Dying Producer of t.A.T.u. pays for his sins. Ivan Shapovalov defeated brain cancer Where is the former producer of the tattoo group now

Composer Alexander Voitinsky slept with both duet soloists


It all started when I was 17 years old - Mr. Galoyan . - I played guitar in an alternative band" Noyes". And at the same time he wrote music at home on an old 486th computer. Then he began to offer his material to various studios, including the studio Vladimir Osinsky. At the same time, the producer came there " Tattoo" Ivan Shapovalov, who tried to push his group somewhere. They had two songs Alexander Voitinsky "Why me?" And "Count to a Hundred" in its original, useless form. Osinsky gave Shapovalov my material, and he made an appointment for me. Seeing a pimply boy in front of him, Shapovalov arrogantly gave me the original text of the song " I've lost my mind", from which now only the chorus remains, and with pathos said:" Boy! Mow me, please, under Britney Spears". I didn't like that you need to mow for someone. But I made two versions of the arrangement of "I'm crazy." In principle, we discussed the prices. I was hoping to get $ 1200 for each song (I wrote a total of Since it was impossible to work on my equipment, in the summer they bought me a computer for $ 1200. And, apparently, they decided that I didn’t need to pay anything else. In addition, I made a bunch of arrangements, for which I also didn’t receive anything. My name not even listed on the album cover.


Shapovalov demanded that he be my co-author. Allegedly, if his last name is next to mine, it will help me in the future as a composer. I actually made Vanya a career. By the way, the composer Alexander Voitinsky eventually also refused to work with Shapovalov. He is an older man and said that he did not want to write songs for lesbians. At first, there was no lesbianism in Tatu. At first, there was only one soloist in general - Lena Katina. Then they added to it Yulia Volkova. Voitinsky slept with both of them. And when they came up with this lesbian chip, he thought it was too much. The last straw for him was the fact that Shapovalov stole a piece of music from him and inserted it into the song "I'm crazy."


When I wrote the song gay boy", Shapovalov again gave me a contract, according to which he was listed as a co-author. Out of desperation, I signed it and said:" Vania! Someday we'll take you to court". Shapovalov just laughed in response. After that, I didn’t call him up and didn’t see him anymore. It was February 2001. Soon my business went uphill. I found female singers to create my own group. I found a person from the company " Techbunker"Under the President of Russia, who agreed to finance my project. We signed a contract for $ 150,000. Of this money, I was supposed to receive 10 percent as a producer of the project and $ 1,500 for each of my songs. And at that moment the Tatu album was released. The person who was going to finance me immediately shoved the cover of their album in my face: " Seryozha! It says here that you are some kind of Armenian bandit and almost a terrorist. Therefore, we will not give you money. Maybe all this is not true, but, sorry, we value our reputation". I was handed a letter of official termination of the contract. After that, I fell into a depression. And in the NAAP authoring agency they simply told me : "That's it! You are no longer the author of the songs" Tatu "! Apparently they didn't want problems with the record company" Universal", which releases Tatu. I realized that with the inscription on the cover of the album, Shapovalov took revenge on me for my revealing performance on the channel STS in a programme " Show Business", where I told about all his machinations. In general, my world was broken. And then a lawyer appeared on the horizon Vyacheslav Shebitsky. He undertook to help me for 50 percent of the money won. We wrote a lawsuit against Shapovalov's production company " Unformatted", and also on " Universal Music"and to the company" Music Trade which distributes discs and cassettes of Tatu. Co-producer of Tatu Lena Kiper started to scare us. "When I worked for NTV, I ruined the largest tobacco company. You will also lose the court." My lawyer had to cunningly prove that Tatu discs and cassettes are sold in large numbers. In particular, he went to the Music Trade and entered into a fictitious contract with them for the supply of 60,000 units of audio products.


As a result, the judge agreed that the information published on the cover of the album without my consent is defamatory, and satisfied almost all the points of the claim. The only thing - we demanded for moral damage 500,000 rubles, and she awarded only 20,000.

- We do not intend to stop there, - the lawyer of Mr. Galoyan shared his plans Vyacheslav Schebitsky. - Contrary to the law, the guys were given too lenient punishment. Now we are filing a cassation appeal against the decision of the court of first instance with the Moscow City Court. And after its revision, we will already file a copyright lawsuit.

Unfortunately, it turned out to be impossible to find out what Tatu producer Ivan Shapovalov thinks about all this. Employees of his office reported that he had been on a business trip to the United States for several months. Instead, the co-producer of the project Elena KIPER undertook to comment on the situation.

The boy's stories about how he was bred and thrown are very similar to the truth, - she cynically admitted. - In principle, in show business this is often done. But not in this case. Ivan Shapovalov has too big ambitions. They can be realized only on the condition of an impeccable reputation. All work was paid in full. Shapovalov took a chance and entrusted the boy to write songs for the project, for which a lot of money was borrowed. Provided him with conditions for work, providing a computer and a small home studio. At the same time, Galoyan only made sketches of songs. They were very dirty, with bad sound. Yes, and the creativity of the songs - melodies, harmonies - was originally given to him by Ivan. Therefore, he is quite legitimately a co-author. Finally, Galoyan himself voluntarily signed agreements with him on the transfer of exclusive rights to songs. Of course, there was no talk of a reward of $1200. Galoyan was paid the way all arrangers without a name are paid, and very well. He and his lawyer have already thoroughly tarnished their reputation by bringing some kind of fake contract, which the court declared invalid. They want to achieve a ban on Tatu concerts, and then try to catch us in violation and demand a fine. Well, we'll be like in the movie" bandits", unauthorized performances on rooftops or right on the street. It's even funny ...

Despite the fact that now Tina Kandelaki holds a high position on television, she fondly recalls the program "Details", which she once hosted at the dawn of her dizzying career. "The program "Details" made me the leader. If it weren't for her, no Tina Kandelaki would exist. The moment of the steepest professional growth. The genre of the interview endlessly develops a person ... "Kandelaki noted.


Tina ended her work in the program because she "talked to everyone." However, in her life there were frankly disastrous conversations. This happened to the producer of the Tatu group Ivan Shapovalov. The piquancy of the conversation was given by the fact that the man was not quite sober.

According to Kandelaki, she realized from the very beginning that the conversation would not work. "Unlike my mother, I am not a narcologist. But there it would become clear to anyone. When talking with a person, you will immediately feel whether he drank a glass or five? At the same time, Ivan had a well-thought-out image - such an infant terrible from the East. Hefty layer of Russian pop culture had no chance of exporting. Suddenly, absolutely world-class content appears! Demanded on any American show! I remember a funny fragment - girls are driving in a car. It seems that Van Damme wants to meet them. Yulia Volkova says: "Van Damm... What about Van Damme? What to do with him?" - "Cho, cho ... Get to know!" They themselves did not expect this phenomenal fame, "said Tina.

Kandelaki did not even try to save the interview. She explained why: "Yes, watching his agony on the air is much more interesting! You look and understand that such a state kills."

According to Tina, there are six tricks to present the interlocutor in an unpleasant light, but this is not for her. “Vanya is so… How can I tell you… He was way ahead of his time. There were no hashtags yet, and Vanya was already thinking with trends, memes. This is just an American scenario about a person who has achieved rapid success! he can take it away. Because in the future, Shapovalov didn’t have anything. The breakthrough with Tatu is, yes, phenomenal. Never before has the Russian stage in the West interested anyone. After, too, "Kandelaki is quoted by Sport -Express".

Ivan Shapovalov's mistress gave birth to his grandson from his own son!

Last summer, the metropolitan party was shocked by the news of the serious illness of the producer legendary band"t.A.T.u." 46-year-old Ivan SHAPOVALOV was hospitalized in one of the Moscow hospitals with a terrible diagnosis - a brain tumor. Since then, no information has been received about him. Relatives and friends of the producer refused to communicate with the media. Shocking Details recent years Shapovalov's life was revealed to Express Gazeta by Ivan IRBIS - Russian manager world superstar Enrique Iglesias. Many years ago, Ivan participated in Shapovalov's project "Celestial Empire" and was on close terms with him.

When I found out that Vanya had brain cancer and he was dying, my first desire was to see him, - told Irbis . - It was possible to find out that Vanya was admitted to the Burdenko hospital. Unfortunately, the doctors did not let anyone see him, except for his wife Valeria Prokopievna and their eldest son Volodya. Moreover, as one of Vanya's wards told me, he had a conflict with Vova. “If you forcibly put me in the hospital, I will disown all of you!” - said Shapovalov. He tried to heal himself with some Buddhist method of alternative medicine. But relatives and friends still insisted on hospitalization. In Burdenko Van, a course of radiation therapy was carried out. After that, the doctors said that he had two months to live, and they let him go home to die. Now Vanya is under the supervision of his mother at the dacha in Konakovo, which he bought with the money he earned from t.A.T.u.

Irbis wanted to go there. Tried to call Ivan on his cell phone. But Tatyana always answered the phone - a woman who at one time was with him in intimate relationships. She let Irbis know that his relatives and friends did not want him to visit a friend.

They always hated me, - admitted Irbis. - One day Vova's son came to his house and saw me lying naked in his father's bed. And he began to demand that he immediately swept out. Shouted that I am the dirt of the earth and fuck everyone for profit. And one of Vanya's mistresses, Olga Maslikhova, tried to influence the administrators of the "Celestial Empire", so that they would close the entrance to me there. But Vanya ordered that they let me in again. He was attached to me, loved. And, apparently, everyone felt a threat in me, they considered me a rival.

According to Irbis, among the few who were allowed to reach Shapovalov in Konakovo was the boy Gena. He, as Ivan says, at the time of the "Celestial Empire", being a minor, also had an intimate relationship with him.

- Gena told me that Vanya looked like an alien from a science fiction film: his head swelled up like a pumpkin, and one eye almost fell out, - Irbis sighs. - Of course, I'm terribly sorry for Shapovalov. But, on the other hand, I believe in God and believe that this is his retribution for sins. For me and many other boys and girls from whom this man stole childhood. Take, for example, the unfortunate guy-transvestite from the "Celestial Empire", who mowed down Yulia Volkova to look like a "tattoo". At one time, he often spent the night in a rented apartment, which Shapovalov rented so as not to live with his wife on Voykovskaya. Vanya said that he wanted to do a musical project with him called "It". I remember how Ivan stuffed his socks with buckwheat and stuffed this little gay man into a bra to pick up right size chest. And when huge parties gathered in the "Celestial Empire" and everyone drank and used illegal drugs, Vanya and other men took this transvestite behind the curtain in turn, after which he spat something into a plastic cup. The production of the project "It" was limited to this.

Place near Vanya

Vanya's relations with women were built no less peculiarly. All his life he had only one wife - Valeria Prokopyevna, - continues Irbis. - They met and got married while studying at the medical institute in Saratov. And although Vanya had not lived with her for a long time, they did not officially divorce. His wife gave birth to two sons - Vova, who is now 24 years old, and Vanya - he is 9. Shapovalov also has a daughter, Uma, from her mistress Olga Maslikhova. This redhead loved him madly and desperately fought with other admirers and admirers for a place near Vanya. I remember how the financial director of China Katya Icebreaker Obnosova found naked Maslikhova in Shapovalov's bed and chased her around the apartment with a huge samurai sword, donated to the group "t.A.T.u." in Japan.

Irbis recalls that when Ivan invited him on a date to the Ukraina Hotel, Olga, who was in her last month of pregnancy, burst into their room with wild cries. But Vanya did not want to see her and asked to call security to get rid of her.

- They said that he even beat Maslikhov when he got it completely, - our narrator said.

Irbis shared that another child, who was named Kurt (in honor of the leader of the rock group Nirvana Kurt Cobain who died a strange death - either murder or suicide), Shapovalova was born by his wealthy fan Lucy Shiza Sokolova.

She got a lot of money from her bandit husband, who was shot in front of her eyes at the door of their house. Hanging out with Vanya, she became addicted and started investing in Vanya's projects. This Lucy was fucked not only by Vanya, but also by his eldest son Vova. From Vova, she also gave birth to a child - Vanya's grandson. Lucy sent her children from her late husband to London. And the children from the father and son of the Shapovalovs live in her dacha in Voskresensky - with knowledge of the matter says Irbis. - Vanin the arranger hangs out there - a paralyzed invalid Slava Katsev, who suffered some kind of unrealistic stroke from a heroin overdose, barely speaks and cannot walk. They gathered a studio there, thump, get stoned with drugs, fuck all together and write songs. This is a complete pip! During our last meeting at the hotel "Ukraine" Vanya and I played the following game: I asked him what this or that word meant, and he gave it his transcript in his own way. To the question "What is love?" he replied, "It's a garbage pit." To the question "What is terrorism?" - "This is the reverse side of the state."

In conclusion, I asked him: “What is death?” Vanya smiled, looked into my eyes and said: "Death is something new." Then he got madly drunk, lay down on the windowsill and threw up from the 17th floor right at the front entrance of the Ukraine Hotel. After that, I didn't see him again. Estimate!

In addition to the above-mentioned persons, in intimate relations with Ivan Shapovalov in different time consisted of: soloist of the group "t.A.T.u." Yulia Volkova, producer and songwriter Elena Kiper and TV presenter Beata Ardeeva. Volkova and Kiper, according to the latter, closeness with him brought to the point of going to the doctors. And Ardeeva in 2003 got into a terrible car accident and became disabled.

A year ago, Ivan Shapovalov announced his terrible diagnosis - the producer of Tatu was diagnosed with brain cancer. Even many relatives did not believe in his recovery.

Only one person out of ten who learned about his terrible illness can not fall into despair, but pull himself together and eventually rise to his feet. This one turned out to be Ivan Shapovalov, known to us mainly as the producer of the scandalous Tatu group. Shapovalov was able to cope with the disease and return to show business. Only now as a performer.

Few people believed that Vanya would be able to overcome the illness. Shapovalov felt the first symptoms a few years ago, but categorically did not want to be treated. And only after the intervention of Yulia Volkova, who personally took the former mentor to the oncology center, did he take up health. The doctors who examined the producer only shrugged. And his wife Valeria trusted in God: she regularly prayed in the temple. Shapovalov himself, after a course of chemotherapy, could only walk on crutches. Later there was a long treatment in China. There, the disease began to recede.

“Each disease is given to us as a test that needs to be passed,” the producer is sure. - Now I have started new life from scratch.

Child psychiatrist by profession, former owner of one of the Russian printed publications, head public organization, a marketer and advertiser of leading insurance companies in Moscow, and in addition, screenwriter and producer Ivan Shapovalov, in recent 2012, found out that he had a malignant tumor in his head, and if he did not start treatment urgently, then he would not live long. Many of his acquaintances even ahead of time "sent him to the next world" in their interviews, but not Ivan himself. He for a long time did not get in touch with the press, did not allow his friends and relatives to do the same. But, apparently, the famous producer had enough "well-wishers" who were just waiting for the right moment to merge the whole truth and untruth into the broad masses.

Here, for example, Ivan Irbis, one of the managers of Enrique Iglesias, who at one time was in quite friendly relations with Shapovalov, although he sympathizes with his former friend, he sincerely believes that this is the very retribution for the sins of youth. What are the sins? Well, if you believe the rumors, then Ivan has not so few of them.

Just a few years ago, everyone was just talking about the sexual promiscuity and bisexual inclinations of the star. The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, the path by which the obvious favorite of her mentor, Yulia Volkova, got into the Tatu project, and he apparently lies through the bed. Moreover, if we compare all the dates, it turns out that the producer Ivan Shapovalov seduced her into a very young age. “Yes, and what is there to hide,” Ivan himself apparently thought, and boldly declared to one of the British publishers that underage girls attracted him most of all.

Photo by Ivan Shapovalov

Many are sure: a terrible disease was sent to Ivan as a test. After all, in his time he made many mistakes. Ivan Irbis does not hide: this person is simply woven from sins.

“I saw how Shapovalov communicates with people,” says Ivan. - I remember once, when I came to his hotel, his pregnant mistress began to break in the door. She came in winter ripped jeans and a thin jacket in the cold. But Vanya did not want to see her. He then said to me: "Kick her out." I had to call security to get her out. And there were a lot of such cases.

Because of what brain tumors appear, official medicine cannot say for sure. Lifestyle plays a significant role. In Shapovalov's life at one time there was everything: alcohol, drugs, promiscuous sex. According to Irbis, battles for a place in the producer's bed took place every minute.

“I knew many girls who wanted to give Vanya at least a blowjob in the car,” continues Irbis. - And of course, by his behavior, you can tell that he was never against this. Everyone was in his bed: both boys and girls. What is there to say! Remember his interview, when he admitted that he created Tatu when he found out that the most requested on the Internet is sex with youngsters.

In addition to singing, Ivan became interested in horses, now he can often be seen at the stables. Shapovalov is rarely in Moscow, everything free time holds in the village of Konakovo, Tver region. It was here that work began on his new project.

The words of Shapovalov's songs, as in the songs of "Tatu", give away a provocation. The video will also be scandalous: in the video, Vanya shoots transvestites and freaks. Among the actors on the set, the media also found a participant in Dancing with the Stars, Danila Polyakov. The guy first walked in a women's dress and high heels, then changed clothes, leaving only a wide festive ribbon on himself. Through the translucent fabric, the audience could see not only his dignity, but also several pimples on his buttocks. But Polyakov paid no attention to this.

Shapovalov was satisfied with the work. And he promised that soon the video could be seen on music channels.

For almost a year, the whole country has been watching the health of the ex-producer of the Tatu group, Ivan Shapovalov. Last summer he was given terrible diagnosis brain cancer. But in Lately the affairs of the legendary producer went on the mend.

At first, only relatives and friends knew that Ivan Shapovalov had a terrible disease. For about a year, Ivan was between life and death: he could hardly move and speak. Few people know that when the disease made itself felt for the first time, he flatly refused to go to the doctors. I relied on the help of alternative medicine and even went to China for treatment.

“Despite the fact that Vanya is a doctor by profession, he was not going to go to the hospital,” says Ivan Irbis, a friend of the producer. He is a young man in his prime. At this age, they do not worry about their health.

Irbis met Shapovalov when he was a member of the Tatu group. At the age of fifteen, he first met him in the legendary "Celestial Empire" - the group's office in the capital's Beijing Hotel. Ivan still remembers this time with a shudder.

“What happened there can be called in one word - hell,” Ivan explains. But as a child, I liked it. Although his appearance in my life, this whole story with the "Celestial Empire" shifted my life priorities and values ​​in the wrong direction. But I don't regret anything. I now have a good income, I have a favorite job. But ten years, while I was going to this, were hell. When we began to communicate closely with Shapovalov, he already had health problems - on a nervous basis. For example, psoriasis. But Vanya was in no hurry to go to the doctors.

Many are sure: a terrible disease was sent to Ivan as a test. After all, in his time he made many mistakes. Ivan Irbis does not hide: this person is simply woven from sins.

“I saw how Shapovalov communicates with people,” says Ivan. - I remember once, when I came to his hotel, his pregnant mistress began to break in the door. She came in winter in torn jeans and a thin jacket in the cold. But Vanya did not want to see her. He then said to me: "Kick her out." I had to call security to get her out. And there were a lot of such cases.

Because of what brain tumors appear, official medicine cannot say for sure. Lifestyle plays a significant role. In Shapovalov's life at one time there was everything: alcohol, drugs, promiscuous sex. According to Irbis, battles for a place in the producer's bed took place every minute.

“I knew many girls who wanted to give Vanya at least a blowjob in the car,” continues Irbis. - And of course, by his behavior, you can tell that he was never against this. Everyone was in his bed: both boys and girls. What is there to say! Remember his interview, when he admitted that he created Tatu when he found out that the most requested on the Internet is sex with youngsters.

When the situation became hopeless, Shapovalov nevertheless went to the hospital. The diagnosis that the doctors gave him sounds like a sentence for many. But Shapovalov did not give up and began to fight. Ivan underwent several courses of chemotherapy, after which there was an improvement. The disease stopped progressing. Between courses of treatment, Ivan was in country house in the suburbs: there is nature, which, as you know, has a positive effect on health.

- Recently, Vanya, as far as I know, has taken up horses, - continues Irbis. “There were close people next to him. Friends came. Although, knowing Vanya, I can say that a lot more people consider him a close person than he does.

The only problem Ivan faced was money. Funds from Tatu are long gone. And the treatment required a huge amount. Close people created a fund where they entered cash from all over the world. Many Tatu fans tried to help him spiritually: they went to church, lit candles for health. Even official wife Shapovalova recently admitted in an interview that she always believed in the power of prayers and daily asked God that Ivan get better.

- Our mutual friend recently saw him and asked: “Vanya, how are you? How do you live?" Irbis says. He replied: "Thy prayers." The disease is severe and complex. It takes about five years to be able to talk about a complete recovery. But now, of course, he is doing much better. And we are all happy for him. Despite the fact that we have not communicated for a long time, I have always been and will be grateful to this person for being in my life.

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