Rules for tourism in the forest. Rules of conduct on a hike. Collecting a first aid kit

Very often in the forest, on the shore of a lake or river, comfortable and good places for parking, they are simply covered with garbage after vacationers there. People come to relax, have fun, and then pack up and leave, leaving all the trash lying around. Seeing such places is very unpleasant and even shameful that people do this to nature. Therefore, I decided to tell you in this article what to do with garbage while being outdoors.

Before the hike

The problem of picking up trash after yourself while hiking is very acute. But in order to make it easier for yourself to solve this problem, you need to think about it before going out.

When packing your backpack, consider whether you should take food in plastic packaging and how you will dispose of it. And instead plastic bags, in which you wrap food, you can take paper bags, which can pass for kindling for your fire. It’s also worth considering purchasing reusable dishes and containers that you won’t have to dispose of, but can simply take home and save for your next trip. You can put the contents of canned food in the same container if you are not going on a long hike, this will solve the problem of disposing of cans.

Food waste

If you have cookies, bread and other flour products left, you can crumble them on a stump in the clearing; local birds will enjoy eating them. The rest of the leftover food that came out during cooking or what was not eaten must be collected together and excluded from this pile. plastic packaging and packages. Then we go to the nearest bush, carefully remove the turf, dig a small hole and place our food waste there. We dig in and place a piece of turf on top. You can also add water. As a result, everything will quickly rot and will be useful for this shrub.

Inorganic waste

If possible, we collect them in bags and take them with us. If it is not possible, we will dispose of it.

We can easily burn paper, cardboard packaging and candy and chocolate wrappers in a fire. All kinds of diapers and feminine pads can also be burned in a fire, but preferably in a separate, specially built one. The fire must burn well; this will not burn on coals.

Cans from cans are covered with an anti-corrosion layer, so first we burn them thoroughly in a fire, then crush them with a stone or the butt of an ax. After this you can bury it in the ground. They decompose fairly quickly.

It is better to leave your waste not just anywhere, but to choose one place, dig a hole and relieve yourself there. Before leaving, you simply dig a hole and that’s it. Tourists who come after you will not stumble upon your “mines” throughout the territory.

With glass it's a little more complicated. First of all, it is generally not advisable to take it with you, but if you do, it is better to take it with you to the nearest landfill. But some people advise recycling glass in this simple way. They take glass, throw it into the fire, it gets very hot, then they pull it out and pour water on it. After which it becomes very fragile and easily crumbles into the sand. To be honest, I haven’t used this method myself and I’m unlikely to. It’s easier for me not to take glass containers with me, and if I do, take them with me.

In addition to all this, do not hesitate to clean up after others. If you come to a beautiful and convenient place, but there is garbage there, collect it and dispose of it according to the tips above.

These are simple and easy to follow rules that will help save nature. Everything is quite simple and does not require any special skills. People, take care of nature, don't be pigs! That's all, have a good holiday!

Instead of an introduction. In July 2017, a 14-year-old girl got lost in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. I went on a short hike into the forest - I walked only 400 meters away from the house to pick berries... And I got lost because I absolutely did not know the area in which I lived. Well, anything can happen, especially with children and teenagers.

To prevent this from happening to you, and if it does happen, so that you are ready for the “adventures,” here are some simple tips.

What to take with you on a hike in the forest

If there is a place nearby where serious animals live - wolves, bears, wolverines - forget about going to the forest to pick mushrooms, berries and other forest nonsense. Buy it better from the market. But if you do end up there, then, in addition to your smartphone, take with you a serious one, not a fake one, knife. I mean, of course, not a cleaver with a saw like a paranoid person (although one like that is possible), but preferably with a fixed blade.

Also take a flashlight, matches or lighter. And those who live according to the precepts of the 18th century - take a flint. However, flint is also normal - the old school of tourism approves. Take at least a liter of water, and if you have it, a walkie-talkie. This is the minimum without which it is extremely life-threatening for unprepared people to go into the forest.


Don't dress like a brutal guerrilla warrior, where there is no camouflage only in the mouth and in the eyes. This will make you harder to find, believe me. If you can’t escape the seductive image of a true militarist, wear camouflage, but take with you a bright red or yellow cap, a bandana or just a scarf, which you can put on at any time, especially when you are left alone in the forest with your thoughts in the evening.


If you are a fan of ankle boots or similar shoes, then choose those that you have already personally tested. Otherwise, which is strange in itself, put them on and walk around for 5 minutes to identify areas of possible chafing. Then wrap the whole thing with an adhesive plaster in 2 layers, and if there is no plaster, then put herbs or plantain in it - that’s enough for the first time.

About navigation and orientation

On the way to picking mushrooms, break branches often. Mostly - medium, growing approximately at waist level. It’s not so stressful, and you leave marks for yourself and for those who will save you in case of trouble.

If a hike in the forest doesn't go according to plan and you're lost, but you have a smartphone, I recommend climbing the tallest tree if you can and try to get a signal. It’s even better with a walkie-talkie, because the higher the walkie-talkie, the further the connection. That is, if you climb to a height of 3-5-10 meters, you will be able to transmit on the frequency of your choice for 15-20-40 km. Only I’m not talking about soap dishes, but about Chinese so-called “professional walkie-talkies” from more or less well-known brands. In most cases, this works, especially if you know that you are not far from civilization.

If suddenly you are lost somewhere far from settlements- do not panic. You still have mushrooms, a knife and flint, as well as a “minimum supply of equipment.” Seriously, the most important thing is not to panic. Calmly make a fire, arrange an overnight stay if it’s late, and eat, or even better, drink. You won’t die from hunger, tea, but thirst really gets in the way. Because moving at night is dangerous for unprepared people, and in general, you need to rest at night.

Shelter and overnight stay in the forest

When setting up a place to stay overnight during a hike in the forest, some advise surrounding the camp with ash from a fire, as this may scare the animals. But the situation is that animals are curious and they may approach you because of interesting and tasty smells, even if you have performed this Voodoo ritual. I recommend throwing some spruce branches and, if possible, making the simplest shelter in the form of a hut. It takes about an hour, but it helps.

Further actions and movement in the forest

After spending the night, indicate the direction exactly where you went. For example, an arrow on a tree, scrawled with a knife at eye level. Or the same arrow on the ground made of branches, but only so that it can be seen by possible rescuers. And so that it cannot be confused with anything. If you have something to write on, briefly describe your condition. Or make a couple of words out of branches or stones in a clearly visible place. “Water”, “Food”, “Hand”, “Leg”. This will let rescuers know in which direction to look for you and that you need water, food or medical attention.

When walking through the forest, whistle, because whistling is much more efficient in terms of energy consumption. Screaming is much more effective and simpler, there is no risk of tearing the vocal cords, and besides, it can scare away or warn animals about your appearance. Also look for landmarks - an old road, pillars, something like that.

If you find a river, go down the bank or swim, especially in the summer - this will definitely lead to civilization. In autumn and spring, follow the river downstream.

Meeting with large predators

If suddenly you meet a predator like a bear on your way, then I will not advise you anything here. Because in my personal experience there was only the sparkling ass of a bear, frantically running away. I don’t know whether it was because of our loud screams, or whether he thought that we were walking after his soul. In short, we didn’t have time to get scared and understand what was what.

In theory, you can escape from a bear if there is a steep rocky slope next to you that you can climb, but he, due to his enormous weight, cannot. But the chances that the meeting will take place right next to such a slope are extremely small. So let's leave this question to other gurus.

The most important thing when going to the forest...

...this is water, without which you will not last even 2 days, because dehydration is a tough thing. The second important headache is psychological readiness to a hike in the forest and meeting its inhabitants. Especially at night and alone.

Of course, if you are a hipster with twenty years of experience or a bushcrafter / survivalist / paranoid / BP person, this does not apply to you. But you still need to prepare yourself for the fact that I won’t be looking for you right away. It may take more than a few days for people to move. And with this understanding, you need to set yourself a goal - to get out as quickly as possible and with minimal costs. And remember: all troubles are caused by panic and recklessness due to the adrenaline rushing into your head.

In conclusion…

The girl mentioned at the beginning Krasnoyarsk Territory would be found the next day. But when she was running along the discovered country road at night, she was frightened by a rustling sound and suddenly turned into the forest. And thus she did not reach the hunting hut about 500 meters.

After which 14 summer girl wandered around quite wild forest 6 days and 5 nights, in the rain and through swamps, without a KNIFE, MATCHES or WATER. And then she was discovered by police 15 kilometers from the place of the disappearance. This is about the topic of survival motivation. All this would not have happened if she had remained calm and reached the hut.

However, it’s always better to talk from the couch... I’m sure that many of us, having gone on a hike in the forest and finding ourselves in her place, would definitely shit our pants. So, friends, remember about psychological preparation. All the best!

Autumn is mushroom time, the time for hiking through the forests, drying mushrooms and “spinning.” In this article we will try to figure out how to make a trip to the dacha and a trip to the forest safe.

Beginning with early spring The way of life of many city dwellers is beginning to move closer to nature. Let's remember this time when the sun was just starting to warm up: walks and games with children on fresh air for many, they were systematically replaced by organizing country life, cleaning personal plot, garden cultivation and planting seedlings. By mid-June country life was already finally getting better, the beds were planted and were producing the first harvests of greens and radishes. More and more often, villagers were seen along suburban highways, diligently laying out their simple goods - fragrant wild strawberries and the first mushrooms. Just at this time, urban connoisseurs of the gifts of the forest also flocked en masse to the lands, where they were often in danger. In autumn, trips to the forest become more frequent: the desire for winter mushroom reserves is combined with the need to obtain natural antidepressants through communication with nature, because the autumn blues do not take long to arrive.

Dangers in the forest

The first trouble that any summer resident outside the city faces is ticks. Taiga tick (Ixodes persulcatus) and dog tick (Ixodes ricinus) – carriers mortal danger enemies of man. The habitat of the first of them is Siberian forests and forests Far East. The dog tick is a resident of predominantly the European part of Russia, Central and Northern Europe. The main way to protect yourself from ticks is to take a responsible approach to choosing clothing for the forest. Do not neglect the repellent.

Our pets also need protection - treatment with drops against ticks when leaving the city is mandatory for both dogs and cats. One of the most serious diseases, often leading to the death of an animal, is piroplasmosis.

Ticks are carried by birds and animals and can be found on trees and bushes. There are especially many of them in the grass. Owners of summer cottages located near forest plantations need to keep the area clean and regularly mow the grass.

How to prepare for a hike in the forest

Watch out for snakes!

In damp areas near swamps and streams you can often find vipers basking in the sun. However, if you notice a motley inhabitant of the forest, you should not approach it even for a very good photograph. You need to get around it as carefully as possible, without provoking or frightening. Aggressive poisonous snake warns a potential offender with a characteristic hissing and crackling sound. In this case, you should leave this area of ​​the forest as quickly as possible. Some don't conscious people trying to kill the snake. It is precisely such senseless actions that most often lead to severe injuries. Forest experts understand that adequate behavior and strong high boots or rubber boots can easily protect against an accidental bite.

What to do if you get lost in the forest

People lost in the forest do not dare admit to themselves that the most main danger comes from the forest guest himself. Poor awareness of correct behavior in nature, unfamiliarity with the area and lack of navigation skills most often lead to tragic consequences. When going for a walk in the forest, people often overestimate their strength and health. Rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, together with activists from volunteer organizations, spend days searching for such “lost victims.” Unfortunately, it is not always possible to save a person. Most often, pensioners and people with poor health find themselves in such situations. But vigilance and composure can save lives.
Before going out into nature, it is necessary to inform relatives or neighbors about your approximate route of movement and the expected time of return, so that in the event of an emergency, people can raise the alarm in time and guide rescuers. It is important to take a charged mobile phone, having prepared in advance a list of duty numbers of local intelligence agencies. Many modern phones come with a navigation system, which can be very useful. It is dangerous to take a mobile phone that requires charging into the forest; do not be lazy to charge it in time until the battery is full. For forest visitors middle zone Where it is not recommended to take water from open sources for drinking, be sure to have a bottle of clean still water with you. A small chocolate bar or a hematogen familiar to everyone from childhood will not burden your load, they will give you strength and help you cheer up at the first signs of fatigue. As well as a small knife and pocket lighter
The basic first aid kit consists of the obligatory painkillers, antihistamines, heart medications, as well as plaster, bandages and potassium permanganate, and then supplemented medicines, focusing on individual needs. If you take a couple of tablets of each drug and seal it tightly, such a travel first aid kit will take up very little space.

If you find yourself lost, it is important to remember a few simple rules:

  1. Stop the surging panic. Alas, no one is immune from such cases. But fear and panic can delay your stay in the forest belt for hours, or maybe even days. This condition makes it impossible for the mind to think rationally.
  2. Proceed carefully and slowly. Under no circumstances should you run in all directions at once. This will lead to more wandering and injury. Save your strength.
  3. Stand in one place and calmly think about everything. You need to decide whether they will look for you, where you were seen in last time. If you don’t know that your friends will go looking for you, it’s better to stay where you are, because... it will be closest to the area where you were seen. Signal "Oy" with your voice. If you have a mobile phone, turn it off first to save battery. Think about it. who you can call to find you. If there is no connection or you are sure that no one will look for you, call emergency service 112. Tell them that you are lost and provide approximate directions. Speak clearly and concisely, describe what you see around you.
  4. Take a break from dressing yourself warmer. Light a fire if it's cold. In general, fire is one of the most important means of salvation and a signal about your location.
  5. If you are sure that no one will look for you and you do not have a phone at your disposal, make a clear plan of action, trying not to change directions. Remember important rules orientation: trees are covered with moss on the north side; the south before noon can be found to the right of the sun, after noon - to the left. As you move, leave nicks and other marks.

If you follow these simple rules, you can avoid dangerous consequences forest walk. Mostly city dwellers who have turned away from the bustle of the city and are rediscovering wild world(and also for those who have thought about safety in advance!), pleasant fatigue awaits you after a forest hike, bringing with it a healthy, sound sleep.

Hiking helps improve health, develop endurance and gain new experiences. However, such a vacation is always fraught with dangers, be it an overnight hike or a one-day excursion through mountainous or wooded areas. There is always a chance of getting injured or unwillingly harming fellow travelers. To avoid this, you need to know the rules of behavior while hiking.

Dressing correctly

Clothing should be durable, loose and always appropriate for the weather and season. It is better to choose closed shoes with hard soles. Girls should forget about heels; with them there is a high risk of dislocating or breaking your leg.

A hat is always required when hiking. In hot weather it will protect against sunstroke, and in cool weather it will protect against wind. To avoid overheating, do not wrap yourself up too much. It's better to take a jacket with you and put it on when it really gets cold.

Don’t forget to take a change of clothes, rain protection and a sleeping kit if you’re camping overnight. It is better to put things not in a bag or bag, but in a backpack to free your hands.

Collecting a first aid kit

On a hike they say that every tourist should have a first aid kit. This is, of course, ideal. Anything can happen on a hike, and it’s best to be prepared for anything. If you are going to travel in a group, you can agree that one or more people will take the medications.

So, here's what should be in your travel first aid kit:

  • adhesive plasters;
  • bandages (including elastic);
  • cotton wool;
  • tourniquets;
  • brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia;
  • Activated carbon;
  • painkillers and antipyretics;
  • cold medicines;
  • allergy medications;
  • sunscreen and insect repellent (for hiking in warmer months);
  • individual medications (pressure medications, asthma inhalers, etc.).

Finding out the prohibitions for the area

Before you go on an active holiday, it would be a good idea to find out the rules of behavior during hiking for a specific area. This is especially true for areas where you are traveling for the first time. If you are lazy, then a pleasant pastime can be overshadowed by a fine or even arrest.

Perhaps it is prohibited to make a fire, hunt, fish or pick mushrooms in the intended vacation spot. Check all these nuances with specialized organizations.

We do not deviate from the planned route

Before you go on a trip, be sure to tell your loved ones where you will be vacationing. They should know where to look for you if something happens. For this reason, do not change your route or report your new location by mobile phone.

Follow the paths. This way there is less chance of getting lost, disturbing wild animals and breaking plants. If tourists follow the rules of conduct while hiking, then they take care of the preservation of flora and fauna.

We comply with the tourist system

Wherever you go, it is safest to travel in an organized convoy. This way you will spend less effort and save time, even over a long distance.

How to walk in formation correctly? You need to gather in a column one at a time at a distance from each other and move at the same pace. You can’t get out of line, much less overtake someone in front.

Rules of behavior for different types of terrain

When moving through the forest, you need to watch your step so as not to trip over tree roots. When passing through bushes, it is important to pass branches from hand to hand. Many simply let go of the twigs, and the person walking behind has to dodge so as not to be left without an eye. This kind of behavior is unacceptable when you are walking in a group. In dense undergrowth it is impossible to hold all the branches. Therefore, hikers need to increase their distance to four meters so as not to injure each other.

If a thunderstorm catches you in the forest, under no circumstances stand under tall trees(especially for free-standing ones). Take cover in a low-growing area or sit in a hole. Also, in rainy weather, you should not step on tree roots and stones, as they become very slippery.

Rocky terrain has its own rules of behavior for tourists on a hike. Such areas are dangerous because they are constantly subject to shedding and rolling of boulders. Therefore, hikers need to pay close attention to trails and slopes, and remember that any rock can move. If you notice such a boulder, then report it through the chain to all group members.

Meeting with animals

If you see large wild animals (wolf, fox, bear, roe deer, etc.), then do not approach them. Reducing the distance is usually perceived as a sign of aggression, which means that the animal will begin to defend itself and attack. It would be correct to go in the opposite direction, but not by running, but with calm steps.

During your trip you may encounter snakes, some of which may be poisonous. What rules of behavior on a hiking trip should be observed in such situations? Never touch a snake and it will crawl past. Just freeze and don't make sudden movements.

The really dangerous snake is the one you didn't notice. Look at your feet and where you are going to sit. If it's a fallen tree or stump, knock on it first. Try to avoid places favored by snakes: abandoned buildings, dead wood, swamps, ledges on rocks. If bitten, go to the hospital immediately.

Insects can be dangerous too

The most common carriers infectious diseases on a hike - these are ticks. It is very important to remove them from the body in a timely manner. So check each other out from time to time. Don't forget about the right clothes, as well as ointments and sprays against ticks.

Bees and hornets can also cause trouble in nature. If you have an allergic reaction to them or are bitten more than three times, go to the hospital immediately. To avoid such an outcome, follow the basic rules of behavior while hiking: dress properly, do not wave your hands near stinging insects and do not disturb their hives.

Protect the environment

Usually, when tourists set up tents, the first thing they do is level the surface and cut pine needles for lining to retain heat and make the “floor” soft. But at this rate there will be only bald trees in the forests. Use already fallen branches or purchase specialized camping mats.

Take care of trees, do not drive nails into them to hang something. The rope can always be tied and untied. Use only dead trees for firewood. They can be easily identified by the absence of green leaves. Moreover, as you know, they burn poorly.

Try not to use household chemicals for dish washing. Natural remedies are perfect for this purpose: sand and ash. If you really can’t live without the usual chemicals, use them as far as possible from bodies of water and sources of drinking water.

Bonfires on a hike

Don't light a fire under trees. It is enough to set fire to one branch, and it will start which you will not be able to put out. If there are old fire pits, use them rather than create new ones.

If you take children with you, give them instructions and tell them about the rules of conduct on a hike. For children, a fire is something attractive. They often climb into it, not realizing that they could get hurt.

When you get ready to go home, check the fire pits. There is no need to scatter or trample the coals, just fill them with water.

Clean up the trash

To be able to relax in nature, you need to take care of it. The simplest thing is not to leave trash behind. Therefore, we take a large bag with us, collect all the waste in it and take it to the nearest garbage dump. Of course, you can burn some of the trash, but don't try this with plastic. Show some culture and take with you the waste left by careless tourists.

Leftover food can be left under a tree, and the cereal can be poured into the water. Grateful birds and animals will definitely find them and eat them when you leave.

Take care of other travelers

There are unspoken rules of conduct while hiking that conscientious people follow. Clear glass and other debris from ponds, river banks, clearings and other places along the way. If possible, repair damaged objects: benches, steps, washbasins.

If you notice damaged signs, write down their exact location and inform the appropriate authorities: local authorities, control organizations, forestry services, etc.

Children can go on a hike not only with their parents. School camps and country boarding houses also offer children to go on excursion walks or go into the forest for the night. And here everyone is forced to obey their leader and fulfill his demands.

Rules of conduct on a hike for schoolchildren

Of course, each organized group will have its own rules, but there is a basic list of rules that children should follow in any situation:

  • do not go anywhere without the knowledge of the manager;
  • inform the elder about the noticed danger;
  • do not eat unfamiliar berries, mushrooms and plants;
  • do not drink water from rivers, lakes and wells;
  • do not enter bodies of water without the permission of a senior;
  • Do not light a fire yourself;
  • Report to your manager if you feel unwell.

In order not to spoil your outdoor recreation, take care of your safety. Knowing the basic rules will help preserve health, and sometimes even life.

With the onset of warm weather everything more families get out of stuffy city apartments into nature - into the forest. Vacationers plan a route, stock up on food for a picnic, and only a few think about safety. But such carelessness can lead to disaster. the site figured out how to navigate the thicket, where to light a fire, and what to do if you or your child gets lost.

What those who go into the forest need to know

The forest is beautiful and dangerous at the same time. Admiring the mighty pine trees, picking mushrooms or following a bird, you risk going deeper into the thicket and losing your way. Remember emergency It’s easier to prevent than to look for a way out later. Therefore, before going into the forest, do not forget about important things that can save your life.

1. In summer, wear bright colors (green and brown shades- undesirable), you will be seen in it from afar, the risk of blending into the surrounding landscape is minimal.

2. Place brightly colored scraps, twine, or colorful stickers in your backpack. With their help, you can mark trees and bushes in case you lose your route and are looking for a path.

3. Stock up drinking water and medications.

4. Take a charged mobile phone with you.

5. Place a box of matches and a compass in your jacket pocket.

6. Don't forget to carry a minimum set of food in case you get lost. Give preference to chocolate or cereal bars, sandwiches, and sliced ​​cheese.

7. An adult's backpack should contain a folding knife and several firecrackers (with their help you can signal for help and scare away wild animals).

8. Tell family and friends exactly where you are going and how long you plan to stay there.

If you decide to change your hiking location, inform your family by phone before entering the forest. So that if you go missing, they know where, approximately, to look for you.

How to prepare your child for a trip to the forest:

1. Tell your child about what awaits him in the forest. Find photos of wild animals on the Internet, forest plants, edible berries and mushrooms. Teach your child to navigate forest flora and fauna.

2. Watch educational or adventure films about forest nature with your child. Read books in which the characters go for a walk in the forest or study nature.

3. In a playful way, discuss with your child what to do if he accidentally gets lost in the forest.

4. Teach your child to make a fire and build a simple hut from branches.

5. Explain to your child that you will not scold him if he suddenly gets lost. Many lost children do not respond to the calls of their parents and rescuers for fear of punishment. They can sit for hours in a secluded place without attracting attention.

6. Before going into the forest, prepare clothes with reflective elements for your child. The luminous stripes are clearly visible in the dark, and you can use them to determine where your baby is.

An adult who gets lost in the forest in the summer can live in isolation for several months. Before the lost person is found by rescuers, he needs to be supported vitality: eat, drink water, protect yourself from hypothermia, dampness, and also from attacks by wild animals.

Those who get lost can either stay put and wait for help, or try to get out of the forest on their own. The first option is suitable for those who are sure that they will be looking for it. If you didn’t tell anyone that you were going into the forest, then the news of your disappearance will not spread soon, so don’t waste time and try to get out of the thicket.

Guide to action:

1. Try to find a stream or river and move along it. There is a high probability that you will meet fishermen or tourists on the shore.

2. Make notches in the trees if you don't want to repeatedly return to the same place.

3. Look for the path, it will lead you to the main road.

4. Be guided by sounds. The engine of a running tractor can be heard at a distance of 3-4 kilometers, the barking of a dog can be heard at a distance of 2-3 kilometers.

5. Do not drink untreated water from a river or lake. Before use, it must be passed through a cloth and then boiled. You can drink rainwater. To collect it you need to dig a hole and lay out its bottom large leaves- this way the water will not be absorbed into the ground

6. Do not eat berries and mushrooms unknown to you to avoid poisoning

7. The fire should be lit away from highly flammable coniferous trees and dry bushes. Good fuel for a fire is dry branches, grass, peat, fir cones, dried moss

8. If you are stuck in a swamp, do not fuss or make unnecessary movements. Tilt your body forward, taking a horizontal position as much as possible, and reach for the shore reeds or grass. Clinging to them, carefully get out of the quagmire onto a solid surface

9. If your child or adult family member is lost in the forest, do not try to find him on your own, it is better to immediately call rescuers by calling 112 or 01

10. Serve occasionally. sound signals, by which rescuers can find you. You can “holler” loudly, sing or knock on tree trunks with a stick

11. If you can see power lines in the distance, Railway or gas pipeline, try to get to them. There may be settlements nearby

12. For those who did not take a compass with them, natural landmarks will help. Remember that bird's nests and anthills are located with south side; the bark of birches is darker and has more cracks - on the north side; on the bark of coniferous trees, resin accumulates mainly on the south side; caravans of birds fly from south to north in spring, and from north to south in autumn.

13. If you meet a bear in the forest, do not try to run away from it - the hunter's instinct will awaken in the animal. You can jump on the spot, make noise, wave your arms - this will scare the animal.

Into the forest for hares

In January 2015, Amur border guards rescued three boys who had gone into the forest to look at hares. Parents raised the alarm when their offspring did not return home in the evening. The missing were found by following tracks that led from the road to the Amur River. Four kilometers from the river, border guards noticed fire from a fire.

Later, the children said that they decided to use the fire to warm up and signal for help.

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