The meaning of human life? A selection of interviews. Victoria Isakova: a frank interview about the life, love and creative destiny of Dokicheva Alisa. Interview with brother

Ekaterina Strizhenova - famous Russian actress theater and cinema, TV presenter, ambassador of the World Without Tears charity program. Let's talk a little about this amazing, charming and wise woman. A woman who combines intelligence and beauty, simplicity and sophistication, calmness and at the same time flow positive emotions that you get by talking to her. Catherine, on the one hand, is meek, sweet, beautiful in her thoughts and actions, and on the other hand, she is a person great strength will, patience, following the set life goals, able to correctly prioritize. They say about such people: “The flower is outside, the steel is inside!” A woman who was able to build a career and a family.

- Ekaterina, did your family influence the choice of your future profession?

Somehow it so happened by itself that I had no doubts about who to be. At the age of 5, my parents sent me to the Kalinka folk choreographic ensemble, in which I danced for 15 years. All my childhood was performances, tours, and then shootings - first in television performances, and then in films. I "burned" it, it was more than a hobby - it was my life. The discipline in Kalinka was tough - if you study poorly, then no performances. Therefore, I came from school, immediately sat down for lessons, and then ran to rehearsals.

- You met your future husband early. Was it love at first sight?

We met on the set of the film "Leader". Not only was it my film debut, I was only 14 then. Sasha played the role of my classmate, and we quickly found mutual language. At first we became friends, then feelings flared up in us, and after 4 years we first got married, and then got married. It was such a love when you don’t hear or see anything else around. We were from very different environment, from different families, and no one could have thought that we would stay together for long years. But when there is love, everything else is surmountable.

- Does your long marriage have any special secret?

I get asked this question very often. There are no secrets here. You just need to appreciate those who are around and try to make them happy. For me, my family is the main meaning of life, I can’t imagine myself without it.

- Katya, can you briefly describe what kind of mother you are?

I hope you are considerate and understanding. But, in general, it is worth asking this question to my children, not to me.

- What future would you like for your daughters?

Happy future. And in what area - it's not for me to decide. Sasha is fond of dancing, gymnastics, and has been broadcasting “Our Favorite Animals” on the TV Center channel for several years, while Nastya went to another area - she studied in London and New York, now she works as a designer. I am glad that my daughters are realized in what they love.

- What does charity mean to you?

Help is a natural desire of everyone normal person. And since I am a mother, children's problems and troubles are especially close to me, because there is nothing more important than children's health. Today I am an ambassador of the charity program of VTB Bank World without Tears. It is a great honor for me, and I am glad that as a public person I can draw as much attention as possible to the health problems of babies.

- Ekaterina, you have an extensive filmography, are there any favorite films or roles among them?

For me, the film "The Musketeers 20 Years Later" means a lot - it gave a "second wind" to my career, because before I received this offer, there were thoughts of leaving the cinema. I love "Carrot Love" because this film gave me the opportunity to play an atypical role for me. I can also be proud of my role in the good TV series “Everyone Has Their Own War” written by Volodarsky. In general, I love all my roles and believe that initially it is not necessary to accept proposals for which you will be ashamed later.

- You got the second higher education in the specialty "Psychology", for what?

I decided to get a second higher education when I was preparing to take part in a television project on the topic of psychology. The project was then closed, but I received a diploma, which I am very glad about. Knowledge of psychology helps me in my profession - I read scripts and “get used to” roles, thinking about my character, how she can act and how not, and what drives her. In life, this knowledge is also not superfluous, however, the saying “a shoemaker without boots” is sometimes truer than ever. No wonder they say that psychologists can help everyone except themselves.

- Which of your projects are you most interested in now?

What I love about my job is that it's so versatile. I love the theater very much and will never give it up, I am happy to act in films, and the experience of a TV presenter is also valuable for me. I can do my job well, and I am pleased that, together with " Good morning» millions of people start their day.

As for the talk show “Them and Us”, every time for me it is a challenge for which it is impossible to prepare. With my partner Alexander Gordon, we are very different, he believes that since I have been happily married to one man for so many years and raised two children, then there is nothing to talk about with me at all (laughs). But the success of this program rests on this, on our confrontation, on the fact that we can openly discuss important and painful topics. Therefore, summing up, I can say that I love all my projects in my own way.

- You acted in films with your husband-director, what did this experience give you?

We worked on the same set several times as actors, but as a director and actress we first met in 2005 - in the film "180 and Above." Do not think that since Alexander is my husband, he makes me some concessions. Rather, on the contrary, he is more critical and strict towards me than towards other actors. Can publicly scold me, make a remark. And in the film "Love-carrot", for example, he gave me a supporting role, although I dreamed of becoming the main character. He just didn't see me in that role. Nevertheless, Sasha is a very talented director, and it is very interesting to work with him every time.

- Katya, when in front of you Everyday life There is a choice: career or family, what do you choose?

Usually such a question does not arise in my life. I really love my job and dedicate a lot of time to it, but the family has always been and will be a priority. Therefore, I will never agree to projects that can jeopardize the time spent with my family. For me it is sacred.

Katya, you look amazing! How do you manage with your busy schedule?

Firstly, I do not try to look younger than my age, I do not chase youth. I think that a woman should be well-groomed at any age.

Secondly, I always monitor nutrition and physical fitness, if necessary, I go on a diet. I don't belong to the type of woman who can afford to eat everything and not gain weight, so I tightly control what I eat. And if I feel that I’m tired, that a reboot is needed, then I set aside a day that I devote to myself completely, I go to a beautician for a massage. And then again I “dive” into working days, feeling full of energy.

- Does your family have a favorite dish?

The youngest daughter loves mushroom soup very much, my husband likes it when I cook pizza and poppy seed pies. But in everyday life, we try to avoid baking and other "harmful things", we eat properly and balanced.

There is only one motto: everything that does not kill me will lift me up!

- And finally… Ekaterina, give parting words to our readers.

Thank you for the interesting conversation, it is very pleasant to communicate with you, you are really charged with positive energy! All the very best and the best to you!

The interview was conducted by Yulia Prokhorova, especially for the Women's magazine "Charm"

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All respondents were asked the same question: “What is the meaning of human life?”

(00.08) It is believed that this is one of the most important essential issues for a person. And it is interesting because they tried to answer it at many historical stages, in many generations.

(00.25) We, the youth, have now been imposed some kind of misrepresentation about the so-called universal values. Translated into Russian, universal values ​​sound something like this, they are from the screens American films we are propagated these values. What is their meaning? - Go fill your belly! Go fill your pockets! And have sex! From the point of view of a Russian person, this is a dream of mortal sins. These universal human values ​​are just that bottom, that swamp into which you can fall and fall headlong.

(01.04) If I knew. There is no single answer. There is no single answer because everyone is different.

(01.21) A serious and big question, which, I think, should rather not be asked by a person, but should be asked to a person in relation to life. When life asks a person, how can you justify your existence? Why did you come into this world? What can you realize from what you are? How can you use all the potential that you have?

(01.48) Human being is constantly in the process of development, constantly in some systems of changes. That is why, probably, it cannot be said that there is a meaning, and it is such. Rather, it is to look for it. And find it for yourself in each specific period of time.

(02.16) Viktor Frankl, who founded this meaning-oriented psychotherapy, he often told me that when he made presentations in America, people came up to him. These were, perhaps, sometimes managers who do not have enough time, these managers, due to lack of time, said: “Mr. Professor, I don’t have time to listen to you, could you briefly say what is the meaning of life now, I can’t listen to the report ? “And I will give you an answer,” said Viktor Frankl, “if you answer me, what is the most successful move in a chess game?” And the answers were different. They said, "Depends on how the pieces are arranged, who the chess players are," and so on. And to the same extent, each person is unique, he meets once.

(03.40) If you suddenly managed to live your whole life from beginning to end absolutely cliched and according to schemes, then your life would be meaningless.

(03.52) Perhaps I will say such a thing, a little unusual. But the meaning of life is objective, without any human feelings, desires and desires. The meaning of human life is death. We will die, and no one has yet gone anywhere from death, so the meaning of life for every person is death. So preparation for death. In short, this is what it sounds like.

How to prepare for death?

Preparing for death is an even more difficult question. Because in order to prepare for death, you need to go through school, I would even say an institute, or maybe even an academy. Because the holy fathers say that Orthodoxy is a science from sciences, and an art from arts. We are learning throughout our lives until death. We do not finish our studies at school, at a technical school, at an institute. We study until our deathbed. And these lessons, they pass with us every day, without stopping, and pass.

What is the meaning of human life?

(05.01) I believe that in order to realize my creative potential. Still, each of us creates his own world, his own inner world. These are my feelings of like, dislike, love, interest, like - dislike, according to my liking - not according to my liking. I create it. Everyone creates their own world. And of course, we create space around ourselves, at home, in the country, in the world, in space. We create our own world, we realize our creative potential. And we become like the creator somehow.

(05.47) The meaning of life lies in the fact that you must go through all these stages and make sure that your decisions are correct, that your actions are correct.

(05.59) To have time to love. To have time to be happy. Time is short. And it is necessary to be in time for everything, but there is so little of it. And we don't know our end.

(06.14) The meaning of life is, I think, I believe in it, to meet and connect with God.

(06.29) The question of the meaning of life is divided into several questions. The meaning of life as such, as the result of my existence, the answer to which I can give when I no longer have any other opportunities, as they say, on my deathbed. And such intermediate questions about the meaning of life that I ask at every moment of my being.

(06.54) The meaning of life is from life itself, in its continuation from a biological point of view. And there is no need to prove it and look for it. When a person lives, he does not need to look for the meaning of life. And indeed, when he loses some goal, when he sees his uselessness, he begins to think and look for the meaning of life, which has always existed for him regardless of his desire.

(07.29) Meaning always comes later, meaning is an attempt to realize. Meaning cannot be constructed in advance. We design goals in advance. Meaning is impossible. We look back at the life of a simple Moscow pediatrician, she herself, here, Lyudmila Vladimirovna looks back at her life, and asks the question: “So what? And what am I living for? Most importantly, this question. “And suddenly I understand – wow! There was something in this! There is something in this, in what I have lived!” And I'm looking into it! I don't have a clear answer. For example, if they say “Oh, that was great!”, it’s not about anything. Because everything was difficult. I can give such an answer: “Great!” Most importantly, I understand that everything was more than I expected. And it's really, really interesting. So there was meaning in my life.

What is the meaning of human life?

(08.28) Again, back to the Gospel. There the Lord gives a parable as an example of a crazy rich man who has accumulated huge wealth for himself, it happens that he has a hungry year, but here it is somehow strange. Sowed as usual, but rose 10 times more than usual. Who will not be touched by the heart, will not rejoice in the soul? He thinks, “well, now, theoretically, I can not sow for 10 years.” Very good. Now the question is where does it all go? He says: “And now I will break down my storehouses and build new ones, and I will eat, drink, be merry, my soul!” and the Lord replies: “Fool! That same night your soul will be taken from you!” What is the meaning of life? Be on time. And what did you do? What did this rich man do? I managed to think about the temporary, that now I will be happy.

(09.36) No matter how beautiful and wonderful life is, and full of all sorts of gifts, it still ends. And this end of life hangs over everyone like an axe. When we are young, the ax is far away. When we get older, the ax is closer. This is the fear of death, it somewhat poisons everything that we have accumulated, that we have collected, everything that we have done, especially the good that we have done. All this should disappear with us. And the meaning of life is to find this thread that will connect us with eternity. And eternity for me lies in the pain of man, in Christ.

(10.24) The most basic major in our lives is humility. Patience, humility, of which love is made. Because God is love, and the closer we come to the divine nature, the more love we have. And it can only be approached through humility and patience. Accordingly, the more our teacher likes us, as in the institute, and we are given a higher mark.

(10.54) For me (10.56) quite close and winding, I found the meaning for myself in serving God and God. It's short, but it's everything for me. I was born in a godless family, I never heard about God in my youth, but rather quickly these questions of the meaning of life began to occupy me, and I realized that if I did not find the answers to this question in myself, life would be meaningless. And that means worthless. That's how it happened, through the hippie movement, through music, through the counterculture, I came to the Orthodox Church. And here I received all the answers to my questions quite satisfactory.

(11.41) A person who has children, grandchildren, etc., he tries with all his might to convey his experience, interacts with them. He doesn’t like something there, he wants his baggage rich and useful at the time when he lived, to transfer to the extent that it is needed in our time. And as long as he has the opportunity to interact with his children and grandchildren, he does not have the problem of the meaning of life.

(12.19) Precisely sacrifice, if you will. Here is Father Vasily, our confessor, he served sacrificially. And he infected very many spiritual people, maybe several thousand people, with his love, giving. And I would not like to repeat his path, we have a different path, but the basis is the same - this is love for one's neighbor.

What is the meaning of human life?

(12.55) The meaning of life is to fulfill your duties and please God, because he created this whole system. And we are part of this system, which is ultimately designed to satisfy this whole. And such an analogy is given to characterize, say, a hand or a finger. They work great in the body. But if you separate the finger from the body, it will become useless, it will not fulfill its duty, its duties.

(13.38) As for happiness, it naturally follows from the meaning of life. If a person has a high meaning of life, and in general there is a meaning of life, then the achievement of this meaning is the state of happiness when a person has reached it.

And in this sense, I like it very much, probably, our wonderful St. Seraphim of Sarov said it best of all on this topic. From the point of view of the current layman, he was generally a beggar. He had nothing, only a homespun shirt. He himself cut down the hut in which he lived. For 3 years he ate a decoction of snot grass, kept fasting, he did not eat anything. But he was the happiest man on earth. And now Seraphim of Sarov, because God's grace flowed like a river on him from heaven, it even materialized. Sometimes in the evenings people saw a radiance from him, emanated. So Seraphim of Sarov expressed in three words the meaning of the life of an Orthodox Russian person, a Russian person in general. He said: "Acquisition of the Holy Spirit."

That is, one must live life like this, and like that good deeds acquire this holy spirit, prepare the soul, purify it. This. A person can take indefinitely. And than more people takes, the more he misses. But he can give only what he has to people. He gave it, and he is happy with it. If people rewarded him for it, then it’s also quite good. Therefore, I believe that the conversation about happiness for all of us is still far ahead. We have our own concept of good and evil. About sin and virtue. Of course, a person should do as much good as possible in life. And we must hurry to do this good, otherwise life is not so great. For this, we probably came here to do good. Find love, neighbors, children, grandchildren, in general, prolong this life, bring benefits to both your homeland and your state. Then the person will be truly happy. For example, I consider myself happy man. I have a business that I put my life on it. Fight for the sobering of our people.

50-year-old actress Julia Roberts considers every day of her life perfect and happy. The star has been married for 15 years and she admits that she knows what will make every woman happy..

Julia Roberts gave a rare interview about her personal life with her husband

Often, the actress is silent about her personal life, but the other day the star decided to talk about her husband Daniel Moder.

In an interview with a well-known gloss, the face of which she became, Roberts said that before meeting her husband she was selfish, but all this has changed.

"I was my priority, the selfish little spoiled kid running around making films," Julia said.

The actress admitted that everything changed after 2000, when she met "her man".

"When I think about what makes my life my life, brings meaning to it and glows inside me - it's him. Everything revolves around him," the actress told the publication.

The couple first met on the set of The Mexican, in which Roberts performed leading role along with Brad Pitt, and Danny worked as a cinematographer. After two years of relationship, they got married in 2002 at her 20-hectare ranch in Taos, New Mexico.

After that, they often worked together to create new paintings. Often, speaking about her wife in an interview, the actress calls him "the safest place on the planet."

One of the most strong couples Hollywood has three children: 12-year-old twins Hazel and Finn, and 10-year-old Henry.

JoInfo journalist Anna Ash recalls that Julia Roberts received. The star will play the role of the mother of an adult son in the drama film "Ben is back."

Azarova Valeria. Interview with brother

My brother and I often go for walks together. And after one such walk, I invited him home to interview. We sat comfortably on the couch and I started asking questions.

Your favorite book.

- "Niels' travels with wild geese." It seemed to me interesting, mysterious and instructive. The book captivated me and I couldn't put it down. At some point, I wanted to be next to Niels.

What did you want to be when you were younger.

A police officer, and now a football player.

What do you think is the difference between your childhood and your mother's childhood?

We have computers. There you can play different Interesting games. Learn a lot on the Internet useful information. But my mother says that before the children spent more time on the street and talked “live”, and now we correspond more often on social networks.

Your most cherished childhood dream.

Wanted a computer.

Did she come true?

Yes. Given as a gift at age 6.

Who is your idol.

Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo.

What do you consider the most important achievement in your life?

It turned out to get into a strong football team in 1 squad.

What qualities do you value in people, what qualities do you especially dislike?

Positive qualities for me are honesty and kindness. I hate it when a person lies brazenly and does not blush, and also brawlers and people who do not appreciate the work of others.

What is happiness for you.

Get into big football. Become a professional soccer player.

What did you like to do in childhood.

Wushu, taekwondo, breakdance, swimming, soccer.

You are into it today.

Only football remains.

Is it easy for you to make friends?

Yes. I like to communicate a lot with different guys.

Which lesson do you like the most.

Rhythm, physical, env. world, information, logic.

The interview ended, and we continued to talk and discuss various topics. Cyril liked answering my questions. And I was surprised how detailed and enthusiastic he answered me.

Alekhina-Maslovskaya Maria. Mom interview

Evening. I'm sitting in my parents' bedroom. A dog lies next to me. It's cozy and everything is as always.

What's your favorite childhood book, Mom?

As a child, my favorite books were encyclopedias about housework, farming, but I was also interested in reading other encyclopedias and learning a lot of new things.

And what did you want to become by profession?

I am ... a scientist to make all sorts of discoveries

Mom, how is your childhood different from mine?

Our childhood was more carefree, there were no fictitious problems “who has a cooler phone, more expensive clothes, a smarter tablet”, we were more children.

What was your dream?

As a child, I went through a book about space by the outstanding designer and scientist Korolyov. It was written in a very interesting way and had beautiful pictures of space. The book was thick, but I read it at one time, it made such a strong impression on me that I had a dream to fly into space.

Long wanted?

Yes, up to 30 years old.

Did you have an idol?

No, I don't think it should be.

Did you have a role model?

I was always surrounded by very interesting educated people and naturally I wanted to be the same.

What is the most important achievement in your life for you?

Strong family and wonderful children.

What qualities do you value in people and what do you dislike?

I love when people are kind, honest, open, but I do not like when they are hypocritical and greedy.

As a child, were you good friends with children?

Yes, but not many friends.

What were your hobbies, mom?

I knitted, sewed, embroidered, read, various crafts, I really liked to create something myself.

Tell interesting stories that happened to you.

When I was 4 years old, my grandparents took me to Yerevan with them. When the adults saw how much I like the mountains and the forest, they decided to scare me and said that bears with beautiful, large daggers walk in the forest. It became so interesting for me to look at a bear with a beautiful dagger that the next day, while everyone was sleeping, I went into the forest to look for a bear. After walking in the mountains for two hours, I got tired and returned to my grandparents.

How do you spend free time?

How do you imagine the perfect place?

The country estate is quiet and peaceful, there is a gazebo in which we will drink tea with the whole family.

I learned a lot of interesting things about my closest and dearest relative.

Borodulin Ivan. Interview with my grandmother.

What was your favorite book as a child?

I don't remember having any one favorite book. I just loved to read and read a lot. I was friends with the school librarian, helped her, and she allowed me to borrow any books in the library. Our family did not have a TV, and I read all my free time.

What did you want to be as a child?

Like all children, I went through many professions, I even wanted to become an astronaut. In our time, probably everyone wanted to be astronauts, like Gagarin. I wanted to be an actress and even played in the school theater Sputnik Youth Theater, which was dominated by the Theater of the Young Spectator. And I also wanted to be a translator from oriental languages.

How was your childhood different from my mother's?

I spent my childhood on the Petrograd side in a large communal apartment where eight children lived. All the neighbors lived together and the children were also friends. We even had our own puppet theater. We put on plays and showed them to adults. We had a very friendly yard and children from neighboring yards came to us. We played Cossack robbers, banners, badminton, rode bicycles ... Together we went to the theater, cinema, walked on the Neva, in Peter and Paul Fortress, to the Zoo ... After all, all this was near the house.

Your mother's childhood passed in Kupchino in a separate apartment. There are no courtyards here. She was friends with the children of my friends or with the children of housemates and classmates. They didn't have games like ours. They could not go for a walk in the city center on their own. It was not interesting to walk in Kupchino, and on weekends we went to the city center with her and I told her about what I saw. Some children have never been even on Nevsky Prospekt until they grew up. I remember how she once took her girlfriends to Nevsky Prospekt to show it to them. I was horrified, because she was then 10 years old.

What childhood dream have you carried through your whole life?

Probably, I didn’t have such a dream to carry it through my whole life. I don't even know what to say to this question. Come on next.

Who was an idol or ideal in childhood?

You know, they say: "Do not make yourself an idol." Probably, even then I understood that ideal people can not be. I wanted to be like some people, but they weren't. famous people. I liked the demeanor of some, the cultural level of others, and I tried to rise to them.

What achievement do you consider the most important in life?

Probably the fact that, despite all the difficulties, I was able to live decent life and raise your mom to be a wonderful person.

What qualities do you value in people?

Mind, purposefulness, courage, diligence, disinterestedness, honesty, devotion, kindness, ability to make friends. You know my school friends. Not every person can say: "We've been friends since the first grade."

What qualities are unacceptable for you?

Deceit, stupidity, cowardice, laziness, malice, vanity, selfishness, cruelty, envy (black).

What is happiness for you?

Happiness is when all your loved ones are healthy and prosperous, when everything you strive for turns out when your grandson takes his duties responsibly.

How do you spend your free time?

I read, meet friends, go to the theater and museums, visit exhibitions.

What animals do you like and why?

Dogs and cats. There are more cats because we have a cat that I have been raising since two months. He is very smart and cunning and the most beloved, despite all his mischievousness.

What are the highlights of your life?

Entering the institute, the birth of a daughter, meeting the wonderful art collector Valentina Golod, whose collection is now in the Stroganov Palace, meeting the actress Nina Urgant, the first trip abroad, the birth of a grandson ...

Who were you?

Bibliographer in the library of the Mining Institute, head of the information department of the Avrora publishing house, deputy CEO joint-stock company"Okdile" at the October railway.

Have you been a pioneer?

Of course it was. In my childhood, it was a great honor to be among the first to be accepted as pioneers. Our pioneer life was very interesting: hikes, training camps, erudite tournaments...

Was your childhood happy?

Yes very. My parents were the best. I was surrounded by wonderful friendly people. I had many true friends, some of whom are still with me.

Buravkina Katya. Mom interview

Now I am sitting in the room with my mother. The environment is calm, quiet. I started my interview with this question:

Me: How was your childhood different from mine?

Mom: - (thinking a little): It was different in that the children at that time were more open, friendly, they spent most of their time in the yard, and not in computers.

I: -

Mom: - My idol in childhood was Lyudmila Gurchenko, because she was an actress, and also beautiful, so everyone wanted to be equal to her.

Mom: - (laughing): I wanted to become a television announcer, because everyone knew them, they looked beautiful, and at that time television was considered something extraordinary.

Me: What was your favorite toy as a child?

Mom: - My favorite toy was a clockwork bear.

Me: What was your favorite book as a child?

Mom: - My favorite book was Captain Grant's Children, because it was the first book that my grandfather brought, advised me to read it. I also really wanted to go on a trip to different countries.

Me: - Did you have problems with communication in childhood?

Mom: - There were no problems with communication in primary school, but later they started because I wore glasses for a very long time, and they called me names, and because of this I was ashamed to wear them.

Me: What was your fear as a child?

Mom: Yes, it was. I was always afraid to get a deuce, because I knew that dad would be displeased with me for this.

Me: What does happiness mean to you?

Mom: Happiness is love, care and peace in the family.

Me: - What qualities do you appreciate in people, and what qualities do you especially dislike?

Mom: - I appreciate openness, honesty, respect, and I do not accept lies and rudeness.

Me: What was your favorite lesson in school?

Mom: - My favorite lesson is cooking, because it was interesting for me.

Me: Did you have any pets as a child? If yes, which ones, and how much?

Mom: (smiling sweetly): - In total, as a child, I had 3 cats and fish.

Vasiliev Mikhail. Mom interview.

One evening my mother and I were sitting in the kitchen. I decided to find out more about her childhood, what she dreamed about, what she wanted to become.

And so I began, my mother answered seriously, even very much. Here are her answers to questions:

To the first question, my mother, after thinking, said that her favorite book as a child was “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell. Mom read it as a child 7 times, my grandmother (her mother) hid this book because it was read to holes. In addition to this book, my mother read many others.

To the second question, she answered immediately: "I wanted to become a teacher and an actress."

When asked how her childhood differed from mine, my mother immediately answered: “We spent a lot of time on the street, reading, watching TV, only when there was an interesting program, and they went only on weekends and there were not many of them. The postman brought the program and the whole family emphasized in it that we wanted to watch on the day off.

She answered the fourth question about her dream very seriously: I really wanted to have a big family, many children!

Who was your childhood idol, I asked. Mom smiled and said that her idol was the character of the film "We'll Live Until Monday" Ilya Semenovich Melnikov, and she liked him because he played the role of a teacher very well, that's what she thinks a teacher should be.

“So,” I said, and looked down at my list of questions, “what is your biggest achievement in life? She looked at me cheerfully and said, "My achievement is sitting in front of me."

To the seventh question about what qualities she appreciates in people, mother, without hesitation, briefly said: honesty, kindness, responsiveness. And cynicism, rudeness and selfishness does not accept at all.

On the eighth about my mother's free time, she answered "I read and embroider, but I don't have as much time as I would like."

At first I didn’t want to ask the question of what happiness is and missed it, but my mother noticed this and asked: “What question did you miss?” I read. Mom smiled and said: “Happiness is when all relatives are nearby and healthy!”

“What else did you do as a child?” Mom quickly replied, “I went to different circles: music, macrame, soft toys, theater club, choir and did homework with my nephews.”

When asked about her favorite school subjects, her mother answered with a pause: “My favorite subjects were history. ancient world, which was led by Ella Yanovna (my teacher), English language and literature in grades 10 and 11, which was led by Marina Borisovna.

When asked if she loved to clean as a child, her mother answered easily, “I don’t know if she loved it or not, but she cleaned because my parents taught me to do it. Every Saturday we cleaned the apartment with my brother: he washed the floors, and I wiped the dust.

At my request to tell an interesting case from life, my mother thought, and then said this: “The summer of 1986 was very hot, and the whole family was resting in a village in Belarus. That summer there were a lot of mushrooms and berries, so my mother and parents went to the forest every day to pick mushrooms and berries. Once, my mother took a huge iron mug of strawberries, it was very large, almost like a strawberry, so my mother took it very quickly, she was happy to go home. The village was located in a lowland, and it has the name Nizyany. When mother with her brother and parents approached the village, below she saw a house and grandparents at the gate, mother wanted to show them her prey faster and ran, but she stumbled and fell, and all the strawberries scattered along the sandy road ... Mom, of course, cried, she was only 5 years old, she was helped to collect strawberries in a mug, they washed her at home and her mother ate them with milk. And then everyone found out that there was an accident at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl in the spring of 1986 and that most of the precipitation fell just in western Belarus. That is why there were so many mushrooms and berries.”

like this interesting conversation It happened to my mother on a cold autumn evening in the kitchen.

Vasilyeva Anna. Interview with sister (30 years old)

Favorite book as a child?

Jack London "Hearts of Three".

History teacher.

How was your childhood different from mine?

The lack of internet.

Tell us about your childhood dream? Did she come true?

I dreamed of going swimming in the ocean. Come true.

Who was your idol as a child? (ideal)?

What achievement do you consider the most important in life?

Get a high school diploma.

What qualities do you appreciate in people? Which ones do you especially dislike?

I appreciate sincerity; I do not appreciate betrayal and lies.

What is happiness for you?

How do you like to spend your free time?

Vasilyeva Nastya. Interview with grandmother.

Grandmother. Without thinking twice, she answered: “As a child, I especially loved books, such as: “Tarantula” (G. Matveev), “Dinka” (Oseeva).

2. What did you want to be as a child?

"Teacher!" Grandma said firmly and confidently.

3. How is your childhood different from that of your granddaughter?

Grandmother. “It seems to me that before the children were free, they could walk without fear from morning to evening, and the children did not sit in electronics for days.”

4.What cherished dream did you have as a child? Did she come true?

“Of course, I had a dream, I wanted a dog, but I bought it myself only at the age of 35.”

5. Who was your idol (ideal) in childhood?

“Our idols were film actors, and I even collected their photographs.”

6. What achievement do you consider the most important in your life?

Grandmother. After thinking, she answered: “To raise a granddaughter as a real person.”

7. What qualities do you value in people? What do you not accept?

Grandmother. "Integrity", but I especially do not like deceitful people.

8. Your idea: what is happiness?

"Good and a strong family' Grandma replied.

9. How do you spend your free time?

Grandmother. "Unfortunately, I don't have free time."

10. Where in the world would you like to go?

“Israel, because it is a very beautiful and fabulous place.”

11. Was it easy to make friends as a child?

"No, because I was very modest and shy."

12. What was your favorite lesson?

"Of course it's drawing."

Gaykova Diana. Mom interview

What was your favorite book as a child?

A. M. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City". My mother read this book to me, and I was fascinated by the world of magic. I mentally flew into different countries- yellow, pink, blue, green, purple in the emerald city. This book instills in children kindness, friendship, mercy, courage. I have read this book many times.

2) How is your childhood different from mine?

Our childhood was more interesting, as we communicated more, played live, and not on a social network.

3) What did you want to be as a child?

A doctor because I wanted to help sick people. I trained well for this.

4) What was your childhood dream?

For loved ones to live forever.

5) Did it come true?

Unfortunately no.

6) Who was your idol (ideal)?

I have no ideals.

7) What do you consider the most important achievement in your life?

I became a mother.

8) What qualities do you value in people? Which ones are especially unacceptable?

Honesty, sense of humor; Lies.

9) What is happiness for you?

Close people are healthy, love and be loved, peace ...

10) How do you like to spend your free time the most?

For what you love.

Gerasimova Anya. Mom interview

One day I wanted to know more about my family. I started thinking about who I should ask. I thought a long time. I tried to ask the cat, to which she answered me: “Meow, Moore.” And I decided to ask my mom. And so, we started.

1. What is your favorite childhood book? Why?

Nikolay Nosov "Knock-knock-knock" - without thinking twice, my mother answered - because there are a lot of interesting stories about the life of children and animals, such as "Mishkina porridge", "Putty", "Dreamers", "Puppy" and others -

2. What would you like to be as a child? Why?

Since childhood, I wanted to become an accountant, I liked to count on the accounts and add up the numbers in my mother's journal at her work. Then I wanted to become a kindergarten teacher, just like that, I liked messing around with children.-

3. What were your childhood dreams? Did they come true?

Mom couldn't answer this question.

4. Who was your childhood idol? Why?

Mom answered Irina Alferova for a long time - she was an actress of theater and cinema, because I liked her beauty, the way she played.

5. What were your pets?

Dog. But she was not mine, but grandmother's, we lived with her. The dog's name was Marta, a very smart and kind mongrel. She was much older than me, and when it came time for her to die, and she was 16 years old (I was 7 then), she left home so as not to upset us, and a day later, dad found her dead in the neighboring yard.-

6. How is your childhood different from the childhood of your children?

We were more independent, we could cook our own food, wash the dishes, communicated more with our peers while walking in the yard, rather than sitting in front of gadgets at home, and appreciated the things and gifts that our parents gave us more.-

7. Was it easy for you to make friends?

Well, making friends was easy. Because, in principle, we spent a lot of time on the street in the company of guys and everyone in the company of someone knew someone. And he introduced me to the rest of the guys.

8. What was your favorite lesson at school? Why?

My favorite lesson was chemistry (I was very surprised) because we did a lot of experiments and experiments.

9. What quality do you appreciate in people? And which are not?

I value kindness, honesty and punctuality. Because these qualities are priorities in my evaluation of a person.

10. What is your personal achievement in life?

I graduated from a music school, and played for the school's volleyball team. I also learned to drive a car.-

11.Where would you like to go?

I would really like to go to Prague and Mexico. In Prague - see the architecture, walk along the streets. And to Mexico - because it is some kind of distant, unusual, like a different world and culture.-

12. What is happiness for you?

Peace of mind, healthy children and close person near.

Mom answered calmly.

13. How do you spend your free time?

I don’t have one, but I like to walk and sometimes get out to the theaters.-

14. Try to give yourself a self-characterization.

I am punctual, kind, smart and cheerful.

Mom replied with a smile.

This is how my mom and I talked. I learned quite a lot of new things about my mother and I am very pleased that we are given such interesting essays.

Glinskaya Lisa. Mom interview

The conversation with mom takes place in the kitchen, after dinner. The interlocutor's mood is relaxed.

What was your favorite book as a child?

Mother. Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

What did you want to be as a child?

Mom (thinking). A dentist because I wanted to help people.

How is your childhood different from your children's?

Mom (concentrating). Many. Today's children have more opportunities for self-expression. We were all the same.

Tell us about your childhood dream. Did she come true?

Mother. As a child, I dreamed that when I grew up, I would create such a medicine thanks to which my grandmother would live forever. Unfortunately, the dream did not come true.

Who was your idol (ideal) in childhood?

Mom (no pause). There was no idol.

What achievement do you consider the most important thing in your life?

Mom (smiling). These are my beloved children, family.

What qualities do you appreciate in people, and what are unacceptable?

Mother. I appreciate: decency, honesty, openness. I do not like: anger, deceit, selfishness.

What is happiness for you?

Mother. Happiness is a state of mind when you are very well “rubbed”, joyfully and carefree. When the whole family is together.

How do you spend your free time?

Mother. With family, walking, traveling ...

What clubs did you go to?

Mother. Many: English language, gymnastics, in the youth circle, soft toy, badminton, cutting and sewing.

Describe yourself (5 adjectives).

Mother. Responsive, kind, fair, stubborn, impatient.

Favorite lesson?

Mother. Physics because the teacher knew how to captivate with his subject.

In a conversation with my mother, I learned a lot of interesting and useful things.

Glushchenko Vitalina. Mom interview

My interview with my mother:

Favorite childhood book?

- "Jane Eyre" - Charlotte Bronter. Romance.


Childhood idol?

Mom became thoughtful ... - Nikolay Eremenko.

Childhood dream?

Have a son and daughter.

How do you spend your free time?

I go in for sports in a fitness club.

What is happiness for you?

Peace, my health and children, financial well-being.

Which music you prefer?


How is your childhood different from ours?

Children went out more often, moved more.

what are you interested in? (Art, sports, politics, history..)

What is the most important achievement in life?

What qualities do you value in people?


Would you like to become famous all over the world? How?

Greshneva Masha. Mom interview

We once sat with my mother in the kitchen, and drank tea. They sat in deathly silence. I got bored and so I started asking my mother about her childhood.

My first question was this:

- "Which school did you go to, mom?" Mom answered me with a smile:

- "Until the fourth grade, I studied at school number 226, and then moved to another school number ..., in a sports class." Without thinking, I asked the following question:

- "What sports did you do?" Mom responded very quickly to my question:

“I was swimming. I went to the pool."

- “And what days did you go to the pool?” I asked with a sneer.

“I went there every day. Training was in the morning and in the evening.

- "Wow!" I said admiringly.

My next question was:

- "Did you go to any camps?"

“Of course, I traveled a lot. I remember that the camp was in Chisinau four times. It was a sports camp. Once we were taken on an excursion to Odessa, taken to rest and swim on the Dniester and on apple plantations - to refresh ourselves with vitamins, and at the same time pick apples.

- "Did you have any awards?"

- “Yes, there were, I have medals for city competitions and for all-Russian ones.”

- "How many medals do you have for first place?"

Mom stared at one point and thought about my question. After a moment of reflection, my mother told me the result:

I thought to myself that I should move away from this topic and ask other questions. The first question was:

- What were your fears as a child? I asked with a serious face.

“As a child, I had a very funny story, after which I am afraid of cows, ”Mom said in a cheerful voice.

- "Tell me, please, this story" - I ask.

- “Once, when I was three or four years old, I went to the camp with my mother. One sunny day, a herd of cows ran into the camp. All the detachments rushed to expel them together. And now I and a few guys come out of the dining room, and this herd rushes at us along the road and neither they nor we have nowhere to turn. At first we ran from them along the road and thank God we managed to climb a pine tree. Since then, I have been afraid of cows.”

For several minutes, my mother and I laughed at this story.

The tea was already all drunk, and we talked for a long time with my mother about her childhood and youth.

Dokicheva Alisa. Interview with brother

Our interview is taking place outside, my brother and I are sitting on a park bench. It is very beautiful here, golden leaves, a small pond and a very beautiful sky.

Let's get to our interview:

Journalist: Denis, what was your favorite book as a child?

Denis (went through all the books he knows): I didn’t have a favorite book as a child, because. there was no time for free reading, but what we read on school curriculum I didn't like it. But in the 9th grade, we were asked to read the novel by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" since then this novel has become my favorite.

J: What would you like to be as a child?

D: (answered without hesitation): As a child, I dreamed of becoming a builder.

Zh: Why a builder?

D: Because I was great at building Lego houses and that's why I thought it would be easy.

J: How is your childhood different from that of your sister?

D: In my childhood there were less computer games and technology. I spent more time outdoors playing with my friends.

J: Tell us about your childhood dream?

D: (Thinking for a very long time, he answered): Unfortunately, I cannot remember any of my childhood dreams.

J: Who was your childhood idol?

D: (smiled maliciously and said): Andrey Gubin. As a child, I asked my mother to buy me a cassette with his songs.

J: What do you consider the most important achievements in your life?

D: I graduated from the film studio.

Zh: What qualities do you value and which are not acceptable in people?

D: I appreciate kindness, I do not accept envy.

J: Why these qualities?

D: I go through life with these qualities.

J: What is happiness for you?

D: (without hesitation) The health of loved ones.

J: How do you like to spend your free time?

D: I'm lying on the couch, eating chips, watching TV with my sister.

J: What did you do as an extreme child?

D: At the age of 6 I walked on thin pipes through ditches. These are not transferable sensations.

F: One amazing fact about you?

D: I am very lazy, but I am responsible.

J: What was the most interesting lesson you had as a child?

D: Physics.

J: Did you keep a personal diary as a child?

D: (laughing and answering): Of course not.

J: Favorite toy as a child?

D: My favorite toys were the soft Hedgehog and the police car. My mother gave me a car for 5 years, since then it has become my favorite toy, until my beloved younger sister broke it for me 6 years later.

J: What is your favorite fruit?

D: My sister and I love bananas.

I found out that I broke my brother's typewriter, I'll go apologize...

Kasatkin Misha. Interview with mom and dad

I am sitting in my room, my mother is sitting opposite me. It was to her that I decided to ask these questions. I started by talking about childhood.

What was your favorite book as a child?

I was very fond of reading, until the age of 13 my favorite books were, oddly enough, fairy tales - different peoples peace, copyright and not. Then adventure novels were favorites. Most of all I remember "The Odyssey of Captain Blood", "White Jaguar Chief of the Arawaks", etc.

What did you want to be as a child?

Artist; I loved to draw and I was good at it.

How was your childhood different from mine?

In my childhood there was more live communication, and in your childhood there are more opportunities and technologies.

Mom called me screaming from the balcony, not calling my cell phone. I wrote paper letters, not text messages. And my best friends were in the yard, not online. I did not play network games, but hide and seek and Cossack robbers. My childhood was better.

Dad, what is your biggest childhood dream, has it come true?

As a child, I dreamed of many things. For example, he dreamed of becoming a football player, but the dream did not come true. But the dream of visiting Disneyland was fulfilled this year by being there with you.

Did you have an idol as a child?

No, I liked many people, but there was no idol.

What is your main achievement in life?

The creation of a family, the birth of a son, I hope this list will be replenished

What qualities do you value in people and what do you dislike?

I appreciate honesty, a sense of humor, but I despise lies and hypocrisy.

How do you like to spend your free time?

I like to walk around the city, go to the cinema, go to the country. The main thing is not to sit at home.

Where would you like to live?

If the city is Moscow, and if nature, then the island of La Gomera, which is part of the Canary archipelago.

And finally, the most amazing fact about you?

When I'm nervous, I start to yawn.

Kochkareva Lisa. Mom interview

At school we were given homework interview your relatives. I enjoyed this activity because I learned that my mother was like me as a child. So let's move on to the interview.

My first question to my mother:

What was your favorite book as a child?

During my school years, I read a lot of books. I read A. Dumas and the Three Musketeers. There were many favorite books, but often I re-read Angelica and Consuelo. I've always liked stories strong people and adventure. Every time I read it, I thought of what I would write in the place of the author.

Mom, we have a family.

I ask a second question:

What did you want to be as a child?

As a child, I dreamed of becoming a writer. I even composed not a single fairy tale, but as I grew up I realized that it was very naive and childish. I never once changed my mind about work. Now I work as an economist, I understand that I really like it, but the dream remains.

As I have already said, I do not always agree with the author and that is why I want, like my mother in childhood, I want to become a writer.

My question number three asks my mom who her childhood idol was.

There was always music playing in my house. Therefore, my idols were singers: Alla Pugacheva and Valery Leontievich. I have always loved to sing along to them while dancing.

I also love and I can’t help but sing along even when I don’t know the words, as a rule, nothing good comes of it.

The fourth question, what were your favorite lessons, was of great interest to me so that I could not wait to get an answer.

I have always loved mathematics, literature, history and chemistry. I knew that mathematics would be useful to me in life. In history, I liked to learn how people lived before us, how they gradually changed caves to high-rise buildings, and how society was formed. In literature, I liked to read works famous writers and memorize poetry. I still remember by heart the tale of the "dead princess and the seven heroes."

List seven adjectives that describe you.

Balanced, calm, friendly and ... and what else am I?

I'd say you're patient compared to me. Sometimes quick-tempered, sometimes harmful, but quick-tempered.

By the way, I'm not vindictive yet, - my mother recalled.

Well it's how to look

The interview ended on that happy note.

And now a few words about what I think. I think that interviewing your relatives is very interesting and you can learn a lot of new things. But the most surprising thing is that the more I asked my mother, the more I realized how similar she was.

Thank you for this feeling!

Maureen Seva. Mom interview

In the evening, my mother and I sat in a room in a pleasant, quiet environment. Mom was in a good mood, she gladly gave me an interview.

What was your favorite book as a child?

Mom (remembering) replied: “As a child, I really liked the book“ The Wizard of the Emerald City ”.

What did you want to be as a child?

Mom (smiling) said: "I dreamed of becoming a tiger trainer."

How is your childhood different from today's children:

Mom (smirking) said, “We used to play outside more as kids and watch very little TV.”

Who was your idol as a child?

Mom (smiling) said: “I didn’t have an idol as a child.

What is happiness for you?

Mom (smiling) said: "World peace."

How do you like to spend your free time?

Mom (smiling) said: "I like to walk around the city, visit exhibitions, museums and theaters."

Did you have a favorite toy?

Mom (smiling) said: “When I was a child, I had a favorite toy, Sweetie Bear.

Did you have problems with friendships as a child?

Mom (smiling) said: "I had many friends in my childhood."

What was your favorite lesson as a child?

Mom (smiling) said: "I always enjoyed going to a physical education lesson."

Did you have any pets?

Mom (smiling) said: "I had mice and fish."

Nedobezhkina Ksenia. Mom interview

In the evening, despite being busy with household chores, we specially found time for this interview. Relatives were noisy around, curiously looking into the recorder and into the notebook. We sat side by side and began:

1) What was your favorite book as a child?

Mom (she said without thinking): My favorite book as a child is The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson. I liked this touching and sad story about sacrificial love. And the illustrations were just beautiful.

2) What did you want to be as a child?

Mom (said without hesitation): I wanted to become a doctor as a child, always only a doctor, because my mother was a doctor and I wanted to be like her. And it always seemed that it was a very noble and intelligent work.

3) How is your childhood different from the childhood of your child?

Mom (thoughtfully answered): I grew up with my grandmother in small town, in a one-story house, my mother studied in another city. Our childhood is distinguished by the quality of life, toys. You live in a big city apartment building, with excellent playgrounds in every yard. Your generation has more toys, books, access to information, the Internet. But we had more street games, for example rubber band, skipping rope, traffic light, "the sea is worried once ...", "Cossacks-robbers." We built headquarters on trees, played whole performances with dolls and spillikins, rehearsed concerts for adults with the neighbor's kids. Everything is the same as yours, only there were no gadgets - and we did not sit on the Internet and electronic games and books. It simply didn't exist.

4) Tell us about your childhood dream, did it come true?

Mom (thinking): To be honest, I don’t remember my childhood dreams. I remember only these practical desires - what I want to become. That's how we were brought up. When I was born, there was still communism, then, in principle, they aimed at something from childhood, they taught me to think more rationally. No, “I want” and “I dream” were also there. We dreamed of becoming pilots, educators, teachers, doctors. What can you dream about? We didn't have Disney or Disneyland. Our parents regularly took us to the sea, but not abroad. We did not want to go abroad, we did not even know what it was. And they did not believe in its existence. Now it seems to me that I had fantasy dreams - I want a golden dress, glass shoes ..

5) Who was your childhood idol?

Mom (thinking): I practically had no idols. My friends fell in love with singers, actors. I didn't have that. The person I wanted to be like and look up to was my mom. Because I have not had more authoritative and respected people.

6) What achievement do you consider the most important in your life?

Mom: Well, for now I'm proud to be raising two children and helping my mom. Every fool can give birth, but not every person can bring up well. I have not yet had such an achievement, which will be the most important in my life. I'm still growing. Ahead of me will be achievements that I will be especially proud of.

7) What qualities in people do you appreciate, what do you not?

Mom: Probably there are no such qualities that can not be appreciated ...

3. Kindness

4. Honesty

It is very difficult to communicate with stupid people. Foolish man maybe read all the books in the world and still remain stupid. Clever man- smart, with a moving mind.

I love people with a sense of humor. They are very viable and it is always interesting and easy with them.

But to be smart, with a sense of humor and at the same time evil is ugly, miserable. Intelligence and humor must necessarily be adorned and softened by kindness.

And I consider stupidity, anger, anger, arrogance as negative qualities.

8) What is happiness for you?

Mom: As they said in one wonderful film: “Happiness is when you are understood.”

Happiness is known in comparison. When I watch the news on TV, I understand that happiness is when there is no war where you live, your relatives have a roof over their heads, food, clothing, education, medical care ... All my loved ones need is happiness .

9) Was it easy for you to make friends as a child?

Mom (immediately, without hesitation said): Yes. And now too. Because I am sociable and have a sense of humor.

10) Try to describe yourself.

Mom: It is very difficult to describe yourself. One of best qualities I think modesty..

I am sociable, kind, intelligent. Here's how I present my characterization.

11) What question are you always ready to answer, but you are never asked?

Mom (smiling):

I'm still waiting for someone to ask me, "How much money do you have - a million or two?" or "Where do you want to put the money machine - in this corner or in that one?"

12) What was the most interesting lesson you had at school?

Mom: Biology. Later chemistry, history and literature. Biology and chemistry - because of that. That they are close to medicine. I was wondering what this world and man are made of.

13) What were you afraid of as a child?

Mom: Darkness and spiders. I'm still afraid of spiders. As a teenager, I was afraid of the clown that lived under the bed. But he left me at 18. With the help of a psychoanalyst. It was an interesting neighborhood

14) Did you have a best friend:?

Mom: S kindergarten I had three girlfriends. Katya, Luda, Tanya. I still correspond with Tanya in Odnoklassniki. When I began to study in high school, I had the closest friend - our aunt Kotek. We have been friends for over twenty years.

15) Did you have a favorite toy, if so, which one?

Mom: I don't know if I had a favorite toy. There were two dolls - the boy Kostya and the girl Lilya. And Pif the dog. A! And German baby doll Dimka with real eyelashes! It was left to me by my aunt.

Pletneva Vika. Dad interview

We are now sitting with dad in the kitchen and I asked him

Let me ask you for an interview?

Dad happily replied.

Let's try

What was your favorite book as a child?

Dad: (thinking) Pinocchio

And why Pinocchio?

Dad: instructive, children's book

What did you want to be as a child (6.12 years old)?

Dad: at the age of 6 I wanted to become an astronaut, and at the age of 12 I wanted to go to serve in the Airborne Forces.

Dad: free access to a computer.

Tell us about your childhood (youthful) dream? Did she come true?

Dad: for the brain to work at 100%, no, it did not come true.

Who was your idol (ideals) as a child?

Dad: (thinking for a long time), my father.

What achievement do you consider the most important?

dad: my kids

What qualities do you appreciate in people? What are not acceptable? And why?
Dad: kindness, responsiveness, honesty. Greed, anger, selfishness.

I can not explain

What is happiness for you?

Dad: Calmness, understanding, love in the family.

Was there a favorite toy as a child?

Dad: railroad.

What did you do as a child?

Dad: karting, classic wrestling, aircraft modeling, theater studio.

Did you make friends easily?

Did you do anything extreme as a child?

Dad: yes, climbed trees

Did you have animals?

Dad: yes, hamsters, rats and cats

Did you fight with your parents as a teenager?

Pustovalov Mitya. Mom interview

We sat with my mother in the kitchen at the table after dinner, drinking tea and talking. I decided that this is the right time for an interview. I interviewed my wonderful mother - Elena Nikolaevna Pustovalova.

What book did you love as a child?

- Animal Stories. This book was written by E. Seton-Thompson. After reading this book, I learned more about the life of wild animals. And I started loving them more.

What would you like to be as a child?

Mom. I spent most of my childhood playing mother-daughter. And I really wanted to become good, caring, loving mother. Which is what I got.

Tell us about your childhood dream?

I, probably, in my childhood, like everyone else, dreamed of something. I think, like everyone else, I dreamed of a prince on a white horse. But, unfortunately, I do not remember my childhood most cherished dream.

Who was your idol as a child?

Mother. I loved and love my mother very much, and as a child I wanted to be like her: after all, she had three children: me and my two brothers. I wanted to bake pancakes, cook, clean, command and be a loving mother just like she did.

What qualities do you appreciate in people?

Kindness and honesty. After all, it is easy to go through life with such people.

What is happiness for you?

When my loved ones are next to me, they are all together next to each other. Then my mood rises. I always experience grief, sadness, and joy of my loved ones. Because I love my family.

Name five adjectives that describe you?

You will describe me. You look from the side and see more than me.

And I began to describe: “My mother is very good, kind, beautiful, caring and for me personally the best in the world. I love her very much".

Has your life been successful?

Yes. I think that the first part of my life was a success. But there is still a lot to come, because I'm still young and it's too early to sum up.

How is your childhood different from the childhood of your children?

Time. A lot of time has passed since I was born. Technology, power, life have changed. If we went out into the street to chat with friends and met. And my children just need to make a phone call or just go online. That's how times have changed.

I learned a lot about my mother. And to this I was even more convinced how much she loves me.

Railane Danya. Mom interview

Z. What is your favorite book?

Mother. "Scarecrow".

ME: Why?

Mom: - Because this book teaches courage, honesty and justice.

I'm fine.

What did you want to be as a child?

Mother. teacher.

ME: Why?

Mother. Because I love to pass on knowledge to others.

Me. Tell me about your dream?

Mom: - Learn to fly.

ME: Has it come true?

Mother. In a dream.

Me. Who was your childhood idol?

Mother. I didn't have an idol!!!

ME: What was the most important achievement?

Mother. To give birth to you and Katarina.

ME: What qualities do you value in people?

Mother. Honesty, kindness, generosity and reliability.

ME: And which ones do you dislike?

Mother. Deceit, selfishness, malice, greed and inconstancy.

ME: What is happiness to you?

Mother. The health and well-being of my family and friends.

ME: What kind of animals did you have?

Mother. Dogs Dina and Dana, parrot Chica.

Saigusheva Nastya. Dad interview

1. Did you have pets as a child?

My small homeland is a small Kuban village in the foothills of the Caucasus. Therefore, in our household there were such animals: chickens, ducks, turkeys, pigs, sheep. But the favorite animal, of course, was a dog named Khalzar - a true friend, an intelligent shepherd and a reliable watchman.

2. What were your responsibilities as a child?

My duties included helping my parents as much as I could: sweeping and washing the floors in the house, bringing firewood and lighting the stove, feeding the animals and taking care of my younger brother.

3. Your favorite toy?

For a long time my favorite toy was a big truck crane that looked a lot like real car and could lift loads.

4. What were you afraid of?

As a child, I was afraid of snakes. Once I was very frightened when a big snake crawled out of the vineyard thickets and lay down to bask in the sun near the porch of our house.

5. Do you remember your first call?

The first call is one of the most wonderful and exciting days in the life of every person. Therefore, such holidays are remembered by every person for life with the smallest details.

6. Do you remember your teachers?

I remember all my teachers and treat them with great gratitude and respect. But, unfortunately, it is very rare to see them because we live in different cities.

7. What is your favorite school subject?

I liked school exact sciences- physics mathematics.

8.How was your last call?

The holiday of the last call in our school was traditionally fun and interesting, and in the morning we all met the dawn together.

9. At what age did you start working?

IN student years, at the time summer holidays I worked as a machine operator at a furniture factory, as a builder in the construction and installation department. He began his main labor activity after serving in the ranks Soviet army and graduation from the radio engineering institute.

10. Do you have best friend?

My best friend is my former classmate Alexei, who now lives with his family in Nizhny Novgorod. He is a kind, sensitive and sympathetic person. We rarely see him, but we do not lose friendly relations.

11. What was your childhood dream? Did you get it?

Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a military pilot. To fulfill my dream, I played sports hard and studied well at school. But, unfortunately, the flight medical commission did not allow me to pass the entrance exams to the higher flight school. Since I was fond of radio engineering since childhood, I entered the Radio Engineering Institute, which I graduated with a "red" diploma.

12.Where and who did you work?

I started working as a software engineer, then as an electronics engineer at a large aircraft factory. I am currently working in service center for the repair of radio measuring instruments.

Salamatina Anya. Mom interview

Mom was lying and watching TV in the bedroom. I approached her and asked her a few questions:

Anya: "What is your favorite childhood book?"

Mom (thinking, but not for long) - "young guard"

Anya "What did you want to be as a child?"

Mom (with a smile) - Astronaut

Anya "- Who would you like to be today?"

Mom (with an embarrassed smile) - "Cosmonaut"

Anya “How is my childhood different from the childhood, for example, of your daughter and son?”

Mom (frowning a little) "My childhood was more eventful, because you have computers"

Anya "Tell us about your childhood dream?"

Mom (with a long pause) "Get an award, first place in handball."

Anya "Did it come true?"

Mom (calm face) "Partially yes."

Anya "Who was your childhood idol?"

Mom (in a calm tone) “There were none. I did not imitate anyone and did not strive to be like someone else. You need to have your own personality, and not copy other people ... "

Anya “What achievement do you consider the most important in your life?”

Mom (raising her eyebrows) "Raised smart and decent children"

Anya “What qualities do you appreciate in people? Which ones do you especially not accept?

Mom (thinking for a long time) “I appreciate the truth in people. Because they can be trusted. Well, of course, I don’t accept lies ”

Anya “What is your idea of ​​happiness?”

Mom (calmly) "Calm in the family"

What is your dream for today?

Mom (without emotion) "So that everyone is healthy"

Anya “Has there been such a story with you, after which you wanted to apologize to someone?”

Mom (smiling embarrassedly, but then, changing her face a little) “When I was little, I took one ruble from my mother - your grandmother and bought ice cream for it ... Then I was very ashamed. I went and apologized."

Salamatina Anna. Interview with cousin

What is your favorite childhood book?

R.V.S. - this book is about the war.

What did you want to be as a child?

As a child, I wanted to be a teacher. Because It seemed to me that it was interesting and it was communication with children.

Who would you like to be today?

Hotel manager.

How is my childhood different from that of your sister, for example?

Compared to this childhood - modern children, I spent more time on the street. I didn’t sit much at the computer, I read a lot and every weekend I went to the country.

What was your childhood dream?

In general, I wanted to build a house for homeless animals and gather all of them there. But I understood that it takes a lot of money to support them.

Has your dream come true?

Who was your childhood idol?

Haha. Or maybe not a person - a living one?

Well, then Sailor Moon. It's a cartoon girl.

What achievement do you consider the most important in your life?


What qualities do you value in other people?

Tact, sincerity, understanding.

Which ones do you especially dislike?

Duplicity and meanness.

What do you value in yourself?

Kindness. Ready to help at any moment.

What is your idea of ​​happiness?

Happiness is... loving and taking care of someone. About him - the person you love.

Sverdlov Sonya. Mom interview

I used to think I knew everything about my mom. But one fine evening, I decided to ask my mother interesting questions and learn more about her, namely about her childhood and the idea of ​​​​life. And I cheerfully announced to her: - Today, mommy, I will interview you!

Mother. Fine!

Z. What is your favorite childhood book?

Mom smiling. My favorite book childhood - story remarkable writer Nikolai Nosov "Mishkina porridge". I remember when I read this story, I laughed so hard and could not stop, that I remembered it for the rest of my life!

Me: What did you want to be as a child?

Mother. In fact, I had many desires, the first - I wanted to become an athlete, because I went in for sports and I wanted to achieve great results and become an Olympic champion. Then, of course, to the senior classes, this desire faded from me, because other interests appeared. Then I really liked cutting my girlfriends and it seemed to me that I would make an excellent hairdresser.

ME: How is your childhood different from mine?

Mom (thinking). I don't think there are any big changes. Most likely, my child has more opportunities due to the fact that now new technologies have been introduced into life, such as: the Internet, television. Previously, we only had a radio and a TV (and that black and white one) from which we drew any news. My child's childhood is more busy in terms of employment. Previously, we somehow managed to study, play and play sports at school. And now I understand that my child is sorely lacking time.

Me. Tell us about your most cherished childhood dream.

Mother. When I was little, I really wanted to have a small dog. My mother absolutely did not allow it. One fine day, my neighbor upstairs, who had a dog named Nadia, had puppies. She came to us and said: "Would you like to take a puppy?" But mother naturally said: "No!" But when we went to look at the puppies, our attention was drawn to a small, fluffy, red puppy, and I persuaded my mother to take him. That's how I got a dog, my dream.

Me. Who was your childhood idol?

Mother. As a child, my ideals were actors, actresses. I really liked the actress Irina Alferova (who played Constance in the film "Three Musketeers") and I really wanted to be like her.

Z. What do you consider the most important achievement in your life?

Mother. Of course, my main achievement is that I have wonderful family, good child. I consider this the main thing in my life because the family is everything for me!

Me. What qualities do you appreciate in people, and which ones. On the contrary, don't you?

Mother. I love positive people, because I myself am a positive person and I don’t like it when someone around me loses heart. I really like people with a sense of humor, it is simple and easy to talk to them, they will understand you perfectly. And the quality that I do not accept is hypocrisy, because I myself am a straight person.

Z. Thank you for the interview.

Thanks to the interview, I realized that some of the interests of my mother and I are similar and therefore we are interested in each other.

Semenenkov Dima. Interview with dad th

As soon as I heard the assignment, I thought: “Who will I interview?”. After thinking a little, I firmly decided that I would ask my dad! But he couldn't find the time to talk. At the weekend, my brother and I visited my grandmother, as my parents had a lot to do, and Monday and Tuesday evenings were busy for me sports sections. And then came Wednesday night. Dad, having come from work, settled down in his favorite chair, and I on the sofa. The silence did not last long. I asked the first question and immersed myself in attentive listening.

The question went like this:

Dad, did you have a favorite book at the age of 11 or 12, and why this one?
And the father began to list:

- "White Fang", "Robin Hood", "Kalevala", "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" Well, each in its own way, "White Fang" while reading, you can understand what the wolf feels, "Robin Hood" liked because of the noble actions that he committed, taking money from the rich, fought for justice.

What did you want to be at the age of 6 or 7? And explain why.

Astronaut! I saw it on TV and I also wanted to explore the universe.

Dad, can you tell me how your childhood differs from ours, and is it very different?

Strongly. To chat, you had to get up from the sofa, go to the next front door, get up, ring the bell and call Misha for a walk! Or call by phone and arrange to meet, for example, on the football field. We didn't have then cell phone and the Internet, we went and talked directly!

Did you have a dream as a child, if so, what was it and did it come true?
- I had many wishes. Some have come true, and some have not. So I wanted a car, I have one, I wanted a motorcycle, I don’t have one. Many dreams came true, but not all when I dreamed about them.

Dad, did you have an idol? Who is this?

Probably Viktor Tsoi.

Why exactly him?

It was very popular and I liked rock! I liked the meaning of his songs.

And the achievement that you were very happy at the age of 12-14?

For example, at one time I was very proud that I participated in a competition among senior detachments in Zerkalny, and on stage I received a medal for 2nd place!

Sivakova Anya. Mom interview

My mother and I sat down to have tea. She was surprised at first, and then interested. Mom was a little tired because I asked questions in the evening after work.
I asked my mother a question: "what is your favorite book of childhood"? Mom answered without hesitation, Cinderella. But when I asked why, my mother took the trouble to answer. But then my mother said: because as a child she wanted to become a princess. Mom wanted to be a princess because they dressed beautifully. For this, my mother tried to sew dresses for herself, of course, she did not always succeed.

Then my mother was surprised when I asked her a question, how does your childhood differ from the childhood of your children? But mom nevertheless answered. The fact that they used to be more sociable than now we are on the Internet, and before the children walked and had fun on the street.

Tell us about your childhood dream "? Mom thought for a long time, but then remembered that she dreamed of becoming an astronaut. But she did not come true.

I was surprised that Boyarsky was an idol in my mother's childhood. Because my grandfather was very fond of listening to him and my grandmother had a lot of vinyl records at home and my mother and sister loved to listen to them.

To the question, What achievement do you consider the most important in your life. "Mom answered like all the family and children.

What qualities do you value in people?" Mom answered the same way as I did: kindness and honesty. And she does not accept lies. For my mother, happiness is our family. Because the family is the brightest and kindest in the world.

How do you spend your free time the most? My mother and I go to the water park and to the cinema.

Mom really liked the question, What did she want to do since childhood? Mom wanted to fly into space. But she didn’t succeed.

What do you do with your family? "It was easy for my mother to answer, because I wrote an essay on this topic with my mother. The whole family goes for mushrooms, to the lake and read books together.

I learned a lot about my mom. And I was impressed.

Skaskevich Ulyana. Mom interview

Mom and I sit in the kitchen and drink tea. Mom is in a good mood, and I start asking questions.

What is your favorite book?

Mom: "First grader" Evgeny Schwartz.

Mom: because it tells about children, about friendship, about mutual understanding

What did you want to be as a child?

Mom: flight attendant

Mom: Because flight attendants are always pretty and look good.

How is your childhood different from the childhood of your children?

Mom: He's right.

Tell me about your childhood dream.

Mom: I wanted to have a big house, three children and two dogs.

Did she come true?

Mom: almost: I have three children, instead of house - apartment, no dogs.

What are you most afraid of?

Mom: death

What kind of pets did you have?

Mom: I had two dogs, a parrot and cats.

What quality do you value in people?

Mom: honesty, patience and self-control

What is happiness for you?

Mom: every day you live with your loved ones, with all its joys and sorrows.

I learned a lot about my mother through this conversation.

She can play Medea and Lady Macbeth, and, probably, this is yet to come. The heroines of Victoria Isakova live not lives, but destinies, and they pay for everything according to the most severe account - such women are not entitled to discounts. Her new role in the film "Burn!", which was released on December 7, is from the same series.

The professional history of Victoria Isakova was not easy. Life peered at the actress for a long time, giving out advances and loans, but was in no hurry with carte blanche. So an experienced jeweler carefully examines a stone - is it worthy of becoming a jewel? Then painstaking cutting begins, and it is not yet a fact that the stone will not shatter into small fragments, will not deceive the jeweler. Everything present must have inner strength.

The Thaw made Isakov famous, the series appeared in December 2013, by this time there were almost 40 roles in her filmography and she was 36 years old. On stage, she has already managed to play in the legendary (almost a museum by 2000) "The Seagull" by Oleg Efremov at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, managed to survive her personal acting disaster in this theater, managed to find a new self. And soon theatrical Moscow started talking about her Pannochka in Viya, about Candid Polaroids, about The Dowry. Everything is on the stage of the Pushkin Theater, where she went after Roman Kozak, her teacher at the Moscow Art Theater School, and where she met Kirill Serebrennikov, who became her professional colleague in the future.

In the same 2013, almost simultaneously with the Thaw, the film Mirrors was released, but the spectacular beauty of the 60s Inga Khrustaleva pushed the heroine of Mirrors into the background. It turned out unfair. After all, this heroine is Marina Tsvetaeva, and Isakova played her in such a way that any epithets in assessing her work would be insufficient, and what measure can measure the feeling of absolute artistic truth? 2017 is the jubilee year, Tsvetaevsky, and although Marina Ivanovna could not stand the monuments - neither in word, nor in bronze, but this particular film became a real, sincere and living tribute to her memory.

The eras in which the heroines of Isakova live succeed one another, the actress travels through time, as through countries. This fall, she is Donna Anna and Laura ("Little Tragedies") and Vera ("The Bright Path. 19.17") - in the theater, Inessa Armand ("Demon of the Revolution") and our contemporary Star ("Burn!") - in the cinema.

Victoria, what is the most interesting time for you?

The most interesting and most painful is the 20-30s of the last century. When I played Marina Tsvetaeva, I felt this time as my own. There was such a fierce artistic dispute with the world, a confrontation with the authorities. It seems to me that it has always been and always will be - the artist breaks out of any framework. With his talent, he strives for a high generalization, the truth is revealed to him in the end. Today, there are few such earnest people, or do we simply not see them because of the closeness of what is happening? And you have to live another 50 years and look back? I don't know... There is a bright and turbulent life in art, but few people rise to a high artistic level, overcome journalism. Here Kirill Serebrennikov rises. Undoubtedly.

His latest work, "Little Tragedies" at the Gogol Center, where you have two central roles at once, has become the biggest theatrical event of the season. We say “Pushkin is our everything” so often that these words no longer mean anything. But it turned out - it is. Pushkin is a contemporary, and what he wrote is about us. You often work with Serebrennikov. Is this your director?

Yes, and I am absolutely his actress. I trust him endlessly. Well, it's obvious, otherwise I wouldn't aspire to get into any of his work. Maybe he himself would have left me easily, but I always catch up with him. (Smiles.) In a duet with him, in conjunction with him, I get something much more for myself - not only as an actress, but also as a person. He reveals himself to me, still unknown. And "Little Tragedies" is a new and milestone work for him, impeccable directing. In conjunction with Pushkin's energy, this gives a stunning result, they just hit each other.

What did Serebrennikov discover in you? Or for you?

Our first work was "Candid Polaroids" at the beginning of the 2000s. For the first time I understood what the power of an actor is. On stage, you can control the emotions and energy of many people. They came to the theatre, they are different, but it is in your power to make them become one whole for the time allotted for the performance. Serebrennikov is the master who manages to create such energy fields and control them. I just physically feel some incredible stream coming from the auditorium.

At the very beginning of your career, you worked with Oleg Efremov, your master at the Moscow Art Theater School. It was he who, having decided to rejuvenate the rather aged composition of The Seagull, offered you the role of Nina Zarechnaya. There was success, and then, when Efremov died, you were forced to leave the Art Theater. You have been asked to resign for no reason.

Yes, it was a difficult period for me. But I don’t think it’s worth talking about it today ... This autumn I returned to this beautiful stage, succumbing to the pressure and energy of the young and wildly talented director Sasha Molochnikov, I wondered if I could also break into something new, young? Now at the Art Theater there is a play "The Bright Path. 19.17" with my participation.

The Moscow Art Theater, like the Bolshoi Theater, has a certain ability to torment the memories of those who did not leave of their own free will. Have you had phantom pains?

Were. But, to the luck of my acting, I immediately got into good hands- to director Roman Kozak, who at the same time headed the Pushkin Theater. It was happiness, but it could just be on the street. But the fixed idea did not let go for a long time: the time will come - and I will show you all! (Laughs.) And then this feeling disappeared. Absolutely. When I felt confident, when peace, freedom and demand came, the past began to seem such an absurdity!

What doesn't kill makes us stronger?

Yes, and those who reject us become our teachers as a result. Yes, from successful girl, in which everything is nice and good and which was suddenly harshly rejected, I turned into an adult, provoked to active and necessary, as time has shown, actions.

Have you always been a good girl?

Yes, I was a very good girl. And they are constantly waiting for approval, they all want to please. (Laughs.)

Isn't that the case today? Are you free from third-party opinions?

Let's just say I need it less. But I still need it. I hide it terribly and always say that I don’t care who and how reacts to me, but this is not true. If I don't feel loved in the theater or on the set, I can't exist. And if I feel that only I and no one else, that I am needed, then I really grow wings.

Is it important to you that there is love in those scenarios and plays where you play?

Yes. I'm talking about love in general. Only there I open up where it is. Such-and-such, happy-unhappy, crooked-oblique. Any.

Did Inessa Armand, whom you played in The Demon of the Revolution, love Lenin?

Loved, of course. Like an idea. She was not ordinary woman and loved not an ordinary man. But the idea contained in a specific and exclusive person for it.

And she had sex with an idea?

Why not? You can have sex with an idea. Is it true. (Laughs.) I think Lenin had incredible charisma, he knew how to dominate people, their thoughts, destinies. And this is such energy, confidence, freedom! It's very tempting, very attractive.

In the movie "Burn!" you play a girl named Star, she is convicted and arrives in the colony, where she meets the heroine Inga Oboldina, fateful for both of them. On the eve of the premiere, we will not disclose details, but do you think it is also about love?

There is a lot of love there. It is not sexual in nature, but it is love. These two people are a couple, they are reflected in each other like in a mirror.

Your heroine is sympathetic, but she committed a crime and pays for it. Is there a law according to which a person is punished by his previous life?

I'm sure about it. Any person will answer for evil.

It's your personal experience speaks?

Everything in life comes from experience. I have a truth that belongs to me personally. How I behave with close and distant, how I communicate, how I live my life. Can't say that I'm very good man, but, perhaps, perfect people do not exist. I can say one thing for sure: I am a man of honor. We are not talking now about "do not kill", "do not steal." These are obvious things to me. But in acting life There are many difficult experiences with which people painfully live. And feeling dignity, decency is the only kind of safe-conduct against it.

The acting profession is such a huge provocation of a person.

And this terrible moment when the actor suddenly becomes famous? Fortunately for me, I became recognizable quite late. I was already an adult, formed, experienced both torment, and joy, and indifference ... And at that moment, when I first heard on the street: "Oh! It's you! Hello!" I laughed: "Well, cool." I escaped the test that happens to others in their youth and breaks terribly. Few people really get it right.

You are right, but still dignity, decency, honor are not acquired with experience. With experience, they can develop, but this is laid only in childhood, in the family.

You think? Maybe. Of course, I was given a lot in childhood, of course. The upbringing was strict. Dad was tough with us children. You can, you can not, it was not discussed. I was born in the south, in Dagestan, and it was absolutely natural there. We moved to Moscow when I was 11 years old, but the family way of life has not changed. I grew up, unexpectedly for myself and for everyone, ended up in a theater institute, my life moved in its own direction.

What kind of mother do you have?

Mom is fantastic, loving, and the further, the more I understand that I have never met a more loving and full of light person. My mother is the standard of love. Both mom and dad. After all, everything he did was also dictated by his love for us, the desire to protect.

Have your childhood "do's and don'ts" influenced your profession? You are one of the few actresses who categorically does not undress on the screen and does not participate in sex scenes.

And they offer me all the time. (Laughs.) And even somewhere I undressed very carefully. But this is, of course, such a strange thing ... It's impossible to relax and just play a scene while being naked. Kirill Serebrennikov and I had one story ... The only one, perhaps, when I realized that I could not do what he suggested. He was filming the film "Treason", called for the role and said that he would have to completely undress. I gave the script to my husband (Yuri Moroz, film director - Ed.) and said: "Read, just don't swear right away, don't faint, the heroine is completely naked there." And he never swears in life and supports me in any endeavors. Yura read it and says: "Vic, if you like the role, then why not? The body is also a tool with which you achieve this or that artistic result." That's true, I understand, but still I can't play such roles. In the theatre, in the performance "Brothers" in the "Gogol Center", I change clothes right on the stage, but there it follows so organically from the whole action that I do not feel awkward at all, I never even think about it. And the movie is shot in duplicates, in different pieces, and internally I am not able to build it as a whole story.

Do you, as an actress, feel responsible for what you do in films or on stage?

Certainly. Artists have a lot of responsibility. It is believed that an actor does not have to be smart and talented, like a wart - sorry! - on the ass, anyone can jump up, as Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya said. But I think an actor should be smart. Because it affects minds and emotional condition of people. Involuntarily becomes a conductor of certain ideas.

A long time ago, Valery Todorovsky, your friend and director of The Thaw, told our magazine that art does not affect anyone and has no such goal at all.

Yes? I think he is wrong. Let's argue with him somehow on this topic. (Laughs.)

Vika, you played Marina Tsvetaeva. Did you justify her? Infidelity to her husband, in fact, before his eyes, the pain that she caused to her loved ones.


And even in relation to youngest daughter who died in an orphanage?

Justified. Once I had a conversation with friends, and someone said: “Tsvetaeva is a monster, what did she do with her children ...” And I think that her scale of talent was such that he tore her body shell and she destroyed herself . She was a genius, not applicable to her common standards human life.

"The path of comets is the path of poets"?

Yes, and it justifies everything. I loved her and pitied her terribly.

Are you in love?

I fall in love with talent. I look sometimes and think: "God, but this is not given to me at all - such a direction of talent!" In the movie "Burn!" I first met Inga Oboldina. We spent a lot of time together, and I fell in love with her with all my heart. She is a fantastic actress, amazing kindness and breadth of a person.

And you don't envy anyone as an actor?

It's not about me. The ability to wait for your own — that's exactly what I'm talking about. I always believe that somewhere there is something that only I can get. Not because I'm better than anyone, it's just fate. And so it turns out.

Does this rule apply to men?


Do you think that a woman's love for a man, as well as vice versa, is she in general or is she for something?

I think that you fall in love at all. And love for something.

Can you name some qualities that are most important to you in your husband?

He is infinitely decent. He is not selfish in relationships, despite the fact that he is an artist and can sometimes afford to be selfish. Yura is my friend, he makes it possible to exist in parallel with him. Not "under" him, not "behind" him, but next to him.

Do you have a situation in your house when a great artist is depressed and everyone around him serves?

No, he is not depressed, he is in thought. And he never makes the whole world suffer next to him. We have been married for 15 years, we are connected by one profession, one view of the world, we are in constant dialogue. Otherwise it is impossible. If people stop talking, hearing and understanding each other, then everything stops. And feelings too.

Photographer's assistant: Daniil Drogichinsky. Style: Alexander Panchenko. Hairstyles: Natalya Kovalenkova. Makeup: Andrey Shilkov

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