Passing a psychologist's Russian Railways test. Profbor test. We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Questions included in the method of neuropsychological diagnostics Forecast 2

1. It happened that I gave up on something I started because I was afraid that I couldn’t handle it..
2. It’s easy to argue with me..
3. I avoid correcting people who make unsubstantiated statements.
4. People show me as much sympathy and sympathy as I deserve.
5. Sometimes I am sure that other people know what I am thinking..
6. There were times when I did not keep my promises..
7. At times I am completely sure of my worthlessness..
8. I have never had any run-ins with the law...
9. I often memorize numbers that have no meaning for me (for example, car license plates, etc.).
10. Sometimes I tell lies...
11. I am more impressionable than most other people...
12. I am pleased to have significant people among my acquaintances; it kind of gives me weight in my own eyes..
13. Fate is definitely not kind to me..
14. People often tell me that I am hot-tempered..
15. It happened that I talked about things that I don’t understand..
16. I easily lose patience with people.
17. I have no enemies who would really want to harm me..
18. Sometimes my hearing becomes so acute that it even bothers me..
19. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what I can do today..
20. If people weren’t against me, I would have achieved much more in life..
21. In the game I prefer to win..
22. I often cross to the other side of the street to avoid meeting a person I don’t want to see..
23. Most of the time I feel like I did something wrong or even bad...
24. If someone says something stupid or otherwise shows their ignorance, I try to explain to him his mistake.
25. Sometimes I have the feeling that so many difficulties have been piled up in front of me that it is simply impossible to overcome them..
26. When I’m away, I behave at the table better than at home..
27. There are very nervous people in my family..
28. If someone is to blame for my failures, I do not leave him unpunished..
29. I must admit that sometimes I worry about little things...
30. When I am asked to start a discussion or express an opinion on an issue in which I am well versed, I do so without timidity.
31. I often make fun of my friends...
32. Throughout my life, my attitude towards my profession has changed several times..
33. It happened that when discussing some issues, I, without particularly thinking, agreed with the opinions of others..
34. I often worked under the guidance of people who knew how to turn things around in such a way that all achievements in their work were attributed to them, and others were to blame for mistakes.
35. Without any fear, I enter a room where others have already gathered and are talking..
36. It seems to me that people especially often treat me unfairly.
37. When I am in a high place, I have a desire to jump down...
38. Among my friends there are people I don’t like..
39. My plans often seemed so difficult to implement that I had to abandon them..
40. I am often absent-minded and forgetful..
41. I rarely have attacks of bad mood...
42. I would prefer to work with women..
43. I am happiest when I am alone..
44. Sometimes, when I don’t feel well, I get irritable..
45. I often see dreams that it’s better not to tell anyone about..
46. ​​My beliefs and views are unshakable..
47. I am a nervous and excitable person..
48. It really annoys me when I forget where I put things..
49. It happens that I get angry..
50. I like work that requires close attention...
51. Sometimes I get so excited that I can’t sit still..
52. It happens that an indecent or even obscene joke makes me laugh..
53. Sometimes such bad thoughts come into my head that it’s better not to tell anyone about them..
54. Sometimes I take valerian, elenium or other sedatives..
55. I am an active person..
56. Now it’s hard for me to hope that I will achieve anything in life..
57. Sometimes I feel like I’m close to a nervous breakdown..
58. It happened that I did not answer letters immediately after reading them..
59. Once a week or more often I get excited and excited...
60. It is very difficult for me to adapt to new living, working or studying conditions. The transition to new conditions of life, work or study seems unbearably difficult to me.
61. Sometimes it happened that I was late for work or a date..
62. My head hurts often..
63. I led the wrong lifestyle..
64. I drink alcoholic beverages in moderation (or not at all)..
65. I often indulge in sad thoughts...
66. Compared to other families, there is very little love and warmth in mine..
67. I often have ups and downs in my mood.
68. When I am among people, I hear very strange things...
69. I believe that I was very often punished undeservedly..
70. I'm scared to look down from a great height..
71. It happened that I couldn’t do anything for days or even weeks because I couldn’t bring myself to get down to work..
72. I drink an unusual amount of water every day...
73. I have had periods when I did something, and then I didn’t know what exactly I was doing..
74. When I try to do something, I often notice that my hands are shaking...
75. I think that I am a doomed person..
76. I have periods of such intense anxiety that I can’t even sit still.
77. At times it seems to me that my head is working slower..
78. It seems to me that I feel everything more acutely than others.
79. Sometimes, for no reason at all, I suddenly experience a period of extraordinary cheerfulness.
80. Some things worry me so much that it’s hard for me to even talk about them.
81. Sometimes my nerves let me down..
82. I often have the feeling that everything around me is unreal.
83. When I hear about the success of a close friend, I begin to feel like I am a failure..
84. It happens that bad, often even terrible words come into my head, and I just can’t get rid of them..
85. Sometimes I try to stay away from this or that person so as not to do or say something that I will regret later..
86. Often, even when everything is going well for me, I feel like I don’t care.

The technique we created simulates a multitasking situation. The respondent is presented with several tasks at the same time, and the instructions set their different priorities, which makes it possible to assess the amount of attention, its stability and switchability.

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A psychophysiological technique designed to diagnose the stability and switchability of attention of automated control system operators, as well as general suitability for performing work in high-risk conditions.


  • Mass selection and selection of candidates for positions of automated control system operators
  • Assessment of specialists for work in the “man-machine” system associated with increased danger
  • Assessing the abilities of candidates and employees to demonstrate stability and switching attention


The technique consists of a set of audiovisual tasks that respondents need to solve. The screen interface is implemented in the form of a control panel with standard elements: luminous indicators (lamps), buttons, measuring instruments (outwardly resembling the usual voltmeters, ammeters, pressure gauges, tachometers, etc.). This visual organization of the screen improves the subjective validity of the technique. In addition, this decision suggests the possibility of further modifications and increasing the number of subtests, which opens up the prospect of developing the methodology.

The elements of the remote control are depicted schematically, but recognizable. It is important, on the one hand, to exclude the influence of the specific professional experience of the test takers (therefore, photo-realistic images of controls are not used). On the other hand, it is necessary that the meaning and functions of the elements in question be easily understood.

The Attention!Test technique consists of four training and eight main series, which are performed during one testing session. From series to series, the complexity of the technique increases, and the number of additional tasks increases.

Examples of setting the Attention!Test technique

A demo version is available for this technique. Please note: the link does not contain a test, but only examples of tasks to familiarize yourself with the testing procedure - your answers are not taken into account anywhere and the result is not calculated.

The total time for performing the technique is 40 minutes.


Attention indicators:

  • Stability of the result– indicates how much the respondent’s attention level fluctuates.
  • Sustainability of attention– measured as the success of solving the main (i.e. priority) task.
  • Adaptability of attention– indicates whether a person is able to adapt to the task being solved and improve performance in solving it.
  • Attention span– measures the degree of success in solving several problems simultaneously.
  • The power of attention– integral scale, overall effectiveness of problem solving.


  • Auditory working memory– measured as success in solving an auditory task.


The Attention!Test method has two options for reporting test results:

for a specialist (assessment of suitability to perform the functions of an automated control system operator, as well as the ability to demonstrate stability and switchability of attention);
for the respondent (soft feedback).


The Attention!Test method was developed in 2014-2015. during a project on professional psychological selection of employees of the Central Directorate of Traffic Control, a branch of JSC Russian Railways, related to train traffic. Authors of the development: Altukhov V.V., Belorusets A.S., Portnova D.S., Rybnikova M.K.

During the project, a series of visits to stations of various classes were carried out and interviews were conducted with employees of JSC Russian Railways of ten specialties (signalmen, traffic controllers, train preparers, park duty officers, hump operators, hump duty attendants, railway station attendants, duty, shunting, station and train dispatchers). As a result, a conceptual model of the methodology was created that takes into account the real characteristics of the workplaces of Russian Railways employees in the above-mentioned specialties, as well as the organizational requirements for their psychophysiological characteristics.

The present version of the methodology included, as one of the subtests, a game block for diagnosing the speed and accuracy of a reaction, which was previously included in the TUR methodology and has shown itself to be a viable assessment tool since 1995.

The methodology was validated in 2014. on a sample of 400 employees of JSC Russian Railways who have proven themselves to be successful.


Training in working with the test methodology is available as a distance course. Individual (or in small groups) face-to-face training is also possible under the program of individual user support. A methodological manual has been developed, which is provided free of charge to all users of the test.

Assessment of switching and distribution of attention. Can be used to examine children and adults.

Test Description

The study is carried out using special forms on which there are 25 red and 24 black numbers. The test subject must first find the black numbers in ascending order, then the red numbers in descending order.

The third task is to alternately search for black numbers in ascending order and red numbers in descending order. The main indicator is execution time.

The first two tasks are completed using one form, the third task - on a different form.

Test instructions

For adults: “There are 25 red and 24 black numbers on your form. You must find the black numbers in an ascending sequence (from 1 to 24) and then the red numbers in a descending sequence (from 25 to 1). Each time you find the required number, write down the letter corresponding to that number.”

The task completion time is recorded.

Second instruction: “Take the second form. Now you have to find the red numbers in descending order and the black numbers in ascending order simultaneously, alternately. For example: red number 25, black number 1, red number 24, black number 2 and so on.

Letters corresponding to red numbers are written in one row (above), and letters corresponding to black numbers are written in another (bottom), thus creating two rows of letters.”

Children's version: “On this table, the red numbers from 1 to 24 and the black numbers from 1 to 25 are not in order. You must show and name the black numbers in ascending order, and the red ones in descending order at the same time, in turn: 1 – black, 24 – red, 2 – black, 23 – red and so on.”

Test material

Processing test results

The execution time of each series and errors are taken into account. The time to complete the third task is not equal to the sum of the times spent on completing the first and second, since part of the time is spent on switching attention and quickly retaining the numbers just named in the head. The difference between the two time indicators will be the time it takes to switch attention from one series of numbers to another. The smaller this difference, the better switching attention.

Types of errors: skipping a number, repeating the same number twice, and so on.

The children's version of the red-black table can be used after the subject has been asked Schulte tables, since this makes it possible to compare the results of the two methods with each other. .

Data processing in children's version similar to the treatment of the adult version. For comparison, we take the average time to complete tasks in Schulte technique and recorded time of work with Gorbov table. The difference between the two times will be the time switching attention.

  • Gorbov’s method “Red-black table”/ Almanac of psychological tests. M., 1995, pp. 117-118.

Modern working conditions, productivity and quality of work performed increasingly require applicants to have appropriate performance, personal, psychological and business qualities. For this purpose, many serious organizations use testing when hiring, especially in departments such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Railways..., banks, including Sberbank..., as well as large corporations.

Employment tests are carried out for accountants and managers, for police officers and firefighters, for pilots and machinists, for lawyers, and even for sales consultants...

On this page of the psychoanalytic website website you will be able to take psychological tests used for hiring in various departments and organizations online and free of charge.

However, keep in mind that these are examples of tests used when applying for a job, because Each employer can use its own testing, depending on the required personal, mental, emotional, moral and business qualities of an applicant for a specific position or profession, in a specific enterprise or institution.
(Large corporations use SHL, Talent Q, Ontardent, Exect tests)

What psychological tests do applicants undergo when applying for a job?

Examples of basic psychological tests used when hiring in various departments, organizations and enterprises, such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations..., Banks (Sberbank), trade..., testing for the position of manager, chief accountant, policeman, firefighter, rescuer, sales worker (sales consultant), lawyer...etc. (career choice test)

Psychological tests

General psychological tests when applying for a job are not used as often as specialized ones for certain professions.
However, the results of tests on the speed of nervous processes (temperament), character accentuation, memory, attention and attentiveness may be of interest to some employers.

  • Character test - (software version)
  • Temperament test - (software version)
  • Attention test (switching attention)

Verbal tests

A verbal test when applying for a job is the basis of an interview with an applicant for a position and profession where the applicant’s verbal (speech) abilities are required.

Math tests

Some corporations use mathematical tests when hiring to determine an applicant's analytical abilities.

  • Math test (with answers)
Numerical tests

For some positions, such as accountant, employers use numerical tests in the hiring process.

  • SHL test

Logic tests

Logic tests when applying for a job provide information to the employer about the applicant’s ability to find the right solutions in unfamiliar situations.
Logical thinking test

Emotional tests

Emotional stability, stress resistance - necessary indicators of certification - tests for employment and subsequent re-certification - of applicants and current employees in positions where you need to work with people, in dangerous, emergency and stressful situations (for example, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, trade...)

Personality tests

Main, a widely used personality test for employment is the SMIL (Standardized Multivariate Personality Test) test - also known as the Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory (MMPI) and its shortened version, the MMPI Mini-Cartoon.

Intelligence tests

The level, intelligence quotient (IQ) of an applicant is often the most important testing indicator when applying for a job where the intellectual abilities of the future employee are required.

  • CAT test online (a short indicative questionnaire to determine general mental abilities - sometimes used in the Center for Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)
  • (with software processing of results)

  • Genius test (also known as the “Red Square” reaction test - sometimes used in the Central Operations Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Creative tests

Many modern organizations require creative, creative people, who sometimes must have organizational and even entrepreneurial abilities, which is why creative tests are also used when hiring.

In addition to simple white blocks, it contains a set of red and black blocks, black blocks 25 pieces, A red 24.

Red-black tables online

Online trainer with red and black Schulte-Gorbov tables. There are only 3 buttons: Start, start over and Stop. The game runs only on a timer. Click on the table itself: start or end the exercise. The program in timer mode does not monitor the accuracy of the results, and you go through this exercise primarily for yourself.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Gorbov-Schulte table game

An excellent training game for red-black Schulte tables, which automatically selects the optimal level of difficulty from a 4x2 field size to a completely huge one. To practice, you must register, as statistics of achievements are kept. You will also have access to about 30 other educational free games, the creation of individual training programs, and the opportunity to beat other people's records, take interactive courses to develop speed reading, memory, attention, and so on.

Other Schulte tables:

Passing the Gorbov-Schulte table

It is necessary to go through such tables without errors using paired values. Black numbers go in increasing order from 1 to 25, A red numbers descending from 24 to 1.The counting goes alternately, first black 1, Then red 24, Further black 2, Then red 23 and so on.

Errors during the exercise can be of several types, for example, order replacement error. In this case, the number called in ascending order (initially black), becomes a number of decreasing order, and vice versa, a number of decreasing order (initially red) becomes increasing.

Red-black Schulte tables

Below are two versions of the red-black Gorbov-Schulte tables:

Download Schulte-Gorbov Tables

You can also download examples Schulte tables to practice with them regardless of the presence of the Internet. You can also download printable Schulte tables.

Files for download:

Examples of Red-Black Tables

Below are examples of such tables for you to solve on your own:

Bottom line

In this article I tried to tell in more detail and give a good idea about Red-black tables of Schulte-Gorbov, read more about the tables themselves and the varieties of these tables in the section Schulte Tables.

Developmental courses

Schulte tables are used to train speed reading, memory, concentration, and so on. Choose the development courses you like that will help you achieve your desired goal faster:

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Increase your reading speed by 2-3 times in 30 days. From 150-200 to 300-600 words per minute or from 400 to 800-1200 words per minute. The course uses traditional exercises for the development of speed reading, techniques that speed up brain function, methods for progressively increasing reading speed, the psychology of speed reading and questions from course participants. Suitable for children and adults reading up to 5000 words per minute.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The purpose of the course: to develop the child’s memory and attention so that it is easier for him to study at school, so that he can remember better.

After completing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better to remember texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to remember for a longer period of time
  3. The speed of recalling the necessary information will increase

Super memory in 30 days

Remember the necessary information quickly and for a long time. Wondering how to open a door or wash your hair? I’m sure not, because this is part of our life. Easy and simple exercises for memory training can be made part of your life and done a little during the day. If you eat the daily amount of food at once, or you can eat in portions throughout the day.

We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Learn to quickly and correctly add, subtract, multiply, divide, square numbers, and even extract roots. I will teach you how to use easy techniques to simplify arithmetic operations. Each lesson contains new techniques, clear examples and useful tasks.

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

The brain, like the body, needs fitness. Physical exercise strengthens the body, mental exercise develops the brain. 30 days of useful exercises and educational games to develop memory, concentration, intelligence and speed reading will strengthen the brain, turning it into a tough nut to crack.

Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Why are there problems with money? In this course we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, and consider our relationship with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

Knowledge of the psychology of money and how to work with it makes a person a millionaire. 80% of people take out more loans as their income increases, becoming even poorer. On the other hand, self-made millionaires will earn millions again in 3-5 years if they start from scratch. This course teaches you how to properly distribute income and reduce expenses, motivates you to study and achieve goals, teaches you how to invest money and recognize a scam.

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