Presentation "Brown Bear" in biology - project, report. All about bears Polar and brown bears presentation

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The presentation on the topic “About Bears” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: The world around us. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

Slide 1

about the Bears.

About the brown and polar bear!

Slide 2

What is the life expectancy and weight of a Brown Bear?

In nature they live for 20-30 years, in captivity they live for more than 50 years. The weight of an adult brown bear ranges from 80-600 kg and, despite intensive hunting, bears weighing up to 750 kg are still found. The largest bears are found in Alaska and Kamchatka - they weigh 300 kg or more, and there were giants weighing 600-700 kg. Most big bear, caught very successfully, named Kodiak for the Berlin Zoo, weighed 1134 kg. Average weight: males: 135-390 kg, females: 95-205 kg. In autumn, a bear's weight can increase by about 20%.

Slide 3

What is the behavior of the Brown Bear?

The brown bear is active more often at dusk, in the mornings and evenings, but on rainy days it wanders throughout the day. Daytime vigil is typical for bears in the mountains of Siberia. The seasonal cyclicality of life is clearly expressed. Bears are very sensitive; they navigate the terrain mainly with the help of hearing and smell; their eyesight is weak. Brown bears can smell rotting meat more than 2.5 km away. Although the bear's body weight is large and it seems clumsy, in fact it is a silent, fast and easy-to-move animal. The bear runs extremely fast - with the agility of a good racer - at a speed of over 55 km/h. He is a good swimmer, can swim 6 km or even more, and willingly swims, especially in hot weather. In his youth, a brown bear climbs trees well, but in old age he does this reluctantly, although it cannot be said that he completely loses this ability. However, it moves in deep snow with difficulty. When encountering a dangerous opponent, the bear emits a loud roar, stands on its hind legs and tries to knock down the enemy with blows of its front paws or grab him. In the winter, looking for a den, bears can go far from their summer area.

Slide 4

What is the height and length of a polar bear?

The polar bear can obviously be considered the largest living land predator: the body length (without tail) of adult males is usually 200-250 cm, rare bears reach 285 and, as an exception, 302 cm. Height. At the shoulders 130-140, occasionally 150 cm. The body length of adult females usually varies from 160 to 250 cm. The length of the tail (with terminal hair) is 20-22 cm.

Slide 5

What is the mass of a polar bear?

The weight of polar bears varies greatly depending on the degree of their fatness. In exceptional cases, a male can reach 800-1000 kg. The usual weight of adult males in Greenland is about 450 kg, only well-fed individuals weigh up to 500 kg, and well-fed females - 350-380 kg. In Canada, the weight of male polar bears 1 caught for tagging did not exceed 425 kg, and that of females did not exceed 216 kg. The males studied on Spitsbergen in August - September 1967 weighed 350-400 and only one 510 kg, females - 200-250 and 320 kg, respectively. In the autumn of 1968, males over the age of 5 years were studied there, they weighed 220-530 kg , including the mass of two of them, reaching 15 years or more, was 450 and 530 kg; the weight of females over 4 years of age varied from 180 to 350 kg, two females over 10 years old weighed 290 and 320 kg.

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Read the verse! Read the Verse!

One morning at the zoo there was a serious, even heated argument. Suddenly the neighbors started - Brown and White - two bears. - How, buddy, did you become white? What, are you dirty with chalk? - What are you brown? Are you all dirty with soil? You see, the bears are not amused, they are worried about the color of their fur. Who painted these bears, please answer different colour?

Elena Luneva
Presentation about brown bears

Brown Bears.

Brown bear , or ordinary bear- one of the largest terrestrial predators of the family bearish. They belong to the genus of mammals of the order Carnivora.

According to paleontological data, the genus bears appeared 5-6 million years ago. Its first representative is currently considered bear- a relatively small animal whose fossil remains were found in France. All four modern species of the genus, as well as a number of extinct ones (such as cave bear) come from Etruscan bear, who lived 2-1 million years ago.

The youngest species of the genus is white bear, which separated from the brown one bear approximately 200,000 years ago.

(Slide 2-3) Spreading.

Once Brown bear was common throughout Europe, including England, and in the east through Siberia and China it reached Japan. It probably came to North America about 40,000 years ago from Asia, through the Bering Isthmus, and spread widely in the western part of the continent from Alaska to northern Mexico.

Now brown bear disappeared, in other areas there are few. Quite common in Scandinavia and Finland. In Finland it is declared the national animal.

IN North America known as "grizzly"(formerly North American brown bear identified as a separate species); it is numerous in Alaska, western Canada, and there are limited populations in the northwestern United States. Black bears are smaller, how brown bears, but size and color are not their only differences. Note the lack of a shoulder hump and the arch of the back

Brown's range bear in Russia occupies almost all forest zone, with the exception of its southern regions. The northern border of the range coincides with the southern border of the tundra.

(Slide 4) General description.

Brown bear forms several subspecies (geographical races differing in size and color. The smallest individuals are found in Europe, the largest are in Alaska and Kamchatka - they weigh 500 kg or more; there were giants weighing 600-750 kg. The maximum recorded weight of a Kamchatka male the bear weighed 600 kg, average - 350-450 kg. There is information that in autumn period The weight of especially large Kamchatka individuals exceeds 700 kg. The biggest bear, caught on Kodiak Island for the Berlin Zoo, weighed 780 kg. European brown length usually 1 bear,2-2 meters with a height at the withers of about 1 meter and a weight of 300 to 400 kg; For comparisons: grizzlies are noticeably larger - some individuals, standing on their hind legs, reach a height of 2.8-3 meters; the Bears, living in middle lane Russia, weigh 400-600 kg. Adult males are on average 1.6 times larger than females.

Shape of the Brown bear typical for a member of the family bearish. His body is powerful, with high withers; The head is massive with small ears and eyes. The tail is short - 65-210 mm, barely standing out from the fur. Paws are strong with powerful, non-retractable claws 8-10 cm long, five-fingered, plantigrade. The coat is thick, evenly colored.

Brown color bear is very changeable, and not only in different parts range, but also within the same area. The color of the fur varies from light fawn to bluish and almost black. The most common is the brown form. In Rocky Mountain grizzlies, the hair on the back may be white at the ends, giving the appearance of a gray or grizzled coat. An entirely grayish-white color is found in brown bears in the Himalayas, and pale reddish brown - in Syria. U cubs There are light markings on the neck and chest that disappear with age.

Molt at brown bears occurs once a year - begins in spring and until autumn, but is often divided into spring and autumn. The spring season lasts a long time and is most intense during the rutting period. Autumn molting proceeds slowly and imperceptibly, ending with the period of lying in the den.

(Slide 5) Despite the awkward appearance, Brown bear runs exceptionally fast - at a speed of over 55 km/h, swims excellently and, in his youth, climbs trees well (as he gets older he does this more reluctantly).

Brown's claws the bear is very big, and on the animal’s front legs they are one and a half to two times longer than on the hind legs, and reach 8-10 centimeters

(Slide 6) Lifestyle and nutrition.

Brown bear - forest animal. Its usual habitats in Russia are continuous forested areas with windbreaks and burnt areas with dense growth of deciduous trees, shrubs and grasses; can enter both the tundra and alpine forests. In Europe it prefers mountain forests; in North America it is more common on open places- in the tundra, on alpine meadows and on the coast.

Holds on bear sometimes alone, female - with cubs of different ages . Males and females are territorial, with an individual area, and for males it is about 7 times larger than for females. The boundaries of the site are marked with scent marks and "bullies"- scratches on conspicuous trees. Sometimes makes seasonal migrations; so in the mountains Brown bear, starting in spring, feeds in the valleys, where the snow melts earlier, then goes to the chars (alpine meadows), then gradually descends into the forest belt, where berries and nuts ripen.

(Slide 7) Brown bear is omnivorous, 3/4 vegetable - berries, acorns, nuts, roots, tubers and stems of herbs. In years when there is no berry harvest, northern regions the Bears They visit oat crops, and in the south - corn crops.

(Slide 8) In summer, insects and their larvae sometimes make up up to 1/3 of the diet bear. Although predation is not an exemplary strategy brown bears, they also hunt ungulates - roe deer, deer.

In June-July, the foliage of young aspens takes a prominent place in the diet bear. To get to the top of the tree, he rises on his hind legs with his front legs, grabs the trunk, pulls it towards himself and often breaks it. Traces of feeding are especially noticeable bear in the raspberry field, where he crushes and breaks bushes, which creates wide corridors in the thickets.

(Slide 9) On Far East in autumn they feed in cedar forests. Its diet also includes insects (ants, butterflies, worms, lizards, frogs, rodents (mice, marmots, gophers, chipmunks) and fish.

In the Far East brown bears in some cases they can hunt Himalayan bears and tigers. Brown bear loves honey(hence the name, it eats carrion, and also, using its size advantage, takes prey from other predators - wolves, pumas and tigers.

(Slide 10) The seasonal food source is fish during spawning (anadromous salmonids, in early spring- rhizomes, from grizzly bears living in the surrounding area rocky mountains, in summer - butterflies that hide in the mountains among the stones from summer heat. When the fish are just starting to spawn, the Bears They eat the whole fish they catch, then they begin to eat only the fattest parts - the skin, head, caviar and milt.

(Slide 11-12) Reproduction.

Females bear offspring once every 2-4 years. Their estrus lasts from May to July, 10-30 days. At this time, the males, usually silent, begin to roar loudly, and fierce fights arise between them, sometimes ending in death; the winner may even eat the loser. The female mates with several males. Pregnancy female bears with a latent stage, the embryo does not begin to develop until November, when the female lies down in the den. In total, pregnancy lasts 6-8 months, and childbirth occurs from January to March. The father does not care for the offspring, cubs are raised by a female.

Sexual maturity in baribals occurs at 2-5 years. Males continue to grow until they are 10-12 years old. Life expectancy in nature is 10 years, in captivity - up to 30 years.

(Slide 13-14) Bear cubs.

It is in the den that small lumps are born, barely resembling adults - a lot of newborns cubs does not exceed 350 grams! By the time you wake up cubs, fed with mother's milk, grow hair and gain significant weight. Finally cubs separated from the mother at 3-4 years of age.

(Slide 15-16) Den. The place for winter sleep bear should be quiet and isolated from the presence of unexpected guests. As bedding bears use branches, moss and others "helpers" materials. The dimensions of the den do not exceed the dimensions bear. With the onset of winter, the den is covered with a continuous thick layer of snow, in which a small hole is formed for air intake. Sleep duration bear depends on the habitat and climatic conditions. Bears sleep in winter, thus reducing the body's need for energy. The Bears"sleeping" for several months in a row with one single goal - to survive.

(Slide 17) Connecting rod. Brown bears that wake up in the middle of winter are called connecting rods. Since in winter time plant food no, he will have to hunt.


4 in kind modern looking and several dozen subspecies, which were previously given species status by some authors (up to 78 types).

(Slide 18) Himalayan bear or white-breasted bear.

(Slide 19) Brown Kamchatka bear.

(Slide 20) White bear.

(Slide 21) Brown bear and Grizzly.

Brown bear

European Brown bear

Transcaucasian Brown bear

Apennine Brown bear

Tien Shan Brown bear

Tibetan Brown bear

Japanese Brown bear

Gobi Brown bear

Bermansky Brown bear

Atlas bear

Californian Brown bear

Mexican Brown bear

Ussuri white-breasted bear

Etruscan bear

Cave bear

Small Cave bear

PRESENTATION Completed by: Student of school No. 33, grade 1 Kalinichev Daniil Checked by: Class teacher Elena Vladimirovna Chunosova The brown bear is one of the largest animals in our region. Brown Bear weighs from 80 to 800 kilograms. The bear is capable of developing decent speed, has with a strong blow . Female bears are smaller than males. The brown bear has a large head, small round ears, and small eyes. The bear has claws on its paws. And the color of the bear is brown, hence its name - brown bear. The bear usually lives near rivers and in forests. Although bears are classified as predators, their diet includes, in addition to meat, roots, berries, acorns, nuts, fish, and honey. The bear sleeps all winter. To hibernate, the brown bear makes a den for itself, usually under fallen trees. Before hibernation, the bear becomes overgrown with fat. Once every two years, cubs are born. Usually there are two or three kids. The cubs will live with their mother for up to three years. The bear was the most revered animal among the Slavs. The bear has become a character in many fairy tales and legends among different peoples. One girl left home for the forest. She got lost in the forest and began to look for the way home, but didn’t find it, but came to a house in the forest. The door was open; She looked at the door, saw: there was no one in the house, and entered. Three bears lived in this house. One bear had a father, his name was Mikhailo Ivanovich. He was big and shaggy. The other was a bear. She was smaller, and her name was Nastasya Petrovna. The third was a little bear cub, and his name was Mishutka. The bears were not at home, they went for a walk in the forest. There were two rooms in the house: one was a dining room, the other was a bedroom. The girl entered the dining room and saw three cups of stew on the table. The first cup, a very large one, was Mikhaily Ivanychev’s. The second cup, smaller, was Nastasya Petrovnina’s; the third, blue cup, was Mishutkina. Next to each cup lay a spoon: large, medium and small. The girl took the largest spoon and sipped from the largest cup; then she took the middle spoon and sipped from the middle cup; then she took a small spoon and sipped from the blue cup; and Mishutka’s stew seemed to her the best. The girl wanted to sit down and saw three chairs at the table: one large - Mikhail Ivanovich's; the other smaller one is Nastasya Petrovnin, and the third, small, with a blue pillow is Mishutkin. She climbed onto a large chair and fell; then she sat down on the middle chair, it was awkward; then she sat down on a small chair and laughed - it was so good. She took the blue cup onto her lap and began to eat. She ate all the stew and began to rock on her chair. The chair broke and she fell to the floor. She stood up, picked up the chair and went to another room. There were three beds: one large - Mikhail Ivanychev's; the other middle one is Nastasya Petrovnina; the third little one is Mishenkina. The girl lay down in the big one; it was too spacious for her; I lay down in the middle - it was too high; She lay down in the small bed - the bed was just right for her, and she fell asleep. And the bears came home hungry and wanted to have dinner. A big bear He took the cup, looked and roared in a terrible voice: “WHO WAS THE BREAD IN MY CUP?” Nastasya Petrovna looked at her cup and growled not so loudly: “WHO WAS THE BREAD IN MY CUP?” And Mishutka saw his empty cup and squeaked in a thin voice: “WHO SLIPED IN MY CUP AND SLAUGHED IT ALL OUT?” Mikhail Ivanovich looked at his chair and growled in a terrible voice: “WHO SAT ON MY CHAIR AND MOVE IT OUT OF PLACE?” Nastasya Petrovna looked at her chair and growled not so loudly: “WHO SAT ON MY CHAIR AND MOVE IT OUT OF PLACE?” Mishutka looked at his broken chair and squeaked: “WHO SITTED ON MY CHAIR AND BROKE IT?” The bears came to another room. - WHO WENT INTO MY BED AND CRUSHED IT? - Mikhail Ivanovich roared in a terrible voice. - WHO WENT INTO MY BED AND CRUSHED IT? - Nastasya Petrovna growled not so loudly. And Mishenka set up a small bench, climbed into his crib and squealed in a thin voice: - WHO WENT IN MY BED? And suddenly he saw a girl and screamed as if he was being cut: “Here she is!” Hold it, hold it! Here she is! Ay - ya - yay! Hold it! He wanted to bite her. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bears and rushed to the window. It was open, she jumped out the window and ran away. And the bears did not catch up with her. - WHO WENT INTO MY BED AND CRUSHED IT? - Nastasya Petrovna growled not so loudly. And Mishenka set up a small bench, climbed into his crib and squealed in a thin voice: - WHO WENT IN MY BED? And suddenly he saw a girl and screamed as if he was being cut: “Here she is!” Hold it, hold it! Here she is! Ay - ya - yay! Hold it! He wanted to bite her. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bears and rushed to the window. It was open, she jumped out the window and ran away. And the bears did not catch up with her. I took the little bear cubs and sat them at the table: - Help yourself, little bear cubs, Eat good, sweet honey! And they sit and don’t eat a drop: Even though they love honey, But they can’t open their mouths. G. Boyko Mishka, bear, couch potato! He slept long and deeply, slept through the whole winter, and didn’t get to the Christmas tree, and didn’t ride on a sled, and didn’t throw snowballs, but the little teddy bear would still be snoring. Oh you little bear! V. Berestov Sloth Bear I took the bear cubs and planted them at the table: - Help yourself, little bear cubs, Eat good, sweet honey! And they sit and don’t eat a drop: Even though they love honey, But they can’t open their mouths. G. Boyko A bear in a dark den is sucking a furry paw. He sleeps, clubfooted, and does not hear the spring alarm. He doesn’t hear that the streams are rushing and ringing, That the spring guests - the rooks - have flown in and scream, - The bear doesn’t hear: he’s sleeping. It's time - time flies. The sun's rays are hot, hot, they reached the bear's den, they tickle the bear's nose, they laugh at the sleepy bear. The scarlet ray Prickly turned on its other side, tossed and turned for a long time, groaned for a long time, crunched with fragile brushwood - and woke up. He wanders through the forest - he doesn’t find winter, gloomy from sleep. May spring make you laugh, May the rooks laugh, May the streams ring, May the rays caress - The heavy bear roams cheerfully. Far from winter sleep - Spring makes the bear happy. Sweet tooth The bushes are cracking, breaking, And the noise is loud throughout the forest! The Bear is trying to get into the raspberry tree to get a berry. T. Gusarova - Teddy bear, bear! What happened to you? Why do you sleep in winter? - Because snow and ice are not raspberries and not honey! V. Orlov The clumsy bear cub is dearer than all the animals, And his shaggy dad is the King of forest animals. RECEPTION: And only two bears, And only two bears, And only two bears, Shine in the starry sky. In the summer he loves raspberries And in the winter he sleeps, Even in the summer he walks around in a fur coat He looks for honey. CHORUS: And only two bears, And only two bears, And only two bears, Glow in the starry sky. He goes to bed in the fall and gets up in the spring. A bear sleeps in his den under a large pine tree. CHORUS: And only two bears, And only two bears, And only two bears, Glow in the starry sky. There lived in a spruce forest behind a raging river a huge, greedy and lazy bear. His entire character was expressed in his desire to eat more without hassle. One morning, as always, at a leisurely pace, Toptygin went fishing. He came to the shore, looked at the place, sat down on a tree in the middle of the shallow water and began to beat the prey with a heavy paw: One, the second... Only the clubfoot looked at the third in the icy water, When the cat came and sat down not far away - He was just getting ready to go fishing too! The bear is looking, and this cat is coming in. He has already lashed the water with his paw - The scales are flashing. The bear sighed: “He’ll catch all the damned fish!” But he can’t do it himself, the kittens and all his other relatives will help, and they won’t leave me anything. I’ll go - I’d better refresh myself with raspberries...” In his hearts, the bear abandoned his fishing And, grumbling displeasedly at the cats, He wandered off, breaking bushes in the heat of the moment. Having calmed down a little on the way, Fable Bear Came to the raspberry field and saw: there were a lot of berries, There was aroma and silence all around - You can eat from dawn to dark! But as soon as Toptygin got down to business, a little bird flew in front of his nose: Grab the berry. Am! Grab another one. The bear thought after her: “Well, well! Where can I compete with such agility! I’ll go, it’s better to dig up some roots...” But he’d just started, and the mouse was right there. The bear is sad again: “Everything will be chewed up by people like her... there are countless of them here! Looks like it’s time to go to the village to hunt - I’ll sneak into the barn and drag the heifer away, Where to go, there’s melancholy in my belly...” I waited until nightfall to go to work, but I met a wolf. My thoughts began to spin: “He’s probably going to the village for a heifer, And where there’s one, there’s a whole flock!” And so I decided: “Well, this forest is lost! It’s time for me to go to another thicket, Maybe at least there won’t be anyone there.” Since then, they have often seen him, here and there - wandering, shabby, skinny, from forest to forest, from copse to grove, I still haven’t understood one thing - It’s not he who should be afraid, but him! This story will repeat itself with anyone who is afraid of competition, who is strong, but is not ready in spirit. Do not pay attention to the “cats”. O. Emelyanova. In the summer he walks without a road near the pines and birches, and in the winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost. (bear) He sleeps in a den in winter, He snores quietly, And when he wakes up, well, roar, What is his name - (bear) He is furry, he is big, He sleeps in a den in winter, In summer he chews berries, He takes wild honey from bees, He can roar menacingly Clubfoot beast - (bear)


"Beyskaya secondary general education boarding school"

Project passport

"Brown bear"

Completed by: student of grade 2B

Talko Daniil,

under the direction of

teachers primary classes:

Dubskoy N.A.

Academic disciplines : course on extracurricular activities“Learning to create projects”

Age of students for whom the project is designed: 8-10 years

Project type: informational , creative

Objective of the project:

To know Interesting Facts from the life of a bear.

Problematic issues:

Where does the bear live?

What does it eat?

Project objectives:


    Develop the ability to select the necessary material

    Develop communication skills

    Develop a coherent oral speech students

    Develop computer skills


    Expand students' knowledge about wild animals


    Foster a humane attitude towards animals.



    Study and analysis of literature.

    Searching for information on the Internet.

Project result (product): electronic presentation.

Project implementation stages

Stage I – organizational – preparatory:

    Communicating the goals and objectives of the project.

    Discussion of the name of the project.

    Distribution of tasks.

    Collection of material.

II - information stage


Intermediate product

Literature Study

Searching for information on the Internet

Materials for the project presentation

Registration of work

Group classes on the computer


III Presentation of results


Presentation of the project, with the invitation of primary school students and teachers

Creative report


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"1 hoist"

Project work: "Brown bear".

Objective of the project: Learn interesting facts from the life of a bear.

Problematic issues. Why was the bear called "bear"? Where does the bear live? What does it eat?

Why was the bear called "bear"? The first version says that the word "bear" is a distortion of more early name bears - "honey badger". That's what they called him so as not to mention his real name. The ancient Slavs had a belief that the beast hears its name being called, it can come and attack.

Second version: Witch - that means it's a bear knows - knows where forest honey is located - it is something like a bee shepherd. He destroys the hives, takes the honey first, so that the person does not get the honey. It follows that the bear loves honey very much!

Where does the bear live?

The usual habitats of brown bears in Russia are continuous forests with windbreaks and dense growth of trees and shrubs.

What does a bear eat? His diet includes: insects, worms, lizards, frogs; rodents - mice, marmots, gophers; plants - berries, acorns, nuts, roots, grass stems; animals - roe deer, deer.

Conclusion: While working on the project, I learned interesting facts. Firstly: that the name bear comes from the words know the honey Secondly: that the bear eats worms and frogs.

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