long-term storage of dry mushrooms will help compliance simple rules. Protect them as much as possible from contact with moisture, as they quickly absorb water, which can lead to the development of mold. It is better to keep them in a dark, well-ventilated area with average temperature air.

As a container, choose bags from natural fabric or thick paper ( plastic bags won't fit). You can also use glass jars, however, they have a high risk of moths and other insects.

You can dry porcini mushrooms in the microwave, oven or the old method. The main thing is to follow the basic rules and recommendations, and also constantly monitor the process so as not to overdry the fruits or leave them raw.

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