The history of the organization of the Komsomol. Glorious milestones in the history of the Komsomol! What did the pioneer uniform look like?

On the one hand, even in the last years of the existence of the Soviet Komsomol, it was still the first "school of life" for many prominent politicians and businessmen of modern Russia. On the other hand, this can be explained by the fact that in the 1970s and 1980s there was simply nothing else where a young man could realize his talents and start building a career: the one-party system did not imply any competition in the ideological field. Komsomol members recent years of the existence of the USSR, they remember that era and the crisis of their organization.

Exactly 20 years ago, on September 27, 1991, the 22nd Extraordinary Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League began, which had on the agenda a single question "On the fate of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League." At the end of its work, the congress declared the historical role of this organization exhausted, and it itself - dissolved. At the end of the congress (and I'm not kidding), the delegates sang standing up: "I will not part with the Komsomol, I will be forever young" and proceeded to "deriban" the property of this non-poor organization.

Well, God bless them - unfortunately we were not allowed to this "deriban", so let's remember each of our Komsomol (who had it, of course).

Stages of development public life any Soviet schoolchild was reminiscent of the stages of development of insects. But if in invertebrate arthropods they proceeded in the order: egg -> larva -> pupa -> imago, then in vertebrate Soviet schoolchildren they took place in the following sequence: first-graders became octobers, octobers - pioneers, and pioneers, upon reaching 14 years old, automatically turned into Komsomol members , and this was not discussed.

The rules for admission to the Komsomol were as follows: it was necessary to collect the recommendations of either 1 communist or 2 Komsomol members with experience; fill out a form for admission to the Komsomol; Submit two 3x4 photos; get a description and learn the answers to the following questions:

Who is the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU?

Who is the first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee?

What is your favorite Komsomol hero?

How many orders does the Komsomol have?

And what is "democratic centralism"?

(ideally, of course, it would be desirable to read the Charter of the Komsomol - but this is not for everyone).

Admission to the Komsomol of our class took place in two stages - in spring and autumn. In the spring, the “best” (excellent students and good students) were accepted into the Komsomol, in the fall the “worst” - (triple students and slobs, as well as those who were born in the summer). I was accepted, of course, in the fall. And then life hadn’t “broken off” me yet and I loved to show off - when everyone brought recommendations from high school Komsomol members, I brought a recommendation from a familiar communist Hero Soviet Union.

After a public discussion of candidates at a school Komsomol meeting, a solemn reception took place in the district / city committee of the Komsomol with the presentation of tickets and badges (sometimes the solemn reception was replaced by a simple presentation of a Komsomol ticket in the "Pioneer Room").

After this action, the Soviet student received the full right:

b) pay monthly Komsomol contributions in the amount of 2 kopecks;

c) to be bored at Komsomol meetings;

d) go to college after school.

You will say - after all, there were those who refused to join the Komsomol: they believed in God there, or the Rolling Stones listened. There were, of course, some. But then usually in their lives there was the Soviet Army, and there they didn’t care what you believe in or what you listen to. They also spat on the rules for admission to the Komsomol established "in civilian life" and the soldier's ignorance of the answers to the above questions. There, one fine day, in the morning formation, they announced: “Private Pupkin, get out of order! Congratulations on your entry into glorious ranks All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union! Get in line!" The warrior shouted: "I serve the Soviet Union!" and got up in the multi-million dollar system of Soviet Komsomol members.

And I, here, in the army refused to stand in a single Komsomol formation. It disgusted me to be a member of this thoroughly rotten, formalized organization into which everyone was driven in droves in pursuit of interest and reporting. I was sick of these false slogans and of the Komsomol functionaries, who themselves did not believe in what they were saying from high tribunes. From their window dressing, careerism and hypocrisy...

No, I refused to participate in all this and became a candidate member of the CPSU in the army.

First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol (1986-1990). Special Advisor to the President of the USSR M. Gorbachev. Historian, candidate of historical sciences...

Komsomol did not collapse. His time has passed. Notice - as soon as our country began to become what it should be, it fell apart and ceased to exist. This is where you need to reflect and ask yourself: what happened? We need to understand - what happened to our country in the twentieth century? What began in 1905 and ended, I hope, in 91? What was it? WITH historical point it is simply impossible to understand the heap of myths that shrouded the entire twentieth century. We live in a completely false coordinate system. We live in a completely mythologized historical space. It turns out that we had the first Russian revolution in 1905. Then, it turns out, there was the February bourgeois-democratic revolution. Then, six months later, the socialist revolution takes place. And how can you call the revolution that took place in the 91st year? Capitalist, right? From my point of view as a candidate of historical sciences, this is complete nonsense.

In Russia, at the beginning of the twentieth century, a bourgeois-democratic revolution began. But it was very different from those that took place before - from English, French, North American. All of them were in a completely different historical period. Our revolution is belated, like everything with us. It began at a time when the processes of globalization began to manifest themselves. Our revolution differs from all others in that, oddly enough, it turned out to be a revolution not so much for our country as a revolution for the rest of the world. All other revolutions also had an impact on the outside world, but this was an indirect effect. Our revolution has had a colossal impact on the whole world. The whole world has changed. John Reed was wrong to call the book Ten Days That Shook the World. They changed the world...

- Viktor Ivanovich, after leaving your post, you have lost not only your job, but also your privileges.

What are the privileges? What are you talking about? Sometimes today my wife points her finger around and asks: “What privileges did you have?”

I was the head of an organization that had two billion dollars in a bank account alone. I received five hundred rubles, I had a Volga car and they also gave me coupons for a special store. Yes, there was also a polyclinic, from which I was immediately expelled. Now I feel normal in the district clinic. But I never even went to the Tsekovsky polyclinic, because I was young and healthy.

- Excuse me, but where did the two billion dollars you mentioned go?

Don't know. I left them safely where they were...

In the comments, I remembered that I worked in the city committee of the Komsomol. They asked me to tell you how it was.

Alas, there will be no dirty details in the style of the film "Emergency of the District Scale". There were no drunkenness in saunas in our city committee, ********, theft and other things that were attributed then, in the era of perestroika, to party and Komsomol functionaries. It was the usual work to organize the life and leisure of a small area - the Sloboda district of the Kirov region.

We had four offices - the office of the First Secretary, the Second and the accounting department with the organizational department. And I worked as the Acting Third Secretary - a position for working with student youth. In the same office with the Second. There were two tables in the office, a Yatran typewriter, I think, a dozen chairs, a wardrobe and a bookcase. A! There was also a rotator - this is such crap for printing leaflets.

There was a car - either a “five”, or a “Moskvich” - I don’t remember. But definitely not the Volga. This miracle broke down once a week, so they often traveled by regular buses on business trips around the area. The salary was 250 rubles. Soviet. True, in 1990-1991 there was nothing special to buy. I personally subscribed to newspapers home - dozens. From " Soviet Russia” to “Literature” and “Football-Hockey”. For lunch it took about a ruble in the dining room. The dining room, by the way, was shared by the city party committee, the Komsomol, the district executive committee, the city executive committee and other councils.

Entrance to the dining room was free for everyone. No passes, no policemen at the entrance. And there were no pineapples in the champagne either. And there was no black caviar either. In my opinion, in factory and factory canteens, the food was tastier. There were also subsidiary farms. Something like a collective farm at the factory. There were no special privileges, additional rations, dachas with swimming pools either. The only “privilege” that I took advantage of was to take a vacation at my own expense twice, go skiing in the region in February and on foot in the Crimea. own expenses). All. After working there for a year, I probably became an anti-Soviet for ten years.

Because, at the age of seventeen, a boy needs a feat - overcoming himself. Previously, Komsomol members had a struggle against devastation, Budennovka, OSOAVIAKHIM, war, restoration, virgin lands, BAM ... We had a city KVN competition and reporting and election conferences. By the way, since then I can’t stand kvn-schikov. Antics with strained humor and a huge superiority complex. How was the festival organized?

Very simple.

You write the position on two pages - the theme of KVN, the jury, prizes. You print on a rotator, smeared with black ink. You summon the secretaries of the Komsomol school committees. You give them a position and instructions so that there will be a team by such and such a number. Then you go to the House of Culture - in our country it was the Palace of Culture. Gorky - you agree on the provision of a stage and a hall for such and such a date. No money, everything is free. You buy prizes in a sporting goods store, prepare letterheads. You persuade important people to sit on the jury. Again for free. You have been calling secretaries for a month - how are they doing with the preparation of the team?

That's all. And where is the feat?

And constant reports to the regional committee - monthly, quarterly, annual. The main part of the report is how many new members of the Komsomol were accepted. In April, the reporting and election conference. So many events were held: then they liked to call collective creative affairs - KTD. How many are accepted as members. From above, they lowered the plan for the reception - 90% should be covered and that's it. Well, and indispensable Gorbachev's incantations - democratic centralism, glasnost, a brake on perestroika. Boredom.

By the way, I don’t remember any high-profile exits from the party and the Komsomol. Komsomol tickets were not burned. There were no punks and metalworkers en masse. And who was - those, at times, were Komsomol organizers. It seems that there was also a Komsomol rock club. I even thought about opening a Komsomol video salon, where after watching the film there would be a mandatory discussion. Did not have time.

In the summer, the organization of a district camp of activists, sending a delegation to the regional camp of the Komsomol activists "Stremitelny" and the camp of the regional pioneer activists "Star". There were no super-goals of all these KTDs, active camps, reports and elections.

Everything rolled by inertia into the abyss. But we didn't notice it. It seemed that everything was about to end. The VLKSM and the USSR are about to emerge from the crisis rejuvenated.

Now, of course, it’s good to assert from the height of years - they say, it was necessary to do this or that. At least jump naked on the Revolution Square in Slobodskoy - everything was decided not in the regional centers, but in the Kremlin and on Staraya Square. It was there that the Supergoal and Supertasks disappeared. And without them the USSR is impossible. Ask, maybe you missed something?

By the time I finished school, the Komsomol had almost collapsed... At the annual meeting of the school, we gave the work of the Komsomol organization an unsatisfactory assessment, that was bold! But, we consoled ourselves with integrity and courage, not knowing that we were kicking a corpse. The Komsomol ceased to exist a year later. To everyone who remembers the pioneers and the Komsomol, I recommend revisiting this film - "Emergency of the district scale."

Also, this film is about what a person really is, namely a man. To all the men leading double life who make deals with conscience for the sake of a career, is dedicated. The most interesting thing is when men do unseemly things, but, at the same time, hide behind lofty words: I do this for the sake of the family. Komsomol members, volunteers...

And me in due time on this nomenclature career ladder: "pioneer-Komsomol", dad did not let me! He hated party privilege, and believed that the only true party privilege was to stand up and lead a platoon on the attack. Dad was upset that the council of the school squad was going to New Year's celebration apart from the rest of the students in the school. He screamed and got angry. Thanks to him, and the kingdom of heaven! He understood everything correctly.

From the comments.

IMHO in the Komsomol (not militarized, but in the usual one) there is a positive side - the young men are left without elders and themselves, independently take on some business (for example, they hold meetings of the cell), they themselves take responsibility. Such a difference between people that one person is a Komsomol organizer, and the other person is just a Komsomol member, structures society. Structures. And thus contributes to its understanding.

The Komsomol helps to stay without elders, and to do something yourself, without elders.

I was born in 1984 and I think that my childhood and youth were very much spoiled by the absence of a general, widespread organization like the Komsomol.

Recently I watched the film "Emergency of the District Scale" (a perestroika film about how bad the Komsomol is and how much hypocrisy and lies are in it). Liked the film. The Soviet Union is bad. Komsomol is bad. But it's better to have a false Komsomol than none! He, with all his deceit, gives the experience of independence, gives the experience of life without dependence on the elders!

Well, not in deceit - the positive side of the Komsomol, but in the fact that it would make it possible to hold events without the participation of elders. On our own, on our own. And in my generation, no one thought about the fact that someone was entrusted with being “responsible” for what is happening in the class (as the Komsomol organizer is responsible). It is not the teacher who takes responsibility (as in our generation), and neither dad nor mom - but one of the young.

And the Komsomol pointed to moral values ​​(which are written in the charter) - truthfulness, mutual assistance, etc. In our generation, no one said: “you must be truthful, because you are members of such and such an organization, and members of this organization must correspond to a high moral level. We were told about morality - but it was vague, fuzzy. There was no argument - "BECAUSE YOU ARE MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION". This argument could be more convincing. And spec. We were not given tickets, we did not pay dues. Having a ticket in your pocket and some paraphernalia could REMIND you of moral duty. And without paraphernalia it is easy to forget.

And in general, in the Charter of the Komsomol there are ideas that are closer to pacifism than to militarism:

Everyone's concern for the preservation and multiplication of the public domain;

High consciousness of public duty, intolerance to violations of public interests;

Collectivism and comradely mutual assistance: each for all, all for one;

humane relations and mutual respect between people: man to man is a friend, comrade and brother;

Honesty and truthfulness, moral purity, simplicity and modesty in public and private life;

Mutual respect in the family, concern for the upbringing of children;

Irreconcilability to injustice, parasitism, dishonesty, careerism, money-grubbing;

Friendship and brotherhood of all peoples of the USSR, intolerance towards national and racial hostility;

Intransigence towards the enemies of communism, the cause of peace and the freedom of peoples;

Fraternal solidarity with the working people of all countries, with all peoples.

When a person is told about everything about this, this can help the development of critical thinking. A modern youth they just don't talk about it! And they are not responsible that "You must be of high moral standard." There is another anti-Soviet film - "Tomorrow there was a war." But the Komsomol members from this film were to some extent inspired by the Komsomol ideology. And this is justified in the film. They were able to think - Iskra, for example, could change her views under the influence of some kind of arguments. And the Komsomol noodles on the ears did not prevent this. Rather, on the contrary, the Komsomol ideology contributed to this.

The Komsomol organization, which celebrates its 90th anniversary on October 29, ended its existence almost 20 years ago, but its anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country.

The All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM) is a youth socio-political organization created at the 1st All-Russian Congress of Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth on October 29 - November 4, 1918.

The congress united disparate youth unions into an all-Russian organization with a single center, working under the leadership of the Russian Communist Party. The congress adopted the basic principles of the program and the charter of the Russian Communist Youth Union (RKSM). The theses approved by the congress stated: "The goal of the Union is to spread the ideas of communism and to involve the youth of workers and peasants in the active construction of Soviet Russia."

In July 1924, the RKSM was named after V.I. Lenin and it became known as the Russian Leninist Communist Youth Union (RLKSM). In connection with the formation of the USSR (1922), the Komsomol in March 1926 was renamed the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM).

From the Charter of the Komsomol: “The Komsomol is an amateur public organization that unites in its ranks the broad masses of progressive Soviet youth. The Komsomol is an active assistant and reserve of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Faithful to Lenin's precepts, the Komsomol helps the party educate the youth in the spirit of communism, involve them in the practical construction of a new society, and prepare the generation comprehensively developed people who will live, work and manage public affairs under communism. The VLKSM works under the leadership of the Communist Party, is an active conductor of party directives in all areas of communist construction.

According to the Charter of the Komsomol, young men and girls aged 14 to 28 were accepted into the Komsomol. The primary organizations of the Komsomol were created at enterprises, collective farms, state farms, educational institutions, institutions, units Soviet army and fleet. The supreme governing body of the Komsomol is the All-Union Congress; directed all the work of the Union between congresses Central Committee VLKSM electing the Bureau and the Secretariat.

The history of the Komsomol was inextricably linked with the history of the USSR. Komsomol members were active participants civil war 1918-1920 in the ranks of the Red Army. In commemoration of military merits, the Komsomol was awarded the Order of the Red Banner in 1928.

For his initiative in the socialist competition, the Komsomol was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1931.

For outstanding services to the Motherland at the front and in the rear during the Great Patriotic War, 3.5 thousand Komsomol members were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 3.5 million Komsomol members were awarded orders and medals; Komsomol in 1945 was awarded the Order of Lenin.

For the work that the Komsomol put into restoring the national economy destroyed by the Nazi invaders, the Komsomol was awarded the second Order of Lenin in 1948.

Behind Active participation in the development of virgin and fallow lands of the Komsomol in 1956 he was awarded the third Order of Lenin.

In 1968, in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol, the Komsomol was awarded the Order of the October Revolution.

In the entire history of the Komsomol, more than 200 million people have passed through its ranks.

In September 1991, the XXII Extraordinary Congress of the Komsomol considered the political role Komsomol as a federation of communist youth unions and announced the self-dissolution of the organization.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Today we propose to consider an interesting topic directly related to the history of our country. Namely, the pioneer movement in the USSR. Of course, within the framework of a small article, we are unlikely to be able to cover all aspects of this large-scale phenomenon. But we will try to give the modern young reader ideas about the basic principles of existence pioneer organization. What was the pioneer movement? At what age were they accepted as pioneers? What were they doing?

People aged "from forty and older" are well aware of the answers to these questions - in what class they were admitted to the pioneers, how the pioneer gatherings and lines were held, what the peers of the current schoolchildren were doing after school hours. And for the representatives of the younger generation below - a small "educational program".

The All-Union Pioneer Organization, which bore the name of V.I. Lenin, was known to everyone in the days of the USSR - it could not be otherwise. This mass children's movement was one of the communist organizations that existed in the USSR. The pioneer organization was formed by decision of the All-Russian Komsomol Conference in 1922 (May 19). Since then, this day has been celebrated as Pioneer Day.

Initially, the organization was named after Spartak. In 1924, she received the name of Lenin - after his death. The origin of the pioneers was from the Scout movement, but a number of aspects significantly distinguished these formations. The Pioneer organization had the character of universal state coverage with a clearly expressed goal - the ideological education of children as citizens devoted to the Communist Party. The organizational pioneer movement was integral part structure of the Komsomol and was controlled centrally. "Pioneers" in the countries of Western culture (in the USA and England) were called reconnaissance soldiers, pioneers who explored new lands.

A bit of history

The scout movement in Russia at the time of the 1917 revolution was quite developed and consisted of a network of children's organizations. The total number of scouts was about 50,000 people. During the Civil War, scouts assisted in the search for street children, formed children's militia units and were engaged in social assistance. The motives of the Scout ideology were based on the postulates of play, labor and mutual assistance.

The Bolsheviks decided to unite the principles of the Scout movement with the communist ideology. Komsomol members, in turn, considered scouting a bourgeois phenomenon, far from communist ideas. Already in 1919, the Congress of the RKSM passed a resolution to disband the scout detachments.

At the same time, the need to create their own communist organization children's direction. The idea was formulated by N. K. Krupskaya, who suggested that the Komsomol arm itself with scouting methods in creating a new children's organization. Initially, this idea was perceived with extreme caution, but with the adoption of a positive decision in 1921, the search for suitable organizational forms began. The new movement was called "pioneers", which was also borrowed from Scout practice. At what age were they accepted as pioneers in those years? Initially, it was decided to take the scout movement as the basis of the Komsomol organization being created, but subsequently decided to unite younger children in a similar format.

Other symbolism

The symbols of the new children's movement were a slightly modified version of the scout ones. Instead of a green tie, a red one appeared, and a white (not green) blouse was also approved. The Scout motto "Be ready!" and the answer is "Always ready!" The organization of children in the form of detachments, campfire gatherings, game forms of work with pupils and the institute of counselors passed into the pioneer organization "by inheritance" from scouting.

During 1922, many pioneer detachments arose in a number of villages and cities. The age when they were admitted to the pioneers, and other formal moments in those years were not yet strictly regulated. At the congress of the RKSM, it was decided to unite the scattered pioneer detachments into a children's organization of a communist orientation. The last official name - the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin - the movement received in March 1926.

On the structure of the pioneer organization

Initially, such organizations were created by cells of the RKSM in the villages, at institutions and enterprises. In 1923, their formation ceased to depend on the place of residence and moved to schools. They were called "bases" and "outposts". In fact, communist control was established over the school. Since 1929, the pioneer organization began to rebuild, focusing on school principles. Detachments corresponded to classes, squads - to schools. The age at which they were accepted as pioneers became the same in the USSR in those years.

The scale of the organization acquired such proportions that within a couple of years there were denunciations of attempts to extinguish the pioneer movement by merging it with the school system. In addition, there has been a tendency to transfer educational functions from the school to the pioneer movement. The school determined in which class they were accepted as pioneers, a system of rewards and punishments was established, etc. But the process continued nonetheless.

Being a centralized link in the communist system, the all-Union pioneer movement in the USSR united organizations of various levels - republican, regional, regional, district, city, district. The formal basis for organizing a squad at a school or children's educational institution was the presence of three pioneers. If the composition of the squad consisted of more than 20 people, it was divided into pioneer detachments.

The detachments existing at pioneer camps or orphanages were of different ages. If the detachment consisted of 15 or more people, it was divided into links, at the head of each of which a link was appointed. In fact, each detachment united students of a particular class, and the squad united students of a particular school.

About Senior Pioneers

Changes affected the structure of the organization in 1982 with the introduction of the concept of "senior pioneers". In what class were these guys accepted as pioneers? The senior pioneers were usually students in the seventh and eighth grades. They were a kind of intermediate link between the pioneers and Komsomol members and wore badges that combined elements of both. Theoretically, older pioneers were required to continue wearing a red tie, but many tried their best to switch to new form clothes.

Who led the organization

The direct leadership of the All-Union Pioneer Organization was entrusted to the VLKSM - Komsomol members. Those, in turn, were controlled by the organs of the CPSU. Any council of a pioneer organization worked under the leadership of the Komsomol committee. The reports of the councils of the organization of pioneers were heard at conferences and congresses of the Komsomol. The leadership of the pioneer organization at all levels was approved in exactly the same way by the plenums of the Komsomol committees.

Methodological and organizational-mass work with pioneer cadres was organized on the basis of numerous houses and palaces of pioneers, as well as other out-of-school institutions. Personnel for work in these institutions in the person of senior leaders were "supplied" from the committees of the Komsomol, which were engaged in their selection, education and advanced training. In a centralized manner, the leadership of circles, sections, clubs and candidates for the positions of detachment leaders were selected.

If we talk about the so-called pioneer self-government, then the highest body of the collective unit (detachment, link, team) was the pioneer gathering. At the gathering of the detachment, schoolchildren were accepted as pioneers, worthy of them were recommended to the ranks of the Komsomol. Evaluated the activities of the detachment and planned future work in general (as well as the contribution of each pioneer to the common cause) on the council of the squad. The composition of the detachment was elected by the detachment assembly, the link was chosen by the assembly of the link. Each of the councils, in turn, chose its own chairman.

In pioneer organizations at a higher level (All-Union, republican, regional, regional, etc.), a pioneer rally, held once every few years, served as a form of self-government. The most active and active elite of the Pioneer organization gathered in city headquarters, created under the councils of the Pioneer organization at the district or city level.

In what class were they accepted as pioneers?

The answer to this question will be given to you by any representative of the older generation. The age when they were accepted as pioneers was from 9 to 14 years. A nine to ten year old child was most often a third grader. Here is the answer to the question: "In what class were you previously accepted as pioneers?"

Formally, this action was carried out on a voluntary basis. It was carried out individually in the form of an open vote held at a gathering of a squad or a pioneer detachment. The atmosphere of the event, when they were accepted as pioneers, was always presented in the USSR with great pomp.

A schoolchild who joined the organization read out a solemn promise to senior comrades (Komsomol members, communists or other pioneers) on the line. He was given and tied a red tie. Most often, the procedure for admission to the pioneers was carried out in a solemn atmosphere and was timed to coincide with communist holidays.

Often it was held in some memorable historical and revolutionary place. For example, there was a widespread practice of admission to the pioneers near the monument to Lenin on April 22. First of all, the reception of excellent students and good students was conducted.

A bit of ideology

Those who joined the ranks of this children's organization were obliged to know the laws of the pioneers by heart. These postulates taught children to align with the communists, prepare for joining the ranks of the Komsomol, study well and work actively for the good of the Motherland, prepare to defend it from enemies, fight for peace and build communism throughout the globe. The pioneer was instructed to cherish the honor of the organization, to be a reliable comrade, to respect the elders and take care of the little ones, to act in accordance with the concepts of duty and honor.

The opportunity to participate in the election of pioneer self-government bodies was proclaimed as a pioneer's right, to discuss the work of the organization at gatherings and in the press, criticizing shortcomings and making proposals at any level, and asking for recommendations for the procedure for joining the Komsomol.

About pioneer camps

Pioneers spent most of their school holidays in pioneer camps. Their number in the USSR was huge - about 40,000 summer and year-round pioneer camps. Every year, about 10 million children were sent there on vacation. The most famous of them is the All-Union Pioneer Camp international status"Artek". The second most prestigious place was occupied by the All-Russian level camp "Eaglet", located in the Krasnodar Territory.

The pioneer organization, of course, had its own motto and anthem, ideologically "tied" to the declared goal - the education of young fighters for the ideas of the communist party. As the anthem of the organization, the "March of the Young Pioneers", written back in 1922, was performed. Other attributes of pioneer symbols were the red triangular tie known to any Soviet person and the pioneer badge of the approved form. Other elements of the paraphernalia of the organization are the banner of the squad, detachment flags, drums and bugles. None of the solemn pioneer rituals could do without them.

Any squad had its own pioneer room, in which all these attributes were to be stored. The council of the squad also met there. Most often, in such a room a counter of a ritual nature and a Leninist corner were decorated. In each class, the pioneers were ordered to issue and hang handwritten detachment and squad wall newspapers.

What did the pioneer uniform look like?

On weekdays they wore the usual school uniform along with pioneer symbols in the form of a badge and a red tie. For solemn occasions, a dress uniform was provided, consisting of red caps in combination with the same ties and badges, uniform white shirts with gilded buttons and emblems on the sleeves (for both boys and girls), blue trousers for boys or the same girls skirt colors In the banner group, the dress uniform was complemented by a red ribbon worn over the shoulder, as well as white gloves.

Pioneer magazines and newspapers were published in the Soviet Union, in addition, many other children's literature. Representatives of the older generation perfectly remember such publications as "Pionerskaya Pravda" (the organization's main newspaper), the magazines "Koster", "Pioneer", etc. Pioneer programs were broadcast daily on radio and television, even documentary magazines were played in the cinema before the start of the film .

About the life of children in those years when they were accepted as pioneers

Many wonderful children's films created during the Soviet period were dedicated to children pioneer age and showed the life of schoolchildren in pioneer camps and detachments. Undoubtedly, these films, despite the ideological "impregnation", contributed to a truly high-quality education of children and adolescents in the USSR. In addition, filmed by true masters of their craft, they were genuine works of cinematic art and it was no coincidence that they were loved by millions of viewers - both children and adults.

The Palaces of Pioneers that existed in every city were repurposed after the dissolution in 1991 of the pioneer organization in DDT (house of children's creativity). The children who visited them in those years were busy collecting scrap metal and waste paper, participated in the military sports game "Zarnitsa", as well as in competitions organized at the all-Union level for football and hockey yard teams. There was even a simplified version of the volleyball game - pionerball (a team game with a soccer ball).

Volunteer youth fire brigades were organized. The pioneers were employed in all sorts of patrols, controlling the protection of forest and water resources, or as young assistant traffic inspectors on the roads. In addition, many children were employed in sports sections and circles of various kinds.

After the victory of the October Revolution, red children's organizations, groups and associations arose in various cities. On May 19, 1922, the 2nd All-Russian Conference of the Komsomol decided to create pioneer detachments everywhere.

In the early years of Soviet power, pioneers helped homeless children and fought illiteracy, collected books and set up libraries, engaged in technical circles, cared for animals, went on geological trips, on expeditions to study nature, collected medicinal plants. Pioneers worked on collective farms, in the fields, guarded crops and collective farm property, wrote letters to newspapers or to the relevant authorities about violations that they noticed around.

"AiF" recalls how in Soviet time took in the Octobrists, pioneers and who could become a member of the Komsomol.

From what class did they take in October?

Schoolchildren of grades 1-3 became Octobers, united on a voluntary basis in groups with the pioneer team of the school. The groups were led by leaders from among the pioneers or Komsomol members of the school. In these groups, children were preparing to join the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin.

When joining the ranks of the Octobrists, children were given a badge - a five-pointed star with a children's portrait of Lenin. The symbol was a red October flag.

In honor of the victory of the October Revolution, since 1923, schoolchildren were called "Octobers". The Octobers were united into stars (an analogue of the pioneer link) - on October 5, and also the "sickle" and "hammer" - the leader of the stars and his assistant. In an asterisk, an October child could take one of the positions - a commander, a florist, a nurse, a librarian or an athlete.

In the last decades of Soviet power, the Oktyabrata accepted all elementary school students in a row, usually already in the first grade.

Who was accepted as a pioneer?

Schoolchildren aged 9 to 14 were accepted into the pioneer organization. Formally, admission was carried out on a voluntary basis. The selection of candidates was carried out by open voting at the gathering of the pioneer detachment (usually corresponding to the class) or at the highest - at the school level - pioneer body: at the Council of the Squad.

A student joining a pioneer organization on the pioneer line made a Solemn Promise of a Pioneer of the Soviet Union (the text of the promise in the 1980s could be seen on the back cover of school notebooks). A communist, Komsomol member, or senior pioneer presented the newcomer with a red pioneer tie and a pioneer badge. The pioneer tie was a symbol of belonging to a pioneer organization, a particle of its banner. The three ends of the tie symbolized the unbreakable bond of three generations: communists, Komsomol members and pioneers; the pioneer was obliged to take care of his tie and take care of it.

The greeting of the pioneers was a salute - a hand raised just above the head showed that the pioneer was putting public interest above personal. "Be ready!" - the leader called on the pioneers and heard in response: “Always ready!”

As a rule, pioneers were accepted in a solemn atmosphere during communist holidays in memorable historical and revolutionary places, for example, on April 22 near the monument to V.I. Lenin.

The following punishments were applied to members of the organization who violated the laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union: discussion at the assembly of the link, detachment, council of the squad; comment; exception warning; as a last resort - exclusion from the pioneer organization. They could be expelled from the pioneers for unsatisfactory behavior and hooliganism.

Collecting scrap metal and waste paper and other types of socially useful work, helping elementary school students, participating in military sports "Zarnitsy", classes in circles and, of course, excellent studies - that's what pioneer everyday life was filled with.

How did you become members of the Komsomol?

They became Komsomol members from the age of 14. Reception was carried out individually. To apply, you needed a recommendation from a communist or two Komsomol members with at least 10 months of experience. After that, the application could be accepted for consideration in the school Komsomol organization, or they could not be accepted if they did not consider the submitter a worthy figure.

Those whose application was accepted were scheduled an interview with the Komsomol committee (council of Komsomol organizers) and a representative of the district committee. To pass the interview, it was necessary to learn the charter of the Komsomol, the names of the key leaders of the Komsomol and the party, important dates, and most importantly, answer the question: “Why do you want to become a Komsomol member?”.

Any of the members of the committee could ask a tricky question at the trial stage. If the candidate successfully passed the interview, he was handed a Komsomol card, which documented the payment of contributions. Pupils and students paid 2 kopecks. per month, working - one percent of the salary.

They could be expelled from the Komsomol for sloppiness, attending church, for non-payment of membership dues, for family troubles. Exclusion from the organization threatened the lack of a good prospect and a career in the future. The former Komsomol member did not have the right to join the party, go abroad, in some cases he was threatened with dismissal from his job.

One hundred years separate us from the day when the First All-Russian Congress of Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth took place. It happened on 29 Oct. 1918. Thus was born the Russian Communist Youth Union, which in March 1926 was renamed the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM).

×The creation of the Komsomol is one of the brilliant projects of the Soviet government. By uniting the advanced youth in the ranks of the Komsomol, the Bolshevik Party received an active assistant in educating the youth in the communist spirit and involving them in the practical construction of a new society. The Komsomol became a reliable reserve of the party. During the existence of the Komsomol, almost 130 million young people went through its school, more than 12 million Komsomol members joined the Communist Party.
The history of the Komsomol is inextricably linked with the history of the revolutionary struggle of the working class for its liberation and the building of communism. The merit of the Bolshevik Party, which has always paid exceptional attention to the education, organization and protection of the interests of the young generation of working people, is the merit of awakening class self-consciousness among young workers, as well as peasants, in developing revolutionary sentiments among students.
V. I. Lenin constantly drew the Party's attention to the tasks of the revolutionary education of the youth. In the draft resolution of the 2nd Congress of the RSDLP "On the attitude towards the student youth", written by Lenin, it was noted that the spontaneously developing youth movement needs help from the revolutionaries, especially in the matter of educating "an integral and consistent socialist worldview." He feared that the ideologically weak youth might be carried away by pseudo-revolutionaryism or become infected with opportunism; Lenin warned against "false friends". During the Revolution of 1905-07 in Russia, he raised the question of the progressive youth as a reserve of the party. The Bolsheviks resolutely exposed the attempts of the bourgeois. and petty-bourgeois parties to distract the youth from the revolutionary struggle. Lenin resolutely opposed the underestimation of the role of youth, called for bolder and wider involvement in revolutionary struggle, to involve in the ranks of the party. In December 1916, Lenin's article "Youth International" was published, which stated that it was necessary to skillfully lead the "boiling", seething, seeking youth, not to forget that the youth "... of necessity is forced to approach socialism in a different way, in the wrong way, not in the same form, not in the same environment as her fathers. Insisting on the organizational independence of the youth union, Lenin emphasized that without this "... the youth will not be able to develop good socialists out of themselves, nor prepare to lead socialism forward." Speaking against petty guardianship and administration, Lenin noted the need for comradely criticism of the mistakes of the youth. "We must not flatter the youth."
The Bolsheviks carried out tireless work with the youth in factories and factories, in the villages, in legal societies, Sunday schools, in soldiers' barracks, in illegal circles, fighting squads, in preparing a strike or demonstration - wherever there was the slightest opportunity for this, they involved them in direct struggle against oppression and exploitation, passed on to her the experience of old fighters. In the revolutionary battles, the young generation of the working class and the working peasantry was formed and strengthened. As a result of the activities of the Bolsheviks, a broad proletarian youth movement was prepared. After the victory of the February Revolution, circles and committees began to emerge at the factories and factories of Petrograd, Moscow and other industrial centers. working youth and then unions. Young proletarians, uniting to continue the struggle for their political and economic. rights, rallied under the slogans of the Bolsheviks.
An important role in the development of the youth movement was played by the 6th Congress of the RSDLP (b) (July - August 1917). In the resolution "On Youth Unions," the Congress called for the creation of an independent organization inextricably linked with the Party.
The Great October Socialist Revolution made a radical change in the destinies of the young generation of Russia. For the first time in history, Soviet power provided ample opportunities for young proletarians in all spheres of socio-political and socio-economic life. Decrees of the Soviet government established a 6-hour working day for adolescents, prohibited the work of children under 14 years of age, established labor protection, and introduced industrial training for young people at the expense of the state. The doors of secondary and higher schools were opened to the children of workers and working peasants.
The 1st All-Russian Congress of Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth united the disparate unions into an all-Russian organization with a single center, working under the leadership of the RCP(b). For the first time, a new type of youth organization was created - communist in goals and tasks, class in nature, amateur in the principles of its activity, designed to ensure the role of a "transmission belt" in the system of the dictatorship of the proletariat, linking the party with the widest sections of working youth, to be a conductor of party influence on masses, to play the role of a reserve of the Communist Party.
In connection with the formation of the Komsomol, the Central Committee of the RCP(b) sent a circular letter to all party organizations in November 1918, which stated that the RKSM was a school that trained new conscious cadres of communists. To strengthen the Komsomol, the Central Committee of the RCP(b) recommended that party members of Komsomol age join the RKSM and take an active part in the work of its organizations. The 8th Congress of the RCP(b) (1919) adopted a special resolution "On work among the youth." The congress recognized the RKSM as an organization that performs tremendous work in uniting and communist education of the youth, involving the youth in the construction of communism and organizing it for the defense Soviet Republic. The congress stressed the need for ideological and material support of the Komsomol from the party.
It must be said that in all subsequent decisions of the party congresses, the care and support of the Komsomol was always provided.
The RKSM was an active participant in the Civil War; he spent three all-Russian mobilization to the front. The Komsomol organizations of the front line were fully mobilized into the Red Army. In 1918-20, the Komsomol sent more than 75,000 of its members to the Red Army. In total, up to 200,000 Komsomol members took part in the struggle against the interventionists, White Guards and bandits. They fought heroically against the enemies: 19-year-old commander of the 30th division Albert Lapin, future writers Nikolai Ostrovsky and Arkady Gaidar, commander of the armored train Lyudmila Makiyevskaya, commissars Alexander Kondratiev and Anatoly Popov, leader of the Far Eastern Komsomol Vitaly Banevur, one of the organizers of the Uzbek Komsomol Abdulla Nabiev and pl. etc. The Komsomol fought selflessly behind enemy lines. In commemoration of military merits on the fronts of the Civil War in the period 1919-20 against the troops of the White Guard generals Kolchak, Denikin, Yudenich, the White Poles and Wrangel, the Komsomol was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Battle in 1928 by a decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.
In October 1920, the 3rd Congress of the RKSM was held. The most important theoretical and programmatic document, a guide for the activities of the party and the Komsomol, was Lenin's speech at the congress on October 2. 1920 "The tasks of youth unions". Lenin saw the main goal of the Komsomol in "... helping the party to build communism and helping the entire young generation to create a communist society." struggle of all working people against the exploiters.
From that moment on, the RKSM began to concentrate its activities on the tasks of socialist construction and the communist education of the youth. The Komsomol directed all its efforts to the restoration of the national economy destroyed during the war. Boys and girls participated in the restoration of factories in Petrograd, Moscow, the Urals, mines and factories in the Donbass, the country's railway. Komsomol members assisted the Soviet government in the fight against speculation, sabotage, and banditry. Parts of special purpose were formed from communists and Komsomol members.
The energy and enthusiasm of the Komsomol members were also manifested in the implementation of the cultural revolution. They fought for the eradication of illiteracy, for the eradication of religious superstitions, remnants of the past in everyday life, with philistinism, private property psychology, and a rapacious attitude to work. Komsomol members organized reading huts, clubs, distributed books, newspapers, magazines, posters, leaflets. In 1920, on the initiative of the Komsomol, factory apprenticeship schools were created to train skilled workers and workers' faculties (workers' faculties) to prepare working youth for entering universities.
The Komsomol actively promoted Leninism among the youth. A wide network of Komsomol political education was created. Over 20 thousand circles operated in the country. More than 100 thousand Komsomol members were engaged in the system of party education. The Komsomol press played an important role in education: the magazines Young Communist, Young Guard, Smena, Journal of Peasant Youth, the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, as well as local newspapers.
The Komsomol acted as the instigator of socialist emulation, and in 1927 launched a mass campaign to rationalize production and increase labor productivity. In 1929, the Central Committee of the Komsomol carried out the Leninist recruitment of youth into shock brigades, called on the youth to start the All-Union Socialist Competition, and carried out the first mobilization of youth for new buildings of the 1st Five-Year Plan. More than 200,000 Komsomol members came to the construction sites with vouchers from their organizations. With the active participation of the Komsomol, the Dneproges, the Moscow and Gorky Automobile Plants, the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, the Turksib railway, etc. were built.
The role of Komsomol members in collectivization was significant. Agriculture. There were over 1 million young peasants in the ranks of the village Komsomol. The Komsomol put forward a number of effective forms of mobilization of peasant youth: it held an All-Union campaign for the harvest, a “month of the plow”, created “detachments of red plowmen”, “agricultural intelligence”, etc. Among the twenty-five thousandth workers who left for the village, more than 2 thousand people were members Komsomol. Komsomol members brought the experience of socialist emulation and shock work to the countryside, young workers helped in the repair of agricultural. inventory, launched a movement for the creation of Komsomol tractor columns, took an active part in the construction of machine and tractor stations (MTS). "Komsomolets - on the tractor!" - this slogan was one of the most popular in the village. On the recommendations of Komsomol cells, thousands of young collective farmers were sent to courses for tractor drivers and machine operators.
Decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on January 21. 1931 "for the initiative shown in the cause of shock work and socialist competition, ensuring the successful implementation of the five-year plan for the development of the national economy ..." Komsomol was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
In subsequent years, the Komsomol, without weakening its participation in economic and state construction, paid considerable attention to the ideological education of young people, the organization of their education, the physical development of young men and women, and their preparation for the defense of socialist gains. The Komsomol devotes a lot of energy to the development of the defense industry and the branches associated with it, in particular, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and oil production. Envoys of the Komsomol participated in the creation of the “Second Baku”, the construction of the Amurstal plant, the Komsomol patronizes the construction of new cruisers, submarines, destroyers, aircraft, tanks, etc., strengthens patronage ties with the Naval and Air force. The Komsomol Central Committee conducts a mass military-technical examination of Komsomol members. About 1 million members of the Komsomol became "Voroshilov Strelka", more than 5 million passed the norms of air defense, military topography and other military specialties. In 1936 alone, about 4 million people passed the norms for the “Ready for Labor and Defense” badge. On behalf of the party, the Komsomol was engaged in recruiting military schools. As of July 1, 1940, among the officers of the Red Army there were 56.4% communists and 22.1% Komsomol members.
The VLKSM did a lot of work in the Communist Youth International, striving to create a united front to fight fascism, against the threat of world war.
The Great Patriotic War was a severe test for the entire Soviet people and its younger generation. The Komsomol, all Soviet youth, at the call of the Communist Party, came out to fight the Nazi invaders. Already in the first year of the war, about 2 million Komsomol members joined the ranks of the Red Army. Unprecedented courage, bravery, heroism were shown by Komsomol members, young men and women, defending Brest, Liepaja, Odessa, Sevastopol, Smolensk, Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Stalingrad, other cities and regions of the country from the enemy. Only the Komsomol organization of Moscow and the region in the first 5 months of the war sent over 300 thousand people to the front; 90% of the members of the Leningrad organization of the Komsomol fought against the invaders on the outskirts of the city of Lenin. Fearlessly, young partisans and underground fighters of Belarus, the occupied regions of the RSFSR, Ukraine, and the Baltic states acted behind enemy lines. Partisan detachments consisted of 30-45% Komsomol members. Unparalleled heroism was shown by members of the underground Komsomol organizations- "Young Guard" (Krasnodon), "Partisan spark" (Nikolaev region), Lyudinovsk underground Komsomol group (Kaluga region), Komsomol underground members of the village. Obol (Vitebsk region), Khotyn (Bukovina), Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR), etc.
Komsomol members worked selflessly in the rear, providing the front with everything necessary. A significant part of front-line orders fell on the shoulders of the youth, who came to the enterprises in exchange for those drafted into the army. The Komsomol members put forward the slogan: "Work for yourself and for a comrade who has gone to the front!" In youth collectives, a movement has unfolded for overfulfillment of production, tasks by 2-3 or more times, thousands of workers, multi-machine workers. By the end of the war, there were over 154,000 front-line Komsomol youth brigades in industry. Due to work on Sundays, during overtime hours, young people contributed tens of millions of rubles to the country's defense fund. Boys and girls, teenagers, along with women, became the main force in agriculture. 70% of trained rural machine operators at that time were young people.
Of the 7 thousand Heroes of the Owls. Union under the age of 30, 3.5 thousand are Komsomol members (of which 60 are twice Heroes of the Soviet Union), 3.5 million Komsomol members were awarded orders and medals. The names of members of the Komsomol who fell in the fight against the fascist invaders: Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Chekalin, Liza Chaikina, Alexander Matrosov, Yuri Smirnov, Viktor Talalikhin, Grigory Kagamlyk, Gafur Mamedov, Alexander Passar, Marita Melnikayte, Imant Sudmalis, Noah Adamiy, Theodosius Smolyachkov and pl. others - have become a symbol of courage, courage, heroism.
For outstanding services to the Motherland during the years of the Great Fatherland, the war and for the great work in education Soviet youth in the spirit of selfless devotion to the socialist Fatherland of the Komsomol by the Decree of the Presidium of the Upper. Council of the USSR June 14, 1945 was awarded the Order of Lenin. The Young Communist League put a lot of work into the restoration of the national economy destroyed by the Nazi invaders, into the construction of Minsk, Smolensk, Stalingrad, into the restoration of Leningrad, Kharkov, Kursk, Voronezh, Sevastopol, Odessa, Rostov-on-Don and many others. other cities, in the revival of industry and the cities of Donbass, Dneproges, collective farms, state farms and MTS. In 1948 alone, the youth built and put into operation 6,200 rural power stations. The Komsomol showed great concern for the placement of children and adolescents left without parents, for the expansion of the network of orphanages and vocational schools, and the construction of schools.
In the 40-50s. Komsomol helped build large hydraulic structures (Volga-Don Canal), powerful hydroelectric stations (Volzhskaya named after Lenin, Kuibyshevskaya, Kakhovskaya, etc.).
In 1948, the Komsomol celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. Oct 28 1948 Presidium Top. The Soviet of the USSR awarded the Komsomol with the second Order of Lenin.
The Komsomol took an active part in the implementation of the measures worked out by the Party for the advancement of agriculture. Thousands of young specialists, workers and employees, graduates of secondary schools were sent to state farms, collective farms, MTS. In 1954-55, on the Komsomol vouchers for the development of the virgin lands of Kazakhstan, Altai, and Siberia, St. 350 thousand young people. Their work was a real feat. Decree of the Presidium of the Top. Council of the USSR for active participation in communist construction and especially for the development of virgin lands of the Komsomol November 5, 1956 was awarded the third Order of Lenin.
In subsequent years, the scope of activities of the Komsomol in solving national economic problems, in particular, in the development of the wealth of Siberia, Far East and the Far North, in the redistribution of the country's labor resources. More than 70,000 All-Union detachments have been formed, and more than 500,000 young people have been sent to new buildings. With the most active participation of young people, about 1,500 important facilities were built and put into operation, including the largest in the world - the Bratsk hydroelectric power station, the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant, the Baikal-Amur Mainline named after Lenin Komsomol, the Druzhba oil pipeline, etc. The Komsomol sponsored 100 shock construction projects , including over the development of the unique oil and gas resources of the Tyumen and Tomsk region. Student construction teams have become a tradition of university Komsomol members. Millions of students took part in labor semesters. At the initiative of the Komsomol, the construction of youth residential complexes became widespread. Youth residential complexes have been built in 156 cities and regions of the country. The Komsomol is the initiator of all-Union campaigns to places of revolutionary, military and labor glory, in which millions of young men and women take part. The children's and youth competitions "Golden Puck", "Leather Ball", "Olympic Spring", "Neptune" and the all-Union military sports game "Zarnitsa" held by the Central Committee of the Komsomol have become truly massive. Komsomol and Soviet youth organizations cooperated with international, regional, national and local youth associations in 129 countries of the world. On July 5, 1956, the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR was established; on May 10, 1958, the Sputnik International Youth Tourism Bureau was established.
The highest Komsomol award, which had prestige in society, was the Lenin Komsomol Prize. It was received by a few - "stars of the first magnitude." For 25 years (from 1966 to 1991) 5527 people became laureates.
Komsomol paid great attention to the political education of young people. The Higher Komsomol School under the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, established in 1969, was the central link in this system. Over the years of its existence, over 20 thousand people, plus almost 10 thousand foreigners from 110 countries of the world, received higher and second higher education in it. More than 1,000 people have completed postgraduate studies and defended their Ph.D. dissertations.
In 1968, for outstanding services and a great contribution of Komsomol members to the formation and strengthening of Soviet power, courage and heroism shown in battles with the enemies of the socialist Fatherland, active participation in the construction of socialism, for fruitful work on political education rising generations in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol was awarded the Order of the October Revolution.
It was a well-deserved award. No other socio-political organization has received such high recognition of its merits. And it was completely justified. For many years, the Komsomol was indeed a real life school for Soviet youth. The functional elasticity of the Komsomol allowed it to find its application in various spheres of life. Soviet society and made him an indispensable assistant to the party in all matters.
But the situation gradually began to change, it changed especially sharply in the second half of the 1980s. This period is much more difficult than all previous difficult periods, which are so rich in Russian history. evolutionary processes in the Komsomol proceeded without due political will in the matter of their implementation, did not find the proper response and support from the members of the Komsomol. The Komsomol organization degraded following the degeneration of the party. She was struck by the same illnesses: formalism, hushing up shortcomings, the gap between word and deed, the weak influence of the Komsomol on solving youth problems, excessive centralization of leadership, a deep contradiction between the democratic nature of the organization and bureaucratic methods of leadership, between the desire of young people for something new and forms frozen for decades. work.
In a belated attempt to revive the activities of the Komsomol, the 20th Congress adopted a new Charter, which significantly expanded the rights of the primary Komsomol organizations, including in the economic sphere. In addition to this, in August 1988, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by its Decree, provided the Komsomol with serious tax benefits, which caused a rapid growth of self-supporting youth organizations.
Thus, the Komsomol was among the first organizations and economic entities that switched to the principles of full cost accounting and self-financing. We can say that the Komsomol has become a testing ground for the market mechanism in the country. Cities began to create "innovative", as they would say today, platforms for working with youth - Youth Houses. Those. a destructive injection of alien ideology and alien values ​​was made into the body of the Komsomol.
It would seem that here it is - the democratic "perestroika" of the Komsomol, is in full swing. But she did not stop the crisis. The organization began to disintegrate. The first "swallow" of the direct collapse of the Komsomol was the Communist Youth Union of Lithuania, which in 1989 declared its independence. In the same year, the Estonian Komsomol separated. Further more. By 1990, the issue of organizational formalization of the now Russian Komsomol was on the agenda. As a result, at the first congress of the Komsomol organizations of the RSFSR, held in February 1990, the Komsomol of the RSFSR was formed, however, it is still part of the Komsomol.
But it has already been said from the podium that it is time to reorganize the “united and indivisible” VLKSM into a federation of independent Komsomol organizations, which was done two months later, at the 21st Extraordinary Congress.
The new model of the Komsomol also required a change in the previous relationship with the party, and the VLKSM finally declared its full political independence. As a result, the Komsomol was far ahead of the Communist Party and many public organizations in the "democratization" of union work. V.M. was elected the first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee at this congress. Zyukin.
During the preparation of the XXI Congress of the Komsomol, the Central Committee still believed that there were alternative ideas for the development of the Komsomol: in the form of a movement of political clubs, scientific and technical creativity of youth, youth housing complexes, student construction teams, an environmental movement, etc. But after the August events of 1991, the Central Committee sharply headed for the liquidation of the Komsomol as an All-Union organization.
Everything was decided at the XXII Extraordinary Congress of the Komsomol, convened in Moscow in September 1991. This congress was unlike any of the previous ones: “there were no orders, no bust of Lenin on the stage, no traditional pioneer greeting. In his report, V. M. Zyukin stated: “The old system has been destroyed, and together with it, the organization that was an element of the system must leave political existence. The existence of the Komsomol even in new clothes is objectively impossible.” The fate of the Komsomol was sealed.
Of course, after the ban on the CPSU and the collapse of the entire socialist system, the Komsomol, as part of the system (political and social), could not survive alone.
All this happened in the nearest historical past of the Komsomol, and its lessons are most directly related to what is happening today.
Today, young people are disunited, subject to the corrupting influence of the social environment formed over the years of the so-called democracy, plunging them into a state of hopelessness, drawing them into drug addiction, pushing them to commit crimes, and so on. The youth are in fear for their future.
At the same time, other processes are also taking place. There is a renaissance of leftist ideas among young people. Life makes young people think more and more about what is happening around, about social injustice, about the gulf between the rich and the poor. More and more often you can see young people at protest rallies.
Fortunately, the Komsomol has not died, it lives and fights in new conditions, reborn as the Russian Leninist Communist Youth Union. The Russian Komsomol is gaining strength and experience in political struggle, reviving the traditions of the Leninist Komsomol, such as, for example, supporting defrauded equity holders, helping the struggling Donbass, organizing student construction teams, etc. Time has given birth to new youth leaders who have already made themselves known. This is Vladimir Isakov, and Yaroslav Listov, and Maria Drobot, and Georgy Kamnev, and Anatoly Dolgachev, and many others.
The future belongs to the young, and it is for them to revive socialist Russia.
Ivan Nikitchuk,
Chairman of the CA RUSO

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