Kim Jong Un and Lee Sol Zhu. Large North Korean family: family ties of the leader of the DPRK, Kim Jong-un. Way from a cheerleader

This year will go in into history North Korea: 22 athletes went to Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. A team of cheerleaders arrived to support them, which the network has already called the “Beauty Army”. It is noteworthy that all members of the support group undergo a rigorous selection: they must meet beauty standards and have a respectable family. And even dictator Kim Jong-un's wife is a cheerleader.

Kim Jong Un is a big sports fan. He is interested in football, basketball and skiing. That is why, under his leadership, the entire infrastructure began to develop and, of course, the training of cheerleaders began. Is it any wonder that the selected beauties sing and dance so synchronously that they conquered the whole world? Residents dream of watching their performance different countries because it just seems like a fantasy.

Lee Jung Hoon in an interview with The Straits Times: “They look like Korean women looked like many years ago. The army of cheerleaders has about two hundred 20-year-old girls in red uniforms. Watching them is like watching dominoes fall. Absolutely hypnotic effect.

The story of Kim Jong-un's acquaintance with cheerleader Lee Sol-ju is carefully hidden. In 2012, the media announced information that Kim would come to the next event with his wife. Despite the fact that at least nominally Li became the first person of the state, no information about her is disclosed.

According to intelligence South Korea The wedding took place in 2009. True, for three years information about this event was hushed up in North Korea. Lee's appearance next to Kim was commented on in different ways: in some media she was called his sister, in others - a pop singer.

As you can see, the truth was somewhere nearby. Lee was on the cheerleading team. Girls who qualify for this team, in fact, get a ticket to a better life. They have access to many benefits, about which simple people didn't even hear.

In general, the situation in the country is terrible: due to socio-economic isolation, the government can only rely on the export of coal and textiles. The country is still a large number of starving, and any benefits are distributed only among members of the party elite.

From fragmentary information about Li, it is known that she is 25-29 years old, she successfully graduated from the university and defended her PhD thesis. Her father is a professor. All this information in different time published in the Eastern press, but it should be borne in mind that such publications are often speculative.

The name Lee Sol Zhu may well be a pseudonym. Sometimes the first lady of North Korea disappears from the media for months, and sometimes suddenly appears in an amusement park, then at a funeral ceremony.

Most likely, she has two or three children born in a marriage with a dictator.

Lee Sol-ju wife of the head of North Korea Kim Jong Un. Due to the closed state that her husband rules, not much is known about the woman herself. And all the information that enters Western media, neither confirmed nor denied by North Korean journalists.

The first lady of North Korea rarely appears in public. You can usually see it at holidays dedicated to missile tests. The woman smiles sweetly and takes a picture. Most often, she wears a dress in pastel colors.

According to the information that is available, now a woman 28 years and she is the mother of three children. Li was born into a good family, her mother was a doctor and her father was a professor.

For the first time, Lee was named the wife of Kim Jong-un in 2012, then this was officially announced by local media. At the same time, there is evidence that the couple got married back in 2009, and a year later, Lee already gave birth to her first child.

The secrecy around the wedding is not at all a surprise. For example, Kim Che-un's father did not show his many wives to the public at all.

As for Lee's life before marriage, South Korean intelligence claims that the woman studied singing in China and also visited South Korea in 2005.

Among other things, the wife of the North Korean dictator is known for her love of Western fashion. Handbags from Dior and Chanel were seen in her wardrobe. Of course, this was the reason for international criticism.

In early 2017, Lee disappeared from sight. Many concluded that the woman became pregnant. In August, information appeared that she had given birth to a child.

Interestingly, much of the information about the life of Kim and his family can be learned from former star NBA Dennis Rodman, who periodically visits North Korea and is personally friends with its ruler.

One day, the basketball player said that he saw the couple's second child, Kim Jue. "I held their daughter Joue in my arms and personally spoke with Ms. Li", - Rodman said in an interview with one of the British publications.

It is speculated that Lee may have been forced into having a third child in the hope that it would be a boy. Also, one of the North Korean defectors reported similar information.

Lee is far from the first woman who agreed to become the wife of a dictator. I think it's not for us to judge her for such a decision!

This year will go down in the history of North Korea: 22 athletes went to the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. A team of cheerleaders arrived to support them, which the network has already called the “Beauty Army”. It is noteworthy that all members of the support group undergo a rigorous selection: they must meet beauty standards and have a respectable family. And even dictator Kim Jong-un's wife is a cheerleader.

Kim Jong Un is a big sports fan. He is interested in football, basketball and skiing. That is why, under his leadership, the entire infrastructure began to develop and, of course, the training of cheerleaders began. Is it any wonder that the selected beauties sing and dance so synchronously that they conquered the whole world? Residents of different countries dream of watching their performance, because it seems just fantastic.

Lee Jung Hoon in an interview with The Straits Times: “They look like Korean women looked like many years ago. The army of cheerleaders has about two hundred 20-year-old girls in red uniforms. Watching them is like watching dominoes fall. Absolutely hypnotic effect.

The story of Kim Jong-un's acquaintance with cheerleader Lee Sol-ju is carefully hidden. In 2012, the media announced information that Kim would come to the next event with his wife. Despite the fact that at least nominally Li became the first person of the state, no information about her is disclosed.

According to South Korean intelligence, the wedding took place in 2009. True, for three years information about this event was hushed up in North Korea. Lee's appearance next to Kim was commented on in different ways: in some media she was called his sister, in others - a pop singer.

As you can see, the truth was somewhere nearby. Lee was on the cheerleading team. Girls who qualify for this team, in fact, get a ticket to a better life. They have access to many benefits that ordinary people have not even heard of.

In general, the situation in the country is terrible: due to socio-economic isolation, the government can only rely on the export of coal and textiles. There are still a large number of starving people in the country, and any benefits are distributed only among members of the party elite.

From fragmentary information about Li, it is known that she is 25-29 years old, she successfully graduated from the university and defended her PhD thesis. Her father is a professor. All this information was published at various times in the Eastern press, but it should be borne in mind that such publications are often speculative.

They often cause sympathy, although their fate is unenviable. It is they who have to cope with the tough temper of dictators day after day.

Kim Jong-un is one of the bloodiest dictators in the world, who poses a number of geopolitical threats to the planet. Pompous military parades, statues of leaders, rocket launches, weapons are associated with the name of Kim Jong-un. mass destruction and Asian “Stalinism,” which horrifies world leaders.

The main business of the life of the leader of the DPRK was the creation of a powerful nuclear weapons, with which Kim Jong-un intends to turn enemies into radioactive ash. At the same time, in his native country, the leader is considered a “great reformer” who changed the lives of people in better side by granting the people rights and freedoms that Koreans had not even dreamed of before.

The uncompromising nature of Kim Jong-un and the abundance of threats and statements have made the North Korean leader the object of jokes in other countries. The Internet is filled with memes with Kim Jong-un, residents of the Comedy Club wrote a number about the meeting of the North Korean dictator with and, and starred in the comedy action movie Interview, where Kim Jong-un was declared the main villain.

The biography of Kim Jong-un consists of a solid mystery. By official information the leader of the DPRK was born on January 8, 1982 in Pyongyang, but intelligence sources claim that Chen-un is a couple of years younger and was born no earlier than 1984. The parents of the future politician were the North Korean head and favorite of the ruler, the ballerina Ko Yong Hee. Chen Un became the second potential heir to his father - Chen Il's firstborn was Chen Nam, whom actress Song Hye Rim gave birth to the head of the DPRK, like Chen Un's mother, who was not officially married to the leader of the Korean People's Democratic Republic.

Kim Jong-un's education, like a child's life, is safely hidden from society. It is known that Chen-un studied in the Swiss international school in Bern, but the guide educational institution assures that the leader of the DPRK did not cross the threshold of this school. According to North Korean intelligence services, Chen-un received knowledge in individually at home and did not receive a single diploma from European universities.

Kim Jong-un appeared on the political horizon of the DPRK in 2008, when there were rumors about deadly disease his father Chen Il, who led the country at that time. Then the North Korean throne was prophesied to the adviser of the North Korean leader Chas Song-taek, who at that time actually held the control apparatus of the DPRK in his hands and was the brother-in-law of Kim Jong Il. But the “cards” fell differently - thanks to her mother, who back in 2003 convinced the entire leadership of the republic that Chen Yn was his father’s favorite son and his only successor, in 2009 it was he who became the leader of the race for the post of leader of the DPRK.

Shortly before the death of his father, Kim Jong-un received the title of "Brilliant Comrade" and was appointed head of the National Security Service of North Korea. On November 24, 2011, he was officially proclaimed the Supreme Commander of the Korean people's army, and a few days later he was elected chairman of the Central Committee of the ruling Labor Army in the country. For the first time after being appointed leader of the DPRK, Kim Jong-un appeared in public only in April 2012 during the parade dedicated to the centenary of his grandfather.


The policy of the youngest North Korean leader, who came to power at the age of 26, is saturated with sheer uncompromisingness and audacity.

Kim Jong-un does not differ in particular humanity in the internal politics of the DPRK either. During his reign, he executed more than 70 people, which was a record among all the rulers of the country. The leader of the country loves to arrange public executions of officials who, in his opinion, are working against him.

Also, accusations of corruption became a frequent reason for executions. Some foreign media even admire the policies of Kim Jong-un, urging the authorities of their own countries to fight corrupt officials just as effectively.

At the same time, Kim Jong-un is actively engaged in reforms in the DPRK, in which he has achieved considerable success. His reform achievements include closing camps for political prisoners, changing the so-called "serfdom", as a result of which people have the opportunity to create agricultural production units from several families, and not from entire collective farms, and give the leader only part of their crops, and not all , as it was before.

Kim Jong-un also decentralized industry in the DPRK, transferring "many" powers to directors of enterprises. From now on, managers themselves can hire staff, assign salaries to them and choose the direction for marketing their products. In addition, the North Korean leader managed to maintain "friendship" with his practically only strategic partner - China, which is North Korea's main trading partner.

As a result of the reforms of Kim Jong-un, the standard of living of citizens increased, the introduction of new technologies and the development of the country's economy began.

Personal life

The personal life of Kim Jong-un, like his entire biography, does not have officially confirmed data. According to media reports, the leader of the DPRK has been married since 2009 to dancer Lee Sol Zhu. The sources also claim that the wife gave the North Korean leader two children, the first of whom was allegedly born in 2010, and the second in 2012.

It is known that Jong-un has health problems that are caused by his overweight. In the medical card, among the chronic diseases of the North Korean leader, diabetes and hypertension, which have been tormenting him for several years.

In addition to "geopolitical games", nuclear weapons and domestic policy North Korea's young ruler is addicted to Western pop culture and basketball. During his leisure time, Kim Jong-un can take the time to watch American films with participation, and also likes to arrange large-scale entertainment events.

nuclear program

Kim Jong-un regularly throws out a loud challenge to the whole world, proving his power in a "forbidden" nuclear way. Bypassing all UNPO Security Council resolutions, Chen-un continues the work of his father and develops nuclear capability country, threatening to destroy anyone who tries to stand in his way.

His most high-profile actions during his reign were the entry of the DPRK in 2012 into the "club of space powers", holding the third in the history of North Korea nuclear test in 2013 and release into Earth orbit artificial satellite than, as the North Korean leader promises, Kim Jong-un put the whole world on the brink of nuclear war.

Kim Jong-un regularly conducts terrifying tests that are not regulated by international law, and prioritizes the development of North Korean "nuclear weapons" of mass destruction despite the severe sanctions imposed on the DPRK by all the leading countries of the world.

According to the North Korean leader, the nuclear program is the only way for a small country like North Korea, which also does not develop vast reserves of expensive minerals, to achieve recognition of its own interests on the world stage.

nuclear program North Korea, although it has become the object of jokes, but today it has already begun to cause fears of other nuclear powers. Kim Jong-un said that North Korea has developed warheads capable of reaching distant targets with long-range missiles.

Experts in the US believe that this statement may already be true, although the press does not have reliable information about new tests. Western experts also believe that Pyongyang's statement that the country has already created missiles capable of reaching the US mainland is true.

Kim Jong Un now

February 13, 2017 exiled step-brother Kim Jong Un - Kim Jong Nam was VX in Terminal 2 in International Airport Kuala Lumpur.

In May of the same year, North Korea announced an assassination attempt on its leader. According to the Koreans, the CIA and the South Korean National Intelligence Service hired a North Korean lumberjack who worked in Russia to kill Kim Jong-un with "biochemical weapons." This weapon is described as both radioactive and poisonous at the same time.

Since September 2017, North Korea has not started new tests ballistic missiles, attributing this to the health problems of the leader. In addition, in 2014 the leader is already six weeks old. A number of publications have theorized about the seriousness of Kim Jong-un's illness and even suggested that he is dying due to an unknown "biochemical weapon" that was reported in May.

In November 2017, the US President wrote a series of tweets following his participation in the APEC summit in Vietnam, dedicated to Kim Jong-un. Trump complained that at the meeting, the North Korean leader called his American colleague names, calling him old, although Trump himself did not allow himself insults, although he could call a Korean small and fat (recall, Kim Jong-un is 175 cm tall). At the same time, the media remembered that Trump repeatedly insulted Kim Jong-un, calling him crazy and a suicidal astronaut.


  • 2009 - Brilliant comrade
  • 2011 - Supreme leader of the DPRK, leader of the party, army and people
  • 2012 - "Genius among geniuses" in military strategy
  • 2012 - Marshal of the DPRK

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un showed his wife Lee Sol-ju to the public outside North Korea. For several generations, the head of the DPRK did not allow their wives to participate in the political life of the country. The appearance of Lee Sol-ju and her acquaintance with the President of South Korea attracted the attention of journalists. With the most intrusive photographer, Kim Jong-un had to deal personally.

The historic meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in took place on April 26 in the village of Phanmunjom between the two Koreas. However, not only heads of state shook hands with each other. Both leaders arrived to meet with their wives, whose presence was no less significant than the summit itself.

Wife of Kim Jong-un Lee Sol-ju became one of the first wives of the heads of the DPRK, who took part in a political event, writes Mirror. The father and grandfather of the North Korean leader, who led the country before him, never took their spouses to meetings with heads of other states.

Kim Jong-un broke tradition only in part. When the time came to introduce Lee Sol-ju to the President of South Korea and his wife, the leader of the DPRK did not stand on ceremony with the journalists who surrounded the woman. One of them tried to take some pictures of Lee Sol-ju walking towards her husband's hand with Kim Jong-suk, wife of the South Korean leader.

But Kim Jong-un himself interfered with his work. The leader of the DPRK pushed the photographer off the red carpet, forcing him to stop shooting. The man immediately stepped aside.

Despite this, the journalists managed to evaluate the outfit and appearance of the wife of the North Korean leader. Metro writes that with her peach-colored suit, Lee Sol-ju managed to soften the image of her husband and thereby contribute to the positive atmosphere of the meeting.

I was very happy to hear that the summit went well.

Members ruling family North Korea has set foot on South Korean soil before. The first of these was Kim Jong-un's sister Kim Yo-jong. Many people were attracted by the expression on the face with which the girl negotiates with representatives of other states. .

But Kim Jong-un himself did not come to the Olympics in Pyeongchang. Although there it was quite successfully replaced by a double,. He came there with a clone of American President Donald Trump, and their duet attracted almost more attention than the Olympics.

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