Own business for the production of dumplings. What dishonest businessmen feed us. The terrible truth from the dumpling maker that everyone should know

  • Room selection
  • Pelmeni packaging
  • Recruitment
  • Secrets of dumpling business
        • Similar business ideas:

Today, you will not surprise anyone with the variety of the “dumpling miracle”. Supermarket shelves are torn apart by a variety of semi-finished products from various manufacturers, according to the most different prices. Beginning entrepreneurs cannot compete with them. This requires huge capital big connections And " Long hands". Of course, a novice businessman does not have all this.

But the major players in the dumpling market have a very vulnerable side. In almost 99% of cases, they produce dumplings on automatic machines and with a meat content in dumplings of at most 50%, or even less. Of course, the price of such dumplings is several times lower, and there is a demand for them. But as practice shows, every year the Russian consumer begins to understand the quality of products more and more. If you give him a taste of a real tasty product, and do not deceive him with quality, you can win his trust on long years. It is on this path that small enterprises are going today, producing dumplings without the addition of soy and other elements that reduce the cost of the finished product. These are the so-called "elite" dumplings, the price of which cannot be lower than 200 rubles / kg. You can't confuse the taste of real homemade dumplings.

All dumplings priced above 150 are made from natural meat, without the addition of vegetable soy. Soy is added only to cheap dumplings. This rule is followed by the company "Siberian Gourmet" - the leader in sales of semi-finished products in the market of the Urals and Siberia.

Dumplings hand-sculpted is always more attractive to the consumer, as they are tastier and better, unlike dumplings produced on a machine. This is precisely the advantage of small workshops, where it is used exclusively manual labor. The cash turnover of a workshop that produces only 200 kg of dumplings per day can reach 1 million rubles per month. Of these, the profit can be 150 - 200 thousand rubles. But not everything is as sweet as it seems at first glance. The right economic approach is important here. About everything in order.

How to start planning the production of handmade dumplings

Why should production planning begin with sales? Yes, because many novice businessmen went bankrupt when they invested millions of rubles in the purchase of expensive equipment, and as a result received warehouses packed to the ceiling with finished products. Their mistake was that during the formation of the business they did not plan to sell their products. Such a thing could be sinned in the 90s, when there was a shortage of products and any goods left what is called “flight”. Today, in a period of fierce competition, business needs to start with the question: “Who will I sell this product to, who is my buyer?”.

In the case of hand-made dumplings, the first sale can begin with the sale of trial batches to the closest acquaintances and friends. If you see how your dumplings are praised and ordered again and again, you can think that the success of your enterprise should take place. After all, your dumplings will be in the same demand on the shelves of local stores. So we need to open...

Room selection

Many entrepreneurs involve relatives and friends in the business at a very early stage. They make dumplings at home. When capital is very limited, this is often the only way out. There is nothing shameful in this. When the volume of production and sales of dumplings exceeds 200 kg per day, you can already think about renting a room, buying equipment and expanding the staff.

When producing even 200 kg of dumplings per day, the size of the room should be no less than 50 m2. It should have areas for receiving and cutting meat, a dough preparation area, a dumpling molding (production) area, and a finished product storage area. The workshop must comply with all sanitary standards for food production. The premises must be clean, the walls must be plastered and covered with paint, the floors must be filled or tiled. The room must be equipped with a toilet room. It is also necessary to install a container with a disinfectant solution for processing and washing hands with instructions for them. And so on. Do not forget about the presence of fire safety. These are the minimum requirements that apply to this kind of enterprises.

What equipment to choose for the production of handmade dumplings

  1. Flour sifter - from 15 thousand rubles;
  2. Dough rolling - from 30 thousand rubles;
  3. Meat grinder - from 17 thousand rubles;
  4. Dough mixer - from 60 thousand rubles;
  5. Meat mixer - from 40 thousand rubles;
  6. Refrigerators, 2 pcs. - from 100 thousand rubles.

Total costs - from 262 thousand rubles.

By the way, you can start the production of hand-made dumplings without the above equipment at all. They all made homemade dumplings. Such production is limited only by the presence of a meat grinder, and the rest of the operations are done manually. The other side of the coin of such savings is the speed of production of dumplings, which will be extremely low.

The above set of equipment is enough to produce up to 700 kg of handmade dumplings per day. When the production volumes reach 1000 kg per day or more, it is worth thinking about buying shock freezing chambers and building a separate warehouse for finished products. Manual modeling can be partially replaced by automatic. To do this, you can purchase a dumpling machine, for example, the HLT-700XL brand. In general, Italian, Ukrainian, Chinese and Russian equipment is present on the equipment market for the production of dumplings. However, prices vary considerably. The most expensive is Italian equipment, it is also the most reliable and advanced. However, many enterprises successfully operate on cheaper Chinese counterparts. The most affordable equipment for the production of dumplings is ours - domestic. Ultimately, the choice of equipment depends on the preferences of the business owner and on his financial capabilities.

Pelmeni packaging

Separately, it is worth studying the process of packing dumplings. Currently, there are three types of packaging: manual, automatic and semi-automatic. The manual packing process is when the operator manually packs dumplings into plastic bag and solder the open part. This method is still used by many small producers in provincial cities. And this justifies itself, because for the purchase of an automatic packaging line, an entrepreneur will have to pay at least $20,000. For small enterprises, the way out of the situation is to purchase a semi-automatic line, the cost of which is just over $3,000.

How much money is needed to produce dumplings

An important point when starting a business is the issue of supplying ingredients for the production of dumplings. These include premium flour, beef and pork meat, eggs, onions, peppers, herbs, salt, and water. According to some data, for the production of dumplings with a volume of 200 kg per day (4800 kg per month), the monthly cost of raw materials will be at least 300 thousand rubles.


The most important cost item of the dumpling shop is wages. The less automated the production process, the more workers are required. Therefore, even a small workshop for hand molding dumplings will require 10-15 people directly involved in the process of making dumplings. Also, a small business will need to hire a technologist, a driver, sales managers, loaders. An accountant and a cleaning lady can be hired under contracts for paid services (or outsourcing). Do not forget that each employee must have a health book with him in case of an inspection.

What taxation system to choose for a dumplings shop

The organizational form of the workshop for the production of dumplings can be an ordinary individual entrepreneurship. The most favorable tax regime for such an enterprise is the simplified taxation system (STS), 6% of the revenue or 15% of the profit of the enterprise.

Secrets of dumpling business

  • You can simply reduce the cost of dumplings produced by adding potatoes to the meat. The result is meat - potato dumplings, the taste is no worse than pure meat dumplings, but the cost is the same.
  • To reduce the cost of dumplings, without loss of quality, you can increase the percentage of water in the dough and minced meat. Technologically, it is possible to bring the percentage of water content in minced meat up to 20%, while the taste of dumplings only gets better.

How to start a handmade dumplings business

The production of hand-made dumplings must be started simultaneously with registration as individual entrepreneur or individual and in parallel to establish markets for finished products. For starters, you can organize it at home and involve relatives to help.

After the appearance of the first profit, you can think about renting a room or acquiring production space as a property.

If more than 200 kilograms of dumplings are produced per day, then the minimum production area should be 50 square meters. The premises are divided into separate sections:

  1. acceptance of meat and its cutting;
  2. dough preparation;
  3. production of dumplings;
  4. storage area.

In addition to the above, the premises must have a toilet room, as well as a special container for washing hands by employees. Mandatory presence of a special disinfectant solution detailed instructions according to the rules for its use.

What taxation system to choose for registering dumplings

When setting up production for manual molding of dumplings, there is no need to open a legal entity. It is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, the most optimal solution would be to choose a simplified taxation system. You can also pay tax, both on the proceeds received and on profits. In the first case it is 6%, and in the second - 15%.

How much money do you need to start a business

250,000 rubles are needed to set up production for the production of hand-made dumplings. This price includes only the purchase of equipment. Additional financial costs will be associated with the purchase of the necessary ingredients and transportation costs for their delivery, wages to employees and insurance premiums, tax and rent, additional costs.

What equipment to choose for manual production of dumplings

Despite the manual modeling of dumplings, you still cannot do without equipment. You will need to purchase:

  • flour sifting apparatus;
  • dough sheeter;
  • dough kneading equipment;
  • meat grinder;
  • meat mixer;
  • at least two refrigerators.

The named equipment is enough to produce up to 700 kilograms per day. For production over 1000 kg. You will need to purchase a chamber for shock freezing and a dumpling machine for the named equipment. With such volumes, there is a need for additional space.

Car sales are falling, sales of furniture, clothing, electronics are also decreasing literally every day. And only the realization food products remains at the same level. It's time to start your business before they fall too! The production of dumplings - the Russian national product - is one of the most profitable enterprises today. How to open the production of dumplings, bypassing the many mistakes that beginner entrepreneurs make? Read this sample business plan for the production of dumplings, maybe it will help you in starting a business?


This project is a business plan for the production of dumplings - a business organization with a payback period of two years.

Project goals:

  1. Creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. Organization of obtaining a stable profit
  3. Satisfying the consumption market with dumplings and other similar semi-finished products.

Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

Form of reference entrepreneurial activity: IP

The total cost of the project: 2 million rubles

Payback period: 1.5 years

Embedded in the calculations interest rate: 23%

The total interest payments will be: 690,000 rubles

The investor's income will be: 690,000 rubles

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of the project.

Main stages of project implementation

The beginning of the project implementation - immediately after the acceptance of the business plan by the Customer, or after receiving credit funds.

The main stages for the implementation of this project, the conditions and terms of their implementation are presented in Table No. 1:

Stages of the projectDeadlines
Conclusion of an investment agreement1 month
Getting borrowed funds1 month
Entering into the state register, registration
in administrative and tax authorities
1 month
Location selection and design
1-6 months
Purchase and installation of equipment1 month
Recruitment1 month
Carrying out a marketing campaign1-24 months

General description of the project

Dumplings and dumplings in our country are National dish, which Russian citizens regardless of belonging to any social category, eat all year round practically unaffected by seasonal fluctuations in demand. Therefore, the production of dumplings is one of the most profitable food production.

Almost every owner of a store selling meat products faced the problem of unsold leftover meat. Buyers, as a rule, are interested in the product of the first freshness, unsightly in appearance, but still quite fit for consumption, the product remains either disposed of, or sold at a lower price, or frozen, which entails a loss of consumer properties, and again - a decrease in prices.

Therefore, the best option for such outlets is to supplement trading activities with their own small production of dumplings, dumplings, frozen pasties, etc. In addition to "stale" meat, cheap meats can be used in production, and too fatty meat, which is not in demand among buyers.

Such a "technique" has long been adopted by large network trading companies that produce semi-finished products under their own brand. Quality products, made according to original recipes, in beautiful packaging, at a relatively inexpensive price, is invariably popular with visitors to super- and hypermarkets. Small outlets selling semi-finished products are also popular. In almost every region of Russia, there are small enterprises that have mastered not only the production of dumplings as a business, but also dumplings, frozen pasties, etc., which position their products as environmentally friendly food from natural products made according to old Russian or foreign recipes.

Equipment and premises

The start of production does not require large financial investments, the main investments will require the "promotion" of the brand and the search for wholesale buyers. In order to open a small workshop for the production of dumplings with a capacity of 50 to 270 kg of products per hour, a novice entrepreneur will need:

  • Apparatus for the preparation of minced meat - meat grinder and minced meat mixer
  • Equipment for making dough - flour sifter, dough mixer
  • Forming machine for molding dumplings and other semi-finished products
  • Refrigerating chambers with different degrees of freezing for the storage of raw materials and finished products
  • Packaging machines

All necessary equipment must be placed in a room that fully complies with sanitary and epidemiological standards. The production of dumplings as a business, first of all, must meet all the necessary requirements established by law.

The main criterion when choosing a line for the production of dumplings is its performance, which should provide correct calculations 100% sale of all products.

The dumpling shop, as the production of dumplings, will be constantly under the vigilant control of the relevant authorities, which excludes the possibility of using stale products in production. That is why special attention should be paid to the problem effective use meat products, which ultimately affects the pricing policy of sales.

The area of ​​​​the premises for the location of the workshop directly depends on the volume of products produced. For a small business, 130-150 sq. meters. There are no special requirements for the location of production. It is important only if the dumplings production shop will also have its own outlet.

Raw materials for production

How to open a dumpling shop without any special knowledge? Is it even possible? Yes. To date, there is a huge amount of information for opening any business in the public domain.

The main ingredients of dumplings - minced meat and flour must meet all hygiene standards, have high taste qualities and certain "physical" properties. So, for example, the dough should not stick to hands and equipment, minced meat should have a uniform consistency, not too “dry” and not too greasy. The composition of the flour should contain at least 30% gluten, therefore it is more expedient to use flour of the 1st grade in production, which surpasses the flour of the highest grade in terms of the content of this product.

High-quality preparation of ingredients largely depends on the quality of the equipment used. Equipment for the production of dumplings must be the best. So, for example, high-quality sharpening of meat grinder knives affects the uniformity of the minced meat composition, and the quality of the dough produced depends on the serviceability of the dough mixers. Therefore, it would be advisable for the production to have its own locksmith for the repair and maintenance of equipment.

It should be noted that the mixer for making dough for dumplings must be special, just for such production. The dough in such a device is obtained with a moisture content of not more than 40%. The equipment used in bakeries and confectioneries is different from that used in dumpling production, and cannot replace it. Therefore, when choosing equipment, you should be careful.

It is also necessary not only equipment for the production of dumplings, but also for their storage. Refrigeration equipment for storing finished products also has its own requirements. Firstly, you need to take into account that the temperature of minced meat in a frozen dumpling ready for sale should not exceed -18 0 C. The most the best option freezing chambers are devices capable of freezing finished products at the same speed as they are produced - from 50 to 270 kg per hour. But such units for small production are too expensive, and therefore they are most often used freezers volume from 5 to 20 cubic meters. meters, which are able to freeze all products manufactured in 1 shift during the day. The requirements for refrigerators for storing raw materials are somewhat softer - such chambers operate in temperature regime from -20 0 to +5 0 С.

Packing machines must have devices for dosing products. It is best to use a packaging line, where not only dosing of packages is carried out, but also the formation of the package itself from a roll of special film.

In advance, you should develop the design of the packaging itself and the pattern that will be applied to it. The thickness of the film for the package must be such that it does not tear during transportation.

Equipment for the production of dumplings can be purchased from numerous companies involved in their manufacture. It was this factor that made it possible to organize the production of dumplings at home as a business, which is successfully used by "private traders".

Manufactured assortment

Despite the popularity of dumplings, there are still some seasonal fluctuations in sales. In addition, it would be extremely unwise not to use the opportunity to expand the range of products produced using existing equipment. At present, equipment for dumplings can be universal, designed for parallel use in the production of manti, mini-chebureks, khinkali, dumplings with a wide variety of fillings - fruit, meat, mushroom, fish, cottage cheese, etc. This will satisfy any, even the most demanding taste.

In addition, there are various recipes preparation of semi-finished products that can be produced under different names, but under the same brand.

Table No. 2 shows the calculation of the raw materials required for the manufacture of 50 kg of ordinary, "table" dumplings per hour of the line with a capacity of 50 kg per hour:

Required Ingredientshard doughChopped meat
premium flour15.4 kg
egg3 pcs.
water5-6 l
premium beef 14 kg
premium pork 7.5 kg
onion 1.9 kg
black pepper 0.025 kg
salt0.345 kg

Table No. 3 shows the average wholesale prices for raw materials for the production of dumplings in Moscow and the Moscow Region (as of February 2016):

Raw materialPrice
flour varieties30 rub/kg
waterRUB 23.44
egg50 rub/ten
beef320 rub/kg
pork280 rub/kg
onion20 rub/kg
salt6 rub/kg

Currently, there are quite a few small enterprises producing dumplings and other semi-finished products from dough, but there is no particular competition due to the constant expansion of the demand market and an increase in the range of products. The organization of a "pelmeni" business is a rather complicated project, therefore, a clear and competent business plan is needed, which includes all the necessary calculations, the determination of the timing of the stages of implementation and the conditions for minimizing existing risks, and then it will be much easier to open a mini-shop for the production of dumplings.

Marketing plan

Before considering the state of the competitive market in the production of dumplings, it is necessary to determine the state of the consumer market at the moment. The crisis phenomena that began at the end of 2014 had a detrimental effect on absolutely all spheres of production and trade. IN lesser degree it affected food industry, and even to a lesser extent, the production of the category of "budget" products, which includes most types of dumplings.

The situation is also saved by the fact that the production of dumplings and other semi-finished products mainly refers to small-scale industries that produce their products in small batches, which compare favorably with large-scale, mass production at large factories.

A particularly positive moment for an entrepreneur who has decided to start producing dumplings is that the project requires a relatively short period of time - it will take a maximum of 1.5 months for the enterprise to reach full capacity. Equipment for the production of dumplings can only have one a dumpling machine so that the business owner succeeds in realizing his plans.

The increase in consumer interest towards chilled products observed in 2013-2014, which in turn, of course, affected the sales of “frozen” products, was due to the shorter shelf life of chilled food products, which guaranteed their freshness. At the moment, against the backdrop of falling incomes of the population, the dynamics of sales of frozen products has again grown almost to the previous level, and in some regions of the country even exceeded previous figures.

Currently celebrated 3 important factors that influence the market of frozen products and semi-finished meat products:

  1. Release of high quality products at an affordable price, affordable for the majority of the population and expansion of the range offered.
  2. Import substitution of foreign raw materials by Russian products.
  3. Increase in consumer demand for frozen semi-finished products.

Experts and market analysts predict, despite the negative assessments of the future state of the country's economy and individual enterprises in particular, the continued growth in popularity of simple, satisfying products, which include semi-finished meat products. The dumpling production technology is simple and easy to master, which makes this business extremely popular.

To promote products and form a positive opinion of consumers about the products offered, it is necessary to carry out a set of marketing activities:

  • Creating a brand concept
  • Creating your own Internet resource
  • Creation comfortable conditions labor
  • Carrying out work with shops, catering enterprises for the conclusion of contracts for the wholesale supply of their products

Figure 1 shows the differentiation of the market by their value:

Production plan

The main equipment necessary for organizing a workshop for the production of dumplings and other semi-finished products:

  • Dough rolling machine
  • Vegetable cutter
  • Meat grinder
  • Frashemeshalka
  • dough mixer
  • Flour sifter
  • Freezers with different temperature settings
  • Forming machine

All equipment used must not only comply with safety regulations and allow for a systematic increase in production volumes, but also meet a long-term marketing perspective.

Financial plan

Beginning of the company's financial year - January

Table 4 shows the main taxes payable:

Type of taxtax basePeriodInterest rate
income taxIncoming profitMonth20%
Property taxEstimated value of the propertyAccording to the payment schedule2,2%
VATAdded valueMonth18%
Income taxpayroll fundMonth13%
Social paymentspayroll fundMonth34%

Table No. 5 shows the approximate sales volume of manufactured products:

PeriodName of serviceVolume of production and sales per monthPriceProfit from sales
1-12 month8400 kgFrom 20 to 80 rubles. behind
packaging (from 450 g)
From 373333.33 to
RUB 1493333.33
13 - 24 monthProduction of dumplings (and similar products)25200 kgFrom 20 to 80 rubles. behind
packaging (from 450 g)
From 1120000 to
packaging (from 450 g)


The analysis of the proposed project showed that the production of dumplings with sufficient investments to implement the business plan will be profitable, promising business bringing regular profit.

(votes: 2, average: 5.00 out of 5)

IN Lately, our company began to receive very often questions from start-up entrepreneurs regarding the organization and launch of a dumpling shop. In this article I will try to explain what a dumpling shop is, what equipment you need to purchase to get started, and, accordingly, what financial investments will be required for initial stage.

There is a misconception that starting a frozen convenience food business is quite easy. It would seem that it is difficult to buy meat, make minced meat out of it, cook and roll out the dough, make dumplings, freeze them in the freezer - and you can launch the finished product for sale and make a profit. Indeed, there is nothing complicated. There are, however, a few small "buts". First, do your buyers need your delicious dumplings without a doubt? If needed, then the second thing is immediately - can you give the required volume of output of your product? And immediately a third appears - how to organize production and what is needed for this?

By the nature of my work, I very often communicate with the owners of small workshops for the production of frozen semi-finished products and ask everyone questions - how did your business start? And how long did it take you to reach the existing production volumes? It is clear that the answers are different for everyone, but some of the most common ones can be distinguished from them. Let's consider these answers on several examples of different ways of becoming this business.

Example one. An entrepreneur from a not very prosperous region of our country, who does not have free Money, decides to open the production of semi-finished products. During the initial period of his activity, there was almost no competition in his region. The first thing he did was to buy a Stinol refrigerator with a large freezer on credit. All the next of kin were involved in the production. Of the equipment, there was only an electric household meat grinder for making minced meat. All other operations were done manually. The volume of output was from 30 to 50 kg per day. Over time, when there was a profit, several more refrigerators, a JGL-120 dumpling machine, a dough mixer for hard dough with a bowl capacity of 20 kg and a meat mixer were bought. The volume of products produced reached about 700 kg per day. Further on increasing. The premises were rented. A shock freezing chamber was built. Purchased two dumpling machines JGL-120 and JGL-135. The volume of manufactured products is 1300-1500 kg per day. Over time, when JGL devices began to fail very often, our company purchased an HLT-700XL dumpling machine. Your humble servant went to commissioning work, that's where this example came from.

At the time of writing this article, this production has acquired another HLT from our company. The output volume reached 2500 kg per day. Total time development of this dumpling shop, from the beginning to the current volumes - 7 years.

The second example (the most common in different variations). An individual entrepreneur engaged in the trade of meat and dairy products decides to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products. Having studied consumer demand and competitors' products, he purchases all the necessary equipment on lease and begins work. A few years later, when production begins to bring tangible profits, a decision is made to expand the range of manufactured semi-finished products. Purchased optional equipment and the production of cutlets and pancakes begins. Today, this company produces about 60-70 tons of all semi-finished products per month. The development time of the company is 6 years.

Example three. Big company wholesale trade frozen semi-finished products, which has its own areas for warehousing and storage of finished products, as well as well-established sales, asks the question - why do we sell products only from third-party manufacturers? Should we start releasing our own, under our own brand? Funds are allocated, and the construction of a dumpling shop begins. The existing premises are being repaired, freezers are being installed, production and technological equipment are being purchased, and staff is being recruited. A year later, the shop reaches the volume of 60 tons of dumplings per month. When I launched the equipment supplied by us in this company, I managed to find out that the volume of investments invested in this production amounted to more than 20 million rubles! I think it was worth it!

So. What do we see against the background of these three examples? The first and most important thing is the sale of finished products! If you do not have a well-established sales, then you do not need a dumpling shop. You will fill the freezers with finished products, where it will safely, over time, become unusable. And the second, also important, is that the speed of reaching large volumes directly depends on how much money was invested at a time at the initial stage. From the first example, it can be seen that production developed gradually, in parallel with sales. Accordingly, investments in increasing capacity were also made gradually. Yes, it took quite a long time, but the refrigerators were never filled with finished products. Those. production developed in parallel with consumer demand (sales).

In the second and third cases, production developed quite rapidly. But here, again, sales had already been established and the demand was quite large. Therefore, in order to meet the great demand, serious cash injections were made into the development of production, which paid off over time.

With demand and sales, the issues were resolved. Let's say in your region the buyer is eager to buy only semi-finished products under your brand! And you urgently need a dumpling shop with a capacity of 200 kg per hour or 1500 kg per day (30 tons per month). What is needed for this? First of all, a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bat least 100 square meters. meters, renovated in accordance with sanitary standards for food production. Secondly, you need to decide what kind of meat you will cook minced meat from - chilled (carcass or half carcass) or frozen block meat? What is the difference now I will explain. To make minced meat from FROZEN meat, the following equipment is required:

1. Two refrigerated chests with a volume of at least 1.5 cubic meters. meters. One for raising the temperature of frozen meat before sawing, from minus 18 degrees to minus 10 degrees. The second is for cooling the finished minced meat.

2. Band saw for sawing blocks of meat into cubes measuring 50x50 mm.

3. Stainless steel bath. After cutting, the meat is placed in a bath for 5-6 hours and thawed at a temperature of 25-26 degrees.

4. Electric top (industrial meat grinder). It is intended for crushing of completely thawed meat. Throwing frozen pieces is prohibited. If you want to speed up the process of cooking minced meat and throw pieces of frozen meat, you need a more powerful and expensive top.

5. Meat mixer for mixing minced meat with other ingredients.

6. Cutter. When using cheap low-quality minced meat with a high water content. It is designed to "drive" water to reduce costs. You can refuse this position if you make a premium class product.

Now the list of equipment for CHILLED meat:

1. Stainless steel table for deboning (butchering) meat + deboner - person.

2. Electric top (industrial meat grinder).

3. Meat mixer for mixing minced meat with other ingredients.

4. Refrigerated chest for cooling the finished minced meat.

As you can see, for the production of minced meat from chilled meat, less equipment is needed. But the raw material itself is more expensive than frozen meat. What is more profitable is up to you. And most importantly, you need to decide what price category dumplings you will produce.

Dealt with meat. Now let's move on to the test. What is needed to prepare it? Here is the list:

1. Flour sifter. Designed for mechanized separation of flour from impurities, loosening and saturating it with air, which improves product quality.

2. Kneader for tough dough, with a paddle or Z-shaped kneading body (two shafts rotating towards each other), with a bowl capacity of at least 50 liters.

Minced meat and dough prepared. It remains to make the dumplings themselves. To do this, you will need a dumpling machine. Of course, I recommend the ANKO HLT-700XL dumpling machine! If the budget is small, then you can get by with Chinese automatic machines of the JGL series. They are several times cheaper, but there are several times more problems with them. You can read a detailed comparison in my HLT proposal article on the same blog.

If you want to minimize manual labor, you will have to purchase a packing machine, which also costs a lot of money.

Well, let's summarize! To organize and open a dumpling shop of small productivity, you will need a room, the above equipment, competent technical staff and, most importantly, well-established sales. The first two components will require considerable financial investments. According to my calculations, it will take at least 6 million rubles to open a dumpling shop with the above-mentioned productivity! And it would seem that it is difficult to make dumplings ?!

However, in different regions new dumpling shops continue to open. It seems that the market for these semi-finished products is already saturated. Now the market is being selected from large manufacturers by small dumpling shops. Each workshop brings something different to the market and occupies its own niche. Or compete in already occupied niches. I think that no one will be left without profit, and competition will benefit us - consumers.

It's time to say goodbye! I hope this article helped you understand what a seemingly simple thing is like making dumplings in industrial scale, has many nuances and complexities. But, as one of the ancients said: “The one who walks will master the road!” I wish you every success! And see you on the pages of my resource!

At the present time, many are visited by ideas about opening own business. There are quite a few options. The main thing is that the work is profitable. One of the many types of private business is the production of dumplings at home.

The production of dumplings is one of the most modern home-based businesses. He is especially popular in small towns, even taking into account the fact that the market is filled with this kind of product. The popularity of semi-finished products also lies in a large assortment, for example, manti, dumplings, khinkali, etc. Almost everyone loves and consumes such products, since their main advantage is quick preparation.

Advantages of dumpling business:

  • The desire to buy dumplings is absolutely independent of the season.
  • A business pays off pretty quickly with the right organization and management.
  • Relatively low amount of labor-intensive capital.
  • Significant savings due to the lack of the need to rent a room, hire staff at the initial stages.

All the necessary equipment (meat grinder, freezer, etc.) can be found in any kitchen. The cooking technology is very simple and familiar to every housewife, and sometimes even the owner.

A big disadvantage of business is high competitiveness. But if the products are made from environmentally friendly and high-quality products, then they will clearly be in the lead.

Required documents

The first parties often disperse among friends and acquaintances. They act as the most important tasters. But in this way big money you won't earn. You need to look for places of sale, and for this you need a package of mandatory documents:

  • Documentation of Rospotrebnadzor and Sanitary Epidemiological Station.
  • Hygienic conclusion of SES.
  • Recipe.

When expanding - building your own workshop - you will need to be registered with tax service and register your activity. You can check out or.

In this case, the conclusion of the fire service will be required. You will also need:

  • Specifications that are registered and agreed (TU).
  • Label layout.
  • Technical instruction (TI).

If staff is hired, they must have a health book.

The production of dumplings at home and their sale only to private individuals does not require the execution of various documents.

What equipment is required

For the manufacture of dumplings in small batches at home, the most common equipment can be used. To make your job easier, you should buy electric knife, flour sifter, electric meat grinder.

For work in the workshop, equipment is used on a larger scale:

  • Mixer.
  • Apparatus for rolling raw materials.
  • Apparatus for kneading minced meat.
  • Machine for the formation of dumplings.

In whatever conditions products are manufactured, there must be freezers for storing goods and raw materials.

You can save on equipment if you hire workers, but it is better to involve relatives in the business. In addition, the product will be much better if it is made by hand. It is in great demand.

If necessary or desired, you can get a packaging machine. Keep in mind that people trust products in transparent packages more because they can see their contents.

Required Ingredients

Dumplings are good because they do not require so many ingredients to cook. Everything is very simple:

  • Water.
  • Flour.
  • Salt.
  • Eggs.
  • Seasonings.
  • Meat (beef, pork, chicken).

In order to make your product more attractive to customers, you can experiment with stuffing. To mix different types meat, as well as use a variety of seasonings and spices.

The purchase of ingredients can be made in supermarkets, shops or markets.

In order for dumplings to be in demand, raw materials must be of high quality and environmentally friendly. Therefore, you should not use various prunings and herbal supplements. It is advisable to buy meat in supermarkets on the day of its delivery. Alternatively, you can conclude a contract for the purchase of meat with a livestock farm. In this case, the goods will always be fresh and in the quantity that is needed.

When purchasing raw materials not in specialized stores, it is imperative to ask the supplier for quality certificates.

Detailed visual information about the work of the dumpling shop is given in the following video:

Sales of products

Sales is the first thing to think about before starting production. As for dumplings, there are a lot of them on the market, so you should carefully study the scope of their implementation.

  • The first small batches can be sold to friends and comrades. In the event that the goods are collected positive reviews, you can continue manufacturing, as tasty and quality product will be in demand.
  • You can try to sell goods to small cafes, and if they are satisfied, establish continuous deliveries with them.
  • It is also necessary to take into account large wholesale companies that supply semi-finished products and have a permanent customer base. In this case, packaging will be required.
  • A good option is to rent a trading tray in the market. Rumors about good products are quickly spread through word of mouth, which allows you to not spend money on advertising.
  • Another way to sell can be the sale of finished products. For example, delivery of hot meals. Due to the rich assortment, such sales will be quite profitable.

Thinking over the sale of manufactured goods, you must not forget about the vehicle. If you have a car, it will solve many problems.

Business Costs and Profitability

In order for the dumpling business to be profitable, it is necessary to draw up a business plan and calculate profitability before starting production.

Calculating the profitability, you can see the approximate amount. Here, for example, the calculation of raw materials for 800 kg of finished products:

  • Meat - 53 thousand rubles.
  • Bulb onion - 900 rubles.
  • Flour - 1.5 thousand rubles.
  • Salt and seasonings - 600 rubles.
  • Eggs - 100 rubles.

It follows that 56,100 rubles were spent on 800 kg of products. It turns out that the cost of 1 kg of finished goods is approximately 70 rubles, when its market value is approximately 92 rubles. Net profit will be 22 rubles. In 24 working days, the profit will increase to the amount about 442 thousand rubles. From this amount, you will need to deduct current expenses.

The calculation was carried out taking into account the operation of equipment for molding dumplings, the cost of which will be about 555 thousand rubles.

The costs will be much less if you start manufacturing in small batches in your kitchen. When the product wins the market and is in demand, you can expand production, rent premises, purchase equipment and hire staff.

In order to reduce the cost of production, you can resort to such tricks:

  • Add some potatoes to the meat, potato-meat dumplings will come out. The cost will remain the same, and the taste will be wonderful.
  • Add a little water to the minced meat, the taste will not deteriorate from this, but on the contrary, the product will turn out with a juicy filling.
  • Tell everyone you know about your business.
  • Place ads in free newspapers.
  • Post ads.
  • Submit information online.

Dumpling making is a profitable and low cost business that anyone can start. The main thing is to determine the sales market and properly organize the work.

Fast food products have firmly taken their place in the diet of many of us. Due to such popularity, the production of dumplings and dumplings is quite profitable and profitable business. High demand for such products, although it depends on seasonality, is still sufficient throughout the year, which makes it possible to sell goods with a large margin. Products can be with a variety of fillings, various shapes even colors. Moreover, the purchased equipment can be supplemented with insignificant investments and the assortment can be expanded by producing manti, meatballs, khinkali, chebureks and much more.

Consumer Market Analysis

In addition to high demand, there is also fierce competition. The segment of semi-finished products is saturated today, dumplings and dumplings are presented in the widest assortment. Manufacturers are not only well-known federal trade marks, but also local small firms that do not want to concede famous brands. Due to such factors, there is fierce competition in the domestic market, both in price and in assortment policy.

Despite this, the level of sales for last years shows a positive trend. And in times of crisis, weight products in the field of economy are relevant. To achieve a reduction in the cost of production is obtained by replacing meat with soy substitutes, which then has a bad effect on the reputation. Therefore, today experts recommend working for beginners in the middle price segment.

Stages of building a business

For organization this project it is necessary to draw up a business plan for the production of dumplings:

  1. analyze the consumer market, competitors;
  2. choose a room;
  3. register a business in government bodies to issue a permit for activity;
  4. draw up a project of the workshop and coordinate it with regulatory authorities;
  5. purchase equipment and inventory, perform installation;
  6. recruit workers;
  7. determine the recipe;
  8. organize the supply of raw materials;
  9. find distribution channels.

Manufacturing technology

The technology for the production of dumplings is approximately the same for large plants and mini-lines. It is important to comply with all established sanitary requirements and norms, since we are talking about food. Main stages:

  1. Preparation of ingredients. The meat is defrosted, cleaned of veins, blood clots, and various kinds of contaminants. The flour is sifted, the onions are peeled and washed, the eggs are disinfected. After that, a saline solution is prepared.
  2. Test batch. Ingredients are added according to the dumpling recipe.
  3. Minced meat preparation. Meat and onions are ground in an industrial meat grinder (the diameter of the holes of the apparatus should not exceed 3 millimeters), after which they are kneaded in a special meat mixer. This can be done by hand if you cook dumplings self made. Salt, spices, water are added to minced meat. Mixing time - 15-20 minutes. That is enough to bind water and minced meat.
  4. Forming dumplings. For this, a special dumpling apparatus is used, in which minced meat and dough are laid, and finished products are obtained at the output.
  5. Freezing products. finished products can not be stored at a positive temperature for more than 20 minutes.
  6. Packing and packing. Beginning entrepreneurs who do not yet work under a well-known well-known brand can simply pack products in 0.5 and 1 kilograms and fold them into transparent plastic bags. The packaging indicates the name of the manufacturer, production date, expiration date, composition.

According to GOST, there should not be more than 5% of semi-finished products with a torn shell in a package.

Financial plan

To organize a mini-factory, the following expenses are necessary:

  • purchase and installation of equipment - 1.5 million rubles;
  • preparation of the premises - 100 thousand rubles;
  • business registration - 10 thousand rubles.

Monthly costs:

  • rent of premises - 50 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries (8 people) plus the services of an accountant from an outsourcing company - 185 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses (utility, transport and tax payments) - 150 thousand rubles.

One of the most expensive items is the purchase of ingredients.

Calculation of the cost of components per 100 kilograms:

Name of ingredientsShare of finished productPrice
Beef25% 4500 rub.
Pork19% 3900 rub.
Salt0,1% 10 rub.
Spices0,7% 90 rub.
Onion5% 250 rub.
Flour35% 550 rub.
Egg powder0,2% 60 rub.
Water15% 0
Total:100% 10260 rub.

The retail price of dumplings without meat substitutes varies between 250-500 rubles.

Since the introduction of soy and other additives is not planned (work in the premium segment), the wholesale price for products will be 200 rubles.

It is predicted to produce 500 kilograms of dumplings per day, 10,000 kilograms per month (for 20 working days).

The income from the sale of 100 kilograms will be 9740 rubles (20000-10260). Having sold all the products, the revenue will be 974,000 rubles. Net income - 589 thousand rubles (974,000 - 385,000).

In practice, it is not always possible to sell all manufactured products in full, so the work of the workshop is not 100% loaded. Poll results operating entrepreneurs, the payback period is six months.

Required documents

Without permits no retail outlet or intermediary will want to cooperate. What documents are needed:

  • registration documents (certificate of registration legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, an extract from the USRIP or USRLE, etc.);
  • hygienic conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • agreed specifications;
  • the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • formulation;
  • lease agreement or ownership of the premises;
  • employment contract;
  • health records for employees.

When registering a business, indicate OKVED code 15.85 "Production of pasta" . This group includes the manufacture of semi-finished products.
Video - Making handmade dumplings in the village:

Equipment and inventory

For the production of quickly defrosted semi-finished products, I use standardized technologies. Approximate set of equipment for the production of dumplings and dumplings:

  1. dumpling machine;
  2. industrial meat grinder;
  3. mixer,
  4. minced meat;
  5. kitchen machine;
  6. various nozzles;
  7. freezers.

Video - AP 07-2M dumpling machine:

The cost of a dumpling production line depends on the manufacturer and capacity. Market prices for high-quality technologies range from 900 thousand rubles. up to 3.5 million rubles Also, many offer used equipment, in which case the cost will drop to 500-600 thousand rubles.

The most expensive machines are produced in Italy (3-3.5 million rubles) with a capacity of up to 250 kilograms per hour. But such equipment will make it possible to produce not only dumplings and dumplings, but also khinkali, manti, pasties without buying additional nozzles. Another advantage is the preparation of products with wavy edges (imitation of hand molding).

The middle price segment is technologies from Russia that are less functional, but quite durable. The cheapest equipment is Chinese. Buying a line with a capacity of 50 kilograms per hour will cost 300-400 thousand rubles.
Video - Equipment for dumplings shop (automatic line):

Requirements for the premises

To open a dumpling shop, an area of ​​​​150 m² is required. For a smaller area, it will be difficult to place a full-fledged line.

There are no special requirements for the mini-workshop. Suitable for any room that is equipped with sewerage, ventilation, plumbing and electricity.

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