The largest bats in the world. For children about animals: Bats A bat without wings

Winged animals can be found almost anywhere on the planet. They have not explored only the circumpolar regions, the tundra and particularly remote oceanic islands. In some island territories they are the only representatives of mammals, since capable of long non-stop flights above the water surface.

Largest number bats, By total number And species diversity, lives in humid hot areas: up to several hundred in such pools tropical rivers, like the Congo and the Amazon.

IN northern zones There are only two or three species of bats in the taiga.

40 species nest in Russia. Number of individuals per square kilometer is 50-100 V middle lane and increases to 1000 Central Asia.

Favorite places to settle

Where do bats live? Since these are nocturnal and crepuscular animals, they need secluded and safe daytime shelter.

Depending on the size and structural features of the limbs, it directly depends on where the bat lives. These animals choose the most suitable ready-made natural shelters for them - caves and rock crevices, depressions in the walls of cliffs and slopes of dunes, hollows and holes left by their inhabitants.

Some tropical species build themselves improvised umbrella huts from large leaves, they gnaw out personal niches in bundles of palm fruits or climb into the voids between the nodes of bamboo trunks.

Human encroachment into nature is destroying the natural habitats of bats; many of their species are becoming rare and disappearing. However, the bat's adaptability to its habitat is very high and, in the vicinity of people, bats try to discover new shelters for themselves, similar to their favorite caves, burrows, hollows and crevices.

In Egypt they mastered inner labyrinths of the great pyramids, in exhausted mining fields - abandoned mines and adits, in cities and villages they inhabit attics, basements, cellars, haystacks, woodpiles, sneak behind shutters and under window frames.

Reference: Representatives of most species prefer to settle in large colonies.

To attract bats in gardens and farms in trees at a height of at least 3 meters, hang special houses made of slats with a secluded lower entrance - a narrow slot, similar to inverted mailboxes.


Adaptation to the characteristics of the environment

Chiroptera creatures demonstrate amazing adaptability to the most extreme temperature conditions. They can withstand both an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees and a decrease to zero.

They often become unwanted human neighbors, settling in the attics and balconies of houses and apartments. Some people do not consider it necessary to kick out guests, but such a neighborhood has more disadvantages than advantages. If you decide against them, do not forget that some of their species are listed in the Red Book and their destruction is prohibited. Therefore, be patient and achieve the peaceful relocation of bats to more suitable places for them.

Useful video

In the video below you can see something about the habitat of bats:

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Bats belong to the order Chiroptera. It means that both forelimbs transformed into large wings, and the highly elongated fingers serve as a frame for them.

This structure does not allow them to soar like birds, forcing them to constantly flap their wings.

The flight speed of bats can vary from 15 km/h during simple movement, up to 60 km/h while catching insects.

Another one distinctive feature these animals - landing method. In a short period of time, bats need to slow down and sit head down on a horizontal surface. They don't create nests.

REFERENCE! They feed on the fly, catching various insects right in the air. Typically, one animal can catch up to 200 mosquitoes in an hour.

You can find out more about what bats eat.


You can take a closer look at the bats in the photo with the names of the species.

White bat in the photo:

Bulldog Bat:

Bat fruit dog:

Smooth-nosed bat:

Night bat:

Horseshoe bat:

Pig-nosed bat in the photo:

Long-eared bat:

Vampire bat in the photo:

Evening bat:



Tailless or Honduran white bat - one of the little representatives families. In addition to Honduras, he also lives in Central America - Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama.

Body - up to 4.5 cm long, small ears, nose unusual shape. Through it, animals produce echolocation - this structure makes it possible to focus and amplify the signals sent.

They live under large sheets heliconia, gnawing holes in them so that the ends, hanging down, form a tent. They eat fruits.

Usually a family of 5-6 bats lives under one leaf, but sometimes several families unite into a large clan. Females give birth one cub per year.

Pig Nose

Hog-nosed bat or bumblebee mouse was discovered in 1973. The bat received its second name due to its size - body no more than 3.3 cm, and weight - up to 2 grams. This is the smallest bat.

In addition, on the muzzle there is a characteristic a nose that resembles a pig's snout. The ears are large, but, unlike other animals of the family, the pig-nosed mouse does not have a tail.

Basic habitat - Thailand and some neighboring lands. Lives in limestone caves and flies out to hunt in groups of 4-5 animals.

Do not move more than 1 km from the place of residence. Looking for insects in bamboo thickets or teak wood. There is no exact data on reproduction; most likely the female gives birth to one cub per year.


Evening bats are one of the large genera of bats, which includes 8 species and 13 subspecies. They live in Europe and North Africa, Where are the largest bats of their own kind.

Body length - from 10 to 50 cm. Lives mainly in deciduous forests, does not settle in treeless areas.

Hunts at dusk and dawn, preferring beetles and butterflies. The largest noctules are gigantic, may eat small songbirds.

REFERENCE! They are the fastest flyers - they can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h, rising to a height of up to 100 meters.

They are sensitive to frost, therefore, with the onset of cold weather, they migrate over distances of up to 1000 km. Females give birth to one or two, rarely three cubs.

Flying dog and fox

Flying dogs or flying foxes, the fruit bat is the common name for a whole species of animal, the fruit bat.

In fact, they are not bats, which are insectivorous, but are closer in structure and development to herbivorous primates.

The main differences from each other are - food consumed, wing structure, the use of echolocation in mice and vision in fruit bats.

These animals not found in Russia, their main habitat is the Asian tropical forests of Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Laos and other countries.

They received the nickname "flying dogs" because characteristic elongated muzzle. Adult fruit bats are large in size - body up to 42 cm, wings up to 1.7 meters. Weight up to 900 grams.

They live in large colonies, settling in trees. Eat tropical fruits, especially love bananas, papaya, coconuts, grapes and others.

Due to their gastronomic preferences, fruit bats are called “fruit mice.” The fruits are not eaten, but only suck the juice and pulp out of them.

IMPORTANT! A flock of fruit bats can cause significant damage to a farm by “eating” the fruit on all the trees in the garden.

Animals sleep upside down. You can often observe a picture when on cold nights one wing is used as a blanket, wrapping the entire body, and on hot nights - instead of a fan.

The female gives birth to one cub per year.


Smooth-nosed bats - big family, which includes more than 318 species.

They got their name due to the fact that they do not have any characteristic distinctive features, the muzzle is smooth without cartilaginous outgrowths.

The smooth-nosed family includes bats, bats, noctules, long-eared bats and many others.

Live all over the world where there is woody vegetation. There are 37 species of such mice found in Russia.

They are active at dusk or at night, when hunt for various insects. Certain types of bats eat fish.

IN cold period hibernation begins, but some (such as noctules) fly away to more warm places(?). Females give birth once per season, 1-2, less often 3-4 individuals.


Long-eared bats are a type of bat that has ears big size , used for echolocation. In sleeping animals they hide under folded wings.

Thanks to its short but wide wings, this animal can flutter and even hover briefly in the air to hunt insects. Body length - 5-6 cm.

Distributed throughout the continent from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean, in northern Asia, North Africa.

They feed on mosquitoes, moths, beetles, and other similar things. insects. The female gives birth to one, less often two, cubs during the year.


Noctules or short-eared bats are a species of smooth-nosed bat.

REFERENCE! The main difference from all similar animals is that they fly out to hunt very late, after complete darkness. At the same time, the flight itself is slow and calm.

Body length - 3.5-8.5 cm. Distributed Worldwide, except for the Arctic zones.

In general, they are the only species that has adapted to life in absolutely any natural conditions, even fatal to other bats. There are about 19 species in Russia.

They feed on nocturnal insects. The female brings one, or less often two, cubs during the year.

Horseshoe bats

Horseshoe bats are a species of bat that was so named because cartilaginous growth around the nose, looking like a horseshoe.

This structure is necessary for echolocation, the signals of which are emitted through the nostrils. Distributed in the eastern hemisphere, in Russia they live only in the Caucasus.

They eat insects, which are hunted on the fly. They may freeze in place for a short time.

They fly out to hunt about half an hour after sunset, and show activity first half of the night. Females give birth to only one cub during the year.


Bulldog bats are a family that is different from all other bats more developed wings- they are narrow, long and pointed.

Because of this, the flapping frequency is slightly higher than that of other mice. Average body length - 4-14.5 cm. Live in tropical areas both hemispheres.

They can form groups of several tens to millions of individuals. The flight is rapid, the echoes are very high intensity.

Some species can produce 3 litters per year, consisting of one young each time.


IMPORTANT! They are dangerous for people and domestic animals, since during a bite they can transmit rabies and various infectious diseases.

They only eat fresh blood other animals or birds, may occasionally attack and on sleeping people.

Echolocation is poorly developed; when hunting, they rely more on excellent hearing and infrared receptors. With the help of the latter, the least protected area of ​​the skin is determined.


A short film about the species of bats and their life characteristics:

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The animal bat is still an object of superstition. Maybe because it is the only mammal that has the ability to fly. However, not everyone knows what great benefits this animal brings to vegetable gardens and orchards.

Where do bats live:

Description: character and lifestyle

Bats take up residence in large groups, sometimes the number of individuals in such an association reaches a thousand.

Animals live in places where it does not penetrate sunlight. They sleep upside down, wrapping their wings around them like a blanket.

Bats lead night look life and it is at this time of day that they fly out to hunt. Animals not only fly well, but also know how to crawl along a steep rock, move well on the ground, and can stay under water for a short time.

The human ear cannot hear a mouse scream because it is in the ultrasonic frequency. But if people could distinguish such waves, then the squeak of a bat would be unbearable: it resembles the noise of a jet plane and almost never subside.

In winter, these animals either hibernate or fly to warmer regions.

Where do bats live?

The bat lives almost anywhere on the planet. These winged animals are not found in the tundra, subpolar regions, or very remote islands in the ocean.

Most bat species are concentrated in tropical river basins.

About 40 species of such animals nest in Russia.

Favorite places to settle

Most often, a bat settles in the following places:

  • Caves;
  • Rock crevices;
  • Cliff walls;
  • Burrows;
  • Hollow;
  • Slopes of dunes.

In the tropics, a bat can build special huts for itself: they gnaw holes in large leaves for themselves or settle in the voids between bamboo trunks.

Why do bats live in caves:

These animals can also live near humans:

  • In the basements;
  • In attics;
  • In abandoned mines;
  • In a haystack;
  • In the cellar.

ATTENTION: To attract bats into your garden, you need to hang special houses made of planks with a small lower entrance at a height of 3 m.

Adaptation to the characteristics of the environment

Bats are well adapted to their living conditions. They can withstand temperatures from 0 to + 40 degrees.

They feed depending on the habitat and type of the animal itself and plant foods and small mammals.

In Russian conditions, the bat eats insects, which is of great benefit to gardeners, destroying pests at night.

Bat nest:

If you set up houses for bats on your site, the animals will settle in and monitor the safety of the harvest.

Bat has long inspired horror in humans. Many legends and stories have been invented around them unusual image life and appearance. Their sharp teeth and nocturnal flights combined to create the illusion that there was potential danger when encountering them. However, in reality everything is not so, and only some rare species, living in certain places, feed on blood large mammals. The rest are content with insects and have nothing to do with vampirism.

Origin of the species and description

Bats are primarily amazing because they move through the air by flapping their wings like birds. However, they do this exclusively at night, without using one of the main senses - vision. They, of course, are not birds, because they themselves are viviparous and feed their young with milk. And they have nothing in common with birds, except the ability to fly, even feathers.

Video: Bat

Bats belong to the class of mammals in the order Chiroptera. There are a huge number of types. According to various sources, there are from 600 to 1000 species of bats. Of course, it is impossible to consider each species separately without being an expert on these animals.

The main types, the most common and having obvious differences, can be counted on one hand, namely:

  • two-tone leather;
  • giant noctule;
  • white leaf-nosed plant;
  • pig-nosed bat;
  • great harelip;
  • water bat;
  • brown long-eared bat;
  • dwarf pipistrelle;
  • ordinary vampire;
  • white-winged vampire;
  • hairy vampire.

It is believed that the first bats appeared about 70 million years ago, when small arboreal mammals began to develop membranes on their sides, which later evolved into wings. It is possible that the formation of membranes was caused by a gene mutation. Scientists believe that the change in the body structure of animals occurred quite quickly, since to date not a single individual of the transitional species has been found. That is, the so-called high-speed evolution occurred.

Appearance and features

Bats are enough small size. The weight of the representative himself small looking, the pig-nosed bat, is about 2 grams, while the body length of the individual is only 33 mm. This is one of the smallest representatives in general among the animal kingdom. The largest bat is a giant false vampire, whose wingspan is 75 cm, and whose body weight is adult is in the range from 150 to 200 grams.

Different types of bats differ from each other appearance and the structure of the skull. But they all have something in common external signs. The main difference from many animals is their wings. They are thin membranes stretched between the front and hind limbs. The wings of bats are significantly different from the wings of birds. They do not have feathers, but have long fingers to which membranes are attached.

Interesting fact: wings are not only used for flying, but also as a blanket while sleeping. Bats wrap themselves in them to keep warm.

Their hind limbs are also different. They are turned to the sides, with the knee joints back. The hind limbs are very developed. With their help, bats can for a long time hang upside down. Moreover, it is in this position that they sleep.

Almost all bats have large ears. Which is not surprising for an animal that does not have good eyesight. Ears are used by bats for echolocation and spatial orientation. The animal emits high-frequency subtle sounds, which are reflected from all objects and then perceived by the animal itself. The ears are equipped with a large network of blood vessels that nourish them. The eyes of bats, on the contrary, are very small in size. Vision is monochrome and not sharp. Although there are exceptions, for example, the California leaf-nosed bat, when hunting, relies more on its vision than on its hearing.

Most species of bats are dull in color. They are usually brown or gray, sometimes dark gray. This is due to the need to be undetected while hunting at night. There are also exceptions, for example, some species have white or bright red colors. The hair of animals is thick, single-tiered. In this case, the skin membrane is covered with very sparse hair.

Where does a bat live?

Bats are distributed everywhere, with the exception of polar latitudes, starting from the tundra. There, mice simply have nowhere to hide from the harsh climatic conditions, and the required amount of food is missing. It is especially not comfortable for bats to exist among the snow, even considering the fact that they are capable of hibernating.

The most important condition for their existence is the presence of shelter, which will allow them to hide during daylight hours and sleep every day. As is well known, caves can be like this. Bats simply attach themselves to the ceiling of the cave with their paws upside down and spend daylight hours there. At dusk they begin to fly out to hunt. It is very interesting that when flying out of the cave, bats always fly to the left.

The number of mice living in the caves suggests an accumulation of their droppings on the lower part of the stone niche. Often its accumulation is about a meter.

If there are no caves nearby, then other shelters are suitable, in nature these are trees: mice find secluded places between twigs, fruits or in dense foliage. The most important thing for them is that sunlight does not fall on them. In cities and villages, it is even easier for bats to find shelter - any attic of a residential building will suit them. They are not afraid of people and calmly settle into their houses.

What does a bat eat?

Despite tales of vampirism and the use of bats in horror films such as From Dusk Till Dawn or Dracula, these creatures are completely harmless. They cannot bite a person. However, you should not touch bats - they can carry diseases that are dangerous to humans or pets, such as rabies.

Most species of bats feed on insects: they are capable of eating up to 200 mosquitoes in an hour of hunting. If we consider the ratio of the weight of the animal and the amount of food eaten, then it comes out to be quite a lot, about a fifth of its own weight.

Some species of bats are larger, it is not enough for them to eat small insects and they are carnivores - they eat frogs, lizards, small birds And . There are several species of bats that eat fish.

Blood-sucking bats, the so-called vampires, feed on the warm blood of animals; they usually bite livestock. Bites are painless for animals because, together with saliva, they secrete a substance that has an analgesic effect. However, they can be dangerous because they carry various diseases that can even kill the animal.

There are also many species of bats that feed on plant foods:

  • flower pollen;
  • tree fruits (usually dates, bananas, mangoes);
  • flowers.

Such bats. They live in hot tropical countries, Where all year round vegetation abounds. Now people are trying to keep exotic animals at home. The bat is no exception and is in demand in the pet market. But if you are not a specialist, you should not do this.

Since these pets are very specific. They require enormous dedication and strictly defined conditions. For food, carnivores can eat cut-up meat or offal of birds or animals; herbivores should be fed fruits and given water and milk to drink. The owners also treated the animals with condensed milk as a treat.

Features of character and lifestyle

Bats are nocturnal. During the day they sleep, and at the same time they usually hide in various shelters, including underground. They are very fond of caves, tree hollows, earthen holes, as well as quarries and mines; they can hide under tree branches and under bird nests.

They usually live in small colonies of several dozen individuals. Although there are also more populous colonies, including those consisting of several different subspecies of bats. The colony of Brazilian folded lips, consisting of 20 million individuals, is considered to be the record in number today.

IN winter period Most bats hibernate. But some are capable of migrating like birds to warmer climes, covering distances of up to 1000 km. Hibernation, depending on the area, can reach 8 months.

Hibernation occurs upside down, by hanging on the hind legs. This turns out to be convenient so that you can immediately go on a flight, spending less effort and time. No energy is spent on hanging due to the structural features of the limbs.

Interesting fact: on Borneo island there is a unique carnivorous plant, which attracts bats with special sounds. But it does not eat them, but on the contrary, provides its inflorescences to bats as a refuge. Animals leave their excrement for the plant, which it uses as fertilizer. In nature, such a symbiosis is unique.

For orientation in space and for hunting, they use echolocation, which helps them maneuver, control their flight altitude and distance to the walls of the cave. It is believed that during a hunt, bats become aware not only of the distance to the pursued target, but also the direction of its flight, and even what type of prey it belongs to.

Social structure and reproduction

Living together in a colony does not make bats gregarious. Animals do not perform any joint actions and also hunt exclusively alone. They also do not start families. Two individuals unite only at the moment of mating, and then immediately forget about each other.

Most bats that live in temperate climates begin breeding in the spring. Usually there are from two to five babies in a litter, but exact amount highly dependent on conditions environment. The female produces offspring once a year. She feeds the cubs until they develop wings. Maturation takes different times for different subspecies.

For small subspecies of bats, it typically takes 6 to 8 weeks until they become independent. For large subspecies of animals this period can reach four months. In the first week, the female usually takes the cub with her on night hunts. At the same time, he holds tightly to his mother during the flight. In the following weeks, he becomes heavy, so she leaves him in the shelter during the hunt.

Interesting fact: female bats have the ability to control their gestation time and also delay the birth of their offspring. They need this so that their offspring are born at a time when the amount of food is maximum. Very often, mating occurs in the fall, but fertilization occurs only in the spring.

The lifespan of bats directly depends on the specific subspecies. Mostly bats live 20 years, but there are subspecies with a life expectancy of no more than 5 years.

Natural enemies of bats

Bats have quite a few enemies. This is primarily due to their small size and nocturnal lifestyle, when they go hunting much more large predators. For them, bats serve as excellent prey.

Among the predators that are especially dangerous for bats, it is fashionable to highlight the following:

  • owls;
  • candles;
  • falcon and other birds of prey;
  • rats;
  • predatory fish;
  • ferrets.

Not only do they get poisoned from these procedures in their homes, they also lose part of their food. Insects living in the area also die from these poisons, and the mice may not have enough food. Therefore, it is believed that bats do not have an easy life, and they need additional security from the human side. However, their specific lifestyle does not allow even this, because these animals are selective and difficult to monitor.

Population and species status

Most bat species have endangered status. Some subspecies have vulnerable status, requiring constant monitoring.

The population in the 20th century was mainly negatively affected by the development Agriculture, environmental pollution, and habitat loss. But at the same time, there were cases of deliberate extermination, destruction of nests and treatment of roofs and attics of houses with repellents. Studies have also been conducted in the United States that have shown that wind power plants also affect the number of bats. Bats die from collisions with wind turbine blades and from lung damage due to pressure drops near the blades.

But because bats are central to the ecosystem, measures are being taken to protect them. In Europe, they are actually the only natural regulator of the number of insects that are active at night. Thanks to bat conservation efforts, populations of some subspecies have stabilized and some have increased.

The European Environment Agency, based on a study of nearly 6,000 nesting sites, concluded that bat numbers increased by 43% between 1993 and 2011. But these are average numbers, and, unfortunately, the numbers of some subspecies continue to decline.

Bat conservation

In countries European Union all species of bats are protected in accordance with EU directives and international conventions. Russia also signed all international agreements for the protection of bats. Many of them are included in the Red Book. According to Russian legislation, not only bats themselves are subject to protection, but also their habitats and refuges. In particular, even the sanitary supervision and veterinary control authorities cannot take any measures in relation to bat settlements in the city.

As measures to protect bats, the presence of animal settlements and their migration routes are taken into account during the construction of wind turbine parks. Surveillance is carried out in protected areas and informing visitors to protected areas about the rules established to protect bats. Artificial lighting in their habitats is being reduced.

To inform citizens about the need to protect animals and to attract people's attention to the problem of their protection, the environmental holiday “International Bat Night” is celebrated annually on September 21. In Europe, bat night has been celebrated for almost 20 years. It has been taking place in our country since 2003.

Many people are afraid of bats. Probably because they know little about them. These are the only representatives of mammals that can fly. Today on our website there are bats and Interesting Facts about them.

Flying chiropteran mammals

On our planet, 25% of all animals, one way or another, can fly. There are animals such as flying mice. These unusual animals are divided into 985 species, which is 23% of all mammal species on the planet.

Unfortunately, many species of these animals are disappearing and simply becoming extinct. They appeared on the planet about 65 million years ago and are considered one of the most ancient. Over time, bats developed special membranes, thanks to which wings appeared.

If we talk about their characteristics, their body length is 4 centimeters, they weigh up to 900 grams and have a wingspan of up to 150 centimeters.

Chiropteran habitats

These animals, which amaze with their unusual and terrifying appearance, live throughout the planet except the Arctic and Antarctica.

Horseshoe bats

This type is considered the most common. It can be found in many European countries, where present temperate climate. There are about 50 species here.


These bats are also quite common and have about 70 species. Among the many species, only one species spreads beyond the Arctic Circle.

Noctule - because it flies exclusively at night

When and how did bats begin to fly?

Thanks to a change in one gene, bats gained the ability to fly. Due to the growth of their fingers, wings appeared. It is known that they first took to the air many millions of years ago.

What is the smallest bat?

The hog-nosed bat lives primarily in Thailand. It is only 3 centimeters long and weighs 2 grams.

The biggest bat

South American large false vampire, it is also called the Australian magaderma. Considered the largest bat and has the following characteristics: weight 100 grams, wingspan 50 centimeters. Lives mainly in Europe. The false vampire weighs about 200 grams and has a body length of 135 centimeters. The wingspan of this mouse is up to 1.8 meters.

Naked mice

Bats having this unusual name consist of 2 types. Live in South-East Asia and the Philippines. They are completely devoid hairline. The largest representative of this breed is flying fox or Javan Kalong, which weighs about 1 kilogram, has a body length of 40 centimeters and a wingspan of 1.5 meters.

The smelliest bats ever recorded

Malayan naked bulldog bats have set a unique record for unpleasant odor. Their pungent stench is reminiscent of the smell of a person who has not washed for a long time. This species does not have color vision. Divided into subspecies:

    • Yellow-winged false vampire
    • African mouse eptesicus
    • Case-tailed bats

So, the most interesting thing about bats

  • Today, bats are highly diverse and make up about 20% of all living mammals.
  • It has been noticed that when a bat flies out of a cave, it always flies to the left.
  • There are only two species of mammals on the planet that use echolocation. This is a bat too.

Listen to the voice of the bat

    • Another interesting fact is that a bat is able to distinguish an oak from a pine.
    • They produce their piercing cry using the larynx.
    • The flight speed of these animals is about 50 kilometers per hour.
    • As a rule, they hunt at night, but there is a species that is active during the day. It's called the yellow-winged false vampire.
    • They have the ability to run on the ground.
    • It has also been noted that they are not afraid of water and can eat about 700 mosquitoes in an hour.
    • They feed on various insects and these mice can even eat a scorpion.
    • They have very small teeth because they swallow their prey completely without chewing it.
    • Another interesting fact is that if they do not receive a portion of blood within two days, they die. Therefore, there are numerous cases when they attack a sleeping person and bite him on the head, neck or leg.
    • They also hunt sleeping animals.
    • There is a known case in which 11 children from Peru were bitten by bats. After which they developed rabies and died.
    • One bat can drink a whole plate of blood in 20 minutes.
    • They live in flocks and fly south.
    • Have quite longer duration life until about 18 years of age.
    • In some countries they are used as food.
    • Capable of concentrating a large dose of radiation. Such a case was identified near Lake Alakul in the Chelyabinsk region.
    • In most cases, bat bites are not fatal, but very painful.

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