Teaching German abroad. German courses in Germany. German courses abroad - course types

One of the interesting and useful options for spending holidays for adults and holidays for children is to study a foreign language abroad. Today we will figure out how to find a good language school to study. German language in Germany and find out how much it costs on average to study in German language school.

There are a great variety of language schools in Germany, and course prices depend on many factors, from the federal state in which the language school you choose is located and the length of your intended study at this school, to the number of hours per week you pay for.

The minimum number of hours of language learning when studying in a German language school, as well as in other European schools, is 20 hours per week. This means 4 academic hours every day from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:15 including 1 or 2 breaks. Particularly diligent students can take 25 or even 35 academic hours per week, in which case your classes will last even after 12:15 - from 13:00 to 14:30.

When choosing courses, it is important to decide for what purpose you need German. If it is needed for admission, courses lasting 1 semester or 1 year are selected. In the case of business German courses or language learning for yourself, you can choose any course duration. In addition, there are advanced training courses designed to improve language skills for representatives of various professions (engineers, economists, computer scientists, architects, doctors, etc.). There are also summer language courses (summer camp) in Germany with different biases for children and teenagers.

Before starting the course, you take a written test that will determine. At the end of the course, you will be issued a certificate, which will indicate the number of hours of study, the level of the language in which you studied, and marks in four main parameters: speech, reading, writing, listening. Also, if desired, depending on the language school, you can take a test for a fee. Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDAF), Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung (ZOP), certificates of which are recognized at all universities in Germany. This means that with such a certificate, you will not need to take a separate language proficiency exam when entering a German university. Below I provide a table showing the levels of the language and the exams that are taken at each level.

Which cities offer language courses?

Courses are usually held in major cities and in small campuses: Berlin, Stuttgart, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Frankfurt, Cologne. However, you can find a language school in almost any city, I would recommend going to a small student city in order to better concentrate on your studies.

How much does it cost to study a language course in Germany?

On the websites of language schools, the cost of education is indicated, as a rule, for 1 week. Courses without accommodation will cost you 100 - 300 Euro per week, depending on the language school. Depending on the number of paid weeks, you can receive a bonus in the form of one or more weeks of training for free.

How to find a language school?

big list language schools (Sprachschule) And courses (Sprachkurs) in Germany is available on the website of the German organization of academic exchanges DAAD. Here you can choose the location of the course, its duration, the field of study (in the case of advanced training within the profession) and other parameters.

Also, language schools in Germany, Austria and Switzerland can be viewed at this link, where language schools are listed by city.

A fairly popular language school with branches throughout Germany is the Carl Duisberg school.

The notorious Goethe Institut also has branches throughout the country. However, the prices here are very high, and in groups of up to 18 people, so I would not advise you to choose this language school. Judge for yourself, 1.5 months of training with 25 academic hours per week will cost you 2090 Euros.

One of the authors of our website took language courses at the Tuebingen language school Sprachinstitut Tuebingen. He liked this school very much: the training was carried out at the highest level, there was an interesting entertainment program in his free time.

When choosing a language school, I advise you to read the reviews of people who have already studied in it.

What do I need to do in order to take part in a language course?

First of all, you need to contact the school you are interested in by e-mail and express your desire to participate in the course. It is better to do this in advance, since you still have to apply for a visa, and the places on the courses fill up quickly enough. I advise you to start collecting documents about 3 months before the start date of the courses.

After the host language school confirms your participation in the course, you will be asked to pay for tuition and accommodation (the entire period).

After that, you will be sent a payment document, which, along with the rest of the package of documents, must be submitted to the consulate. To apply for a visa, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • Confirmation of payment for courses and accommodation (sent by the language school)
  • Health insurance policy for the entire period of your stay in Germany
  • Proof of funds sufficient for living (approximately 700 Euro per month, to be clarified further)
  • international passport
  • Russian passport and a copy of the page with personal data
  • Completed application form
  • 1 visa photo
  • Visa fees
  • A self-signed statement in accordance with § 55 of the Law on
    stay in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany


When studying in a German language course, you can choose from several accommodation options.

  1. Accommodation with a host family. A great opportunity to practice the language in your spare time. The average cost is from 160 Euro per week without meals, and from 180 Euro per week with breakfast and dinner.
  2. Accommodation in a student hostel. There is an option with a private bathroom or a shared bathroom. The average cost is from 150 Euro per week without meals.
  3. Apartments. The average cost is from 225 Euro per week.

I believe that the best options for students are living in a family, where they will be spared from all the hassle, or living in a hostel. When living in a hostel and self-catering, the cost of food will be 40-50 Euros per week. This is how a room in a student hostel in Germany looks like.

- An honest comparison of prices and discounts for hotels and apartments in 50 booking systems (Booking, Agoda, Ostrovok.ru, etc.). Save up to 30% on accommodation!

1. Ancient traditions of teaching

A hundred years ago, half of all students studying abroad studied in this country. For centuries, this country, like a magnet, attracted those who were interested in first-class vocational training. Mikhail Lomonosov, Alexander Radishchev, Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Sechenov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Kliment Timiryazev, Mikhail Prishvin and many other prominent figures of culture and science studied here. The first German university, Heidelberg, was founded in 1386. At the same time, other local universities have centuries of glorious history.

In today's world, the Made in Germany label is recognized as a benchmark for quality, whether it's for cars or for education.

2. Opportunity to master German perfectly

This language is one of the most demanded in the international arena. Owning it increases the chances of successful employment and career advancement.

Large national companies - BMW, Siemens, Lufthansa, Bosch and others - need partners who speak German. It is one of the official means of communication in the European Union and a number of international organizations. More than 100 million people speak German as their mother tongue, and about 55 million Europeans speak it as a secondary language.

3. Attractiveness of the country as a place for study and later life

According to the annual BBC poll, since 2008 given country regularly tops the list of the most popular countries in the world. Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart and Nuremberg are among the best cities to live in (Mercer, Monocle's ratings).

The German economy is the largest in Europe. This country is one of the world leaders in the automotive, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, in the field of design, high technology, software and publishing. For centuries, the Germans have declared themselves to be innovators. They are the ones who invented printing press and a globe, a car and a radar, a TV and an aspirin, MP3 format and the theory of relativity, and much more. Eight out of twenty two greatest discoveries The twentieth century belongs to the Germans. And today, according to a study by General Electric (Innovation Barometer 2014), this country ranks second among the most innovative in the world. More than 90 residents of Germany became laureates Nobel Prize. Just as great is the country's contribution to world culture and sports.

Studying here is also an opportunity for Russians to travel, see local sights, useful contacts with new people.

4. Living and studying in German schools are cheaper than in many other countries of the world

Receipt higher education still free in many regions. Do you want to know how much it costs to study in Germany in other institutions? It does not exceed 500 euros per semester. Almost all German universities and colleges are funded by the state. The presence of a large number of benefits, scholarships and grants allows foreign students to significantly reduce living expenses.

5.Convenient location in Europe

Austria, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Denmark, Poland are border countries that can be reached by bus and train in a couple of hours. And to Spain, Italy, Great Britain - only 1 hour by plane. By getting an education, you can travel all over Europe without serious financial and time costs.

6.High security

This state ranks 7th in terms of security among the countries included in the OECD. in metropolitan areas and small towns calmly even at night, drivers and pedestrians comply with traffic rules, and the crime rate is steadily declining.

7. Multicultural State

The German population is very tolerant: representatives of the most different nationalities and cultures. Therefore, studying here is comfortable for foreigners, including students from Russia.

8.Fast paperwork

The country has a fairly loyal visa issuance policy. To obtain it, you will need to collect a minimum of documents for the trip.

Study in Germany for foreigners: main programs

Language courses for children 5-17 years old

Education of children is carried out in several directions. Among them are general and intensive German courses, individual training (including accommodation in the teacher's family), "Intensive German + sports". Their duration is from 1 to 9 or more weeks. There are both summer and year-round courses. The level of training is from beginner to advanced. Accommodation is organized in host families, school residences or youth hotels. Classes are taught by qualified teachers from leading language schools. The most popular among them are DID Deutsch-Institut, Humboldt Institut, OISE.

Language courses for adults (from 17 years old)

Organized for listeners different levels preparation: from zero to high. The duration of the programs ranges from 1 to 8 or more weeks. Classes are coming all year round. The dates for the start of training should be specified additionally. Lessons are held on the basis of prestigious language schools - DID Deutsch-Institut and Humboldt Institut. Accommodation is organized in host families, hotels, apartments, school residences.

Programs offered: standard and intensive German courses, TestDAF Preparation, German for Business, intensive course in a mini-group. Individual training is also available, including accommodation in the teacher's family. The teaching load, depending on the program, ranges from 10 to 40 lessons per week.

Both children's and adult language courses involve not only German classes. An extensive sports, excursion and entertainment program awaits all listeners.

Secondary education

Schools are represented by public and private institutions. The second may be designed specifically for girls or boys, there are also mixed-type institutions. The system provides for teaching children in German and includes two stages:

  • initial. Children begin to master knowledge at the age of 6 to 10-12 years. Primary school is attended for 4 years. The only exceptions are Berlin and Brandenburg educational institutions. They study for 6 years;
  • average. After graduation primary school children can continue their studies in the main (Hauptschule), real (Realschule) or general (Gesamtschule) school. Another option is a gymnasium or a private educational institution.

It is worth noting that the church here is separated from the state. Most schools are secular.

Preparation for the university (from 17 years old)

Such year-round courses are organized by the Did Deutsche Institut language centers in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Munich. They are long-term programs to improve the German language. Groups of 10-15 people are trained according to one of three models: "Standard", "Intensive" and "Premium". The first provides 20, the second - 24, and the third - 28 lessons per week. The initial level of knowledge of the language can be both zero and advanced. Course duration - from 12 weeks. At the end, students take an exam developed by the German Language Society (GfdS) and receive a diploma.

Business courses (from 17 years old)

The language school Did Deutsche Institut provides an opportunity business people get an education in individually. The standard program includes, as a rule, from 20 to 60 lessons per week. In the classroom, much attention is paid to the expansion of professional vocabulary and the development of specific skills necessary for the successful conduct of international business (the basics of correspondence, negotiations, interviews, document management, etc.).

What the cost of studying

The cost of the course depends on many factors. These include the type of program chosen, the prestige of the school, the length and intensity of classes, the number of cultural events and the type of accommodation.

In addition, students will face a number of additional costs. The biggest expense item is housing costs. The student has 3 accommodation options:

  • hotel or apartment;
  • residence;
  • host family.

The latter option is usually cheaper. The student can choose single and double accommodation. The host families' houses are located near the language school. The road takes 10-20 minutes. All Host Family are carefully selected and regularly checked by the staff of the language school. They are very hospitable, sociable and friendly. Host family rates may include breakfast or half board. Also, the student can cook for himself. Living with native German speakers allows you to not only practice colloquial speech in a relaxed atmosphere and learn to understand it better, but also to get to know the traditions, culture and way of life of the country.

It will cost a little more to stay in a hotel or residence. The latter option involves accommodation in a room with all amenities, designed for 2 or 4 people, and meals on a half board basis. Students who wish to stay in a hotel are usually provided with 2 options - Youth Hotel Standard and Single Studio Standard. In the first case, breakfast is included in the price, in the second, meals are paid separately.

Daniz Alagsarova

12/15/2018 at 12:00

CERAN International Center

Mikhail Ovchinnikov

11/19/2018 at 12:00

Actilingua Academy

Daniz Alagsarova

12/15/2018 at 12:00

2 years ago, when I first came to Falcon in high school, I knew only a few phrases in French: “Bonjour” (“Hello”), “J'ai 14 ans” (“I am 14 years old”) and “J' habite á Chypre” (“I live in Cyprus”). I knew perfectly well that I would have to work seriously and hard in order to advance in my French language skills. This year I had the opportunity to go on an internship in the Belgian summer school where I could at international level to practice the language that was so important to me. The school is called "CERAN" and is located in a small pretty town of Ferrières. At first, I didn’t want to go anywhere at all, it seemed to me that summer was a time for rest, not study. I would call the first week "adaptation" when I got used to a new place, new teachers and classmates. We all went through written and oral test, on the basis of which we were divided into eight groups, in accordance with the level of the language. Sometimes in class I found it difficult because my French-speaking classmates communicated with a strong accent, which made their speech even more difficult to understand! On the other hand, they were always ready and happy to help, which was very important to me. "Together" was practically our motto. I noticed progress already on the 5th day of training. I could ask teachers or school administrators anything and I could answer any question with complete confidence. In those moments, I was truly proud of myself! Every new week I moved to a higher level group, but it still remained a kind of challenge, and I needed to keep moving forward. We had 10 lessons every day. It sounds like a lot, and to be honest... it really is a lot! In the classroom we practiced writing skills and oral speech learned how to communicate. Experienced, highly qualified teachers helped each of us overcome any difficulties that we had to face. There were breaks between lessons where you could have a bite to eat, relax or chat with friends (or do homework!). In addition to the lessons, after class we had a wide range of activities and sports such as horse riding, swimming, tennis, etc. Since I went for 4 whole weeks, I managed to try everything from golf to kayaking. We had full day excursions every week. For example, weekend bus trips were organized to various places outside of Belgium, such as Luxembourg, Germany, France and other countries. It was very fun and great. I will never forget how we sang along with our driver different languages! And on Wednesdays we went to science museums (which, I must admit, we liked a little less :) I want to say that this internship was full of adventures. Not only did I meet a lot of people from very different backgrounds and cultures, but I also gained confidence, gained valuable experience and knowledge, and most importantly, I felt that I was really worth something. I definitely advise everyone to go for such internships. They will no doubt benefit you and your capabilities. And I guarantee that the trip will only bring positive results. Good luck!

CERAN International Center

Mikhail Ovchinnikov

11/19/2018 at 12:00

The curriculum was classic. We studied grammar, acted out constructive dialogues (getting a job, communication between a client and a consultant, renting a house) and discussed hot topics(security environment, ecology, experiments on animals). It was at school that I noticed that people from all over the world showed interest in the German language. The groups included students from Brazil, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, England, Denmark, Spain and Switzerland. It helped to understand people with other mentalities, broaden my horizons and find new friends. In Vienna, where I lived, many old buildings and palaces have been turned into museums. I especially liked the Belvedere Art Museum and Military History Museum, which claims to be the oldest and greatest military history museum in the world. I also attended a classical music concert and it made an indelible impression on me. I was also pleasantly surprised public transport. Metro, high-speed trains, buses and trams run until late at night, so I could safely walk and not worry about how to get back home. Plus, Vienna is considered a safe city, and you feel very comfortable in it at any time of the day (although the police are certainly present on the streets). The whole month that I spent in Vienna was hot - more than 30C. Therefore, I often visited the banks of the Danube River. It flows through the whole city and is perfectly adapted for beach holiday. My classmates and I sunbathed, swam, played ball. Had a great time. The host family's house just shocked me. This is a three-story building, which is more than a hundred years old (according to the owner, her grandparents lived in it), with a small garden where we went out in the evening to drink tea, chat spiritually and look at the grapes and stars.

Actilingua Academy

As is known, foreign language it is best to learn by immersing yourself in the language environment and interacting with native speakers. Therefore, German courses will be excellent in Germany.

Germany is a country that gave the world such talented artists, recognized scientists and famous philosophers as Ludwig van Beethoven, Erich Maria Remarque, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Alexander von Humboldt, Marlene Dietrich, Immanuel Kant, Franz Kafka and many, many others! Their works, discoveries and theories still excite the minds and souls of people today. In addition, Germany is a country rich in world heritage, there are 42 objects protected by UNESCO on its territory, and another 16 claim this title (for comparison: there are only 4 in Belarus).

In addition to cultural achievements, Germany is a country with a high standard of living, its economy ranks first in Europe and fourth in the world, which ensures high level life. That is why people come here from all over the world. According to Deutsche Welle, about 230,000 students attend short and long-term study programs every year!

Although the weather in Germany is often unpredictable: one summer day can be warm and sunny, and the next already cold and rainy, the German lands are worth traveling far and wide: from the lowest regions that have preserved glacial relief in the north to the high peaks of the Alps in the south .

Knowing German, you can safely travel to countries such as Switzerland and Austria, and enjoy the view from the mountain peaks. Visit Luxembourg and Liechtenstein, which is located within walking distance from neighboring countries. In addition, German is also spoken in Belgium, where you can "lay low in Bruges."


You can study German with native speakers in Germany, Switzerland or Austria. It is easy to choose a language school in Germany, focusing on your desires. If you like megacities and attractions - choose to study in Berlin (Alpadia Berlin, Humboldt Institut) or Cologne (Carl Duisberg Cologne), if you want more shopping and entertainment - definitely Munich (Did Deutsch-Institut München) or Hamburg (Did Deutsch-Institut Hamburg) . And if you like a quiet life, then Radolfzell (Carl Duisberg Radolfzell) or Freiburg are suitable for you. In Switzerland, you can study German in one of the best language centers LSI Zurich. You can also learn and deepen your knowledge of the German language at the language school ActiLingua Vienna.

Both adults and children, both beginners and advanced, can study German in Germany. Training takes place either in small groups of up to 12 people, or in mini-groups of up to 6 people, individual lessons are also offered. The big plus is that you can join the courses at any time. The duration can vary from a week to 18 months, the intensity is from 10 to 30 lessons per week. Many courses include not only studies, but also a cultural program.

The cost depends on the location of the language school, on the type of program and on the duration of the course. average price is 250 euros per week of training.


German courses abroad are varied: you can choose a general course or an intensive course. You can take an exam course (Goethe, TELC Deutsch, TestDAF). Language tests are important for those who are going to study in German higher education institutions or work in this country. Exam results are indefinite. There are also specialized courses for teachers and business German courses for those who are business meetings and negotiations. To prepare for studying at the university, you will need a German language course for educational purposes with the study of various subjects in German.

However, no matter which course the student chooses, they are all practice-oriented. Also, as part of the courses, teachers put pronunciation, help expand vocabulary and overcome the language barrier.

The cost of German courses abroad is as diverse as the courses themselves. The price depends on the duration and intensity of training, as well as the chosen city.

At the end of the program, all students receive a certificate confirming the completion of the German language course at a language school in Germany.


A student can live in a hostel, a host family or in an apartment. Life in a family will allow you to plunge into the German environment even more, and life in a hostel will make you many acquaintances. The option with an apartment is suitable for those who want more freedom. The average price of accommodation is 200 euros (sometimes, it may already be included in the cost of the courses).


In order to enter the courses and enter Germany, a visa is required, there are three types: short-term for short-term courses, a national visa for study and a national visa for long-term courses. We are happy to help you collect all Required documents and fill out an application for a visa to Germany.

German courses abroad are a great way to spend time with benefit and pleasure, get to know the country and its culture and meet new people from all over the world. Reviews of the successful experience of learning German abroad you can read on our website.

Majority educational institutions Austria and Germany teach in German, the second compulsory language for learning is English. In order to ensure fair and equal access to education in Austria for all students of schools and universities, the state and private institutions have proposed active German language training abroad.

The Austrian Language Competence Center (ACLC) is a national center that teaches and encourages the learning of the German language. The training program is designed in collaboration with science experts and using scientific and practical materials, such as a prime example. It also provides for the organization of practical events, learning German abroad and PR events. This program is used by many language centers. ACLC has developed 3 main versions of language learning:

German language proficiency levels
A1 Entry level Involves learning the basics of the German language. At the end of the program, the student will understand simple expressions, be able to tell a little about himself, answer simple questions and build simple sentences.
Certificate: Goethe-Zertifikat A1
A2 Basic level The second stage of learning the basics of the German language. At the end of the program, the student will be able to speak about all areas Everyday life on simple and understandable language, is able to handle important situations that may arise during communication with the natives.
Certificate: Goethe-Zertifikat A2
B1 Threshold level The third stage of language learning. It involves the study and development of simple units of the language, the ability to conduct a conversation in literary language, speak beautifully, difficulties and language barriers disappear.
Certificate: Goethe-Zertifikat B1
B2 Advanced level The fourth stage of language learning. It involves the consolidation of written and oral skills, the ability to understand complex texts and expressing their point of view on a fairly wide range of issues. Ability to argue, debate and discuss.
Certificate: Goethe-Zertifikat B2
C1 Advanced level The fifth stage of language learning. At this stage, a person can already switch in his thoughts to German and speak quickly without picking up Right words because he is already half thinking in that language. Large vocabulary, correct grammar, correct sentence construction.
Certificate: Goethe-Zertifikat C1
C2 Professional level The last stage, which can be constantly improved. It assumes complete and fluent command of the language, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions. Enough to study, work and live in this country.
Certificate: Goethe-Zertifikat C2

Teaching German abroad

Companies that offer German courses abroad use an innovative tool in teaching (ESP), which is focused on independent and correct learning with deepening into the language environment.

Which way to learn German should you choose?

  1. Instructor in the family - together with the family (child), an instructor lives or comes for a day, who conducts training for their parents in a relaxed style (goes shopping together, attends events, takes walks);
  2. Language centers offer German courses abroad individually and in groups using an extensive program and constant practice;
  3. Language schools within 1-2 years can teach basic programs and bring German language skills to a professional level. 10-2 people in the class;
  4. Summer vacation courses involve complete immersion in the language environment for one to three months. A great way to combine relaxation with casual language learning.
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