Territories of regulated recreational use. Introduction to the course

2. Territories regulated recreational use Go to category lands of regulated recreational use include territorial objects that have the status of specially protected natural areas of federal, regional and local significance - National parks and nature reserves 4, estates and museum-reserves, various types of natural monuments, etc. 2.1. Ecotourism resources (SPNA) Under ecotourism we understand one of the forms of recreation directly related to the use of natural potential. This is travel and outdoor recreation in a natural, unaltered habitat. This is healing in harmony with preserved nature. Ultimately, ecotourism is shining example combinations of nature, sports and ecology with the aim of developing spiritual, physical and cognitive principles in a person (Pozdeev, 2000). Despite the right to use forests for recreation officially enshrined in the Fundamentals of Forest Legislation, the problem of organizing the latter in Russia in general and in the Oryol region in particular remains largely unresolved. This is partly due to the lack of an unambiguous definition of the concept of “recreational forests” in the specialized literature. Our approach to defining this concept involves classifying those forest areas in which the recreational function dominates and determines the tasks of farming as recreational. These include parks and forest parks in cities and suburban areas, individual areas of natural national parks, intended for the recreation of visitors. The most important qualitative feature of recreational forests is their preparedness for mass recreation (the saturation of the road and path network, including asphalt health path-mi 5, objects for sanitary and hygienic purposes, etc.). *********************************************** As of early 2000s, list of protected natural sites different status and destinations numbered 134 units (Fig. 10) with a total area of ​​almost 640 thousand hectares (a quarter of the regional territory). Of their area, 84% is represented by hunting reserves. “Oryol Polesie” (with a relatively strict security regime) accounts for over 13%; the rest of the protected area is represented natural parks(or natural monuments of local significance) (Table 2.).

Table 2. Types of protected natural areas in the region.

Type of protected area

Name of the protected area

Arbuzov Arboretum

Natural monument of local importance

Telegino Park

Natural monument of local importance

Tract "Young"

Place of interest

Park-estate. N. Khitrovo

Natural monument of local importance

Lake "Red"

Natural monument of local importance

Fragments of a linden alley and garden

Natural monument of local importance

Tract "Posadki"

Natural monument of local importance

Tract "Khotkovskaya Dacha"

Place of interest

N.V.Kireevsky Park

Place of interest

"Khotkovsky Park"


Lake "Zvannoe"

Natural monument of local importance

Old park in the village of Malaya Rakovka

Natural monument of local importance

Melnik Garden

Natural monument of local importance

Park in the village of Grunets

Natural monument of local importance

Single standing, long-lived tree (Linden cordifolia)

National Park federal significance

"Oryol Polesie"

Natural monument of local importance

"Verochkina Grove"

Natural monument of local importance

Arboretum VNIISPK

Natural monument of local importance

Natural Park"Naryshkinsky"
total area national park“Oryol Polesie” covers over 84 thousand hectares. Its boundaries include lands of other owners and users without removing them from economic exploitation (49 thousand hectares). The main value of the national park is forested areas(40% of the territory), which have preserved unique complexes of southern taiga groups, in which a large number of rare plants and animals; 12% of the territory is represented by meadow phytocenoses (Appendix 1.). Value plant communities The park is that they are located on the border of two botanical-geographical zones (European broad-leaved and Eurasian steppe) very susceptible to any anthropogenic intervention. By existing classification Natural monuments are divided into 7 types: forest (45), landscape gardening (44), hydrological (15), botanical (10), dendrological (9), geological-botanical and landscape (1 each). total area natural monumentsregional significance area (130 natural objects) is almost 13 thousand hectares. Analysis of the features of their location (Fig. 11.) and functioning allows us to draw the following conclusions: ********************************* ************************ The recreational comfort of the region’s water bodies is quite low, including due to significant anthropogenic pressure. For example, in one of the main objects of recreational water use - Oka - an excess of the MPC for biological oxygen demand (BOD 5) was noted with a maximum indicator of up to 4.52 mg/l; for biogenic pollutants, an excess of the MPC was observed. ranges from 1.5 to 5.3 (Report..., 2000). Beach digression of river NTCs is also significant, especially near residential areas. Negative factor A decrease in the quality of the region's climatic resources is significant anthropogenic air pollution, especially strong in the areas of the cities of Orel, Livny, and Mtsensk. The structure of gas emissions from various enterprises is very diverse, but in terms of impact on humans and environment deserve attention first of all: carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, hydrofluoric acid salts, lead and dust.

Table 4. Factor-integral assessment of the ecological state natural environment.


Score in points

Air condition

State water basin

Soil condition

Integral assessment

**************************************** ************************** Components of the natural environment in the Oryol region are experiencing noticeable anthropogenic pressure, which manifests itself in poorly controlled emissions into the air basin, discharges wastewater into water bodies and soil degradation. However, in last years anthropogenic influence on ecosystems has noticeably decreased. The environmental situation in the Oryol region is generally favorable for the development of recreational activities.

Rice. 15. Bioclimatic zoning of the Oryol region.

PROBLEMS CONTAINING THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATURE-BASED FORMS OF TOURISM IN THE ORYOL REGION The main limiting factors in the use of recreational resources in the Oryol region are the following. Poor development of most components of natural resource potential. De facto, ecotourism, in the direct sense of the term (if you do not include hunting and sport fishing enthusiasts), is not developed in the region. This is confirmed by the lack of a stable flow of visitors (local or from other regions) to most of the protected natural sites. So-called rural tourism is also absent in the region, which is explained by the unwillingness of the local rural population to receive guests on a commercial basis and provide them with specialized recreational services. Lack of assessment of the socio-ecological potential of the territory and natural recreational resources of the region, insufficient knowledge of the real and potential needs of the population for recreation and in the scope of recreational services. **************************************** **************************************** ******************************** RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATURE-BASED FORMS OF TOURISM IN THE ORYOL REGIONCONCLUSIONLIST OF SOURCES USED
    Avakyan A.B. Reservoirs, their economic importance, problems of creation and integrated use // Influence of reservoirs on surface and underground flow. M., 1972. Alexandrov I. Geography of the Oryol region. – Tula, Prioksky book publishing house, 1972. Atlas of the Oryol region. federal Service geodesy and cartography of Russia. – Moscow, 2000. Barteneva O.D., Polyakova E.A., Rusin N.P. Regime of natural light on the territory of the USSR. L., 1971. Belinsky V.A. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun and sky. M., 1968. Report on the state of the natural environment of the Oryol region. 1997-2000 Behind the pages of a geography textbook of the Oryol region. Brief local history essays. – M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2004. Ivanov V.V., Nevraev G.A., Fomichev M.M. Map of therapeutic muds of the USSR. M., 1968. Studying the geography of the Oryol region at school. Physical geography: Educational and methodological manual for geography teachers / Ed. ed. IN AND. Quiet. – Orel, 1997. Information bulletin on the state of the geological environment in the Oryol region for 1998 – Orel, 1999. Pozdeev V.B. Ecological tourism in the context of regional development / Sat. Problems and prospects for the development of tourism in countries with economies in transition. – Smolensk, 2000. Natural resources Oryol region. – Orel, 1997. Raskatov G.I. Key Features tectonic structure of the northwestern part of the Voronezh anteclise / Issues of geology and minerals of the Voronezh anteclise. – Voronezh, VSU, 1970. Recreational resources of the USSR: problems rational use/V.N. Kozlov, L.S. Filippovich, I.P. Chalaya et al. M., 1990. Tikhii V.I. Economic and social geography of the Oryol region. – Orel, 2000.

1 EGP – economic-geographical location.

2 The degree of dissection is understood as the length of the valley-gully network per 1 km 2 area.3 For the Central Russian Upland it is accepted: weak dissection (less than 1.2 km/km 2), average (1.2-1.6 km/ km 2), strong (more than 1.6 km/km 2).

4 Can have exclusively federal significance.

5 Terrenkur ( him.) – a specially equipped path for dosed therapeutic walking.


Department of Geography of Tourist Destinations

1. Landscapes 5
1.1. Relief 5
1.2. Water bodies 9
2.2. Hunting and fishing grounds 22
3. Ecological state of the natural environment 24
4. Landscape and recreational potential 26
5. Integrated landscape and recreational zoning of the territory 29
6. Climate and bioclimate 29
6.1. Main climate-forming factors 30
6.2. Mode solar radiation 30
6.3. Atmospheric circulation 32
6.4. Thermal mode 34
6.5. Wind mode 35
6.6. Humidity mode 35
6.7. Precipitation regime 37
7. Bioclimatic potential 40
8. Bioclimatic zoning of the territory 40
9. Hydromineral resources 41
9.1. Mineral water 41
9.2. Therapeutic muds (peloids) 43


Goal of the work: analysis of natural recreational potential and identification of prospects for the development of nature-oriented forms of tourism in the Oryol region.

Job Objectives:

assessment of landscape and recreational potential and preparation of landscape and recreational zoning of the territory;

characteristics of territories of regulated recreational use;

assessment of bioclimatic potential and preparation of bioclimatic zoning of the territory;

characteristics of hydromineral resources;

Research methodology.

The main research methods were: observation method, statistical, comparative and cartographic analysis, methods of mapping and zoning of the territory.

Natural recreational resources V course work were assessed using a three-point system using a factor-integral method. The main evaluation criterion is the degree of favorableness of landscape components, bioclimate conditions, objects or factors for various types of nature-oriented tourism (medical and recreational, sports, environmental, hunting and fishing).

Materials used.

The work is based on educational and local history literature about natural conditions and resources of the Oryol region, atlases and maps, collections of scientific articles, analytical reports and statistical materials. A small amount of data was used from the Internet.

Brief information about the territory.

The Oryol region was formed in 1937. It includes 24 administrative districts, 7 cities (3 cities of regional subordination - Orel, Livny, Mtsensk, and 4 cities of regional subordination - Bolkhov, Dmitrovsk-Orlovsky, Maloarkhangelsk, Novosil), 13 urban-type settlements and more than 3 thousand rural settlements. Administrative center region is the city of Orel.

The subjects of the region are the following administrative districts (indicating the district center): Bolkhovsky (town of Bolkhov), Verkhovsky (urban village of Verkhovye), Glazunovsky (urban village of Glazunovka), Dmitrovsky (urban village of Dmitrovsk-Orlovsky), Dolzhansky (urban village of Dolgoye), Zalegoshchensky (urban village Zalegoshch), Znamensky (village Znamenskoye), Kolpnyansky (village Kolpny), Korsakovsky (village Korsakovo), Krasnozorensky (village Krasnaya Zorya), Kromsky (urban village Kromy), Livensky (town Livny), Maloarkhangelsky (town Maloarkhangelsk) , Mtsensky (Mtsensk), Novoderevenkovsy (Khomutovo town), Novosilsky (Novosil), Orlovsky (Orel), Pokrovsky (Pokrovskoye), Sverdlovsky (Zmievka), Soskovsky (Soskovo), Trosnyansky . Trosna), Uritsky (urban village Naryshkino), Khotynetsky (urban village Khotynets), Shablykinsky (urban village Shablykino) (Fig. 1.).

The territory of the region lies between the parallels – 53є30’ and 51є55’N, and between the meridians – 34є45’ and 38є05’E. The meso-EGP of the Oryol region is determined by its position in the southwestern part of the European territory of the Russian Federation, in the center of the Central Russian Upland, in the southernmost part of the Central Economic Region.

The region has no access to the seas. Its neighbors (first order) are the regions of Central and Central Black Earth economic regions Russian Federation (Fig. 2): Tula in the north, Kaluga in the northwest, Bryansk in the west, Lipetsk in the east and Kursk in the south.

From the point of view of micro-EGP for the Oryol region, a particularly favorable factor is the location of sections of its northern, western and southern borders. In the first case, this is access to the dynamically developing metropolitan region, in the next two cases – to the Slavic countries of the near abroad (Belarus and Ukraine), with which the region can develop close economic and cultural ties.

In terms of territory size (24.7 thousand km2), the Oryol region is the smallest among all adjacent regions and ranks 67th in this indicator (among 89 subjects) in Russia. Its average length in the meridional direction is just over 150 km, and in the latitudinal direction – over 220 km. The administrative center - the city of Orel - is close to the geographical center of the region.


1. Landscapes

The landscapes of the Oryol region belong to the class of plains. Here two touch natural areas: forest and forest-steppe.

1.1. Relief

Relief as the main component of the landscape is the most important natural recreational resource that determines the landscape diversity of the landscape. When assessing a relief from the standpoint of its suitability for recreational activities, its picturesqueness, mosaic nature and degree of dissection, steepness of slopes, and the presence of focal observation points are usually taken into account. It is also taken into account that different types recreational activities have different requirements for terrain conditions. Thus, in some cases, preference is given to flat terrain (for agricultural recreation), in others – to rugged mountain terrain (skiing, mountaineering, etc.). For health purposes, large hilly or ridged terrain is most favorable; slightly hilly and undulating terrain is relatively favorable; Smooth, flat monotonous surfaces are unfavorable from the point of view of aesthetics of landscape perception and due to the functional unsuitability of this type of relief. For therapeutic and recreational recreation, both functionally and aesthetically, rough terrain with minor elevations is most favorable.

The formation of the modern relief of the region (Fig. 3.) is closely related to the geological and neotectonic conditions of the development of the territory in Quaternary times. Orographically, the territory of the Oryol region is confined to the Central Russian Upland and only in the extreme north-west - to the Desninsky-Dnieper trough.

In neotectonic terms, the vast majority of the region’s territory belongs to the Central Russian anteclise, as a structure of the first order (Fig. 4.). Within the anteclise, uplifts and troughs of the second order and small local structures of higher orders are distinguished. G.I. Raskatov distinguishes the Dmitrov and Novosilsky uplifts, the Oksky and Livensky troughs.

The formation of large neotectonic structures here is closely related to the inheritance of the plan and sign of strata movements from the Cretaceous, and possibly from the Jurassic time. The low thickness of Quaternary sediments and the widespread development of modern denudation processes also indicate a tendency for the continued uplift of these areas. Within the uplifts, small structures are noted - uplifts and local troughs of higher orders. Between the Dmitrovsky and Novosilsky uplifts there is the Oka trough, and to the south of the Novosilsky trough there is the Livensky trough, which are characterized by an increase in the thickness of Quaternary sediments and a lesser development of modern denudation processes.

According to the hypsometric position, the territory of the region can be divided into an elevated plain (absolute height more than 240 m) and a relatively low plain (absolute height less than 240 m) with varying degrees of dissection. For elevated plains, the degree of relief dissection ranges from 1.7-2.5 km/km2 with a dissection depth of up to 70-120 meters. Relatively low plains are characterized by a degree of dissection of 50-80 m (mainly in neotectonic troughs). The main type of relief of the region, therefore, is a strongly and deeply dissected gently undulating erosion-denudation plain in the non-glacial region (watersheds of the Oka, Sosny, Zushi, Neruchi, Lyubovshi rivers). Fluvioglacial deposits are found only in the river basin. Desna and its tributaries - the river. Nerussa, Navlya, on the territory of Dmitrovsky and Shablykinsky districts.

1.3. Soil and vegetation cover

In terms of soil cover, the Oryol region is a zone of transitional soils from soddy-podzolic to chernozem (Fig. 6.). Soil diversity is determined different conditions soil formations that change from northwest to southeast. Taking this trend into account, three soil zones are distinguished in the region: western, central and southeastern. Western The zone consists of Bolkhovsky, Khotynetsky, Znamensky, Uritsky, Shablykinsky and Dmitrovsky districts with a predominance of light gray, gray and dark gray forest soils, occupying 85% of the arable land. Part central zone includes Mtsensky, Korsakovsky, Novosilsky, Orlovsky, Zalegoshchensky, Sverdlovsky, Kromsky, Glazunovsky and Trosnyansky districts, where gray forest, dark gray forest soils and podzolized chernozems (86% of arable land) are mainly located. Novoderevenkovsky, Krasnozorensky, Verkhovsky, Pokrovsky, Maloarkhangelsky, Livensky, Kolpnyansky and Dolzhansky districts are included in southeasternzone with a clear predominance of podzolized and leached chernozems (3/4 of the arable land area).

The territory of the region is characterized by high agricultural development - over 80% of the total area, 4/5 of which is plowed (Fig. 8 (2).). Over the past decades, the area of ​​agricultural land has decreased significantly (by almost 10%). Not so noticeably, but very noticeably, the main means of production in crop production - arable land - is being reduced. It is typical that the share of pure fallows in the composition of arable land accounts for up to 23% (313 thousand hectares) (Fig. 8 (3).). The area of ​​perennial plantings over the past 10 years (by 2002) has decreased from 24 to 13 thousand hectares. Fallow lands compared to the mid-1990s. increased almost 7 times. In the structure of sown areas (1.6 million hectares, 2002), grains account for 708 thousand hectares (the share of winter crops is 35%), forage crops - 330 thousand hectares, potatoes and vegetable and melon crops - 66 thousand hectares (4%), for industrial crops - 41 thousand hectares (3%).

2. Territories of regulated recreational use

Go to category lands of regulated recreational use include territorial objects that have the status of specially protected natural areas of federal, regional and local significance - national parks and reserves, estates and museum reserves, various types of natural monuments, etc.

2.1. Ecotourism resources (SPNA)

Under ecotourism we understand one of the forms of recreation directly related to the use of natural potential. This is travel and outdoor recreation in a natural, unaltered habitat. This is healing in harmony with preserved nature. Ultimately, ecological tourism is a striking example of the combination of nature, sports and ecology with the aim of developing spiritual, physical and cognitive principles in a person (Pozdeev, 2000).

Despite the right to use forests for recreation officially enshrined in the Fundamentals of Forest Legislation, the problem of organizing the latter in Russia in general and in the Oryol region in particular remains largely unresolved. This is partly due to the lack of an unambiguous definition of the concept of “recreational forests” in the specialized literature. Our approach to defining this concept involves classifying as recreational those forest areas in which the recreational function dominates and determines the tasks of farming. These include parks and forest parks in cities and suburban areas, and certain areas of natural national parks intended for the recreation of visitors. The most important qualitative feature of recreational forests is their preparedness for mass recreation (the saturation of the road and path network, including asphalt paths, sanitary and hygienic facilities, etc.).


As of the early 2000s, the list of protected natural objects of various statuses and purposes included 134 units (Fig. 10) with a total area of ​​almost 640 thousand hectares (a quarter of the regional territory). Of their area, 84% is represented by hunting reserves. “Oryol Polesie” (with a relatively strict security regime) accounts for over 13%; the rest of the protected area is represented by natural parks (or natural monuments of local significance) (Table 2).

Table 2. Types of protected natural areas in the region.

Type of protected area

Name of the protected area

Arbuzov Arboretum
Natural monument of local importance Telegino Park
Natural monument of local importance Tract "Young"
Place of interest Park-estate. N. Khitrovo
Natural monument of local importance Lake "Red"
Natural monument of local importance Fragments of a linden alley and garden
Natural monument of local importance Tract "Posadki"
Natural monument of local importance Tract "Khotkovskaya Dacha"
Place of interest N.V.Kireevsky Park
Place of interest "Khotkovsky Park"
************************** Lake "Zvannoye"

Natural monument of local importance Old park in the village of Malaya Rakovka
Natural monument of local importance Melnik Garden
Natural monument of local importance Park in the village of Grunets
Natural monument of local importance Single standing, long-lived tree (Linden cordifolia)
Federal National Park "Oryol Polesie"
Natural monument of local importance "Verochkina Grove"
Natural monument of local importance Arboretum VNIISPK
Natural monument of local importance Natural Park "Naryshkinsky"

The total area of ​​the Oryol Polesie National Park is over 84 thousand hectares. Its boundaries include lands of other owners and users without removing them from economic exploitation (49 thousand hectares). The main value of the national park is the forest areas (40% of the territory), which have preserved unique complexes of southern taiga groups, in which a large number of rare plants and animals are concentrated; 12% of the territory is represented by meadow phytocenoses (Appendix 1.). The value of the park's plant communities lies in the fact that they are located on the border of two botanical-geographical zones (European broad-leaved and Eurasian steppe) very susceptible to any anthropogenic intervention.

According to the existing classification, natural monuments are divided into 7 types: forest (45), landscape gardening (44), hydrological (15), botanical (10), dendrological (9), geological-botanical and landscape (1 each). The total area of ​​natural monuments of regional significance in the region (130 natural objects) is almost 13 thousand hectares. Analysis of the features of their location (Fig. 11.) and functioning allows us to draw the following conclusions:


The recreational comfort of water bodies in the region is quite low, including due to significant anthropogenic pressure. For example, in one of the main objects of recreational water use - Oka - an excess of MPC for biological oxygen demand (BOD5) was noted with a maximum value of up to 4.52 mg/l; for biogenic pollutants, the excess of MPC ranges from 1.5 to 5.3 (Report ..., 2000). Beach digression of river NTCs is also significant, especially near residential areas.

A negative factor in reducing the quality of the region's climatic resources is significant anthropogenic air pollution, especially strong in the areas of the cities of Orel, Livny, and Mtsensk. The structure of gas emissions from various enterprises is very diverse, but in terms of their impact on humans and the environment, the following deserve attention in the first place: carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, hydrofluoric acid salts, lead and dust.

Table 4. Factor-integral assessment of the ecological state of the natural environment.


Score in points

Air condition 3
Condition of the water basin 2
Soil condition 1
Integral assessment


The components of the natural environment in the Oryol region are experiencing noticeable anthropogenic pressure, which is manifested in poorly controlled emissions into the air, wastewater discharges into water bodies and soil degradation. However, in recent years, anthropogenic influence on ecosystems has noticeably decreased. The environmental situation in the Oryol region is generally favorable for the development of recreational activities.

Rice. 15. Bioclimatic zoning of the Oryol region.


The main limiting factors in the use of recreational resources in the Oryol region are the following.

Poor development of most components of natural resource potential.

De facto, ecotourism, in the direct sense of the term (if you do not include hunting and sport fishing enthusiasts), is not developed in the region. This is confirmed by the lack of a stable flow of visitors (local or from other regions) to most of the protected natural sites. There is also no so-called rural tourism in the region, which is explained by the unwillingness of the local rural population to receive guests on a commercial basis and provide them with specialized recreational services.

Lack of assessment of the socio-ecological potential of the territory and natural recreational resources of the region, insufficient knowledge of the real and potential needs of the population for recreation and the volume of recreational services.




Avakyan A.B. Reservoirs, their economic importance, problems of creation and integrated use // Influence of reservoirs on surface and underground flow. M., 1972.

Alexandrov I. Geography of the Oryol region. – Tula, Prioksky book publishing house, 1972.

Atlas of the Oryol region. Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography of Russia. – Moscow, 2000.

Barteneva O.D., Polyakova E.A., Rusin N.P. Regime of natural light on the territory of the USSR. L., 1971.

Belinsky V.A. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun and sky. M., 1968.

Report on the state of the natural environment of the Oryol region. 1997-2000

Behind the pages of a geography textbook of the Oryol region. Brief local history essays. – M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2004.

Ivanov V.V., Nevraev G.A., Fomichev M.M. Map of therapeutic muds of the USSR. M., 1968.

Studying the geography of the Oryol region at school. Physical geography: Educational and methodological manual for geography teachers / Ed. ed. IN AND. Quiet. – Orel, 1997.

Information bulletin on the state of the geological environment in the Oryol region for 1998 - Orel, 1999.

Pozdeev V.B. Ecological tourism in the context of regional development / Sat. Problems and prospects for the development of tourism in countries with economies in transition. – Smolensk, 2000.

Natural resources of the Oryol region. – Orel, 1997.

Raskatov G.I. The most important features of the tectonic structure of the northwestern part of the Voronezh anteclise / Issues of geology and minerals of the Voronezh anteclise. – Voronezh, VSU, 1970.

Recreational resources of the USSR: problems of rational use / V.N. Kozlov, L.S. Filippovich, I.P. Chalaya et al. M., 1990.

Tikhiy V.I. Economic and social geography of the Oryol region. – Orel, 2000.

EGP – economic-geographical location.

The degree of dissection is understood as the length of the valley-gully network per 1 km2 of area.

For the Central Russian Upland it is accepted: weak dissection (less than 1.2 km/km2), medium (1.2-1.6 km/km2), strong (more than 1.6 km/km2).

May have exclusively federal significance.

Health path (German) – a specially equipped path for dosed therapeutic walking.

TRRI - territories in which recreational activities are allowed under certain restrictions, form hunting and fishing grounds, as well as specially protected natural complexes (territories).

When assessing hunting grounds for the development of this popular type of tourism, two main factors are taken into account: type natural complexes and fauna diversity. The first factor indicates the degree to which the landscape is favorable for hunting, the second – the abundance of animal species and the presence of rare animals. The richest hunting grounds in Russia are located in Kamchatka, Siberia, and the Russian North.

To specially protected natural areas(SPNA) include: natural reserves, natural monuments, protected areas of forest, national parks, nature reserves. The main purpose of these territories is the protection of valuable natural objects: botanical, zoological, hydrological, landscape, complex.

The strict environmental function of protected areas determines the regulation of the use of these territories for other types of economic development. At the same time, the uniqueness of these natural objects determines their high value for educational tourism, which allows us to consider protected areas as important natural recreational resources, the use of which in tourism should be strictly regulated. The permissible type of recreational activity in a protected area is recorded in the passport of a specific protected object.

All over the world, national parks are actively involved in the tourism industry, performing, in addition to health-improving functions, the tasks of environmental education of the population. In Russia, national parks developed very late, however, in recent years, interest in them has grown sharply. Currently, there are 35 national parks operating in our country, and it is planned to organize 40 more.


Among natural resources climatic factors occupy a special place. A person cannot be isolated from the air around him.

The impact of climate on the human body is called bioclimate. In accordance with this, bioclimatic parameters differ from ordinary meteorological characteristics, since they represent the complex influence of meteorological characteristics air masses on the human body: temperature, wind speed, humidity, pressure.

The climate is formed under the influence of three main climate-forming factors:

Solar radiation, which provides light, heat and ultraviolet radiation to the earth;

Atmospheric circulation, which is associated with the transfer of air masses into atmospheric vortices(cyclones and anticyclones) and the presence of zones of separation of air masses ( atmospheric fronts);

The underlying surface that determines the redistribution of solar radiation and atmospheric circulation depending on the character earth's surface(meso- and microclimatic features of the area).

In recent years, a bioclimate assessment has been used, developed at the Central Institute of Balneology (now the Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy) in 1988 by I. F. Butyeva. All bioclimatic parameters were assessed according to the degree of favorableness of their effect on the human body. At the same time, unfavorable factors that place an increased burden on the adaptive systems of the human body are called irritating. Meteorological conditions leading to less pronounced tension of adaptive mechanisms in the human body are called training conditions. In general, they are relatively benign, and for most people who do not suffer from serious illnesses, they are useful conditions that have a training effect. Gentle climatic conditions favorable for all people without exception, including weakened patients on medical holidays in a sanatorium or resort.

Categorization of medical and climatic conditions provides scientifically based criteria for recommendations to the population when developing new territories, choosing a place of residence, planning and designing the profile of resort areas, organizing the sanatorium-resort process, increasing the efficiency of sanatorium-resort treatment and organizing recreational activities.

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