Biography of Anna Sedokova. Anna Sedokova: a beautiful and strong woman Personal life of Anna Sedokova

Full biography Anna Sedokova - singer, actress, TV presenter. Photos and details of the personal life of the star

Biography of Anna Sedokova

Singer Anna Sedokova was born on December 16, 1982 in Kyiv. Anna's mother immediately sent her to a music school and a dance ensemble. Anna graduated from high school with a gold medal and graduated from music school with honors - in the piano class. After school, Anna studied at the university as an actor and learned the basics of working as a presenter on TV. During her studies, Anna worked as a model, and then as the host of several Ukrainian television shows.

Star Trek

In 2002, with a successful casting at VIA GRU, musical career Anna Sedokova. The spectacular red-haired singer quickly took the place of the leader of the group in the trio. Under her, VIA GRA together achieved immense popularity. It was at that time that such songs as “Attempt No. 5”, “Do not leave me, my love!”, “There is no more attraction”, “Ocean and Three Rivers” (with the participation of Valery Meladze) and others were released. In addition to pop art, Anna acts in films: the musical Cinderella (2002), the films New Year's Robbery (2003), Pregnant (2011), How Style Was Tempered (2013) and others. At this time, Anna appears on the covers of gloss, and for the sake of a photo shoot with her, Playboy refused full nudity, and even with Sedokova dressed, the issue was sold out in huge numbers.

Anna marries, ending her career as a singer, and after the breakup of the marriage, she begins a solo career. First, she releases the song "My Heart", then from 2006 to 2014 she performs such hits as "Bell" (2007), "Cold Heart" (with the participation of Dzhigan, 2010), "What I've Done" (2012), "Touch "(2014) and others.

In parallel with the work on the songs of Sedokov, she acts as the host of the Ukrainian program "TV Star - Superstar", "New Songs about the Main" and "King of the Ring" on Channel One, participates in the show " glacial period-2", speaking with figure skater Andrei Khvalko, and in the TV show "Two Stars" paired with Vadim Galygin. Since 2011, she has been hosting Project Podium on MTV Russia.

In 2010, Anna wrote the book "The Art of Seduction", having tried herself in publishing. It is worth noting that the book was in great demand among the female audience.

During her pop career, Sedokova received the Soundtrack (2002, 2003), Stopudov Hit (2003), Golden Gramophone (2003) awards, and was also awarded RU.TV in the Best Clip of the Decade nomination ( 2009) and in the Sexiest Video nomination.

Personal life of Anna Sedokova

First serious romance Anna was with a football player from Belarus Valentin Belkevich. They got married in 2004, but they did not live long in marriage - about two years. The reason for the divorce, according to Anna herself, was different views for life. From her first marriage, Anna gave birth to a daughter, Alina.

In 2011, Anna Sedokova accepted the marriage proposal of businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. They had a daughter, Monica. However, the marriage did not last long, and a divorce followed two years later. Baby Monica lives now with her mother, then with her father.

Since 2014, Anna began a relationship with dancer Sergei Gumanyuk, who starred in her videos. A year later, their romance ended.

At the end of 2016, rumors appeared on the Web that Anna was pregnant. For a long time the singer denied that she was expecting a baby, but in February 2017 she confirmed that she would soon become a mother for the third time. April 9, 2017 Sedokova gave birth to a son, Hector. The artist keeps the name of the father of the child a secret.

Anna Vladimirovna Sedokova. She was born on December 16, 1982 in Kyiv. Ukrainian pop singer, TV presenter, actress. Former soloist"golden" composition of the female pop group " VIA Gra"(2002-2004).

Mother - Svetlana Sedokova, worked as a teacher of music and English, moonlighted as a tutor.

Father - Vladimir Sedokov. The artist has an older brother Maxim.

Her parents moved to Ukraine from Tomsk, which they were forced to leave because of the difficult relationship between their families.

"Mom's parents, grandfather - a photographer, grandmother, a radiologist, lived, one might say, poorly. And my father, on the contrary, had a very wealthy family. My paternal grandparents are professors. They categorically opposed the future marriage of their son. And then dad and mom decided to flee to distant lands, to Kyiv," Anna recalled.

When she was five years old, her father left the family. For some time, Anya lived with her grandmother in Tomsk, then her father took her to Kyiv, and after some time she again stayed with her mother, having lost sight of her father for almost twenty years. In 2010, she learned that her father had died.

Anna Sedokova in childhood with her mother and brother

From childhood she was engaged in dancing and music, gravitated towards creativity. At the age of 6 she became a member of the folk ensemble of Ukraine "Svitanok".

Graduated general education school with a gold medal, graduated with honors from a music school in piano.

Until the age of eighteen, Anna lived with her mother and brother in Kyiv in the Voskresenka district.

Because of difficult situation in the family, a girl from the age of 16 was looking for any opportunity to earn extra money - she wanted to help her mother. “She left home early in the morning and returned late at night. She plowed like a horse to provide for my brother and me,” Anna said.

After graduating from school, she entered the Kiev National University culture and arts with a degree in Actor and Television Host, graduating with honors.

She auditioned as a presenter and model, because she was a mass entertainer at parties in metropolitan clubs. Then she was offered a job as a host in the program "O-TV Models" on the music channel "O-TV". After some time, Sedokova became the host of the morning show "Rise" on the "New Channel", and at the same time hosted the radio show "Devichnik" on the radio "Super-Nova".

In early 2000, Anna participated in the casting for a new female pop group, which was later called "VIA Gra". However, the girl did not pass the casting due to her age. At that time she was seventeen and the producers considered her too young for such a team.

Only at the beginning of 2002, when it was decided to turn the group from a duet into a trio, did Anna join VIA Gra.

Sedokova became the first red-haired member of the group, together with the blonde and brunette Tatyana Naynik, they represented the group in the trio format already familiar to the audience - a brunette, a blonde and a redhead.

Sedokova quickly became a front vocalist and leader of the group, with her the group achieved tremendous success, their composition with Nadezhda Granovskaya and Vera Brezhneva is still called the "golden" composition by journalists and fans of the group " VIA Gra", the most powerful, successful and sexy in the history of the group.

VIA Gra - good morning, Dad

In May 2004, Anna left the group, married football player Valentin Belkevich and gave birth to a daughter, Alina. However, she soon decided to return to the stage.

After leaving the VIA Gra group, Anna starred for the men's magazine Maxim, being in her fourth month of pregnancy.

Anna Sedokova in Maxim

In April 2006, the singer under the pseudonym Annabelle released a video for the song "My heart". Anna's first appearance on stage after the break took place in September at the Five Stars festival in Sochi. According to the results, Anna became the owner of the "People's Choice Award". At the end of the year, she passed the casting and became the host of the New Songs about the Main program on Channel One. Also in December, Anna posed for Playboy magazine, because 90% of the readers of this magazine wanted to see her on the cover.

In 2006, Anna became a laureate of the Song of the Year festival (Ukraine) with the song My Heart.

In late 2006 - early 2007, Anna signed a contract with the record company REAL Records, released a video for the song "The Most best girl”, appeared with her songs in several programs on Russian and Ukrainian channels. The release of the first solo album was announced. But then, for unknown reasons, the singer decided to take a break.

In 2008, the singer became a co-host of the Russian Channel One show "King of the Ring", the host of the Ukrainian TV show "TV Star - Superstar", and also took part in Ilya Averbukh's project "Ice Age-2", where a professional figure skater became her partner Andrey Khvalko.

In September 2008, she released a video for the song "I'm getting used". Also in 2008, the series "The Force of Attraction" with her participation was released on Ukrainian television. At the end of 2008, the artist was recognized as the sexiest TV presenter in Russia according to the TOP 10 SEXY rating of Radio Monte Carlo and the most stylish TV presenter in Ukraine according to the ELLE Style Awards.

In December 2008, Anna became the owner of the diploma of the festival "New songs about the main thing" for the song "I'm getting used to it."

In 2009, Anna Sedokova received the TOP SEXY award from the Monte Carlo radio station and was named the most desirable TV presenter on Russian television. In the same year, she became the best television person in the country according to ELLE magazine.

In March 2009, Anna became a member of the musical show of the First Channel "Two Stars". Anna's partner was Vadim Galygin.

June 2 on "Russian Radio" presented her new song "Selyavi"(later the name was changed to "Drama"), the author of which was Anna herself and music producer Dmitry Klimashenko. According to Anna, she dedicated it to her friend, who broke up with her boyfriend.

On October 9, the premiere of the song took place on Love Radio "Cold heart", which Anna recorded together with Dzhigan. Also in 2009, Sedokova starred in the film “Moscow. RU", the fee from the filming in which Anna donated to charity.

Geegun ft. Anna Sedokova - "Frozen"

Her book was published in March 2010 "The Art of Seduction".

In May 2010, two clips of the singer were released at once - a solo clip "Drama" and a duet video with rapper Dzhigan "Frozen", filmed in October 2009.

In September, Anna took part in the Star + Star show, the Ukrainian analogue of the Two Stars project, paired with Viktor Loginov.

In November 2010, she took part in the anniversary concert of the VIA Gra group, which took place in Ukraine. At the concert, Anna performed several compositions with the group and soloists different years, as well as two solo compositions.

In November 2010, the shooting of the singer's new music video for the song "Jealousy", which has a frank plot and hints of lesbian love. Video and photos from the filming of the clip caused a scandal, after which the clip was re-edited to be shown on television in daytime and the premiere took place on December 22 on the RU.TV channel.

Also in 2010, a duet version of the clip “I Get Used to” was released together with the rap team “Karaty”, filmed in 2008 and including scenes not included in the original. In December, the shooting of the comedy "Pregnant" was completed, in which Anna played the main role. At the end of the year, Anna also presented a mashup of the song "Frozen" and the song of the Ukrainian singer Max Barsky "S.L."

Studied since 2010 acting skills at Scott Sedita Acting Studios in West Hollywood (Los Angeles, California).

In 2011, she took part in the second season of the TV show "Star + Star", became the host of the program "Women's Logic" on the Ukrainian channel ICTV. premiered in June new song"Love U", which the singer posted for free download on the official website.

In the fall of 2011, Anna became the host Russian version reality show "Project Runway".

January 31, 2012 premiere of the song "Taxi". On September 11, the premiere of the video for the song “What Have I Done?” took place, and in November - the premiere of the video for the song "Not Safe", sung together with Misha Krupin.

In 2013, Sedokova, together with Zhan Alibekov, was the host of the Kazakh reality show "The Seventh Race", an analogue of the "Battle of Psychics" project.

In 2014, the singer released three videos - for the compositions "Heart in Bandages", "Touch" and "Piranha". The director of the last two was the dancer Sergey Guman. He will also direct the video for the song. "Quiet" (2015).

In 2015, the singer's video for the song was also released. "Bye, honey" with director Alan Badoev.

In 2016, the singer's video was released "About you"(director Stanislav Morozov).

Anna Sedokova. star interrogation

In 2019, Anna became a participant in the show « the main role» . In a programme famous people from the world of music, sports or television, but far from cinema, try their hand at acting. Each of the episodes of the program is devoted to a specific topic: films about love, detective stories, children's films and others.

Anna Sedokova and Dmitry Kharatyan in the show "The Main Role"

The growth of Anna Sedokova: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Anna Sedokova:

From June 23, 2004 to the beginning of 2006, she was married to a Belarusian football player, captain of Dynamo Kyiv, Valentin Belkevich (died August 1, 2014).

Due to marriage, she left the promoted popular group VIA Gra and devoted herself to her family.

Anna Sedokova and Valentin Belkevich

The reason for the divorce was the betrayal of Belkevich.

“I went through the worst word in my life - “treason.” And I went through it for a long time. At some point, I realized that my marriage had burst like a soap bubble ... Valentin now lives with the woman with whom he lived before me , after me and during me," she said.

After the death of Belkevich, a scandal arose around the division of the football player's inheritance. Sedokova declared the rights of her daughter Alina and sued Belkevich's widow Olesya. She demanded that the girl be allocated her share. Valentin's parents took the side of Sedokova.

On February 12, 2011, she married a second time - to businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. They met at a fitness club where they both worked out. After a year and a half of dating, Maxim made an offer.

On July 24, 2011, their daughter Monica was born at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (USA, California).

In February 2013, Anna Sedokova announced a divorce from Maxim Chernyavsky.

Anna Sedokova and Maxim Chernyavsky

Their family life collapsed after moving to Los Angeles. The singer was constantly busy with her work, while her husband, meanwhile, visited local nightclubs, met girls and made new friends. “There were temptations and jealousy, we began to quarrel,” said the artist.

She often found out about her husband's leisure time from social networks - after seeing his photos with other girls. At the same time, the star is convinced that her ex-husband did all this only to annoy her.

Anna Sedokova with her daughters

From June 2014 to June 2015, Sedokova met with dancer Sergei Guman. After a six-month gap, the couple restored their relationship in December 2015. However, in the spring of 2016, they broke up again.

Anna Sedokova and Sergey Guman

In early 2017, it became known that Anna was pregnant for the third time. She later announced that she was expecting a son. The singer did not reveal who the father of the child was, but her secret was revealed by the grandmother of Anna's ex-wife Maxim Chernyavsky: (born 1991). He is 9 years younger than Anna, graduated State University management in Moscow, member of the board of directors of one of largest enterprises Russia - OJSC "Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant", the state of his father, Andrei Komarov, according to according to Forbes is about a billion dollars.

Anna was introduced to Artem by the Russian singer, TV presenter, leader of the Pilgrim group, music producer and organizer of rock festivals Andrey Kovalev. This happened in 2016 at the presentation of the RU.TV award.

Anna Sedokova's illness

In the spring of 2015, Anna admitted that she was struggling with a serious illness and had several surgeries.

The artist found out about her illness when she noticed a tumor in her side.

“I have already undergone two surgeries. The first one happened about two years ago, and the second one just recently. This is an operation on the kidneys when they cannot function normally,” the singer said in April 2015.

According to Anna, after the discovery of the tumor, she did not hesitate to visit the doctor. After the ultrasound and MRI, the doctors stunned the singer with the recognition that the condition of her organ was critical and she needed an urgent operation. “They told me that if I didn’t go to the operation tomorrow, then it might be too late. After I had the operation, I had to do it again an hour later,” she said.

At the same time, after the operations, she runs the risk of never becoming a mother again. “After the operation, there are no special guarantees. They say everything will be fine, but I can only believe in it,” Anna noted.

Anna Sedokova now

Discography of Anna Sedokova:

Solo albums:

2016 - Personal
2017 - Present (Live)

Albums as part of VIA Gra:

2002 - Attempt #5 (Reissue)
2003 - Stop! Taken!
2003 - Stop! Stop! Stop!
2003 - Biology

Video clips of Anna Sedokova as part of VIA Gra:

2002 - Stop! Stop! Stop!
2002 - Good morning, dad
2003 - Do not leave me, my love!
2003 - I didn't understand
2003 - Do not leave me, my love! (space mix by YaD)
2003 - Kill my girlfriend
2003 - That's it
2003 - Ocean and three rivers (together with Valery Meladze)
2003 - Stop! Stop! Stop!
2003 - Don't Ever Leave Me Love
2003 - Kill My Girlfriend
2003 - Till the Morning Light
2004 - There is no more attraction (together with Valery Meladze)

Solo video clips of Anna Sedokova:

2006 - "My heart"
2007 - "Bell"
2008 - "Get Used"
2010 - “I'm getting used to” (feat. “Carats”)
2010 - "Frozen" (feat. Dzhigan)
2010 - "Drama"
2010 - "Jealousy"
2011 - "Space"
2012 - "What have I done"
2012 - "Unsafe" (feat. Misha Krupin)
2013 - "Remove"
2013 - "Between us a buzz"
2014 - "Heart in Bandages"
2014 - "Touch"
2014 - "Piranhas"
2015 - "Hush" (feat. MONATIK)
2015 - "Bye, honey"
2016 - "About you"
2016 - "Universe"
2016 - "The Best"
2017 - "First Love"
2017 - "Passion"

Filmography of Anna Sedokova:

2002 - Cinderella - English princess
2003 - New Year's robbery - cameo
2006 - Relatives
2007 - Tunguska meteorite (was not completed)
2008 - Force of attraction - Katya
2009 - Moskva.Ru (was not completed) - cameo
2011 - Pregnant - Diana
2013 - How style was tempered - cameo
2013 - Vitalka / Vitalka - cameo

Anna Sedokova is a Ukrainian singer, a former member of the pop trio VIA Gra. Now he is confidently building a solo career.

Childhood and family

Anna Vladimirovna Sedokova was born on December 16, 1982 in Kyiv. Her parents moved to the Ukrainian capital from Tomsk. Change Russian city into Ukrainian the Sedokovs were forced complicated relationship between the families of Anna's parents. As Anya Sedokova recalls, the situation with dad and mom was standard:

“My mother's parents, grandfather-photographer, grandmother-radiologist, lived, one might say, poorly. And my father, on the contrary, had a very wealthy family. My paternal grandparents are professors. They categorically opposed the future marriage of their son. And then dad and mom decided to run away to distant lands, to Kyiv.

When the future artist was three years old, her father left the family. The singer's mother was left alone with two children - little Anya and eldest son Maxim. However, for some time Anya lived with her grandmother in Tomsk, after which her father took her. The girl did not live with her dad for long, as a result she stayed with her mother, who taught English and music and almost round knocks disappeared at work to provide for two children.

Almost from the cradle, Anya Sedokova began to study music and dance. The girl graduated from school with a gold medal. Simultaneously with general education, she also graduated from a music school. For the first time, the future celebrity took the stage as a member of the Svitanok folk ensemble. As part of this dance group, Anya toured half the world.

The childhood of the future star was difficult. They lived in a disadvantaged area near Lake Raduzhnoye. In Kyiv, her mother had no relatives, and so that the girl would not be bored at home alone, she was enrolled in various circles. Embroidery and athletics were added to the dances and music mentioned above. “In a word, I didn’t have a childhood as such,” Anna admits. She was not loved at school: she was not a beauty, and many were afraid to be friends with the teacher's daughter.

First steps to glory

From the age of 16, Anna Sedokova was constantly looking for part-time jobs. A minor girl tried herself as a model, organizer and host of parties in nightclubs, sang in restaurants, earning $ 25 per evening - a lot of money at that time.

The girl entered the Kiev National University of Culture and Art, graduated from the university with a degree in television and radio announcer. During her studies, Anna continued to sing in clubs and restaurants, returning home at 4 in the morning, and in the morning she ran to couples.

Success came to Anna Sedokova when she worked on the O-TV channel. In just a year, the girl rose from a simple participant in live broadcasts to a permanent presenter.

"VIA Gra"

The glory of the girl brought participation in the pop group of Konstantin Meladze "VIA Gra". The girl went through a tough selection at the castings - out of 200 applicants they chose her. However, the girl did not stay in the trio for a long time and after skyrocketing up, together with VIA Groy, returned to television, becoming the co-host of Maxim Nelipa in the Rise! on the New Channel. She combined this work with her studies at the university. Work days did not prevent Anya from getting a red diploma.

The VIA Gra group appeared in Sedokova's life again in 2002. She replaced Nadezhda Meikher, who left the team due to pregnancy. For two years, the girl as part of a sexy team, one of the members of which at that time was the famous Vera Brezhneva, recorded songs such as “Stop Stop Stop”, “Kill My Friend "," Don't leave me, my love", "There is no more attraction", "Third Ocean". In addition to performing songs, Anya was engaged in staging the group's performances and directing.

VIA Gra - Biology

Thanks to her spectacular external data, Anya became a regular guest of glossy magazines .. Only for her sake, the Russian "Playboy" organized a photo shoot without a complete "nude". This issue with a dressed Sedokova on the cover broke all sales records.

Solo career

At the peak of her popularity in the VIA Gra group, Anna Sedokova began a relationship with Dynamo football player Valery Belkevich. family happiness she left the group. Immediately after her departure from the team, Anya starred for a glossy magazine for men Maxim. The photo shoot turned out to be more than spicy - the girl was in her fourth month of pregnancy.

After VIA Gra, the singer begins a solo career. In April 2006, a girl under the pseudonym Annabel releases a video for the song "My Heart". And for the first time, after a break, Anna Sedokova takes the stage in September of the same year at the Five Stars festival in Sochi. There, the singer becomes the owner of the "People's Choice Award". Before the new year 2007, Sedokova is casting and becomes the host of the program on Channel One "New songs about the main thing."

Anna Sedokova and MONATIK - Hush

A little later, Anna signed a contract with the record company Real Records and released a video for the song "The Best Girl". Her solo career began to gain momentum, the release of the first album had already been announced, but due to personal reasons (read about them below), Anna took a creative time-out.

In 2008, the singer received an offer to become a co-host of the show "King of the Ring" on the First. In parallel with this, Anna manages to lead Ukrainian show"TV star is a superstar." Anna Sedokova also finds time for Ilya Averbukh's project "Ice Age 2". Professional figure skater Andrei Khvalko was chosen as a partner in the skating rink for the artist. In the same 2008, Anya shot a video for the song “I Get Used to” and starred in the Ukrainian TV series “The Force of Attraction”.

"Ice Age": Anna Sedokova and Andrey Khvalko

Anya's career is going uphill by leaps and bounds and the girl is just like hot cakes on various shows. So, already in March 2009, Sedokova participated in the musical project of Channel One "Two Stars", where Vadim Galygin became her microphone partner. A few months later, Russian Radio presented Anna's new song "Selyavi" (later "Drama").

By the way, the singer herself and her music producer Dmitry Klimashenko became the author of the song. Some time later, Anna Sedokova pleased her fans with another hit - on Love Radio, the premiere of the composition "Frozen", which was recorded in a duet with Dzhigan, took place. In the same year, Anya's next success as an actress followed - the girl starred in the film "Moskva.RU", and gave the received fee to charity.

Other facets of talent

In March 2010, Anna will make her debut as a writer. The girl publishes the book "The Art of Seduction", which is in great demand among fans. In the same year, two clips of Anna Sedokova - "Drama" and "Cold Heart" are released simultaneously, and the girl performs in the Ukrainian analogue of the show "Two Stars" with a pair of Viktor Loginov. In October, the singer goes on a big tour of the cities of the CIS countries with a new show program.

After leaving VIA Gra, Anna Sedokova only once reunited with the group - in November 2010 at an anniversary concert in Ukraine. The girl, along with her former colleagues, sang several songs, while the audience met the singer with a standing ovation, as if they were just waiting for her release.

Anna Sedokova - Heart in bandages

At the end of 2010, Anna shot a video for the song "Jealousy", in which there is a rather frank plot and obvious hints of lesbian love. The working video and photo reports from the set caused a scandal, and the clip was urgently re-edited for broadcast on TV channels.

By the way, last year Anya consolidated her acting experience with a role in the comedy Pregnant, starring with Dmitry Dyuzhev and Mikhail Galustyan. In the film, the girl got the main role.

In the fall of 2011, Anna became the host of the Russian version of the reality show "Project Podium", which premiered on October 8, 2011 on the MTV Russia channel. On January 31, 2012, the premiere of the song "Taxi" took place on the "First Popular Radio". On September 11, the premiere of the video for the song "What Have I Done?" took place, and in November - the premiere of the video for the song "Unsafe", sung together with Misha Krupin.

In 2013, Sedokova, together with Zhan Alibekov, was the host of the Kazakh reality show "The Seventh Race", an analogue of the "Battle of Psychics" project.

In 2014, a new show "I Want to Meladze" was released, where the participants competed for the opportunity to become members of the Meladze M-BAND group. Anna Sedokova was present among the mentors, but due to a conflict with her other colleagues, the singer had to leave the show. Sedokova nevertheless coped with her emotions and returned, and her team reached the final, losing to Sergey Lazarev.

In March 2016, the singer released her debut solo album Personal. The disc includes 10 songs. The lyrics of many songs are excerpts from personal diaries Sedokova. All odd songs on the album were called "Day (number of the day) without you". The album was dedicated to the father who left their family and her ex-men.

Anna Sedokova - About you (2016)

2017 was marked by the release of the live album "Real" - 12 old and new songs recorded from a live performance.

Personal life of Anna Sedokova

The first husband of Anna Sedokova was Dynamo footballer Valentin Belkevich. It was because of the relationship with this young man that the girl left the popular trio VIA Gra. In 2004, the singer gave birth to the athlete's daughter Alina.

After the birth of a child, information began to appear in the press about a crack in the marriage of celebrities. In 2006, Sedokova and Belkevich filed for divorce. The reason soon became clear - the footballer was cheating on his wife with a former mistress. For the next two years, Anna disappeared from media radars, then returned to duty.

In 2014, 41-year-old Valentin died due to a detached blood clot. Anna, who maintained a friendly relationship with her first husband, was heartbroken. In 2019, she won a trial for an inheritance she fought with civil wife Belkevich.

Having recovered from the first divorce, the girl began to actively arrange her personal life. Anna met with successful businessman, Formula 1 manager Maxim Chernyavsky. A young man of Ukrainian origin lived in Los Angeles, where Anya often came with her daughter.

In February 2011, they got married. 5 months later, their daughter Monica was born in a California clinic.

The second marriage of Anna Sedokova lasted exactly two years. After parting, Anna accused ex-husband in treason with another former Viagra woman Santa Dimopoulos, although she denied her relationship with Chernyavsky: “I supported the Sedokov-Chernyavsky couple with all my heart, and I’m offended that now Anna says such things about me.”

The current communication between Sedokova and Chernyavsky cannot be called friendly. for the sake of common daughter they occasionally "reunited" briefly, as happened on Monica's 4th birthday. However, later Chernyavsky limited her communication with the baby. After much discussion, Anna managed to agree that Monica would spend the summer with her, with the exception of three weeks, and the rest of the time she could visit her in California. Chernyavsky also insisted that Sedokova not post photos of their daughter on Instagram.

For about three years, Sedokova was in a close relationship with the dancer and choreographer Sergei Guman. The couple quarreled, reconciled, but in 2016 Anna put an end to the relationship, simply tired of the busy schedule of concerts, filming, flights and raising her daughters.

In April 2017, Anna Sedokova had a son, who received the exotic name Hector. The father of the child was the fiancé of the singer Artem Komarov (9 years younger than Anna). Alas, this union was destined short life- in August 2017, fans learned about the breakup between Anna and Artem.

In September 2019, Internet users figured out the name of Anna Sedokova's new boyfriend from a beach photo from Turkey and were indignant. The singer's lover was the Latvian basketball player Janis Timma. The indignation was caused not by the fact that the guy was almost 9 years younger than Anna, but by the fact that he had a wife and a little son.

Sana Timma, the deceived wife of the athlete, made a statement in her hearts, calling Sedokova a "bitch" and saying that her husband, who was carried away by the singer, kicked her and her son out of the house. In response, Anna threatened Sanya with a lawsuit.

Anna Sedokova now

Now Anna Sedokova is torn between raising children and a solo career. Last on this moment studio album - "In the wild" (2017). The disc includes 12 tracks, including a duet with Artem Pivovarov.

In 2018, Anna appeared in Ida Galich's video for the song "Find You", and in 2019 she delighted fans with her own videos: the lyrical "Santa Barbara" and the provocative video "YAZHEMAT".

Anna Sedokova - YAZHEMAT

Anna Sedokova - a popular pop singer, a talented actress, TV presenter, a native of Kiev, was born on 12/16/1982.


The history of the relationship of the girl's parents could be suitable for writing a novel. They met and fell in love in distant Tomsk. The romance was passionate, and the young people soon wanted to get married. But the parents of the future spouse stood in the way. They believed that ordinary girl from a poor family by that standards - not a match for their wealthy professor's son.

Anna in her youth

When it turned out that the fruit of their love would soon be born, the future parents of the star packed their bags and left for Ukraine to build a full-fledged family for the unborn child. After some time, little Maximka (Anna's older brother) was born, and soon Anechka was born.

But the parents' marriage still fell apart. When Anya was still very young, her father left the family. Mom was forced to work two jobs to feed her daughter and son, so Anechka was sent to her grandmother in Tomsk.

After some time, her father came for her and again took her to Kyiv. But very quickly he declared that he could not take care of his daughter and returned her to her mother. Anya considered this a betrayal and stopped all communication with her father.

The girl's artistic talent manifested itself very early, and her mother did everything possible to develop the girl's abilities. She raised money and bought the baby a piano, which Anya dreamed of with early childhood. The girl went to the regular and music schools at the same time. And a year before school, she began to dance in the best Kiev children's ensemble "Svitanok".

The girl saw what a huge effort it takes for her mother to provide her and her brother with everything necessary, and she tried very hard not to upset her. Anya graduated with honors from both schools, and from the age of 15 she worked as a model, collaborating with several agencies.

Anna decided to continue her studies at the Institute of Culture at the acting department. She even managed to enter the budget department, having gone through all the difficulties of the preliminary selection.

Carier start

In 2000, he conceived a new musical project, for which he needed talented and sexy singers. He arranged a casting in one of the Kyiv clubs, at which young Anya came. That year, she was not accepted into the group solely because of her minority.

The project involved participation in enough candid photos and video filming. Anna was extremely upset. But she had no idea what a surprise awaited her soon.

In 2002, the producers themselves found it. In the process of the formation of the collective, the composition of the group changed quite often, and Melazde was in search of a new performer. He called Sedokova and, without listening, invited her to become part of the team. Anna was just beside herself with happiness. The Sedokov-Brezhnev-Granovskaya trio is still considered the best part of VIA-GRA.

With the group, the girl traveled almost half the world and very quickly became super popular. In parallel, he starred for advertising and glossy magazines. She still remembers the period of work in VIA-GRA as one of the brightest episodes of her life.

But when she found out she was pregnant in 2004, she had to choose between continuing her career or having a baby. Anna made a choice in favor of the family and left the group.

Solo career

But the talented performer simply could not live long without a stage. Two years after the birth of the baby, Anna again appears on the stage with her debut solo song "My Heart".

To return, she chose the creative pseudonym Annabelle for herself, but somehow it did not take root. And already in the fall, at the Sochi song festival, Anna took the stage under her own name. There she received the Audience Award.

The same song brought her a diploma from the country's most prestigious music television festival, Song of the Year. In parallel, Anna worked as a TV presenter in several music programs. And since December 2006, she began to conduct "New songs about the main thing."

In addition, the singer regularly appears in Russian and Ukrainian star television projects. She even tried her hand as a producer in Igor Kondratyuk's project "Chance", and then became an integral part of another TV project "I want to Melazda!". By the way, with former producer and other members of VIA-GRA, she is still connected by very good relations.

Personal life

It was personal life that caused Sedokov's break with legendary band VIAGRA. According to the contract that the girls signed, while working in a team, they did not have the right to marry and become pregnant. But it so happened that Anna met the Belarusian football player Valentin Belkevich, and he proposed to the girl. Without hesitation, Anna chose a family.

With Valentin Belkevich. Wedding.

When journalists ask her if she regrets the choice she made many years ago, she always answers that she doesn’t - her beloved daughter Alina became the reward. But the marriage itself broke up almost immediately after the birth of the child. Anna's husband turned out to be completely unprepared for either fatherhood or a full-fledged life. family life.

But soon, while in Los Angeles, Anna meets a successful young man who organized Formula 1 races Maxim Chernyavsky. He managed to charm not only Anna, but also Alina. The passionate romance was very beautiful and took place pretty soon new wedding, a few months after which another girl was born - Monica.

With Maxim Chernyavsky and daughter Alina

Alas, this marriage also did not work out. History repeated itself almost one to one - the couple broke up within a year after the birth of their joint daughter. Although Maxim continues to touchingly take care of the girl and often takes her to him, they have a rather complicated relationship with Anna - the girl cannot forgive him for yet another disappointment.

Then Sedokova happened new novel with choreographer Sergei Guman, who was seething with "Italian splices." The couple constantly quarreled, then passionately reconciled. But two years later, Sedokova was very tired of constant instability and decided to end this relationship.

Sedokova Anna Vladimirovna (b. 1982) is a popular Russian and Ukrainian pop singer, actress, TV presenter. Former member of the "golden" composition of the Ukrainian pop group "Via-Gra" (2002-2004). Engaged in literary activities, published the book "The Art of Seduction".


Anya was born in the Ukrainian city of Kyiv on December 16, 1982.
Her mother, Svetlana Georgievna, was engaged in teaching, taught children English and music. With her husband, Sedokov Vladimir Lvovich, she met in the city of Tomsk, where both were from. They left their hometown because of the difficult relationship between their families.

Anya's mother's parents were people of modest means - her grandmother worked as a radiologist, and her grandfather was a photographer. The father's family, on the contrary, was very wealthy, grandparents had professorial titles, and they opposed the future daughter-in-law. Then Anya's parents decided to leave for another city and chose the Ukrainian capital. There they got married and had two children (Ani also has an older brother, Maxim).

When the girl was five years old, her father left the family. To feed two children, my mother had to work two jobs. After school music lessons, she also gave private English lessons in the evenings. The woman had a hard time, because in Kyiv she had neither relatives nor close friends. Little Anya was taken to Tomsk by her grandmother, but then her father came and took her daughter to Kyiv.

After some time, the girl returned to her mother again, having lost contact with her father for almost twenty years. Dad tried to contact Anya by e-mail when she was already married and expecting her first child. He wrote her a message, but the singer did not consider it necessary to answer, as she considered it disrespectful to her mother. In 2010, Anya learned that her father had died.

School years

When it was time to go to school, my mother sent Anya to several sections at once. It was the only and reliable way to keep the girl busy so that she doesn’t mess around and wander around the street. Anya tried all the circles that were nearby - drawing, embroidery, dancing, athletics. She also studied at a music school, from which she graduated with honors in piano. But the teachers of the circle immediately appreciated Sedokova’s dancing abilities, and soon the girl was transferred to the Ukrainian folk ensemble Svitanok. I had to get to the rehearsals by two buses and the subway, so Anya did not have time to walk in the yard.

At school, Sedokova was not popular among classmates - an excellent student, plus the daughter of a teacher. The guys were in no hurry to communicate with her, because they were afraid: they would suddenly lay a lie to their mother. Anya did not shine with external data in her teens, so she was not particularly called in the company. There was only one thing left to do: study.

Higher education and first job

Sedokova graduated from school with a gold medal, and the girl faced questions: Where to go next? What can I do? Who to become in life?

Anya thought that she could sing and dance well, and applied to the theater institute. When I went to the audition, I borrowed fashionable and expensive things from my girlfriends. But both in the first and in the second round she was given triples. The girl was upset, she decided that she was a complete mediocrity and that she had nothing to do at the theater institute. Only later it dawned on her that her grades were lowered on purpose, because applicants with a minimum number of points can go to paid department. Judging by her clothes (rented from her friends), the commission probably decided that everything is in order with money in this family, they can learn on a paid basis.

All in tears in the pouring rain, the girl took her certificate and wandered to the Kiev National University of Culture and Art, she chose the specialty "Actor and TV presenter." Here Anya passed all the exams with excellent marks and became a student. It was the first time in her life that she should never give up.

From the age of fifteen, the girl made a firm decision: her mother would no longer work alone in the family. Anya was constantly looking for some part-time work. By the age of sixteen, from an ordinary teenage girl, she turned into such a beauty that it was not difficult for her to get a job in a modeling agency.

Anna combined her studies at the university with work in a nightclub. She deceived the management, saying that she was already an adult, and she was accepted as a leader. She went on stage and announced who would now sing for the visitors of the institution. For one working day she was paid $ 25, and at that time for their family it was fabulous money. At four in the morning she was returning home by taxi and at the same time she prayed to God for only one thing - not to fall asleep in the car. Young Anya was afraid that if she fell asleep, then the taxi driver would certainly bring her somewhere in dark forest. At home, then I dozed for a couple of hours and hurried to the university for couples.

Later, Anya began to earn money as a journalist on television. On the music channel "O-TV" she was offered to host the program "O-TV Models". bright, beautiful girl quickly drew attention. Soon, she was called to Novy Kanal to host the morning show Rise. In parallel with this work and studying on the radio "Super-Nova" Sedokova hosted the show "Bachelorette Party".

Anna graduated from the university with honors, but by that time the best female pop group in the post-Soviet space Via Gra, recognition, fame, popularity, millions of fans and the title of the most sexy singer had already firmly burst into her life.


In early 2000, Sedokova took part in the casting for the Via Gra pop group. Anna did not set any specific goals for herself, at that time she was already studying and working part-time in a nightclub. I just decided to give it a try, and tour after tour almost made it to the final audition.

Anya was told that she was coming, but they did not call again. As it turned out later, the girl was too young, she was not yet eighteen years old.

A year has passed, Sedokova has already forgotten about Via Gre, she worked as the host of the morning show on Ukrainian television. And then one day Dmitry Kostyuk (creator and general producer of the group) called her and said: “Come, we are waiting for you.”

The group at that time had two members - the blonde Alena Vinnitskaya and the brunette Tatyana Naynik, who replaced Nadezhda Granovskaya, who had gone on maternity leave. But the creators came up with the idea to turn the duet into a trio and needed another singer - a redhead. Anya very quickly became the leader of the group. And soon the composition of the team changed: Nadya Granovskaya left the decree, and Vera Brezhneva came instead of Alena Vinnitskaya. It is these three performers that fans of the group and journalists will later call the strongest, sexiest and most successful in the entire history of the group - the “golden” composition of Via Gra.

Their songs instantly occupied the top lines of the Russian charts and brought the group prestigious awards and prizes:

  • "Stop! Stop! Stop!";
  • "Don't leave me, my love!";
  • "I didn't understand";
  • "Kill my girlfriend";
  • "Ocean and three rivers";
  • "There is no attraction anymore."

All work in the Via Gra group became a real thrill for Anya. They worked as many gigs a day as the producer told them to. It may have been difficult, but thanks to Konstantin Meladze, in the world of show business, girls were able to jump over a thousand steps in an instant. Yesterday they still sang in the kitchen, and today they have concerts in the Kremlin, their voices sounded from all radio stations.

But in 2004, the "golden" composition of "Via-Gra" broke up, as Anya met her first true love and was expecting a child.

Solo career and other projects

Anna wanted to devote herself completely to family life, but her beloved husband did not need such sacrifices. Then the singer decided to return to the stage. She took the pseudonym Annabel (a derivative of her first and last name in marriage - Anna Belkevich). In 2006, the premiere of her song "My Heart" took place.

Since 2008, she began to work fruitfully on television. The Russian First Channel invited Sedokova to the role of host in the King of the Ring project, on Ukrainian television Anya hosted the TV Star - Superstar show. Also, at the invitation of Ilya Averbukh, she herself took part in the Ice Age-2 program, where she skated in tandem with figure skater Andrei Khvalko.

In the same 2008, a video was released for the new musical composition Anna "I'm getting used to it", this song brought her a diploma from the festival "New songs about the main thing". At the end of the year, Sedokova was recognized as the sexiest host in Russia and the most stylish host in Ukraine.

In 2009, Anya took part in the television project "Two Stars", where she sang in a duet with showman, resident of the "Comedy Club" Vadim Galygin. Sedokova also presented two new songs "Selyavi" and "Cold Heart". And she continued to collect titles and titles, this year Anna was recognized as the most coveted TV presenter in Russia and the best TV person in the country.

90% readers men's magazines wanted to see only Anya on the covers. She did not torment fans with a long wait, she starred for the Maxim and Playboy publications.

World cinema star Antonio Banderas chose Sedokova for a photo shoot, during which he presented his personal line of women's perfume "Queen of Temptation".

In 2010, the singer shared with fans the result of her literary activity, her book The Art of Seduction appeared on store shelves. On Ukrainian television, Anya took part in the Star + Star project, her partner was actor Viktor Loginov. In Los Angeles, Sedokova began studying acting at the studio of Scott Sedita.

In 2011, the comedy film "Pregnant" was released on Russian screens, where Anya played one of the main roles.

Personal life

In the summer of 2004, Sedokova married a famous Ukrainian football player, the captain of the Dynamo (Kyiv) team, Valentin Belkevich. For her it was the first real love that was supposed to last forever. The singer sacrificed a successful stage career for the sake of her beloved, in December 2004 she gave her husband a daughter, Alina. She really wanted great female happiness, ideal family and cozy home.

The couple lived in a rented apartment. Anya wanted to constantly please her husband, give gifts, cook culinary delights for him. She generously spent the money she earned at Via-Gre on Valik.

But as the singer did not try, it was not possible to build a good family. The husband immediately after the wedding began to come home with traces of someone else's lipstick on his clothes. Anya endured this for a long time, and in early 2006 the couple announced a divorce. The parting was overshadowed by the fact that there was almost no money left in her account, generous and open, she spent everything on her family.

Sedokova took a bank loan to buy an apartment and began to work hard. The word "alimony" was unfamiliar to her, little Anya raised and raised her alone. In the summer of 2014, her first husband, Valentin Belkevich, died suddenly from acute blockage of a blood vessel by a thrombus.

The second time, Anya married in February 2011 to businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. He was the manager of the Grand Prix races, lived in Los Angeles, and Sedokova moved to the USA. In this country, lovers played a wedding, here in the California Medical Center in July 2011 their daughter Monica was born. But this marriage was also short-lived, Anya and Maxim lived for only two years. They managed to part amicably and communicate normally after the divorce.

Anya stayed in America. It was very hard, two children, none of the relatives or relatives nearby. She constantly dangled from work to Russia, then to Ukraine, the children at that time remained with the nanny. At the same time, Anna never allowed herself to speak badly to children about their dads.

In April 2017, the singer became a mother for the third time, in an American clinic, Anya gave birth to a boy, whom she named Hector. The father of the child is the son of an oligarch, the owner of a pipe-rolling plant in Chelyabinsk, Artyom Komarov, he is nine years younger than Sedokova.

Anna now has small business, she developed her own line of women's and children's clothing. I made the first sketches myself, sitting at home in Los Angeles in the kitchen. Then she hired a manager and a seamstress, set up an office. Now she already has thousands of customers and representative offices in the USA, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan. Anya has mastered the 1C accounting program, she conducts all monetary calculations on her own. I had to become a little tough, sometimes you have to fire people so that they don’t sit on their heads.

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