Crete Heraklion water temperature by month. When is the best time to go on vacation to Crete: weather and temperature by month and season. Climate summary

The best time to vacation in Crete depends on the purpose for which you are coming here. If you have chosen the island of Crete purely for a beach holiday, this is one thing; if you want to combine it with an excursion or party holiday, this is a little different.

The island of Crete has a pleasant, mild subtropical climate with humidity within 50%, which allows you to tolerate summer heat without any problems. At least 300 days a year in Crete are sunny, and beach season begins in May and ends only in November. A unique combination of mild climate, sunlight, mountain air and the sea breeze makes a holiday here a real gift for those tired of the climate central Russia the body of a Russian tourist. A best time Holidays in Crete from the point of view of the combination of weather and sea temperature are considered to be the very end of spring and the beginning of summer, as well as the first two months of autumn.

Late May-early June

The end of May and the beginning of June are good because the air temperature already reaches +20 degrees and above, but summer has not yet gained momentum and is not too hot yet. However, there is also a negative point - the water in the sea may not be too warm yet, although as a rule it already reaches +21..+23 degrees.

September October

Many rightfully consider September and October the best months for a holiday in Crete there are several advantages. Firstly, it’s not as hot as in summer, although at the beginning of September it can still be really hot summer weather. Secondly, the water, warmed up over the summer, allows you to literally not get out of the sea.

Thirdly, the outflow of tourists gradually begins, and the island, which is already not too crowded with vacationers, is immersed in an atmosphere of serenity and tranquility. Fourthly, in autumn in Crete the season for collecting fruits and vegetables begins, which will certainly end up on your table!

Fifthly, the first half of autumn is best suited for excursions and trips around the island in order to get acquainted with the nature and culture of the region. And last but not least, the cost of travel packages, although a little, is gradually starting to fall. True, there are a couple of negative points - in the fall the weather becomes more capricious and good days may alternate with cloudy or windy ones, and air travel is becoming less and less frequent, which is especially inconvenient when traveling independently.

In addition, autumn in Crete may not be suitable for those who are looking for a fun, carefree life with trips to discos and nightclubs. For such tourists, the best time will be from June-July to the end of August-beginning of September.

Now you know when is the best time to go on vacation to Crete! However, if for some reason you are going to the island at another time and have doubts, doubts aside, due to the mild climate and unique charm Island holidays in Crete are wonderful at almost any time!

Crete is a unique Mediterranean pearl. The island allows its guests to enjoy the traditional Greek subtropics combined with North African influences. The weather on Crete, the diversity, softness and comfort of the climatic zones on the island are the result of an extremely successful and extremely southern geographical location.

From time immemorial, the Mediterranean has been famous for its mild climate and ideal weather conditions - everything here is conducive to relaxation.

And Crete in this regard is an excellent example of an ideal combination of two climatic zones.

For millennia, the humid subtropics and North African heat have nurtured hedonism in the Greeks, which is instantly transmitted to anyone who sets foot on the coast.

The southernmost of all the large Greek islands, Crete pleases us, who love comfort and magical beauty, with mild winters and hot summers.

The diversity of relief and landscape on the island creates particularly dynamic weather conditions.

The weather can vary significantly even within a 30 kilometer zone. For example, a mountain range running from east to west protects the southern part of the island from the “cold northern winds.” Although, in summer period There is hardly any time to freeze in Crete.

Two climate zones – two different holidays

The island allows its guests to choose: mild subtropics or hotter and drier - a matter of several kilometers between the coasts.

Southern and northern Crete differ not only in weather, but also in the density of tourists in square meter beach By the way, if you prefer a clear, cloudless sky and a light breeze, then in the northeast of the island the combination of these conditions is the most optimal.

The northern coast is humid, cooler, and there are more clouds and precipitation there. But at the same time, the water temperature is slightly higher.

The North African climate is hot, windy and dry. This is exactly how one can characterize the southern and east coast Krita. It is better to sunbathe and swim in the south in bays protected from the Sahara winds.

Despite the fact that the air in the south is warmer, the water is a couple of degrees cooler than at the opposite end of the island.

The most deserted beaches, a great place for solitude and escape from civilization, are also located in the southern part of the island.

Landscape elements: their unique dynamism

The weather in Crete differs significantly depending on the area: in the mountains the climate is harsh, winters are snowy.

After winter snowfalls, snow caps can still be observed on the mountain tops until mid-June.

IN summer time in the mountains it is cooler than on the coast, and temperature changes are more pronounced during the day. Near the sea the weather is milder and smoother.

Weather on the island of Crete by month

The weather in Crete varies dynamically and dramatically with the changing seasons. Even during the official off-season winter months, the island remains very attractive to tourists.

And not only the sights. On the south coast, even on January days you can find warm, dry, sunny weather. This is a great option to defuse the atmosphere of cold, gray Nordic everyday life.

It gets really hot on the island in summer. Despite the water bodies surrounding the island, in the hottest summer months The thermometer can rise above 40C - but only on the south coast.

Every month in Crete is special

  • January: cold, rainy, cloudy and cloudy. The January weather is characterized by inconstancy, and occasionally it pleases those present with sunny days. average temperature air temperature is 12.5C, but there is a possibility of +18C;

  • February not significantly different from January: winter in Crete offers good weather only in the south of the island. A little warmer – 13.2C, a little sunnier and days with weather suitable for walking occur more often;

  • March: cold, windy in the north, keeping the temperature +13.6C. But there is already noticeably more sun. And in the south of Crete the temperature sometimes rises to +26 and sunny days fall almost as often as rainy ones;

  • April– the height of spring in Crete. Everything is blooming and pleasing to the eye with a variety of colors, the temperature rises to 15-20C, and it rains less and less often (6 days per month);

  • May in Crete is ideal for those who prefer an active holiday, do not like intense heat and are ready to swim at a water temperature of +19. The air warms up to 20-25C and only 4 days can it rain;

  • June– hot, sunny, beachy. The temperature rises to 28C, and in the south to 32C;

  • July, as well as August very hot, dry and windy months in all parts of the island. The time when the sea breeze dominates in Crete. The temperature rises to 30-40C, and only the mountains or the sea will help you escape the heat;

  • September– a time of velvety relaxation in Crete, when the water temperature is still high, the sea breeze has already been replaced by a light breeze, and the air warms up to 25-27C;

  • October– it’s still warm, dry, sunny, but the air is already noticeably cooler, especially at night. +22C, several rainy days, periodically overcast skies and a storm in the first half of the day are quite typical for Crete;

  • november– the weather becomes changeable. Sunny days alternate with rainy ones, it blows cold wind, the air warms up to 15-17C;

  • December– a month of unpredictable weather in Crete: sunny days alternate with rainy ones, cold winds with warm ones, during the day the air temperature rarely rises above 15C.


  • Spring.

    The tourist season in Crete begins in relatively rainy April, but April and May are months for an amateur who is not afraid to sometimes get caught in the rain. At the beginning of the season, Crete pleases the eye with an indescribable number of flowering wild and ornamental plants. There is no summer heat yet, and The winds had cleared up, and the sea temperature was already quite suitable for swimming. The ideal time for a spring holiday in Crete is May.

  • Summer.

    Hot, windy - the height of swimming and relaxation. In summer it is good to travel around the island, but sometimes the lack of clouds in the sunny sky can only be compensated by artificial shade. In July and August the hottest and windiest weather is.

  • Autumn.

    The beginning of autumn, until mid-late October is the Velvet season in Crete. The winds subside, the sea is still very warm, and the summer heat has disappeared. But by November swimming season the island is coming to an end and the famous rainy weather begins, when it seems as if the rain will never end, but will endlessly fall from the sky, knock on the roofs and drip down the collar.

  • Winter.

    This time of year in Crete is windy, wet, rainy and cool, with constantly changing weather. But even in the harshest winter month– January – there are very, very pleasant sunny days. There is even a week of Halcyon – “quiet days” – when the winds calm down, the rains stop and you can observe the sunny sky for several days in a row and enjoy the warm, humid air.

The weather and dress code depend on whether you are in the south or north of the island. In the south and in January you can periodically walk along the embankment wearing only shorts and a light T-shirt.

Water temperature

From January to December, the water temperature in Crete remains at or above 17C– from January to March.

In April and December the temperature is slightly higher - +18C. During these months, visitors to the island go swimming if it is a sunny day.

May and November delight with the sea +20С, and if it’s already rainy and windy in November strong wind, then in May you can safely swim.

But the inhabitants of the island open the swimming season no earlier than June, when the water temperature in the sea rises to 22-24 C– in October, at similar sea temperatures, heat-loving Cretans prefer to relax on the shore.

July and August are the warmest months, the sea warms up up to 24-26 and 26-27C respectively. And it maintains this temperature until velvet September.

When is the best time to go to Crete?

It's hard to name the most optimal time for a holiday in Crete.

Generally recognized tourist season starts in April and ends in October. But even winter in Crete has its own pleasant characteristics.

From April to October the weather on the island is stable, Atmosphere pressure fluctuates minimally over the months. Hot, dry and sunny.

For lovers of outdoor activities, late spring is best and early autumn– when the water is well warmed up for swimming, and the daytime heat does not interfere with physical activity and prolonged exposure to the sun.

The summer period is the most popular - June, July and August - months ideal for beach holidays and night parties. It’s warm to swim at any time of the day and you don’t have to worry too much about warm clothes on the road.

The velvet season in September and October is ideal not only for active tourism, but also for family holidays with children.

The identical temperatures of air and sea, the absence of heat and scorching sun during the day more than compensate for the coolness of the evening and night. When going to Crete in the fall, take warm clothes with you.

Despite all the changeability, windiness and rain winter weather, Crete is in demand for tourists even in autumn-winter period. Especially residents of the northern regions.

Captivating November and December with on sunny days and relatively warm sea. Even if at this time of year in the morning it's raining– by lunchtime, the sun will most likely be shining.

And even in the cold, rainy January It’s still worth trying to guess that sunny and warm week of calm to take a walk around the island. Admire the stormy winter sea, and maybe plunge into its cool, restless waves.

The weather in Crete changes not only from month to month, but also from year to year. Each month has its own temperature ranges and the most expected weather.


Crete is such an interesting and attractive island that tourists visit it all year round, despite the season. There are some here unique places, which are even better to visit in winter, since in the summer heat these excursions are quite difficult to endure. For example, the Samaria Gorge or the same Knossos Palace and similar open-air museums.

If we talk specifically about the summer season, then its beginning, of course, depends a little on weather conditions, but as a rule, the first beach lovers begin to come to Crete in the second half of April, although in my opinion it is still quite cool, and the sea temperature is only eighteen degrees. Perhaps on Elafonisi beach, with its pink sands and shallow sea depth, the water can warm up a little more. But in addition to the comfortable visit to various excursions during this period, there is another plus, it’s more low price vouchers and prices for accommodation during an independent trip to Crete. This is due to the availability of free places and a relatively small number of tourists. For both supporters of quiet and passive recreation, and lovers of ecotourism, the end of April and May will be the best option visiting the island.

June is already a fairly warm month and in terms of beach holidays it is becoming full-fledged. Air and water temperatures rise higher every day and in the second half of the month the sea is already warmed up to +24 degrees, and daytime temperatures often reach +30. As for vacation prices, they are not yet the highest, especially when early booking or the availability of last-minute tours, you can purchase a ticket to Crete at a very attractive price. This is a good month for a holiday with children school age, although the sea temperature has not yet warmed up to its summer maximum, the absence of excessive heat and intensely scorching sun reduces the risk of heat stroke, which often occurs in July and August.

The most crowded and visited months in Crete are July and August. This is the time of maximum temperatures as sea ​​water, and air. However, due to its geographical location, these months on the island are the windiest, which attracts the attention of surfers and kite surfers, who Lately is gaining momentum and there are more and more adherents of this sport every year. By August, the sea temperature rises to +27, and the air often exceeds +35 and sometimes even +40 degrees. A large number of Those wishing to visit Crete during these months are affected by the prices of accommodation and travel packages, which are at their seasonal peak. Tourists planning independent travel in July and especially in August, you should take care of booking your accommodation in advance, as finding good options pretty hard. When going on excursions, do not forget about the reserve drinking water and the presence of a headdress. This hot weather lasts until about mid-September, after which the most comfortable, in my opinion, period for relaxation begins. The winds practically stop and the temperature becomes more stable and even. There is no stuffiness during the day and the evenings are pleasantly warm. This is the most favorable period for traveling with small children and preschoolers.
Firstly, the water temperature in the sea stays around +25+26 degrees, on the beaches and in hotels it becomes calmer due to the lack of young people who have started classes in educational institutions, and prices for accommodation in the second half of September begin to gradually drop. The choice of housing is becoming much larger. This favorable period lasts until mid-October.

Officially, the summer season in Crete ends at the end of October, although in favorable conditions weather conditions, tourists continue to relax until mid-November, but in the evenings it becomes quite cool, and the water in the sea drops by this time to +20 degrees.

Popularity of Crete for last years has increased significantly. The island was especially appreciated by tourists from Russia, the number of Russians per last year exceeded five hundred thousand, thereby surpassing even the Germans, who firmly held the lead for a long time. According to the latest data, of all Greek resorts, Crete is the most popular among Russians. So those who have not yet vacationed on this rather interesting and attractive island should think about it and take a closer look. And there really is something to see in Crete and there is also plenty to choose from, both in terms of attractions and in terms of recreation itself. Here everyone can find something interesting and exciting for themselves, be it a tour of mountain canyons and gorges or scuba diving to the seabed. You can spend time noisily in nightclubs and restaurants or retire to one of the many rather deserted beaches with magnificent landscapes and crystal clean water Mediterranean Sea. And besides, there are many places for lovers of nudist recreation, which few resorts can boast of.

It is located in the temperate Mediterranean climate zone. Summers on the island are usually hot and dry, while winters are mild and wet, with virtually no snow. The island has contrasting seasons, with an average of 300 sunny days a year, white mountains in winter and a riot of colors in spring when numerous flowers bloom.

The mountains of Crete neatly separated the western and eastern parts of the island, protecting the latter from the cold northern winds. Due to the mountain ranges, the weather patterns in the eastern (Sitia area) as well as southern part of Crete tend to be drier and warmer than the weather in the western (Chania area) and northern part of the island. This is evident in the vegetation: Chania is much more fertile and ecological than the desert region of Sitia. The island also has coastal towns that are naturally sheltered from the winds due to the shape of their harbours. In these places the weather is usually mild and the sea is calm, which is much safer for swimming.

Altitude above sea level also plays an important role. In winter, coastal areas and plains rarely experience snowfall. However, in the mountains the snow can fall quite heavily and sometimes does not melt even until June. In winter, another interesting point can be observed on the island - at this time there are periods when southerly winds blow onto the island, carrying with them dust from the Sahara Desert. The dust adds wonderful color to the Cretan landscape.

Weather table in Crete by month

It is worth checking the weather forecast in advance to plan a comfortable vacation. The weather table in Crete by month will help you get an idea of ​​what the weather is like here in different seasons.

During the day At night Sea Season
January +14…+17 +8…+10 +16
February +14…+16 +8…+10 +15
March +16…+18 +10…+12 +16
April +19…+21 +12…+14 +17
May +22…+25 +15…+18 +20 Beach
June +26…+30 +19…+22 +22 Beach
July +28…+31 +22…+24 +24 Beach
August +28…+31 +21…+24 +25 Beach
September +26…+28 +19…+21 +24 Beach
October +23…+26 +16…+18 +23 Beach
November +18…+22 +13…+15 +20
December +16…+18 +10…+12 +17

The period from January to March is considered the coldest on the island. The average air temperature ranges from 12°C to 14°C, during these months it is quite rainy and windy, and there are often storms at sea. In April and May the weather does not become warmer, although the sea is still too cold for swimming - only by the end of May the water warms up to 18 - 20 °C. Precipitation is reduced to a few days per month. This time of year is well suited for those travelers whose main goal is not beach holiday, and an excursion program.

June is the month when many tourists begin to arrive. At this time, the island is hot and sunny, and the sea is already warm. The summer peak occurs in July - August, when the thermometer rises above 30 °C during the day. Although the temperature does not drop at night, due to the low humidity it is well tolerated.

The height of summer and the heat begins to dissipate by September. It's still warm, but the sun is already scorching like summer. The rains begin to arrive in October and November, and the weather on the island becomes increasingly unpredictable.

The climate in Crete is typical Mediterranean, with hot and dry summers and mild, wet winters. At the same time, coastal areas are always more humid, and the heat is better tolerated. In the central mountainous areas of Crete the air temperature is usually lower than on the coast.

The climate of the northern and southern coasts of the island differs, but only slightly. The northern part of Crete is a little cooler, resort the season starts in May and ends in October. In the south, warm weather begins already in April, the season lasts about a month longer, and the weather is still pleasant for swimming throughout October. This difference is due not so much to the southern and northern location, but to the mountains in the central part of Crete, which protect the coast from the northern winds. Therefore, if you are looking for a place where it is warmer in Crete, choose the southern areas.

Despite the fact that May already reigns holiday season in Crete, this month is considered the rainiest, so it can seriously ruin the holiday for those who like to swim and sunbathe. In May, it is worth visiting Crete if you are not aiming for a beach holiday, do not like the heat and do not want to get into the peak of tourist activity.

By June the rains in Crete end, the weather settles warm weather, but the sea had not yet warmed up. If it’s already pleasant to swim on the coast (although not as comfortable as in the velvet season), then on the Libyan Sea the water is still quite cold. But in June there is almost no intense, unbearable heat typical of the height of the Cretan summer.

July and August in Crete are the hottest. During these months, it is recommended to relax only on the coast, where the heat is not so noticeable thanks to the soft breeze blowing from the sea. Trips to the central regions of the island, trips to natural attractions, sightseeing archaeological excavations in remote areas for tourists who cannot stand the heat well, can be a real challenge.

The ideal time to travel to Crete is September and October. This is the velvet season when heatwave no longer worries, the sea is warmed up to a comfortable 26 degrees, there is no rain or other troubles. The beginning of autumn is perfect for both beach and cultural holidays. The only drawback is the large flow of tourists, which is why the beaches are crowded, it is difficult to book a good room in hotels, and the ruins of Minoan palaces cannot be seen behind the backs of vacationers. But if you prepare for the trip in advance and choose a suitable place, this can be avoided.

Winter in Crete is mild enough for those who do not intend to swim, but want to see the historical heritage of the ancient island with their own eyes, to have a rest without any problems. The average winter temperature in Crete is 17 degrees: quite comfortable for walking and active tourism. But it is not advisable to choose January for such a holiday; this is the rainiest of the winter months. will advise when is the best time to vacation in Crete to make the trip enjoyable and memorable.

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