How to determine the life line from the palm of your hand. Where and how to look at the life line? Palmistry. General information

Man always wanted to know in advance how long he was destined to live in this world. There are more than 170 known methods of fortune telling about life expectancy, from the most ridiculous and ridiculous to fairly accurate and scientifically based. Palmistry offers us one of the most interesting options.

According to this teaching, the life line on the hand is given to a person from birth and indicates the number of years allotted to him. It may change over time, but only slightly. Modern palmists are confident that it rather tells us about the body’s energy resources than about the number of years you are destined to spend on earth.

First you need to determine which hand to look at this stripe on. As a rule, for right-handed men, the future is predicted by the dominant right hand, and the present is viewed from the left, while for right-handed women it’s the other way around. For left-handers, the mirror image principle operates, so the life line on the left palm is responsible for the present, but the right one will tell about the future. For young children and adolescents, the forecast is made only based on the palm of the hand, which is responsible for the future, but the accuracy of such a forecast is low due to the vagueness and weak expression of the pattern.

How to find

In the image there are lines: 1 - heart, 2 - mind, 3 - life, 4 - fate.

From the point of view of palmistry, a person’s fate is determined using four main and several auxiliary stripes, as well as special signs that influence the interpretation. The life strip is the easiest to find; it runs around the human mound.

Decoding begins with an examination of the tubercle called the hill of Venus. The higher and more noticeable it is, the greater the energy potential of the owner of the palm. The life line itself shows how vital energy is used, reveals the secret resources of the body, and provides knowledge about human health.

A long life line, without islands, vertical lines or breaks, completely surrounding the tubercle, indicates a person’s considerable potential and longevity. In this case, there should be no sharp bends, obstacles or forks on it - these signs warn of possible health problems. The groove goes to the wrist itself - good sign, usually characteristic of energetic people.

But what does a short life line mean? A short life line on the hand does not always have a negative meaning. If it continues after the rupture, then there is a high probability that the person will suffer a serious illness. But he will be able to cope with the disease. The presence of islands after a rupture indicates periodic health problems that will have to be overcome to the limit of strength. A broken line with a bend towards the Mount of Venus marks negative events, such as injuries, but only if there are no neutralizing signs.

Double line life on the hand, or the trait of a guardian angel, is a sign of special favor higher powers. As a rule, these people are incredibly lucky, they can handle anything, and are not afraid of any tests. They recover quickly even after the most severe injuries, but are prone to leading a double life. The triple life line is very a rare event, found on the palms of people with psychic abilities and unusually strong energy potential.

An overly pale, wide stripe is a sign of sickness and weakness of its owner, hinting at a bad temper and an eccentric character. If it is dotted with small lines, a person takes everything too close to his heart, any minor event can throw him out of a state of emotional balance. A groove starting on the Mount of Jupiter indicates arrogance and a tendency towards careerism. On the other hand, these are the people who always achieve success.

Bends, intersections, breaks

Often the main grooves on the palm of a person intersect with each other and even merge together, forming intricate figures on the palm. This can promise both happiness and great trouble. Let's look at the most interesting options for merging lines:

  • If the features of life and mind emerge from one point, then this indicates possible troubles. You cannot allow your instincts to rule you, otherwise you may make a fatal mistake. This pattern is often found among thrill-seekers.
  • The line of life and the line of mind are connected - such a person is very cautious, constantly wary of imaginary dangers, and extremely unsure of himself. The presence of a circle will indicate possible problems with vision - perhaps damage to the eyes due to an accident. The grooves of mind and life are distant from each other - before us is a restless, restless person, subject to mood swings and capable of doing stupid things under the influence of emotions.
  • When the life line connects with the fate line, a person should not be afraid of troubles: he will not only solve any problem, but will also be able to make the most of the situation. If at some point the lines diverge, forming a loop, then the moment will come when the luck will end. For the truly lucky ones, they do not diverge, forming a wide stripe.

A break in the life line often does not mean death or health problems, but something completely different. If it is abruptly interrupted, then shifts to the side and continues in an even stripe, events will occur that will force the person to reevaluate life priorities and start all over again. Perhaps you are moving to another country or parting with loved ones. If the broken line of life consists of separate segments, moving from the Mount of Venus, this is a sign of restoration of the body’s energy potential.

A fork in the life line (especially at the wrist) often appears on the hands of people engaged in mental work. If it is strongly expressed, the person is very energetic and incredibly talented. If branches from the line stretch towards the Mount of the Moon, this indicates an imminent move or a long journey.

But the lines stretching down indicate career failures or changes in life attitudes. Palmists distinguish three branching options:

  • If the life line bifurcates at the beginning, success and favor of fortune are guaranteed. However, the owner of the sign will still have to work hard to achieve the desired result.
  • A fork in the middle means a tendency towards a double life. Such persons tend to wishful thinking and skillfully manipulate the feelings of others.
  • The life line bifurcates at the end - the passion for travel, a change of scenery comes first for the owner of the palm, he is ready to give up comfort just to see something new.

Special signs

Signs on the life line can be very different, with very unusual meanings. For example, a triangle on the life line, turned towards the tubercle of Venus, promises the possibility of sudden winnings or receiving an inheritance. A triangle close to or directly on the strip has a negative meaning and warns against accidents, losses from the elements, losses and fires. Often people with this mark are known as excellent diplomats, capable of reaching an agreement with anyone, but this gift takes too much energy from them.

A square on the life line, as if connecting a gap, is called protective. It testifies to the considerable vitality of its owner. However, if the square does not connect the ends of the strip of life, its meaning is filled with a different meaning: it is a sign of limitation, detachment from the world, family, and friends. The sign calls for caution in decisions and actions, otherwise troubles are possible that will lead to restriction of freedom, and in the literal and not figurative sense. There is a line in the center of the square - you have to work hard, give up momentary pleasures in favor of future well-being.

An island on the life line symbolizes a split in the flow of vitality, which can lead to serious illness. And the longer the insula, the longer a person will suffer from health problems. The second meaning of the symbol is stagnation, depression; these unhappy phenomena can negatively affect one’s career and family life. When analyzing this sign, it is advisable to divide the life strip into time periods and try to compare the patterns of the right and left palms. If there is no island on the left hand, a favorable outcome of events or a successful combination of circumstances is possible.

Sometimes it is mistakenly believed that a cross on the life line means an untimely death, but it only hints that the owner of the drawing has an outstanding character, is open to the world, fair, and honest with others. The cross at the beginning of the life line is a favorable sign. Such people make wonderful spouses and loving parents. But the cross in the middle or at the end indicates the possibility of unfavorable events that could interfere with the normal course of life. A successive series of crosses promises difficulties and obstacles at every step, but fate will provide enough chances to overcome adversity.

A dot on the life line is another sign that is often interpreted negatively. Usually the dots look like small depressions, as if a sharpened pencil was poked into the palm. Palmists are sure that this is a kind of breakdown in the energy channel, and a large number of holes increases the likelihood of an accident. A dot inside the life bar itself (looks like a small circle), at the very end, can predict the age when a person ends his earthly journey or radically decides to change his life.

A mole on the palm indicates illness, but there are many exceptions to this rule. If after it the streak continues and there are no other negative signs, then it will be a mild illness without serious consequences. But if you have more than one life trait, and several at once - consider that you were born in a shirt, since the negative impact of the mole completely disappears. Scars next to a mole also reduce its negative impact on a person’s fate.

A star on the life line can sometimes be a sign of trouble, but it won't last long. If there is no star on the leading hand, then the sign is interpreted as an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances. If there are stars on both palms or on the Mount of Jupiter, you have an extraordinary person endowed with psychic abilities, and also extremely lucky. The Hill of Apollo, decorated with this symbol, testifies to talent and strength, the presence of a strong patron.

Write your opinion

Modern medicine has long considered the object of its study not only physical body person, but also the “higher elements” in him - mental health and state of mind, which determine and ensure physical life. In most cases, people take their good physical condition for granted and understand the meaning and meaning of the phrase "Mens sana in corpore sano" (In a healthy body healthy mind) only when they feel unwell and in pain. Unfortunately, it happens that this understanding comes too late. It is known that the physical and psychological characteristics of health are reflected on the Life Line, which is one of the main lines on the hand. It has a scientific name - "thenar fold". At the physical level, she talks about the state of health, possible injuries and illnesses, sexual energy, and a person’s vitality. At the psychological level, it describes important events in life, including a change of place of residence and changes in personal life, and determines the ability for self-improvement.

The Life Line originates from the edge of the palm between the thumb and index finger and, arcing around the Mount of Venus, forms the letter “C” - a kind of channel along which vital energy moves. Possible various options location of the Life line on the palm. They indicate the strength of the flow of vital energy, see the figure below:

A. A flat line of Life that tends to direct the flow of energy reduces the size of the Mount of Venus, which, in turn, deprives a person of the ability to resist physical ailments and withstand emotional blows. A line takes on its extreme characteristics if there are islands and breaks on it. In essence, it makes a person psychologically unprotected, and his health vulnerable - the body’s ability to resist disease weakens.

IN. The line of life goes around the Mount of Venus and, writing out a smooth semicircle, occupies half of the palm. This line indicates a large supply of vitality, consistently positive emotional background, cheerfulness and optimism.

WITH. The semicircle formed by the Life line crosses the dotted line and takes up most of the palm. If there are no unfavorable signs on the line, and energy flows along it smoothly and without breaks, then in total this indicates a huge reserve of vital resources, and if there are other signs of a prosperous life scenario, it can serve as proof of longevity.

There is an opinion, and I often come across it, that the length of the Life line is an indicator of life expectancy. From my point of view, this is a delusion that has no relation to reality. The length of the Life Line does not indicate the life expectancy of its owner; it gives an idea of ​​a person’s life potential and energy, and reflects the qualitative characteristics of his life. For example, the Life line at a certain segment of the life path (we calculate it on an age scale) becomes thin and barely noticeable - this is direct evidence of a decrease in vitality, a dulling of interest in life, and a weakening of physical and psychological desires.

A short life line, as a rule, causes an extreme form of anxiety for many. In reality, such a line may indicate a small reserve of vital energy and the need to use reserves of previously accumulated energy during a period of decline in vital activity. A very weak outline of the Life line or its absence on the palm is an alarming marker for a person. IN in some cases can be seen as a reluctance to live, make plans for the future and see this future in principle.

It should be borne in mind that the Life line itself cannot act as a reliable and complete source of information, on the basis of which the palmist has the right to draw conclusions about a person’s physical health, his psychophysical state, life plans, etc. This line is subject to serious changes and transformations throughout life person. He himself can become its main “designer” and “builder”. A deep and fundamental change in lifestyle or a radical overhaul of how you view yourself can have a significant impact on the length, quality and general form Life lines, signs and marks on it.

The palmist must examine the Life line not only on the active hand, but also on the passive one. Without fail, he must compare their characteristics and features. If on the active hand the Life line is short and encounters obstacles along its path (there are breaks and islands in its flow), then this negatively affects the health of the owner of such a line, complicates or blocks the implementation of his plans for the future. A person goes the wrong way, does not see the barriers and obstacles ahead. Thus, he aggravates existing problems and destroys his physical and mental health. If such a picture is presented only on the passive hand, and on the active hand the line has a smooth and unhindered flow, this indicates a person’s positive influence on his life - he consciously takes responsibility for changes in his life and deliberately changes the life scenario for the better. yourself side.

In reality, it may be that the Life lines on a person’s left and right hands contain breaks, intersections, islands and other unfavorable signs. In this case, it is very important for the palm reader to determine the time of occurrence of events caused by the presence of negative signs, and to analyze other main and minor lines in the same time period. In this situation, it is other lines that will provide additional information for the correct deciphering of the event series, and also these lines will provide a protective mechanism for the Life line, giving it part of their energy, thereby “covering” the Life line from negative influence signs located on it.

The color of the Life line is great importance for the correct interpretation of data on the quality, quantity and condition of vital resources. He points to the stock internal energy person. Line color is best viewed/determined on a clean (not marked with dark paint) and tense hand, when all the lines on the hand are “stretched”. In practice, three main colors of the Life line are most often found:

  • pink: this color is the most desirable for the Life line. This line characterizes its owner as a person with good physical health, a stable psyche and excellent vitality.
  • red: indicates a person’s explosive/unrestrained temperament, his often unbridled temper and tendency to aggression. The above characteristics are enhanced with great depth and significant width of the Life line - life energy “spills out” because it is not ordered and not controlled by its owner.
  • pale: indicates a low supply of vitality and weakened energy. The picture gets worse if there are negative signs and breaks on such a line. In this case, a person needs to reconsider his lifestyle and try to identify reserves for replenishing energy reserves.

Health largely depends on hereditary factors, working and rest conditions. The basis of many diseases and physical ailments is often not age-related changes that naturally occur in the body over time, but psychosomatic reasons. Often we deprive ourselves of health because we do not pay due attention to our physical and psychological state and comfort.

The most important thing for a palmist is to determine exact time the occurrence of the disease, establish the nature of the disease (physical or psychological). The palmist’s recommendations based on the results of a comprehensive analysis of the Life line and the results of a hand study regarding potential or obvious health problems must be carefully verified and correct. The information obtained will allow a person to take possible preventive measures in a timely manner, to prevent or minimize the risks of the appearance and development of the disease. However, each of us must understand the degree of our own responsibility for the reasonable expenditure of vitality. In pursuit of material well-being, people do not always pay enough attention to their health and the health of their loved ones, and when they fall ill, they are deprived of many of the joys of life, and sometimes illness takes away life itself.

Hello! Every person would like to know what the Life line on the hand means? Let's try to figure it out by studying the main one, which goes around the Mount of Venus, which is near the thumb. This is the line of Life.

What is your potential?

- a science that studies human life based on the stripes on the palms of the hands. Most attention is paid to the Life line, which reveals the potential of the individual, indicates his life expectancy and much more.

Where is the Life line on your hand? An important feature can be seen on both the right and left hands. You need to look at both palms. And if you want to learn more about your life, then right-handed people should look at life guidelines on their right hand.

A quality line should completely surround the Mount of Venus. There should be no tears or dents on it. If there are marks, they can tell a lot.

You shouldn’t be afraid of the signs; on the contrary, they can suggest that you can correct something in your destiny. A good line is not wide, not very deep, uniform, of the same color. It should smoothly flow around the Mount of Venus.

A long line does not guarantee a long life, and a short line does not guarantee a quick death. It only shows the presence of energy and vitality.

Is the right or the left more important?

When starting to look at their destiny, people ask the question:

Which hand are they looking at? From the right palm one can read the future and past of a person, as well as the physical condition of the person. this moment. The left hand is marked with internal qualities and potential inherent at birth. In children, you can even see the child’s inherent capabilities from the left hand.

If there is a break or split in the stripe on the right and left hands, and in the same place, then this is a fatal sign. Don’t worry either, today the possibilities of medicine are so extensive that they will save you in any difficult situation.

Many people begin to worry if they see that there is a gap or that this line is short. You need to look at the other palm. If the strip there is flat and long, then perhaps a serious illness awaits you, which you will overcome and your “river” will flow on. If you see the “islands” on it, then this disease will periodically make itself felt.

If the tear is on both hands, then this is a sign of death. However, real palmists can look at the encouraging signs that are nearby. The main thing is not to panic! Tears to the side indicate injury. The wider the deviation to the side, the more severe the injuries will be. We must be careful!

If the gap is closed by another line, then this means a change in life or moving to another city. If this “road” is in the form of a chain, then there will be many diseases in life. Lefties look the other way around.

The double line or line of Mars indicates that the person has hidden reserves. He has excellent health and is lucky in life. These are real darlings of fate.

When analyzing a drawing, both hands should be considered, and for women and men, the drawings have the same meaning. They are not divided by gender.

The figure shows dashes crossing the main line. They point to frequent illnesses or continuous stress.

What the signs are not silent about

The triangle on the Life line is a very important sign.

The best sign palmists calculate when it is located at the beginning or middle of the life line.

The photo shows the hand of a lucky person with such a triangle.

The figure marks a rise in the financial situation, rapid advancement in career ladder. If a triangle is “drawn”, directed upward to the Mount of Venus, then good luck in money awaits the person.

Whatever this lucky man plans, he will live with profit. This figure also indicates such character traits as:

  • determination,
  • talent in diplomacy,
  • ability to persuade.

The position of the triangle as in the figure indicates the ability to sacrifice everything that he has.

A fork on the Life line at its very beginning, and even looking up, is a sign of good ambitions and bursting energy. A successful career awaits its owner.

A line diverging in the middle or closer to the wrist, says that in front of you is an avid traveler or a change of place of residence awaits him. Dramatic changes, perhaps a change of citizenship, are indicated by a furrow that diverges into two identical stripes.

Many thin stripes going down warn of health problems. It's worth visiting a doctor.

Island sign on the life line warns of a slowdown in the flow of energy, lingering illnesses, and stagnation in one’s career.

Square or quadrilateral the real lucky ones have

Cross and star- these are good marks. If they are visible at the beginning of the groove, then before you is an open, sincere person, he has a strong character, especially if he wants to achieve some goal.

  • A cross at the end of the fate line means a long life interesting life.
  • In the middle - enemies, accidents or natural anomalies can interfere with the normal flow of life.
  • If after a string of crosses there is a straight line again, then the person will overcome all the difficulties that have befallen him.

A dot that looks like a dent, means a hole through which life energy flows away. Also, such a dent or point appears before an accident, disaster or fall from a height. Be careful when driving!

A mole is a harbinger of illness. If the sister, that is, the second trait, runs nearby, then the person can cope with any illness. If the line after the mole becomes thin or breaks off, then you will have to fight for your life.

If fateful the furrow is interrupted, then the individual will face temporary difficulties. They may be fired from work or there will be a break in business relations.

What does bifurcation mean?

If the main furrow bifurcates, then you have less. This may be a warning about a serious illness or weakening of vitality.

  1. If the branch is barely noticeable, then the protective forces are weakened, that is, you need to pay attention to your health.
  2. If one of the branches tends to the hill of the Moon, fate sends a warning about the development of senile dementia. Take medications to improve your memory.
  3. A clear, deep fork towards the tubercle of the Moon means moving, perhaps even to another country.
  4. If the split looks like a fork, then its owner needs urgent rest.

What do the lines crossing the Life line mean?

  • It is bad if the main furrow intersects with the line of Fate. An individual creates obstacles for himself through unrighteous actions or thoughts. He is not confident in himself, often doubts, and is loaded with phobias.
  • Crossing with the line of Mind has positive meaning.
  • Intersection with the lines of Head, Heart and is an unkind sign.
  • Many small dashes mean unnecessary anxiety, the ability to exaggerate difficulties.
  • If these intersections are located at the end of the main line, strong experiences await a person in old age.

Is it possible to change fate

Scientists have proven that it is possible. If some features on your palm scare you, then make adjustments to their design. In Japan, for example, this manipulation is entrusted to a surgeon. This method allows a person to ward off trouble.

Palmists advise correcting patterns on the palms using a regular pen. An adjustment is made to a line that curves too close to the Mount of Venus.

Take a pen with red ink. Red color has powerful energy:

Don’t wish for several gifts from Fate at once, choose the main thing for yourself. Focus on quality, forget about quantity, so as not to bring chaos into your life.

Signs of Wealth

How to determine whether a person will be rich?

Wealth is indicated by traits of success towards the little finger and index finger. If they are deep and distinct, then life will be prosperous.

Dash to the index finger

Damn to the little finger

Business success

Wait and see!

How to determine how many years to live?

  1. Take a felt-tip pen and a ruler.
  2. Attach a ruler to the middle of your index finger vertically, mentally draw a line to the Life line.
  3. Place a dot where the lines touch. Let's celebrate 10 years here.
  4. The second point must be placed at the intersection of the Life line with a line drawn to it from the space between the index and middle fingers. This is the age of 20 years.
  5. We measure the length of the segment between 10 and 20 years.
  6. All that remains is to calculate how many such segments will fit on your main line. Each segment will be equal to 10 years.

Fortune telling

Fortune telling can harm your mood if you believe in it unconditionally. If someone undertakes to tell fortunes using one hand, then this is a charlatan!

First, look at main hand. A right-hander has the right one, a left-hander has the left one.

If the heart line ends under the index finger, your personal life is successful. There are many intersections on the heart line, this is a fickle person. Breakups show the pain of separation.

Look line of Mind, if small strokes or crosses are visible on it, these are marks of fateful decisions.

If line of fate rushes upward - you you will succeed in a career. If the line is weak, you are not happy with your choice of profession. Lots of branches and touches - you changed jobs often.

If your line of Fate seems to branch off at the base from the line of Life, you are a person who has raised himself, who influences the minds and actions of others.

The line of fate starts at the base of the thumb, then crosses the line of Life - you have strong family support or family business.

Fork on Heart lines, going to the index finger speaks of success, respect and recognition.
Branches on the fateful line going up speak of success and achievement.

Double or triple main line I speaks about the luck of the individual, fortitude, energy. This is also the protection of the Guardian Angel.

Pagans and modern esotericists use reading lines on the hand to predict the future and describe a person’s personality. Interpreting the meanings of the lines on the palm is an important part of this lesson. You will need to learn to recognize both key and minor lines. This article will talk about how to interpret the lines on the palm.


Reading the main lines

    Select a hand to read the lines. In palmistry there is the concept of an active and passive hand. The active hand is the dominant hand, that is, the one with which you write.

    • The lines on the passive hand represent the qualities given to you from birth. They should be treated as a basis.
    • The active hand will display any deviations from innate qualities under the influence of life events.
    • If the lines on the hands are very different, this indicates that the person has worked hard on himself.
  1. Find the four main lines on your palm. These are the heart line, the head line, the life line and the fate line (not everyone has the last line).

    • The heart line is located horizontally at the top of the palm. It reflects the state of your heart on a physical and emotional level.
    • The head line is located horizontally in the middle of the palm. It indicates the state of your consciousness and brain.
    • The life line curves at the base of the thumb. It starts between the index finger and thumb. Many people mistakenly believe that this line indicates how many years a person will live, but in fact it reflects aspects such as vitality and prosperity.
    • The line of fate is located vertically. It starts at the base of the palm and runs through the middle (not everyone has this line). It reflects aspects such as success, career and calling.
  2. Learn to read the heart line. It can be read in any direction (from the little finger to the index finger and vice versa) depending on the teaching. The heart line determines emotional stability, personal life, emotional condition and the health of the heart as an organ. This line should be interpreted as follows:

    • If the beginning of the line is directly under the index finger, it means that you are selective in your personal life. If the beginning of the line is located under the middle finger, in a relationship a person thinks only about himself. If the line begins in the middle of the palm, the person is very amorous.
    • If there is no heart line, this means that the person is guided by logic and not by emotions. A weak line indicates that the person is detached and attaches little importance to emotions.
    • A straight and short heart line indicates that love is not very important to a person. A long and curving line indicates that a person freely expresses his emotions. If the line has a wave shape with a lot of bends, this indicates that the person has many partners, but none of the relationships can be called serious.
    • If the heart line is straight and parallel to the head line, this means that the person knows how to manage his emotions. If the heart line comes into contact with the life line, it is easy to offend a person.
    • If the heart line is broken or crossed by small lines, this indicates emotional trauma. A closed line can mean depression.
  3. Find and examine the head line. It determines intelligence, communication style and thirst for knowledge. It should be interpreted like this:

    • If there is no head line, the person is lazy and slow. If the line is weak, the person has poor memory and concentration, and often daydreams. A pronounced line indicates good memory, concentration and the desire to be guided by reason.
    • A short head line indicates that the person is practical and likes to talk to the point. A long line means that the person is focused on tasks and is very successful, but he is often selfish.
    • A straight head line indicates that a person is a realistic thinker, logical, organized, and attentive to detail. A wavy line means that the person is restless and cannot maintain concentration. A curved or downward line indicates a bright creative personality.
    • If the line starts from the line of life, the person has a strong will. If the head line is separated from the life line, the person loves adventure and life.
    • A broken head line means inconsistency in thoughts. Crossings on the line indicate that important decisions can have a significant impact on a person’s fate. Islands or chains on the line indicate intrapersonal conflict and emotional difficulties.
  4. Examine the life line. It determines physical condition, health and important life decisions (for example, life disasters, severe physical injuries and changes in residence). The line should be interpreted as follows:

    Study the line of fate. This line determines the degree of influence of factors over which he has no power on a person’s life. The line starts at the base of the palm. It can be interpreted as follows:

    • If the line is deep, a person’s life is controlled by fate. Remember that not everyone has this line.
    • If the line of fate starts from the line of life, a person achieves everything himself and begins to understand what he wants very early. If the line connects with the life line in the middle, it means that the person in mid-life will need to forget about his own interests and concern himself with the interests of others. If the fate line begins at the base of the thumb, the person has strong ties with family and friends.
    • If the line is interrupted or changes direction, a person may experience many changes in life due to the interference of factors that are beyond his control

    Reading other important lines

    1. Find other important lines on the palm. Apart from the key four lines, there are other important lines to pay attention to: the health line, the fame line, the marriage line, the money line and the travel line.

    2. Study the health line. This line determines the state of health and material well-being. Usually it is present when the life line is not entirely clear and noticeable. If a person has a weak line of fate or success, the line of health plays a big role in determining the material condition. The health line runs from the base of the little finger across the palm to the thumb. Sometimes it can connect with the life line. It is interpreted like this:

      • If there is no line, the person will have few or no health problems. A strong and continuous line indicates the ability to do business and the will to work hard and make money.
      • The wavy line means possible problems health problems due to anxiety and stress.
      • A broken line means that a person is either in poor health or has problems in business. If the line is crossed by other small lines, the person is prone to accidents. If other lines extend from this line, it indicates life-threatening situations in old age. If the line is enclosed in a square, it means that the person will be protected through either treatment or assistance in running a business. If the line breaks and forms a double circle, the person will require hospitalization.
      • If the lines of life, head and health form a triangle, this means that the person will be lucky: the larger the angle, the greater the luck. This triangle is called the happy triangle.
    3. Read the line of glory. The Line of Fame determines social success and rewards. If this line is noticeable, it usually starts at the wrist and runs through the palm to the ring finger parallel to the line of fate. It should be read like this:

      • If there is no line, it means that glory should be sought in other lines on the palm. A person can be successful, but without attracting attention to himself general public. If the line is clear and deep, it means that the person will be successful in work and will enjoy it.
      • If the line is broken several times, it indicates a series of ups and downs in social acceptance.
      • If the line comes from the index finger, the person will become famous in the field of art. If it departs from the head line and passes through the heart line, the person will work hard and achieve success in mature age. If the line splits into two thin lines at the end, success may be mixed.
      • If the line of fame ends under the ring finger in the shape of a star or triangle, the person will achieve success in the field of art ( acting, singing, dancing). If it ends under the ring finger in the shape of a square, the person will be helped by a patron.
    4. Study the marriage line. The relationship is expressed by a small line or lines that are located directly under the base of the little finger. The closer the lines are to the base of the finger, the later this relationship will be. Look out for the following signs:

      • Several weak lines are several novels. Clear and clear lines are a marriage. If there are many intersecting small lines on the hand, this indicates that the person will cheat. If there are lines that do not intersect, this indicates that the person will have children.
      • If the lines extend beyond the palm of your hand back side, this suggests that the relationship will be long-lasting. Branching towards the bottom of the palm means separation (with or without divorce).
      • If there is a line at the end of the marriage line that ends the line abruptly, it means that the relationship will end due to death or divorce. But if the lines are interrupted and then layered on top of each other, this indicates that after breaking up the partners will be together again.
    5. Read the money line. This line is not a direct indicator of a person’s material condition - it reflects a person’s ability to earn a fortune, and also suggests how this can be done. The line should be interpreted as follows:

      • If the line runs from the base of the thumb to the index finger and ends in a star, the person has a natural talent for making money.
      • If the line runs from the base of the thumb to the little finger, the person will receive an inheritance or will be helped by relatives. If the line runs from the base of the thumb to the middle finger, the person will earn money in business. If the line ends under the ring finger, crossing the line of fame, the person will receive money through luck and surprise.

Having started to study all the “roads”, everyone knows that our palms are a kind of map of life in our hands. Every stroke and branch means something and can tell the owner of the hand a lot. The extra features are especially difficult for newbies to master. What is palmistry, the lines on the hand, the decoding of each detail, we will try to partially disassemble and help the novice palm reader gain simple knowledge in this matter.

As a rule, fortune telling occurs according to the dominant palm: for a left-hander - the left, for a right-hander, respectively, the right. First you need to focus on 4 main stripes:

  1. Love or hearts.
  2. Mind or head.
  3. Fates.
  4. Life's road.

The road of the heart or love

What paths of the heart are found and how do they characterize a person, deciphering the lines on the palm:

Long Talks about an idealistic personality.
Short Characteristic of a self-centered person.
Pronounced Characterizes a person prone to stress.
Poorly expressed May mean a weak heart or a very delicate fortuneteller.
Simple straight line Represents a person with a strong sensitive character.
It says that the fortuneteller often has difficult relationships with people in life.
Dotted or torn line In life, the fortuneteller will be faced with intertwined relationships.
Curved bar Tendency to intellectual development.
In the form of a chain Divorces and disappointments in relationships.
There is no cardiac stripe at all Before you is a cruel, reasonable person. Guided by strictly logical thinking.
The line goes to the index finger Personal life is going well, the fortuneteller is happy with everything. Here is an affectionate and tactful person.
The road of the heart goes to the middle finger A selfish person, in family life everything is for him.
The end of the line between the middle and ring fingers Characterizes an amorous person.
Straight and short Speaks of a non-romantic person; everything is simple in relationships.
The heart road is not far from your fingers A very passionate and jealous person.
Heart and life stripes intersect Warning sign, you can easily get your heart broken.
Line of head and heart parallel A person knows how to control his emotions.
wavy road Talk about a lot of contacts.

You can learn more and clearly about combinations with a stripe by watching the video in the article and familiarize yourself with all the nuances in detail.

Mental road

The mental stripe is one of the main positions on the palm. You can learn a lot about a person from it. There are different roads along which you can say a lot about the intellectual level and character of the fortuneteller.

Let’s take a closer look at how to decipher the lines on your hand and what they mean:

The line is clear and pronounced The fortuneteller has an excellent memory; the fortuneteller is guided by reason.
A weak line indicates poor memory A person lives in some kind of illusion.
Straight, clear line Characterizes a person who pursues material wealth. A realistic outlook on life.
The road of the mind has a broken structure Sitting in front of you is a person who often experiences disappointments in his life.
The fortuneteller is awaiting a career change.
Double dash Talented personality.
In the form of a chain Cloudy, confused consciousness.
Hands where there is a lack of mental road Characterizes a lazy, slow person. Laziness and complete imbalance in the psychological aspect.
Mental streak is short The personality is practical, does not like foreplay and gets straight to the point. The intellectual level is high and intuition is well developed.
Long road Here we will talk about a successful and concentrated person, but selfishness and ambition are not alien to him.
In the form of a wave There is anxiety, there is no concentration on what is planned.
The line goes down Here is a creative person.
The path of the mind begins from the line of life Strong-willed personality.
Mind and life trait are separated from each other An adventurous character, the fortuneteller loves adventure.
dashed line There is no consistency in thoughts.
Road with intersections Depending on the additional stripes, it means important decisions that will influence fate.
Islands and chains Characterize emotional conflicts within the individual.

You can learn more about what the mental road will tell us by watching the video:

Looking around the road of life

This trait determines the overall physical condition, including health status, as well as various vital decisions of the client:

  1. Change of residence.
  2. Physical injuries.
  3. Various disasters.

What is the path of life, palmistry, deciphering the line on the hand and what kind of palms are found, let’s take a closer look:

Long Predicts excellent vitality and excellent health.
Short Vulnerable health and vitality.
Clear, well expressed Characterizes a person who has a calm, measured life.
Fuzzy line The person has little energy.
Broken line This suggests that the fortuneteller will have struggles and tangible losses all his life.
Bifurcates The personality is very scattered and a division of energy is envisaged.
Two lines Next to the person is his Guardian Angel.
Complete lack of life path A very anxious life with worries, fortune-telling on nerves all the time.

Palmistry lines on the hand, interpretation and additional information:

Long and deep Everything in life is great, including energy and health.
Deep and short Such a person will easily overcome physical illness throughout life.
A very energetic person sits in front of you.
Straight and close to the edge of the palm Such a palm predicts caution. The personality carefully thinks through all life plans.
Vital line near the thumb This combination indicates rapid fatigue.
Semicircle around the thumb Strength, enthusiasm, energy.
Two or more roads of life A person has patrons nearby, which has a great effect on vitality and energy.
Life line gap At some point in your life, serious changes will occur. If the gap is observed on both palms, it predicts injury or illness.

The life line reflects the most significant moments, which the video in this article will tell you about in detail:

What does the stripe of fate tell us, how to decipher the lines on the palm?

Excellent clearly defined road Sustainable life rules and path. Such a person has no chance to change anything in his life; his fate is predetermined. This line starts from the very base of the palm and reaches the middle of the middle finger.
Weak, not clear In life, a person will face disappointments and failures.
Fate line forked A person has several destinies. Depending on the auxiliary signs, it can predict frequent conflict situations.
Broken line Characterizes an indecisive, always warlike nature.
Injuries and serious difficulties are possible along the path of life.
Fate line ends with a fork In life there are frequent breakups that arise for unknown reasons.

Detailed decoding of the lines on the hand, palmistry of the fateful trait

  1. What does the absence of a combination mean in palmistry?. There is no unique personal path or goal. This situation occurs in people addicted to drugs and alcohol.
  2. Regular stroke, not fragmentary or long. It is present on the hand, but does not extend through the entire palm. This speaks of a personality who has his own life path. And character is determined by the clarity of the road.
  3. The fateful road is assembled from various fragmentary lines. Predicts the distortion of fate due to the influence of some external factors: family, love, work, career. A person is subject to systematic stress, changing place of residence or work, and under the influence of information influence.
  4. Clear and deep line. Symbolizes a strong, self-confident personality who is able to resist everyone who disagrees with him.

What is fate?

Additional roads that are essential for palm reading

In addition to the main stripes on the palm, there are auxiliary, but no less important, which cannot be ignored when reading the palm. Let's take a closer look at what palmistry is, deciphering the lines on the hand: fame, roads, marriage, money and travel.

Where are the secondary roads located?

  1. Health starts from the little finger and runs through the entire palm right to the base of the thumb.
  2. The Stripe of Glory runs from the base of the palm and goes up straight to the index finger, parallel to the fateful road.
  3. Marriage is characterized by small lines under the little finger.
  4. The money line may appear differently on the palm. Thus, meaning can be defined in different ways.
  5. The journey starts from the edge of the palm on the hill of the thumb and runs horizontally.

All about family and marriage

Clearly defined roads. The number of such dashes indicates marriage ties or close relationships.
If the stripes are blurry and not clear. This characterizes ordinary romantic attachments in relationships that do not have much meaning.
One line, clear and straight. Talks about one long-term relationship.
Broken combination. Divorce or separation.
Double dash. It says that a person will have a connection with two partners at the same time.
The fork is at the very beginning. Initially, relationships are extremely difficult.
Fork at the end of the road. Parting.
Lack of marriage stripe. Characterizes a person who shows no interest in family life.

Note. If at the end of the marriage “path” there are additional signs that interrupt the main one, this confirms the break with the partner. But if after the break they layer on top of each other, then the partners will restore their relationship.

Video, what does the line of marriage and family say?

Health line: deciphering the hand line

A clear, pronounced feature Characterizes rapid fatigue of the body and poor physical health and resistance.
There is a line, but it is barely visible Characterizes a complete lack of vital energy.
Winding health bar Talks about digestive problems.
Very deep and merges together with the heart and mind trait He will talk about inflammatory brain processes.
The health bar has splits at the end He will talk about achievements in medical science.
Warts found on the line Various internal diseases.
The health line touches the life path Talks about a disease that will become a threat to human life.
No stripe Good health and excellent physique.

Palmistry, lines on the hand, additional decoding of the health bar:

  1. A combination of layering of some fragments. This “scheme” means a serious fight against attacks of illness. But at the same time we can say that the struggle will be successful and the fortuneteller will cope with the illness.
  2. If the line is present in the palm, but disappears between the lines of the heart and head, then this sign speaks of liberation from illness at a certain period of life. Then it should clearly go under the little finger.
  3. The road of health does not come into contact with the life line, but runs separately. This indicates the body's high resistance to various diseases.

Advice. The health line should be interpreted together with the life line; this is the only way to correct all the signs and real details about health.

When studying a health trait, you need to pay attention to its pattern and color. For example, a road with a red chain characterizes a nervous, easily excitable person. You can learn more about the health line by watching the video:

What does the road of Glory or Success mean?

This trait determines, for the most part, success and achievements in life. If we talk about the correct line, then it starts from the wrist and goes through the entire palm to the ring finger.

Details that a novice palmist should know:

  1. The absence of a stripe does not mean anything terrible. Either it must be looked for in other traits, or a person can be successful simply without attracting wide public attention.
  2. If the line has taken its correct position, but is interrupted in several places, then this indicates some ups and downs.
  3. There are hands where the line of Glory extends from the index finger, this indicates that a person can become famous in the field of art.
  4. The hand where the road leaves the mind and passes through the line of the heart speaks of a lot of work that will bear fruit only in adulthood.

Video about signs of success:

Money line

The wealth bar does not indicate financial status, it only points to certain abilities of a person to earn a fortune or tells how this can be done.

Banknotes are determined by the map of the palm

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