Holidays in Sri Lanka - rainy season. Sri Lanka: weather seasons by month. The best time to relax in Sri Lanka. Average annual air and water temperatures in Sri Lanka

Weather by month in Sri Lanka. Features of the climate. Rainy season and dry season. Let's find out when and what part of the island is best to go on vacation.

A small island state in the Indian Ocean. Tourists love the island for its mild climate. There are no sudden temperature changes here; the difference between cold December and hot April is only a few degrees. The air temperature slightly exceeds a comfortable +30 degrees. The sea is warm, the water temperature in the ocean is +28°C.

Inexpensive tours to Sri Lanka search on the services and - they compare offers from more than 120 leading tour operators. This way you can find the optimal tour. The voucher is issued online. The cost of a vacation is from 65 thousand rubles for two; last-minute tours can cost even less.

Month t air during the day t water
+30...+33°С +28°С
+29...+30 °С +28°С
+31...+33°С +29°С
+34°С +28...+29°С
+32...+34°С +28°С
+31°С +28°С
+33°С +27...+28°С
+34°С +27...+28°С
+32°С +28°С
+32°С +29°С
+29...+30°С +27°С
+28...+30°С +28°С

Weather in Sri Lanka by month


A hot and almost dry month is the best time to holiday in Sri Lanka. The air temperature in January during the day reaches +30...+33°С, at night on average +23...+24°С, the water in the ocean reaches +28°С. Precipitation is rare and insignificant: short refreshing showers at night, rain and bright sun at the same time during the day. The most high temperatures air temperature in Colombo and Bentota can reach +33°C, in Galle and Hikkaduwa - up to +32°C.


There is practically no precipitation. Many tourists consider February the most suitable for vacation. During the day it is consistently warm - about +29...+30 °C, at night from +20°C to +23°C, the water in the ocean is about +28°C. The most comfortable weather stands in the southwest of Sri Lanka: in Beruwela about +30°C, in Colombo up to +32°C.

Beach in Bentota. Why not a piece of paradise? (Photo © / Rockside Beach Resort)


Daytime air temperature +31...+33°С, night +24...+25°С. Ocean water is about +29°C. The number of rainy days is increasing, showers are becoming longer and more intense, and may include thunderstorms. In the southwestern part of the island - Bentota, Negombo, Wadduwa - winds blow at the beginning of the month, sometimes there are short and warm showers.


April is the last month before the rainy season and is the hottest. The amount of precipitation almost doubles. The air temperature increases and reaches +34°C during the day, +27°C at night, the water in the ocean is +28...+29°C. You can go on vacation in April to any resort in Sri Lanka, but for a beach holiday at the end of the month it is better to prefer the resorts of the northeast coast.


The monsoons begin to operate. Very hot and humid: +32...+34°С during the day, +28°С at night, few sunny days, frequent tropical showers. The southwestern region is flooded. The water in the ocean becomes cloudy and unsuitable for swimming. In the northeast of the country it is sunny and around +30°C, with little rain. The coolest resort on the island, Nuwara Eliya, reaches maximum temperatures in May: +27°C during the day, +18°C at night.

Batticaloa - northeastern resort of Sri Lanka (Photo © / Naval Beach Villa & Rooms)


The rainy season is in full swing, there are few sunny days. Most of the time, showers occur at night, and the day is cloudy. It is very damp in the southern part of the island, in the northeast it is drier and has more sun. The water is +28°C, but it is difficult to swim due to strong waves. average temperature air +31°C, although it feels much higher.


Heavy tropical downpours are joined by monsoons; hot and strong winds do not bring the expected coolness. In the west it is very rainy, sometimes rivers overflow, causing floods. On the northeastern coast it is hot and sunny - in Batticaloa and Trincomalee +35°C during the day, in Jaffna +32°C, ocean water +26...+28°C.

Rainy season in Sri Lanka (Photo © Denish C / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


In August, there is less rainfall in Sri Lanka, but humidity remains high. Cloudy, although sometimes they slip through sunny days. The weather in Sri Lanka in August creates acceptable conditions for recreation on the southwestern coast of the island - in Kandy, Bentota and Galle (about +30°C), but sometimes waves appear. In the northeast, the ocean is calm and warm - up to +29°C, daytime air temperature +34°C.

Weather in Sri Lanka


The weather in Sri Lanka in September has not yet settled down, it is still cloudy, and zenithal rains are a common occurrence. It's stormy in the southwest, although the water is warm. In Halle +28...+30°С during the day, +26°С at night. In Bentota there is a strong wave, and in Unawatuna the lagoon protects from the waves. In the northeast it is warm and there is much less precipitation.


It is best to vacation in October in Sri Lanka in the east of the country, as there are western monsoons. In Trincomalee and Batticaloa it is +33°C during the day, about +25°C at night. However, by the end of the month the weather in the northeast begins to deteriorate - the rainy season is approaching. For a beach holiday in the south of Sri Lanka, only the lagoons of Unawatuna are suitable; the ocean is calm and warm up to +29°C. Colombo is hot and rainy.

Beach in Trincomalee (Photo © / Sasvi Cabana)


High temperatures begin in Sri Lanka in the second half of the month. tourist season. At the end of November, the southwest is already dry and warm: air temperature +29...+30°C during the day, +26°C at night. Ocean water temperature is +27°C. In the northeast it rains and the monsoon has its influence.


December in Sri Lanka is considered the coolest month. It rarely rains. During the day +28...+30°С, at night +23...+24°С. The ocean is warm - up to +28°C. In the southwest, the beach holiday season is in full swing, in the east it rains, but most often at night. The mountains are cold and humid.

Beach in Hikkaduwa (Photo © iris0327 / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Features of the climate of Sri Lanka in different parts of the island

In Ceylon beach holidays are possible all year round. You just need to take into account that the climate of Sri Lanka is slightly different in different parts countries. In the northeast the climate is subequatorial, in the southwest it is equatorial.

In Sri Lanka two seasons- rainy season and dry season. Monsoons have a huge influence: from October to March there is a northeastern monsoon, from May to September - a southwestern one. Monsoons bring precipitation and storms. During the inter-monsoon period, zenithal rains can be observed - this is when short showers occur in the afternoon (the sun is at its zenith).

Average air temperature during the day +28...+30°С, the water in the ocean warms up to +27°С. The climate in the coastal zone is fresher and more pleasant than in places far from the ocean - it is hotter there and the humidity is stronger.

The island is flat, divided by the Central Mountain Range. In mountainous areas the average annual temperature is +23°C; in high mountain areas the temperature can be significantly lower. Nuwara Eliya is considered one of the coldest places on the island: +16...+18°C during the day and +10°C at night.

Sri Lanka resort map

Beach cafe in Hikkaduwa (Photo © / Villa Paradise)

During the monsoon season, Sri Lanka receives 95% of its annual rainfall. From October to January it rains in the northeast of the island, in the summer (May - October) - in the southwest, the likelihood of a tsunami increases, and there may be floods due to overflowing rivers.

Despite the fact that during the rainy season in Sri Lanka it is cloudy and damp, low prices Tours during this period attract some tourists. Even in cloudy weather you can sunbathe here, and heavy showers occur mainly at night. During the day it can rain 3-4 times for 15-30 minutes. Main disadvantage for holidaymakers during the rainy season in Sri Lanka - a restless ocean and muddy water.

In the Indian Ocean, east of the southern tip of Hindustan, is the island of Sri Lanka, or in the old name Ceylon. It has great fame as a producer of delicious tea and one of the best places for an exotic beach, educational and health holiday.

Geography of resorts

The official capital of the island is a suburb of Colombo with an unpronounceable name. Unofficially it is Colombo– a typical Asian metropolis, where rich history countries and modernity. People come to Sri Lanka for a quiet beach holiday, surfing, immersed in Buddhist culture and treatment from local Ayurveda experts. Discos, nightclubs, noisy beach parties are rare on the island.

There are several resort destinations here. Despite geographical position(only 800 km from the equator) and the possibility of year-round recreation, not all shores of the island are comfortable to spend a vacation at certain times of the year.

Southwest and south of the island

Resorts on the southwest coast have good infrastructure, there are hotels different levels and all types of marine entertainment. Most popular beaches:

Two more resort towns are not at all suitable for a beach holiday, but are rather excursion destinations. This Halle, Colombo and Negombo.

Southern resorts – Mirissa, Dickwella, Tangalle– small fishing towns with rather poor service, but beautiful beaches. However, you won’t be able to enjoy swimming in the ocean here due to strong waves. True, if you wish, you can find quiet coves.

Northeastern resorts

In the northeast of Sri Lanka, only one city can be called a resort - Trincomalee. There is everything for comfortable rest, but it is located far from the airport.

Not far from the resort there are several villages with magnificent, but completely unequipped beaches. These are Uppuveli, Nilaveli and Arugam Bay. Here you can rent unpretentious accommodation and relax with children - snow-white beaches and a calm ocean contribute to this.

Climate and seasons in Sri Lanka

The south of the island is in the equatorial zone, in the north the climate subequatorial. The seasons depend on the monsoons. These strong hot winds do not make the resorts unsuitable for beach holiday, but greatly reduce its quality. Monsoons arrive from the northeast from October to March, and from the southwest from June to October.

When going on vacation to an exotic island, you must remember that its shores are washed by the ocean, so most beaches are unsuitable and sometimes even dangerous for swimming.

As in everyone tropical countries There are clearly two seasons on the island - dry and wet. The dry season lasts from December to the end of March, the wet season from April to October. It is better to go on holiday to Sri Lanka at the beginning of winter - the temperature stays within a comfortable 28-30°C, the ocean warms up to 27°C. This time is considered the high tourist season.

Prices during this period go through the roof, and a lot of people gather. For Christmas and New Year, local residents organize enchanting performances for guests, and hotels organize festive balls and banquets. The dry season is the best time for excursion programs. There is no stifling heat and rain.

With the arrival of April begins low season, people are leaving, and prices are falling. Meanwhile, the summer months are not the best bad time for holidays in Sri Lanka. Showers occur mainly at night, only by July midday short-term rains become more frequent.

What to do on the island in different seasons

The uneven weather and the characteristics of the beaches force tourists to choose resorts depending on the type of recreation they are interested in. Beach holidays here are possible all year round and seasonal rains are not a hindrance.

Windsurfing season

The most beginner-friendly surf sites are located on the west coast of the island in Bentote And Kaluntare. Beaches Negomba not suitable for swimming due to proximity major cities. But intermediate-level surfers feel great on them.

Bay beaches and Nilaveli in the northeast and Hikkaduwa in the south they are suitable for windsurfers of any level. The surfing season on the northeast and east coasts lasts from May to October, on the southwest - from November to April.

Diving in Sri Lanka

Best time for diving - from November to March, the sea is clear at this time. The best sites are off the coast in the Negombo area. There, 20 km from the coast, there is a large ridge dotted with coral gardens. The smallest diving depth is 18 meters.

Near Beruwella And Bentotas there are the most beautiful reefs. These are unique rock formations that are home to a wide variety of marine life. Not far from the peninsula Kalpitiya Sri Lanka's largest reef is located on the west coast - Bar Reef. There you can see reef sharks and almost all representatives of the local marine fauna.

Best time for fishing

European and Russian tourists love sea ​​fishing V southern seas. In Sri Lanka it is particularly good due to the abundance and variety of fish in the coastal waters.

However, the fish also obeys the vagaries of the weather and sometimes moves away from the shore. All resorts have special companies that organize marine entertainment and provide equipment.

Fishing can be ordered in almost all medium and large hotels on the southwest coast, but the service is not cheap.

If finances do not allow you to go to sea, there is the opportunity to go fishing in local rivers or lakes. In the south and southwest, a good catch is ensured from October to April, in the northeast - from May to September.

Whale watching season

The waters off Sri Lanka are where blue whales, the largest marine animals, winter and breed. Here you can also see other species - baleen and toothed whales, fin whales, sperm whales - up to 26 species in total.

Most of them accumulate from December to April at Cape Dondra - the extreme southern point of the island.

Off the east coast in the Trincomalee region, whales are observed from June to September. Nice place also considered Aluthgama in the West. Hundreds of thousands of wildlife lovers and just tourists travel to Sri Lanka specifically to see sea giants.

Wellness season

What the weather cannot interfere with is visiting Ayurvedic medicine rooms at specialized hotels. Ayurveda- not only the art of healing, it is ancient philosophy aimed at harmonizing soul and body. This is what its adherents believe is what makes it possible to cure any ailment.

The optimal time for a health trip to Sri Lanka is considered to be summer. Usually the course of treatment lasts up to three weeks.

Holidays in the mountains

The flat island of Sri Lanka is divided by a mountain range. In the mountains there are Buddhist shrines, monasteries and small towns. High mountain resorts – and Kandy. These are cities with well-developed tourism infrastructure. Every year they receive millions of people - pilgrims and simply tourists interested in Buddhism, Hinduism and immersed in Eastern spiritual practices.

Kandy and Nuwara Eliya should not be considered as a full-fledged base for a vacation; they are best visited on one- or two-day excursions.

- the highest mountain resort. It is surrounded by famous tea plantations. Once in this town, you can forget that you are in Asia.

It was built by the British and resembles a European city not only in architecture, but also in climate. It is much cooler here than on the coast, and in winter the temperature even drops to +10°C. The best time to visit Nuwara Eliya and Kandy is spring and summer.

Fruit paradise of Sri Lanka

Tropical fruits in Sri Lanka also have their seasonality. Bananas, papaya, mangoes and coconuts are harvested on the island all year round. And although these fruits are no longer new to Russians, their taste is still strikingly different from those sold in our supermarkets.

Seasonal fruits:

Breadfruit is present on the Sri Lankan table all year round, especially among poor families. After all, one fruit weighing up to 20 kg can feed an entire family for a week. It’s worth trying it not only fresh, but also baked – it really has the taste and smell of bread.

Several other exotic fruits we know and love can be eaten all year round. These are watermelons (peak in May-June), pomegranates and pomelo (the most delicious fruits are from May to September).

The magic of the island of Sri Lanka is captivating, making your holiday eventful and serene. The most important thing is to decide what you expect from him and choose the right time for the trip.

The island of Sri Lanka is rich in first-class beaches, modern hotels and a host of ancient attractions. Entertainment is entirely quiet and peaceful: picnics, fishing and diving. Capital Colombo, waterfalls and National parks- everything about Sri Lanka: tours, reviews, weather, prices.

  • Last minute tours to Sri Lanka
  • Tours for May Worldwide

The style of holiday in Sri Lanka can be briefly defined as follows: away from the hustle and bustle, closer to the sea and nature. There is hardly a more “leisurely” country in the world than Sri Lanka: here no one is in a hurry, everyone enjoys life - including the service staff in hotels (however, this does not apply to the top establishments - everyone there runs around in soap, to please the guests). Most of the attractions in Sri Lanka are natural, just like most of the activities. Noisy discos and smoke swirling until the morning are not in favor here, but picnics in nature, fishing or barbecues on the beach - as much as you like. Well, diving, of course. What Sri Lanka cannot please is its proximity to our vastness: the flight here is long.

In general, it’s very easy to identify a person who will definitely like it here. Firstly, there are few blank pages left in his not the first international passport. Secondly, he is either interested in world culture and history (and ancient Sri Lanka is very rich in interesting monuments), or he is a desperate sea daredevil who wants, in addition to palm trees, sand and the sea, to have a diving center and Surfer headquarters. Thirdly, he will certainly glance sideways at your fragrant cup of tea. After all, Ceylon, also known as Sri Lanka, supplies a quarter of the world with this drink.

Regions and resorts of Sri Lanka


The country's currency is the Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR), 1 rupee is divided into 100 cents. Current rate: 1 LKR = 0.37 RUB (1 USD = 181.87 LKR, 1 EUR = 200.56 LKR).

It is better to exchange currency at Colombo airport. It makes sense to keep the receipt received until the end of the trip: in this case, upon departure, you can convert back unspent local money at the airport bank at the purchase rate. In addition, currency can be changed at any hotel and bank. The latter are open from 9:00 to 15:00 from Monday to Friday. For exchange, we recommend taking US dollars with you: they are accepted in all branches, and in tourist areas you can pay with them directly at hotels and various retail outlets.

In large hotels and shops you can pay with credit cards, and there are ATMs in almost all cities of the country. However, it is better to warn your bank staff in advance about your upcoming visit to Sri Lanka: due to the critical level of financial fraud on the island, your credit card may be blocked at the first attempt to use it.

Hotels in Sri Lanka

Police: 133, ambulance: 144, fire service: 122.

The best photos of Sri Lanka

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World center of Buddhism, home of the world's best tea, ancient country Ceylon, also known as Sri Lanka, is a small island state in South Asia, almost in the very center of the Indian Ocean, located just 800 km north of the equator. Find out on the Tour Calendar why the best time for a holiday in the southwest of the island is from December to March, and in the northern and eastern regions from May to September.

Tourist season in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka - a real monastery exotic, in a small area of ​​which a huge diversity of flora and fauna of the tropics is concentrated. It is unlikely that any other country in the world will be able to offer such a bright and eventful holiday as this island: priceless historical relics, a radiant ocean, snow-white sandy beaches stretching beyond the horizon, unlimited opportunities for all types of water sports, as well as the most the best specialists Vedic medicine. Sri Lanka has long managed to acquire its ardent fans, and currently the annual number of tourists ready to overcome the difficult 9-hour flight has already exceeded 1 million. The season in Sri Lanka is considered to last all year round, but in areas of the island visited by Europeans it is reduced to between November and April.

High season

The heaviest passenger traffic passes through Colombo Airport between December and the end of March. Firstly, this is the dry season, at this time it is the busiest favorable weather for beach and excursion types of recreation, and secondly, this is the period of the New Year and Christmas holidays, when the locals organize incredibly spectacular events and festivals, and the hotels, of course, are no less surprising. The tourist public in Sri Lanka is represented, as a rule, by Indians, British and Germans. There are also enough Russians - thanks to regular direct flights from Moscow. I would also like to note that for a vacation in the high season you will have to pay a fairly large sum - about 1.5-2.5 more than, for example, in November or May. However, the earlier you book your tour, the better the price will be. This rule also applies to independent travelers due to the fact that air ticket prices on the eve of the winter season are simply insane.

Low season

From May to October, the active demand for the Sri Lankan route subsides a little. This is due to the natural elements, which in some regions of Sri Lanka at this time are “tearing and rushing.” However, you shouldn't take everything literally. As a rule, it rains only at night, and during the day - for 1-2 hours at most, after which fairly comfortable weather reigns. Bright sun, of course, there is no point in waiting, but for sightseeing, of which there are countless numbers, the end of spring - summer is an excellent option. The main advantage of a holiday in the low season is the same low prices for tours. Travel agencies usually offer summer tours to Sri Lanka six months in advance. However, the best deals appear on the horizon a few weeks before departure. This saves a lot of money and is very convenient, since the procedure for obtaining a visa to this country is extremely simplified. The best time in the south is June and September, when the ocean swell is not so high. It’s easier to choose a hotel near the beach, protected on both sides coral reefs, you will definitely be able to swim in such natural lagoons. As an option, rest in the northeast, where it is very dry during this period of time. The hotel infrastructure here is very poorly developed, however interesting places there is plenty, and souvenirs and all sorts of tourist trinkets are much cheaper.

Beach season in Sri Lanka

Due to the fact that Sri Lanka is almost a stone's throw from the equator, the weather here is hot all year round, and as a result, you can swim at any time of the year. The water temperature in summer is about +28 °C, and in winter it is a little cooler (so to speak) - +26 °C..+27 °C. However, during the rainy season in the southwest there is a high probability of a tsunami, which carries coastal cafes and people along with them into the depths of the ocean, but not in early May and June, when this part of the island is quite calm. I would also like to say that the weather in Sri Lanka is a little predictable thing, and the same season can take place under different weather conditions. climatic conditions. If you can’t imagine your holiday on the island without a beach component, then purchase tickets for December-April - precipitation is possible, but the likelihood of sunny, windless weather is maximum.

Windsurfing season

The hot climate and almost constant ocean swell in Sri Lanka (of varying degrees, depending on the season) provide great opportunities for windsurfing or other similar species sports Beginners will feel comfortable at the southwest coast surf spots such as Bentota and Kaluntara, while intermediate and professional surfers should choose Negombo on the west coast, Nilaveli Beach in the northeast, Arugam Bay in the southeast or Hikkaduwa in the south . Ski season in the northeastern and east coasts islands - May-October, and on the southwestern - November-April.

Fishing season

Fishing is one of the great ways to diversify your holiday in Sri Lanka, since the waters around the island are literally teeming with exotic fish: marlin, large gourami, Spanish mackerel, snakefish, etc. If funds allow, it is better to use the services of special companies that take care of everything the hassle of organizing deep-sea ocean fishing on motor boats. Their representatives work in many hotels located on the southwest coast. But if your budget is limited, you can try river fishing using the services of local residents. As for the best time for fishing, it completely depends on the monsoon prevailing on the island. In the south and southwest of Sri Lanka, the catch will bring special joy from October to April, and in the north and northeast - from May to September.

Best time for excursions

This section of the article could rightfully be the largest, because Sri Lanka is that rare country that is equally rich in history, natural masterpieces, and man-made monuments. The main must-see attractions of the island are tea plantations, an elephant nursery, turtle farm, Buddhist temples, Mount Adam and the Royal Botanic Gardens. In general, all this has nothing to do with museums or galleries, because the excursions take place outdoors. Getting caught in tropical rain while traveling around the island is, to some extent, a kind of exotic entertainment, but it won’t be fun the second time. Considering all of the above, it is best to get acquainted with all the riches of the southwestern part of the island - in the dry season, from November to April. But the northeastern regions, if such a desire arises, can be explored between May and October.

Whale watching season

One of the most popular excursions in Sri Lanka is watching blue whales, which feel very comfortable near its shores. These are the largest mammals in the world. Such ecological expeditions have gained worldwide popularity among hundreds of thousands of wildlife lovers. The migration season for whales and sperm whales is December - early April.

Birding season

Sri Lanka is home to approximately 450 bird species. Even birds from Siberia fly here for the winter! This island is a real paradise for any bird watcher. Hundreds of thousands of people from many countries around the world flock here to see the feathered creatures during their migration. The migration season, which lasts from August to April, is a fantastic time when you can see a wide variety of birds from India, Scandinavia, Western Europe And arctic tundra. Peak season is December, which is designated National Bird Month on the island.

Wellness season

It was in Sri Lanka that Ayurveda was born - the art of healing and the oldest philosophical teaching, considered the most complete medical system on Earth, which aims to achieve balance between soul and body. The use of her techniques allows you to relieve stress, restore wasted strength, rejuvenate, correct the functioning of many body systems and even cure chronic diseases. And all this without the use of any drugs. The high popularity of this health system in Sri Lanka is evidenced by the constant queues in front of the SPA rooms of Ayurveda hotels. The minimum course to achieve a positive effect is 3 weeks. Most favorable time For a trip to Ayurveda, this is summer, when the weather is hot and humid.

Religious season

Sri Lanka is the cradle of Buddhism, so hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from all over the world come here in endless crowds. The largest flow of believers is observed during the dry season, as well as on the eve of religious holidays. Several hundred shrines are scattered on the small island, to which pilgrims climb every year: Adam's Peak (Mount Sri Pada), which is rumored to be where Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, the oldest tree on earth, the Bo Tree and the 7 Dagobas, a statue Buddha Aukan and many others. The largest religious events on the island include: Durutu Poya (January-February), which falls on the 12th day of the full moon of the year and marks the first return to the island of Buddha after enlightenment; during the 3 days of celebration, a huge crowd of Buddhists is expected in the capital; Navam Perahera (February) in Colombo - a religious procession in honor of the anniversary of the first Buddhist meeting of the community, in which Active participation accepted by elephants; Maha Shivaratri (March) - Hindu holiday “Great Night of Shiva”; Vesak Poya (May), the date of which falls on the first full moon of the Indian month of Vaisakha, is the Birthday of Buddha, celebrated throughout the island; Boseong Poya (June) - holiday full moon, the main events take place in Mihintale; festival in Kataragama (July) in honor of the victory of the god of war Skanda over evil forces; 25-day Nallur festival or festival of humility of the flesh (July-August) on the Jaffna peninsula; The 10-day Esala Perahera festival (July-August) in Kandy, the only time a year when the sacred Tooth Relic leaves the temple and is on public display; Ramadan (9th month lunar calendar) - 30-day fast for all Muslims (7% of the population of Sri Lanka profess Islam); Eid Ul Adha (70 days after the end of Ramadan) - the holiday of sacrifice; Unduwap ​​Poya (December) - full moon day, a holiday in honor of the arrival of the Bo Tree on the island, Christmas (December 25) - an official day off, many Buddhists celebrate this event along with Christians. It will also be interesting and useful for tourists to know that on the days of the new moon Poya Day, absolutely the entire population of Sri Lanka is prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages, and this also applies to guests of hotels operating under the “All inclusive” system.

It's time for holidays and festivals

The largest number of dates in the event calendar of Sri Lanka are, of course, religious holidays. However, it also has several important public holidays. February 4 - Independence Day; April (transition dates) - Alut Avurudu (National New Year); May 1 - International Workers' Day; May 18 is National Day.

Climate in Sri Lanka

The island's proximity to the equator predetermined dominance here tropical climate monsoon type. Sri Lanka is a country of “eternal summer”. Temperature changes throughout the year are insignificant, hot weather prevails with high level relative humidity air. The change of seasons occurs twice under the influence of the monsoons that “work” on the island. The northeast monsoon, which lasts from November to April, brings little rainfall. In May it is replaced by the southwest monsoon, which rules the roost until October. This period is marked by heavy tropical rainfall. However, it will also be useful to know that in Sri Lanka they occur mainly at night and very rarely during daylight hours.

Sri Lanka in spring

March is a great time to visit the island. This is the last month high season and the penultimate month before the start of the rainy season. In tourist areas, in particular in the capital, the weather is beautiful and sunny, but rain cannot be completely ruled out. Fortunately, they do not bother tourists at all, as they travel mainly at night. Slightly less precipitation falls in the central province - for example, in Kandy, which is located on a mountain range almost 500 m above sea level. By the way, unlike tourist areas, where with the onset of evening the thermometer does not fall below +26 °C, at night coolness descends on this city - about +22 °C. In May, warm temperatures approach Sri Lanka from the Arabian Sea. air masses. This is the southwest monsoon, bringing with it precipitation, which “hits” mainly in the southwestern regions, for example, in the resort of Galle, which receives the full program. However, in the northeastern regions of the country, where mountainous terrain predominates, rains do not penetrate, so at this time it is mostly sunny and clear there. However, hot weather remains throughout the island: during the day the thermometer freezes at +30 °C, and after the sun sets below the horizon, it drops to +26 °C.

Temperature and weather in Sri Lanka in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Colombo +32 +29 +32 +30 +31 +29
Wadduwa +32 +29 +32 +30 +31 +29
Halle +31 +29 +30 +30 +30 +29
Mount Lavinia +31 +29 +32 +30 +31 +29
Trincomalee +30 +29 +32 +30 +33 +30
Polonnaruwa +32 +32 +33

Sri Lanka in summer

In summer, the southern and western regions of Sri Lanka bear the brunt of the southwest monsoon that dominates this part of the island. It rains almost every day, but not more than a few hours. As a rule, they start late in the evening, and by morning the asphalt is already dry. In rural areas, roads are washed away. During the day, the air temperature ranges from +30 °C to +32 °C, but in conditions of high humidity these marks are subjectively felt as approximately +35 °C..+36 °C. The ocean is very warm - +27 °C, but swimming is not always possible due to strong winds and large waves. Although some months can be surprisingly quiet, conducive to beach holidays. Evenings do not bring much relief: in the southern resorts - +25 °C, in the capital of the island - +26 °C. But in the highlands there is a real “paradise”; here in the dark you can feel a pleasant coolness - about +21 °C. Sometimes on southern resorts The islands are hit by devastating hurricanes that knock down trees and destroy houses. IN last time The real riot of the elements occurred in the south of the island in 2004, then the second wave of impact hit Sri Lanka after Fr. Sumatra, formed as a result of an undersea earthquake that killed over 30,000 people. But let's get back to today. A completely different picture is observed in the western part of the island. In summer it is quite dry and sunny. Unrest in the weather, of course, happens, but nothing “criminal”.

Temperature and weather in Sri Lanka in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Colombo +30 +28 +30 +28 +30 +28
Wadduwa +30 +28 +30 +27 +30 +27
Halle +29 +28 +29 +28 +28 +28
Mount Lavinia +30 +28 +30 +27 +30 +27
Trincomalee +33 +29 +33 +29 +33 +29
Polonnaruwa +33 +33 +33

Sri Lanka in autumn

Autumn in Sri Lanka is the inter-monsoon period when heavy downpours doesn't happen anymore. Instead, there are “zenithal rains”, which usually begin in the afternoon. Fortunately, they are not as intense as their predecessors. However, for Colombo, October is one of the most rainy months a year, precipitation here marks as many as 16-17 days, but at the same time, the city often experiences sunny weather. In November there is a seasonal change in wind direction. The northeast monsoon brings big wall wet air from the Bay of Bengal, as a result of which the northeastern slopes of the central highlands receive the largest “portion” of precipitation. The southwestern regions remain untouched thanks to the mountain range, which acts as a “rain shadow” during this period of time. November is the beginning of the tourist season. The weather this month is hot, but the air humidity level is very low, so staying on the island at this time is quite comfortable.

January is one of the most visited months by tourists. The day is clear; short-term rains and thunderstorms may occur two or three times a month. In the largest resort city of Colombo, the sun warms the air to +30°C. Sunset begins around 18.00, so tourists who prefer to go to bed early can enjoy the rosy rays of a romantic sunset. The water temperature is +27°C, quite favorable for cooling off after a long time lying in the sun.

February March

In February, the air temperature during the day remains at the same level of +30°C, and at night it rises to 24°C. It's time for lovers of night adventures. The sky at this time of day is cloudless, which makes it easy to guess a couple of the most famous constellations. The Indian Ocean water temperature, as in January, is +27°C. According to statistics, February is the month in which the least amount of precipitation falls. Local guides recommend visiting outdoor attractions such as the jungle " Rain forest» in Sinharaja or National Park Horton Plateau is located at an altitude of 2134 meters above sea level.

A noticeable increase in temperature is observed with the onset of the first spring month. During the day the air warms up to +31°C, at night up to +25°C. Indian Ocean in March it pleases tourists with warm 28-degree water. The sky is generally clear, not overcast, but precipitation falls almost twice as much as in February.

In April, the so-called “monsoon period” begins in Sri Lanka. Seasonal winds bring heavy rain and cause storms in the ocean. Not the most favorable time to visit the island. But, if you are a fan of a comfortable hotel holiday and the weather outside does not spoil your mood, you can go in search of “Ceylon” adventures. Moreover, it rains mainly in the afternoon and at night. During the day the air warms up to +34°C - this is the highest level. But, due to high humidity, some vacationers may experience significant discomfort.

In the last month of spring, the air temperature during the day drops to +32°C, at night this figure is +24°C. In cities remote from coastal areas, the air temperature during the day is +30°C, and at night it drops to +20°C. In May, the monsoon peaks, heavy rains and thunderstorms occur regularly, and the humidity level rises to 99%. Tourists planning to explore Sri Lanka are not recommended to visit the island during this period. But, if bad weather still finds you in this fascinating country, we recommend visiting a jewelry factory with a museum where very interesting exhibits are presented. Production precious stones is one of the most profitable sectors of the economy of this state.

In June, the main resort cities of Colombo and Galle, located in the coastal zone, will delight tourists with temperatures of 30 degrees during the day and 25-26°C at night. In the central part, Kandy, it is a little cooler - 27°C during the day, 20°C at night. In the mountainous areas, in the resort of Nuwara Eliya, the temperature ranges between 20-22°C. Since there is no opportunity to lie peacefully on a sun lounger and enjoy the surf, many tourists go to study Ayurveda or learn the origins of Buddhism. Traditionally, this month marks an unusual full moon festival - Poson Poya.


July in Sri Lanka is the lowest tourist season. The height of the monsoon period continues, which is accompanied by short showers and strong wind. The air temperature during the day is +30°C, so even with strong gusts of wind it does not become cooler. Ceylon's rivers begin to overflow, often causing floods. Therefore, tourists should avoid these areas. The northeastern regions are the most attractive. You can rent a small yacht and explore the islands around the coast of Jaffna, or you can go surfing on the beach of Arugam, where schools of exotic fish often swim by.

One of the months of the inter-monsoon period is August. There is much less precipitation, but air humidity is still high. In the southwest, more and more tourists are coming to watch one of the most spectacular events - Bird Migration Season. Birds flock here from different parts of the planet - the Arctic tundra, Scandinavia and even Siberia. In the northern part of the island - the city of Anuradhapura, there is quite a wide range between day and night temperatures. During the day +33°C, at night +23°C. The Galle ocean is relatively calm. But in Bentota there are strong waves, so don’t risk letting children swim unaccompanied by adults.

In September, the time of so-called “zenithal” rains comes, when short-term rains begin to fall in the evening, at sunset. In Halle, the daytime temperature does not rise above +28°C; at night it drops to only 25°C. Despite warm water in the ocean, the waves there are still very strong, especially in the southwestern part of the island. In the high mountain areas where the main tea plantations are located, the air warms up to only +18°C. In the northern regions it is stuffy and hot, up to +33°C.

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