Leshchenko Lev Valeryanovich nationality. Lev Leshchenko: biography, personal life, family, children (photos and videos). Start of a career and recognition of musical talent

Lev Leshchenko is one of the masters of the Soviet, and later Russian stage. An outstanding singer, artist, talented teacher. A native Muscovite, whose birth occurred during the harsh war years (02/01/1942).

Childhood and parents

Most likely, Lev Leshchenko inherited the singer’s talent. His grandfather was also famous for his voice, sang in the church choir and played the violin superbly. His father successfully graduated from high school and became an accountant at one of the Moscow factories. During the Finnish War he was drafted into the Red Army, served and received an offer to continue serving in the NKVD.

In childhood

In those days, such appointments were not refused, and Valerian Leshchenko made a brilliant military career. He had already faced the Great Patriotic War as the commander of a special-purpose regiment. He served in the hottest sectors of the front and received many awards.

In after war time continued to serve in state security, from where he retired. He died in 2004, a few months short of his centenary.

Lev Leshchenko lost his mother early. She died at the age of 28 at the height of the war. Father had to take little son to himself and entrust the care of his adjutants. So the childhood of the future famous singer took place in a harsh military environment: in a soldier's uniform, rigor and discipline. Fortunately, the war soon ended and the father moved the boy to a more suitable environment.

In youth

His grandfather taught him music and singing, with whom the boy had the warmest relationship until his death. He instilled in his grandson a love of both folk and classical music. Playing the violin did not particularly attract him - the mischievous and active child simply lacked perseverance, but he studied singing diligently and very willingly.

Becoming a singer

Soon the father receives a new assignment and moves to Moscow. There Lev gets a stepmother, and after some time a younger sister, Valechka. In Moscow, he goes to school, where he successfully combines his studies with many other interesting and creative activities: he attends an art school, sings in the Palace of Pioneers, plays in a brass band, and is even actively involved in swimming.

In young age

But in adolescence, the young talent succumbs to the persuasion of the choir director and leaves all other hobbies to focus only on singing. He becomes a soloist and participates in all performances and concerts. Most of all, he likes the repertoire of the Soviet pop legend of those years, Leonid Utesov.

Leshchenko simply couldn’t imagine his life without a stage. Therefore, it was decided to become an artist after school. He twice applied to Moscow theater universities, but failed the exams. In the pauses between jobs, he earned money independently as a stagehand, absorbing the atmosphere of the theater.

His plans were disrupted by conscription into the ranks Soviet army. The dream of the future artist was the sea and a striped vest. But then his father intervened in his fate, helping to ensure that his son was assigned to serve in the tank forces stationed in the then GDR. There they quickly learned about his talent and were appointed soloist of the military ensemble. And so his army years passed.

Rising Star

After serving in the army, Lev Leshchenko returns to Moscow and again submits documents to GITIS. This time he is much more confident in himself, as he has gained experience performing on the big stage. And even the fact that the reception had already ended did not become an obstacle to him being auditioned and immediately included in the student lists.

Already in the second year of study, Leshchenko, on the recommendation of one of the teachers, was invited to work at the operetta theater. There he had the chance to study acting with outstanding singers and artists. During the holidays, he toured as part of a troupe around the country, and in parallel with his studies, he managed to work part-time at the Mosconcert.

But real fame to the young singer brought 1972, when he received awards from two international song festivals - “Golden Orpheus” and “Sopot”. Having already been famous in the Soviet Union by this time, after these victories he became a real celebrity, and at an international level.

After returning from festivals, he begins to tour extensively around the country in the most prestigious concert halls. Repeatedly speaks in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses in front of statesmen of the highest rank. Already in 1977 he became an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and a year later he received the Lenin Komsomol Prize from the hands of Brezhnev.

Career peak

Leshchenko’s finest hour was the recording of a song that was performed at the closing of the XXII Olympic Games, when the famous Olympic Bear soared over the Moscow stadium in Luzhniki, saying goodbye to Muscovites and athletes around the world. The song remained a popular hit for a long time and was heard from almost every window.

For performing the song and Active participation In the cultural program of the Moscow Olympiad, Leshchenko will receive the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Over the next decade, he continues to tour actively, recording new records and songs on radio and television. He is a permanent participant in the traditional popular programs “Blue Light” and “Song of the Year”. Many songs of those years entered the “golden fund” of the Soviet stage and are still known and loved not only by older generations, but also by young people.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Leshchenko heads the state music agency, which actually takes over the functions of the former Mosconcert. It turned out that he had the talent not only of a singer, but also of a manager. He brilliantly oversees the process of organizing tours of famous performers and musical groups. Under his leadership, creative evenings of Soviet and Russian pop stars are held, music festivals and group concerts.

There is practically no time left for solo touring, but he often appears on TV screens and performs at all important concerts. At the same time, Lev Leshchenko begins an active teaching activities. Thanks to his teaching talent, the country discovered such young performers as Katya Lel and many others.

Personal life of Lev Leshchenko

Today Lev Leshchenko, despite his age, continues to teach. He writes songs for the largest Russian corporations and performs at their corporate events, which he himself organizes. Now he works closely with such giants as Lukoil, Gazprom, etc. Vagit Alikperov has been his close friend for many years.

All his life he has been actively involved in sports: playing football, basketball, swimming, running. By the way, he is the honorary president of the Triumph basketball club. Previously, he often took part in friendly matches between pop stars and football stars.

In the summer of 2018, Lev Valeryanovich became one of the mentors of the song show “Voice 60”, to which he devoted a lot of energy, and in the fall he stood up for the rapper Husky when he was arrested immediately after the performance.

Lev Leshchenko's first marriage with singer Albina Abdalova lasted 10 years and broke up due to the mutual jealousy of the spouses. And he lives with his second wife Irina Leshchenko to this day.

With wife Irina

Lev Leshchenko is a legendary Soviet and Russian pop singer. His sincerity and insight always endear him to the viewer. There is probably no person on earth who would speak unflatteringly about Lev Valeryanovich. All his songs, without exception, are bright and kind, heartfelt and humane.

Family and early life

Lev Leshchenko: biography, whose personal life is unique from birth. Lev Leshchenko was born (Leshchev - real name) during the most difficult war years, namely February 1, 1942 in Moscow. At that time there was a fierce struggle for the capital. Accordingly, maternity hospitals were closed, and the future singer was born in home. Neighboring grandmothers delivered babies. Despite such difficult conditions During the first years of his life, the boy survived and grew up to become a popular singer.


Leshchev Valeryan Andreevich- the singer’s father, was educated at the Kursk gymnasium, and subsequently was a farm worker. In the 30s he was sent to Moscow, where he began working as an accountant at a factory. My father took part in the Soviet-Finnish war and worked in the NKVD. During the next war, he held one of the highest positions - deputy head of the cavalry troops. Valeryan Andreevich received many awards. He died in 2004 at the age of 99.

Klavdia Petrovna– the singer’s mother died at the age of 28. To a little boy I was only one year old then. Lev Valeryanovich recalls that she died either from cancer or from tuberculosis that affected her throat. At that time of war, there was no treatment and they could not save Klavdia Petrovna.

Soon the entire Leshchenko family moved to live in Bogorodsk, where the military unit was located.

Five years after the death of his wife, Lev’s father married Marina Mikhailovna Sizova. And a year later his sister Valya was born. Lev Valeryanovich remembers his stepmother with respect and warmth, noting her care, patience and kindness.

Childhood and youth

In childhood Lev and his father often visited the military unit. His colleagues made fun of him and called him “the son of the regiment.” The child grew up active, so his father assigned Sergeant Major Fisenko to him. The soldiers gradually replaced his relatives and became for Leo big family. By the age of 4, Lyovochka had learned to walk in formation, carried military uniform and had lunch in the soldiers' canteen.

WITH early years the boy loved listening to Utesov’s songs and was already dreaming of a future creative career. Although he still could not decide who he would be a singer or an actor, so he began to attend the drama club of the Pioneer Palace. Within a few months, the vocal boy performed at various city concerts.

So, having received a school leaving certificate, Lev tried to enroll in many theater universities, but failed all the exams. Afterwards there was a long army service in Germany. And after the army there was a second attempt to enter GITIS, which was crowned with success.

The creative path of Lev Leshchenko

He quickly soared in the 60s, at which time he performed at the Moscow Operetta Theater. After some time, the talented performer became famous on the USSR State Television and Radio. His powerful voice was recognizable not only in the Soviet Union, but also beyond its borders.


Lev Valeryanovich got a job at the Bolshoi Theater immediately after he failed the entrance exams. He was an ordinary stage worker. The singer recalls that life in his youth was very eventful; he spent morning until night in the theater. During the day he worked, but in the evening he hurried to the gallery to enjoy the performance.

The actor's career began at GITIS, when he began working at the Moscow Operetta Theater. The sinner in the play “Orpheus in Hell” is the first role in which there were two words - “let me warm up.”

He realized his dream of serving the theater in 1990, Lev Leshchenko founded his own theater “Musical Agency”. Two years later the theater received state status. Over the entire history of the theater, many musical programs and productions have been produced, some of them:

  • "War Romance";
  • “10 years of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation”;
  • "Star and Young"


The singer's voice is unique, velvety and soft, with an impressive range. Therefore, not only the older, but also the younger generation listen to him.

Leshchenko's song career originates on February 13, 1970 at the USSR State Radio and Television. The next serious song competition was at the festival in Sopot, where he took first place with the song “For that guy.” The very next day, the aspiring singer woke up famous.

The song “Victory Day” by David Tukhmanov brought the performer even greater fame. Leshchenko performed it at the victory parade on May 9, 1975. So many years have passed, but he considers this song a fundamental achievement in his career.

During this period, his repertoire is constantly updated with new hits, which over time become gold hits . Here is just a small part of Lev Valeryanovich's hits:

  • "Motherland";
  • "Nightingale Grove";
  • "Gravity of the Earth";
  • "Don't cry, girl";
  • "Parental home";
  • "We can't live without each other."

A special place is occupied by the song “Goodbye, Moscow, goodbye,” which he performed at the closing of the Olympics in 1980. In the same year, Leshchenko was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, and in 1983 he was awarded the title people's artist RSFSR. Leshchenko received the Order of the Badge of Honor in 1985. The personal star of Lev Leshchenko appeared in 1999 on the Square of Stars.

The first real video appeared for the song "Old Tram" (1985). But videos began to be filmed regularly only in the 90s. So, the first duet videos were with Lada Dance for the song “Why didn’t you meet me?”, with the Megapolis group for the song “No Need” and others.

Over the course of his entire creative career, Lev Valeryanovich recorded more than 10 albums and records, and performed many original songs. The singer’s work is dominated by patriotic and military songs. The most famous compositions on this topic:

  • "May Waltz";
  • "Victory Day";
  • "Don't cry, girl";
  • "Motherland".

Leshchenko also successfully teaches at the Russian Academy. Gnesins. Many of its graduates became famous singers, for example, Marina Khlebnikova, Katya Lel, Varvara and others.


For the first time in a movie, the singer starred in 1967. The role was small, episodic in the films “Sofya Perovskaya” and “The Path to Saturn”. First main role Leshchenko received in the film "Looking for the Dawn" (1975).

In the TV series "Doomed to become a star" Leshchenko starred in 2005. And after 5 years, the comedy “Zaitsev, burn!” came out, where he also took part.

Lev Valeryanovich very often starred in special music programs, probably the most popular project with video by Lev Leshchenko is “Old songs about the main thing.”

Personal life

In 2017, the singer turned 75 years old. Lev Leshchenko cannot be called small; his height is 180 cm. If we talk about weight, then different sources claim that the singer weighs 67 kg, but some point to a weight of 90 kg. But looking at the photo of Lev Leshchenko, it is difficult to see extra pounds.

Despite his considerable age, Leshchenko still teaches, writes songs, and performs at various events, which he also organizes. Today he actively cooperates with Lukoil, Gazprom and other giant companies. Vagit Yusufovich Alekperov - close friend singer

Spends a lot of time in sports: plays football and basketball, swims, runs. Singer honorary president of the basketball club "Triumph". Previously, he often took part in a football tournament between football and pop stars.

Leshchenko met his first love at the age of 34. The singer was touring in Sochi, and it was there in the elevator that he encountered Irina, who is 12 years younger than him. At that time, she was studying in Budapest and had no idea that there was a popular singer in front of her. The next day, Irina flew to Moscow, and Lev Valeryanovich went after her.

At the same time, he was married to Albina Abdalova, whom he met at GITIS. But gossip reached her about the singer’s adventures in Sochi, and when he returned home, packed suitcases stood at the doorstep.

Soon after the meeting in Sochi Irina and Lev got married. Irina left the diplomatic service and devoted herself to her home and husband. Now she works at the Music Agency as an assistant director.

Unfortunately, the couple has no children. In a year life together Irina was diagnosed with infertility. But even this illness could not destroy their strong union.

Lev Valeryanovich no matter what considers himself very happy man and endlessly devoted to his wife. When he signs an autograph, he signs “I wish you well,” he believes that only kindness and love make people better.

Lev Leshchenko

Lev Leshchenko, whose biography will be briefly described in this article, did not even imagine that he would one day be awarded the title of People's Artist. He simply always did his job, happily took on any offers - he sang, played on the theater stage, led concerts, read poetry. Leshchenko's biography has many difficult periods. Few people know what the artist had to go through on his way to fame.

Valeryanovich: childhood

The father of the future artist was a career officer - Leshchenko Valeryan Andreevich. Mom died when Leva was not even one year old. Therefore, everyone was involved in raising the boy, from his grandparents to the entire regiment. At the age of four, the child learned what military service was - he spent all day with his father at work: he had lunch in the soldiers' canteen, during the day he watched the soldiers at the shooting range, and in the evening he watched movies with them. And, as befits all military men, he even wore a uniform, although it was three sizes too big.

When Leva was six years old, the second wife of Valeryan Andreevich appeared in their house. Now the boy had someone to call his mother. She was a kind, sincere woman, but since she was raising two nephews, and soon gave birth own daughter, she practically had no time for Levushka.

Biography of Leshchenko L.V.: education and choice of profession

Often the boy was taken in by his grandfather Andrei. He was a great connoisseur of music and taught Levushka to sing, and he himself accompanied him on an old violin, after the magical sounds of which the boy's thoughts were in a different world, different from the one he saw in the military barracks. Then Lev decided that he would be an artist. The father, who dreamed that his son would become a real officer, reacted extremely negatively to his decision. His hobbies (the boy often sang on the school stage) he never took seriously.

Biography of Leshchenko L.V. : on the way to a childhood dream

The future artist began working immediately after school. First as a theater worker, then as a mechanic at a factory. During this time, I tried several times to enter the theater school, but they were in no hurry to accept the guy as a student. Upon reaching Lev Valeryanovich, he went to serve in the army. And even there he took steps towards his childhood dream. Command, learning about vocal and acting skills private Leshchenko, assigned him to the song and dance ensemble as a soloist. After the service, Lev goes to GITIS again. This time, the professors, who already remembered the stubborn guy well, took pity on him and accepted him into the ranks of the students. Already in his second year, no one doubted that Leshchenko was a born artist.

Biography of Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko: recognition

Real fame came to the artist in 1972, when he won a competition for young performers in the city of Sopot. The open face and honest look of the charming young man in a white suit with a bow tie left no one indifferent. The whole country loved him. Since then, the life that Lev Valerianovich dreamed of to the sound of his grandfather's violin began.

Lev Leshchenko: biography. Family

The artist was married twice. Leo's first wife was also an artist, but she did not share her husband, she never found time to take care of the house. Lev Valeryanovich was disappointed in his wife, and they separated. In 1978 he married Irina Bagudina, with whom they live happily today. The only dream of the artist, which was not destined to come true, is children, none of Leshchenko's wives gave him descendants.

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Biography, life story of Lev Leshchenko

Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko is a Russian pop singer, actor, and poet.


Lev was born on February 1, 1942 in Moscow. Leshchenko's father Valeryan Andreevich (1904-2004) is a career officer, fought near Moscow. For participation in the Great Patriotic War and further military service was awarded many orders and medals. Mother - Leshchenko Claudia Petrovna (1915-1943). Lev Leshchenko's mother died early, when her son was barely a year old. Leva’s grandmother and grandfather helped raise her, and since 1948, her father’s second wife, Marina Mikhailovna Leshchenko (1924-1981). In 1949, Leo had a sister, Valentina.

His father was always very busy with work, so little Leva was practically the “son of the regiment”: in the unit where his Valeryan Andreevich served, everyone loved and adored the boy, but they did not spoil him - they were military people, after all. Four-year-old Lev ate in the soldiers' canteen, learned to shoot, wore a military uniform, went skiing - in a word, he was a real little soldier.

His childhood years were spent in Sokolniki, then in the Voikovsky district. Here he began to attend the choir of the House of Pioneers, the swimming section, the artistic word and a brass band. Later, at the insistence of the choirmaster, he quits all clubs and begins to take up singing seriously, performing on the school stage, performing mostly popular songs.


Your own independent labor activity Lev Leshchenko began immediately after graduating from school, becoming a stagehand at the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of the USSR (1959-1960). Then, before being drafted into the army, he worked as an assembly fitter at a factory of precision measuring instruments (1960-1961).

He served in the tank forces as part of the Group Soviet troops in Germany. On January 27, 1962, the command of the unit, having recognized the abilities of Private L. Leshchenko, sent him to the song and dance ensemble, he became a soloist of the ensemble and even received an offer to remain for long-term service. Lev gladly took on everything that was offered to him: he sang in a quartet, performed solo numbers, led concerts and read poetry. This year can safely be called the beginning creative career. IN free time I was preparing for exams at the theater institute.


In September 1964, L. Leshchenko, having successfully passed the exams, became a student at GITIS. Intensive studies begin at the most famous theater university in the country. From the same year, work began at the Mosconcert and the trainee group of the Operetta Theater. During summer holidays As a rule, Leo travels - tours with concert bands, visiting the most remote corners of the vast country.

Creative path

1969 Lev Leshchenko is a full member of the Moscow Operetta Theater team. Here he plays many roles, but Leshchenko the artist, knowing the value of his singing gift, wants a real big job. And he receives this opportunity on February 13, 1970: having successfully passed the competition, L. Leshenko becomes a soloist-vocalist of the USSR State Television and Radio.

Intensive creative activity begins: mandatory performances at the radio microphone and stock recordings of romances, folk and Soviet songs, vocal works by foreign composers, the part of Porgy in D. Gershwin's opera "Porgy and Bess", the first recording with the Big Symphony Orchestra conducted by G. Rozhdestvensky in oratorio "In the People's Heart", recordings with a pop symphony orchestra conducted by Yu.V. Silantyeva.

In March 1970, Lev Leshchenko became the winner and laureate of the IV All-Union Competition of Variety Artists. Its popularity is increasing significantly. Few broadcasts, thematic programs or reviews on radio and television, rare concerts in the Hall of Columns are complete without his participation. Dozens of recordings lined the shelves of the Recording House's record library.

In 1972, L. Leshchenko was awarded the title of laureate of the Golden Orpheus competition in Bulgaria. In the same 1972, he received first prize at the then very prestigious festival in Sopot with the song “For that guy.”

The victory at the Sopot festival gave birth to a fashion for Lev Leshenko, he became famous. In 1973, Lev Leshchenko was awarded the title of laureate of the Moscow Komsomol and Lenin Komsomol Prize.

A new impetus for the singer’s popularity was brought by the song “Victory Day” by V. Kharitonov and D. Tukhmanov, which he performed for the first time in the year of the 30th anniversary of the victory and which the singer himself always considered one of his most important achievements.

In 1977, the already recognized pop master Lev Leshchenko was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. In 1978, she presented the singer with the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

In 1980-1989, Lev Leshchenko continued his intensive concert activity as a soloist-vocalist of the State Concert and Touring Association of the RSFSR "Rosconcert".

In 1980 he was awarded the order Friendship of Peoples, in 1983, for outstanding services, Lev Leshchenko was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR, and in 1989 he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

Many hits that have become classics of the national stage were performed by Lev Leshchenko. In subsequent years, hundreds of other popular songs were added to them. We can list just a few of them: " White birch"(, L. Ovsyannikova), "Don't cry girl" (, V. Kharitonov), "Love lives on earth" (, L. Derbenev), "I love you, capital" (P. Aedonitsky), "Tatyana's Day " (Yu. Saulsky, N. Olev), "Beloved Women" (S. Tulikov, M. Plyatskovsky), "Old Maple" (, M. Matusovsky), "We cannot live without each other" (, N. Dobronravov) , "Nightingale Grove" (D. Tukhmanov, A. Poperechny), "Gravity of the Earth" (D. Tukhmanov), "Not a minute of peace" (, L. Derbenev), " Motherland" (, V. Kharitonov), "White Blizzard" (O. Ivanov, I. Shaferan), "Bitter Honey" (O. Ivanov, V. Pavlinov), "Where have you been" (, L. Derbenev), " Parental home" (, M. Ryabinin), "Old swing" (, Yu. Yantar), "Where is my home" (M. Fradkin, A. Bobrov), "City flowers" (, L. Derbenev), "Wedding horses" (D. Tukhmanov, A. Poperechny), "Meadow grass" (I. Dorokhov, L. Leshchenko), "Ancient Moscow" (), "Oh, what a pity" (), "You're leaving" (), " Gentlemen officers" (), "The Aroma of Love" (, E. Nebylova), "Were young and happy" (M. Minkov, L. Rubalskaya), "Tonechka" (A. Savchenko, V. Baranov), " Last meeting"(, R. Kazakova), "Belated Love" (, B. Shifrin), " last love" (O. Sorokin, A. Zhigarev), "Why didn't you meet me" (N. Bogoslovsky, N. Dorizo) and many, many others.

In 1990, he created and headed the musical agency theater of variety performances, which was given state status in 1992. The main activity of the theater is organizing tours and concerts, presentations, and creative evenings. "Music Agency" united several large groups, and also collaborated with almost all pop stars both in Russia and in neighboring countries. Over the course of several years, the theater produced and filmed the musical television film "War Field Romance", the video film "Anniversary... Anniversary... Anniversary..." and the anniversary program of David Tukhmanov "In the wake of my memory", the program "10 years of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia". The premiere of the musical TV show "STAR and Young" took place.

At the beginning of his career, Lev Valeryanovich began teaching at the Gnessin Music Pedagogical Institute (now Russian Academy named after the Gnessins). Many of his students became famous artists variety shows: , and many others.

Over the years of creative activity, Lev Leshchenko has released over 10 records, CDs and magnetic albums. Among them: “Lev Leshchenko” (1977), “Gravity of the Earth” (1980), “Lev Leshchenko and the Spectrum group” (1981), “In the Circle of Friends” (1983), “Something for the Soul” (1987) , " White color bird cherry" (1993), "The best songs of Lev Leshchenko" (1994), "Not a minute of peace" (1995), "Scent of love" (1996), "Memories" (1996), "World of dreams" (1999), "Simple motive" (2001), as well as over 10 minions. Performed by Lev Leshchenko, dozens of songs have also been recorded on compilations and original composers' records.

In 1999, a personal star of Lev Leshchenko was laid on the Square of Stars of the State Central Concert Hall "Russia".

In 2001, Lev Leshchenko’s book “Apology of Memory” was published, in which the artist talks about his life and his contemporaries - outstanding people of art, sports and politics.

On February 1, 2002, Lev Leshchenko was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV Class.

In 2011, Lev Valeryanovich took part in the musical television show “Sign of the Opera”.

Private life

From his youth, Lev Leshchenko was fond of tennis, basketball, and swimming, and not only acted as a fan, but he himself was always actively involved in sports. He was even appointed honorary president of the Triumph basketball club (Lyubertsy).

First wife pop singer was Alla Alexandrovna Abdalova, theater actress and singer. They lived together for 10 years (from 1966 to 1976).

Second wife – Leshchenko Irina Pavlovna (born 1954), graduated from Budapest State University. They got married in 1978.

Video by Lev Leshchenko

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Lev Leshchenko is one of the most famous Russian pop singers. He has been performing successfully on stage for over 40 years. The public is interested in the biography of Lev Leshchenko, his personal life, children and even career. Everyone wants to know what is the secret of the artist, who today continues to give 8-10 concerts a month and at the same time runs a “Music Agency” (that’s the name of the theater he created).

Early years

The future singer was born in Moscow on February 1, 1942, when fierce fighting was still going on near the capital. His father, Valerian Andreevich, was a career officer, passed Finnish war. When Lev was born, he served in the special forces. His work involved escorting equipment and artillery to the front; he was at home from time to time, but this happened rarely.

As Lev Leshchenko himself says, Klavdia Petrovna's mother was afraid that she would not be able to get to the hospital - the capital was heavily bombed. And Leo was born at home, his neighbors helped him accept him. Two years later, Klavdia Petrovna died, she was only 29 years old. Lev's sister, Julia, was older, but she could not cope with the child. And he was raised by his maternal grandmother, and then by the second wife of his father.

But for several years Lev lived with his father in a military unit near Moscow. The boy was looked after by foreman Andrey Fisenko, whom the singer still remembers with warmth. He says that he grew up like the son of a regiment. So, Leo, imitating adults, did exercises, wore a small tunic and cap. Soon, however, the father married a second time, and the family moved to Sokolniki.

Things worked out for Leo with his stepmother a good relationship. The father's young wife, Marina, loved the child very much and encouraged him to study music. In general, the Leshchenko family was very musical . And the future singer himself:

  • sang in the choir of the local Pioneer House;
  • played in a brass band;
  • was fond of swimming;
  • I studied in a literary circle.

He was lucky - the choirmaster turned out to be good specialist, who immediately considered a genuine talent and persuaded the boy to abandon all circles in favor of singing.

In his autobiography, Lev Leshchenko indicates that immediately after school in 1959 he began his career. At first he was a stage worker at the Bolshoi Theatre, then for a year he worked as a mechanic at a factory of precision measuring instruments. Then the singer was drafted into the army, he served in the tank troops stationed in Germany.

Start of career and personal life

Even before the draft, Lev Leshchenko tried to enter GITIS, he wanted to study at the department of musical comedy, but he did not succeed. And surprisingly, the beginning of his career is associated with military service, where he became the soloist of the song and dance ensemble. Leo not only sang in the ensemble, but also performed with solo numbers, even read poetry, and spent his free time preparing for entrance exams.

In 1964, he managed to enter GITIS, and a very intensive study began - in parallel, Lev worked at the Mosconcert, during the summer holidays he toured with concert teams throughout the vast country. Remembering his youth, the singer happily talks about his travels.

Then he met his future wife Alla Abdalova. She studied three years older, and everything said that she was destined successful career. The young people got married, Alla was invited to the Utesov ensemble, and Lev worked at the Operetta Theater. At first, the young people lived with their parents, but then they were able to move to a cooperative apartment.

In the meantime, Lev went to radio (in 1970 he became the soloist-vocalist of the State Television and Radio of the USSR - in that era this meant a lot). This kind of work required time and effort. In addition to the obligatory performances at the microphone, there were also stock recordings, and Lev performed folk songs, romances, and vocal works by Soviet and foreign composers.

Little by little, the singer began to gain popularity, and foreign tours began. In 1972, Lev became a laureate of the Golden Orpheus competition held in Bulgaria, and a little later won the prestigious competition in Sopot with the beautiful song “For that guy.”

After this, he is more often invited to television, he becomes truly famous. And in 1975, on the 30th anniversary of the Victory, he performed one of his best songs, which is still a symbol of the holiday - “Victory Day”, written by V. Kharitonov and D. Tukhmanov.

Personal life

Leshchenko's first wife was jealous of her husband's success. Her own career did not work out, and she had a hard time experiencing her husband’s achievements - this often happens in an artistic environment. Perhaps the birth of a child could change something, but the couple did not have children. In her interviews, the singer says that she had several abortions, because her husband showed indifference to this issue and allowed her to act at her own discretion.

When she had the last abortion, she found out that she could have twins - however, all this is known only from the words of the singer. And soon Alla simply began to suspect her husband of adultery, and without any reason on his part.

However, in 1976, a reason finally appeared. While on tour in Sochi, a friend introduced him to 22-year-old student Irina. She studied at the university in Budapest and came to Sochi to relax with a friend. The age difference was significant - almost 12 years. But some kind of spark seemed to run between the young people, and literally after a few days of meeting Leo returned home only to pick up things and tell Alla the news. His wife had already guessed everything and let him go surprisingly peacefully., given previous scandals.

From that moment the relationship with Irina began. True, semi-official, since Leo officially decided to divorce his wife only in 1978. All this time, he and Alla were scheduled, although Lev Valeryanovich had to live with his parents, in the same apartment with his sister’s family, which in itself was not easy. Future life Alla’s life didn’t turn out very well, but it happened in the 1990s, which broke even stronger people.

All this time, Irina lived in Budapest, continued her studies, although she tried to come to Moscow more often, and then accompanied Leshchenko on tour in Novosibirsk. In 1978, Irina and Lev got married, and since then they have not parted. The spouses themselves claim that their secret strong marriage is that they simply do not engage in endless showdowns.

In addition, Leo gave his wife complete freedom of action. Irina gave up her career and devoted herself entirely to her family, but at the same time she always had many hobbies. During perestroika times, she even learned to sew. And she did it perfectly, much more high level than most amateurs. She could even sew tuxedos and suits for her husband in those days when it was impossible to get such things.

Unfortunately, the couple had no children. And to somewhat tactless questions from journalists, the spouses always answer that they already have big family, because Leo still has sisters - Yulia and Valentina, nephews with their families, and so on.

Difficult 90s

In 1980-1989, Lev conducted intensive concert activities. He performed several songs in a duet with Valentina Tolkunova, and there were also compositions recorded in a duet with Lyudmila Senchina, Sofia Rotaru, and other wonderful singers.

Many songs that have become classics of Soviet and Russian pop music are known to several generations only in his performance. But difficult perestroika times began. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, completely different music poured into the airwaves:

  • new to Soviet Union styles designed for youth;
  • chanson;
  • pop music

Lev Valeryanovich’s work did not fit into either format. And he simply didn’t know how to start building a career again at 50 years old.

However, his friends helped him organize an anniversary evening in the Rossiya concert hall, a recording of this concert was shown on television, the ratings were very solid, and the singer realized that it was too early for him to stop creative activity. Moreover, she was born soon new idea. At the anniversary of Gennady Khazanov, he appeared in a new role. Lev Valeryanovich acted out a comic scene together with his friend, Vladimir Vinokur.

And unexpectedly, the audience really liked the duet of Vovchik and Levchik. However, this is not surprising, given that the text was written for them by Arkady Khait, and the friends themselves have always been talented performers.

For some time, Lev tried himself in a new genre, then returned to concert activity, since humorous skits were considered somewhat lightweight.

present tense

Today Lev Leshchenko is still popular. He became famous thanks to his soft, voluminous baritone and pleasant manner on stage. However, in his youth, fans were attracted by the singer’s romantic appearance and his tall height (1.8 m). Of course, in the 21st century, concert performances in the style of Lev Leshchenko might seem somewhat outdated. However, it is thanks to him that the singer is experiencing a new surge in popularity, since he embodies a living legend of the Soviet stage.

Currently, Lev teaches at the famous “Gnesinka”, and many of his students themselves managed to become famous on the national stage.

Lev Valeryanovich keeps up with the times:

  • maintains her blog on Instagram;
  • performs in various shows;
  • sometimes appears in videos and projects of young performers, including humorous ones;
  • in 2001 he published a book in which he talks about outstanding athletes, politicians and artists with whom he was familiar.

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