Sign between Sagittarius and Aquarius. Sagittarius and Aquarius: general compatibility. An office romance can have a serious continuation

The union of Sagittarius and Aquarius is one of the most successful. The spontaneous and not always delicate Sagittarius evokes sincere sympathy in Aquarius with his inability to pretend. An unrestrained representative of a fire sign is accustomed to constant insults from other people, so he will mark Aquarius as an extraordinary person and show reciprocal interest. It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship this couple has, any of their joint endeavors will certainly lead both to success. Naturally, these people will do everything not to lose each other.


The Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman are lively and optimistic, they are pleasant to each other and are inclined to get closer. For a Sagittarius, the representative of the air element will be a real gift of fate. Next to this woman, he will gain a rare opportunity to be himself, because she is not offended by the harsh criticism and rude remarks that are characteristic of him. Sagittarius and Aquarius will benefit from this union - Aquarius will become more serious, and Sagittarius will learn to take everything more simply, that is, they will come to a golden mean.

♐ + ♒: In love

PERFECT PAIR— The love relationship between an Aquarius girl and a Sagittarius guy is developing quickly. Young people are attractive to each other, their communication is pleasant and easy. A representative of the fire element is often focused on solving his own problems; he tends to complicate the most simple things. The Aquarius girl will sympathize with his seriousness and will try to unobtrusively suggest to him a simplified way to cope with troubles. There is no pressure or annoying advice on her part, she does not pretend to be a leader in the relationship and gives Sagittarius freedom of choice. As a result, the guy will take her hint, but will not feel dependent on his beloved.

Sagittarius and Aquarius do not allow anyone into their personal space and do not tolerate total control. Each of them values ​​not only their freedom, but also recognizes the right of other people to individuality and little secrets. Surprisingly, this is precisely what will become the main bringing factor together for lovers; they will become more friend trust a friend without fear of harsh criticism. Sagittarius will appreciate the lightness of character of the Aquarius girl, and she will respect his spontaneity.

Such couples rarely break up, because only each other’s company can give them a feeling of comfort. Most often, they decide to start a family, which they do not regret later.

♐ + ♒: Married

PERFECT PAIR— The marriage of Sagittarius and Aquarius is based on emotional closeness and mutual understanding. The spouses are extremely frank with each other, they have no need to pretend and lead double life. His wife does not perceive the impulsiveness and aggression of a Sagittarius as dissatisfaction with herself; she tries to support her husband and gives him the opportunity to throw out accumulated emotions. If he is angry at work, his wife will listen to him carefully, after which she will definitely cheer him up.

Spouses like to spend a lot of time outside the home, they perceive household chores as a routine, so they willingly share household chores in order to quickly forget about them. The Aquarius woman is not the best housewife, but there is no dissatisfaction on the part of her husband about this.

IN intimate life the spouses are doing well top level. An inventive Aquarius woman behaves relaxed in bed with her husband, fully satisfying all his needs. For Sagittarius, Aquarius is the most suitable sexual partner, because representatives of other zodiac signs are afraid of criticism from him, as a result of which they do not open up completely.

Such families break up extremely rarely. It will be difficult for each spouse to meet a more understanding and loved one Therefore, they value their relationships and are willing to compromise.

♐ + ♒: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY— A Sagittarius guy and an Aquarius girl can for a long time communicate and trust each other, but in this case it is hardly appropriate to talk about. Young people are connected by a strong mutual interest, and even if one of them has already managed to arrange a personal life, this is unlikely to become an obstacle to the development of their relationship. Most likely, the guy and the girl will begin to spend more time together, become closer, and then become a happy couple.


Even if Aquarius and Sagittarius are connected purely business relationship, they still like each other as a man and a woman. These people are united by kinship of souls, common interests and views on life, and sociability. Even if they are both already married, this will not interfere with their relationship. A non-binding romance, despite its apparent ease, can develop into serious feelings, and in order to be together these people will go to great lengths. Neither material values, nor even children in a previous family will become an anchor for them. The mutual attraction between an Aquarius man and a Sagittarius woman has enormous power.

♒ + ♐: In a love relationship

PERFECT PAIR— Most often, an Aquarius guy and a Sagittarius girl don’t spend time trying to please each other. Nature has already done everything for them, so one meeting is enough for them, which will be decisive for them.

Each of this pair treats the other with the same understanding as he treats himself. The Aquarius guy often gets into unpleasant situations and finds adventures out of the blue. His beloved willingly helps him find a safe way out of this situation, for which he is very grateful to her.

The Sagittarius girl behaves a little harshly when communicating with people. Sometimes, while in bad mood, she can say unnecessary things to close people, or even ruin their opinion of herself forever. It's good that she has an Aquarius guy next to her. In such situations, he tries to turn the public’s attention to himself, tell him something funny, and, unnoticed by those around him, persuade his eccentric lover to leave the room. He acts delicately, the girl not only will not be offended, but will subsequently be very grateful to him for his timely intervention.

Aquarius and Sagittarius need each other like they need air, but this is by no means a painful dependence. They just feel very good together, and besides, each of them sees great advantages in this union for themselves and their other half.

♒ + ♐: Married

PERFECT PAIR— Sagittarius and Aquarius are each other’s most suitable candidates for starting a family. In any situation, they will understand and support each other; there are no mutual claims, as well as criticism. There are no omissions between spouses, because they see no point in keeping something back and lying to each other. Such couples turn a blind eye even to mutual infidelity, trying only to protect themselves and their other half from the unpleasant consequences of love affairs.

In intimate life there is a complete coincidence of interests. The husband is more creative than his wife in bed, and she is not too demanding and is ready to fulfill any of his wishes. Even after many years life together, the spark of passion does not leave the spouses.

It cannot be said that this couple has a well-established life, but for both this side of life is almost in last place. The Sagittarius woman prefers to spend more time on her hobbies, while the Aquarius man is busy with work. As a rule, spouses do household chores only when absolutely necessary, for example, they carry out emergency cleaning before guests arrive. No one scolds anyone, no one feels guilty.

Such marriages almost never break up, and if this happens, then ex-spouses very often they reunite. It would be difficult for any of them to meet a more understanding person.

♒ + ♐: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY— The Sagittarius girl is friendly, communicates mainly with guys and believes in. Among her friends there may be an Aquarius, with whom she will become especially close. Most likely, he will become the only person in the campaign to whom she will be partial. If so, her chances of success are quite high. Representatives of other zodiac signs often do not perceive her as a girl, but Aquarius will be flattered by her understanding and support, so he will pay attention to her. The relationship will be successful, but most likely not friendly.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Compatibility between Sagittarius and Aquarius is considered one of the best. Their union is like a funny and exciting game. Both signs love freedom and life in all its manifestations. They understand each other perfectly, notice and appreciate positive features character.

Together, Aquarius and Sagittarius are ready to take adventures and make incredible plans. It’s never boring around them; Fire and Air interact perfectly.

Characters of signs

As you know, the interaction of zodiac signs is significantly influenced by their characters. What features does the horoscope give to the signs Sagittarius and Aquarius?

Sagittarius character

People born under the constellation Sagittarius are born optimists who see the world in rosy tones. They have many hobbies. Sagittarius is interested in religion, esotericism, and politics. At the same time, they are freedom-loving and do not recognize boundaries and existing stereotypes. The motives for Sagittarius' actions are never base; he is guided by high goals and principles. The fight is always conducted openly, Sagittarius has many sincere friends, but there are also irreconcilable enemies. Here are the main character traits of the sign:

  • Cheerfulness
  • Determination
  • Optimism
  • Sincerity
  • Straightforwardness
  • Love for freedom
  • Activity
  • Generosity.

SAGITTARIUS + AQUARIUS - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman

Compatibility of Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman

compatibility in love of the sign Sagittarius with the signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

compatibility of Aquarius in marriage with the signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Compatibility Horoscope - Sagittarius

Sagittarius and Aquarius compatibility

Compatibility Horoscope - Aquarius

Sagittarius. Compatibility by zodiac sign on

Sagittarians have and negative traits. They are too talkative and like to brag. Straightforwardness develops into tactlessness; without second thoughts, they can painfully hurt a loved one or reveal someone else’s secret. Sagittarius's attachments are shallow; they have many acquaintances, but few true friends. Sagittarians often do not keep their word, do not fulfill obligations, and do not like to do things that require painstaking work and patience.

Aquarius character

The nature of Aquarius is original and ambiguous. These people do not recognize authorities, love freedom, do not build long-term relationships, and have few attachments. At the same time, they are ready to help even strangers; many philanthropists are born among Aquarians. People born under this zodiac sign are avid debaters, they are smart, and they love “intellectual exercises.” Relationships are always built on equal terms; they do not like to rule, but they will not tolerate pressure over themselves. Here are the main character traits of Aquarius:

  • Love of freedom
  • Independence
  • Humanity
  • Intuition
  • Intelligence
  • Sociability
  • Realism.

The negative aspects of Aquarius's nature include exaltation and extravagance, which sometimes exceed reasonable limits. These people often suffer from depression and have difficulty coping with life’s difficulties. At high intelligence, a realistic outlook on life, are subject to illusions and superstitions. Aquarians can be vindictive and vindictive if they are offended.

General compatibility of signs

The compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Sagittarius foretells a happy future for them. Matching characters, general life priorities, help to quickly find mutual understanding. Both are freedom-loving, do not recognize authority, their views on life are similar. Sagittarius and Aquarius do not accept pressure on themselves, but they are not going to put pressure on others either. Together they create and create, travel and turn the world upside down. Their relationship is always equal, based on friendship and trust. Aquarius is probably the only sign of the Zodiac that is not hurt by the straightforwardness of Sagittarius. Who will understand better desire for independence of an air sign than Sagittarius? Signs always enhance each other’s potential, because fire does not burn without oxygen, and air freezes without heat.

The union of the signs of Sagittarius and Aquarius also experiences dangers. If the flame is blown too high and the air is heated, sparks will fly. Quarrels between partners can destroy everything that has been created over the years. Fortunately, both signs are easy-going and do not like to provoke scandals. Astrologers advise them to always remain calm and turn to their natural optimism in difficult moments. It is important to appreciate the positive traits in each other. Aquarius respects the truthfulness and honesty of a fire partner. Sagittarius, in turn, perfectly understands the desire for independence of his air friend.

Affect compatibility love relationships and other factors. Not only the Sun, but also the Moon is related to the date of birth. When the Sagittarius ascendant is in Virgo or Taurus, he becomes more down-to-earth and rational, which is not in the best possible way affects relationships. Cancer makes Aquarius indecisive, and Aries too ambitious. Gemini enhances the innate qualities of Aquarius, and endows Sagittarius with resourcefulness and an unconventional type of thinking. A favorable year of birth for Sagittarius is Tiger and Dragon, and Rat or Goat is suitable for Aquarius. It’s not bad if one of the partners was born in the year of the Horse. The dog will change the character of Aquarius and Sagittarius, teach them loyalty and affection.

Sexual compatibility of signs

In bed, Aquarius and Sagittarius are also quite compatible. Venus did not reward the air sign with a stormy temperament; for him, spiritual intimacy is more important than physical and sexual intimacy. In sex he takes passive position, gives the initiative to the partner. Aquarians rarely go to bed on the first date; contact with a person is important to them, without it they will not enjoy sex. Sagittarians are passionate people; they often have several affairs at the same time. Sex is important for them, but it also does not completely replace communication.

Sagittarians get real pleasure from harmonious relationships.

Both signs are ready to experiment, make love in unusual places and in unusual ways. Often their fantasies and hobbies reach the point of perversion. Aquarius and Sagittarius lose their compatibility in love when the relationship between partners deteriorates, which immediately affects sex. Aquarius is not one of those signs that will go to the bedroom to make peace. Misunderstandings in Everyday life affect his sexuality, which is not too strong anyway. Sagittarius, realizing that his partner cannot satisfy all his passions, may commit treason. At the same time, he will continue to sincerely love Aquarius, perceiving the trip “to the left” as a passing hobby.

Compatibility between Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman

A Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman are a great couple. For a guy and a girl, from the first minutes of meeting, it becomes clear that they have found their soul mates. Sagittarius knocks Aquarius away with his love. A man is attracted to original and independent woman. Aquarius admires the strength and honesty of Sagittarius. The straightforwardness of the fire sign seems rude to some, but not to the Aquarius woman. She is able to see a compliment even in a sarcastic remark.

IN perfect couple The compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man is built on trust and equality. Their union is very open, the spouses are often seen in society, they travel together, play sports and other interesting things. Their house will be open to numerous friends. It is always cozy, the woman arranges her home nest with taste, and the man tries to ensure that no financial difficulties arise in the family. Each of them has their own friends and girlfriends, a personal space that no one invades.

Problems and solutions

Even in such a harmonious couple as an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man, problems arise. If partners become fixated on everyday things and daily routine, they will quickly lose interest in each other. And without real feelings, a family cannot exist. The wife's cold temperament will push her husband to cheat. With all their love of freedom and open-mindedness, Aquarians perceive this situation painfully. If a man achieves success, he will want to receive appreciation from a woman. But for Aquarius, social status does not matter, so his wife will not admire him.

To solve marriage problems, a Sagittarius guy and an Aquarius girl should listen to a few tips:

  • Live life to the fullest Don't get hung up on everyday issues
  • A woman should pay more attention to intimate relationships
  • A man must restrain his passions, with all the breadth of his views, Aquarians do not forgive betrayal
  • A man should not expect high ratings of his success; for a woman, his sincerity, love, and optimism are much more important.

If friction and misunderstandings arise in the family, it is best for the spouses to go on a trip. New impressions will smooth out problems, Aquarius and Sagittarius will find their sign compatibility again, thanks to friendship, mutual respect and working on mistakes.

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman are a teenage couple who never sit still. For a guy and a girl, life is an adventure. Their meeting and acquaintance quickly develops into a whirlwind romance, which often ends in marriage. Moreover, partners can make a decision unexpectedly for themselves. They will want to experience something new, unusual, and marriage is best suited for this.

The married couple is rarely found at home; they constantly travel, go to parties, and do charity work. The motto of Aquarius and Sagittarius is to live cheerfully. A man and a woman are attached to each other, but do not consider it shameful to go out separately. Spouses value each other's freedom, this attracts them and brings them closer. Relationships are built not on material, but on spiritual values. Both strive to develop as individuals, explore the world, improve their intellect and acquire new knowledge. When children appear in a family, mother and father try to give them a good education, harmonious development.

Problems and solutions

The compatibility of a Sagittarius and Aquarius couple can kill boredom. If they get hung up on material or everyday issues, quarrels arise between them, everyone wants to break out of the daily routine. Problems may be in sexual relations. Aquarius is not a very temperamental sign; a woman lacks passion in bed. That’s why there are often betrayals in families. Fortunately, both know how to forgive each other these little weaknesses.

  • Do not put material issues at the forefront of relationships
  • Travel more and spend time together
  • Chat with friends, engage in self-development
  • A man should take more initiative in sex
  • It doesn’t hurt for a woman to come up with new ideas for family leisure from time to time.

Family problems between Sagittarius and Aquarius are not so significant as to destroy their union. Good compatibility of signs will help you overcome difficulties and live many happy years together. In terms of divorce rates, this couple is extremely rare.

Aquarius and Sagittarius strive for independence. Both signs love freedom, peace, are moderately inquisitive and a little adventurous. Aquarius and Sagittarius prefer to live for their own pleasure. What happens if these two signs meet? Will they be able to be together? How to make their marriage perfect? This will be discussed in the article.

Aquarius Man

This person is famous for his generosity, sociability and kindness. He is interested in the people around him. Aquarius loves to take part in their lives, and is flattered that they need him. A man of this sign always meets new people, so he has many friends whom he is ready to help at any moment. He will not spare time and effort on them.

Often the Aquarius man is shy with women. Therefore, he prefers that the weaker sex take the first step towards him. However, a woman will have to try to win the heart of Aquarius. Very often this is not easy to do because of his timidity.

You cannot talk to an Aquarius man in a commanding tone; he will not tolerate such treatment. If you want to ask him for something, do it carefully and tactfully so as not to scare him off. Feminine cunning defeats Aquarius. If his companion can have a heart-to-heart talk with him, then he will do the impossible.

In appearance, it seems that the stronger sex of this sign is cold and calculating. However, it is not. Aquarius simply hides and withdraws into himself. After all, in fact, he is very vulnerable and soulful person. Aquarius is also very amorous, but before committing his life to a woman, he will think about every step. He is in no hurry to become a husband.

Sagittarius Woman

The weaker sex of this sign loves vivid impressions. The Sagittarius woman is resourceful, enterprising and will never sit idle. She is always busy and does not like to be dependent, so she does everything to become successful.

Sagittarius women are leaders in life who do not like control from anyone, but strive to be free. This weaker sex is in no hurry to tie the knot, but always approaches this issue carefully.

If it so happens that a Sagittarius woman has met a man, she will do everything in her power to ensure that both are on equal terms. Just as he does not like to boss around his loved one, he will not accept such an attitude towards himself.

A woman born under the sign of Sagittarius is open, honest, and will always express her opinion. You can easily understand who she liked. She loves hardworking men, and most importantly, not greedy ones. Therefore, not all signs are suitable for her.

What if a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man met? Their compatibility is almost perfect, if you do not take into account a few nuances. For example, a representative of the first sign cannot stand a boring life. If a man can diversify it, then the Sagittarius woman will be happy.

Sagittarius woman - Aquarius man: compatibility in love

As stated earlier, these two signs are very similar. This is probably why it is easy for them to understand their other half. Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man are both unpredictable. They can even meet in transport, and at first glance a spark will run between them. It is this couple that feels their other half from a distance.

When meeting, Aquarius tends to get lost, but then Sagittarius will take the initiative without any problems. When she wins him, they will have mutual understanding not only in love, but also in friendship.

There is an opinion that Aquarius and Sagittarius were blessed in heaven, since every date they have is like the first time.

They have the same views on life and similar rules. Therefore, very often those around them are surprised how these two can understand the other half at one glance.

What is the relationship that an Aquarius man, a Sagittarius woman entered into? The love between them flares up with lightning speed, but it can quickly go out. A couple will divorce because of several things: deception, betrayal and disappointment. None of them will forgive these things.

Marriage compatibility: Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man

This couple could be perfect. They will do anything for their half. However, there are some difficulties in marriage. This, oddly enough, is good compatibility of zodiac signs. Sagittarius woman, Aquarius man - a couple who lives a calm and measured life. Therefore, only boredom can destroy their marriage.

If they do not diversify their everyday days, then they will quickly get bored with everything. The couple loves to travel and learn new things every day - so why not do it together?

However, if one of them wants to take a break alone from the hard days of everyday life, his companion will not like this behavior. That's the only reason the couple will separate. Then no one will stop them, not even their children together.

The Sagittarius woman - Aquarius man couple is prone to boredom, and then both begin to look for new experiences. This behavior often leads to cheating, then disappointment, and then they get divorced.

For both signs, children are the most valuable thing in their lives. However, the couple will also accustom their child to an active rhythm of existence. They will not pay attention to the fact that this may be alien to the baby. Therefore, they will be very surprised that their grown-up child will oppose such a life.

How to make a relationship completely ideal?

Sagittarius woman, Aquarius man - a great couple. However, in order to make the relationship ideal, it is necessary to come up with entertainment every day, because boredom can spoil the impression of their soul mate.

Try to travel more often, go hiking, discuss your day, the books you read, etc. On weekdays, work does not allow you to relax, but on vacation or on weekends you can afford it. After all, both Aquarius and Sagittarius are capable of being independent and earning enough money for entertainment.

Both signs are active and cheerful. Therefore, they need to attend cultural events together as often as possible. Although Sagittarius and Aquarius are not jealous, cheating is not recommended. After all, they can forgive almost everything, but not this.

If these two signs periodically arrange surprises for their other half, then both will definitely not be bored. Both Sagittarius and Aquarius have complex temperaments, but together they will survive anything.

The couple Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man have excellent compatibility; the main thing is to correctly use the chance that comes in the form of meeting your soulmate.


Sagittarius and Aquarius can be great friends, lovers or colleagues. They are equally active, love to work and pay attention to family at the same time. Oddly enough, they succeed.

The couple will be happy until they get bored together. To prevent this from happening, they need to find new entertainment and hobbies every day. Sagittarius and Aquarius will not sit at home in front of the TV. They need air travel, hiking, etc. Only then will they be completely satisfied with their life.

The Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman are the couple whose union will be a holiday for both halves. Every day for these people will be full of such interesting and funny undertakings that the neighbors will at least hide their eyes when they meet, and at maximum, violently express dissatisfaction with the next stormy night (evening, afternoon, morning), which this “is very capable of arranging.” sweet couple". Even friends are not averse to discussing juicy details relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man, because whatever you say, such topics always arouse particular interest.

The happy union of a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman is largely due to the fact that these are people who are very similar friend on a friend’s perception of life and everything that happens in it. Birds of a feather are all about them. Both halves of this amazing couple are capable of remaining children at heart, even if childhood is far behind them. The child sitting inside them and not giving them peace allows both the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman to see the world much more colorful and diverse and to love it precisely for this. In no case will they agree that in life there are only dark and light stripes, because for them life is painted in all the colors of the rainbow, and most often the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man paint it themselves.

That is why those who meet on life path a couple of Sagittarius men and Aquarius women (in typical manifestations of these signs) do not want to part with them: besides the fact that these are largely unpredictable (in good sense) people themselves enjoy life in all its manifestations, they also charge everyone and everything around with positivity. And it’s not for nothing that those around them want there to be more such unions as the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man, and most importantly, that they never change, remaining children, since the world without such people will simply become uninteresting, dull and gray.

It is worth noting that the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man are unlikely to be able to change, and this is due to the qualities that their zodiac signs give them at birth. The whole point is that, as partners, they will never demand that each other give up their nature, respecting the freedom of others and fully understanding that everyone has the right to remain themselves. All of the above makes it possible for a couple consisting of a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman to successfully avoid minor domestic quarrels. As for major disagreements, they are absolutely atypical for such a union, and this is largely explained by the character traits of its fair half.

Indeed, the Aquarius woman will never support or develop even the most seemingly obvious conflict. Even despite the rudeness and excessive straightforwardness that are inherent in the Sagittarius man, such a partner will not be offended or respond with barbs to barbs. On the contrary, the Aquarius woman will try to reduce everything to a joke, while also providing the situation with a compliment to her beloved Sagittarius man, who, it turns out, is very sweet when he says nonsense. And after she looks at him with her eyes, full of love and tenderness, he will decide that he will never even raise his voice to his soulmate again.

Another advantage of this couple’s relationship is that the Aquarius woman is absolutely not vindictive, and this largely keeps this union afloat. She will not allow any reproaches against her chosen one, although the Sagittarius man is often unrestrained and is capable of offending any interlocutor with a rude word. The nature of the Aquarius woman is designed in such a way that she is always ready to happily give up leadership strong half, considering this position to be the only correct one. Moreover, her characteristic feature is that she constantly resides in a world invented by herself. Therefore, the Sagittarius man is simply obliged to offer his beloved strong hand to guide her along the roads of real life.

And he would happily walk with his beloved hand in hand, but the stars themselves prepared a not entirely rosy fate for the Sagittarius man, making inconstancy one of the main features of his nature. Yes, it is almost impossible by definition to refuse a relationship with an Aquarius woman, however, such cases, although very rare, do occur when a Sagittarius man simply becomes bored with continuing a relationship. Such situations happen largely due to the fault of the Aquarius woman, or more precisely, due to the fact that she is sometimes too trusting of the advice of loved ones.

And some of the Aquarius woman’s inner circle may not at all like the fact that she, lost in her dreams, sees herself living with a Sagittarius man in a flying castle surrounded by purple dragons. The mother is especially dissatisfied with such dreams, who will constantly say that you need to think about marriage, about having children, etc., that is, to be like everyone else. Of course, for an Aquarius woman such an ordinary life seems dull and colorless, but if the same mother or best friend they will hint that her chosen one will certainly like it, she will believe and will be ready to change. But the Sagittarius man is not at all interested in an ordinary girl, because he chose and fell in love with exactly the one he wanted to see next to him: dreamy, touching, slightly crazy and with a thousand twists...

That is why the only condition that is simply vitally necessary for a couple consisting of a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman to be observed is not to change under any circumstances! Only by remaining themselves can they maintain a happy and harmonious union. Being in the same harness, they are able to move mountains, although sometimes they themselves do not fully understand what accomplishments they are ready for. The Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man know the value of their own freedom and respect the same choice of a partner. He knows how to cheer her up. She is always ready to accept a certain amount of frivolity that he brings into her life. And if the Aquarius woman learns to trust the Sagittarius man, and he, in turn, becomes more attentive and sensitive to his chosen one, then what awaits them may not be a fairy tale, but certainly a long and happy life!..

The compatibility of the union of Aquarius and Sagittarius is partly confirmed with scientific point sight, because not a single educated person would deny the need for fire and air for the combustion process. For a Sagittarius man fire element serves as a source of impulsiveness and thirst for activity. Accustomed to resisting all winds, the airy Aquarius woman unerringly chooses the most constructive direction for her ebullient energy.

It is noteworthy that the Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman rarely prefer stability. Both are haunted by the surrounding reality: Sagittarius believes that it is enough to bring a little fun, inspiration, beauty - and there will be happiness, while Aquarius strives for more global reconstructions. Looking at them, it's not hard to believe that these two really are capable of changing the world.

Character compatibility of Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man in the family

The compatibility of a fixed sign (Aquarius) and a changeable sign (Sagittarius) automatically distributes responsibilities and responsibility for the microclimate in the family. Figuratively speaking, a man lights a fire, and a woman skillfully maintains the combustion, and in any situation. Despite the fact that Sagittarius is focused on external world, Aquarius is more concerned about the weather in the house; air symbols are flexible in their thinking and easy-going. The atmosphere of a home can easily accompany a couple on long journeys and unimaginable undertakings.

As a rule, both understand that it is not easy for restless natures like them to find a soul mate, so they perceive the meeting as a gift of fate and admire each other’s wit, enthusiasm, and resourcefulness. Curiosity, energy, abundance common interests serve as a guarantee of harmony and vivid impressions.

Compatibility at work

Compatibility at work directly depends on interest in the results of your work. If we are talking about own business or well-organized production, the tandem has no equal in productivity. Regardless of the formal distribution of positions, leadership goes to the Sagittarius man; useful connections and the favor of his superiors rest on him. Strength Aquarius women - an unconventional creative approach. When it is known in advance that diligence does not solve much, the team just as smoothly evades uninteresting assignments.

The Sagittarius boss is in no hurry to trust his Aquarius subordinate with tasks that require precision: the employee is not diligent, but he will have to answer; but he highly appreciates her talent to set the team up in a businesslike manner. The Aquarius leader is glad to have a Sagittarius subordinate at her disposal: he always works for results, provided that he is not disturbed, and is pleased with the lack of strict control. With this balance of power, both are quite comfortable.

How a Sagittarius man can win an Aquarius woman

The Aquarius woman unconsciously reaches out to people who carry a positive charge, which is why the chances of a cheerful Sagittarius are initially high. Already at the very beginning of communication, the girl discovers with amazement how the usual boundaries are being pushed aside, and unexplored horizons are opening up behind them, she feels renewed, she is attracted to the man who gave this fairy tale.

With this guy, the Aquarius woman will probably share her views, unusual from the point of view of society, which life experience has taught her to hide, so as not to be branded as an outcast. It is difficult for Sagittarius to be shocked by anything; on the contrary, he welcomes alternative information, the discussion of which also contributes to rapprochement. The main thing is not to ruin the charm by ridiculing initial stage. Over time, the Aquarius girl, who is not devoid of a sense of humor, will begin to accept any jokes quite naturally, and there will be no barriers left in communication.

Aquarians position themselves as women without prejudices such as jealousy. This is partly true, however, flirting with a frankly unworthy person (this happens occasionally, but it happens with unpredictable Sagittarius) threatens to greatly reduce the guy’s status in her eyes. But there are cases when an Aquarius wife and a magnificent Sagittarius lover became friends.

How an Aquarius woman can win a Sagittarius man

An Aquarius woman who decides to conquer a Sagittarius man should remember that representatives of the sign attach no less importance to spiritual intimacy than to carnal pleasures. The gallant Sagittarius flirts with almost every attractive lady, but is able to truly fall in love only with one who knows how to inspire, is sympathetic to his travels to other realities, and does not try to correct him or limit him in any way.

Sagittarius needs support in endeavors that may seem meaningless to most others, with the exception of those initiated. A man appreciates compliments, especially those addressed to his true aspirations and achievements in these areas.

We should also not forget about the disadvantages of the fire symbol. For example, excess communication skills. Your common secrets may be shared with friends, relatives, or two or three experts. It’s not always pleasant to hear intimate details about yourself from third parties, moreover, fairly embellished in a typical Streltsov manner. It’s not that the Sagittarius man doesn’t know how to keep secrets, he just wanted to hear an authoritative opinion, so I had to bring him up to date.

Who and how raises children in a family?

Parents can be very contradictory, the Aquarius woman is a typical example: gentle, but strict, aloof, but curious, demanding, but at the same time proud of the waywardness of her heirs. This is a surprise mom who today can scold you for a bad grade, and tomorrow give you tickets to a concert of your favorite band in another city. It is she who describes in detail and colorfully to her friend the antics of the children with feigned indignation, because it is not customary to openly brag about such things.

Aquarius loves life, adventures, vivid impressions; having become a mother, he is not going to deprive himself of this. In fact, she uses every opportunity to share the joy of being with her children, however, she realizes that constant maternal control prevents personal development Therefore, he tries to maintain a reasonable balance.

The Sagittarius man does not believe that parents should violate pedagogical traditions - he simply has no idea about the existence of such. A child is, first of all, an individual, and gender or age characteristics for the Sagittarius dad, a secondary factor. He does not intentionally seek power, however, he effortlessly becomes the most significant figure in the eyes of children.

It is problematic to call Sagittarius an adult in the full sense of the word; he is a full-fledged participant in children's fun, passionate, touchy, resourceful, stubborn, and inventive. An excellent organizer of hikes, excursions, and other cultural and entertainment events may lose sight of their incompatibility with the school schedule; children risk being left guilty of not being prompted on time.

Sagittarius is able to spend as much time as she wants with her children; the Aquarius mother is free to go about her business in full confidence that her family is in order. Upon returning, it is advisable to give dad a “vacation”: being carried away by games, he may not notice his own fatigue, only wondering why the usual pranks with running around seem so bothersome.

Intimate compatibility between Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman

As already mentioned, the compatibility of the elements of Fire and Air is an extremely flammable mixture that can increase the temperature in the bedroom to dangerous limits. Left alone, the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman attach great importance to conversations. This integral component of foreplay allows you to establish mental contact. The starting point can be a topic far from erotic, which smoothly flows into romance, flirting, and coquetry. It is the feeling of spiritual closeness, complete fusion, and the same mood that gives brightness to the act of love. Sex appeal partners is so great that one meaningful glance is enough to forget for a while about global problems, parallel universes and other highly spiritual things. An amazing cocktail of soul kinship and physical attraction takes the couple to slightly different galaxies.

Pros and cons of Sagittarius men and Aquarius women

Astrologers recommend that the Sagittarius man strive for balance with the Aquarius woman, or at least maintain the appearance of balance: any inequality can undermine compatibility. If Sagittarius, due to his luck, makes a career much faster than his other half, there is a risk of turning from a cheerful, friendly guy into a kind of snob with lordly manners. A patronizing tone and authoritarianism towards a less successful spouse are simply incomprehensible to the Aquarius woman, who does not recognize authorities in principle.

It happens that an Aquarius woman, having received a certificate of prestigious education, begins to communicate in the manner of a teacher, from the position of a know-it-all who does not tolerate discussion. Such arrogance threatens to destroy the fascinating atmosphere for both of the search for truth, constructive debate, and intellectual discussions.

Jealousy poses no less a danger to compatibility. The Aquarius woman is not at all conservative; on the contrary, she does not miss an opportunity to demonstrate her commitment to free views, however, she almost never looks for affairs on the side: why, if the relationship with her beloved man is completely satisfactory. Sagittarius behaves like a teenager testing the limits of what is permitted: he does not hide his amorous adventures too much. Only when it becomes obvious that no one is encroaching on his independence, and his other half is more upset by this behavior than expected, he gradually comes to the conclusion that loyalty is also a free choice.

This union is gradually building its own comfortable world for both, where reality and fantasy are intricately intertwined, where you can draw as much inspiration as you like, where brilliant ideas are born that sooner or later will change the surrounding reality for the better. Both treat each other with care, because they realize that no one else will give so much understanding, devotion, and admiration.

What is the likelihood of compatibility between a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman?

Compatibility is greatly strengthened by the fact that there are practically no quarrels in the family over money or lack of it. The spouses are far from asceticism, at the same time, to material benefits treat with reasonable restraint, if income does not allow you to live on a grand scale, they make the most of a small capital. The needs are similar in many ways: satisfaction of curiosity, change of environment, self-development. They are not threatened by routine and boredom, mutual assistance is natural for both, the ability to join forces, personal freedom is main value most of these unions. Astrologers believe that the couple has excellent prospects.

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