What genus does a pig belong to? Pig. Preparing for the birth process

The incident occurred in Kenya, on a farm in the city of Murangi.

Russian media report this.

An ordinary pig gave birth to a baby with the features of a piglet and a baby at the same time. The creature received only fangs and a nickel from the pig. According to the farmer's comment, the individual is male.

Netizens reacted differently to the news. Some showed extraordinary interest, while others showed complete distrust. Skeptics are sure that the photo shows a skillfully created silicone doll. Do not forget that no animal can give birth to a baby with human genes.

However, it should be noted that local residents American state New Hampshire is constantly suffering from new attacks by an unknown creature. This time she appeared from the depths of the local fashion settlement and disappeared there.

In turn, the local residents, who were not afraid and watched the unknown creature, unanimously started talking about a real sea monster, which they had never seen in their lives until that moment.

It is worth noting that local residents who encountered the object said that they saw a real sea monster.

It became known that on the afternoon of August 4 of this year, unknown sea ​​creature sailed almost to the coast of New Hampshire. According to eyewitnesses, the mystical monster was under water, but its movements were visible in large circles on the surface of the lake. Witnesses of the incident posted a video on YouTube and asked Internet users to understand what they saw.

In the comments, users suggested that a real flying saucer (UFO) had fallen to the bottom of the lake, while others said that a monster lived there and was scaring people. However, skeptics said that the video was just a big fish.

Remember the huge ancient snake "Titanboa", which had no equal in size? So they are trying to convince the whole world of the opposite, and yet a snake was found that was longer and thicker.

Thus, a snake of incredible size was discovered in the Red Sea: the beast, nicknamed "Maga Maar Malad", is almost 30 meters long and weighs several tons.

So, according to this media report, the hunt for giant snake was conducted by a team of Egyptian biologists and qualified divers. The photographs of "Maga Maar Malad" really look impressive, but several major scientific centers have already accused the SAAD publishing house of falsifying the facts.

After all, no evidence is incredible huge snake, except for a few photographs, does not exist at all. No body, skeleton or any remains of this snake have been produced.

Having studied the process of the birth of offspring in a sow, you can safely observe the animal throughout the entire period of pregnancy and provide assistance. necessary help, having noticed violations. Immerse yourself in the situation from the beginning to the very end, and we will help you figure out what to do if farrowing is delayed, complications during the birth process, severe rehabilitation period. Having become familiar with the material, you can safely accept new additions to your herd of pigs, without fear for the health of the piglets.

First and subsequent farrowing: similarities and differences

Pig farrows for the first time at about one year of age. However, the first signs of sexual maturity can be noticed when the animal reaches 6 months. In order for a first-born pig to give birth without complications, its weight must exceed 100 kg, but not exceed 130 kg. In addition, females with more than 12 teats are selected for reproduction.

The first birth in pigs is difficult, their body experiences severe stress, which is why the signs of impending farrowing appear most clearly in them. The first-born female may farrow with a delay - this is normal if the quantity extra days does not exceed a week. On the other hand, individuals who have already given birth may, on the contrary, not bear fruit for a period of about 10 days.

In experienced sows, labor takes place in 4 hours, but in first-born sows, farrowing can take 10 hours or more. Another point worth noting is the number of piglets born. Young pigs give birth to only 6-8 babies, but with age their number reaches 10-12 newborns.

Preparing the machine for day “X”

In order for pigs to farrow at home without complications, the maternity room must be carefully prepared. According to the rules of pig farming, a dismissive approach is unacceptable here. The dishonesty of the owner can lead to the death of animals. Therefore, the first thing to do is to find a warm, dry place for women in labor.

All foreign objects are removed from the room, the walls are covered with lime, and then thoroughly ventilated to remove accumulated toxins. After this, the room is disinfected and the floor is covered with bedding. best quality. You also need to take care to stabilize the temperature - about 25 degrees. The pen is now ready to accept the sow.

If farrowing takes place in winter, the room is protected from possible drafts, but in summer time You will need to spray the pig with water at room temperature so that the animal does not become dehydrated.

The maternity ward is equipped with baskets for sorting babies, since some of them are born less active, and such piglets require special care. Don’t forget to stock up on water and feed, as sows have a special diet.

Design for postpartum feeding of babies

To make it easier for sows to feed their babies after farrowing, to prevent newborns from fighting for nipples, and to make it easier for farmers to clean up, a room for keeping farrowed pigs will be equipped special device. In common parlance it is called a “machine”, and you can make it yourself.

Read the article about how to properly make the device and its use; we will only talk about its specifics. The principle of the device is a long horizontal compartment for the sow with side cells for piglets. The bottom of the structure is made with a slot in order to promptly clear waste by washing the retractable tray.

The machine restrains the sow during feeding, which gives the babies the opportunity to receive the required amount of milk. But remember that the compartment for the female should not be too tight, otherwise the animal will experience discomfort, as a result of which the colostrum will begin to flow a large number of hormones.

Maternity room equipment

Since the birth of a pig can be complicated, care should be taken to prepare all necessary tools. This approach is called “working proactively,” which means being prepared for any development of events. So, in order to be able to react to the problem in a timely manner, the farrowing pen should have:

  • clean cloth;
  • medical gloves;
  • cutting tool;
  • 5% pharmaceutical iodine;
  • spool of thread;
  • potassium permanganate powder.

In addition, you need to bring mixing utensils into the room. The solution itself is prepared during the farrowing process and should contain such an amount of potassium permanganate powder that the water acquires a slight purple tint.

It should be remembered that giving birth in a cold room is fraught with serious complications. Therefore, the machine is equipped with 200 W infrared lamps. To monitor the temperature in the department, you should hang a thermometer on the wall.

Harbingers of the first contractions

Since a pig may give birth earlier or later than planned, special attention should be paid to external signs approaching farrowing. As the sow approaches a certain date, constant monitoring is established. We talked about how to determine these dates in the article.

Externally, you can understand that farrowing is approaching by an enlarged udder and a reddened genital loop. In addition, obvious signs of labor are a sagging belly, a sagging spine, and the appearance of colostrum. These physiological prerequisites for the appearance of babies will best show you that the beginning is near.

From a behavioral point of view, if a pig becomes nervous, this also indicates that farrowing is approaching. The animal begins to “loom” around the room, lies down and gets up, then lies down again. But as soon as the contractions begin, she sinks into a corner and calms down - this is the beginning of labor.

The number of piglets per farrowing, and how to influence this figure

Without the use of ultrasound, it is impossible to find out how many piglets a pig can give birth to in one pregnancy. But there are factors that can increase future offspring. Of these, it should be noted:

  • breed;
  • number of pregnancies;
  • maintenance and nutrition;
  • health level;
  • previous farrowing rates.

Since a pig begins to piglet from 10 months, the first few times the number of piglets will not be too large. But with age, the sows’ bodies will get stronger, and they will be able to bear more offspring if they are provided with good conditions maintenance and feeding.

The birth of piglets on a farm and their number largely depend on the living conditions of the sows. Particular attention is paid to the quality of feed, because they contain components that affect the endurance and fertility of the female.

Preparing the female: necessary care

In order for the sow to give birth to healthy offspring, she should be properly cared for before farrowing. Make sure that the pig gets all the necessary substances from food: phosphorus, calcium, chlorine, sodium. Naturally, the products given to her must be fresh and of high quality.

Pregnancy flushes sodium out of sows' bodies, and salt is needed to replenish it. Therefore, food given to pigs should be slightly salted. In some farms, before the pig farrowed, she was given helminth therapy, but this method disinfection is not reliable, and we do not recommend our readers to use it.

If a pig gives birth not for the first time, then it is recommended to be forced to walk it, since the animals themselves are reluctant to move, which leads to obesity. Immediately before farrowing, the amount of food is reduced, as a full intestine puts pressure on the uterus, which can lead to premature birth.

Temporary indicators of the birth of babies

So that you are not afraid of the start of farrowing, we will tell you how a pig gives birth, and what is the norm in this process and what is a deviation from the rules. The onset of contractions signals that the babies will soon appear. The first attempts of sows are weak, and the interval between them is long. Then the interval between contractions shortens, and the piglets begin to appear.

The birth process takes from 2 to 4 hours, but can take half a day.

Piglets emerge from two fallopian tubes at different intervals. The gap between the first and second baby is the shortest - about 5 minutes. Further exit time can increase to half an hour.

This is due to the fact that sows have reduced pushing.

But weak contractions can cause labor to stop, which is bad sign. If you do not know how to help a sow in this situation, then it is better to invite a veterinarian to the process, especially if this is the first farrowing in your practice. Intramuscular oxytocin usually helps.

The birth process: instructions for action

Of course, childbirth and reproduction are natural processes, but in animal husbandry they are strictly controlled. Once the pig goes into labor, the fetus will not appear immediately. How long this will take depends on how farrowing the female is. But as soon as the baby is born, he needs to cut the umbilical cord, tie it with a thread and treat it with iodine.

The fact that the babies appear at intervals makes it possible to deal with each piglet. It must be cleared of mucus, wiped dry with a clean cloth and brought to the mother's nipple for the first portion of colostrum. As soon as he drinks, move him under the lamps, placing him in a basket. Don't forget to treat the birth canal with potassium permanganate before the next baby starts coming out.

When a pig gives birth to piglets, they say that this is only part of the farmer's job, and this is true. Each placenta must be released from the sow before labor is completed. Due to the physiology of the pig, it consists of 2 parts. After this, you can wash the female and let her rest.

Assistance in the labor process: attenuation of contractions or their absence

Sometimes sows give birth with complications. Let's figure out how to act in such situations. For example, if the pig is unable to give birth due to ongoing or almost subsided contractions, you should immediately remove the fetus, otherwise the piglet will suffocate.

You need to be prepared for this situation, so cut your nails short before you start farrowing. And if suddenly the piglet is not born, start acting. Wash your hands up to the shoulder, put on medical gloves and lubricate with Vaseline. Now carefully insert your hand into the uterus until you touch the fetus.

Grasping the limbs, begin to slowly pull it until it comes out completely. Quickly clean the pig born this way, make sure it is breathing, and bring it to the nipple. Feeding newborns colostrum stimulates contractions. If this does not help stabilize farrowing, call your doctor. It would be good if he was warned in advance about the onset of labor and was ready.

You can also inject yourself into the muscle with antispasmodic titrate (dosage 5 ml). You can replace it with propylene glycol (10 ml). After about half an hour, oxytocin is administered (30 ml per sow weighing up to 200 kg).

Complications, the symptoms of which are loss of appetite

When a sow farrows without complications, her appetite appears within 10 hours, and the need for water remains during childbirth. But in some cases, the animal refuses to eat, and this may be a symptom of a viral infection. Its life may depend on how much a pig does not eat, so you should quickly determine the reason and restore its appetite.

Pigs have 4 reasons for reluctance: lack of vitamins, poor feeding and maintenance, illness. In the first 3 cases, you can help the animal with good care, changing the diet and improving conditions. When the cause of lack of appetite is a virus, then treatment should begin.

If you do not have the opportunity to contact a veterinarian and consult with him, then you can use drugs with names such as “Fosprenil”, “Bicillin-3” and “Baytril”. These are antibiotics wide range actions, but they have harmful consequences: they enter the body of piglets through colostrum and cause diarrhea. In the future, their use may cause a block in development.

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Kira Stoletova

Farrowing (the birth of a pig) is an important event in the life of any farmer, because the productivity of the enterprise directly depends on its success.

The owner should be well prepared for replenishment of the livestock, study the issue so that the process goes without complications and the piglets are born viable. It is necessary to know the physiology and anatomy of the animal, how to properly feed a new mother, how to give birth, how many days before contractions can begin, what are the signs of the onset of pregnancy, etc.

If you follow certain recommendations, farrowing at home will be easy. Complications arise only in the case of pathologies and untimely assistance, therefore, from the day of conception, it is necessary to examine the animal and monitor the development of the fetus using tests and ultrasound.

Calculate the approximate time of birth

The female gives birth on average at 114 days. These terms are flexible: from 110 to 120 days. Basically, it all depends on factors such as care, nutrition and comfort. The age of the individual also influences the time of birth: according to statistics, young pigs giving birth for the first time always carry a pregnancy to term, while massive, experienced sows give birth ahead of schedule.

A delay, or, conversely, acceleration for a period of one week is considered normal.

Scientists have calculated that only 25% of pigs give birth exactly on time, 30% - ahead of schedule, and 45% - later.

You should be on your guard. It is better to move a pregnant pig to a separate room where she will be under constant supervision. Even better is to keep a calendar. For example, if the female was fertilized on April 20, then she can give birth on August 8 (give or take a week).

Number of piglets per farrowing

Unfortunately, it is impossible to accurately determine the number of future offspring at home. Those for whom it is fundamentally important to know this figure should take the animal for an ultrasound. This is a painless process, and therefore the female will not experience stress.

There are a number of factors on which the number of offspring depends. These include the following:

  • age of the pig (young animals usually have smaller offspring than adults);
  • breed;
  • Is this the first birth or not?
  • balanced nutrition (the better the animals are fed, the greater the chance of obtaining hardy and prolific offspring);
  • conditions of detention;
  • female health;
  • productivity.

If a female gives birth for the first time, you should not expect large offspring, since even multiple-feeding individuals give birth to no more than 6-8 piglets. But an adult and experienced sow gives birth to 10-12 piglets at a time.

Preparing for childbirth

The future sow requires special attention, care and care. All the following points must be strictly followed:

  • It is imperative to feed the pig fresh food, since poor or low-quality food can have a negative impact on the pregnancy, even to the point that the fetus will dissolve. A pregnant sow must receive the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals for the normal development of the offspring and successful birth. During pregnancy, special attention should be paid to products containing phosphorus, calcium, chlorine and sodium.
  • Food should be lightly salted. This is needed to restore normal content in the body of sodium, which is washed away, but is very necessary for the normal development of the fetus.
  • Due to the fact that a pig is not a very clean animal, it is necessary to periodically carry out helminth therapy. This will protect the pigs from the bad influence of helminths.
  • When the time approaches, the amount of food consumed should be reduced. This is due to the fact that a full intestine puts pressure on the uterus and can cause premature birth. This action also reduces the likelihood of pathologies occurring.
  • Due to the fact that a pregnant pig does not move much, it must be forced to walk from time to time so that it does not become too fat and can give birth easily.

During this period, they try to give food that has a mild laxative effect. Food is given in liquid or semi-liquid form to avoid intestinal pressure on the uterus.

Place for childbirth

No matter how many piglets you get in one farrowing, you should definitely prepare a place for farrowing at home. For the process to be successful, you must carefully select the location. To do this, perform the following steps

  • disinfect the premises to avoid infections and contaminations;
  • remove unnecessary items from the premises;
  • whitewash the walls and ceiling (for this it is better to use ordinary lime);
  • the room is well ventilated;
  • put a bedding of straw or hay on the floor;

The room must have certain temperature conditions: a temperature from 18°C ​​to 25°C is considered comfortable. You need to pay special attention to this in winter. Be sure to protect the sow from drafts. If it’s a hot summer and the female is uncomfortable, she can be lightly sprayed with water at room temperature.

To have a successful birth, you need to prepare all the necessary items in advance.

  • a piece of clean cloth;
  • sterile gloves;
  • scissors;
  • pharmaceutical iodine (iodine concentration should be 5%);
  • threads;
  • solution of potassium permanganate (weak, it should be slightly purple and is prepared immediately before birth).

If a female gives birth in the cold season, then the place where the piglets will be located immediately after birth requires special heating. You need to install several lamps, preferably infrared, with a power of 200 W. The temperature should be kept at 27-30°C. In order to control the temperature, it is also advisable to install a thermometer.

How a pig gives birth. FARROW

Farrowing of a sow of the Vietnamese breed.

Farrowing of a sow. Sow giving birth

Precursors of childbirth in a pig

You need to be very careful not to miss the moment when the pig starts giving birth. It’s not difficult to determine: there are warning signs.

  • The lower back sag noticeably as the belly drops.
  • The pig becomes even more motionless and cautious, and gets up less often.
  • Over the course of a day, changes occur in the udder. It increases slightly and becomes loose, and when pressure is applied to the nipples, liquid is released - colostrum.
  • The animal's behavior changes. A few days before farrowing, the pig rakes the bedding into one place, making a nest.
  • The female begins to behave restlessly.
  • The animal's breathing becomes rapid.
  • Mucus begins to secrete from the uterus.

Pig birth very often takes place at night. In this regard, observation of the animal should be constant and around the clock, but unobtrusive, so as not to frighten the female. Only control will help you not to miss the signs of an approaching event.

The birth process

Farrowing is the most important stage in the process of caring for pigs, since the profitability of the entire event depends on this. It is important for the pig to have the birth delivered by someone she knows and trusts. Best of all, the presence of a veterinarian and the owner of the animal. Pigs will be nervous before giving birth and need to be calmed down.

  • If the animal lies on its side, labor has begun. The process occurs from the two horns of the uterus in turn.
  • Contractions occur in the same way as in humans: at first they are rare and weak, then frequent and strong.
  • There is a break of 5-30 minutes between the release of fruits.
  • The shortest interval between the birth of the first and second piglet. Further, the process slows down significantly and can last up to half an hour between each individual.

How long does it take for an animal to give birth to piglets? If you are lucky, farrowing will not last long: from 2 to 6 hours. In some cases, if the birth is difficult, it can last up to 10 hours.

If more piglets are about to appear, but the contractions have stopped and the female is no longer giving birth, you need to invite a specialist. There can be many reasons for this: the female is tired or cannot push out the fetus herself. Before farrowing, a novice farmer is recommended to study this issue in more detail; you can watch educational videos, photos, and invite a veterinarian to the birth. If you follow all the instructions, everything will go smoothly and successfully.

The actions of people during childbirth should be as follows:

  • Each born piglet must be wiped with a clean cloth and see which one was born.
  • Cut the umbilical cord, tie it at the belly with thread and treat it with iodine.
  • If the piglet comes out in a bladder, it is broken and the animal is helped to breathe.

If after farrowing the pig behaves calmly, then everything is fine and the piglets can be placed on the udder, having previously treated them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Receiving colostrum in the first hours of life will strengthen the piglets' immunity and alleviate the sow's condition.

You should not take the cubs away from the female, as she will be nervous and look for them, and such small piglets may not stand up on their own. It is very important to keep and fatten piglets together with their mother.

Possible consequences

Complications are possible during farrowing, which is why the sow needs a person.

The causes of complications may be:

  • weak labor activity;
  • incorrect placement of piglets;
  • too big pig;
  • constipation in a sow.

If the birth is prolonged and the piglets do not come out on their own, the person must pull them out himself, washing his hands and lubricating them with Vaseline. Piglets that die during childbirth are immediately removed so that the sow does not crush them. If labor weakens after the birth of the first piglets, they are applied to the udder, which promotes contraction of the uterus and increased labor. If this does not help, the sow is given an injection of oxytocin. Any dosage of the drug is selected exclusively by a veterinarian, taking into account the characteristics of the female.

Animal care

After birth, piglets and pigs need to be properly cared for.

  • The sow is washed, dried and placed in a dry place.
  • The piglets are constantly monitored, as they move little and the sow can simply run over them.
  • The pig can be fed 9 hours after birth. If she refuses food, she is offered sugar water.

The appearance of appetite is an indicator that the birth was successful. If the female refuses to eat, then perhaps she has health problems and it is better to show the animal to a veterinarian. If the pig does not want to feed the piglets, but lies on her stomach, she has problems with the gastrointestinal tract and just needs to be given a laxative. If a farmer does not know how to properly care for a pig, he should watch videos and photos on this topic.


To understand what a farmer needs to know to carry out a successful birth of a pig and to give birth to viable offspring that can bring profit in the future, you need to talk with professionals in their field. For this, people who want to start farming can go to forums. It is also recommended to study all videos on raising, breeding and caring for pigs.

If you follow these recommendations, the offspring will be strong and healthy. Any animal needs care and attention. People should not abandon their wards during such a process; they need to help as much as possible, no matter how long it lasts.

2018-01-25 Igor Novitsky

History of the origin of the pig

The modern domestic pig (Sus domestica) is a product of centuries of evolution, the result of the development of the species under the influence of natural selection and human activity. The enormous polymorphism (variety of forms) of this species indicates a multitude of original ancestral forms, on the one hand, and different intensity and direction of changes in pigs under the influence of domestication and selection, on the other.

According to the unified world classification of animals, the domestic pig belongs to the phylum of vertebrates, class of mammals, order of artiodactyls, family of pigs, genus of pig. The genus includes wild ancestral forms that are still preserved (wild boar) and domestic pig. There are two points of view on the wild ancestors of the pig: the first, which is followed by domestic researchers, is that all modern breeds of pigs come from three forms - Sus scrofa vittatus (wild boar South-East Asia), S.s. mediteraneus (Mediterranean wild boar) and S.s. scrofa (wild boar of Central Europe and Northern Asia); the second, common in English-speaking schools, recognizes only two original forms - European and Far Eastern wild boars.

It is believed that the domestication of the pig occurred about 6-7 thousand years ago in China. Gradually spreading, primarily to areas of ancient civilizations (Mediterranean Sea), this animal appeared in Europe. The domestication of the pig, like other animal species, occurred in connection with the transition from a nomadic “hunting” lifestyle to settled agriculture. When people began to unite into clan communities, and hunting tools improved more slowly than social relations, there was a need to domesticate animals. However, it took tens of thousands of years to realize that it is better to have food, skins for clothing and shoes at hand than to get them by relying on luck. The process of keeping animals in pens led to the use of selection: first of all, they killed for their own needs those individuals who tried to overcome the fences and break free, and left calm animals. The new opportunity to produce offspring in captivity forced people to engage in food production. The development of agriculture and livestock husbandry constituted a single link in the life support of an increasingly growing population. And if nomads used animals mainly for transportation, sedentary communities and clans linked their existence with the breeding of species that would provide them with a well-fed life.

Pig as a source of meat has become one of the main objects of the application human labor. The very fact of domestication was the starting point for huge bid transformations, the depth and forms of which began to accelerate, becoming integral part process of human civilization.

Features of wild boar and pig

The modern wild boar is not an exact copy of the ancestor of the domestic pig, as evidenced by the different karyotype: the domestic pig has 38 somatic chromosomes (19 pairs), and the wild boar has 36. However, the differences do not prevent these forms from easily crossing, giving an interspecific hybrid with an intermediate number of chromosomes - 37 (unpaired). Consequently, only individuals and populations were domesticated certain type, although wild boars also influenced its evolutionary changes through crossing.

According to G.K. Otryganyev, the wild boar is capable of traveling up to 30 km in search of food during the night, has an exceptionally subtle sense of smell, is not afraid of water and swims well. Wild boars produce offspring (6-10 piglets) only once a year (in spring). The female leaves the nest only during the day. Piglets suckle the uterus for 2.5-3 months, but remain with it until puberty, i.e. the family persists for a year or more. Boars (males) reach 200 kg and are distinguished by their high growth - up to 95 cm at the withers.

These characteristics differ radically from those not only of the modern domestic pig, but also from primitive breeds. The most complete comparison of these forms was given by I. D. Ivanenko (the author of the manual supplemented the data with the characteristics of a factory pig)

If we assume that the wild ancestors of the pig had approximately the same properties as the modern wild boar, then significant morphophysiological differences between them and primitive breeds are visible, due exclusively to the domestication factor. At the same time, primitive and factory breeds differ mainly only in productive traits, due to the intensive selection of animals of the desired type and the creation of appropriate housing and feeding conditions. The biological basis of such changes is a significant transformation in the level and type of metabolism and energy in animal cells and tissues. These qualities, fixed and developed by artificial selection, led to changes relative indicators organs and tissues: brain weight in relation to body weight in a domestic pig is less than in a wild boar - 0.17 and 0.27%, intestinal length to body length - 13:1 and 10:1, skeletal weight at birth at the same weight of a newborn piglet (1 - 1.2 kg) - 16 and 20%. From the table 1.1 it follows that during evolution the pig retains younger stages of development, is more plastic and susceptible to changes under conditions of unstable housing and artificial selection.

Morphogenetic changes in the pig

Morphogenesis (evolutionary change in body structure) was reflected mainly in the ratio of the front and rear parts of the pig's body: 0.7:0.3 - in wild boars, 0.5:0.5 - in primitive ones and 0.3:0.7 - in modern meat breeds with a general increase in body weight and growth rate. Historically, all breeds were improved in one direction - obtaining as much meat and fat as possible, i.e. pigs with more developed meat parts of the carcass (ham, back) and less development of low-value parts (head, front part of the body, limbs). Only in recent decades has selection in pig breeding been differentiated in order to create specialized types. In this regard, the origins of the formation of new qualities and properties of pig breeds should be sought not so much in wild ancestral forms, but in evolutionary factors and selection conditions that increase production intensity.

Morphogenetic changes in pigs took place under the complex influence of domestication and selection factors. The main domestication changes in pigs were described by S. N. Bogolyubsky. At the first stage of domestication, people selected pigs based on their behavior - calm, less mobile, which led to a simplification of the morphology of the brain, weakening of vision, but the ability to distinguish colors (daytime vision) appeared; Not only the mass, but also the structure of the muscles changed - the pig acquired the ability to grease. Constant selection for the ability to consume a large amount of various feeds contributed to the formation of overeating, and this occurred against the background of maintaining omnivorous behavior, which was the reason for the creation of breeds with a high feed gain.

In a number of publications, along with the term “gain,” the term “weight gain” is used.

Research recent years show that domestication changes in the genetic programs of animals do not primarily concern structural genes, encoding proteins, but regulatory ones, which determine the manifestation in the phenotype of traits that existed in distant ancestors in a recessive state. The evolutionary changes noted above indicate that the shape of the skull of a modern pig is different. early stages ontogenesis are characteristic of the most ancient subspecies wild pig South-East Asia. Development proceeds according to the principle of the loss of final stages and the preservation of phylogenetically earlier, more plastic stages, which became the beginning of new ways of development of pig breeding in modern conditions. The most significant evolutionary acquisition was the ability of the domestic pig to be sexually active all year round while simultaneously being highly fertile. This property can be considered as a synthesis of the influence of natural selection and selection: ‘here is a decrease in the viability of an individual, and a relatively high viability of the species as a whole, and compensation for a decrease in the duration of breeding use.

Domestication of pigs

In the first period of domestication (3000-1250 BC), pigs differed little in body shape from wild boar. They had a flat, deep body, long legs, a large head with a long straight snout and erect ears, a high comb of bristles along the entire back. However, domestication led to the appearance of a carp-like back.

By 500-400 BC e. The appearance of European pigs has already changed greatly. Appeared in the Mediterranean region new type with a concave back, drooping ears, a deep body, a short and wide head, a clearly expressed tenderness of physique. But in all other regions of Europe (including the territory of modern Belarus and Russia), more primitive, although quite diverse, types prevailed. They differed in size - lop-eared pigs were larger, long-legged and had the ability to produce significant fat deposits. But all primitive aboriginal breeds were characterized by a heavy head with a straight snout, low speed growth, feed payment and fertility (on average 4-6 piglets per farrow). Their color was the most diverse, hairline complex structure.

All aboriginal, especially primitive, breeds were characterized by high adaptability to local conditions and resistance to adverse environmental factors, but at the same time, like wild pigs, they had a high susceptibility to infectious diseases. Obviously, the natural high fertility of the pig compared to other domestic species is a response to reactivity. To this day, primitive breeds still exist in the world and it is very important to preserve them for the future.

Most characteristic formation of breeds - spontaneous selection and unsystematic crossings based on the principle of geographical proximity. This process was slow. The decisive factor in the evolution of the pig until the middle of the 18th century. animals became even more distant from natural environment and the creation of artificial conditions of detention. Low productivity, slow growth and unsatisfactory, rather primitive methods of production are the conditions for the predominant influence of natural selection in evolution. The peculiarity of such selection under domestication conditions is its higher intensity, as a result of which the modification, phenotypic variability of individuals has become more pronounced compared to wild herd populations. Natural populations are characterized by high homogeneity and uniformity of the type of livestock. Minor positive deviations are supported by natural selection, the main task which is the stabilization of characteristics and properties, ensuring that each individual meets the usual norm, the most suitable conditions for permanent habitat. When kept at home, the new qualities and properties of pigs are overwhelmingly non-adaptive, therefore they are most susceptible to the pressure of natural selection.

The object of such pressure, in contrast to artificial pressure, is any phenotype that differs from the normal one that best suits the conditions external environment. For example, when there is a shortage of food, selection acts on the animal to varying degrees depending on the food shortage and the duration of its manifestation. With a slight deficiency, multiple births or the quality of the offspring are reduced. In this case, the queen does not lose her reproductive ability, but her contribution to the gene pool of the herd will be reduced, and as a result the entire population will weaken (albeit to a small extent). A stronger manifestation of the pressure of natural selection is a decrease in the viability of the animal, which will immediately affect the size of the entire herd.

Pig breeding

From the moment man consciously began to select pigs of the desired type and special methods breeding, selection has become the main and most effective factor in evolution. The best results are obtained only when artificial selection acts in the same direction as natural selection. For example, the latter occurs in terms of reproductive ability and increased viability of the offspring. However, since time immemorial, selection has been predominantly in the direction of increasing meat and fattening productivity, i.e. development of such properties that are opposite natural evolution kind. This contradiction is the essence of pig biology. In other words, at the present stage of development of pig farming, as well as other branches of livestock farming, the question arises of the relationship between natural and artificial selection, skillful use various forms selection to achieve breeding goals - obtaining the most economical desired type. The main way to resolve these contradictions is to improve feeding and maintenance technology, and create genotypes that are best suited for breeding in specific conditions.

Since the 18th century. in England, and later in other European countries pig farming has taken the path of intensification, and one of the factors of this development is crossing different breeds and types. The resulting crossbreeds were distinguished by increased early maturity, i.e. accelerated progression through developmental stages. New types of pigs emerged, selected for crossing, which in many ways repeated the ontogenesis of their ancestors at earlier stages of development. New acquisitions receive the highest development with a successful selection of parental forms, but they are very unstable and require more stringent selection and maintenance of living conditions for their preservation in the offspring. If they worsen, then there is a loss of neoplasms in subsequent generations and a partial return to previous forms, and at the same time productivity deteriorates.

Changes in pig properties

The properties of pigs began to change especially significantly in size and speed from the beginning of the 20th century, when genetic achievements began to be used in breeding. And the most important factor here was the transition from assessing the phenotype to assessing the genotype of producers, which many times accelerated the process of transforming pig breeds in the desired direction. The improvement of existing and the development of new breeds was simultaneously aimed at increasing various characteristics of pig productivity - meat, fattening and reproductive.

Modern pigs have undergone significant changes by live weight. If ancient animals were large in size (for example, Neapolitan pigs in Ancient Rome or Romanesques in other areas of the Mediterranean reached a mass of more than 300 kg - females and 500 kg - males), then modern breeds are much smaller (Table 1).

Table 1

Live weight of pigs of modern breeds (I.T. Tikhonov, 1980; W. Pond and K. Haupt, 1983)
Breed Weight, kg
Uterus Boar
Duroc 160 200
Polish-Chinese 180 205
Yorkshire 125 150
Large white 230 330
North Caucasian 225 325
Large black 215 285
White short-eared 215 290
Early ripening meat (SM-1) 250 350
Belarusian black and white 223 294

Data on three American and six breeds bred in Belarus and Russia show that domestic ones are much larger. This is the result of the direction and intensity of use of breeding stock. In the USA and a number of Western European countries, a precocious meat type has emerged with a very short duration of use of queens and boars. Excessive specialization of breeds in fattening and meat productivity has led to the establishment of multiple births of most breeds at the level of 8-10.7 piglets per farrowing. In Belarus and Russia, preference has traditionally been given to large animals with high reproductive qualities - the multiple births of queens reached 10-12.5 piglets per farrow. Since the 70s XX century and in domestic pig farming they switched to intensive production and narrow specialization of breeds for meat and fattening productivity.

Despite slightly worse fertility, breeding small pigs under intensive production conditions is more profitable than large ones (in terms of the use of premises, feed and the complexity of care). For large industrial complexes It is most profitable to keep queens weighing less than 200 kg, but boars must be more powerful (300 kg or more): more sperm can be obtained from them, which is important for artificial insemination - the main method of reproduction.

Pig farming today

In progress historical development the pig as a type has undergone great changes. In addition to the factors of domestication and selection, the formation of the most desirable type was influenced, and in our time it has become the dominant economic factor - to obtain more high-quality products at the lowest production costs.

Evolution came from primitive forms to modern highly productive breeds and types, while natural selection was increasingly replaced by artificial ones. However, under conditions of intensive industrial technologies, the effectiveness of using pigs with high productive potential, even with the creation of optimal feeding and housing conditions, remains very low on the scale of herds and breeds. And the reason for this is the sharply increased susceptibility of pigs to diseases, idleness, and a reduction in the duration of breeding use.

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