Battery recycling in Russia and how much does it cost? Proper disposal of batteries How batteries are recycled

The issues of collection, disposal and recycling of used batteries and accumulators are extremely relevant at the present time. Disposal of this waste is one of the most difficult problems in recycling. Almost all batteries contain toxic substances in the form of various metals and chemicals, which, when the battery cases are destroyed, enter the natural environment. In the production of batteries, lead, nickel, cadmium, zinc, mercury, silver oxide, cobalt, and lithium are used. Nickel-cadmium batteries, which are used in cell phones, are the most significant potential sources of cadmium; Mercury and lithium batteries pose a great danger as suppliers of mercury and lithium to the natural environment; In addition, lithium can spontaneously react with oxygen in the air and ignite.

Battery recycling is the process of recovering and using the materials from which batteries are made. During this process, metals are removed from the batteries, which are then reincorporated into new products. The goal of this process is to conserve energy and raw materials. Recycling such products helps preserve environment for healthy human life.

Today, there is no environmentally friendly and cost-effective technology that would allow recycling batteries that have reached the end of their life to produce products of adequate quality.

For example, pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical methods are used to extract cadmium. Vacuum distillation is the most widely used pyrometallurgical method based on the distillation of gaseous cadmium compounds. Except for emergency environmental hazard In this production, distillation is characterized by the production of low-quality cadmium oxide and secondary waste, the use of which in other industries is problematic.

World experience in processing cadmium-containing waste has shown the promise of hydrometallurgical methods, mostly based on the use of solutions of sulfuric acid, ammonia, and salt compositions. The use of hydrometallurgical operations will allow us to decide how ecological problems for the disposal of cadmium-containing waste, and to meet the needs of mechanical engineering and metallurgy for high-quality cadmium oxide.

The disadvantages of the sulfuric acid method are: low degree of cadmium extraction due to its loss with iron-containing middlings, technological difficulties in purifying industrial solutions. The use of ammonia is limited by its volatility and the difficulty of regeneration.

The recycling and recycling process for batteries and accumulators usually involves several steps. For example, the lead recovery process for batteries consists of four steps.

First, batteries and accumulators are loaded into a special container large sizes, from where they fall along a conveyor belt into a concrete well with an electromagnet above it (which attracts excess scrap metal) and with a mesh bottom, where the electrolyte from the “leaked” batteries flows into a special container, after which the batteries are crushed into small pieces by a crusher.

Then the process of separation of materials occurs using water spray supplied at high pressure - several tens of atmospheres. The smallest parts and plastic are deposited in a separate tank for later concentration, and the larger parts fall to the bottom of the tank, from where a mechanical bucket pulls them into a tank of caustic soda, where this scrap metal is turned into lead paste. At the same stage, lead dust also gets there, which, with the help of water supplied under high pressure, is separated from the plastic, which is collected in separate containers.

The third stage is the lead smelting process. The resulting lead paste is transferred via a conveyor belt to a smelting bunker, where it is melted to a liquid state, and the released vapors are quickly cooled and discharged into separate containers (later it will go to the next stage of processing).

The fourth step in the refining process is the formation of two components - refined hard and soft lead and lead alloys that meet customer requirements. The alloys are immediately sent to factories for use, and the refined lead is heated and poured into ingots, removing scale, which are equivalent in quality to those freshly mined from lead ore.

In the summer of 2013, the English company International Innovative Technologies introduced a new technology for recycling used batteries. The method involves turning the solid elements contained in the inside of an alkaline battery into powder. Thus, the internal components of the batteries become suitable for processing through various chemical and biological processes, which result in the extraction of various metal ions, such as zinc, manganese and carbon ions.

One of the benefits of this technology is that it can easily replace traditional grinding systems with compact, high-performance units. In addition, the new development features low energy consumption and is ideal for grinding hard materials.

Russia's first battery recycling line was launched in Chelyabinsk; used batteries will be brought here from all over the country. Watch the video to see how iron, graphite and salts are obtained from batteries.

Of the total volume of batteries and accumulators produced in the world, only 3% of the total volume is recycled, and there is heterogeneity in this indicator across countries. Yes, in the majority European countries 25-45% of all chemical current sources (CHS) are recycled, in the USA - about 60% (97% lead-acid and 20-40% lithium-ion), in Australia - about 80%. Countries with an undeveloped system for processing chemical chemicals are developing countries, where they are practically not processed, but are disposed of with household waste.

Battery recycling in countries European Union is mandatory. Since September 26, 2008, all batteries, accumulators and their packaging must be marked with a special symbol (crossed out wheelie bin) - on the battery itself or on the packaging, depending on the size.

This special collection symbol informs consumers that batteries should not be disposed of in household waste. Instead, batteries should be taken to special recycling centers. As a rule, all major retailers have battery collection boxes.

When batteries are produced in the European Union, their price initially includes a percentage for recycling, and the buyer in the store, having returned the old batteries, will receive a price discount on new batteries. The donated items are recycled. The leader in this process is Belgium, where up to 50% of batteries are sent for recycling.

All types of batteries produced in Europe can be recycled, regardless of whether they are rechargeable or not. For recycling purposes, it does not matter whether the battery is charged, partially discharged, or completely discharged. Once the batteries are collected, they are sorted and then, depending on what type they are, the batteries are sent to the appropriate recycling plant. For example, alkaline batteries are recycled in the UK, and nickel-cadmium batteries are recycled in France.

There are about 40 companies involved in battery recycling in Europe.

In the US, in the spring of 2013, a new volunteer nationwide campaign for battery recycling was launched. In addition to directly addressing consumers and attracting volunteers, it is planned to implement a number of measures that will fundamentally change the work of companies producing batteries. Distributors and sellers will be required to ensure that batteries are collected and recycled, removing all components that can still be used during recycling, and battery manufacturing companies will have to pay for the collection, processing and disposal of batteries.

In Australia, 70 thousand tons of lead-acid are recycled annually car batteries. In Wollongong, New South Wales, Auszinc operates a company that recycles household batteries. Batteries that cannot be recycled in Australia are exported to European facilities for recycling.

Until recently, in Russia there were only companies that collected and stored batteries. Recycling was expensive and not profitable.

Official activities for the acceptance and use of batteries legal entities has been permitted since 2012 - before that, a special license was required for the collection and storage of hazardous waste. In 2004, IKEA began collecting used batteries, but was forced to stop due to requirements from Rospotrebnadzor. The Timiryazev Museum, which has been accepting batteries since 2009, has suspended acceptance of raw materials due to a lack of space to store batteries.

The Megapolis Group company accepts and transfers batteries of all types for recycling.

One of the few organizations that accepts batteries for full further processing, - Moscow “Ecocenter” MGUP “Industrial Waste”, where they use vacuum technology to control harmful emissions when shredding batteries.

In April 2013, the Chelyabinsk company Megapolisresurs also announced its readiness to recycle used batteries from all over the country. The company's technology allows 80% of alkaline batteries to be recycled.

However, there are not enough raw materials to start a large-scale battery recycling process.

Megapolisresurs is a partner in the project for the collection of used household batteries and accumulators in Moscow stores of the Media Markt chain, which starts in the fall of 2013, and from the beginning of 2014 the initiative will spread throughout Russia. As batteries accumulate, they will be packaged in sealed containers in Chelyabinsk. Substances extracted from batteries during processing (graphite, zinc and manganese salts) can later be used both to create new batteries and in other industries, in particular in pharmaceuticals.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

There are two global reasons for collecting and recycling used batteries - batteries and accumulators. Firstly, this is a socially significant hypostasis - to save the environment from negative impacts human activity. Secondly, extract useful ingredients from waste, thereby reducing mining costs. The article will tell you why and how batteries are recycled.

Device battery composition

A small, safe-looking product, thrown away in an unauthorized place, can spoil drinking water, the volume of which fits in 80 five-liter bottles, or render 0.2 acres of land unusable. That is why batteries are disposed of separately from other household and industrial waste.

In addition to iron in the form of a steel shell with a mass fraction of 18.7%, the composition includes:

  • manganese oxide - 1/3 of the mass;
  • electrolytes with thickeners - 1/5 weight;
  • zinc - 13.5%;
  • graphite - 8%;
  • paper and plastic - 4.5%.

Previously, structures containing lead, cadmium and mercury were produced. Now the release of such varieties is prohibited.

Effect on soil, air and water

The impact begins after the steel shell has oxidized. The iron rusts, the body loses its shape, and the ingredients end up in the environment. The natural content of heavy metals manganese, zinc and nickel in water and soil is recorded in sanitary standards and regulations. Scattered around natural objects Products that have exhausted their performance reserve increase the content of the listed metals to a level dangerous to human health. It becomes clear why to recycle batteries.

Chemical elements are present in the product not in pure form, but as salts and alkaline compounds. The trouble is that these compounds are foreign natural environment. Therefore, environmentalists are trying to explain to citizens:

  • what is the danger of thoughtlessly throwing away garbage;
  • where to place out-of-service batteries;
  • how batteries are disposed of.

Once on the surface of the earth, the components of the battery dissolve in precipitation, penetrate into underground aquifers or are carried into open reservoirs by storm drains after rain and snow melting. Drinking water loses consumer properties:

  • It is dangerous for humans and animals to drink contaminated water;
  • aquatic fauna loses its usual habitat, gets sick, dies and degenerates.

A decomposed nutrient has a negative effect on the soil. Statistics say that outside a human settlement, within 20 meters of a meadow or forest:

  • three thousand earthworms, a couple of moles, a mouse, a hedgehog live;
  • two tall trees or three shrubs grow.

Surface water carries salts and alkalis and degrades the habitat of flora and fauna.

Often landfills household waste ignite. In waste incineration plants, fire is the main tool for processing waste. When batteries burn, dioxides are formed - harmful substances that affect immunity and reproductive functions.

All three habitats of living beings - earth, water and air - can be irreversibly damaged if used batteries are disposed of carelessly.

Benefits of recycling

The economics of collecting and recycling end-of-life energy sources are interesting in terms of how quickly benefits can be achieved.

One person produces half a ton of household waste per year. The list of waste includes batteries. The average number of autonomous power supply elements per person in Russia is 7 pieces per year. Even babies are exploited - night lights, musical toys, a “baby woke up” notification. Total of discarded electronic devices reaches one billion copies per year in the country.

Salt energy sources weigh 14-18 grams. Alkaline ones are heavier - 22-24 grams. Twenty thousand tons of raw materials for use in national economy. It is important not only to remove harmful and unnecessary objects from your living space. Taking into account the composition, you should think about how to properly dispose of batteries, put waste to good use, and return it to clothing circulation.

Technologists confirm that it is impossible to restore a used part in domestic conditions, but expensive in production conditions. But the components isolated during disassembly are used in different areas industry:

  • graphite water lubricant and electrolytes - in the production of cast iron and pencils;
  • manganese - in metallurgical shops and for the production of fertilizers;
  • zinc - for galvanizing metal products;
  • brass, zinc-copper alloy - production of kitchen utensils and musical instruments.

Hundreds of recycled Duracell AA batteries make 4 pencils; spoon, fork and knife; a kilogram of fertilizer and three containers for brewing coffee.

Recycling places

Collection and recycling are two different types of waste-based activities. Some organizations can accumulate garbage, others can collect what they have accumulated, and still others can recycle what they have collected. By making it a priority own health, people are ready to start collecting used products. But you should know exactly where to dispose of batteries. We must not allow cases where hazardous waste is collected and then quietly dumped in the nearest forest belt.

In Russia there is the only plant for processing autonomous power supplies of IAP. The Megapolisresurs enterprise is located in the capital Southern Urals, city of metallurgical industry, Chelyabinsk. This is an economically correct decision - to open the production of raw materials near the consumer.

The plant accepts batteries from all subjects of the Federation. Remote territories ship collected illiquid goods by railcars. Nearby entities bring cargo in boxes. It is unacceptable to send waste for recycling using the postal service. The fact is that failed autonomous power supplies have the third and fourth hazard classes. Transportation of such goods is permissible using properly equipped transport and in proper packaging. Therefore, sending waste by Russian Post is a gross violation of the law.

Interesting how batteries are disposed of:

  1. The cargo is delivered to the plant in adapted containers.
  2. The contents are dumped onto a conveyor. Manual processing begins. The sorter is capable of processing 60 kilograms of waste per shift. Care and attention are required on the site.
  3. The sorted raw materials are crushed and separated using a magnet into iron and other parts.
  4. Components are exposed chemical reaction, and here it is impossible to confuse the chemical elements being connected.

During processing, 4% of the mass remains unclaimed in industry.

Collection methods

During lessons in educational institutions, in newspapers and in social networks There have been ten years of explanations on the Internet about why batteries need to be recycled. Citizens are ready to stop throwing IAP in the trash. But they also don’t want to turn their own storage room or balcony into a garbage bin. Enterprises and institutions are also ready to accumulate used items and hand them over to licensed collectors in a timely manner.

Transport services are expensive, it is necessary to unite to minimize costs. Active advertising of organizations specializing in the collection of batteries is required.

Let's take the Ural city of Miass as an example. Upon request, seven addresses appear, and most of the reception points are in the northern part of the city, Mashgorodok, a residential complex for rocket scientists. All points within walking distance:

  • Lebedinsky City Library;
  • mini-market "Zhukovsky";
  • photo salon "Mfoto";
  • anti-cafe "Granat";
  • copy center "Amitra";
  • house folk art;
  • office of the management company "Zhilkom".

The organization “EcoMiass” is collecting the accumulated funds. The collected items are accepted by the company SUURSCU, which has a license to store and transport batteries. The center delivers the accepted waste to the Chelyabinsk Megapolisresurs.

Civil initiatives

People have realized why they need to recycle batteries: to protect their environment.

Businessmen have their own reason: to reduce the cost of raw materials for metallurgical and other industries.

The ways to protect the interests of the population and business coincide - collect hazardous waste and recycle.

Experience of foreign like-minded people

According to the plant, only 4% of used IAP is recycled in Russia. The information is sad - it turns out that the words of citizens are at odds with deeds, and waste, instead of recycling, litters the environment. The capacities of the Chelyabinsk Megapolisresurs plant are capable of processing many times more compared to current achievements.

It’s interesting how batteries are disposed of in other countries.

One hundred percent pass rate was not found in any country:

  • Belgium - 55%
  • Germany - 45%
  • USA - 60%
  • Australia - 80%.

Unlike Russia, in Europe four dozen factories are engaged in recycling.

The legislative framework

Operations with waste are regulated. A license is required for storage, transportation and processing. Therefore, when deciding where to dispose of batteries, you need to approach the problem carefully. First of all, make sure that the organization has the right to accept for storage and transport hazardous waste - used autonomous power sources.

The Chelyabinsk plant, having overcome bureaucratic barriers and received permits, deployed a network for collecting used batteries throughout Russian Federation.

Addresses in Russia

An inquisitive reader who has accumulated IAP wonders where to dispose of batteries.

To answer, you need to type the search string “hand over” and indicate the name of the city of interest. For major cities the probability of getting a positive answer is 100%. For rural areas It is possible to search for a district or regional center.

How more weight accumulated and handed over, the less the donor has to pay for disposal.

The world does not stand still, and after the invention of electricity, people began to look for a way to ensure the operation of electrical appliances using a wireless device. Batteries became such a solution; they are able to work for a long time, providing energy to specific equipment. That's all today Cell phones, cameras and many other electronics can be powered by rechargeable batteries various shapes. This invention was a huge breakthrough and marked new era wireless technologies. Battery-free operation modern technology would simply be impossible.

Batteries and their properties

A battery is a device that can autonomously power different electrical devices. Today there is a huge variety of batteries and accumulators that are used in most modern technology. All of them are divided by size (A, AA, AAA, C, D...) and by electrolyte type (lithium, dry, alkaline, mercury and silver). Each type has its own properties and characteristics. The main benefit that batteries bring us is the ability to have an autonomous power source at hand, which is very important for people. Without batteries, the development of major industries in the world, such as mechanical engineering, aircraft manufacturing and the space industry, would be impossible.

Types of batteries

There are many different ones, let's look at the most basic ones:

  • MnZn (Manganese-zinc) - so-called alkaline or alkaline batteries, they are considered the most common.
  • NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) is one of the alternatives to manganese-zinc batteries, often used in everyday life.
  • Li-ion (Lithium-ion) are batteries for phones, cameras, laptops and other similar equipment.
  • AgZn (Silver Zinc) are small batteries used in watch making, rocketry, aviation and military applications.
  • NiCd (Nickel-cadmium) batteries are quite large batteries; they are used to operate certain models of power tools, as well as on trolleybuses and airplanes.

Why do you need to recycle batteries?

Today, the cleanliness of the environment is constantly being tested. Nature is polluted with everything possible, and only a few fight to save the environment. As for batteries, they all contain many harmful elements, for example:

  • Mercury is a dangerous chemical that causes damage nervous system and brain.
  • Cadmium is very dangerous for the lungs and kidneys.
  • Alkalies - if they accidentally come into contact with the eyes, they damage the mucous membrane and even the skin.
  • Zinc and nickel - may cause dermatitis or other skin diseases.
  • Lead - an excess in the body can cause damage to the kidneys and nervous system.

According to experts, only one AA battery capable of polluting about 20 square meters. m of land, and this is quite a large area. Recycling batteries is a very necessary activity, because it helps preserve the environment. Not everyone thinks about nature today, but our descendants also need to live on this planet.

Battery collection points

Very often we hear that it is good for the environment, that they should not be thrown away, but should be recycled, but then the question arises of where to donate the batteries. In our country there are not so many points for receiving such goods; in addition, only a few know about their location. Working in this area today is unprofitable, and the state, unfortunately, does not provide any support.

In small towns, you can only return batteries at some stores or scrap metal collection points. IN big cities the situation is simpler, there are separate enterprises for recycling recyclable materials, where everyone can donate batteries, and special containers are placed on the streets.

Battery recycling

Car batteries are in fairly high demand. The thing is that they are made of lead, and this metal is valued on the market and can be easily recycled. Previously, many car owners, when the battery was completely worn out, simply threw it away or left it at service stations. Now the situation has changed, because you can get good compensation for a non-working battery. Many sellers of new car batteries accept old ones and give the buyer a good discount, you will agree that this is not bad. Everyone should know where to donate old batteries, because such an exchange is beneficial to everyone - nature, the buyer, and the seller.

Motivation for battery recycling

In many European countries, various programs have long existed that promote the recycling of items harmful to society. Battery recycling is no exception. In some countries, you don’t have to think about where to donate batteries; people sort all the garbage into separate containers, and then all the goods go to the right places. There are various companies that specialize in the disposal of hazardous waste. We have them too, and although there are not many of them yet, there are already many places where you can donate batteries. The main motivation for not throwing away this hazardous waste is the well-being of the lives of our children and grandchildren.

Current recycling situation

Many skeptics say that you cannot teach a Russian to worry about the nature and purity of the world around him, but the data suggests otherwise. Today in Russia there are several large companies for recycling batteries, they are represented in many cities of the country. Yes, maybe not every village has tanks for used batteries, but they exist, and there are more and more of them every day. Many residents of Moscow and other cities know where to return used batteries; of course, not everyone does this, but the progress is quite good. For a larger-scale fight against pollution, enormous government support is needed, the allocation of funds and land for disposal, because enterprises will not be able to cope with this threat on their own. Another good option to reduce the number of batteries used is to switch to rechargeable batteries. Yes, they are much more expensive, but one such device can save more than 400 regular batteries.

Reception points in Moscow

Many residents of the country ask where to dispose of used batteries. Since Moscow is the capital of our homeland, all innovations are naturally present here. There are already many points for collection and recycling of recyclable materials in the city, each with its own rules and regulations. It can be noted that today people are increasingly interested in recycling batteries. Moscow, a city where a huge number of people live, has more than one reception point. For example, the “AKB Company” pays for the delivery of batteries, although small, but money (10,000 rubles per 1 ton). When delivering more than 200 kg, employees will come and pick up the goods themselves. Another company - Megapolis Group Company - will be able to accept batteries from you only if you pay for their services, and this is already a repulsive factor. A big advantage of the city is the presence of many reception points in it: “Central City Youth Library named after. M. A. Svetlova”, “Online store “BIODOLINA””, “Online store “I-MNE””, “Russian representative office German company Atmung.", "From hand to hand", Rock Zona, " Kids club“Limpopo” and others. Therefore, everyone needs to decide where to donate batteries in Moscow independently.

Benefits from recycling

Reception and often do not bring profit to the enterprise; on the contrary, they only suck out money. It all depends on the product being accepted; if these are ordinary lithium-ion or AA batteries, then there is no income from them. The situation is different with batteries, which are made of lead. Lead is a non-ferrous metal, it costs good money, is easily recycled and cannot be buried. We conclude that recycling batteries alone cannot generate profit. Moscow is the place where millions of Russians live, and if you don’t take care of nature, then in the near future it will simply disappear. Environmentalists have long been convinced that recycling is the only the right way combating land pollution. They are trying to convey this idea to all Russian citizens. In addition, it is not difficult to find where to donate batteries, but it is difficult to teach yourself to do this constantly and pass on the knowledge to your descendants.

News in the world of energy resources

Since modern ones are quite imperfect and cause great harm earth, scientists from all countries are trying to find an alternative source of energy. Many brilliant minds of our time are conducting many experiments in order to find a product that would suit everyone and not harm nature. Russian scientists are also participating in this race; they are trying to learn how to extract electricity simply from water. Yes, this is not an easy task, but positive result this will be a huge step into the future. Scientists believe that hydrogen will be a new achievement of civilization; with its help, we will be able to improve the operation of electric vehicles and many other devices. We can only wait for energy storage devices to appear that will not harm either people or the planet itself. We should also not forget that today many batteries can be charged from a regular network and serve their owner for years. For example, they have a long service life and charge quite simply and quickly.

Having considered all the pros and cons of batteries, we can say that today we really need them, even irreplaceable. Without batteries, there would be no mobile communications, there would be no space industry, and even automobiles would not be able to work. People strive to improve their living conditions, and batteries greatly contribute to this. The only downside is the harm to the environment, because restoring it will not be easy, and perhaps impossible. Already today there are species of animals and plants that we will never see again. Therefore, we need to take care of the environment and our planet, and the most The best way- this is the disposal and processing of recyclable materials.

Should batteries be recycled? And if so, who and how can make money from it?

One battery means 20 m of pollution ² soil and 400 l of groundwater. A ton of batteries means a possible $5,000 compensation from the “Operator of Secondary Material Resources.” Who, when and under what conditions can start a battery recycling business?

What's the question?

« Batteries? Why collect them, they are small!“- skeptics argue. Entrepreneurs and ordinary people active position They see this as an opportunity to earn money and improve environmental situation in the country. The issue of collecting waste batteries is acute, says Anatoly Kalach, Chemical Safety and Waste Program Officer at the Center for Environmental Solutions:

« Batteries in landfills are a problem from an environmental point of view, and therefore the country’s economy. Last year’s resolution of the Council of Ministers (No. 1124 of December 2, 2014) means a lot for its solution. The document requires all stores (regardless of what goods they sell) with an area of ​​more than 100 m- have a container for collecting batteries. There are more than 3 thousand such stores in the country.

To date, about 30 tons of batteries have been collected in Belarus. Those collected in Minsk are stored at the Ecores enterprise, in the regions - at regional enterprises of Belresursy. In the near future it is expected that they will be exported abroad for processing.».

Legislation paid attention not only to the collection of batteries, but also to their import into the country: Presidential Decree 313 has been in effect for almost 3 years, introducing the principle of extended responsibility, when manufacturers and importers of certain products compensate for the processing of imported goods in the future.

Is it possible to make money from this?

In theory - yes, in Belarusian practice - not yet. The state makes money in any case - actively (by collecting taxes from importers of batteries and electronics) or passively (by saving money on environmental initiatives). Can private traders make money?

They can, he believes. Dmitry Kuchuk, director of the Zapadnaya waste sorting station. " Collecting and recycling batteries is beneficial for both private companies and the government. We, battery collectors, can receive compensation of 75 thousand rubles. for 1 kg. A kilogram of batteries is not much, because they are quite heavy. It is cost-effective for any company with an extensive collection system».

But “we can receive” does not equal “we receive.” Natalya Grintsevich, director of the “Operator of Secondary Material Resources”, an organization that must pay compensation for the collection of batteries, said that the money has not yet been paid. " We are an organization that coordinates the actions of participants in the process, but does not collect, neutralize or recycle batteries. We do not yet recycle batteries, which means we cannot pay compensation to those who collect them».

What is the interest of a private company?« Most environmentally related projects are unprofitable, - Natalya Grintsevich dispelled our thoughts about the possibility of earning “money on batteries.” - All over the world, these projects are financed by the state, and it takes funds from taxes paid by importers of equipment and batteries. In Belarus, the importer has a choice: pay 100% of the potential cost of recycling batteries (potential, since only a small fraction of them will be collected properly) or collect 15% of the volume of imported batteries themselves.».

A recycler who accepts batteries for recycling can also make money. Alas, not ours. We do not yet have our own battery processing facility. The question of what is more profitable is now being considered: to build your own plant or export batteries abroad, paying for the work of a recycler. The decision depends on what volumes of batteries can be collected in the future - with small volumes it is irrational to build your production.

Batteries and mobile phones collected for recycling at the Finnish company Akkuser:

« I believe that we should not build our own enterprise for recycling used batteries: the process is complex, and the potential danger to the environment is high, says Anatoly Kalach. - In Belarus, such volumes of used batteries are not generated to build your own enterprise, especially since it will cost significant funds. For example, in Finland, before the launch of such a plant, they accumulated about 100 thousand tons of batteries so that the plant could operate without stopping».

Some of the processed products are disposed of after extraction, potentially harmful substances, and part is sold to metallurgical enterprises. From tons of recycled batteries available for reuse a large number of heavy metals. The same volume of necessary metals is contained in an entire railway car of iron ore.

What prevents you from “making money” on batteries?

Dmitry Kuchuk believes that in general the state has created conditions for the collection and recycling of batteries, but some questions remain. For example, a monopoly on the part of the “Operator secondary resources». « It is important that the interests of private business and government bodies are represented at the same level, so that all participants in the process have the opportunity to influence it. This is much better than directive decisions of a minister or the head of a monopolist enterprise: they are not always familiar with the situation from the inside. - the expert notes.

The environmental initiative intersects here with the commercial considerations of “private owners” and the state. The founder of the Operator of Secondary Resources is the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, and it directs most of the funding to government organizations, while active private business is in the 2nd plan. If the initiative to collect and recycle batteries is not supported by the Operator, and payment of compensation is not established, the process will stall. It is necessary to establish a dialogue between the state and private companies».

Maybe we're not collecting enough batteries? Enough for your place and time - experts are sure. " It is impossible to say that we collect few batteries. We began to actively use electronics with batteries not so long ago. But the consumption of equipment is growing - quantitatively and nomenclature - which means the volumes will grow collected batteries “- predicts Anatoly Kalach.

Discussing the similarities and differences in our approach to processing “energy waste” in Europe, Dmitry Kuchuk says: “ Belarusian and European legislation in this area adheres to one principle: whoever pollutes pays. In this we are similar to Europe. We differ from the West in that we have a monopolist enterprise that collects money from importers. IN different countries Europe does not have a monopoly on this activity; it is a collective decision. Conditions have been created there that allow any initiative group to start work and put it on a business track. Recycling batteries and accumulators Western Europe also considered from the point of view of resource extraction and recycling».

As the practice of other countries shows, private enterprises are more mobile and efficient in processing batteries, household appliances, and waste paper. In the housing and communal services system, this is done for reporting purposes: they are not stimulated by either the financial or environmental components.

The fight against batteries in Russia

In Russia, the collection of batteries was officially launched in the fall of 2013. Then the Chelyabinsk Megapolisresurs plant expressed its readiness to accept and recycle waste batteries. Until this time, in some cities there were only private initiatives: local public organizations held events where people could bring batteries and other hazardous waste. Everything collected was stored until “better times” or exported abroad. Often - in Finland, where a network of collection points is developed, they operate processing plants. It was convenient for Moscow and St. Petersburg to work according to this scheme, but in other cities the topic of collecting and recycling batteries was rarely raised.

The site told the portal about how batteries are collected and disposed of in Russia today Anna Zhevachevskaya, Director of Ripe Berry. Environmental programs for business".

« In Novosibirsk, we stood at the very origins of the project’s development. And we are proud that we managed to create an effective system that is beneficial for all participants in the process, and in many ways inspire colleagues from different cities of Russia. Our project is called “Step 2: Green Goal”, and its idea is to give Novosibirsk residents the opportunity to take exams safe disposal spent household appliances, electronics and batteries.

But where to organize such a gathering? Where can I find funding to organize the project? Where should I send it for recycling? In this regard, we are very lucky with our partners. A few months before the start of the project, the owner of a chain of electronics stores approached me with a request to help organize collection points for used batteries and mercury lamps. At that time, neither they nor we did not consider this idea as a business project, we simply did not know how all this could be organized.

Soon we entered into a contract with a Finnish processor of batteries and electronics - the companyAkkuser, and thanks to this they were able to open official battery collection points. We have found a good partner for electronics recycling. People can donate batteries, accumulators, phones, charging device, cameras, etc. The entire process of collection, storage, shipping and processing is completely transparent. Every person who donates batteries knows where they will go, where and how they will be recycled, and what new products they will receive. Every winter we send at least 1.5 tons of batteries to Chelyabinsk (we never had to send it to Finland, because a factory appeared in Russia). This is one of the largest indicators in Russia, although we do not have many collection points - about 10.

Do they make money from recycling batteries? Russian companies? Anna Zhevachevskaya says no, and adds: “ The most important thing is that all participants do not lose anything, everyone has their own benefit. Stores receive PR based on positive ideas about caring for the environment. We, as an operator who allows the system to function effectively, have a small financial benefit, but this is still a social business.

But processors make money, yes. Our only plant that accepts batteries for recycling charges a recycling fee. If for 1.5 years it was 72 rubles per kg, now the price has doubled. Their business is processing and, accordingly, they set the prices for their services themselves. In addition, this enterprise is a monopolist; batteries are brought here from all over the country, as well as from neighboring countries. And in terms of profitability, the company has one huge advantage - they did not create a battery processing plant from scratch, they simply adapted one of their existing lines specifically for batteries.

It is gratifying that the principle of extended responsibility of producers and importers operating in Belarus is partly the subject national pride: it is not available in Russia. It operates only in a number of companies and covers a minimum circle commercial enterprises. Basically, these are large foreign companies operating according to their charter, ready to implement the principles of “sustainable development”.

As Anna Zhevachevskaya says, in Russia a recycling tax applies to paper industry enterprises. However, it is not known to what extent the norms of the law are observed there, because Most of these enterprises use criminal schemes to pay taxes. Commercial companies are still finding ways to avoid liability for improper disposal of equipment, because... control and supervisory authorities prefer to turn a blind eye to such matters, and unauthorized dumping of recyclable waste into landfills is practically not stopped.

Russian perspective

How different are our realities from Russian ones - in scale and specificity? " If we talk about the processing of batteries itself, then today it is too early to talk about the profitability and success of participants in the processing market. The fact is that the bulk of “green initiatives” of business are quite long-term projects that require “long-term money” and interest in the processed product. Leverage for such projects can be 3-5 years without positive profitability, and considerable investments are required, says Anna.

Not every investor is ready to invest money for such periods for projects that can pay off, for example, in 50 years. As for commercial companies, they often have nowhere to get money to develop an environmental business related to disposal or recycling. This is usually possible if additional financial opportunities entrepreneur or enterprise, as a “side” business. As for the environment in general, the state must certainly be an active investor in the field of environmental protection, because Without the active participation of the state in environmental protection and solid waste recycling projects, enterprises are faced with bureaucracy and a lack of interest in this business.

For Russia, especially based on the current difficult economic situation, the topic of ecology is gradually being pushed further and further into the background. We have less and less to count on attracting investment in our field and on assistance and participation from the state».

Even airplanes can be recycled correctly!

Dispose of batteries correctly!

As a result of the technological upgrade, the efficiency of the power source recycling line reached 80% due to more complete recycling. This is one of the best indicators in Europe, where the average efficiency of processing plants is 50-60%, according to a press release from Megapolisresurs. Thanks to the updated capacity, the company will be able to extract pure non-ferrous metals from batteries, which are much easier to sell on the market than their compounds.

The advantage of the new line is that it is separated from other processes at the plant, which makes it possible to avoid pauses in the processing of more profitable raw materials, for example, precious metals, explained +1 CEO group of companies "Megapolisresurs" Vladimir Matsyuk. Also, during the modernization, it was possible to reduce the share of imported equipment from 50 to 15%. In conjunction with the renovation of the line this measure will keep the cost of disposal at the same level, despite changing conditions.

Megapolisresurs, which initially specialized in processing photo waste and electronics, disposed of the first batteries in 2013. Thanks to cooperation with large retail chains, activists and government agencies, in three years the number of collected and recycled batteries has exceeded 20 million pieces.

After making changes to the federal law“On production and consumption waste” (No. 458-FZ), the enterprise was required to obtain a license for the management of waste of hazard classes I-IV, including the processing and disposal of batteries.

Photo courtesy of Megapolisresurs Group of Companies

“Before July 1, 2016, waste management activities did not require a license. The innovation coincided with the start of modernization of the line, and permitting documentation It was decided to receive it for disposal taking into account changes in production,” clarifies Vladimir Matsyuk. “At the same time, we studied the needs of our customers regarding battery collection.”

The main thing is the ability to return the battery

At the beginning of 2017, one of the enterprises belonging to the Megapolisresurs group of companies received a license to collect and transport batteries. The next step was to launch the “Boxi” battery collection service. Within six months, branded green boxes for collecting batteries appeared in many Moscow offices and in public places- from the Federation Council and Vnesheconombank to the Tsvetnoy department store and Moscow libraries. Now the company is ready to recycle up to 1000 tons of batteries per year; in previous years, more than 300-400 tons were not collected throughout the country.

“This is a terrible misconception that people in Russia are not ready to recycle waste, that we need to start with environmental education, and only then establish separate collection,” says Alena Yuzefovich, head of the Boxy service. — I firmly believe in the power of infrastructure: when it is convenient to recycle waste and there is trust in the recycler, thousands of people across the country are ready to get involved. And business is ready to finance the creation of such infrastructure.”

Photo courtesy of Megapolisresurs Group of Companies

Nowadays, the opportunity to hand over batteries to their customers is offered, among others, by some large retail chains: Globus, IKEA, Vkusville, which send the collected waste for recycling to Megapolisresurs.

The importance of recycling

In the European Union, the first law making recycling of certain types of batteries mandatory came into force back in 1991. Since 2006, the requirement applies to all types of batteries and accumulators. This is due, first of all, to their toxicity: batteries account for up to 40% of the volume of hazardous substances entering the environment from household waste. Just one AA battery thrown into a landfill pollutes about 20 square meters land.

Not only the placement of batteries in a landfill, but also the extraction of raw materials for them has a negative impact on the quality of the environment - for example, according to Megapolisresurs, the production of 1 kilogram of zinc from primary ore leads to the formation of 200 kilograms of waste. Recycling batteries allows them to be returned to the production cycle useful resources with minimal environmental footprint, turn them into new things - from pencils to saxophones - and prevent new waste generated during mining.

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