Excess weight after childbirth: how to return to previous forms? Change in weight after childbirth: the norm and deviation from the norm

After giving birth, every woman does not immediately return to her usual physical form.

Why so much extra or why is the weight after childbirth?

Few of us limit ourselves to the use of goodies-sweets during pregnancy. In this beautiful and special period, we get used to eating "for two", especially in the last trimester. We all heard from “experienced” or we know from our own experience of previous pregnancies that, after giving birth, it will be impossible to eat anything “forbidden”. Therefore, we try to "eat up" for the future.

In addition, for obvious reasons, our physical activity is significantly reduced, and extra calories are not wasted, but are deposited on the priest and sides. Therefore, sometimes it is so difficult to get rid of extra pounds.

The problem is also that often a woman who has recently become a mother has absolutely no time to take on herself. There is no time to eat normally, no time to go to the gym, to the pool. What's there, corny there is no time for home physical education.

The third factor that can make you overweight is swelling. In connection with the restructuring of the body (hormonal), the kidneys begin to “jump”, due to which fluid is deposited in the soft tissues. But don't worry excess water will leave after a couple of days, a maximum of a week after the appearance of the baby.

Lose weight after having a baby quickly: simple rules

On the site, we have deduced a few simple and understandable rules, following which you can improve your figure:

  • First of all, motivation! It's not enough just to want to lose weight. You have to motivate yourself for it. Examples can be a lot: “I want to lose weight to fit into my favorite jeans”, or “lose weight to be healthy”, “I will be slim in order to please my beloved even more.” In general, you need to choose exactly what suits you specifically.
  • Balanced and proper nutrition. It's difficult, we understand. But you need to eat something that will not allow your figure to spread even more. After childbirth, the weight stands for a long time also because young mothers eat irregularly and with whatever, one might say “pasture”, that is cooked faster. It is necessary that the diet contains all the necessary substances and vitamins.
  • No to strict diets. If your baby is breastfeeding, drastically limiting what you eat is not for you. The most important thing right now is the health of the baby. And if you limit carbohydrates or fats, his nutrition will be inadequate, which can affect his health and development. For a sufficient amount of milk, drink two liters of different liquids per day.
  • No matter how difficult and impossible it may be, try to improve your sleep. Every effort must be made to establish the regime. When the mother is rested, the child will be healthy and happy. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Leave your household chores to your husband and relax when the opportunity arises.

Lose weight after childbirth quickly: is it real?

If you were thin before giving birth, then most likely, having given birth to a toddler, you will quickly return to your former shape. The remaining couple of extra pounds can only go away with the help of active physical activity, which, according to doctors, is better not to resort to for the first six months after the birth of the baby. This is due to the fact that it is during such a period that the uterus is completely reduced, and the body is restored.

In addition, if you had a difficult birth through, it is better to do only light exercises so that the scar on the uterus forms gradually and correctly. In connection with these factors, it is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly lose weight after childbirth.

Cosmetics to help

If you are overweight after childbirth and you have no time to exercise or you don’t have the strength to go on a diet, try using different cosmetics. For example, various scrubs and body masks can come to the rescue. They will not only cleanse your skin of dead skin particles, but also tighten it, make it more even, silky, get rid of small stretch marks.

Reset a little excess weight after childbirth, you can quickly, for example, taking soda baths.

But be careful! Before using this or that remedy, study its composition, action.

Beware of those products, the components of which can be absorbed into the bloodstream and enter the breast milk. It is best to prepare a body scrub or mask at home, using natural and safe ingredients (coffee, sour cream, sea ​​salt etc.).

If you are standing and do not lose excess weight after childbirth, do not despair! Don't chase after perfect figure and enjoy the wonderful moments of motherhood.

Let the baby grow up, and then you can begin to take active steps to restore your figure, and during this period, just try not to allow even more extra pounds and centimeters at the waist.
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Site site - Supermoms

Ruthless statistics say that 9 out of 10 women who give birth are gaining excess weight.

Unnecessary kilograms settle as a heavy burden on the stomach, hips, legs, arms and chest. This fact can overshadow the joy that a long-awaited baby has appeared in the family.

It seems that the body that gave new life, by all means makes up for the "loss" of the weight of the born baby. And the body does it persistently.

Instead of 3-5 kilograms of weight of a newborn out of nowhere appears 10-20 kilograms no one needs fat.

A newly-minted mother, who steps on the scales a month or two after giving birth, has quite reasonable questions: why didn’t the weight go away with her tummy and how to lose weight immediately after giving birth? This is worth dealing with.

Why isn't the extra weight coming off?

In order to answer this question, you need to take a good look at yourself. Perhaps the body(face, ankles, legs and arms) just swollen.

This happens quite often, since the weight of the fetus, amniotic fluid and placenta lost by the body can be compensated by water retained in the body. Thus, the body protects itself from dehydration.

This situation is not uncommon for those ladies who were given IVs during childbirth.

Puffiness will go away if a woman sweats more and goes to the toilet in a small way within 2-3 weeks.

How to lose weight: several effective ways

Breastfeed!Yes yes exactly lactation(moreover, long-term) becomes a kind of guarantee that soon overweight will leave on their own.

Many young mothers believe that breastfeeding is an extra chore and a burdensome duty. They believe that only a strict diet and debilitating starvation will help to return to their previous forms. Meanwhile, this is a common misconception.

Women who stop breastfeeding early risk disrupting their endocrine system. This, in turn, leads to weight gain.

Move, move, move! If sitting does not help to get rid of excess weight, then you need to choose a different tactic - move! This does not mean that it is enough to go out onto the balcony, breathe a couple of minutes of air, and then lie back down on the sofa. So no one has been able to lose weight yet.

Therefore, you need to take a stroller, your baby and walk with him through the parks and city streets twice a day. At the same time, the duration of one walk can't be less than 2-3 hours.

This is useful not only for mom, but also for little man in a wheelchair.

Experts say that in an hour of intensive walking a woman burns as many calories as you can burn on simulators in three hours. Keep in mind that you need to walk at a fast pace, with a straight back and in comfortable shoes.

Proper nutrition is half the success!
It should immediately be noted that It is absolutely impossible to sit on a strict diet after childbirth! It is both useless and harmful to health.

You just need to make sure that the menu is rational. Food should be, first of all, healthy, and after that - tasty.

It is known that childbirth is a real test for the body, as well as severe stress. During stress the body is vital squirrels, and

Boiled and low-fat dairy products will help to replenish all these elements. Proteins can be obtained from soy, fish, poultry, cheese.

Please also note that iron deficiency makes it impossible to lose weight. The body of a woman loses it during postpartum blood loss. Therefore, in daily menu must be present: lean meat, seafood, liver, eggs, wholemeal bread, cereals.

But from your favorite sweet foods, muffins, sweets, fast food and sweet soda should be abandoned. This is not even food, but (as nutritionists say) food waste.

Active games with the baby, dancing, exercises. It is useful and pleasant to play outdoor games with the baby. This can be done in the morning, before nap and in the evening. Healthy crawl, roll on the floor, stretch, squat, run, play catch-up, hide and seek.

This pleasant pastime will help get rid of excess fat and strengthen muscles.

Still with baby you can dance to rhythmic music. Kids love dancing and it's fun. A pleasant mood and a beautiful female silhouette are provided.

Don't discount sports. Let it be not too hard exercises, but it is simply necessary to give a load to the muscles.

Here are some simple ways to help get rid of the heavy burden of a young mother - extra pounds! We hope now you know how to lose weight after childbirth; reviews of women who have given birth say that losing weight is quite realistic and it is not so difficult.

Good day, my wonderful readers! Today I write again for mothers. Why weight does not go away after childbirth is most likely of concern to many.

Have you been able to fit into your favorite jeans yet? Or, like many, wonder why the weight does not go away after childbirth? I propose in today's article to discuss the 4 main rules for effective weight loss.

During pregnancy, we gain weight, and this is completely natural. After childbirth, part of the kilogram leaves in the near future. But the body needs strength not only for the birth itself, but also for breastfeeding. Therefore, he is in no hurry to give away all his reserves.

You are not alone in this matter: overweight after childbirth appears in half of the mothers. How does the usual 42-46th size turn into a 50-54th?

The first reason is the extra pounds gained during pregnancy itself.

I want to treat myself to something tasty, an excuse that you need to eat for two, so you can eat a lot) It's hard to deny yourself!

After giving birth, there are new traps:

  • want to eat , especially in the first months, when strength is needed and while lactation is established.
  • There is no time to cook healthy food for yourself. Therefore, dry snacks, flour products and harmful products that quickly give energy.
  • Vegetables and fruits cause colic in the baby , and they have to be limited.
  • It's hard to sleep. From a lack of strength, the body again requires food in order to extract energy from food.
  • I want sweet , delicious, in order to please yourself on a psychological level, and compensate for the lack of variety in life.
  • There is no time to do sports.
  • Until the first menstruation, hormones prevent weight loss.

So you have to look at pre-pregnancy clothes and sigh: “Will the extra weight go away?” Leave! A little effort - and your harmony will return!

Planning a strategy

If you want to remove extra centimeters from the waist, apply A complex approach! Here are 4 basic rules:

  1. Much water.
  2. Complete sleep.
  3. Physical activity.
  4. Balanced diet.

It will be possible to effectively lose weight only by observing ALL of these conditions.

A healthy menu is nothing without fitness. Lack of water will cause a reflex fluid retention - and the arrow of the scales will crawl to the right again. And lack of sleep will deprive you of strength, and you will stop all struggle.

When will the weight start to come off? Yes, when you "push" him! Therefore, we will act.

water and sleep

Let's start with the simplest. Drink clean enough drinking water- an affordable means to lose weight.

Our body often confuses hunger and thirst. When you just need a drink , we rush to eat. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. At first it will be unusual, but then the body will demand itself. And don't forget to rest and sleep.

The dream of any young mother is to sleep through the night. But it rarely comes true. Therefore, sleep during the day whenever possible.

Do you practice co-sleeping with your baby? If yes, you are more likely to get enough sleep.

If you are against sleeping in the same bed with your child, put a crib next to yours. It will be easier for you to calm the baby at night, and you can feed him and take a nap during this time yourself.

Sleep will help you gain strength for sports - an integral component of losing weight.

Life is in motion

Do you love fitness? Without it, nowhere.

You can actively engage in sports two to three months after childbirth, when the muscles of the perineum are tightened. What if you had a caesarean section? , you need to wait for the complete healing of the scar. Check with your doctor.

Large loads are contraindicated for nursing mothers: they can affect the taste and amount of milk. So let's not be fanatical.

The gym is not for everyone. What are the rest to do? There are many opportunities to do sports on your own. .

  • Jogging in the morning. Many people choose this way out for themselves - for its apparent simplicity. But running is hard work. If you decide to run, take care of quality shoes. And be sure to warm up before your run. Run at an easy pace without overloading! Let the first runs last no more than 10 minutes. Your body will already work in this mode.
  • Trainers. Treadmill, exercise bike, jump rope, hoop ... When choosing exercises on simulators, make sure to evenly load different groups muscles. On an exercise bike for effect it is necessary to be engaged at least 30 45 minutes a day?
  • Pilates, callanetics, bodyflex . These types of fitness are relatives of yoga. They are safe for the joints and spine. It is easy to master them, the recordings are available to anyone with an Internet connection. Just alternate exercises for different muscle groups.

  • tabata protocol. The creators of this technique claim: doing 4 minutes a day, you can tighten your muscles and lose weight! The essence of the method is that the exercises are performed at a maximum pace for 20 seconds with 10-second breaks. Perhaps this is your choice? Even the busiest mom can allocate four minutes a day for herself!

Babies usually give us some free time in the morning, after the first feeding. The child slept, ate and plays - it's time to play sports! Resist the temptation to spend those minutes on household chores. And then the sport will fit into your daily routine much easier.

Well, the foundation for rapid weight loss is a thoughtful menu. How to eat to lose weight? Very simple!

Happiness cannot but eat ...

To remove excess from the waist and hips will help three simple principles supply:

  1. Fractionality
  2. Balance.
  3. Normal calories.

Fractional nutrition will help you "disperse" the metabolism. In order for calories to be burned and not stored as fat, the body must be sure that the next portion of food will arrive on time. Eat every 3-4 hours. It's best to set your own alarm first. And after a while, the stomach itself will remind you that it's time to eat.

By eating often, you will lose weight without even reducing the calorie content of food.

Eat within 30 minutes of getting up in the morning . And in the evening, half an hour or an hour before bedtime, something light.

One more thing important rule: each meal is the main one. Soup, salad with meat or fish, the second. No cookies with tea on an empty stomach! And then you have to eat the whole pack to feel full, and after two hours you will be very hungry again.

Balance is the presence on your plate of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber in the optimal ratio. Always.

Calorie intake is the cornerstone of weight loss. To lose weight without harm breastfeeding, do not reduce the calorie content of the diet below 2000 kcal .

B - weigh EVERYTHING you put in your mouth

B - keep a 24-hour calorie count.

Do you feel like this method is not for you? Then honestly limit fatty and sweet to normal and eat enough protein, vegetables and fruits, and you are guaranteed success!

From step to step...

Have you seen posts like: “SOS! Weight on a diet has ceased to go away » ? If you need to lose a lot of kilograms, then in the process of losing weight, there usually comes a period when the weight “gets stuck”. This is the so-called plateau or “step”.

At this time, the weight stabilizes. Our body gets used to new forms. The skin becomes elastic, muscles and ligaments are tightened, the structure of bones is rebuilt ...

The "plateau" can last up to one and a half months. If the weight “stands up”, check if you are doing everything right? Did you find any misses? Congratulations! You have passed an important part of the way. Continue to eat right, drink water, exercise - and after a while you will begin to lose weight again.

By the way, have you already purchased video course about postpartum recovery? It contains information not only about the restoration of the figure, but also a number of other important issues.

It is impossible to predict how long you will have to fight with kilograms and centimeters. It depends on the speed of your metabolism, on the hormonal background - and it is different for everyone. And on how many extra centimeters lingered on your waist.

No matter how you lose weight - quickly or slowly - do not turn off the chosen path. And make sure you put on those jeans!

I wish you harmony and happiness this spring!

I hug

Anastasia Smolinets

During pregnancy, a woman gains extra pounds in the abdomen, chest, hips. After childbirth, many do not understand how to lose weight. During this period, the load on the body decreases, the woman begins to walk less, but, on the contrary, sit, lie down, because it is so difficult to bear a child. She eats for two. All this leads to excess weight.

Using Walks During Pregnancy Rest Together
menstrual cycle Gymnastics
from extra pounds of pathology Preventive measures

Firstly, it is worth considering that neither during pregnancy, nor after childbirth, nor during feeding, one should not eat a lot of fried, fatty foods, as many people think. This will in no way make your milk healthier and more nutritious.

Secondly, the excess weight that has accumulated over the entire pregnancy cannot be removed quickly. How to do this, and for what reasons you have become overweight after childbirth, we will learn further.

The norm of weight gain during pregnancy is from nine to fifteen kilograms. This average weight. But every girl is different. It all depends on the characteristics of the organism.

Lose weight with walking

Causes of extra pounds

Over time, after childbirth, you may notice that excess weight does not go anywhere. Let's look at the reasons why you can't lose weight.

  1. Excessive consumption of fatty, fried, high-calorie foods. Especially if you have it for yourself and for the child.
  2. A small amount of physical activity. All of us during pregnancy are too lazy to walk, swim, play sports more.
  3. Stress. When you are in position, this is a big stress for the body, so the body itself accumulates fat in the abdomen and thighs.
  4. The body is trying to store more fat so that if the mother is starving, the child will not suffer.
  5. A large amount of fluid accumulated in the body.
  6. Hormonal imbalance.

Imbalance symptoms:

  • overweight that does not pass;
  • reduced milk production;
  • depression;
  • change of mood;
  • dizziness and pain in the head;
  • hair loss.

In this case, you need to contact an endocrinologist, even if you see another sign in addition to being overweight.

Weight loss

After the birth of the child, the weight you have gained will be halved. That is, 6 kilograms can go away on their own. But the rest of the weight you will need to remove yourself.

Within a month and a half, the fluids accumulated in the body will be excreted. Therefore, it is important for you to drink more green tea and hot water.

Consider the most more efficient ways lose weight. One of them is breastfeeding. It is very easy for a nursing mother to lose weight after childbirth. Long-term breastfeeding can get rid of excess fat. Neither diet, nor sports, nothing will remove those extra pounds so well. Lactation is not a burden! It will really help in the fight for normal weight. And don't stop breastfeeding too early - this can cause problems with endocrine system. And that will lead to weight gain.

In motion is life. Don't sit still, try to move more. So, the weight that annoys you will gradually go away after childbirth. From the fact that you are lying or sitting, you will not be able to lose weight, but, on the contrary, extra pounds will accumulate. One way to lose weight is to take long walks. fresh air. For such a walk is burned a large number of unnecessary fat.

According to the recommendations of doctors, you need to walk for about two or three hours. But such long walks must be done gradually, i.e., start from thirty minutes, and then increase the time. Walking is very beneficial for you as well as for your child.

Sports are important. You do not have to immediately after giving birth to run to the gym. But physical exercise are simply necessary. Moreover, sports improve mood and help fight depression. When you work out, endorphin is produced, from which you get good mood and feel new strength. Start with a little - with jogging in the morning, exercises.

Sports during pregnancy

Work out at home, on the Internet you can find many exercises for moms with a child. The child in this case will be like a weighting agent. Take care of yourself. If possible, go to the pool. The pool will help your whole body to tone up and reduce the load on your back. Dance with your baby, play, move. Turn on upbeat music and enjoy.

Healthy food is essential. If you eat more sweet, fatty foods, your milk will not improve in any way. On the contrary, you will gain extra pounds and can harm the health of the child. Also, you should not consume milk, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese in huge quantities - this will not make your milk better. On the contrary, try to buy low-calorie dairy products.

You need to eat less. As the saying goes, less is better, but more often. Try not to fill up to satiety, and finish eating as soon as you feel full. Eat five or more times a day, but do not snack on a sandwich, but rather eat fruit.

You can not go on a diet immediately after giving birth in order to lose weight. This will only make the situation worse. You and your baby need nutritious food. The most important thing is to watch what you eat.

Eat wholesome food. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Stew food, bake. Be sure to give up fatty, fried, salty. Try not to eat sweets. Want more after pregnancy positive emotions, the hormone of joy, and the woman begins to eat sweets, snacks on desserts. Forget about it! Take care of your health and the health of your child. Better fruit and sports - it will bring you real pleasure.

For a woman, it is very important to consume three trace elements - protein, iron and calcium. They are found in the following products:

  • lean meat, steamed or boiled;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • lean fish;
  • dairy products (but you can’t overeat them, it’s better to let them be low-fat foods);
  • liver.

In no case should you drink carbonated drinks, eat fast food or muffins. If you really want sweets, then let it be chocolate or something else, but in small quantities. Try not to eat 3-4 hours before bed.

You should pay attention to sleep. Moms never get to sleep. Try to sleep when your baby is resting. At least half an hour. Good dream will also help you lose weight. Ask your family to babysit so you can get some sleep.

Vacation with baby

Go for walks with friends, arrange trips to the park, theater. Do not be afraid to leave your child with family and go somewhere with friends. This will only positively affect your health.

We love our kids very much, but sometimes you have to let yourself be taken care of. You need more positive emotions, more communication. After all, if there are no positive emotions, we begin to fill them with sweets - which will not give the best results.

Weight loss rate

Weight loss after childbirth should be gradual. If you go in for sports several times a week, at least 3 times, try to eat right, do not diet, but just watch your diet, you will definitely lose weight.

It is normal to lose weight by half a kilogram or a kilogram per week. If the weight stands still, go to an endocrinologist. Perhaps you have some kind of thyroid disease or hormonal imbalance. Find out the causes and consequences of green waters during childbirth


The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! Remember that only a complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

Women who are expecting a second or third baby will never ask relatives who meet them from the hospital to take " the skirt I wore before pregnancy". They understand that the weight after childbirth does not immediately go away, and the waist will return to its previous volumes only after a few months. Primiparous mothers do not know this, and are upset that the belt of their favorite jeans or skirt did not fit. When weight begins to go away after childbirth and whether this process can be accelerated, we will analyze further.

Mechanism of weight gain during pregnancy

The weight that was gained during pregnancy - as much as 7 months (the first 2 months most women suffer from toxicosis, and the weight stands still and may even decrease) - cannot be lost immediately after childbirth.

Weight gain during pregnancy is a natural process. The task of the body is to preserve the nascent life, and in order to protect the fetus from negative external influences and provide it with food reserves in the future, a fat layer is necessary.

On average, women during pregnancy gain from 7 to 20 kg, and sometimes even more. What is included in this "extra weight"?

First of all, this is the total mass of the fetus itself, the placenta, amniotic fluid and a significantly enlarged uterus - 70%.

It must be taken into account that the volume of blood during pregnancy is greater than during normal times, the body also accumulates intracellular fluid - 15%.

And the fat that was deposited in the body of a healthy pregnant woman is only 15%.

If a woman indulges her own weaknesses - overeats and leads an inactive lifestyle during pregnancy, or she has health problems and needs bed rest, she gains much more kilograms than physiologically necessary.

Gynecologists scold overweight - it can provoke the development of varicose or hypertension, problems with the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, but it is very difficult to slow down the set - a starvation diet has Negative influence for the future baby.

But since the problem has appeared, it will have to be dealt with after childbirth.

What happens to the body after childbirth

Immediately after childbirth, you can lose 6-8 kilograms - this is the total mass of the fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid and blood, which is necessarily released during uterine contraction.

The following days, when a woman is recovering, the volume of blood and intracellular fluid is gradually reduced - this is about 2 kilograms more; further - if lactation comes - another minus one kilogram.

In the future, if you regularly weigh yourself, you will notice that the arrow of the scales not only stands still, but also again leans in the direction of increase. What is it connected with?

The remaining kilograms in a healthy woman after childbirth quickly leave and cannot - this is a "reserve" for breastfeeding. During lactation, they themselves "dissolve" within 7-9 months, if you eat rationally.

Unfortunately, others advise young mothers to “eat for two”, and food is more caloric, and body volumes increase. And then women complain and get upset about how they got better after giving birth.

There are other reasons that do not allow you to quickly get rid of excess weight.

Why women can get better after giving birth

  1. The hormonal background does not normalize immediately. After childbirth, the work of the body changes, it is rebuilt, the level of progesterone and estrogen decreases. Additional symptoms of hormonal imbalance are swelling, increased irritability and tearfulness, decreased or sharply increased milk flow, headaches, hair growth on the body and hair loss on the head.

If these signs of hormonal disorders do not go away during the first 3-5 months, you should contact an endocrinologist. Treatment may be required to stabilize the condition.

  1. Most women take care of their babies after giving birth, and this is sleepless nights, daytime capriciousness, cutting teeth, new impressions ... A young mother feels overwhelmed, she lacks energy. to the central nervous system orders come in - you need to replenish the supply of energy. And it is replenished by food. If you restrict food, insomnia and nervous breakdowns develop.
  2. A woman gets used to overeating, besides, life activity is limited - caring for a child requires a lot of strength, but you can’t go far - literally. No time for yourself - for exercises, going to the gym; that is, excess calories are not burned, but stored. A strict diet is not for a nursing woman. A growing body needs nutrients, and they come with food.

A rational diet will help solve the latter problem. If you eat fractionally, change the diet and cooking technology, do not eat up at night, then you will be able to get rid of excess weight much faster.

How to lose weight after giving birth

Immediately after childbirth, it is impossible to lose weight categorically - this can negatively affect general condition mother's health. At this time, the main task of the body is to recover, and energy is needed for this.

At this stage, you can change the diet - switch to a fractional, daily menu based on the following products:

  • sour-milk dishes;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • lean fish and meat.

The energy value of the diet immediately after childbirth should not be less than 2000 kcal per day.

You should not be surprised if the weight stands still, despite a rational diet. This may be due to the extended drinking regimen. To stabilize the production of milk, a woman needs to drink a lot. It is recommended to drink half a glass of tea with milk or another hot drink - rosehip broth, dried fruit compote - half an hour before each feeding and 10 minutes after it, so that the milk arrives.

After 2-3 months, lactation is already stable - the child receives as much milk as he needs. You can no longer pour excess liquid into yourself, slowly reduce portions. At this stage, independent weight loss usually begins - before the end of the first year, a nursing woman manages to "lose" 7-8 kilograms without any additional effort.

Help to get rid of excess weight workout at home. You can do regular exercises, dance with the baby - he will play the role of "weighting agent", twirl the hoop, jump rope ... Long walks with a stroller, active games with the baby contribute to weight loss. There is nothing wrong if the baby is left for a while with relatives, and at that time she herself returns to active life, start exercising, switch to a suitable diet.

Just do not torture yourself with hunger - to care for the baby you need a lot of energy, and the body - as already written - replenishes its supply from food.

If lactation is absent for some reason, then losing weight is much easier. You should not force events and switch to a strict diet - you need to give the body time to recover, but you can immediately reduce portions and reduce the calorie content of food. Sports activities are allowed only from 3 months - when the uterus is completely reduced and the condition returns to normal.

What to do if the weight after childbirth does not go away

If the weight stands still and - despite all efforts - after pregnancy it is not possible to get rid of it, then you need to seek help from a doctor. Neuroendocrine syndrome requires mandatory treatment, more famous name diseases - postpartum obesity.

Additional symptoms of the disease: headache, periodic nausea, increased blood pressure, periodic jumps in temperature, violation menstrual cycle- menses do not come or are long, plentiful ...

Causes of postpartum obesity - hormonal imbalance, excessive production of prolactin and testosterone, decreased progesterone synthesis ...

Stabilization of the hormonal background will help to cope with health problems and - in the future - to bring the figure in order.

A rational diet, exercise and an active lifestyle will quickly help you return to your previous volumes. You should not force the process of losing weight - everything will definitely return to normal within the first year and a half after giving birth, if you make at least a little effort.

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