Shortening of summer holidays at school. Your opinion? What's wrong with long summer holidays? Summer vacation want

Approximately at the end of each academic year (and it will be soon) or, conversely, before September 1, all sorts of incomprehensible initiatives appear. Like “let’s postpone the start of the school year?” or in Once again we will discuss what to do with the structure of the academic year (quarters, trimesters).

But there is one proposal that does not seem absurd to me and which I even support and am ready to discuss - to shorten the summer holidays at school.

Now the school summer holidays do not coincide with our modern life. Why is there a three-month vacation at all? In Russia, the absolutely agrarian-industrial structure of the academic year has been preserved. Previously, summer holidays were needed so that children could help their parents, grandparents in agricultural production or in the country, in the countryside. I remember how I myself was floated to the village for the summer, to dig potatoes, and then to Moscow to study. That is, it is absolutely soviet history. And good story. There were great breakthroughs in education and science at that time. But the education system itself was adjusted precisely to the agricultural production cycle.

Now life has changed. Changed quickly and intensely. And we already live in a metropolis, and Russia has become a country of cities. Urbanization continues, people are less engaged agriculture. And children are less likely to be sent to their grandmother in the village.

And what do we get in the summer? A crowd of children and teenagers whose parents really have nowhere to put

Parents can have a two-week vacation, and if they are lucky with the employer, they will give a month. But then the kids still need something to do. Parents begin to come up with some activities, send their children to camps. But usually parents have even more worries because of this: is the camp good, how is it with safety, what will the children do there, and so on. And corny, not everyone has the financial means to send a child to the camp. And it turns out that many children remain in the city and are left to their own devices.

Of course, they may object to me and say that during long holidays children have the only opportunity to relax. No, it's not. In my opinion, the even distribution of the program will reduce the load on schoolchildren during the week. That is, if we shorten vacations for children, the load on them, oddly enough, will decrease, not increase.

Yes, the Russian school has a very intensive program and high workloads due to the compact academic year - only 34 academic weeks. At the same time, there are many vacation intermediate links (those who study in trimesters have the most). We watched how our foreign colleagues work and study. Often they study less in time - they do not have so many lessons, for example, the seventh and eighth. As a result, children are released at 13.00 or 14.00. After that, there are additional elective classes (optional). Children have the opportunity to read and relax. True, abroad, children usually start studying earlier, and parents go to work earlier. But in general, the family can meet for dinner and discuss how the day went, not at our usual 21.00, but at 18.00-19.00. This is what makes a family strong.

Well, besides, the school is still in fact open in June. Although the lower grades often ask: "What are you doing in the summer, we're not here?". Work during the holidays is not less, it's just different. Exams, electives are held, sometimes camps are organized at schools, or now Moscow shifts (they are also called the “fifth quarter”) and so on.

Teachers have quite a long vacation - 56 days. Nevertheless, even in this situation, without stepping on the social guarantees of teachers, the system of study with shortened vacations can be correctly built.

Therefore, in my opinion, the issue of shortening holidays should be raised and discussed, despite all the fears that children will not have time to relax and long holidays are their only opportunity.

In other countries, as a rule, summer holidays last less than in Russia, and foreign students study longer and longer. For example, in France the number of school days is less than in our country, but children study there for 12 years. And in Italy, summer holidays last as long as in Russia, but at the same time, Italian schoolchildren study two years more.

Other holidays in foreign schools can also be very different from ours. For example, French schoolchildren, in addition to the Christmas holidays in December, which last two weeks, also have holidays in February - also two weeks. And in Germany, in some schools, children rest twice not only in winter, but also in spring: first there are Easter holidays in March-April (from 6 to 17 days), and then spring holidays in May-June (up to 11 days).

Summer holidays exist in most countries of the world, but the term summer holidays V different countries varies - from three weeks in South Korea to three months in the USA, Italy, Latvia and Russia.

It is popularly believed that the long summer holidays are a consequence of the agrarian past, when adults needed the help of children in the field in the summer. However, some historians believe that there is insufficient evidence for such an opinion.

There are also experts who believe that a very long break in training has significant shortcomings.

In one southern US state, researchers compared the test scores of schoolchildren aged 7 to 15 from 2008-12. These were tests that were held at the end of the school year and the beginning of the next one.

The researchers concluded that, on average, during the summer holidays, American children forget more than a quarter of the studied material from the previous year.

At the same time, in countries where summer holidays are shorter than in the United States, the same trend is observed.

The head of the National Association for Summer Education (USA), Matthew Boley, called the summer holidays the period of the year when there is the greatest inequality between rich and poor children.

Children from poor families forget summer period more than their peers from wealthy families.

Wealthy parents can make up for a child's educational deficiencies with the help of a tutor or summer camp, while it is more difficult for poor families to afford something like that. Some of them have to stand in queues for many hours to enroll a child in a free sports section.

For many families, summer vacations bring financial hardship.

In countries where children receive free school meals during the school year, families spend more on groceries during the summer. Families with both parents working during the holidays have to hire someone to look after the child.

Supervisor summer program one of primary schools Wales' Natasha Cockram worries that many children spend most of their time at home watching television during the summer. In her opinion, this is due to the fact that parents cannot afford to provide them with active leisure, but at the same time do not want to let them walk unattended.

Benjamin Piper, researcher from research institute RTI International believes that the problem of the loss of knowledge gained during the academic year may be even more serious in developing countries, where it is largely ignored and not studied.

Experts offer several ways to deal with problems caused by long summer holidays:

  • extend the academic year
  • to postpone part of the summer holidays to other periods of the year,
  • provide more government-sponsored summer activities for schoolchildren.

The first approach most radically applies South Korea where the summer holidays last only three weeks. This is the shortest summer vacation in the world.

Of course, South Korean students achieve excellent results in international programs on the assessment of educational achievements of students. But compared to children from other rich countries, they do so at the cost of constant rote memorization and more mental health problems.

The argument against stretching the academic year is the need to increase budget spending. Teachers will no doubt be opposed to this approach unless they receive a pay raise.

Some consider the second approach to be optimal, with the reduction of summer holidays and the lengthening of the rest. In particular, Cadoxton principal Janet Hayward is proposing to cut summer holidays in the UK from six to four weeks and reallocate the remaining two weeks to other seasons.

Mr. Boley, on the contrary, doubts that such changes will have a significant effect on the retention of the material covered in the memory of children. Around the world, summer holidays are rooted in tradition, and learning all year round has not yet proven effective.

Instead of reshaping the holidays, Mr. Bolay proposes to provide funding for summer activities for schoolchildren at the expense of taxpayers and philanthropists.

In his opinion, in the summer, schoolchildren should develop skills that are not included in school curriculum.

Some governments are interested in helping parents during the summer holidays.

For example, the UK Department of Education has announced £2 million ($2.54 million) for children's summer activities and catering. Hungary has expanded its program to provide meals for children during the summer holidays. And in the United States, activists prevented the government of the country from canceling state funding for children's activities during the summer holidays.

Translation by Anna Shivrina

The Ministry of Education and Science discusses the possibility of returning the “fifth quarter” to schools

The Ministry of Education and Science is considering the idea of ​​reducing the duration of summer school holidays. Officials claim that the parents literally bombarded the department with complaints. Moms and dads are indignant: their children hang around idle and spoil their eyes at computers for three whole months. And we could learn! Well, or to work. Indeed, in addition to the educational component, the ministry is also discussing the idea of ​​​​returning labor summer schools to everyday life. Do short holidays really help schoolchildren not to go into all serious trouble? Will the child's psyche withstand the increase in load? How do the teachers themselves feel about the fact that they do not have time to really take a break from their wards? MK tried to figure out the situation.

“We have the longest summer holidays in the world!” says Anastasia Zyryanova, director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science. And he adds: not only long, but also stupid. Children roam the streets idle while their brains atrophy. As a result, by the first of September, everything that was carefully put into it (or stuffed with difficulty) by the teachers during the last academic year completely disappears from the student’s head. In addition, in the era of gadgets and the ubiquitous Internet, over the summer, the guys manage to improve their eyesight and return to their desks already in glasses in the fall. Parents, according to the ministry, are no longer happy with the three-month vacation of their children. You can follow the first grader. But what if the “baby” is already 15 years old, mom has only a month’s vacation, and there are no grandparents?

The agency sees a way out in a radical revision of the vacation period. Anticipating the reproaches of skeptics, officials immediately pulled a trump card out of their sleeves: the USSR never had such a long vacation! Back in the 30s of the last century, the People's Commissariat of Education established the so-called "fifth quarter". Everything to ensure that schoolchildren are connected to the all-Union process of industrialization. Up until the 1970s in summer time the guys were supposed to work either in enterprises or in household plots. Since the 1980s, this practice has gradually faded away, but the long holidays remain.

However, it seems that officials are not going to take away a month or even a half of a free life from schoolchildren with one stroke of a pen. "We need research and guidelines so that we can take healthy management decisions and to understand whether it is right or wrong is the longest vacation in the world, ”said Zyryanova.

However, both teachers and representatives of the parent community, without waiting for any research and methods, have already announced: this is wrong. Holidays should be shortened, workloads should be increased!

“One month should be filled with developing programs,” the rector believes International School business Elena Beshkinskaya, - “On the basis of schools, city camps can be arranged where children could engage in creative projects, sports, discuss films and visit theaters.” In addition, the guys themselves can break into groups according to their interests. Someone glues model aircraft, someone bakes cakes. The main thing is not to sit at home all day long, burying their noses in gadgets with games and social networks. “For high school students, you can offer work practice, socially useful work - helping the elderly and the disabled,” adds Beshkinskaya.

But social activists from the parents have not yet developed a clear position. Larisa Sanatovskaya, executive director of the National Parent Association, is sure that now is the time for all parents to turn on their activity to the maximum and participate in the discussion. “You can write directly to the ministry, or you can use us (the Association) as a platform,” says Sanatovskaya, “We will collect all positions and convey them to representatives of the department.” However, at the same time, for some reason, the Association is confident in advance that the Ministry of Education and Science will make a correct, objective and viable decision.

But child psychologists are by no means so optimistic. According to MPPGU Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Educational Strategies for the Development of Giftedness, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Victoria Yurkevich, the idea of ​​shortening vacations is undoubtedly correct in itself. “In three months, children completely drop out of mental activity, reduce their level,” Yurkevich is sure, “Vacations have now turned into entertainment.” However, before “cutting” the holidays, it is necessary to completely restructure the educational process and change the system for distributing the school load. “Now children during the school year are extremely overloaded in terms of the volume of tasks, and in the summer they do absolutely nothing,” the professor complains, “This is just as abnormal as if a person overeats five days a week and then goes hungry for two days.” In order for the new system with short holidays to work without failures and not harm the health of children, high-quality new scheme study. So, in the summer, the child should be free to choose activities. No binding. He wants to study macrome, he wants to attend an architectural circle. The important thing is to keep him busy. But the load should come strictly from the requests of the student himself, and not from the desire of parents or teachers. And it shouldn't be overloaded either. One or two times a week is enough. In addition, in the summer you need to forget about grades. According to psychologists, this is the time when the brain should be focused only on the result: the built radio-controlled airplane flew - well done. Didn't fly - redo it. But no deuces and diaries. Well, in academic year It is necessary to reduce the volume of homework assignments, increasing their difficulty. So the child’s head will constantly work, but at the same time he will not sit at homework for four hours. Psychologists are sure that only by adopting such new system, we can talk about the reduction of holidays. Otherwise, the children will clearly gain nothing from the reform. Unless the parents' nerves will be healthier. The child seems to be in business, he doesn’t roam the streets.

“If, under the current system of education, it’s easy to take and reduce the vacation period, then it’s better to leave everything as it is,” Yurkevich is sure, “The less bad, the better!”

He believes that another month of rest will allow young people to go on vacation in September or get a temporary job. The deputy believes that the experiment to extend the summer for students could first be “run in” on students for Far East, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories.

The parliamentarian turned with the initiative to Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana. Write about it RIA Novosti.

"As an MP State Duma I often hold meetings with schoolchildren and students throughout Russia. During communication, proposals are very often heard, both from students and from teachers, about the need to extend the summer holidays until October 1, ”said the deputy.

In an address to Golikova, the deputy said that the workload of pupils and students is now very high, since young people take exams in June, and this takes almost the entire month. Therefore, only two months remain for rest.

In addition, many schoolchildren and students work in the summer, and the extension of vacation, according to the deputy, will allow them to get additional experience, as employers prefer to hire young people who already have work experience.

Therefore, extending the summer holidays for another month will partially solve the problem of accumulating practical experience and consolidate theoretical knowledge youth

Also another additional free month will have a positive impact on the development of tourism in Russia, as it will allow our residents to visit southern resorts Krasnodar Territory and Crimea in September,

when it's there comfortable weather, Vlasov believes.

Summer holidays in Russia are 8 weeks. But there are countries where they are longer. For example, in the USA they last 12 weeks, from the beginning of June to the end of September. There are only 180 school days a year. A similar rule applies to the UK, but it can vary - different schools have different rules. Private schools can reduce rest time by adding more time for classes. In Turkey, summer holidays last 14 weeks.

But general rules no vacation time. Indeed, there are countries where holidays are shorter. In France holidays last less than two months. In Brazil, summer holidays are about 1.5 months: from mid-December to the end of January.

It is also worth adding that in many countries there are so-called spring holidays, which coincide with the celebration of Easter, and they can be very long. In some countries - up to one month.

Earlier, a State Duma deputy, deputy chairman of the education committee, proposed introducing “September 1 capital” in Russia. The essence of the idea is to compensate parents for the costs of the child's school fees if they exceed 25% of the total family income.

According to his calculations, the minimum cost of a "schoolchild's kit" in Russia is 11.4 thousand rubles.

At the same time, the deputy took into account the costs only for the most necessary things for the student. But after all, in addition to mandatory purchases, there are a lot of additional ones that also significantly affect family budget. According to VTsIOM data, the real cost of a student's collection is estimated to be no less than 21,000 rubles.

Half of this amount, approximately 10 thousand rubles, is the cost of purchasing school uniform, sportswear for physical education lessons and for replacement shoes. This is how the interviewed residents of Russia answered the question about the structure of their expenses for getting their child to school. Another 2.5 thousand rubles on average goes to buy a backpack or briefcase. Approximately the same amount (2.7 thousand) is worth writing materials and other office supplies. And also 2.4 thousand should be allocated for textbooks and notebooks.

In addition, many parents named "voluntary-compulsory" expenses among the mandatory expenses. These include all kinds of contributions for the repair / security / needs of the school (1.2 thousand rubles), voluntary donations (1 thousand rubles) and gifts for teachers (908 rubles).

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