How to open a toilet paper shop. toilet paper business

Millions of people in our country use toilet paper. This market segment opens endless possibilities to businessmen, since the demand for such a product does not fall.

Production toilet paper as a business, attracts start-up entrepreneurs with high profitability and quick payback. This great option for those who want to open a promising and profitable business.

Business plan

Before you write a business plan for the production of toilet paper, you need to carefully consider everything and weigh the pros and cons. At the planning stage, it is necessary to take into account all items of expenditure in order to determine the amount of the initial investment. To successfully start a business, you will have to invest a solid start-up capital, most of which will go to the purchase of expensive equipment for the production of toilet paper. If you don't have own money, do not give up. IN Lately the state began to provide comprehensive support to small businesses, so you can try to get a subsidy or grant. In extreme cases, you can take a loan, but this is undesirable for start-up entrepreneurs.

Another way to get money is to look for investors or components that will help you implement your plans and realize your business idea.

The most important stages in the organization of the production of toilet paper and napkins:

  • Registration of permits;
  • Equipment of the enterprise;
  • Search for distribution channels. Establishing relationships for wholesale supply finished products.

If you have never done such a thing and do not know where to start, you can buy ready business for the production of toilet paper. In this case, you will receive ownership of an operating enterprise with an established production process, employees and markets. This option is perfect for start-up entrepreneurs with unlimited financial resources. But be extremely careful and attentive. Before purchasing a ready-made business, consult with experienced financiers and experts. They will help you make the right choice.

Arrangement of the premises

Today, many specialized companies are engaged in the sale of the toilet paper business, so it will not be difficult to acquire a ready-made operating enterprise. If you want to build your business from scratch, you will have to deal with the choice of premises and its equipment. To accommodate all the equipment, you will need a production room with an area of ​​​​at least 150 square meters. meters with a ceiling height of 4 meters.

The enterprise must be divided into separate zones:

  • Warehouse for raw materials;
  • Dressing room for workers;
  • Warehouse for storage of finished products.

Equipment selection

The market is overflowing with offers of various production equipment, so machines for implementing the business idea of ​​toilet paper production can be purchased without any problems. The cost of equipment depends on its performance and degree of automation.

The production line consists of the following units:

  1. Paper machine;
  2. Machine for cutting rolls;
  3. unwinding machine;
  4. Packing machine;
  5. Paste table.

Over time, when there is a profit, you can also buy a machine for making cardboard cores, if they are provided for by the technology you have chosen. If you are planning to implement this idea of ​​​​manufacturing from Europe in a garage, you can purchase low-cost low-power equipment. For a large-scale production enterprise, an expensive automatic line with high productivity is required.

Raw material

What profitable production can be opened with minimum investment? The answer to this question is sought by many aspiring entrepreneurs. If you want to start from scratch, toilet paper is not the best the best option, because in order to start such a business, you need a certain start-up capital.

The most expensive equipment is for the production of toilet paper from waste paper. This is a rather laborious process that requires special training and experience. Therefore, if you are planning to open a small business at home, it is better to purchase a ready-made base and bushings. In this case, you do not need sophisticated equipment and significant financial investments. The most important thing is to find reliable suppliers of raw materials from whom you can buy high-quality material with all the necessary sanitary certificates. As a rule, the base is supplied to enterprises in rolls weighing 600 kg and 4 m long. It costs about 18 thousand rubles per 1 ton.

Technological process

Consider the technology for the production of toilet paper from waste paper.

This process consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparation of raw materials. To obtain quality products, it is necessary first of all to clean the recyclable materials from impurities. To do this, it is crushed and mixed with water. The wet mass is filtered through a special sieve to clean it of small debris - paper clips, glasses, etc.;
  2. Flushing. The cleaned mass is sent to the tank and washed with water. The quality of the final product largely depends on the duration of washing;
  3. Fine grind. The raw material is mixed with clean water and crushed until it turns into a water-paper mass;
  4. concentration adjustment. From the pressure tank, the mixture is fed into a special container in which the proportions of the composition are regulated. Here, unnecessary moisture is removed from the paper pulp;
  5. Roll blanks. The suspension is squeezed out through a nylon mesh, which also serves as a transport mesh. Excess liquid enters the circulating tank, where it is again used to wash the raw materials. The paper pulp is sent to a drying drum, where it is completely dried, cut and wound into rolls;
  6. Unwinding and embossing. The finished reel is installed on an unwinding machine on which embossing is performed;
  7. Roll cutting and packing. Rolls are cut on a machine for the production of toilet paper, sealed with a label, packaged and sent to a warehouse.

Another one profitable idea production in a garage from China is the production of wet wipes. Such a business has excellent profitability indicators. There is not yet a high level of competition in this market segment, so newcomers can achieve great success in this business.

Financial calculations

Now let's calculate the approximate cost of producing toilet paper. In order to start such a business, you will have to invest a certain start-up capital. First of all, it is necessary to purchase equipment for the production of toilet paper:

  • Rewinding and winding machine - 800 thousand rubles;
  • Cutting machine - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Packing table - 50 thousand rubles.

In total, you will spend approximately 900 thousand rubles. In addition, it is necessary to allocate 450 thousand rubles for the purchase of raw materials and another 360 thousand rubles for the repair of the production facility. The total amount will be 1,710 thousand rubles.

Don't forget about monthly expenses:

  • Purchase of the basis for the production of toilet paper - 600 thousand rubles for 30 tons;
  • Labels - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Payment of utility bills - 15 thousand rubles;
  • Packaging and transportation of finished products - 65 thousand rubles;
  • Salary for workers (5 people) - 70 thousand rubles;
  • Premises rental - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Unforeseen expenses - 30 thousand rubles.

Total: 860 thousand rubles.


The cost of 1 roll of toilet paper is 2-3 rubles. The final price depends on the color, thickness and type of material. On the market, such products can be sold in bulk for 5 rubles, respectively, you will receive 2-3 rubles of profit from each roll. A small business can bring in monthly revenue of 500-600 thousand rubles. Of these, more than 60% - net profit.

Business Profitability

In order for mini-production of toilet paper to bring a good profit, it is necessary to find at least two reliable sales channels for finished products. If you cannot access directly retailers, enter into a partnership agreement with intermediaries who will collect all finished products in bulk. In this case, you can sell large quantities without waiting for buyers to appear. Of course, this will affect the price of products, but all losses can be covered by increasing production volumes.

If we talk about the profitability of the production of toilet paper at home, then its indicator is quite high level. According to experts, such an enterprise, with a competent approach, can pay off in 10-12 months. If you decide to buy a toilet paper business with an established production process and sales of finished products, the payback will come in 8-9 months.

Business Advantages and Disadvantages

Which production is profitable to open in 2019? You can get the answer to this question after you get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of the business.


  • Stable and high demand for goods;
  • One production line can produce a wide range of products (toilet paper, napkins, etc.);
  • Available and inexpensive raw materials.


  • High level of competition;
  • A small markup;
  • Large initial investment.

Judging by the reviews, the production of toilet paper as a business is a fairly profitable business that can be opened in any region of the country. If you are determined to succeed, discard all doubts and boldly get to work.

In this article:

Toilet paper has long been a commonplace. It is even hard to imagine that a couple of centuries ago it was a luxury item, and not an ordinary household hygiene material.

The main advantage of toilet paper, from the point of view of a businessman, is that the demand for it is always stable. But there is also a lot of competition among manufacturers.

Today, there are many varieties of toilet paper: single or multilayer, white or colored, smooth or embossed, plain or patterned, odorless or flavored ... the imagination of manufacturers has no limits in an attempt to attract the demand of the population. They even produce rolls with comics, crossword puzzles, collections of jokes. True, such paper costs accordingly, but its main purpose is to be an affordable and high-quality personal hygiene item.

The correct organization of any business begins with analysis and calculations. Consider the profitability of investments in a mini-factory for the production of toilet paper in stages.

1. Analysis of the toilet paper market

The profitability of any commercial project depends on the successful sale of manufactured products, and toilet paper is no exception. It is clear that there is no point in opening your own toilet paper store, such products are sold through chain stores and supermarkets. This type of trading has its pros and cons.

The main advantage: retail chains are large intermediaries, able to sell large production reserves (for a “newbie” in business, it is quite realistic to agree on batches of up to 50-70 tons / month). That is, the products will not accumulate in the warehouse, the production runs smoothly.

The main drawback: the trading "share" of supermarkets is at least 30%, and in order for your products to be successfully placed, then all 50%. Naturally, such an implementation is more suitable for significant volumes of large plants. For small businesses, it will be more profitable to cooperate with large wholesale bases or create their own dealer network to service stores and outlets selling household goods in the region.

There are two options for starting a toilet paper business:

  • full production- a technological process based on recycled materials (waste paper), the output is ready-made packaged rolls of toilet paper;
  • simplified mini production - the basis is cellulose raw material, which is rewound on special equipment, and then cut into rolls familiar to everyone and packed.

The second option is less profitable, since the cost of such a "semi-finished product" significantly exceeds the purchase price of recycled materials and, accordingly, reduces the possible profit. In addition, the volume of paper recycling in Russia today is about 15% of the actual amount of waste and, despite fairly decent competition, this business is more promising.

Therefore, we will consider the first variant of the organization of production.

2. Opening a company and necessary permits

For the production of toilet paper, it is preferable to open a legal entity as a form of ownership (for example, LLC). It is more profitable for large suppliers to cooperate with a law firm than with a private entrepreneur. In addition, it is easier for a legal entity to obtain all the necessary certificates and permits.

The approximate cost of registering an LLC will be 10,000 rubles. To open production, it will be necessary to issue a license, which will cost 140,000 rubles.

The production of toilet paper in Russia is regulated by GOST R 52354-2005. For its implementation, it will be necessary to issue a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion and a certificate of conformity, for which the following documents will be needed:

  • certificates for raw materials and materials;
  • lease agreement for production area;
  • registration certificate, company charter, etc.

3. Selection of a room for the production of toilet paper

The workshop for the production of toilet paper must have an area of ​​​​at least 150 m 2 and a ceiling height of 4 m.

The premises will be divided into three main areas:

  • Warehouse for storage of raw materials;
  • Production Line;
  • Warehouse for finished products.

Basic requirements for the premises: availability of water supply (water requirement - 3 m 3 / day), sewerage, electricity (with 3-phase power supply of 380 W). The estimated cost of rent per month, based on the price of 500 rubles / m 2, will be 75,000 rubles.

4. Toilet paper technology

1) Preparation of waste paper

Recyclables are cleaned of impurities, crushed in a crusher with the addition of water. The wet crushed mass is filtered through a special sieve, on which small foreign inclusions remain, missed during the initial cleaning (paper clips, glass, clips, etc.).

2) Washing of raw materials

The purified mixture is sent to the tank, where it is washed with tap and recycled water. Not only the quality of the future paper depends on the thoroughness of the washing at this stage (the longer the washing, the whiter the raw material), but also the cost price (water costs). Dirty water is washed down the drain.

3) Fine grinding

The raw material, together with clean water, is crushed into a water-paper mass using a multifunctional mill, after which it is pumped into a pressure tank.

4) Regulation of concentration

From the pressure tank, the mass is sent to a special container, where the proportional composition of the mixture of raw materials and water is regulated. After reaching the desired indicators, the mass is poured in a uniform stream onto the mesh table of the paper machine.

5) Production of rolled blanks

The suspension is dehydrated using a nylon mesh, which also serves as a conveyor belt. Excess liquid drains into a tank for recycled water, which is reused when washing the raw materials. The paper mass along the tape enters the dryer drum, rotating at a speed of 10 revolutions / minute, which is heated by steam to a temperature of 110 degrees. In the drum, the mass dries up, after which it is removed with a scraper knife. The cut tapes are dried and wound on the sleeve into reels, which are then cut into rolled blanks.

6) Unwinding and embossing

The reel obtained on the paper machine is placed on an unwinding machine for embossing and simultaneous rewinding into a log (a roll equal in width to a reel and in diameter to a regular roll of toilet paper). Such rewinding is needed to form the structure of the web (two-layer, three-layer paper) and a denser roll.

7) Packing and cutting

The resulting log is pasted over with a label, which should be ordered in advance at the printing house, cut into rolls on a special cutting machine. Cut rolls are checked by weight, packed in boxes or plastic bags and ready for implementation.

5. Equipment for making toilet paper

It is planned to purchase a production line for completing a mini-plant with a capacity of 1 ton / day, the cost, together with delivery, turnkey installation and staff training, is 2,000,000 rubles.

The set of equipment includes:

1) paper machine, which includes a complex of equipment for cleaning raw materials and paper production:

  • generator,
  • pulper,
  • vibrating sieve,
  • multifunctional mill,
  • washing machine,
  • cleaners,
  • mixers.

2) roll cutting machine;

3) reel unwinding machine;

4) packaging machine;

5) pasting table.

There is no shortage of manufacturers of processing lines for recycling and papermaking. Therefore, it is worth choosing someone who can provide not only installation and commissioning, but also repair, if necessary. After all, a simple line is your loss.

Additionally, it is recommended to purchase a machine for the production of cardboard sleeves, so as not to purchase ready-made ones. The cost of such equipment is 110,000 rubles. However, the log may not have cores if you plan to produce standard rolls without an internal cavity.

In the future, it is possible to expand production with equipment for the production of napkins, paper towels, etc.

6. Raw materials for the production of toilet paper

For the manufacture of paper, waste paper of the following brands is suitable as a raw material:

  • MS-1 (bleached pulp paper without line and printing);
  • MS-2 (white paper with a ruler);
  • MS-3 (book and magazine paper);
  • MS-7 (cardboard);
  • MS-10 (newspapers).

It is necessary to additionally purchase nets and cloth (for paper), paper glue and cardboard (for gluing bushings) or ready-made purchased bushings. To avoid problems with obtaining a permit, it is better to purchase all raw materials from trusted suppliers with the appropriate quality certificates.

7. We draw up a business plan for the production of toilet paper

For the manufacture of 1 ton of paper (or 6250 rolls of medium quality) you will need:

Waste paper - 1.1 tons x 3,000 rubles = 3,300 rubles.

Electricity - 700 kW x 2 rubles / kW = 1,400 rubles.

Water - 20 m 3 * 30 rubles = 600 rubles.

Steam - 4 tons * 120 rubles = 480 rubles.

Grid - 0.02 pcs. * 2100 rubles = 42 rubles.

Cloth - 0.01 pieces * 19500 rubles = 195 rubles.

Workers - 0.2 people * 6000 rubles = 1200 rubles.

Other operating expenses (glue, cellophane, label, etc.) - 500 rubles.

Total: 7,717 rubles.

Calculate profit:

The average weight of one roll is 160 gr.

The cost of 1 roll of paper is 1.23 rubles.

Wholesale price: 5 rubles/roll.

Profit from one roll - 3.77 rubles.

Profit per month (with one-shift work 22 days) - 518375 rubles.

Additional monthly costs (201175 rubles):

  • income tax 20% - 103675 rubles.
  • rent of a production workshop - 75,000 rubles.
  • salary (director, accountant, technologist) - 50,000 rubles.

Net profit: 289,700 rubles / month.

Equipment payback: 7 months.

Of course, all calculations can only be approximate, the cost of rent, resources, and wage depending not only on the region, but also on the type locality where production will be opened. But even with such a load on the line, and work in 1 shift, the payback of the equipment in less than a year confirms that the production of toilet paper from recycled materials profitable business with good prospects for expansion and development.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 9 minutes


The best business idea for a novice entrepreneur would be the production of essential goods. According to experts, this is a win-win option. Especially since the demand for hygiene items such as toilet paper and paper towels, which are on the list of priority items, is constantly growing. The business of manufacturing them is characterized by high profitability and minimal investment, which is of interest to many business people.

Organization of production for the manufacture of toilet paper: where to start?

planning entrepreneurial activity for the production of toilet paper, the first step is to register with the tax authorities. The enterprise is better because large suppliers and customers prefer to cooperate with legal entities. In the process of registering failures and difficulties with documents, there should not be any.

For the sale of finished products (GOST R 52354-2005) you will need:

  • SES conclusion.
  • A document on the conformity of products to the declared standards.

They are issued based on:

  1. Certificates confirming the quality of raw materials.
  2. Contracts for the lease of non-residential premises.
  3. Certificate confirming the registration of the enterprise with the tax authorities.
  4. The company's charter.

The approximate cost of registering an enterprise as an LLC is 11,000 rubles. Registration of licensing documents will cost 140,000 rubles.

Mini-factory or workshop for the production of toilet paper: choosing a business premises

It is best to rent a room for a mini-factory for the production of toilet paper in an industrial area, away from residential areas.

Today, many plants and factories rent out production areas that meet all business conditions:

  • The height of the ceilings in them is over 4 meters.
  • Floor area of ​​shops from 300 squares and more.

When renting a production facility, you can be sure that the toilet paper production line will easily fit on an area of ​​200 sq.m.

In addition, workshops are most often already equipped with ready-made engineering communications:

  1. Electrical networks with a three-phase power supply of 380 volts.
  2. Plumbing.
  3. Water disposal system.

If necessary, repairs can be carried out in the premises, taking into account the requirements of the fire inspection and the sanitary service, since in case of violations of the rules and regulations of work, the enterprise will be fined. It should also be taken into account that for the normal functioning of the workshop, a place will be needed not only for the installation of an automated line, but also for the storage of raw materials and the storage of finished products.

Approximately rent of industrial premises can be from 60,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month (at the rate of 300-500 rubles per 1m2).

What equipment is needed to produce toilet paper? Approximate cost of machines

Almost always, when organizing production, the largest costs fall on the purchase of equipment. But you can't do without it. The cost of an automatic line with high productivity can reach up to 1 million rubles or more.

In order for the toilet paper production workshop to start its work, it is necessary to purchase:

  • paper production line . It includes: an electric generator, a vibrating screen, a washing tank, a multifunctional mill, cleaners and raw material mixers. Equipment costs vary. So, the ZS-E-1380 model costs 1,750,000 rubles, the OBM mini-factory costs 1,900,000 rubles. Although there are more expensive automated complexes. For example, ALPB-1 at a price of 8,000,000 rubles.
  • Roll forming and cutting machine . Its price is 150,000 rubles.
  • Bushing Machine . You can buy a machine at a price of 220,000 rubles. It is much more profitable to produce paper with cores.
  • Finished Product Packing Machine . Its cost is approximately 185,000 rubles.
  • sticker machine . Purchase costs - 190,000 rubles.

The productivity of the production line can reach 1000-3000 kg of paper per day.

Technology for the manufacture of toilet paper from recycled materials and cellulose

The technological process of manufacturing toilet paper directly depends on the completeness of the production cycle. When not full cycle the enterprise purchases raw materials already ready for production, and the workers immediately start making paper. However, the cost of manufactured products in this case will be higher than with a full cycle, when waste paper enters the workshop and is processed on site into finished paper material.

What the production process looks like:

  1. Purification of secondary raw materials . At this stage, recyclable materials are crushed in a crusher, soaked in water and filtered through a sieve to remove unwanted impurities (pebbles, glass fragments, paper clips, etc.).
  2. Raw material washing . In special tanks, the raw materials are thoroughly washed with running water. The whiteness of the finished product depends on the quality of the washing. For example, toilet paper white color costs much more than gray.
  3. Fine grinding . After washing, the raw material is ground again with the addition of water in a fine grinding mill.
  4. Mix consistency . In the pressure tank, the mixture acquires the required consistency, after which it enters the mesh surface of the machine, where the raw material is squeezed and dried, and the paper is wound into rolls.
  5. The final stage . Toilet paper wound into rolls is sent for embossing, after which the finished product is weighed, packaged and shipped for sale.

Personnel needed to start a toilet paper business

If an incomplete technological cycle is used for the operation of the enterprise, then it is enough to maintain a staff of 3-6 people to service the production line. The mini-factory will need 9-11 employees. Special training is not needed for the staff, since the machines are automated and do all the work themselves.

  • To look after the machines, you need 3 workers.
  • Accounting will be handled by 1 specialist.
  • For the shipment of finished products, you can hire 2-3 movers.
  • For transportation - 1-2 drivers.
  • You can put 1-2 people on the protection of the workshop.

The production line can work around the clock, but on initial stage this is irrational, since large volumes of paper will have to be stored. Sales are not yet established. In the future, depending on the volume of production, the staffing can be changed.

Organization of the sale of toilet paper

When developing a business plan for an enterprise, it is important not to miss such Organizing time like selling toilet paper. This means that even before the production line is launched, it is necessary to establish contacts with wholesalers and shopping malls, to interest the retail buyer.

Stages of toilet paper promotion:

  1. Conducting promotional presentations to advertise a new product and explain to the buyer its features and benefits.
  2. Calling wholesale bases in order to conclude a contract for the supply of quality goods.
  3. Conclusion of an agreement with shops and shopping centers for the sale of paper.
  4. Placement of ads in specialized directories on the Internet.
  5. Advertising products in wholesale markets.

Toilet paper belongs to the group of goods that are not taxed and are not excise, so its sale is not limited in any way. However, at first it is desirable to interest the buyer with an affordable price for the entire range of the company's products.

Toilet Paper Business Plan: Income and Expenses Calculation

The business plan of production should reflect the indicators of profitability and payback of the enterprise. The figures given depend on such indicators as prices for raw materials, equipment, goods sold.

Startup costs:

Monthly production maintenance costs:

Based on the fact that with monthly production costs, the company will produce up to 30 tons of toilet paper.

Toilet paper is a product of first necessity even in times of severe economic crises, because the production of toilet paper is cost-effective and profitable.

Demand guarantor

For a businessman, it is quite attractive, from the point of view of a businessman opening his own enterprise.

Such products are always in demand, despite the fact that the competition in the market is high.

In addition, there is always a buyer for each type of product thanks to a wide range of paper:

  • Single layer;
  • Double layer;
  • color;
  • White;
  • embossed;
  • smooth;
  • plain;
  • Flavored;
  • Colored.

Of course, the higher the expected quality of the product, the more serious equipment for the production of toilet paper will be required. In addition, the technology for the production of kitchen paper towels is not much different from the manufacture of hygienic paper, therefore, it opens up the possibility of increasing the range.

Varieties of production

Toilet paper production can be organized in two ways.

The first, and requiring higher costs, is the organization of full production. It will require the development of a technological process, the supply of recyclable materials, optional equipment. Making paper from recycled paper requires more space than the next option.

Organizing a mini toilet paper mill is a simplified version of a complete production. Pulp, which is rewound on special shafts, is the main one for processing. Then it is cut into rolls and packed.

The mini-production option is considered less profitable, since toilet paper is made mainly from waste paper. This is because the cost of pulp is many times higher than the cost of purchasing recycled materials, and therefore reduces profit and profitability.

Production room

The production area has an average area of ​​at least 150 square meters and a height of four meters. The workshop is divided into three zones:

  • raw material warehouse;
  • Production Line;
  • warehouse for products.

The organization of production requires water supply, sewerage, electricity with a three-phase power supply of three hundred and eighty watts.

Necessary equipment

The most primitive equipment for the manufacture of toilet paper from waste paper has a capacity of one ton per day. Papermaking equipment includes the following items:

  • Roll cutting machine;
  • unwinding machine;
  • Packing machine;
  • Pasting table.

Another important component is the paper machine, which consists of:

  • electric generator;
  • pulper;
  • vibrating screens;
  • multifunctional mill;
  • washing apparatus;
  • agitators;
  • cleaners.

Any machine for the production of toilet paper can be purchased within the region, as there are enough production line manufacturers. They usually choose those manufacturers who can provide not only installation and commissioning services, but also support and repair in the event of a breakdown.

Additionally, a machine for the manufacture of bushings is installed to avoid purchases. If the production is focused on the production of traditional rolls without cores, an additional machine is not required.

Purchase of raw materials

To work with the considered equipment that processes waste paper, you will need recycled materials of different brands. Among them may be:

  • cellulose paper without printing and line;
  • lined paper;
  • book and magazine paper;
  • newspapers and cardboard.

All these are waste paper grades from MS-1 to MS-10, with the exception of MS-4, MS-5 and MS-6.

Table of waste paper grades

Additionally, nets and cloth for working with paper, paper glues and cardboard for the manufacture of bushings are purchased, if any. You can also buy ready-made bushings.

Manufacturing technology

A complete toilet paper factory operates according to technological scheme consisting of seven stages.

Raw material preparation

Waste paper is cleaned of impurities, crushed with a crusher, adding water. The resulting wet mass goes to a sieve for filtering - there are impurities and unnecessary inclusions that were skipped during the initial cleaning.

Waste paper washing

The resulting wet mass after cleaning is fed into a special tank where it is washed with recycled and tap water. This step is considered one of the most important technological process, since the quality of products in the future, as well as the cost, taking into account the costs of water supply, depend on the thoroughness of the washing.

The longer the resulting mass is washed, the whiter the future paper will be. Dirty waste water enters the sewer.


After thorough washing, the raw material is sent to a multifunctional mill. There, the mass, together with water, is crushed and fed into a pressure tank. Again, the more thorough the grinding, the less noticeable impurities will be in the resulting product, but the cost of the roll will also be higher.

Regulation of proportions

After crushing and transferring the raw material to the pressure tank, it is sent to a container to control the proportional composition of water and raw materials in the resulting mixture. When the desired ratio of liquid and paper is reached, the mass is poured in uniform portions onto a table located on the paper machine.

Manufacturing of blanks

At this stage of production, the raw material comes in the form of a suspension. Nylon mesh allows you to dehydrate the mixture - the same mesh is a conveyor belt. The excess liquid flows into the tank and is then used for flushing as recycled water.

The resulting mass moves along the conveyor into the drying drum, which performs ten revolutions per minute and is heated with steam at the temperature of evaporation of water. In a moving drum paper pulp dry, then it is removed with a special knife in the form of ribbons.

The cut tapes undergo final drying, after which they must be wound on bushings. Then they are cut into blanks for rolls.


The workpiece obtained at the previous stage is fed to the unwinding machine. Here embossing is applied and immediately the tape is wound on a log - its width is equal to the width of a regular reel, but the diameter corresponds to a roll of toilet paper.

Rewinding is carried out to give the fabric a structure - two-layer or three-layer, and increase the density of the resulting roll.


For last stage you will need to pre-order the label in the printing house. The log obtained after unwinding and embossing is pasted over with this label and cut into small rolls - the cut is made on a cutting machine.

Finished rolls are checked by weight, packed in polyethylene bags or boxes - in this form they are ready for transportation and sale.

The production of hygienic products is in stable demand under any economic conditions. One of its most sought-after areas is the release of toilet paper as an essential item for millions of consumers.

This type of business does not depend on the economic situation, is developing dynamically and is able to bring significant income to the entrepreneur.

Market analysis and business development prospects

The market in this segment is represented by different manufacturers - domestic and foreign, in various price categories - from the most affordable to premium brands. Moreover, it is noted that every year demand for toilet paper becomes more and more selective and leans towards comfortable expensive options. Every year, the volume of the global market for hygiene products increases by at least 7%, which means that it is relatively easy for any manufacturer, even a beginner, to find a niche for selling such products.

The production of toilet paper is a traditionally stable, constantly functioning production with a quick payback, low costs and good profits.

It will be helpful to start study of consumer demand in a particular region - how much buyers are willing to pay for products of this type, and what assortment is preferable. Toilet paper is divided for samples with and without a cardboard or plastic sleeve, it can be single-layer and multi-layer (usually 2-3 layers), smooth and corrugated, with flavors and odorless, with and without a pattern. Some manufacturers get creative and put anecdotes and quotes on paper to make their products popular. The most economical option would be plain white or gray color toilet paper without a core and fragrances.

Step by step registration

It will be most optimal for the production of toilet paper as a business, since most raw material suppliers prefer cooperation with legal entities. Registration will cost 10 thousand rubles. Also, this type of production may require a license worth approximately 140-150 thousand rubles.

IN without fail a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion and a certificate of conformity should be issued in order to sell finished products. To do this, it is necessary to provide the completed premises, the constituent documents of the enterprise (,), as well as quality certificates for raw materials and materials. It must be remembered that for the production of products for which there is no certificate, you can be fined. In order to obtain a license from the sanitary and epidemiological service, which is always difficult, manufactured products must comply with GOST R 52354-2005.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest do it with online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your enterprise and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Organization of production

Description of the technological process

Toilet paper can be made in two main ways: using full and simplified cycles. With a complete production line, waste paper acts as a raw material, which is gradually processed on various equipment. With a simplified cycle, the finished product is obtained from a paper-cellulose base, which is rewound by special machines and cut into rolls. In terms of cost, the first method is the least expensive.

Full cycle toilet paper production consists of several stages– from cleaning to packaging of the finished product:

  1. Initially, recyclable materials are prepared for further processing: they are cleaned of impurities and washed, and then crushed with the addition of water.
  2. The mass, carefully crushed, is dried, filtered through a special sieve to be cleaned of small inclusions (glass, paper clips, clips, etc.). Then it is placed in a tank, where it is washed with tap and recycled water, on which the final product and its quality (in particular, the whiteness of the paper produced) will subsequently depend.
  3. Then the raw material is ground: the mass is crushed with new water using a multifunctional mill to a water-paper mixture, and the raw material goes into a pressure tank and then into a container where unnecessary moisture is removed.
  4. For further production of roll-type blanks, the mixture is squeezed out using a nylon mesh, which also serves as a conveyor belt. Excess fluid is sent to reuse. The mass is added to a special drum for drying, heating and compression. Then the tapes are cut and wound into roll bases.
  5. Roll bases follow to a special unwinding machine designed for embossing. Rewinding is used for structuring multi-layer web and dense roll.
  6. The final procedures are packing and cutting the paper into rolls. Finished products are sealed with a label and cut into rolls on the machine. Then the rolls are packed in polyethylene and sent for sale.

Simplified production step
toilet paper involves the installation of a finished cellulose paper base on a special drum and passing through perforation blocks, resulting in an embossed pattern on paper. The toilet paper is then rolled onto a wide sleeve or rolled into rolls without a sleeve. Further, rolls of the required width are obtained on the cutting machine. Finished products are packed in polyethylene.

The production process of this type of product is discussed in the following video:

Purchase of equipment

At purchase of equipment It should be noted that the installation of a complete production line allows you to put the production of products on stream and reduce costs as much as possible. The cost of such a line, depending on the manufacturer, degree of automation, configuration, capacity, will be from 1 to 2 million rubles. Average toilet paper output: 1 ton per day.

The complete set of main production line includes paper machine, winding and unwinding machine, roll block cutting machine, packaging machine, labeling table.

Lines of this type are offered by different manufacturers. If the business is still in its infancy, then it would be more expedient to buy either used equipment or Chinese-made machine tools. Then, with the successful conduct of production, the equipment can be improved. It is also better to choose a company that, along with the sale of equipment, will offer its installation, commissioning, and service.

To organize the production of toilet paper according to a simplified cycle, such types of equipment like: winding and rewinding machine, cutting machine, finished product packing table. The whole set will cost about 800 thousand rubles.

If the rolls are produced with bushings, then you will also need a machine for the production of cardboard bushings, which costs about 100 thousand rubles.

The best option would be the purchase of equipment in the subsequent redemption. A systematic return to the supplier of the required amount of money is the most benign option for a young businessman.

An example of the operation of a toilet paper machine is shown in this video:

Raw material selection

One of the most difficult issues in the toilet paper manufacturing process is search for raw materials for its manufacture. The high quality of products directly depends on the components included in it.

There exists two main options:

  1. ready-made special paper base for sanitary purposes from cellulose;
  2. paper waste - waste paper.

The base is usually in rolls on a sleeve about 1-2 meters long and weighing from 100 to 600 kg.

If waste paper is taken, then the following types can be used: MS-1 (snow-white writing paper without printing), MS-2 (white writing paper with a ruler), MS-3 (medium quality book and magazine paper), MS-7 (cardboard ), MS-10 (newsprint). Obviously, the MS-1 and MS-2 brands are most preferable in terms of waiting for the quality of the finished product.

If the roll manufacturing technology assumes the presence of bushings, then they will either have to be purchased or made from cardboard and Dextrin-type glue at their own enterprise.

As additional materials you will also need cloth and special nets (for making paper), as well as high-quality paper glue.

Waste paper recycling requires more expensive equipment, but the raw materials are cheap, with a paper base, on the contrary, the equipment will be simple and inexpensive, but the raw materials will be expensive. However, the option with the production of toilet paper from waste paper is considered the most profitable. You can organize a collection point right at the factory and buy paper waste from the population for about 2-3 rubles per kilogram.

For the final stage of production, polyethylene or wrapping paper is required.

Mini-enterprise staff

The number of personnel for organizing the production of toilet paper can be from 5 to 10 people, including 2-3 workers who operate machines, 2 loaders, 1 accountant, 1 driver, 1 security guard.

The list is indicative and may vary depending on production volumes. A significant advantage will be the high qualification of employees and their periodic retraining.

Room selection

The toilet paper production workshop must be selected based on certain criteria. The area should be from 150-200 sq. m, and a ceiling height of 4 m. The room is divided into three parts: a production line, a warehouse for sorting and storing raw materials and a warehouse for finished products. For production, the presence of three-phase electricity, water supply and sewerage is mandatory.

Establishment of sales and advertising

An entrepreneur involved in the production of this essential daily product must understand that at least a third of the toilet paper sales market is in supermarkets, which are very difficult to compete with. Therefore, in order to maintain your business and let it develop, you need to establish distribution channels in small retail outlets, and only then try to conclude contracts with large wholesale bases. You can sell toilet paper in any quantity, since this type of product is not subject to excise duty.

An excellent development option would be to create your own dealer network to serve customers. One of innovative types marketing of hygiene products will be the installation of the appropriate . Over time, the business can be expanded, combining the production of toilet paper with the production of paper towels and napkins .

It is important for the manufacturer to achieve the best possible combination of "price - quality", that is, to sell high-quality toilet paper at a price no higher than similar options in the region. Establishing supplies of inexpensive raw materials is of exceptional importance. Also, in a crisis, you can advise the manufacturer to temporarily focus on the production of inexpensive, but high-quality samples of toilet paper without embossing, relief and flavorings. Here the price of the product will be decisive.

Of course, advertising is necessary for any manufactured product, but in the case of the sale of toilet paper itself the best advertisement will be an inexpensive price and quality of the finished product. And it is advisable to redirect the funds intended for advertising to compiling a profitable commercial offer for potential wholesalers and small retailers.

Financial part: expenses, income, payback

Toilet paper manufacturing is a highly profitable business. Revenue can be significant with a well-designed and thought out in detail and small investments.

When starting up a complete production line, you will need initial investment in the amount of 1.5-2 million rubles, which include the following items (expenses are distributed approximately):

Income will depend on the volume of production and the pricing policy of the enterprise. The approximate cost of a roll of toilet paper is 1.5-2 rubles, and its wholesale price is 3.5-4.5 rubles.

According to experts, expected from the production of toilet paper - 80-100 thousand rubles per month.

Production - from 8 to 24 months, depending on the characteristics of a particular enterprise.

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