Presentation for the lesson natural areas of Africa. Geography presentation "Natural areas of Africa". Generalization. Working with signal cards

Abstract of a geography lesson on the topic " natural areas Africa". 7th grade

Geography teacher: Nesterova Olga Alexandrovna


    Educational: to consolidate the concept of "natural zones", to show the diversity of African natural zones, their dependence on climate, to show the features of nature equatorial forests, savannahs and deserts, characterize the climate, soils of these zones, human influence on nature;

    Educational: to continue the formation of the cognitive activity of students, the ability to independently acquire knowledge, expand the horizons of children, involve them in the lesson through the game, the formation of skills to work with a map, analyze, draw conclusions;

    Educational: foster a sense of responsibility, interested attitude to study, the formation of artistic abilities of students, to develop interest in geography.

Planned results:

a) Personal:

1. Intellectual activity - intellectual skills that allow the student to independently work with sources of information, analyze and draw conclusions based on the information received.
2. Communication skills - possession of the basic skills of working in a group.
3. Responsibility and adaptability - personal qualities that allow you to act productively to achieve your goals in accordance with the rights, needs and goals of the people around you.

b) Metasubject:

1. Cognitive activities - include research and selection activities necessary information, its structuring.
2. Communicative actions - provide the opportunity for cooperation - the ability to hear, listen and understand a friend, plan and carry out in a coordinated manner joint activities, be able to negotiate, correctly express their thoughts in speech, listen and take into account the opinions of others, discuss, speak in public.
3. Consolidation of skills to work with information - to find, analyze, manage, evaluate and present information.

c) Subject:

1. Mastering knowledge about the natural zones of Africa, their dependence on climate, diversity of flora and fauna.
2. Development of cognitive interests, intellectual abilities.
3. Mastering the skills to work with various sources information (text, textbook, atlas maps, diagrams, tables), organize their own information activities and plan their results.

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: multimedia projector, task sheets and forms for groups, tokens, atlases, maps of natural areas of the world and Africa.


I. Organizing time. Set students up for work.

- I wish you fruitful work. I think that today's lesson will allow you to climb a step higher. Good luck and good luck to you.

- Guys, we continue to explore in all its grandeur and beauty the magical, and often exotic world of Africa. And today in the lesson you will meet face to face with this unusual continent.

II. Division into groups

- To work on today's lesson, you teamed up in small expedition groups, taking leaflets different color. We will return to these sheets later.
Today we have one more reason to consider the lesson unusual.

We're doing something fun today journey on the mainland ... AFRICA.
– Let's remember what we know about this unique continent?

III. Checking homework

Groups choose a card for themselves, after a minute of discussion, go to the board and complete the task. Tasks on cards:

1. Sign up for climate map names of climatic zones (EKP, SEKP, TKP, STKP)
2. Draw a cloud in those climatic zones where there is a lot of rain. (ECP)
3. Sign the BM in those belts where only one dominates them. (computer, TVM)

Additional task:

1. How many transitional climatic zones are there in Africa? Name (2, SECP, STKP)
2. Why were they called transitional? (Air masses shift between summer and winter)
3. Sign VM in transitional belts.
4. Who can draw a cloud, indicating the season of the year is the wettest in this climate zone.


    Climatic features of this continent are monotonous or diverse?
    What does this indicate? (On the diversity of flora and fauna)

    Hand out crossword cards

- To find out the topic of today's lesson, we must solve a crossword puzzle, showing knowledge of the theoretical material. Teams take turns going to the blackboard and completing the crossword puzzle.

Crossword questions:

1. Not far from this city, which is the capital of the state of Libya, the most heat+ 58 degrees. (Tripoli)
2. Due to the fact that the mainland is located between the Northern and Southern tropics, it is considered the most ... (hot)
3. This remarkable explorer went to Africa as a doctor and missionary, and spent almost 30 years on continuous expeditions. (Livingston)
4. Section of geography, which is devoted to the description of various types of water bodies: rivers, lakes, swamps, reservoirs.
5. Most deep river peace? (Congo)
6. The only large island off the coast of Africa. (Madagascar)
7. American journalist after whom the waterfall on the Congo River was named. (Stanley)
8. One of the very common types economic activity many water areas of the mainland. (Fishing)
9. It is in this belt that the heat pole is located, as well as the largest desert in the world. (Tropical)
10. Islets of greenery in an inhospitable desert region. (Oases)
11. One of the most beautiful waterfalls on the planet, discovered and named Livingston in honor of the then Queen of Great Britain. (Victoria)
12. Most high peak mainland. (Kilimanjaro)
13. Constant winds, dominating the greater territory of Africa, blowing from the tropics to the equator. (trade winds)

So, the topic of today's lesson is Natural areas of Africa.
What natural areas do you know?
- Look at the sheets that you took when dividing into groups. Can you guess by the color which natural area you will be working with? Why?

    Green - evergreen wet equatorial forests

    Yellow - deserts

    Yellow-green - savannas and woodlands.

- What do you think, in what climatic zone can your natural zones be located? - Pay attention, you have self-assessment sheets on your tables. Rate yourself in the section " Homework”, and within 1 minute discuss and put a collective assessment of each member of the expedition for this type of work.

IV. Defining Lesson Objectives

- Having determined the topic of the lesson, try to formulate what we will need to learn at the lesson today?

    What natural areas are on the African continent;

    Try to understand the existing patterns between climatic zones and natural areas;

    Determine which climatic conditions characteristic for each natural zone;

    Determine the type of soils and varieties of flora and fauna of natural areas;

    The adaptability of plants and animals to various conditions;

    Human use of natural areas.

Attention Expeditions!

- Now you are starting to study your natural zone.
Each expedition chose a natural area for study. After studying additional material, atlas maps, you fill reference abstract. The result of your work will be a presentation. On your desks is a card with the name of the position of the expert in this expedition: captain, climatologists, soil scientists, botanists and zoologists. Choose a speaker, someone who will present a report on the work done.

V. Work in groups.

Time for group work limited to 10 minutes.
On the desktop, find the folder "Natural areas of Africa. 7th grade"
Files in this folder:

    Reference abstract;

    Reference materials;

    Maps of Africa.

You can use the handouts on your desk. Do not forget about the distribution of responsibilities in order to be in time. Search for material for 2-3 minutes, highlight, underline, then fill in the abstract.

While the guys are looking for information. The person responsible for filling opens the supporting abstract.

- We have already determined in which climatic zone the natural zone is located. Fill in!

VI. Protecting your project(2 minutes for each group.)

- So, what did we learn about the three natural zones of Africa?

3. Work with the board.

Set match:


1. Trunks are so thick that 6 people cannot wrap around them. Their branches are so large that each of them could become a large tree.
2. Hot days are followed by cold nights, sometimes with frosts. Stones from this crack and sounds are heard, similar to distant explosions.
3. Here you can find herbaceous grasses of a meter, and sometimes three meters in height, among which there are rare trees that shed their leaves in the dry season.
4. Here the wind is a great ruler and powerful master. The caravaners say that death comes here with him.
5. Here you can meet huge herds of wild buffaloes, antelopes, and near the shores of the lake there is a carpet of wild flamingos...
6. Many animals have adapted to live in trees, as it rains every day.
7. Two seasons of the year are clearly expressed: wet and dry.
8. Large daily, annual temperature amplitudes cause strong weathering.
9. These forests, varied in species composition, multi-tiered, bloom and bear fruit all year round.

natural area

1. Moist equatorial forests
2. Savannas and woodlands
3. Deserts

Let's go back to the self-assessment sheets. Evaluate yourself in the Primary Consolidation section, and for 1 minute discuss and give a collective assessment to each member of the expedition for this type of work.
- Pay attention to how much we learned about natural areas.

VII. Primary fastening

1. Based on the fragments, determine the natural area.

2. From the photographs, determine in which natural zone these animals and plants live.

VIII. Reflection
What do you think we did well in class today?
– What was the most interesting for you?
- What was difficult for you?

IX. Homework:

- When you leave, take your reference notes to study at home.

Creative task

    draw up a basic outline for another natural area

X. Summary of the lesson. Grading

Africa is the hottest continent on planet Earth. The equator line passing through the center of the Black Continent symmetrically divides its area into different natural zones. The characteristic of the natural zones of Africa allows us to form a general idea of geographical location Africa, about the peculiarities of climate, soil, flora and fauna of each of the zones.

What natural areas is Africa located in?

Africa is the second largest continent on our planet. This continent is washed by two oceans and two seas from different sides. But its main feature is its symmetrical arrangement to the equator. In other words, the equator line horizontally divides the continent into two equal parts. The northern half is much wider than southern Africa. As a result, all the natural zones of Africa are located on the map from north to south in the following order:

  • savannas;
  • variable-humid forests;
  • humid evergreen equatorial forests;
  • variable humid forests;
  • savannas;
  • tropical deserts and semi-deserts;
  • subtropical evergreen hardwood forests and shrubs.

Fig.1 Natural areas of Africa

Moist equatorial forests

On both sides of the equator is a zone of humid evergreen equatorial forests. It occupies a rather narrow strip and is characterized by numerous precipitations. Plus she's rich. water resources: flows through its territory deepest river Congo, and the coast is washed by the Gulf of Guinea.

Constant heat, numerous rainfall and high humidity led to the formation lush vegetation on red-yellow ferralitic soils. Evergreen equatorial forests surprise with their density, impenetrability and variety of plant organisms. Their feature is versatility. It became possible due to the endless struggle for sunlight, in which not only trees, but also epiphytes and climbing vines take part.

The tsetse fly lives in the equatorial and subequatorial zones of Africa, as well as in the wooded part of the savannah. Her bite is deadly to humans, as she is a carrier of a "sleeping" disease, which is accompanied by terrible pain in the body and fever.

Rice. 2 Moist evergreen equatorial forests


The amount of precipitation is directly related to the richness of the plant world. gradual reduction rainy season leads to the appearance of arid, and humid equatorial forests are gradually replaced by variable wet ones, and then turn into savannahs. The last natural zone occupies largest area The Black Continent, and makes up about 40% of the entire mainland.

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Here, the same red-brown ferrallitic soils are observed, on which various herbs, cereals, and baobabs grow mainly. Low trees and shrubs are much rarer.

A distinctive feature of the savannah are dramatic changes in appearance- rich tones of green during the rainy season fade sharply under the scorching sun during dry periods and become brown-yellow.

Savannah is unique and rich in wildlife. lives here a large number of birds: flamingos, ostriches, marabou, pelicans and others. It impresses with an abundance of herbivores: buffaloes, antelopes, elephants, zebras, giraffes, hippos, rhinos and many others. They are also food for the following predators: lions, leopards, cheetahs, jackals, hyenas, crocodiles.

Rice. 3 African Savannah

Tropical deserts and semi-deserts

In the southern part of the mainland, the Namib Desert dominates. But neither it nor any other desert in the world can compare with the greatness of the Sahara, which consists of rocky, clay and sandy desert. The amount of precipitation per year in sugar does not exceed 50 mm. But this does not mean that these lands are lifeless. The flora and fauna is quite scarce, but it exists.

Of the plants, it should be noted such representatives as sclerophyd, succulents, acacia. The date palm grows in the oases. Animals have adapted to the dry climate. Lizards, snakes, turtles, beetles, scorpions can for a long time go without water.

In the Libyan part of the Sahara is one of the most beautiful oases in the world, in the center of which is located big lake, whose name literally translates as "Mother of Water".

Rice. 4 Sahara Desert

Subtropical evergreen hardwood forests and shrubs

The most extreme natural zones of the African continent are subtropical evergreen hardwood forests and shrubs. They are located in the north and southwest of the mainland. They are characterized by dry, hot summers and humid, warm winter. Such a climate favored the formation of fertile brown soils, on which the Lebanese cedar, wild olive, arbutus, beech and oak.

Table of Natural Areas of Africa

This table for grade 7 in geography will help you compare the natural areas of the mainland and figure out which natural area prevails in Africa.

natural area Climate The soil Vegetation Animal world
Hard-leaved evergreen forests and bushes Mediterranean brown Wild olive, Lebanese cedar, oak, strawberry, beech. Leopards, antelopes, zebras.
Tropical semi-deserts and deserts Tropical Desert, sandy and rocky Succulents, xerophytes, acacias. Scorpions, snakes, turtles, beetles.
Savannah subequatorial Ferrolitic red Herbs, cereals, palms, acacias. Buffaloes, giraffes, lions, cheetahs, antelopes, elephants, hippos, hyenas, jackals.
Variable-humid and humid forests Equatorial and subequatorial Ferrolitic brown-yellow Bananas, coffee, ficuses, palm trees. Termites, gorillas, chimpanzees, parrots, leopards.

What have we learned?

Today we talked about the natural areas of the hottest continent on Earth - Africa. So let's call them again:

  • subtropical evergreen hardwood forests and shrubs;
  • tropical deserts and semi-deserts;
  • savannas;
  • variable-humid forests;
  • moist evergreen equatorial forests.

Topic quiz

Report Evaluation

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The purpose of the lesson: to continue the formation of ideas about the nature of Africa, to introduce students to organic world equatorial forests, savannahs and deserts, to consolidate and deepen knowledge about the interaction of natural components and their influence on the formation of natural zones.

Soils Red-yellow ferralitic Soils Contain a lot of iron Organic matter decomposes completely and does not accumulate Abundance of moisture leads to continuous washing to a great depth of soils Waterlogging occurs Climate equatorial belt equatorial air masses– humid and hot t and C t i C precipitation mm Rains evenly throughout the year

subequatorial belt In summer, equatorial air masses dominate - humid and hot; in winter - tropical - dry and hot t and C t i C Precipitation mm Seasons are distinguished: rainy season - summer dry season - winter Soils Red-brown savannas Fertile Organic matter accumulates in the dry season Climate

Climate tropical belt Tropical air masses - dry and hot t and С t i С Precipitation less than 100 mm Tropical desert soils Little humus A lot of mineral salts. Due to the lack of rain, salts are not washed out of the soil. With artificial irrigation on such soils, good yields can be obtained.

The purpose of the lesson: to continue the formation of ideas about the nature of Africa, to introduce students to the organic world of equatorial forests, savannahs and deserts, to consolidate and deepen knowledge about the interaction of natural components and their influence on the formation of natural zones.

Soils Red-yellow ferralitic Soils Contain a lot of iron Organic matter decomposes to the end and does not accumulate Abundance of moisture leads to continuous washing to a great depth of soils Bogging occurs Climate Equatorial belt Equatorial air masses - humid and hot t and С t i С precipitation mm throughout the year

Subequatorial belt In summer, equatorial air masses dominate - humid and hot; in winter - tropical - dry and hot t and C t i C Precipitation mm Seasons are distinguished: rainy season - summer dry season - winter Soils Red-brown savannas Fertile Organic matter accumulates in the dry season Climate

Climate Tropical zone Tropical air masses - dry and hot t and C t i C Precipitation less than 100 mm Soils Tropical desert Little humus Lots of mineral salts. Due to the lack of rain, salts are not washed out of the soil. With artificial irrigation on such soils, good yields can be obtained.

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