How to recognize the waning moon or growing fingers. How to determine the waxing and waning moon for life harmony

Meet Her Majesty Luna!

The Moon is the closest celestial body to our planet. She is cold and hard. Its light reaches the Earth in one second, while a rocket takes several days to fly to it (although the speed of the rocket is quite high, it cannot keep up with the moonbeam, no matter how hard you try).

This celestial body does not emit its own light. The Moon, however, like all other planets, only reflects the rays of the Sun with its surface. From her own light is no more than from a burnt match. We have all seen some spots on the surface of the moon. What is this? These are the seas. But not like on our planet. In these seas you will not find a drop of water! By the way, there is no atmosphere there either, which is why there is no life on the moon.

"Belt" of the Earth

The moon moves around its own axis. One circle lasts exactly as long as it needs to completely "encircle" the Earth. That is why it is always turned with one single hemisphere to our planet. By the way, that's why we see the same spots (who did not understand - every full moon we observe the same side of the moon). But then the question arises of why, while revolving around the Earth (and the Moon is its satellite), it turns to us either with its fully illuminated side, or half-illuminated, or even completely dark? How is this possible?

"R" means the growing moon!

For a very long time, the study of the Moon was limited only to observations through a telescope. But after painstaking work, scientists have determined that there is a waxing or waning moon.

Indeed, if you watch this heavenly beauty for a certain time, you can see how every day she changes her shape towards, for example, increasing: first a narrow “sickle” appears, then it begins to gain weight and after a few days it completely rounds off. But a short period of time will pass, as the Moon gradually decreases, again becoming like a “sickle”, which, by the way, is called a “month”. How to find out when the moon is waxing in the sky, and when it is waning? Very simple! If the “sickle” looks forward with its bulge, becoming like the Russian letter “C”, then the celestial body begins to “age” or decrease. Exactly two weeks and 19 hours after the full moon, the “aging” (waning) month disappears completely. At this time, the Moon is not visible in the sky, and one of its phases is observed - the “new moon”. Further, a “sickle” is formed again, but already turned in the opposite direction.

If you draw a straight vertical line next to it with the power of thought, you get the Russian letter "R". In this case, there is a growing Moon in the sky (“P” - growing).

Moon month

For the growing moon to turn into a "ball", exactly the same length of time is required - two weeks and 19 hours. In general, from the full moon to the full moon or from the new moon to the new moon - as it suits you - 29.5 days pass (ie four and a half weeks). This period of time is called the lunar month. It was this period of time, when the growing Moon "lives" the cycle from the beginning to the next beginning of its phase, that served as the basis for compiling the calendar. Now it is possible to calculate in advance how and when the Moon will be visible, when the nights will be bright, and when - dark. By the way, this is explained by the fact that during the full moon, the heavenly beauty “looks” at the Earth with its illuminated side, and during the new moon - unlit.

The moon is a mysterious night luminary, from the most ancient times invariably attracting the eyes of poets and lovers, astronomers and soothsayers. Its phases have always been associated with certain processes in the life of nature and man. Today, the focus of our attention is the waning moon and its impact on emotions, events and health according to science and astrology.

physical nature

If you carefully look into the night sky, it is easy to understand that the Moon is a special luminary. Stars, unlike her, do not turn into thin crescents and disappear only in case of poor visibility. The phase change of the satellite of our planet is due to the fact that it itself does not shine, but only reflects the sun's rays and is therefore visible to an earthly observer. The constant movement of space objects makes its own adjustments to this process. The angle between the Sun, Earth and Moon is constantly changing. This is what looks like a phase change to us.

The full cycle, as you know, consists of several stages:

  • new moon - the time when the night star is completely hidden from view;
  • first quarter - the moon is half visible;
  • full moon;
  • the last quarter - the night luminary is again half visible.

The waning moon is the time when the full circle gradually begins to decrease. The luminary slowly disappears, turning into a thin sickle.

How to determine the waning moon?

It is no secret that the night luminary during its growth and decrease looks almost the same. In order to distinguish one stage from another, a simple method was invented. A wand is mentally substituted for the lunar sickle (you can put your finger up). If the letter “P” is formed as a result, then tomorrow the month will become even a little more. When the moon is waning, the sharp ends of the sickle are oriented in the opposite direction. The month in this case is similar to the letter "C".


The cycle from new moon to new moon lasts 29.5 days. If you know when the night shone in last time completely disappeared from the sky, it is not difficult to calculate from what date the waning moon will give way to the growing one, and vice versa. Each of the phases of the cycle mentioned above occurs approximately one week after the previous one.

special period

Depending on which moon is waxing or waning, astrologers give different recommendations. Each phase affects the behavior, health and emotions of a person in different ways. The waning moon can be divided into two stages:

  • the period from the full moon to the last quarter;
  • the period from the last quarter to the new moon.

Each of them has its own characteristics. In general, the period of the waning moon is characterized by a gradual waste of energy accumulated at the previous stage, during the growth of the night star. The features of the state of the human body during a slowly disappearing month will depend on how much strength it can retain by the beginning of this period.

Third phase

When the moon wanes, comes Lately cycle, favorable for the accomplishment of the plan. With each passing day, the forces will decrease, as will the chances of getting what you want. It is at this time, having accumulated the energy accumulated during the growth of the luminary and the full moon, that athletes achieve high results more easily. Good mood helps in this phase to finish everything started earlier.

During the third phase, you should not waste energy in vain: its supply is slowly but inexorably running out. The mood every day acquires a pronounced melancholy shade. If the forces were spent on or before the full moon, it is better to devote the third phase of the cycle to pleasant things that do not require large energy costs.

Fourth phase

The last quarter is characterized by a decline in physical strength and a simultaneous aggravation of mental activity. This is the time for analysis and debriefing. What to do on the waning moon during this period? The last quarter is favorable for realizing one's weaknesses and strengths, mistakes and advantages. And it is better to postpone the adoption of important decisions, difficult business negotiations or the signing of contracts for the growing moon. During the fourth phase it is good to do planning. At the same time, it is important to maintain the most objective view of things, since the last quarter is a time of melancholy mood and self-criticism growing to painful proportions.

In this state, it is easy not only to slide into depression, but also to drive loved ones into it. The waning moon is a time when the risk of conflicts in the family is high. Helps avoid unwanted side effects careful attitude to those around you. It is during this period that it is best to look for ways to reconcile and establish contacts in the family.

View of scientists

A lot of fairly serious research has been devoted to studying the influence of the phases of the moon on the human body. It is known that the satellite causes ebbs and flows in the world's oceans. According to scientists, the Moon provokes similar phenomena in the human body. In cells and tissues, the ratio of various hormones changes - for some substances, the permeability of the membrane increases, for others it decreases. Some researchers suggest that the influence of the satellite on the planet's magnetic field and, accordingly, on the electrical impulses of the human body is of decisive importance.

Studies have been repeatedly conducted to establish the relationship between the phases of the moon and menstrual cycle among women. During the last century, extensive material has been accumulated on this issue, but there is no unequivocal conclusion yet. Many studies, however, point to a greater frequency of ovulation during the period of the full moon and menstruation in the first phase of the cycle (new moon).

Interesting data was received by employees of the investment bank Macquarie Securities in the United States, who for 11 years have been collecting information on the growth and fall of stock indices. Their study showed that the highest profit occurs two days before the new moon and two days after it.

However, scientists are in no hurry to draw unambiguous conclusions about the influence of the Moon on human activity. And the opinion of astrologers is easy enough to check on your own: to do this, you can observe the state of the body for several months and fix the features of mood, health and relationships with people in a special diary. An analysis of such data will help to establish the features of your own cycle and notice its connection with the lunar one, if any.

Determining whether the moon is waxing or waning will help you know its phase, how things are with the ebb and flow, and where the moon is now in relation to the Earth and the Sun. It's also useful to know where the moon rises and sets in different phases, in case you want to see it on a particular night. There are several ways to determine whether the moon is waxing or waning, and although in geographical location there are certain nuances, the principle remains the same.

Learn the names of the phases. The moon revolves around the earth, so we see its illuminated surface from different angles. The moon does not produce any radiation, but rather reflects sunlight. As the Moon changes from new to full and back to new, it goes through several phases, recognizable by the semi-circle and crescent shape formed by its own shadow. Moon phases:

  • New moon
  • young moon
  • First quarter
  • waxing moon
  • Full moon
  • Waning moon
  • Last quarter
  • old moon
  • New moon

Phase value. The moon travels the same path around the earth every month, so the phases repeat monthly. The phases exist because from our perspective on Earth, we observe varying degrees of illumination of the Moon as it rotates around us. Remember that half of the Moon is always illuminated by the Sun: and it depends only on our changing point of view on Earth which phase we see.

    • At the new moon, the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun and therefore, from our point of view, it is not illuminated at all. At this time, the illuminated side of the Moon is completely turned towards the Sun, and we see the side that is entirely in shadow.
  • During the first quarter, we see half the illuminated and half the shadowed side of the moon. The same applies to the last quarter, except that now we see them in reverse.
  • When the Moon is shown in full, we see its illuminated side, while the dark side is turned towards space.
  • After the full moon, the moon continues its journey back to its initial position between the earth and the sun, which corresponds to the new moon phase.
  • A complete revolution around the Earth takes the Moon a little over 27 days. However, a full lunar month (from new moon to new moon) is 29.5 days, which is exactly how long it takes for the Moon to return to its position between the Sun and the Earth.

Find out why the moon waxes and wanes. From the new moon to the full moon, we see that the illuminated part of the moon is growing and this is called the growing phase (growth is called growth or increase). Then, from full moon to new moon, we see a decreasing part of the illuminated side of the month and this is called waning, which means a decrease in strength or intensity.

  • The moon phases always look the same, but the month itself can appear in different places and positions in the sky, but you can always determine the phase if you know what to look at.

Remember that the moon waxes and wanes from right to left. During the period of waxing and waning, different parts of the moon are illuminated. In the northern hemisphere, the illuminated part of the moon will grow from right to left and then decrease from left to right.

  • During waxing, the moon is illuminated from the right, and during waning, it is illuminated from the left.
  • Pull out right hand And thumb palm to the sky. Bend your thumb and forefinger slightly to form an inverted C. If the Moon fits into this curve (i.e. C), it is a waxing (young) moon. If you do the same with the left hand and the moon fits into "C", then it is waning (waning moon).

Remember D, O, C. Since the moon always follows the same lighting pattern, you can use the shape of the letters D, O, and C to determine whether the moon is waxing or waning. In the first quarter, the month resembles the letter D. When it is full, it has the shape of the letter O. The last quarter looks like the letter C.

  • Crescent in reverse C shape - waxing moon.
  • A half or protruding D-shaped moon is a waxing moon.
  • A half or protruding moon in a reverse D shape is a waning moon.
  • The crescent in the shape of the letter C is a waning moon.

Find out when the month rises and sets. The moon does not always rise and set at the same time, it changes depending on the phase of the moon. This means that you can use the time of sunrise and sunset to determine whether the moon is waxing or waning.

  • You cannot see the new moon because it is not illuminated by the sun and because it rises and sets at the same time as the sun.
  • When the waxing moon passes into the first quarter, it will rise in the morning, reach highest point at dusk and enter around midnight.
  • The full moon rises at sunset and sets at sunrise.
  • In the last quarter, the moon rises at midnight and sets in the morning.

Study what part of the moon is illuminated during the period of waxing and waning. Unlike the northern hemisphere, in the southern hemisphere the moon is illuminated from left to right, the month becomes full, and then decreases from left to right.

  • The moon, illuminated on the left side, is growing, on the right, waning.
  • Stretch your right hand and thumb with the palm towards the sky. Bend your thumb and index finger slightly to form an inverted C. If the Moon fits into this curve (i.e. C), it is a waning moon. If you do the same with your left hand and the moon fits into "C", then it's a waxing moon.

Remember C, O, D. The moon goes through all the same phases in the southern hemisphere, but the shapes of the letters that indicate the waxing and waning moon are located in a different direction.

  • The crescent in the shape of the letter C is the waxing moon.
  • A half or protruding moon in the shape of a reverse D is a waxing moon.
  • The O-shaped moon is a full moon.
  • Half or crescent month in the shape of the letter D - waning moon.
  • The crescent in the shape of a reverse C is a waning moon.

Find out when the moon rises and sets. Although in the southern hemisphere, unlike the northern hemisphere, the moon is illuminated in a different direction, it sets and rises at the same time.

  • In the first quarter, the moon rises in the morning and sets around midnight.
  • The full moon rises and sets with the sunset and sunrise.
  • In the last quarter, the moon rises at midnight and sets in the morning.

How to determine the phase of the moon?

    By looking at the night sky, you can easily determine which phase of the moon is on your own.

    To do this, looking at the moon, mentally put a wand to it, if you get a letter R means the moon growing.

    And if even without a wand the moon resembles a letter WITH, then the moon is old, which means waning.

    Personally, to find out what phase of the moon is today, I use this calendar online. This thing is very useful, because in our life a lot depends on the phase of the moon, it affects the metabolic processes in the human body.

    You can determine the phase of the moon, apply two methods that I use most often. Hope they are correct:

    visual way.

    If we look at the Moon (you can also with the naked eye), we will find that it begins to close from the right. At the same time, as already mentioned above, gradually turning into a Russian letter WITH. That is, it decreases in this way.

    If it closes on the left (turning into a rounded element of Russian letters E or R), then it grows.

    A full moon is when the moon is like a full circle.

    calendar method.

    It is more accurate and scientific. For example, there are a lot of online calendars on the Internet, which may be called that: lunar phase calendars.

    In the night sky without clouds, you can visually easily understand what phase the Moon is in now. Looks like it's like a letter WITH, means old already, decreases. From, so to speak, the thickness of the crescent can be understood whether it has just begun to decrease or has already approached the full, old Moon. In the full phase, the moon is visible as a full disk. It starts to grow old, then you can substitute a wand to it and get a letter R. During the new moon, the moon is almost invisible.

    If the moon is not visible because of the clouds, then determine moon phase only by calendar. Though on paper, even on the Internet according to the online calendar. For example, you can look here.

    That's right, I remember from childhood that if the Moon looks like the letter C, then it is aging, waning. And if you can substitute a wand to it and get the letter P, then the moon is growing. This is how roughly you can determine the phase of the moon.

    But if you want to know exactly what kind of lunar day it is today and what its influence is, then I look at the Great Astrological Calendar of Alexander Viktorovich Zaraev. Everything is written there in detail - the harmonious and disharmonious phases of the Moon, the days of the Full Moon and the days of the New Moon, the harmonious, neutral and disharmonious state of the biosphere during the day, the state of the biosphere during the month, etc.

    It is best to use the lunar calendar, it will help to accurately determine the phase of the moon. You can, of course, look at the night sky and if you put a stick to the moon, if you get the letter R, then the moon is growing. If there is a letter C without a wand, then the moon is waning.

    Looking into Moon calendar and see what phase of the moon is today.

    Or on the moon itself. If the moon is in the shape of a letter WITH- Moon WITH fading, that is, decreasing. If you put a wand to the moon and you get a letter R- Moon R growing

    Well, you yourself will recognize the full moon by the moon - an awesome sight - full moon! Even the full moon can be recognized by the excited and excited behavior of people)

    You can determine this fact visually:

    • no moon means new moon;
    • The moon is round like a pancake, so now the full moon;
    • if the moon is growing, then she herself will show you the initial letter of the word growing, just show her your finger and you will see the letter R. In the first quarter it will be very thin, in the second it will already come closer to round shape and will eventually pass into the full moon;
    • the waning moon will look like the Russian letter c, or else it is called a sickle. At the beginning of the third phase, it will look like a full moon, but gradually, decreasing to half, it will move into the fourth phase. As there will be a very thin sickle, it means that the fourth phase is nearing its end and there will be a new moon very soon.

    Here you can clearly see how the moon looks at different phases:

    Use the calendar. Or tear-off, on each page of which, as a rule, the phase of the moon is indicated, as well as the time of both sunrise and sunset. Or one of the many online calendars. Or draw a sheet of drawing paper into cells according to the number of days in a year, understand the phases of the moon and their changes and draw in each cell the state of the satellite on a particular day.

People are part solar system and, regardless of place of residence, gender, social status and age, depend on everything that happens in it, are influenced by the planets. The threads connecting man and the planets are invisible and very thin, and therefore it can be very difficult to understand them.

When they talk about the influence of the moon on a person, on surrounding nature, quite often you can hear about and , oh , about time . But the influence of the night luminary is felt not only at these moments - the periods of the growing and waning moon are no less important in this regard.

The growing moon and its impact on humans

The growing moon is like the beginning of a new path. In this period, there is an accumulation of strength for a future breakthrough, a positive impact is noted on everything that needs to be preserved, nature is resting and a person is recommended to do the same. The growing Moon is an occasion to reevaluate your attitude to the body, to restore energy, and learn how to use it rationally.

It does not hurt to undergo a preventive medical examination at this time, and if there are chronic diseases, then this is simply necessary. It is likely that these days the cure will be found. The growing moon is an opportunity to finally go in for sports, as well as a great time to follow therapeutic diets. Everything positive these days will be multiplied at least twice compared to other periods.

It is undesirable to overwork during the growing moon. At this time, even small loads can cause fatigue and loss of strength. Particular care must be taken by those suffering from edema. Wounds heal poorly at this time, insect bites can cause complications, and food poisoning (it is advisable to refuse to collect mushrooms and eat them during the growing moon). During this period, the body tries to get the maximum benefit from the food consumed and makes “reserves”, so it is advisable for those inclined to be overweight to reduce the usual portion in order to avoid gaining excess weight.

The time of the growing moon is perfect for cosmetic procedures. Masks and creams have a more noticeable result.

When Waxing Moon is in Aries, a person may experience some tension, worry even about a minor issue. We must try to ensure calmness and not react to possible provocations.

Waxing Moon in Taurus gives people the lack of practicality. At this time, it will be great to clean up, work on personal plot, go to the cottage. These days, the work will be easy and fast, and the result will be positive and will last for a long time.

Waxing Moon in Gemini suitable for travel, work meetings or meetings with friends. These days there is an opportunity to get vivid impressions, stock up on new ideas, and feed on energy.

At Waxing Moon in Cancer You may need support and help from others. Listen to their advice. Among them, there is sure to be a good one.

When waxing moon will be in the sign of Leo, the time will come for connoisseurs of works of art, including jewelry. It does not hurt to visit antique shops or salons, even if this was not part of the plans. Most likely, it will turn out to make a very profitable purchase.

During your stay waxing moon in Virgo there may be some boredom and even a feeling of emptiness, but do not get upset. It would be much better to spend the day alone, pay attention to your favorite hobby or just read a book.

Waxing Moon in Libra makes it possible to understand what is happening and clearly distinguish between personal and business. Analyze the situation, discarding emotions, talk frankly with your loved ones. Frank conversations are especially relevant for relatives or friends who work together.

When Waxing Moon is in Scorpio, it's time to deal with personal problems. This is the time of long-awaited meetings and frank conversations, pleasant friendly gatherings and romantic dates.

For those who are not going on vacation in any way, or for some reason constantly postpone trips to visit relatives - Waxing Moon in Sagittarius gives all the opportunities for the implementation of plans. This is the time to combine business with pleasure. For example, you can take your family on a business trip and, having extended the period for a couple of days, have a great time together.

As soon as waxing moon moves into Capricorn, there is a surge of strength and a significant increase in performance. If the available resources are used correctly, it will be possible to achieve successful progress in career ladder and wage increases.

Being in Aquarius, waxing moon gives an opportunity to look back and think about those who are having a hard time in this life. A great moment to devote yourself to charity and help those in need.

If Waxing Moon is in Pisces, you need to try not to think about anything other than work. Try to avoid taking medications and various dietary supplements, do not introduce new foods into the diet. There is a high probability of severe poisoning.

The waning moon and its impact on humans

During the waning moon, drying occurs, everything unnecessary is washed out, a significant release of energy is noted, the body is cleansed and released. It is worth noting that, despite the rather large amount of work being done, a breakdown does not occur, and fatigue, if present, is only from the pleasure of what has been done.

At this time, the body seems to accumulate all its forces. Wounds heal almost instantly, even very complex surgeries and other medical procedures are successfully carried out. For those who have been putting off going to the dentist for a long time, these days are the time to catch up and go to the dentist.

For those who follow their figure, it will be nice to know that in this period you can afford some liberties, but if, on the contrary, you unload yourself or spend a couple of days in fasting, it will become possible to lose 1.5-2 times more weight than in other periods.

But it is better to postpone visits to hairdressers. As a last resort, you can make an appointment with the master when the Moon is in the sign of Leo or Virgo. In other cases, along with cut hair, there is a risk of giving up one's own energy. Those who do not follow this rule note that after a haircut during the waning moon, an excruciating headache occurs.

Waning Moon in Aries awakens in people complexes from childhood and youth. Sometimes, everything around looks exclusively in black and white and does not bring any joy and satisfaction. These days it is better to devote yourself to logical studies, spend your leisure time playing chess or solving crossword puzzles.

Waning Moon in Taurus, on the contrary, fills all the inhabitants of our planet with inner joy and a feeling of complete contentment with life. You should not completely surrender to the feeling of immense happiness - alas, the world is not as beautiful as it might seem.

Finding waning moon in Gemini often associated with reproaches for the illogicality of actions. Indeed, these days, as if something is leading astray, chaos is created in any undertaking, as if by magic.

As soon as The waning moon is in Cancer It's time for reflection and reflection. It does not hurt to review the phone book, get old notebooks - perhaps there will be found quite valuable information or contacts of the person you need at the moment.

Waning Moon in Leo- speaker time. Public performance pass easily and naturally, the audience is delighted to listen to every word spoken, it is possible to organize a circle of like-minded people without much effort, to convince people that they are right.

Finding waning moon in Virgo perfect for house cleaning. These days it is much easier to clean the dirt, and the cleanliness will last longer.

If there is a need to discuss a certain situation, time is better than being waning moon in Libra, can not found. By expressing radically opposite opinions, people will not quarrel, and they will be able to find the right points of contact. The result of the negotiations will be the adoption of a common and only correct decision.

Waning Moon in Scorpio is somewhat of a renaissance. There is no need to try to keep the person who is leaving, which means that this connection is destined to be interrupted, but special attention should be paid to new casual acquaintances. It does not hurt to think about the sudden appearance of a "man from the past" if he reappeared in your life during this period.

When located waning moon in Sagittarius you should not take on other people's duties, and even more so you should not shoulder responsibility. Mind your own business and you can avoid trouble.

Despite all the practicality for which Capricorn, while in it waning moon should not be doing work. These days you need to listen to calm music, you can attend a concert of your favorite artist or an opera. At this time, the strings of the soul seem to be exposed, it turns out to more subtly feel the world around.

Waning Moon in Aquarius tunes in a different way. Don't want to talk to anyone? Yes, and it is not necessary. Take the day off and spend time with your favorite book on the couch or hang out with your loved ones. Keep everyone else at a distance, otherwise conflicts cannot be avoided.

Waning Moon in Pisces- a wonderful period. The feeling of happiness and euphoria overflows directly, but you should not completely surrender to joy. Try to use the available amount of energy to achieve a long-term goal.

It was created thousands of years before the appearance of you and me in this world. The experience of ancestors, supplemented by the knowledge of contemporaries, proves that having the right knowledge of the available information about the influence of the Earth's satellite on a person, oh, knowing how to behave correctly, what to think about first of all on the waxing and waning moon, you can build your life correctly.

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