Presentation on the topic of nature reserves of the Russian Federation. Nature, plants, animals - Presentation templates - Community of mutual aid for teachers Specially protected natural areas

The presentation introduces the concept of "reserve" and contains basic information about protected areas in Russia (Barguzinsky Nature Reserve, Bolshoi Arctic Reserve, Wrangel Island, Vasyugan swamps, Elbrus region, Pechora-Ilychsky Reserve, Land of the Leopard), offers a little quiz according to the knowledge gained.



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Prepared by Kumacheva N.A. Reserves of Russia

In 2016, the Russian nature reserve system celebrated its centenary

A reserve is a protected natural area in which the entire natural complex is protected

It is IMPOSSIBLE to hunt birds and animals, fish in lakes, collect mushrooms and berries, cut down trees, make fires, extract minerals, any economic activity

YOU CAN Admire the grandeur and generous beauty of unique nature

Russia is home to amazing and untouched natural reserves. They are the most incredible places in our country.

The first nature reserve in our country, Barguzinsky, was created on Lake Baikal in 1916.

His main goal was to preserve the Barguzin sable, which by that time numbered about 20-30 individuals due to overfishing.

Great Arctic – largest reserve Russia and the third largest in the world. It is located on the Taimyr Peninsula and the North Islands Arctic Ocean. Rocks in the Great Arctic Nature Reserve

The main goal of the Great Arctic Nature Reserve is to protect birds migrating along the North Atlantic route (brown geese, waders, etc.) in their nesting and molting areas. Brent goose Kulik

The northernmost nature reserve in Russia, Wrangel Island, is located on the island of the same name. Here all year round Ice masses persist and cold winds blow.

In the fall, 150-200 polar bears come here to set up their maternity dens. Apparently, these cold and snowy shores are the most suitable place for the birth and raising of bear cubs

IN western Siberia, between the Irtysh and Ob rivers, lie one of the largest swamps in the world - the Vasyugan swamps. Rare species of birds and animals live in these wild places. The Vasyugan swamps are of great ecological importance for the entire region, being the main source of fresh water (water reserves up to 400 km³)

Elbrus National Park was organized with the aim of preserving a unique natural complex, including waterfalls, lakes, healing mineral springs, alpine meadows and the highest peak in Russia – Elbrus.

The Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve is located in the Northern Urals. Here, on the Man-Pupu-Ner plateau ("Small Mountain of Idols" in the Mansi language) from 7 stone giants, seek travelers from all over the world. The height of the stone pillars is from 22 to 50 meters.

Land of the Leopard - national park in Primorsky Krai. The main goal of its creation is to preserve and restore the population of the rarest large cat in the world - the Far Eastern leopard, the number of which in Russia is now only about 70 individuals. Today, more than half of them live in the Land of the Leopard

In addition, another cat listed in the Red Book lives on Leopard Land - the Amur tiger.

The quiz

Which reserve was created to preserve and increase the number of sables and is the oldest in Russia? What is his age?

Name the largest nature reserve in Russia, located on the Taimyr Peninsula and the islands of the Arctic Ocean. Great Arctic Nature Reserve

Which natural object you will not meet in the Elbrus National Park? lake sandy desert mountain meadow

This is the only place in Russia where two species live at once." big cats" What kind of place is it? What “cats” live there? Land of the Leopard Far Eastern leopard Amur tiger

Due to the huge reserves of water, this place can be called the “wettest” protected area in Russia. What is this? Vasyugan swamps

ormzh Compose words from letters and find out what animals can be found in the Wrangel Island Nature Reserve. lbyey sgyu vtseokyb e rsy teak walrus white goose muskox gray whale

Thank you for your attention

What is a reserve? Nature reserves and national parks are protected natural areas. The first of them appeared more than 100 years ago, when the threat of destruction loomed over many species of plants and animals.

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Specially protected natural areas

“Geographical envelope of the Earth” - A. on the plains B. in the mountains C. in the oceans 2. Geographical envelope– this is... A. the state of the troposphere B. long-term weather regime C. the state of the troposphere at this moment. Independent work. Modern look planet Earth. Right answers. 6. The lithosphere is... Come up with and draw a diagram reflecting the interaction of all geographical shells.

“German Scientists” - Hermann Karl von Keyserling. Karl (Germanovich) von Brevern. Franz Joseph Haydn. Gottlieb Siegfried Bayer. German scientists. Christian von Wolf. Christian Goldbach. Johann Albrecht von Korff. Johann-Simon Bekenstein. Prussian scientists in Russia. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz.

“America USA” - It is interesting that the length of the red carpet is about 150 meters, the width is about 10. The Mount Rushmore National Memorial is located near the city of Keystone in South Dakota, USA. in 1492 - Christopher Columbus discovered America; Columbus himself believed that he had discovered the route to Asia (hence the name West Indies). He is best known for his discovery of America.

“Türkiye as a country” - Economics. Chrome ore deposits. Natural resources. Türkiye ranks second in the capitalist world in terms of chrome ore reserves. Costly military operations against Kurdish separatists. Therefore, a stereotype arose that olives are better eaten in Greece. Turkey has its own kind of wrestling. History of Turkey. Interesting Facts.

"Geographical location" - Assessment geographical location for the life and economic activities of the population. Studying new topic. Dezhneva; b)m. Position relative to the 0° meridian. Areas of continents. Mark on contour map state border of Russia. Negative traits: Seas and oceans washing the country (maritime borders).

“Geography of Foreign Europe” - Great Britain – Northern Ireland. Population. Causes: Character traits urbanization? Decrease in the share of EAN. Indo-European family - 95% Romanesque group - 36% Germanic group - 35% Slavic group - 17%. France - Corsica. Depopulation. south of Europe. What is the level of urbanization? 2. Population distribution. Aging of the nation.

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A reserve is a certain territory (can be a forest, field or mixed area), protected by law, in which any species are prohibited human activity, due to the habitat of rare or endangered species of animals and plants. Definition:

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Doctor biological sciences N.F. Reimers. “The reserve lace must be such that all species of life are preserved on Earth, so that there is no lack of oxygen and water anywhere, and this is possible only with a balance between the biosphere and technogenic parts of the planet, with the harmonious interaction of nature and society.”

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Goals: State reserves are formed for the purpose of preserving and studying the genetic fund of animals and flora, typical and unique ecological systems and landscapes, creating conditions to ensure natural flow natural processes, development scientific foundations nature conservation and are environmental and research institutions.

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Objectives: preservation of the entire natural complex of the reserve in its natural state; preservation and restoration to an environmentally sustainable level of the number of rare and endangered species of animals and plants, maintaining the biological diversity of nature; carrying out scientific research and monitoring of the biosphere, preparation of scientifically based recommendations for improving the protection and use of natural resources. assistance in training scientific personnel and specialists in the field of nature conservation and conservation; propaganda of state issues environment and conservation of biodiversity through the publication of scientific works, articles, as well as the organization of nature museums; carrying out security and reproductive measures.

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Reserve protection system. Much attention is paid to the protection regime of reserves, which means a system of measures aimed at preserving the natural complex of reserves as a whole and all its constituent elements in a state of natural development. The security system is organized in different ways. IN state reserves protection of the reserve regime is provided by special security departments. To ensure the greatest efficiency of security, some of the employees of this department live year-round in office premises - cordons of nature reserves, at a distance from nearby villages.

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1. Research activities in nature reserves. To preserve and reproduce the numbers of rare and endangered species of animals and plants, conservation, reproduction and biotechnical measures are carried out. The number of animals is counted, their winter feeding is carried out, signs and panels are installed, salt is laid, springs are cleared, roads are repaired, anthills are fenced, areas are watered, etc. In some reserves, work is underway to create nurseries (aviaries)

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2.Environmental education activities in nature reserves. One of the tasks of the reserves is environmental education. As a rule, work in this direction is carried out according to a plan approved by the scientific and technical council of the reserves. Reserve employees constantly work with the public, give lectures, and speak in the media.

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Baikal Nature Reserve. Around the deepest lake on our planet, Lake Baikal - one of the largest sources of fresh water in the world - lies the fabulously beautiful Baikal Nature Reserve. The main part of the protected area is located on the southern coast of the lake in the central part of the Khamar-Daban ridge. Coniferous trees grow around deciduous forests, which are home to more than 300 species of animals and 80 species of plants, about 25 of which are listed in the Red Book. The rivers of the Baikal Nature Reserve are home to black grayling, lenok, burbot and taimen.

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2. Kuznetsky Alatau Nature Reserve Kuznetsky Alatau is located in the south of Central Siberia. This amazing place with a unique ecosystem. Surrounded high mountains the virgin valley stretches coniferous forest where thick cedars grow, crystal clear waters flow mountain rivers With ice water, and glaciers and underground groundwater feed huge deep lakes.

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3. Altai Nature Reserve Territory Altai Nature Reserve included in the list of World Cultural and natural heritage UNESCO called "Golden Mountains of Altai", and it is one of the largest Russian nature reserves. It is surrounded on almost all sides by high mountains, and the huge Teletskoye Lake adjoins it from the south. It is noteworthy that there is not a single road throughout the natural area. However, this fact makes it even more attractive to tourists. The main part of the reserve territory is occupied by wild forest, where you can only find rare trails laid by foresters. There are also 1190 lakes - all with cold pure water.

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4. State pillars nature reserve“Pillars” is a truly unique phenomenon. It includes part of the Eastern Sayan Mountains. The main attraction of the area are the amazing syenite remains - the so-called “pillars”. Some rocks are open to tourists, and some are located in the very depths of the reserve, and access to them is limited in order to preserve the integrity of the unique natural phenomenon and a special ecosystem unique to these places. As in most Russian nature reserves, most of the territory of “Stolby” is occupied by forests, here - fir forests.

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5. Kronotsky Nature Reserve Kronotsky Nature Reserve is one of the oldest protected natural areas Russia. It is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula and adjacent to Pacific Ocean. It is here that the famous active volcano Kronotskaya Sopka, many waterfalls, the Valley of Geysers and thermal lakes are located. The largest population of brown bears in Russia lives here: according to the latest data, there are about 700 individuals of this species left. But since no mining is carried out on the peninsula, and, therefore, people practically do not interfere with the natural development and life of this natural region, then bears are not yet in danger of extinction.

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Completed by students of the 10th “A” class of MBOU Secondary School No. 137: Anastasia Pastukhova and Vasilina Romanova.

In 2016, the Russian nature reserve system celebrates its centenary A reserve is a protected natural area in which the entire natural complex is protected IT IS FORBIDDEN

  • hunt birds and animals,
  • fish in lakes,
  • pick mushrooms and berries in the forests,
  • cut down trees, make fires,
  • extract minerals,
  • any economic activity is prohibited
  • CAN
  • admire the grandeur and generous beauty of unique nature
Russia is home to amazing and untouched natural reserves. They are the most incredible places in our country. The first nature reserve in our country, "Barguzinsky" (Republic of Buryatia), was created on Lake Baikal in 1916. His main goal was the preservation of the Barguzin sable, which by that time was on the verge of extinction due to overfishing. Measures taken at the state level to preserve this valuable fur-bearing species, and first of all, the creation of a network of reserves in the sable’s habitats, made it possible to protect the species from extermination. Sable has long since returned to the list of game species, but even now the Ministry of Natural Resources has a strict policy to protect it from excessive fishing pressure. For example, from August 1, 2015, the Ministry of Natural Resources increased the punishment for poaching sable (and musk deer) up to 7 years in prison. In the context of criminalization of musk deer and sable hunting, tougher punishment is the most effective measure to combat poaching, protect and restore the animal population. Sable Musk deer Baikal Nature Reserve Around the deepest lake on our planet, Lake Baikal - one of the largest sources of fresh water in the world - lies the fabulously beautiful Baikal Nature Reserve. The main part of the protected area is located on the southern coast of the lake in the central part of the Khamar-Daban ridge. Coniferous and deciduous forests grow around, home to more than 300 species of animals and 80 species of plants, about 25 of which are listed in the Red Book. The rivers of the Baikal Nature Reserve are home to black grayling, lenok, burbot and taimen. If you walk along the tourist routes (and the reserve is open to visitors, you can easily walk here with a backpack for weeks at a time), then spirituality and tranquility penetrate your soul. Lake Baikal is home to one of the three types freshwater seals are the seal, which says a lot about the quality of water in the lake: seals cannot live in dirty water. There are also predators in the reserve: wolverines and bears.

Baikal seal


The Altacheysky reserve was created in 1966 and is the oldest reserve in the Republic of Buryatia. The area of ​​the reserve currently amounts to 78,373 hectares. Located within the Mukhorshibirsky district. The flora of the reserve includes about 520 species higher plants, including rare ones for Buryatia and Russia. 3 species are listed in the Red Book of Buryatia, 2 of them are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation: aleafless chinstrap and clumpy clump flower. The reserve also protects such rare animals as wapiti, wolf, roe deer, wild boar, musk deer, fox, white hare, sable, wood grouse, hazel grouse, and bearded partridge. Daurian hedgehog, tolai hare, jumping jerboa, long-tailed hamster, corsac falcon, otter, manul, tarbagan marmot, solongoi, black stork, golden eagle, bustard.

The Kuznetsky Alatau Nature Reserve is located in the south of Central Siberia. This is an amazing place with a unique ecosystem. In a valley surrounded by high mountains lies a virgin coniferous forest, where tall cedars grow, crystal clear mountain rivers flow with icy water, and glaciers and underground groundwater feed huge deep lakes. The territory of the Altai Nature Reserve is included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List under the name “Golden Mountains of Altai”, and it is one of the largest Russian nature reserves. It is surrounded on almost all sides by high mountains, and the huge Teletskoye Lake adjoins it from the south. It is noteworthy that there is not a single road throughout the natural area. The main part of the reserve's territory is occupied by wild forest; there are 1,190 lakes - all with cold, clear water. The highest peak is nearby Altai mountains and Siberia - Belukha.

Irbis ( Snow Leopard). Mountain goat.

There are 2 nature reserves in the Trans-Baikal Territory:

Sokhondinsky Nature Reserve Daursky Nature Reserve

Long eared owl

In summer, snow sometimes falls in the alpine meadows, but alpine plants adapted to such natural phenomena.

Mongolian ground squirrel - tarbagan

The Stolby State Nature Reserve is a truly unique phenomenon. It includes part of the Eastern Sayan Mountains. The main attraction of the area is the amazing syenite remains - the so-called “pillars”. Some rocks are open to tourists, and some are located in the very depths of the reserve, and access to them is limited in order to preserve intact a unique natural phenomenon and a special ecosystem unique to these places. Most of the territory of “Pillars” is occupied by forests, here there are fir trees. By the way, part of the reserve is almost adjacent to Krasnoyarsk, and there is an excellent ski resort here. The Kronotsky Nature Reserve is one of the oldest protected natural areas in Russia. It is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula and adjacent to the Pacific Ocean. It is here that the famous active volcano Kronotskaya Sopka, many waterfalls, the Valley of Geysers and thermal lakes are located. This is the only place on the Eurasian continent where there are geyser fields. The largest population of brown bears in Russia lives here.

Volcano Kronotskaya Sopka Valley of Geysers and thermal lakes

The Caucasus Nature Reserve is a mostly mountainous area. It is located on the northern and southern slopes of the Western Caucasus and is also included in the list of UNESCO World Natural Heritage Sites. The Caucasian Nature Reserve is an area untouched by humans, which allows rare bison and aurochs to live and breed comfortably. The territory of the reserve includes Caucasus Mountains. It is here that the five-thousand-meter mountains Elbrus and Kazbek are located, from the slopes of which the snow never melts. By the way, Elbrus - highest point Europe, and climbers from all over the world come to conquer it. Separately, it is worth mentioning the fabulously beautiful Lake Kezenoyam. Its waters in sunny weather have a bright blue color, and this is the deepest and big lake North Caucasus. The lake is home to a species of fish found nowhere else in the world - the Eisenam trout. Great Arctic Nature Reserve. There are extensive arctic deserts And arctic tundra. For most of the year, this territory, directly adjacent to the Arctic Circle, is covered with snow, which melts only for a short time in the summer. The Great Arctic is the largest nature reserve in Eurasia and home to polar bears. Unlike other reserves, there are also industrial areas: for example, oil is extracted in some places. Coastline The reserve is washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean. The Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve contains the largest pine forests by area (about 1000 km²). The main relief is mountains and mountain valleys, with some peaks reaching an altitude of almost 3,000 km above sea level. This reserve is home to about 100 species of rare or endangered animals. For example, this is where the largest population of snow leopards in the world lives. Vasyugan swamps. In western Siberia, between the Irtysh and Ob rivers, lie some of the largest swamps in the world. Rare species of birds and animals live in these wild places. In the middle of endless water fields there are quite dry islands covered with forest. Unfortunately, the preservation of the reserve is under threat, since swamps are not only fresh water and rich animal world, and also reserves of peat, oil and natural gas. So far, no industrial development is being carried out in this area, but the development of mineral resources may begin in the coming years. Far Eastern Marine Reserve. The purpose of creating this reserve was to preserve rare species marine and coastal animals and plants. There is an untouched clear sea with narrow grassy beaches and low deciduous forests. In warm sea ​​waters There are even tropical sharks and sea snakes. In general, the animal world, both under water and on the surface, is extremely diverse, but most animals, unfortunately, are also endangered.

Prepared the presentation

teacher of biology and geography

Municipal educational institution "Secondary School No. 5" Vsevolozhsk

Pavlova Tatyana Alexandrovna

  • Reserve- a section of territory (water area) in which its entire natural complex is preserved in its natural state, and hunting is prohibited. In addition, any human economic activity is prohibited on the territory of the reserve, and the lands are forever withdrawn from any form of use. As a rule, nature reserves (as opposed to nature reserves) are closed to tourists, but some of them still have access control. To visit the reserve, permission from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation or the direct management of the reserve is required.

  • The first nature reserve in Russia - the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve - was founded on January 11, 1917 on the territory of Buryatia. Subsequently, the list of protected areas expanded. The oldest reserves, besides Barguzinsky, are Astrakhansky (1919), Ilmensky (1920) and Caucasian (1924).
  • The largest of the Russian nature reserves are the Great Arctic (more than 41 thousand km²), Komandorsky (more than 36 thousand km²) and Wrangel Island (more than 22 thousand km²).
  • The most small nature reserves in Russia are Belogorye (more than 21 km²) and Prioksko-Terrasny and Galichya Mountain(both less than 50 km²).
  • The largest number of reserves (by number) are located in the Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories.
  • The number of reserves for 2014 is 103.

  • Founded in 1920. Area - 30.4 thousand hectares (forested - 25.9 thousand hectares). Chelyabinsk region
  • Mineralogical Museum in Nature (150 minerals).
  • Larch-pine, pine-birch and birch forests. The flora has 815 species, many relics.

  • Founded in 1931. Area - 10.5 thousand hectares (forested - 8.7 thousand hectares). Karelia.
  • Kivach waterfall, pine and spruce forests subzones of the middle taiga (western sector). There are 559 species in the flora. The fauna includes representatives of the middle taiga (forest lemming, squirrel, elk, three-toed woodpecker), southern forest and forest-steppe species (little mouse, quail, corncrake, oriole, gray partridge, etc.).

  • Founded in 1927. Area - 31.1 thousand hectares (forested - 28.5 thousand hectares). Voronezh region
  • Steppe and complex pine forests(Usmansky pine forest) and oak forests. There are 973 species in the flora. A typical forest-steppe faunal complex (including aboriginal settlements of beaver and muskrat) - elk, European deer, wild boar, roe deer.
  • Center for the study of river beaver and experimental cellular beaver breeding.

  • Founded in 1924. Area - 263.5 thousand hectares (forested - 164.1 thousand hectares). Krasnodar region. Western part of the Main Caucasus Range.
  • Mountain oak (sedimentary, Georgian and pedunculate oak), beech and dark coniferous forests(Caucasian fir, or Nordmann fir, oriental spruce). The flora contains over 1,500 species, including 327 endemics and 21 rare ones. The fauna includes 59 species: Caucasian deer, chamois, Kuban tur, lynx, forest and stone marten etc. The bison has been reacclimatized. Under the jurisdiction of the reserve on the southeastern slope of Mount B. Akhun is the Khosta yew-boxwood grove (area - 300 hectares).

  • Founded in 1916. Area - 263.2 thousand hectares (forested - 162.9 thousand hectares). Buryatia. Coast of Lake Baikal.
  • The main reason for the creation of the reserve was the catastrophic decline of the fur trade and, in particular, the sable trade. To save the sable from complete destruction
  • Larch forests, dark coniferous taiga (spruce, fir, Siberian cedar), thickets of dwarf cedar. There are 600 species in the flora. Fauna: deer, musk deer, Barguzin sable, brown bear, black-capped marmot, Baikal seal (endemic to Lake Baikal).

  • Founded in 1932. Area - 40.4 thousand hectares (forested - 40.3 thousand hectares). Primorsky Krai.
  • Siberian pine-broad-leaved, black-fir, elm, liana and hornbeam forests, ash forests of the South Ussuri taiga. The flora has 820 species, 18 rare (ginseng, actinidia, lemongrass, etc.). Valuable fauna: tiger, leopard, wapiti, roe deer, musk deer, wild boar, dappled deer, shrew - giant shrew, pheasant, eastern and Pallas snakes, Amur and patterned snakes, etc.

  • Nizhnesvirsky State Nature Reserve was created on June 11, 1980. The area is 41,615 hectares, including 5,000 hectares - the water area of ​​the Svirskaya Bay of Ladoga. The reserve is located on the right bank of the Svir River in its lower reaches in the Lodeynopolsky district of the Leningrad region.
  • The main purpose of organizing the reserve is to preserve and study natural complexes southern Ladoga region in conditions of intensive economic and recreational use territory of the Leningrad region..

  • Today Nizhne-Svirky Nature Reserve is a kingdom of marshy swamps, pine forests, cranberry and blueberry thickets, cold picturesque lakes and rivers. It is home to 44 species of mammals and 256 species of birds, and about 538 species of higher vascular plants grow. There are forests here various types: pine forests with blueberries, mosses, lichens, alder forests, birch forests, aspen forests. Sphagnum mosses, sedges, cloudberries, and cranberries are common. The marshy banks are covered with reeds and reeds. In the territory Nizhne-Svirsky Nature Reserve you can see wolverine, lynx, beaver, otter, flying squirrel, badger, moose, brown bear. The local avifauna is particularly rich.

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