Sergey, how many cords does he need? Sergey Shnurov (Shnur) - biography, personal life, photo: Gentleman from St. Petersburg. Sergey Shnurov - New songs about the same

Sergey Vladimirovich Shnurov (Shnur). Born on April 13, 1973 in Leningrad. Russian rock musician, actor, TV presenter, artist and composer, leader of the Leningrad and Ruble groups.

Sergey Shnurov Born on April 13, 1973 in Leningrad. Parents - simple people, not related to show business.

In primary school he studied well, was an obedient boy and showed no hooligan tendencies.

But as a teenager, Seryozha began to skip classes and get into conflicts with teachers. Obscene expressions often came out of his mouth and his parents sometimes had to blush for him.

Later, when he realized himself as a musician who widely used obscene language, his mother also felt embarrassed for her son and sometimes reproached him for his too provocative style. To which he replied: “Mom, make your own group. And go ahead. And then you can swear, you can without swearing, as you want.”

At school he had the nickname “Shurik” - obviously, he had some resemblance to the hero of the famous comedies of Leonid Gaidai, popular at that time.

He was fond of the songs of Vladimir Vysotsky, loved the groups “Kino” and “Secret”, among foreign ones he preferred Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones.

The family lived modestly. The Shnurovs did not have money for expensive clothes and food. To help his parents a little, he went to work - sweeping the streets and delivering advertising leaflets.

By the way, Shnurov showed his parents to the public only on his 40th birthday, posting joint photo with them on your Instagram.

Sergei says that he did not dream of fame and did not consider music his calling. WITH early childhood was preparing to become a diplomat, and, according to him, it was about chewing gum - diplomats could travel abroad and buy it there as much as they wanted.

After graduating from school, he studied at the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, the restoration “putyag”, the religious and philosophical institute at the Theological Academy, specializing in theology, and served as a restorer of works made of wood of the 4th category.

He worked as a loader, a watchman in a kindergarten, a glazier, a blacksmith, a carpenter, a designer in advertising agency, assistant on the filming of video clips, promotion director at the Modern radio station.

In 1991, Shnurov changed his occupation and became a musician, although in the eighth grade he began to get involved in rock music. I started with the Alkorepitsa project, it was the first Russian hardcore rap project.

Then there was an electronic music collective called Van Gogh's Ear.

In addition, Sergei Shnurov released solo albums.

Performs songs in the genres of garage rock, ska, punk rock. He uses profanity throughout his songs. At a concert in Nuremberg he went on stage naked.

"Leningrad" - "Dorozhnaya"

Sergei Shnurov also performed naked at the end of a performance with the Ruble group at the Kubana festival in August 2010 and at the Leningrad group’s concerts in Moscow on June 5 and 6, 2014, at the capital’s Izvestia Hall club.

Shnurov was also the host of the television programs “Cord Around the World” (NTV, 2006), “Leningrad Front” (Channel Five, 2008), “Trench Life” (NTV, 2008), “History of Russian Show Business” (STS, 2010) .

Sergey Shnurov is also an artist. He paints paintings that he presents at art exhibitions. According to Shnurov, the style of his paintings is a style he himself invented, “brand realism.”

Shnurov acted in films many times.

He shows himself fruitfully as a composer. He writes music for films, composes songs for the groups Leningrad and Ruble. Thus, the music for the movie “Boomer” brought him fame in cinema.

Sergey Shnurov - “Love and Pain”

In 2003, he recorded the album Huinya with the famous musical trio from London The Tiger Lillies.

In 2007 he played main role in the opera “Benvenuto Cellini” at the Mariinsky Theater directed by Vasily Barkhatov.

Shnurov is interested in dubbing audio books, cartoon and film characters, etc.

In September 2010, Shnurov released a video ridiculing musicians - defenders of the Khimki forest. The hero of the song claims that their activity is caused by the desire to increase ticket sales.

He was repeatedly nominated for the TOP 50. Most famous people Petersburg" and in 2009 won the award as the most famous Petersburger in the "Music" category.

It is distinguished by its unique socio-political position. He stated that he denied the existence of civil society in Russia, and supported Mikhail Khodorkovsky when he was in prison.

In February 2013, answering a question from the magazine The New Times, issued words of support to homosexuals.

On March 19, 2015, he proposed to ban the sale of alcohol and drugs to persons without higher education.

He says that he does not support either side in the conflict in Ukraine.

“Leningrad” - “Elections! Elections! Candidates - ...»

In January 2016, Sergey Shnurov and the Leningrad group presented. The composition became the absolute leader in views on the Internet among all videos of Russian performers. In just two weeks the number of views exceeded 30 million.

"Leningrad" - "Exhibit"

Also in 2016, the Leningrad group released other scandalous compositions, for which they recorded videos - and.

Since September 2016, he became the host of the show “About Love” on Channel One, paired with. The program is dedicated to family problems.

In 2016, the musician was recognized as "Person of the Year" Russian version GQ magazine.

In 2017, Leningrad presented a video for the composition, the video was directed by Ilya Naishuller, with whom Shnurov collaborated while working on the film Hardcore.

Sergei Shnurov's height: 177 centimeters.

Personal life of Sergei Shnurov:

First wife - Maria Ismagilova. He met her at the faculty of the Theological Academy, fell in love and asked the girl to marry him. At the age of 20, he became a father, Maria gave birth to his daughter Seraphim (1993) - now she is studying at the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University).

Relations with his first wife went wrong after the appearance of the Leningrad group. Maria did not like the rebellious style of the group, obscene songs and eccentric behavior of its members. The family broke up. According to rumors, Maria completely protected Sima from her father’s influence for some time and did not allow them to see each other.

Second wife - Svetlana Kostitsyna, former director of the Pep-C group.

She contributed greatly to the success of Leningrad in Moscow. Svetlana became the group's manager, and she managed the almost impossible - to organize concerts of the scandalous group in the Russian capital, where Shnurov was forbidden to perform by the city mayor himself.

In 2000, the couple had a son, Apollo (named after the poet Apollo Grigoriev).

The marriage to Svetlana was short-lived and lasted only a couple of years. They separated when the musician got carried away Oksana Akinshina.

For several years, Shnurov cohabited with an actress who was only 15 years old at the start of their relationship.

Sergey Shnurov and Oksana Akinshina

Shnur's passionate romance with Oksana Akinshina for a long time excited the social gathering, but did not lead to an official marriage. Sergei met her complete opposite - Matilda. They were introduced by a mutual friend from New York, and the musician’s first reaction was genuine surprise when the girl said her name. Although Matilda is the name given to her in creative circles, the girl's real name is Elena.

In quite at a young age she left her native Voronezh to conquer Moscow, became interested in ballet in the capital, entered college and managed to meet famous media personalities.

In 2010, Shnurov married for the third time to Elena Mozgova (Matilda).

Sergey Shnurov and Matilda

Interesting Facts about Sergei Shnurov and Matilda:

♦ Shnur and Matilda were introduced by a mutual friend who flew to Moscow from the USA for a couple of days.

The couple's first meeting lasted only five minutes, but it became fateful. According to Matilda, it was like in a movie - they immediately started talking to each other, and at that time the light bulbs around them went out and came on, everything sparkled. Sergei described this meeting in an interview with Elle magazine as follows: “She came in, I was stunned. He asked: “Eh! What is your name?" She replied: "Matilda." I said, "Holy shit."

♦ Matilda gave up science for the sake of Shnur.

This meeting changed the lives of both. Sergei, who already had two marriages, took his wife to church for the first time. Matilda quit scientific activity and left the biochemical laboratory. As the girl explained, it got in the way family life. Now Matilda is a famous restaurateur, the owner of a ballet school, but first of all, a wife.

♦ They didn’t have dates! Their second meeting took place at a concert of the Leningrad group. After the performance, Sergei asked Matilda: “Where do you live? Let's go to you." According to the girl, she decided to “make something of herself” and asked the musician why. "What do you mean why? F... sya! ”, - Cord answered her. “After that, the topic of dating was closed forever. I no longer expected romantic dates from this man,” said Matilda.

♦ There is “a lot of wildlife” in their relationship.

Shnur believes that there is a lot of romance in their relationship. “Our whole life is pure romance. Let’s say I walk around the apartment naked. It's practically life with a monkey - sometimes I make strange sounds, and not just with my mouth, so there's a lot of romance, of course. There is a lot of wildlife, like Kipling,” he told reporters.

♦ In marriage, Shnur stopped being selfish.

According to Shnur, in marriage he stopped being selfish and began to think about the comfort of other people. The musician now drinks much less, rides a bicycle and spends his evenings not in taverns, but in a love “nest” near the Fontanka. The couple bought an apartment with a fireplace and antique door handles, and they go on vacation to London and New York.

♦ Matilda turned Shnur into a “style icon.”

A new style musician - another merit of Matilda. She completely changed her husband's clothes. No stretchy sweatpants or greasy T-shirts! Now Shnur wears elegant coats, hats and suits. But judging by some photos from Instagram, punctures sometimes happen - the cord does not give up easily!

♦ The musician’s songs are inspired by his wife’s stories about her friends.

Shnur and Matilda have a big age difference. When they met, he was over 30, she was 20. For ten years life together his wife became a faithful comrade-in-arms for Shnur. He calls her a muse and says that Matilda is responsible for his connection with the female half outside world. The musician came up with some of his songs after his wife’s stories about her friends and her ladies’ concerns.

Maybe the scandalous hit “Exhibit” too?

♦ Matilda considers her husband very smart, but strict.

IN free time the couple loves to travel and visit museums. Both are fond of art and understand philosophy and theology. Similarity of interests is one of the elements of the foundation on which their marriage is built. Matilda considers Shnur very well read and thinking person. And the harshness that is characteristic of him is justified by his strict character. “Shnurov is a man of fantastic erudition, and if someone is talking nonsense, he will react, and in a harsh manner. He’s not a snob, he’s not evil, he’s just strict,” the girl said in an interview with reporters.

♦ Shnur eats everything with ketchup and is indifferent to money.

In everyday life, Sergei is unpretentious. However, according to his wife, he eats everything with ketchup and has never had driver's license. Matilda has to carry him herself. According to her, she and Sergei are indifferent to money, but not indifferent to what they can buy with it. “This man buys everything he likes - even three pairs of identical shoes. Then he takes something out of the closet without looking, puts it on - and he is a style icon,” Matilda shared with the media.

In May 2018, refusing to name the reasons for such a step.

October 20, 2018. Signed at the Wedding Palace No. 1 on Promenade des Anglais in St. Petersburg. The ceremony took place quietly in a small circle.

Discography of Sergei Shnurov:


1999 - Bullet
1999 - Checkmate without electricity
2000 - Summer residents
2001 - Made in ass
2001 - Bullet +
2002 - Pirates of the XXI century
2002 - Point
2003 - For millions
2004 - Babarobot
2005 - Huinya (with The Tiger Lillies)
2005 - Bread
2006 - Indian Summer
2007 - Aurora
2011 - Henna
2011 - Eternal Flame
2012 - Fish
2012 - Evening Leningrad
2014 - Minced meat
2014 - The beach is ours
2018 - All sorts of things

He also released solo albums: 2003 - Second Magadan..., 2012 - Buttercup.

Singles by Sergei Shnurov:


2000 - New Year
2013 - I’m crying
2013 - Native
2013 - Suhodrochka
2013 - Bag
2013 - Integral
2013 - Tsunami
2014 - Ueban
2014 - 37th
2014 - My dicks
2014 - Dress
2014 - Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all
2014 - Back to school soon
2015 - Like
2015 - Amazing
2015 - Karasik
2015 - Bomb
2015 - Vacation pay
2015 - Patriot
2015 - VIP
2015 - Red currant
2015 - Prayer
2015 - Healthy lifestyle
2015 - Most Favorite
2016 - Exhibit
2016 - In St. Petersburg - drink
2016 - C Good morning, kids!
2016 - Tits
2016 - Glasses Sobchak
2016 - Monkey and Eagle
2016 - Let's start celebrating!
2017 - Kolschik
2017 - Ecstasy
2017 - Ch.P.H.
2017 - Candidate
2017 - Voyage
2018 - Not Paris
2018 - At Zenit
2018 - Zhu-zhu (with the participation of Gluk’oZa and ST)
2018 - Fuss in the mud
2018 - I think
2018 - I don’t want to be a Muscovite
2018 - Tsoi

Filmography of Sergei Shnurov:

2001 - NLS Agency - electrician-musician
2002 - Kopek - nervous drunk
2002 - Binge Theory - Fairy Traffic Cop
2003 - Moth Games - John
2004 - 4 - Volodya
2005 - Day Watch - guest (episode)
2007 - Election Day - leader of the punk rock group “Nonnormals”
2007 - 2-Assa-2 - Cord
2008 - Europe-Asia - Innocent
2010 - Happy Ending - Leo
2010 - Elephant - Zarezin
2010 - Truce - Genka Sobakin
2010 - It doesn’t hurt a wrestler - Klim
2011 - Star Wars - Brain
2011 - Generation P - Gireev
2011 - Bullet Collector - Man in the Park
2011 - Prison - the main character
2011 - MF Ronal-Barbarian - Gura Zul
2012 - Baby - Konstantin Podolsky
2012 - Until the night do us part - restaurant visitor
2013 - Khmurov - Danilov, lead singer of a musical group
2014 - Gena Beton - Lazarevsky
2014 - 8 new dates - Cord
2015 - Decent people- prisoner Igor Semchenko
2016 - Hardcore - head of parking security
2017 - Fizruk Cord
2018 - - Anya's father

Music by Sergei Shnurov for films:

2001 - NLS Agency
2002 - The Binge Theory
2002 - Kopeyka - Song “Kopeyka”
2003 - Boomer
2003 - Moth Games
2003 - Koktebel - Song “Roads”
2004 - Personal number
2005 - And everything lit up
2006 - Boomer. Film two
2006 - Streets of Broken Lights. Cops-8 - Song “If That”
2007 - Yarik
2008 - D-Day
2007 - 2-Assa-2
2010 - It doesn’t hurt a wrestler
2010 - Truce
2011 - Generation P
2012 - Baby - Song “Antinarodnaya” (“Kapitoshka”)
2012 - Russian disco
2012 - Kokoko
2014 - BW
2014 - Zaitsev +1 - Song “Money”

Name: Sergey Shnurov

Age: 43 years

Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg

Height: 181 cm

Weight: 93 kg

Activity: Singer, musician, lead singer of the group "Leningrad"

Family status: married to Matilda Mozgova

Sergey Shnurov - biography

He swears - the first thing that comes to mind when talking about the musician Shnur. He is also a hooligan, a fighter and a drunkard. Although there is another opinion: all this is just an image invented for the stage.

Sergey Shnurov - childhood

Sergei's parents were ordinary engineers and thought that their son would follow in their footsteps. Maybe he will even become the director of the plant. Why not? The boy is capable, although not very diligent. They hoped that with age he would come to his senses, sit down to his textbooks and receive a decent education. It’s good that in those distant times they could not have known what kind of scandalous fame awaited their son - then it would hardly have made them happy.

In first grade, Sergei and his bosom friend decided to run away from home: they wanted extraordinary adventures, like in movies and books. There were no specific plans, but the tomboys decided that along the way they would figure out where to run and what to do. For several weeks they saved on school lunches and rented empty bottles putting coins into a piggy bank. There was very little left to the coveted amount, which they considered sufficient to last for the first time, when Sergei’s mother suspected something was wrong and found a hidden “common fund”. I had to confess everything, postpone the escape, and spend the money on a movie and ice cream.

Like all his peers, the future rocker listened to the groups “Kino” and “DDT” and, of course, tried to pick out his favorite songs on the guitar. But the thought of becoming a musician never occurred to him. About the choice future profession During his school years, Sergei didn’t think about it at all, and when asked, he said that he wanted to be a diplomat - because they could travel abroad and bring imported chewing gum.

About the meaning of life

Shnurov did not join the army: it was a pity to waste two years of his life on meaningless drill. When in high school all the young men went in formation for a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, he quietly disappeared along the way and went about his business. At the age of 18, he was put on the wanted list, and later a criminal case was even opened. But they never found him, although he didn’t really hide, he simply ignored all the subpoenas and subpoenas.

Sergey Shnurov - studies

After school, Sergei Shnurov entered the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute - simply because it was closest to home. At the institute, Sergei met a wonderful group of punks who had little interest in studying, but knew how to have fun. Gradually they were all expelled from the university, and Sergei, getting bored, left on his own.

Select next educational institution was quite unusual - Shnurov entered the Theological Institute at the Theological Academy. Reading esoteric literature, which was sold in abundance at bookstores in the 90s, he increasingly wondered philosophical questions: what is the meaning of life, who are we and why are we here?

At the academy, he met his first wife, Maria, and soon the couple had a baby, Seraphim. The young father dropped out of school and, in order to feed his family, alternately worked as a loader, watchman, blacksmith and carpenter. He claims that his daughter saved his life: “At that time, many of my friends, who are no longer alive, switched from recreational drugs to heroin, but I had no time for that.”

Sergey Shnurov and the Leningrad group

The craving for creativity nevertheless took its toll: when the daughter grew up and went to kindergarten Shnurov, together with his closest friends, created the group “Leningrad”. His wife was not happy with his friends or what they were doing. The couple divorced, and Maria forbade Sergei to communicate with her daughter, fearing harmful influence on his part. Now Seraphima is already an adult, she has a good relationship with her father. friendly relations, although real intimacy never arose between them.

The group "Leningrad" thundered throughout the country; openly obscene songs and eccentric performances, to the surprise of the group members themselves, turned out to be in demand. Rumor has it that not last role Svetlana Kostitsyna, manager of Leningrad, played a role in the group’s success. She was associated with Sergei not only business relationship, a few months after they met, they got married. When their son was born. Shnurov named him Apollo - in honor of his favorite poet Apollo Grigoriev.

Sergey Shnurov - personal life

This union was also short-lived, but the parting was quite civilized. Sergei left his wife an apartment, a car and all his acquired property. In response, he asked her to remain the manager of the group and not interfere with meetings with the child.

On the set of the film “Games of Moths” Shnurov met the young actress Oksana Akinshina. The girl, who had been acting in films since the sixth grade, was a recognized star, mature beyond her years. She already had a boyfriend - co-star Alexey Chadov. But could he compare with the “tough guy” Sergei Shnurov? Almost immediately after they met, Oksana moved to her new lover.

This news caused a real scandal, because the girl was only 15, she was still in school. But Sergei didn't care public opinion. But he cared about Oksana’s education: he personally took her to school in the morning, tried to take her to exhibitions, advised her to read the classics... This unusual union lasted almost five years, but never ended in marriage.

Swan Princess

At one of the events, suffering from a hangover, Sergei suddenly saw her - a thin, graceful brunette, looking at him as if from a mysterious distance. "What is your name?" - he asked, afraid that the vision would dissipate. “Matilda,” the girl answered.

It was love at first sight. Afraid of missing out on the realization of his dreams, Sergei immediately invited the girl on a date. From that moment on, they never parted. To his great relief, Sergei discovered that Matilda was not some beautiful dummy, but a subtle and wise person who shared his views on life. “We agree on all the main points,” he shares.

Matilda entered his life unobtrusively and gradually. Balanced, serene, she never dictated anything or insisted on anything. But at the same time, she brought harmony and peace into Sergei’s life, imperceptibly leading him to change. It was impossible not to notice how the Cord had changed. Alcoholic T-shirts and stretched sweatpants are a thing of the past, now Sergey looks like a stylish brutal man. Well, the amount of drinking has decreased significantly.

Five years ago, the lovers got married, and before that they were together for almost the same number of years - these are the most long relationship in Sergei's life. When they met, Matilda was a biochemistry student. She did not give up her studies, although it was difficult to combine it with the new rhythm of life. And then Sergei helped her fulfill her old dream - to open a ballet studio. She was followed by her own restaurant, which today is considered one of the best in St. Petersburg.

Each of the spouses is passionate about their work, they spend most of the day separately, and in the evening they meet bored, full of news. This is their secret family happiness: they have no time to quarrel and no opportunity to get bored of each other.

Sergey Shnurov - New songs about the same

Gradually, from a rebel and an informal figure, Shnurov became almost a pop star, and Sergei was very uncomfortable in this role. And then he did what no one expected from him - he disbanded the Leningrad group.

Shnurov’s new group “Ruble” was conceived as something completely different from “Leningrad”. Sergei is thoroughly tired of the fact that the audience always expects one thing from him: that he will now go on stage drunk and begin to behave hooliganly and swear. And he decided to change the audience. A completely different audience goes to Ruble concerts - lovers of good old rock. The musician performed in small clubs, in front of an understanding audience, and was completely satisfied.

True, “Leningrad” remained in oblivion for only a couple of years; Sergei and his friends decided to revive the group, with a slightly different lineup. Now most of the songs are performed by soloists. And Sergei Shnurov performs in a new role for himself - the author of songs about women and on behalf of women.

You might think that Sergei Shnurov has a split personality - the two people who peacefully coexist in him are so different. The first one can jump onto the stage in what his mother gave birth to and sing a song with such a set of obscene expressions that even the gopniks will blush. The second is friends with Yuri Bashmet, goes to classical music concerts, speaks knowledgeably about painting and literature, and in everyday life behaves like an intelligent, balanced person.

“Don’t confuse me with the heroes of my songs,” says the musician. “If I had behaved like them, I would not have lived to this day.”

Shnurov Sergei (or Shnur) is an extraordinary and controversial personality. During his career in show business, he distinguished himself as a musician, actor, TV presenter, and composer. Scandals and gossip often flare up around Cord.

Musician's childhood

On April thirteen, 1973, Sergei Shnurov was born in the city of Leningrad. The biography and personal life of the musician have never been made public. For example, Sergei introduced his parents general public only on his fortieth birthday, by posting a photo with them on social networks.

The parents of the future celebrity were simple Soviet engineers and expected their son to follow in their footsteps. However, if in the elementary grades Seryozha was an obedient boy and did not give his parents any trouble, then in adolescence the boy’s behavior changed. Problems began with teachers and peers. Parents first heard from their son obscene language, which would later become his “calling card”.

Education, work

After leaving school there were the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, the Restoration Vocational School and the Religious and Philosophical (Theological) Institute, where Sergei Shnurov studied. The musician’s biography is replete with many professions that Sergei tried on until he found his calling. He left the construction institute after a group of expelled friends. The Religious and Philosophical Institute at the Theological Academy had to be abandoned due to financial necessity. It was at the academy that Shnurov met Maria Ismagilova, who later became his wife and gave birth to his daughter. To provide for his family, Sergei dropped out of school.

worked as a watchman, loader, carpenter, and was engaged in the restoration of wood products. In addition, Sergei worked at the Modern radio station as a promotion director and was a designer in an advertising agency.

Beginning of musical activity

Sergei became interested in music as a child, but he never planned to study it professionally. Like his teenage peers, Sergei played the guitar and listened to V. Tsoi, V. Vysotsky and Yu. Shevchuk.

The future musician did not join the army. “It’s a pity to waste 2 years on a meaningless drill,” explained Sergei Shnurov. The biography and personal life of the musician undoubtedly did not become less interesting without these two years in the army.

Shnurov began to study music professionally in 1991, forming the group “Alkorepitsa”, and then “Van Gogh’s Ear”. In 1997, the Leningrad group was formed, which brought the musician the greatest fame.

Formation of the Leningrad group, first steps to success

The Leningrad group became popular almost overnight, bringing popularity to its members. The group performs compositions of mixed styles (punk rock, ska, chanson). The author of most of the texts is Sergei Shnurov. Personal life, wife Maria and daughter Seraphim fade into the background. The creation of the Leningrad group contributed to the collapse of the musician’s first marriage.

In his songs, Shnurov uses obscene language in abundance, which, as it turns out, is a huge success with the public. Just two years after the creation of the group, their first album, “Bullet,” was released. Due to the 1998 crisis, the album had to be released in a limited edition using our own money. At the end of 1998, the group's first concert took place in Moscow. At this concert, vocal parts were performed for the first time by Sergei Shnurov. From this moment on, the musician’s biography is inseparably linked with the Leningrad project.

Development of the Leningrad project

The full debut album “Bullet” was released only in the summer of 1999. In 2000, the album “Dachniki” was released. During this time, the group ceases to be a club. “Leningrad” is moving its performances to larger venues, accordingly gathering more and more fans. In 2002, the group’s discography was supplemented by the albums “Pirates of the 21st Century” and “Tochka”.

In 2008, Sergei Shnurov announced the breakup of the group, but two years later the group members took to the stage to perform at the “Alive Again for Profit” concert. From this moment on, the group gets a second wind. It should be noted that the composition of the group has changed; the main vocal parts are now given to female participants. And Sergei remains the songwriter. Although the group's style has acquired some gloss, it remains the same: obscene expressions, ridicule, and sarcasm are integral attributes of the lyrics.

Shnurov Sergei: biography. Children, family

Sergei broke up with his first wife Maria Ismagilova due to the formation of the Leningrad group. Maria condemned the style in which the group works, the hooligan behavior of the participants and obscene expressions, without which not a single song was complete. For a long time, she also forbade the musician to communicate with her daughter, fearing that he would have a detrimental influence on her.

Shnurov’s second wife was Svetlana Kostitsyna, manager of Leningrad. Their marriage did not last long. After the divorce, Svetlana received all the property, provided that she remained the manager of the Leningrad project and did not interfere with Shnurov’s meetings with his son. Their common son, born in 2000, is named Apollo, in honor of the poet A. Grigoriev, whose work Sergei Shnurov loves very much.

The musician’s personal life took on a new turn with the appearance of the young actress Oksana Akinshina. Their romance caused a lot of gossip among the public. After all, the actress was only 15 years old when she met Sergei. The relationship between Shnurov and Akinshina lasted five years.

Shnurov now

In 2010, Sergei married for the third time. This relationship is the longest in Sergei’s life and continues to this day. His third chosen one was the ballerina Matilda (Elena Mozgovaya). Many note how much the musician has changed after meeting his wife. Not only the style of clothing has completely changed (T-shirts and tights have been replaced by elegant suits), but also the musician’s lifestyle. Matilda is about ten years younger than her husband. Sergei calls his wife a “muse” and admits that the plots of many of his songs are based on Matilda’s stories about her friends or about herself. Currently, Elena has opened her own ballet school and restaurant in St. Petersburg.

And Sergey Shnurov, in addition to being the lead singer of the Leningrad group, acts in films and advertising, organizes exhibitions, and is a sought-after TV presenter. Among the roles in films, episodic ones predominate. The most famous of these films are “Election Day”, “Hardcore”, “Baby”, “Generation P”. Shnurov is the host of the shows “Unblue Light”, “Shnur Around the World”, “History of Russian Show Business” and many others. In addition, Sergei is seriously involved in painting and organizes exhibitions of his own paintings. Sergei also admits that he enjoys participating in the voice acting of various cartoons and audio books. Among such works: an audio guide for the Pushkin Museum, a character from the cartoon “Oorfene Deuce and His Wooden Soldiers” and others.

On this moment Shnur's wife Matilda (see photo below) is one of the most stylish girls in the country. After her wedding with the scandalous leader of the St. Petersburg group “Leningrad,” many people became interested in her biography. Matilda younger than Sergei for 13 years. In the article we will present short biography girls and talk about the spouses’ life together.


Shnur's future wife was born in Voronezh. The girl's parents were very religious people. These are also called fanatics. Matilda does not reveal her real age. Some sources indicate that the girl was born in 1986, and in others - in 1990. Only the date of her birth is known for certain - July 13.

Matilda's real name is Elena Mozgovaya. And the girl doesn’t hide it at all. Her parents would never have given her her current name because of their deep religiosity.

The heroine of this article does not really like to remember her own childhood. Mom constantly forced the girl to light incense and read prayers in her room. Matilda did not share the faith of her parents, and scandals regularly arose on this basis.

There is a version that when the girl turned sixteen, she got a tattoo. For this, her mother kicked her out of the house, leaving her without a livelihood.

Moving to Moscow

Shnur's future wife was not famous for her meek disposition. For friends and acquaintances, she was a “lighter girl.” Elena often hung out in nightclubs. Soon she entered into a relationship with the lead singer of the group “7B” Ivan Demyan. It was this singer who put the idea of ​​moving to the capital into her head. Soon Ivan left, and after some time Elena was kicked out of the house by her mother, and the girl followed him.

But Demyan was not happy about Mozgova’s arrival. At that time, the artist already had a family, and he was not going to leave her for the sake of some girl from Voronezh. To relieve himself of the burden of responsibility for the offer to come to the capital, Ivan introduced his ex to the photographer Mikheev, who was his friend. Mozgovaya was in a relationship with him for about three years.


After the photographer future wife Shnura met with actor Tsygankov. But this relationship also became unsuccessful. Then Elena went to St. Petersburg and decided to get an education there. The girl's choice fell on the Faculty of Biochemistry. To my surprise, Mozgovaya coped well. The student dreamed of becoming a scientist, but this was not destined to come true due to one event.

Getting to know Cord

In 2007, a friend from the USA came to visit Matilda. The girls went to the cinema, where they met the famous alcoholic anarchist Shnurov. A friend knew the musician and introduced Matilda to him. Hearing the unusual name, Sergei let out an indecently surprised exclamation and walked away from the girls. This was the end of their acquaintance, and Shnur’s future wife did not even remember this meeting.

Start of a relationship

After some time, fate brought Matilda and Sergei together again. The girl came to the Leningrad concert. After graduation, the musician recognized a friend with an unusual name.

Shnurov asked Matilda for her residential address and immediately offered to go to her. When she asked why, the lead singer answered directly. There were no more questions, and the girl agreed to spend the night with the musician.

After this, the lovers never parted. There was no candy-bouquet stage in their relationship, and already in 2010, Matilda and Sergei officially got married.

Ballet school

After the wedding, the girl decided to leave science. She said that working in a laboratory and living with a rock musician are simply incompatible things. Sergei Shnur's wife chose ballet: Matilda had long dreamed of opening her own school. Her loving husband gladly helped her with this.

The school was called “Isadora”, and it became a place where almost everyone could afford to come. Matilda made tuition very affordable and invited leading theater choreographers to teach positions.

Shnur’s wife, whose photos began to periodically appear in the media, fell in love with ballet at the age of sixteen. When the girl moved to St. Petersburg, she couldn’t find a school that wouldn’t cost her money. Therefore, many years later, Matilda decided to open a similar establishment herself. So she gave the opportunity to practice ballet to all those who have low incomes.

"Blue Pushkin"

This is the name that Sergei Shnurov and his wife decided to give to their own restaurant. Photos of the establishment, as well as the details of its opening, were covered in the press. The musician completely entrusted the management of the restaurant to Matilda, as he himself often toured. The girl did everything perfectly administrative work. Under her strict leadership, “Blue Pushkin” flourished, becoming one of the most popular places among ordinary people, and so do bohemians. The dishes of the chef Igor Grishechkin were so loved by the visitors that they followed him to another establishment, which was already one hundred percent owned by Matilda.


This is exactly what the girl named her restaurant. The opening took place in December 2012, and by 2016, CoCoCo took fourth place in the ranking of the most prestigious establishments in St. Petersburg. Grishechkin put his soul into every dish, for which he received the title of best chef of the northern capital.

In general, the growth of Shnur’s wife in the restaurant business began very rapidly. In four years, the girl was able to become a professional restaurateur. But Matilda admits that without Sergei’s support she would not have made even a tenth of everything created.

What is the secret of “CoCoCo”?

Now there are a lot of restaurants in St. Petersburg. And to become a competitive establishment, it is not enough just to have a husband with a famous last name. The success of a restaurant depends solely on new and original ideas that others don't use.

Matilda believes that everything ingenious is simple. In her opinion, for foreign guests and Russian people nothing can be tastier than ordinary boiled potatoes with herring. The main feature of “CoCoCo” was precisely National cuisine. There are no rolls, lasagna, pizza or other foreign food here. At Shnurova’s restaurant you can enjoy dumplings, a variety of dumplings, sauerkraut, pickles, stuffed with pike and other native Russian dishes.

Also, CoCoCo uses exclusively seasonal products. In autumn and summer there are a lot of fresh mushrooms, but in winter period I'll have to eat only salty ones. The same goes for tomatoes and cucumbers - the establishment does not have fresh vegetables in winter, because at this time they do not grow in our country!

Anatoly Chubais often visits the restaurant and appreciates its zest. Regular clients also include Nika Belotserkovskaya, Avdotya Smirnova and many other celebrities.

Matilda became a pioneer in introducing the ideas of other restaurants. The rest of the establishment owners were very afraid to focus only on Russian cuisine using seasonal products. And the girl took a risk and came to success!

Life of the spouses

Shnurov and his wife, whose photos are periodically published in various publications for restaurateurs, do not hide from fans and reporters. The couple is happy to share details of their personal lives and answer questions.

Sergey and Matilda are successful in their professions and continue to live happily in marriage. Of course, they do not do without quarrels, but they make up pretty quickly. Sergei completely agrees that Matilda is the mistress of the house. According to the musician, it is women who should control the situation in relationships and apartments. Shnurov follows all the rules established by his wife, except for one: Sergei walks around completely naked at home. Initially, Matilda took this very hard. Still, strict parental upbringing had an effect. But Shnurov flatly refused to wear pants. Soon my wife just got used to it.

In an interview, the musician said that he completely understands Matilda. He himself would not tolerate a naked man in the house. But he admits that he can’t help himself. Sergei also announced serious changes in his life after the wedding: he began to play more sports and drink less. Now the swearer does not sit in taverns in the evenings, but is at home next to his beloved.

A luxurious apartment on Fontanka is where Matilda and Shnur now live. Wife, children and music are priorities for the artist. Sergei already has a daughter, Seraphim, from his first marriage and a son, Apollo, from his second. But Shnurov really wants to have a child with Matilda. The couple plans to do so as soon as their workload eases.

Stylish lady

Matilda Shnurova fully corresponds to this characteristic. The musician first introduced his wife to the public on the “Evening Urgant” program in 2016. The girl amazed all TV viewers with her elegant style. There was not a single superfluous element in it.

Now Matilda also takes care of her husband’s wardrobe. Fans of the musician noticed that his style has changed dramatically. She admitted that it was all her fault. The girl threw out her husband’s old wardrobe, which included a lot of holey T-shirts and stretched sweatpants. Instead, his wife bought Sergei stylish items from couturier. Shnurov was delighted with the new things.

The couple is very happy and is considered one of the most stylish families in St. Petersburg. They are completely different: Matilda - beautiful girl, and Shnur is a swearer and a bully. But despite this, the lovers are very proud of each other and remain inseparable.

Until recently, the shocking and scandalous leader of the Leningrad group boasted about his sophisticated wife Matilda, who inspired him to create new songs, and not so long ago it became known that the singer was getting a divorce, and the initiator of the separation was the wife of Sergei Shnurov. She probably had many reasons to go for a divorce, because not every woman can live with such an eccentric husband, and even an incorrigible reveler.

Matilda Mozgovaya is not Sergei’s first wife - before that he had two official marriages, which also broke up.

Personal life of Sergei Shnurov

For the first time, the leader of Leningrad married early - Sergei was not yet twenty years old when he met Maria Ismagilova, a fellow student at the Religious and Philosophical Institute.

They got married, and soon a daughter, Seraphim, was born into the young family.

Shnurov turned out to be a responsible family man - in order to support his wife and daughter, he left his studies and worked wherever possible. For a while he forgot about his passion for music.

True, as soon as Serafima grew up and went to kindergarten, Sergei again began to rehearse and make his dream come true - the creation of a hooligan group “Leningrad”.

His passion for music played a negative role in the personal life of Sergei Shnurov - his wife did not like his work, scandals began in the family, which led the couple to divorce.

Shnurov met his second wife soon after the divorce - Svetlana Kostitsyna was a congenial person for him, she worked as a music manager, director of the Pep-C group and helped Shnurov organize Leningrad concerts.

Kostitsyna did a lot to promote the group; she managed to do even the impossible, for example, obtain permission to hold concerts in Moscow despite the dissatisfaction of the then capital mayor Luzhkov.

Svetlana became the mother of the second of Sergei Shnurov’s children, Apollo, named after the poet Apollo Grigoriev.

The marriage with Kostitsyna did not last long, and Sergei’s inconstancy is to blame for this - he got carried away new passion, aspiring actress Oksana Akinshina.

Only the lazy did not talk about their relationship - the fact is that Oksana was fifteen at the time of meeting Sergei, and he was thirty years old. Shnurov’s young muse liked his reckless behavior, and Sergei’s bad habits seemed like an example to follow.

They did not hide their romance and even planned to get married, but it never came to a wedding, although the lovers had already purchased an apartment in which they were going to build a family nest.

The affair with Akinshina lasted almost five years, and all this time their relationship was filled with continuous scandals, from which both seemed to derive great pleasure.

In 2010, Matilda Mozgovaya became the wife of Sergei Shnurov. They met three years earlier at one of the capital's parties - Shnurov was already a famous performer, and Matilda was a simple student at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology.

The girl made an indelible impression on the musician - she reminded him of Vrubel’s “The Swan Princess.” After the first date, Shnur and his new chosen one became close and from that day on they never parted.

Since Matilda was a fan of the Leningrad group, and Shnurov was an idol for her, living with him in the same apartment, she tolerated all his antics.

After three years of relationship, they got married and lived together for eight years, until Sergei Shnur’s wife stated that he was preventing her from developing and improving.

Matilda's real name is Elena, she grew up in a dysfunctional family, and her mother paid more attention to organizing her personal life than own daughter. Elena always wanted to escape from the world in which she existed, and thanks to her energy and determination she succeeded.

First, Lena from Voronezh, where she lived with her mother, went to Moscow, and quickly acquired many useful acquaintances, and then went to the Northern capital and entered a university. There she also arranged her personal life, meeting the leader of a popular group. The husband helped Matilda create own business- she opened a ballet school and became the manager of one of the most popular restaurants in St. Petersburg, “CoCoCo”.

The musician’s wife turned out to be a talented leader and, although she herself never had a craving for cooking culinary delights, she could always offer the chef to prepare some new interesting dish.

The tables in Matilda's restaurant were never empty. It is impossible not to say that she was able to better side change the image of the spouse - Shnurov began to dress in stylish suits famous brands, preferring only exquisite things.

In all interviews, the couple talked about how everything in their family was wonderful, so the news that Shnurov was divorcing Matilda was a huge surprise, and many even considered it a well-thought-out PR move.

But in fact, everything turned out to be true, and soon after the breakup, the singer was noticed in the company of another girl, and with ex-wife Sergei Shnurov generally tries not to communicate.

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