Armed forces of Kyrgyzstan: assessment of combat capability. Army of Kyrgyzstan: structure and weapons Flight Park of the Kyrgyz Republic

Of all the armies of states formed as a result of the collapse Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan, according to experts, are the weakest. According to them, combat and moral-psychological training is not at the proper level. Also, the army of Kyrgyzstan is armed with obsolete military equipment. The illusion of security is created solely through membership in the CSTO. Information about the structure and armament of the army of Kyrgyzstan can be found in the article.

History of the formation of the armed forces

The army of Kyrgyzstan was created in May 1992. During the collapse of the USSR, several units of the Soviet army were stationed on the territory of the young republic. Following the instructions of the President of the State, they were taken under the jurisdiction of Kyrgyzstan.

In 1993, the transformation of the State Committee of the Republic into the Ministry of Defense took place.

Since 1999, the strength of the Kyrgyz army has been 20,000 servicemen. Of these, 11,000 are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense. 3,000 serve in the National Guard, and 6,800 in the border troops.

In 2006, at the direction of the commander-in-chief, the SVO were formed at the base. Purpose of forces air defense- cover military, strategic, state and military-industrial facilities on the territory of the republic. Since that time, service in the army of Kyrgyzstan has been reduced from 18 months to one year.

In 2013, President Almazbek Atambayev signed military doctrine KR.

2014 was the year of formation General Staff The Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan is the main command body, subordinate to which is the Ministry of Defense, the border service, the National Guard and the Internal Troops (VV).

About the structure of the Armed Forces

The army of Kyrgyzstan consists of the following formations:

  • General Staff of the Armed Forces. It is a single center from which all armed forces in the republic are controlled.
  • Ministry of Defense with ground forces and NWO.
  • State Border Service.
  • National Guard and units of explosives.

About the ground forces

Management is carried out by two regional commands: Northern and Southwestern. The first leads the following military formations:

  • Two machine-gun and artillery battalions stationed in the cities of Narakol and Naryn.
  • A separate communications battalion in the city of Bishkek.
  • 25th Special Forces Brigade "Scorpion".
  • Engineering battalion.
  • Separate tank regiment.
  • Parts responsible for providing and chemical protection.

Southwest is coordinating actions:

  • 68th Separate Mountain Rifle Brigade.
  • Machine-gun artillery and reconnaissance battalions.
  • Consolidated armored battalion in the Ala-Buka region.
  • Anti-aircraft artillery regiment and units chemical protection and provision.

About military equipment

In service with the ground forces are:

  • Soviet tanks T-52. The quantity varies between 100-150 units.
  • Soviet-made: BMP-1 (230 units) and BMP-2 (90 vehicles).
  • Combat armored reconnaissance vehicles BRDM-2. Quantity is 30 units.
  • Armored personnel carriers BTR-70 and BTR-80. The equipment of the first model is represented by 25 machines, the second - 10.
  • The function of anti-tank weapons is performed by the Malyutka ATGM. Kyrgyzstan has 26 complexes.
  • As jet systems salvo fire BM-21 Grad (15 units) and BM-27 Uragan (6 units) are used in the republic.

The Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan have the following artillery fire systems:

  • Self-propelled 120-millimeter installations 2S9 "Nona-S" (12 self-propelled guns).
  • Self-propelled 122 mm gun mounts 2S1 "Gvozdika" (18 units).
  • 72 towed gun-howitzers D-30 caliber 122 mm.
  • 122 mm M-30 1938 release (35 installations).
  • Towed D-1 caliber 152 mm, released in 1943. There are 16 guns in service.
  • 120 mm M-120 mortars (30 units).
  • Mortar complexes 2S12 "Sani", of which there are 6 pieces in the army of the republic.


In the army of Kyrgyzstan, the air defense forces are represented by:

  • The command of the NVO of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan in the city of Bishkek. Here is the location of the Central Command Post.
  • 5th Guards Separate Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade.
  • 11 brigade air defense. Place of deployment - the city of Osh.
  • 44 separate radio engineering battalion in the village of Grigorievka.

Bishkek became the location of the Frunze-1 air base.

Flight fleet of the Kyrgyz Republic

Kyrgyzstan has the following aviation units:

  • Soviet-made MiG-21 fighters in the amount of 21.
  • Two transport models An-26.
  • Four combat training L-39s.

Of the helicopters in the Air Force of the republic, transport-combat Mi-24s (2 vehicles) and multi-purpose Mi-8s, of which there are 8 units in Kyrgyzstan, are used.

Special Forces

Since 1994, the 525th company "Scorpio" began its activity. The fighters are armed with Pecheneg machine guns, Gyurza pistols, Kashtan submachine guns, Vintorez silent sniper rifles and special Val assault rifles. As headdresses for military personnel, green berets with a scorpion are depicted.

In 1999, a detachment was formed special purpose"Ilbirs". They enter the service on a contract basis. On the green berets of the fighters, the head of a leopard is depicted. The Panther Airborne Assault Unit, which became part of the National Guard, is serving 800 people. The reconnaissance company "Gyurza" is subordinate to the National Guard. To combat terrorism and organized crime in Kyrgyzstan, a special forces detachment "Shumkar" was created.

Its activities are under the supervision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Illicit trafficking narcotic substances across the border is suppressed by border troops and fighters of the special forces "Kyrgyi" and "Wolf".

Having declared its independence in 1991, Kyrgyzstan, as sovereign state and a full member of the world community, set about creating a national army.

The young state had no experience of creating military organization. The necessary defense infrastructure was missing. The rapid creation of the Armed Forces was hampered by socio-economic factors, as well as the lack of qualified and trained officers.

The first step towards the creation of the Armed Forces was the issuance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan dated January 13, 1992 on the formation State Committee of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan for Defense Affairs, which was headed by Major General Umetaliev Dzhanybek Asanbekovich.

And already on May 29, 1992, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan “On the taking (acceptance) under the jurisdiction of military formations, units and institutions of the former Soviet Union stationed on the territory of Kyrgyzstan”, the construction of the Armed Forces was laid as a fundamental basis national security states.

The adoption on May 5, 1993 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic determined the basic principles military policy state, the construction and development of its Armed Forces. The Constitution stipulates that the Kyrgyz Republic has no goals of expansion, aggression and territorial claims resolved by military force, rejects militarization public life, the subordination of the state, its activities to the tasks of waging war.

The armed forces are built in accordance with the principles of self-defense and defensive sufficiency; unconditional observance of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, accountability of military structures supreme authorities state power; compliance organizational structure, combat and strength to the tasks of ensuring military security and economic opportunities of the state; ensuring the national security of the state, the ability to adequately build up combat power with an increase military threat maintaining combat and mobilization readiness; compliance international law and use of the peaceful experience of military construction.

The main goal of military construction in the Kyrgyz Republic is the creation of small, compact and mobile Armed Forces, equipped with modern weapons, military equipment, provided with material means for conducting military operations in high mountains, capable of ensuring the protection of territorial integrity, the constitutional order, the sovereignty of the state and its citizens in a short time.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. He directs the Armed Forces, appoints and replaces the high command. central authority government controlled The armed forces are the Ministry of Defense. Its General Headquarters is the main body of operational control of the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The Ministry of Defense is responsible for the condition of all the Armed Forces of the country and their further development, ability to counteract in case military danger for the state.

Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic in peacetime and war time consist of bodies of political and military administrations, formations, units and institutions of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry emergencies, the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard, the State Security Committee, the Border Service, the State Security Service and the military justice bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Today May 12

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In 1998, on the basis of the 8th motorized rifle division, the 1st Koitash and 3rd Osh brigades were formed, which form the basis of the Kyrgyz army (the armed forces of Kyrgyzstan). The number of the Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan reaches 12 thousand. In 1998, three thousandth border troops were included in the structure of the Ministry of Defense.

At the end of 1999 - Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - about 3 thousand people, the National Guard - about 1.5 thousand, units and formations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense - about 2 thousand, parts of the Ministry of National Security - about 1 thousand ., the army (Ministry of Defense), at the time of its creation, numbering 20 thousand people, in 1999 consisted of 12.5 thousand people.

In October 2002, the border service was separated from the Ministry of Defense into an independent structure with the rank of a ministry. Previously, the strength of the Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan was about 13 thousand people.

The armed forces consist of formations, units and institutions of the Ministry of Defense, the border service, the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the national security service, the Ministry of Ecology and Emergency Situations, the National Guard, the State Security Service and the military justice authorities. Forces are created in the structure of the armed forces general purpose, rapid deployment, immediate response and protection of the state border (Border Service). The number of armed forces is about 11 thousand people. Formations and units are armed with T-72, T-62 tanks; combat vehicles infantry BMP-1, BMP-2; armored personnel carriers BTR-70, BTR-80; armored reconnaissance and patrol vehicles BRDM-2; base chassis of tanks; mobile maintenance and repair facilities such as MTO, TRM; anti-tank systems, guns, howitzers, self-propelled guns and MLRS; An-12, An-26, L-39 aircraft, Mi-8 helicopters of various modifications, medium and short range air defense systems, close combat. The duration of conscription service is 1.5 years. In 2004, 40 lieutenants, graduates of military schools in Russia, Germany and Turkey, joined the army. Officers for the armed forces of Kyrgyzstan are also trained by the Bishkek Higher military school, which in 2005 released 85 lieutenants. Military spending for 2004 is 3.1 percent of the country's budget. In 2006, Kyrgyzstan established the new kind armed forces - air defense forces (SVO).
The corresponding decree was signed by the President of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev. Deputy of the Bishkek City Council, Colonel was appointed the first commander of the NMD by order of the Minister of Defense of Kyrgyzstan missile troops, warrior-internationalist Oleg Popikov.
The list of duties of the new type of armed forces will include the protection and protection of state, strategic, military-industrial facilities and groupings of troops in Kyrgyzstan.

Total Military Manpower: Male 15 to 49: 1,203,001 (estimated).
Eligible for military service: males aged 15 to 49: 975,744 (estimated).
Number of persons annually reaching military age: men: 50,590 (estimated).

· Annual conscription - army up to 5,000 people, alternative service - about 15,000 people. Service life - 1 year - 2006

· Military budget - 30 million dollars. ( 2007 )

· This country has the smallest Armed Forces of all the republics Central Asia. This is only 15 thousand people, including the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (3600 people) and the National Guard (about 1500 people). The Kyrgyz army is divided into Northern and Southern groups of troops.
Northern grouping. A motorized rifle division, a separate motorized rifle brigade, an anti-aircraft missile regiment covering the capital and the base airfield of the air regiment, two separate machine gun and artillery battalions, one border detachment and a border commandant's office. In the zone of the Northern grouping are deployed air bases USA (Gansey) and Russia (Kant).
Southern group. Mountain rifle brigade, separate machine-gun and artillery battalion, four border detachments. The band of responsibility of the group is the Osh Valley. The grouping carried out the tasks of destroying illegal formations that invaded the territory
Batkenand Jalabad regions.



The number of dry forces, thousand people











274 (240 in service)


113 (90 in service)





200 (150 in service)




122 mm 2S1

152 mm 2S3

34 (30 in service)

120 mm howitzer-mortar 2S9

Towed AU



152 mm D-1

122 mm D-30

72 (70 in service)

122 mm M-30

100 mm BS-3 (M1944)




120 mm 2S12

120 mm M-120

107 mm M-107

82 mmM-37M



122 mm BM-21




100 mm T-12




73 mm SPG-9


air defenseStrela-2M, ZU-23-2, ZSU-23-4



57 mm S-60

23 mm ZSU-23-4


400 (250 in service)

IISS-2007-1 msd, 2 msbr, 1 zrbr, 1 zrap, 3 bt sn

Northern grouping of troops

Balykchy brigade, brigade stationed in the suburbs of Bishkek, separate battalions in Karakol and Naryn, other military units - 2004

Southern grouping of troops

The command and control system of the Southern Group of Forces includes the command and headquarters, as well as command post and auxiliary control posts in the Chon-Alai and Tashkumyr directions. Includes 2 MSBR

1 MSBR (mountain)


military unit 36806 - based on the 68 gsbr, existing since 1981 - 1400 personnel, 108 combat vehicles, 36 field artillery guns and mortars, includes (?) 5 gsbat


Koi-tash, Bishkek district

military unit 73809 (former 282 SMEs) - 282nd Guards SMEs since 1967 in Kyrgyzstan, where on 12/08/97 it became part of the 8th MSD (8 msd disbanded01/2003). Almost half of the brigade is located in the area of ​​the city of Balykchy. There is also a mountain The educational center"Edelweiss", where military personnel practice methods of warfare in the mountains. There is a training training center and in the Alatoo area. D-30, 2B-9, 2B-14

3 zenabre


military unit 36129, also known as 1 mountain artillery anti-aircraft brigade, Osh anti-aircraft artillery brigade, rocket technical base? - about 300 military personnel, 30 S-60 guns of 57 mm caliber, the same number of 100 mm anti-aircraft guns, 4 four-barreled anti-aircraft installations"Shilka"

25 Special Forces brigade


military unit 52806 - Scorpio-300 people - former. 525 ORSPN- Automatic machines "Abakan", sniper rifles- OSV-96, anti-sniper devices, Pecheneg machine guns, Gyurza pistols, Kashtan submachine guns



military unit 93546-


Karakol (Przhevalsk)

machine gun artillery battalion

separate battalion GSh


life support Central Office MO and GSh



The reduced 8th motorized rifle division in Issyk-Kul, the 1st mountain rifle brigade stationed in Osh, the 2nd separate motorized rifle brigade stationed near Bishkek, in Koi-Tash, as well as three machine gun and artillery battalions. It is armed with 220 tanks, 419 armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, 260 guns and mortars, 16 Grad multiple launch rocket systems.

Air Defense Forces (since 2006)



Generalized data

Number of Air Force, thousand people




Until now, the leadership of Kyrgyzstan has treated its armed forces with amazing indifference. For 20 years in the absence of the enemy, the army of Kyrgyzstan came to a state of collapse. Speaking to the deputies of the parliament of the republic, the Minister of Defense Taalaibek Omuraliev admitted that the army could not afford to purchase weapons. Funds are barely enough to buy uniforms and food for military personnel. Combat vehicles the Kyrgyz army - at best, the production of the eighties of the 20th century.

Kyrgyzstan formed its armed forces in 1992. Parts of the Central Asian Military District were located on the territory of the republic Soviet army, in particular, the 17th Army Corps, which included 2 motorized rifle divisions and one mountain rifle brigade.

The armed forces of Kyrgyzstan are divided into Southwestern and Northern groups of forces. They include ground forces, air defense forces and the air force. The Southwestern Group of Forces includes the Osh motorized rifle brigade, a tank battalion, artillery and reconnaissance battalions, as well as the 24th Ilbirs special forces brigade. The latter is the most combat-ready formation, armed best weapon and staffed by 100% contract servicemen.

The Northern Group of Forces consists of a motorized rifle division, a mountain rifle brigade, an anti-aircraft missile brigade, engineering, artillery and reconnaissance battalions. An analogue of "Ilbirs" in the north is the 25th special-purpose brigade "Scorpion".

Mainly in the Air Force transport aviation- several dozen obsolete An-12 and An-26 aircraft. Of the combat units - 9 transport-combat helicopters Mi-24.

Due to the difficult internal political situation, Kyrgyzstan pays special attention to the special forces. In addition to the aforementioned special forces brigades of the Ministry of Defense "Ilbirs" and "Scorpion", as part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard - the airborne assault unit "Panther" and special forces "SHER". Their task is to fight crime and anti-terrorist operations. The Presidential State Security Service (Arstan detachment), the Drug Control Agency (Kyrgyi special forces) and the Border Guard Service (Boru special forces) also have their own special forces. The “Boru” and “Arstan” detachments support border guards on the state border with Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, set up barriers at the passes, countering drug trafficking.

The number of armed forces of Kyrgyzstan is 15,000 people. Acquisition takes place mainly on a contract basis. Despite the presence of well-trained special forces, the army has not become a guarantor of the stability of the state - this was demonstrated by the ethnic clashes in 2010 in southern Kyrgyzstan in Osh. When the pogroms and killings of Uzbeks and Kyrgyz began, the country's armed forces were alerted, but due to low combat readiness, they could not fulfill the role of internal troops. Hundreds of people died as a result of interethnic clashes. Also irresponsible during the revolutionary events of 2010, the soldiers of the presidential special forces detachment “Artstan”, who left their post at the presidential residence in Bishkek, showed themselves irresponsibly.

However, hundreds of officers and sergeants of the Kyrgyz army have rich experience of participating in peacekeeping missions UN in various points the globe(Sierra Leone, East Timor, Liberia, Ethiopia, Kosovo, Sudan). The Ministry of Defense participates in the NATO Partnership for Peace program to combat drug trafficking and terrorism. Since 2001, the military of Kyrgyzstan has been participating in international exercises under the auspices of NATO "Joint Effort" and "Shield of Peace".

Türkiye contributes to the development of the republic's army. In 2011, the governments of Kyrgyzstan and Turkey signed an agreement on military and financial cooperation. According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan, in the period 2011-2014, the Turkish side provided material and technical assistance to the law enforcement agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic for a total of $12 million. Formations and units of the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic purchased Turkish samples of automotive equipment, communications equipment, logistics and engineering equipment, night vision devices and medical equipment. Since 1993 in educational institutions Turkey has trained more than 120 military specialists.

Relations with the United States in Kyrgyzstan for a long time considered as a priority. Cooperation was strengthened after the deployment of an international contingent of troops to Afghanistan in 2001. A transit air base was opened at the Kyrgyz airport Manas to deliver cargo and troops for the anti-terrorist coalition. After 2005, when a similar base was closed on the territory of Uzbekistan in Karshi-Khanabad, the Manas air base acquired strategic importance for the United States. The importance of the Manas base began to decline as US troops were withdrawn from Afghanistan. Not intending to pay an increased price for staying in Kyrgyzstan, the US gave in to Bishkek's demand to vacate this facility. By July 2014, the United States pledged to transfer Manas to Kyrgyzstan. The new Allied transit base will move to Romania.

Gradually, the leadership of Kyrgyzstan strengthened cooperation with Russia. Kyrgyzstan has been a member of the CSTO since 1992. The "Tulip Revolution" of 2005 and the Revolution of 2010 did not affect the development of cooperation with Moscow. The Russian air base "Kant" is located in Kyrgyzstan. The Air Base Agreement is now valid for 49 years with automatic renewals for 25 years. 500 Russian military personnel, Su-27 fighters, Su-25 attack aircraft, Il-76 transporters, Mi-8 helicopters and training aircraft L-39. the main task Russian aviation in Kyrgyzstan - support for the Collective Rapid Deployment Forces (CRRF) of the CSTO.

In light of the forthcoming withdrawal of ISAF troops from Afghanistan, Russia has seriously taken up the modernization of the armed forces of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Thus, Russia's influence in Central Asia and the threat of destabilization of the situation in the region is reduced. Moscow plans to gradually increase the number of aircraft at the Kant air base and create a reliable defense center capable of withstanding external challenges and threats to the security of Kyrgyzstan. At the end of 2013, supplies of Russian military equipment for the armed forces of Kyrgyzstan began. The Russian leadership seeks to minimize risks far from its borders, using the armed forces of the CSTO member states for stabilization. It is they who will have to counter the possible threat emanating from Afghanistan during active participation and support from Moscow.

On May 29, 1992, by the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic (KR), formations and units of the USSR Armed Forces stationed on the territory of the republic were taken under the jurisdiction of Kyrgyzstan. Not considering any state or coalition of states as its adversary, opposing the use of military force in order to achieve political and economic goals, Kyrgyzstan, however, recognized the need to prepare the country to defend against a possible armed attack.

The industrial enterprises of Kyrgyzstan, producing military products, were part of various components of the military-industrial complex of the USSR, depended on partners outside the republic and were not interconnected. They are not able to independently produce weapons and military equipment. In this regard, the technical equipment of the armed forces is completely dependent on other states.

Armed forces

Number of soldiers: 20,800 soldiers.

army budget: $240 million.

The armed forces (AF) of Kyrgyzstan include:

Ground troops;

Air Defense Forces;

State Border Service;

National Guard and Internal Troops.

Armament: According to the portal Global Firepower In 2016, the Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan had 150 tanks, 438 armored personnel carriers, 159 heavy equipment, 207 artillery systems, 21 military aircraft and 10 helicopters.

Combat experience - actively take part in hostilities and peacekeeping missions.

So, from January 1993 to 1998, a separate mountain rifle battalion of the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic, in connection with "measures to stabilize the situation on the section of the state border of Tajikistan with Afghanistan," guarded a 100-kilometer section of the Tajik-Afghan border. More than 4.5 thousand Kyrgyzstanis have served in this battalion for 5 years.

In 1999 militants of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) invaded southern Kyrgyzstan. The Batken campaign lasted for a year.

Currently, Kyrgyz military personnel are serving in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Sudan, East Timor, Ethiopia and Kosovo.

World ranking: In the ranking of the military-analytical portal Global Firepower for 2016, the army of Kyrgyzstan took 110th place out of 126 countries. A year earlier, Kyrgyzstan ranked 78th in the ranking.

On January 25, 2017, the President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev signed the Decree “On further measures to reform the command and control system of the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic”. According to the document, the Ground Forces were formed under the General Staff, and the National Guard became a structural unit of the General Staff (GSh).

The main goal of the reform is to create an operational, capable of responding to existing challenges, a well-equipped and well-fed army.

A.Atambayev said: "The government and the Jogorku Kenesh (parliament) should already provide for an increase in spending on the Armed Forces in the budget for 2018. Because, perhaps, we will no longer receive such significant assistance as before from our allies." Also he noted that within the framework of the military reform, it is necessary to continue work on equipping the troops modern views weapons and military equipment.

International military cooperation

Basis for cooperation between Russian Federation(RF) and the Kyrgyz Republic in the military field were laid down by the Treaty between the two countries of July 5, 1993. Over the past years, more than 40 agreements have been signed between Kyrgyzstan and Russia at the interstate, intergovernmental and interdepartmental levels in various areas of military cooperation. Kyrgyzstan and Russia agreed on the supply of military-technical assistance to the republic for a total amount of about 1 billion US dollars during the visit of the President of the Russian Federation to Bishkek in 2012. To date, the Russian side has donated armored vehicles, artillery systems with spare parts and ammunition for various types of small arms to the Kyrgyz Republic free of charge.

The President of Kyrgyzstan A. Atambaev said: “We will always be with Russia

strategic partners, but in the future Kyrgyzstan should rely and hope only on its armed forces, and not on the bases of Russia, America or another country. We must build our army."


There are 4 Russian military facilities on the territory of Kyrgyzstan:

CSTO Collective Rapid Deployment Forces Air Base;

Test naval base;

Communication node;

Autonomous seismic point.

In order to strengthen the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic, on June 24, 2015 in Astana, an Agreement was signed between the governments of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan on the provision of gratuitous military-technical assistance. According to the document, Kazakhstan donated to Kyrgyzstan 5 million cartridges for small arms, smoke grenades and bombs, as well as spare parts for the S-75M3 anti-aircraft missile system. On October 26, 2016, as part of the provision of military-technical assistance, an army caravan from Kazakhstan delivered weapons and ammunition to the Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan. In addition, in 1999, Kazakhstan sent military equipment, communications equipment and ammunition for artillery and aviation units to the Kyrgyz Republic free of charge to eliminate gangs of militants who had invaded Kyrgyzstan. In 2011, Kazakhstan sent armored vehicles and small arms to the Kyrgyz Republic.

Defense industrial complex

Independent Kyrgyzstan got one of the weakest defense industries in the post-Soviet space. production finished products in the Kyrgyz Republic, only the Dastan plant (the former Instrument-Making Plant named after the 50th anniversary of the Kyrgyz SSR) is engaged. This enterprise produces torpedoes and Shkval missiles; a test site on Lake Issyk-Kul is used to test finished products. Main Feature Torpedoes "Shkval" is the ability to operate at a depth of up to 700 meters and a speed of more than 100 knots (200 km / h). Elements for torpedo warheads of the Shkval type can be made in nuclear (up to 150 kilotons) and conventional equipment (210 kg of conventional explosive). The cost of one torpedo is about $1 million. Torpedoes are assembled from kits supplied from Russia.

In the 2000s, torpedoes accounted for 98% of the output at the Dastan plant. 70% of the torpedoes were delivered to India and 26% to the Russian Federation. For a number of reasons, the last batch of products was handed over to the Indian military in 2011. Also, enterprises producing various components remained in Kyrgyzstan: the Bishkek Machine-Building Plant, the Bishkek Stamping Plant, the Ainur plant for the production of high-frequency connectors, the Nur plant in the Jalal-Abad region, the Ulan enterprise and the corresponding test sites.

commission on military-economic cooperation (MKVEC) of the CSTO. The meeting considered hot topics military-economic cooperation of countries within the framework of the CSTO and discussed the possibility of resuming the military-industrial complex in Kyrgyzstan. As part of

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