What is the best car battery charger? How to choose the right car battery charger. The best automatic chargers

A good starter charger is a guarantee that your car battery will always be charged with high quality and for a long time, and in the cold season it will help to ensure engine start if the battery capacity drops sharply due to natural weather reasons. In order to purchase a ROM that matches the financial capabilities and needs of motorists, there is our rating of car battery chargers 2016-2017. It presents the 10 most popular models from which it is possible to choose the most suitable.

At the very top of the top ten is the Ctek MXS 7.0 model. Feedback from motorists indicates that it is the best of all in terms of performance, ease of use, as well as price. Its cost cannot be called low, but the price is quite acceptable: up to 15,000 rubles.

It is noteworthy in that, before proceeding, it is possible to conduct a preliminary test on what level of capacity the battery can hold. Important advantage: this charger works effectively in cold and frosty conditions, coping with a decrease in the electrolyte level in the battery . With it, you can restore the potential of the battery even after it has been deeply discharged.

The Ctek MXS 7.0 ROM is designed for 12-volt devices with a maximum capacity level of up to 120 A / h and a current of 7 amps.

Its main advantages are the following:

  • the case is sealed, there is excellent protection against dust, dirt and moisture;
  • there is an automatic charging mode in 8 stages;
  • functions well in harsh climates;
  • The company gives a five-year warranty.

In second place is the Ctek M300 device, which belongs to professional equipment. It is designed to charge not only car batteries, but also batteries of various types of marine vessels.

A distinctive feature of Ctek M300 is that it is not a generator of galvanic currents. This makes it completely safe for its possible contact with the metal parts of the vehicle.

This starter charger has a special mode in which it can work so quietly that it can be used at night, without compromising the sleep of the owner of the vehicle. Here, too, there is an automated charging program in several steps or stages, and this is what makes it possible to “reanimate” deeply discharged batteries.

  • designed for 12 volt batteries;
  • permissible battery capacity level - 500 A / h, current - 25 A;
  • high level of security, you can charge the battery in an open space;
  • almost silent;
  • high-quality charging for a long time;
  • manufacturing warranty for 5 years.

Of the minuses, only a high price is noted, due to the possibility of using it on high-level equipment (30,000 rubles and more).

The rating of chargers for car batteries in 2017 and 2016 continues with the Ctek MXS 5.0 Polar ROM. Like the two previous chargers, it is produced in Sweden, and its main advantage is the ability to carry out the battery charging process at low temperatures - up to -30°C. The package also includes a cable with a high degree of insulation - for operation in extreme weather conditions.

The automatic charge cycle consists of eight stages, which means the ability to "bring to life" deep-discharged car batteries.

Main parameters and advantages:

  • designed for a 12 volt battery with a permissible capacity level of 110 A / h;
  • current - maximum 5 A;
  • well protected from external influences;
  • effectively charges the battery in low temperature conditions;
  • strength, quality, durability;
  • company guarantee 5 years.

The only drawback is that this ROM is not intended for batteries with a very high capacity, which limits its use.

In fourth place is the German start-charger Bosch C7. A good option in terms of quality and functionality with protection against accidental short circuits. On cold start it works well.

Bosch C7 main parameters:

  • they can charge both liquid acid and 12 and 24 V;
  • permissible battery capacity levels: if it is 12 V, then 230 A / h, if 24 V, then 120 A / h - at a current of 7 A;
  • well protected from external factors, as well as from short circuits;
  • there are fasteners on the ROM, with their help you can fix it, for example, on the wall.

The only drawback: the package does not provide a special adapter in order to connect Bosch to the car's cigarette lighter. Adapter sold separately.

In fifth place is the Ctek CT5 Time to go starter charger. Differs in its compactness, designed to charge car batteries. The control system is convenient and easy, which ensures the most comfortable regulation of the entire charging cycle. Able to work in auto mode, after the end of charging, a characteristic sound signal is heard. This compact ROM is in fifth place because, compared to previous Swedish counterparts, the charging speed with it is rather slow.

Main parameters:

  • the device is designed for 12-volt batteries with a capacity of up to 160 / Ah and a current of 5 A;
  • high level of protection against dirt, moisture, dust;
  • despite the small size and low charging speed, it works very reliably;
  • durable and wear-resistant in any weather;
  • 5 year manufacturing warranty.

Sixth place is occupied by Ctek MXS 5.0. Judging by the opinions of buyers, it is Swedish-made battery chargers that are becoming especially popular this season.

This charger differs in that at low temperatures it does not work as efficiently as the previous ones. Charging it is also slower than the more efficient and expensive Swedish counterparts, but its cost is much lower - about 9,000 rubles.

The main parameters and advantages of the device:

  • designed to charge 12-volt batteries with a capacity of up to 110 A / h and a current of up to 5 A;
  • high level of protection from external influences;
  • strength durability, reliability in operation;
  • five-year warranty and moderate cost.

In seventh place in the ranking is the Ring Automotive RECB 206 device. Its cost is only 3,000 rubles, while it has an automatic mode of operation with a level of control over the charging process in the form of an LED indicator.

It has a durable case, inside which you can freely place cables and alligators. However, at low temperatures it malfunctions, and charging is rather slow, which is compensated by the “budget” cost.

  • designed for batteries from 6 to 12 V with a capacity of up to 70 A / h and a current of up to 6 A;
  • without a level of security (the only significant minus);
  • it is possible to control the level of charging;
  • low-power, "slows down" in the cold, but the price is fully justified.

The eighth place is occupied by the Smart power professional SP-25N ROM. This is a device with very high power, ideal for charging batteries of any type and quality level. Has two operating modes.

Main parameters, pros and cons:

  • designed for 12-24-volt batteries, both liquid and gel type;
  • battery capacity should be at 12 V up to 500 A / h, at 24 V - 250 A / h, and the current strength when charging is not more than 25 A;
  • there is no level of security, it is recommended to use it only indoors, not outdoors;
  • hard cable is not convenient for everyone;
  • at the same time, the charger has high power, and it quickly charges any battery.

The ninth place is modestly occupied by the Russian charger "Autoelectric T-1050". Its design is very simple, and the price is very attractive, only 2100 rubles, maybe a little more. Has the strong case made of solid metal. But, since there are ventilation holes on the sides, this ROM cannot be protected from dust and dirt, unfortunately. Charging the battery is not fast, sometimes it starts to fail in cold weather.

Main parameters, pros and cons:

  • designed for 12 V lead-acid batteries;
  • battery capacity should be up to 90 A / h with a current of 5 A;
  • no level of protection, can only be used indoors;
  • the price is minimal, and it is attractive;
  • durable case and unpretentious design;
  • "slows down" in the cold;
  • charging slowly but surely.

And the last place is occupied by the domestic charger "Orion PW 415" - due to the fact that many buyers, unfortunately, criticize the quality of its assembly. It is lightweight, compact enough, the price is low, it charges the battery surprisingly quickly, which is an obvious plus.

Options, pros and cons:

  • for batteries 12-24 V, with a capacity of up to 160 A / h, a current of 15 A (a fairly powerful unit);
  • is inexpensive;
  • can work in two modes;
  • build quality leaves much to be desired, but many people repair it with their own hands.

This is what the rating of chargers for car batteries 2016-2017 looks like. Of course, in terms of quality and capabilities, the leading places are occupied by Swedish ROMs, which work perfectly in cold start conditions, and also have a sufficient level of power and protection from harsh weather and external “road” factors. However, if the financial capabilities of the driver are limited, you can also purchase an inexpensive device, including Russian-made ones. Some of them are in a certain demand and popularity.

During engine operation, the battery (), regardless of type (serviced or maintenance-free battery), is recharged from the car generator. To control the battery charge on the generator, a device called a relay-regulator is installed.

The very operation of the car in winter often involves short trips, the inclusion of a large number of energy-intensive equipment (heating mirrors, windows, seats, etc.). The load on the battery increases significantly. At the same time, the battery simply does not have time to charge from the generator and compensate for the losses spent on launches. In view of the foregoing, it is optimal to fully charge the battery with a charger up to 100% at least once a year before the onset of cold weather.

We add that in case of problems with starting the engine due to engine malfunctions (problems with fuel equipment, etc.), the owner has to turn the starter much longer and more intensively. In such cases, you will need to charge the battery with an external charger much more often.

Charging the battery with a charger

To know how to charge a maintenance-free car battery with a charger, as well as to charge a serviceable type battery, you must follow certain rules. The charger (charger, external charger, start charger) is actually a capacitor charger.

A car battery is a direct current source. When connecting the battery, be sure to observe the polarity. For this, the connection points for the plus and minus terminals are marked with a plus and minus sign ("+" and "-") on the battery. The terminals on the charger have the same markings, which allows you to correctly connect the battery to the charger. In other words, the “plus” of the battery is connected to the “+” terminal of the charger, the “minus” on the battery is connected to the “-” output of the charger.

Please note that an accidental polarity reversal will cause the battery to discharge instead of charging. It should also be taken into account that a deep discharge (the battery is completely planted) can in some cases disable the battery, as a result of which it may not be possible to charge such a battery using a charger.

It should also be borne in mind that before connecting to the charger, the battery must be removed from the car and thoroughly cleaned of possible contamination. Acid drips are well removed with a damp rag, which is wetted in a solution with soda. To prepare the solution, 15-20 grams of soda is enough for 150-200 grams of water. The presence of acid will be indicated by the foaming of the specified solution when applied to the battery case.

As for serviced batteries, the plugs on the "cans" for pouring acid should be unscrewed. The fact is that during charging, gases are formed in the battery, which must be provided with a free exit. The electrolyte level should also be checked. When the level drops below the norm, distilled water is topped up.

What voltage to charge a car battery

To begin with, charging the battery involves supplying it with such a current that the battery does not have enough for a full charge. Based on this statement, it is possible to answer the questions of how much current to charge the car battery, as well as how much to charge the car battery with a charger.

In the event that a battery with a capacity of 50 Amp-hours is 50% charged, then at the initial stage, a charging current of 25 A should be set, after which this current should be dynamically reduced. By the time the battery is fully charged, the current supply should stop. This principle of operation underlies automatic chargers, with the help of which a car battery is charged in an average of 4-6 hours. The only disadvantage of such memory is their high cost.

It is also worth highlighting semi-automatic type chargers and solutions that involve fully manual configuration. The latter are the most affordable and widely available for sale. Considering that the battery is usually 50% discharged, you can calculate how much to charge a maintenance-free car battery, as well as understand how much to charge the battery of a serviced type of car.

The basis for calculating the battery charge time is the battery capacity. Knowing this parameter, the charge time is calculated quite simply. If the battery has a capacity of 50 Ah, then for a full charge it is required to supply a current of no more than 30 Ah to such a battery. 3A is set on the charger, which will take ten hours to fully charge the battery with the charger.

In order to be 100% sure that the battery is fully charged, after 10 hours you can set the current to 0.5 A on the charger, and then continue charging the battery for another 5-10 hours. This method of charging does not pose a danger to car batteries, which have a large capacity. The downside can be considered the need to charge the battery for about a day.

To save time and quickly charge the battery, you can set it to 8 A charger, and then charge for about 3 hours. After this period, the charge current decreases to 6 A and the battery is charged with this current for another 1 hour. As a result, it will take 4 hours to charge. Note that this charging mode is not optimal, since it is desirable to charge the battery with a small current of up to 3 A.

Charging at high currents can overcharge and overheat the battery, resulting in a significantly shortened battery life. We also note that the use of battery charging methods that are aimed at minimizing the negative process of plate sulfation do not have noticeable positive results in practice.

Proper operation of the battery, depending on its type (serviced and maintenance-free), the exclusion of deep discharge and timely charging with the help of a charger, allow the acid battery to work properly from 3-7 years.

How to assess the condition and charge of a car battery

Proper charging and a number of conditions that must be observed during the operation of a car battery can ensure normal engine start even at extremely low temperatures. The main indicator of the state of the battery is the degree of its charge. Next, we will answer how to know if the car battery is charged.

To begin with, some battery models have a special color indicator on the battery itself, which indicates whether the battery is charged or discharged. It should be noted that this indicator is a very approximate indicator, according to which it is possible to determine with a certain degree of probability only the need for recharging. In other words, the charge indicator can show that the battery is charged, but at the same time, the starting current at low temperatures is not enough.

Another way to determine the degree of charge of the battery is to measure the voltage at the battery terminals. This method also allows a very approximate assessment of the state and degree of charge. To measure the battery, you will need to remove it from the car or disconnect it from the charger, after which you need to wait an additional 7 hours. The outside temperature is not of fundamental importance.

  • 12.8V-100% charge;
  • 12.6V-75% charge;
  • 12.2V-50% charge;
  • 12.0V-25% charge;
  • A voltage drop of less than 11.8 V indicates that the battery is completely discharged.

You can also check the battery level without waiting. To do this, the voltage at the battery terminals must be measured by the load using the so-called load plugs. This method is more accurate and reliable. The specified plug is a voltmeter, a resistance is connected in parallel with the terminals of the voltmeter. The resistance value is 0.018-0.020 Ohm for a battery with a capacity rating of 40-60 Amp-hours.

The plug must be connected to the corresponding outputs on the battery, after which, after 6-8 seconds. record the readings displayed by the voltmeter. Next, you can evaluate the degree of charge of the battery by voltage using a load plug:

  • 10.5 V - 100% charge;
  • 9.9 V - 75% charge;
  • 9.3 V - 50% charge;
  • 8.7 V - 25% charge;
  • Indicator less than 8.18 V - full discharge of the battery;

You can also take measurements in the absence of a load plug without removing the battery from the car. The battery must be connected to the vehicle's on-board network. Then you will need to put a load on the battery by turning on the dimensions and high beam of the head optics (for cars with standard halogen lamps). The headlight bulbs have a power of 50 W, the load is about 10 A. The voltage of a normally charged battery in this case should be about 11.2 V.

The next way to check the battery charge is to measure the voltage at the battery terminals at the moment when the internal combustion engine is started. These measurements can be considered reliable only under the condition of a normally working starter.

At the time of starting, the voltage indicator should not be lower than 9.5 V. A voltage drop below the specified mark means that the battery is very discharged. In this case, it needs to be charged with a charger. This test method also allows you to identify problems with the starter. A knowingly serviceable and 100% charged battery is installed on the car, after which a measurement is made. If the voltage at the battery terminals at the time of starting drops below 9.5 V, then problems with the starter are obvious.

Finally, we add that measurements in various ways involve fixing fluctuations in fractions of a volt. For this reason, increased requirements are put forward for the voltmeter. The accuracy of the device is extremely important, since the slightest error of even one or two percent will lead to an error in measuring the degree of charge of the battery by 10 -20%. For measurements, it is recommended to use instruments with a minimum error.

How to charge a completely dead car battery

A common cause of deep battery discharge is banal inattention. It is often enough to leave the car with the dimensions or headlights, interior lighting or radio on for 6-12 hours, after which the battery is completely discharged. For this reason, many car owners are interested in the question of whether it is possible to restore a completely discharged battery.

As you know, the complete discharge of the battery greatly affects the life of the battery, especially when it comes to a maintenance-free battery. Car battery manufacturers indicate that even one full discharge is enough to damage the battery. In practice, relatively new batteries can be restored at least 1 or 2 times after they are completely discharged without a significant loss of operational properties.

First you need to determine how much the battery is discharged using one of the above methods. You can also immediately put the battery on charge. Further, a completely discharged battery must be charged in the mode recommended by the battery manufacturer. The standard is to supply a charge current value of 0.1 of the total battery capacity.

A fully planted battery is charged with this current for at least 14-16 hours. For example, consider charging a battery with a capacity of 60 Ah. In this case, the charge current should be between 3 A (slower) and 6 A (faster) on average. It is correct to charge a fully discharged car battery with the smallest current, and for as long as possible (about a day).

When the voltage at the battery terminals no longer increases within 60 minutes. (assuming the same charging current is supplied), then the battery is fully charged. Maintenance-free batteries when fully charged assume a voltage value of 16.2 ± 0.1 V. It should be borne in mind that this voltage value is a standard, but there is a dependence on the battery capacity indicator, charge current, electrolyte density in the battery, etc. Any voltmeter is suitable for measurement, regardless of the error of the device, since it is necessary to measure a constant, not an exact voltage.

How to charge a car battery if there is no charger

The easiest way to charge the battery is to start the car by "lighting up" from another car, after which you need to drive the car for about 20-30 minutes. For the efficiency of charging from the generator, either a dynamic ride in high gears or movement in the “lower classes” is assumed.

The main condition is to maintain the crankshaft speed at around 2900-3200 rpm. At the specified speed, the generator will provide the necessary current, which will allow you to recharge the battery. Note that this method is only suitable under the condition of a partial, and not a deep discharge of the battery. Also, after the trip, you still need to realize a full battery charge.

Quite often, motorists are interested in what else can charge a car battery, except for the charger. Most often, as a replacement, it is supposed to use chargers that charge mobile phones, tablets, laptops and other gadgets. We note right away that these solutions do not allow charging a car battery without a series of manipulations.

The fact is that the main condition for supplying current from the charger to the battery is that there must be a voltage at the charger output that will be greater than the voltage at the battery outputs. In other words, with a battery output voltage of 12 V, the charger output voltage should be 14 V. As for various devices, their battery voltage often does not exceed 7.0 V. Now imagine that you have a gadget charger at hand that has the required voltage of 12 Q. The problem will still be present, since the resistance of the car battery is measured in whole ohms.

It turns out that connecting charging from a mobile device to the battery outputs will actually be a short circuit of the outputs of the charging power supply. The protection will trip in the unit, as a result of which such a charger will not supply current to the battery. In the absence of protection, the probability of failure of the power supply from a significant load is high.

It is worth adding that the car battery should also not be charged from various power supplies that have a suitable output voltage, but they are structurally unable to adjust the amount of current supplied. Only a special charger for a car battery is a device that has at its output the required voltage and current to charge the battery. In parallel with this, it is possible to control a constant current value.

Homemade charger for car battery

Now let's move from theory to practice. Let's start with the fact that you can make a battery charger from a power supply from a third-party device with your own hands.

Please note that these actions represent a certain danger and are performed solely at your own peril and risk. The administration of the resource does not bear any responsibility, the information is presented for informational purposes only!

There are several ways to make memory. Let's take a quick look at the most common:

  1. Making a charger from a source that has a voltage of about 13-14 V at its output, and is also capable of providing a current of more than 1 Ampere. For this task, a laptop power supply is suitable.
  2. Charging from a regular household electrical outlet 220 volts. To do this, you need the presence of a semiconductor diode and an incandescent lamp, which are connected in series in a circuit.

It should be borne in mind that the use of such solutions means charging the battery through a current source. As a result, constant monitoring of the time and the end of the battery charge is required. This control is carried out by regularly measuring the voltage at the battery terminals or by counting the time for which the battery is put on charge.

Remember, overcharging the battery leads to an increase in the temperature inside the battery and the active release of hydrogen and oxygen. Boiling of the electrolyte in the "banks" of the battery causes the formation of an explosive mixture. If an electric spark or other sources of ignition are present, the battery may explode. Such an explosion can cause fires, burns and injury!

Now let's focus on the most common method of self-manufacturing a charger for a car battery. We are talking about charging from a laptop power supply. To implement the task, certain knowledge, skills and experience in the field of assembling simple electrical circuits are required. Otherwise, the best solution would be to contact specialists, purchase a ready-made charger or replace the battery with a new one.

The scheme for manufacturing the memory itself is quite simple. A ballast lamp is connected to the PSU, and the outputs of a home-made charger are connected to the battery outputs. As a "ballast" you will need a lamp with a small rating.

If you try to connect the PSU to the battery without using a ballast bulb in the electrical circuit, then you can quickly disable both the power supply itself and the battery.

You should step by step select the desired lamp, starting with the minimum ratings. To begin with, you can connect a low-power turn signal lamp, then a more powerful turn signal lamp, etc. Each lamp should be tested separately by connecting to a circuit. If the light is on, then you can proceed to connecting an analogue that is larger in power. This method will help not to damage the power supply. Finally, we add that the burning of a ballast lamp will indicate the charge of the battery from such a home-made device. In other words, if the battery is charging, then the lamp will be on, even if very dimly.

A new battery must be fully charged and functional, that is, it must be immediately installed on the car to start further operation. Before purchasing, it is necessary to check the battery for a number of parameters:

  • body integrity;
  • voltage measurement at the outputs;
  • electrolyte density check;
  • date of manufacture of the battery;

At the initial stage, it is necessary to remove the protective film and inspect the case for cracks, drips and other defects. In case of detection of the slightest deviations from the norm, it is recommended to replace the battery.

Then the voltage is measured at the terminals of the new battery. You can measure the voltage with a voltmeter, while the accuracy of the device does not matter. The voltage should not be lower than 12 volts. A voltage reading of 10.8 volts indicates that the battery is completely discharged. Such an indicator is unacceptable for a new battery.

The density of the electrolyte is measured using a special plug. Also, the density parameter indirectly indicates the battery charge level. The final stage of the test is to determine the release date of the battery. Batteries that were released 6 months. ago or more from the day of the planned purchase should not be purchased. The fact is that a ready-to-use battery has a tendency to self-discharge. For this reason, for long-term storage, the battery must be prepared in advance, but in this case, the battery can no longer be considered a new finished product.

It turns out that the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to charge a new battery for a car will be negative. There is no need to charge a new battery. If the battery you plan to buy is dead, then it may simply be old, used, or there is a manufacturing defect.

Other Questions Regarding Car Battery Charging

Very often, during operation, owners try to charge the battery without removing the battery from the car. In other words, the battery is charged without removing the terminals directly on the car, that is, the charging battery remains connected to the vehicle's network.

Please note that when charging the battery, the voltage indicator at the battery terminals can be around 16 V. This voltage indicator strongly depends on what type of charger is used when charging. We add that even turning off the ignition and removing the key from the lock does not mean that all devices in the car are de-energized. The security system or alarm system, head multimedia device, interior lighting and other solutions can remain switched on or be in standby mode.

Charging the battery without removing and disconnecting the terminals may result in too high voltage being supplied to the powered devices. The result is usually a breakdown of such devices. If your car has devices that cannot be completely de-energized after the ignition is turned off, then it is forbidden to charge the battery without disconnecting the terminals. Before charging, in this case, it is necessary to make a mandatory disconnection of the "negative" terminal.

Also, do not start disconnecting the battery from the "positive" terminal. The "minus" terminal on the battery is connected to the car's electrical network through a direct connection to the body. An attempt to turn off the "plus" first can have sad consequences. Inadvertent contact of a wrench or other tool with metal parts of the vehicle body/engine will result in a short circuit. This situation is quite common in those cases when, with the help of keys, the positive terminal is unscrewed from the battery terminal with the minus not removed.

As for charging the battery in the cold or indoors in winter without heating, the battery can be safely recharged in such conditions. During charging, the battery heats up, the temperature of the electrolyte in the "banks" will be positive. In parallel with this, it is required to bring the battery into heat for charging if the electrolyte inside the battery has frozen and the battery has been completely planted. It is necessary to charge such a battery strictly after the thawing of the frozen electrolyte occurs.

During the cold season, there is always the risk of a car battery draining. A specialized charger will help save the car from turning into a cooled real estate. Thanks to him, you do not have to, for the umpteenth time, seek outside help.

The reason why the car may not start at the most inopportune moment is a dead battery, and the onset of cold weather, among other things, increases this probability by several times. To prevent car owners from getting into such trouble, intelligent chargers for car batteries were invented.

Continuous improvement

To accurately determine which device is most appropriate for your car, you need to know the parameters of its battery, that is, its type, capacity and nominal value of the charge current. To date, progress in the manufacture of batteries is obvious: if earlier their service life was on average about 2 years, now this figure has confidently approached 5 years. But, despite the constantly improving technology for manufacturing modern batteries, it is by no means worth hoping that a battery with an eternal service life will be invented.

No matter how high-quality the battery is, it will still need to be recharged periodically. And therefore, in order to support it in an always serviceable and charged state, it is necessary to have auto-charging in the garage or in the cabin. Moreover, today intelligent chargers for car batteries are not such a scarce commodity. And therefore, you can always choose and purchase a charger that is best suited in terms of parameters for your car battery. Judging by the reviews, no one has yet regretted the purchase made.

What are smart car battery chargers. General information

Before purchasing a charger, of course, you need to familiarize yourself with both the parameters of the battery of your car itself and the parameters of the purchased device. The bulk of the batteries is of the lead-acid type, while the rest of its indicators are indicated by the manufacturer on the battery label.

Now let's look at smart car battery chargers in more detail. Of all the models currently on sale, two main types can be distinguished: transformer and pulse. Powerful transformer models are a reliable option, but gradually becoming exotic due to their overall size and some inconvenience in use.

A more modern and therefore better option are impulse devices. The basis of this charging equipment is a switching power supply operating at very high frequencies. Due to this, the dimensions of the device have been significantly reduced. Such devices are protected from moisture and short circuit. They have automated everything that could be automated. That is why they are called "smart", i.e. intelligent, car battery chargers. These models are the best option for today.

How the charger works

The principle of operation of all is identical. The unit is powered by 220V AC and steps down to close to the rated value required by each specific battery to provide rectification.

In theory, a classic charger is presented as an automated control system. Well, schematically, this device is quite complicated, but the good news is that we just need to simply plug the plug into the socket and turn it off when the light on the indicator lights up and informs us that the battery is fully charged.

Intelligent chargers for car batteries. Application features for different batteries

Charging conditions for different types of batteries are different. For example, lead-acid batteries are best not allowed to fully discharge, and therefore frequent recharging is only good for them. Alkaline, on the contrary, require a full discharge, because for them it is insurance against a decrease in capacity, since they have the well-known "memory effect". But like acid, it is necessary to charge until it is fully charged.

Smart charging equipment

Let's make a small review of intelligent chargers for car batteries. These devices are based on high-tech electronics, with the help of which manufacturers have managed to achieve a fully automated charging process. The program of the microcontroller installed inside the device includes many different modes and various protections.

You just need to connect the device to the battery, and you can safely go about your business, only occasionally glancing at the indicator. When will notify you with a signal. What exactly the signal will be depends on which model you are using, perhaps it will be just a light signal, or maybe it will be a special inscription on the LCD screen.

Features of smart memory, pros and cons

Intelligent chargers for car batteries, information about which can be found in our article, have many advantages. One of them is the weight of such devices. Thanks to the use of modern radio components, the average weight of this equipment was approximately 600 grams.

The disadvantages include the fact that if such a charger fails, then it can only be repaired at a specialized service center, because in the absence of appropriate knowledge, the necessary equipment and software, it is impossible to repair a device of this level on your own. Some of these devices you will not even be able to disassemble, as they are soldered entirely to completely prevent moisture from entering.

Take note of the fact that these devices will not be able to charge the battery quickly, they need time, that's how they are programmed. And therefore, if you are late for work or in a hurry somewhere, and the battery is not able to start the engine, you will have to wait for some time until the battery is recharged. To avoid such occurrences, check your car's battery at least once a month.

Feature of Hyundai HY 400 Intelligent 9-Step Charger

Intelligent "Hyundai" is also designed to recharge vans, motorcycles, garden equipment, boats, etc. The charger is fully automatic and has 9 stages of the charging process. In addition, the HY 400 model provides 5 operating modes, including also winter use and desulfation. These specialized modes are designed to quickly restore and maintain the battery in working condition, even in the event of its complete and deep discharge.

Moisture and dust protection of the charger - IP 65. There is an intelligent selection of current and voltage, as well as protection against overheating and incorrect connection. In addition to the above, there is temperature compensation and a tester built into the memory system with a voltage display function.

Also for car battery "Hyundai" has such features as backlit LCD display, memory function for 12 hours and indicator light. And it is also worth noting the excellent quick-detachable terminals of the device. The temperature regime of the equipment is 20-50 °C. The input voltage of the charger is 220-240 V, the output is 6-12 V, the charging current is 4 A RMS.

Smart Car Memory Reviews

What do those who already use smart chargers say for the most part positive. People note that although charging devices are expensive, they are really worth it. Someone tells how he was rescued by giving a charger for a while to revive a dead battery, and this person, using such a device for the first time, immediately decided that he needed the same one. It is difficult to overestimate the convenience and quality. Needless to say, the device is compact, does not take up much space, but works perfectly and flawlessly. With such a device, charging the battery has become no more difficult than recharging a cell phone.

Choosing an automatic charger

Of course, customer reviews when choosing a device are just as important as the parameters stated in the memory instructions. We present a small list of points that you should pay attention to when choosing smart chargers for car batteries. General tips for models most suitable for Russian conditions:

Specifications that may be present in modern smart memory

Modern memory models are of good build quality. These chargers do an excellent job with the task assigned to them (charging the battery). Some do it faster, others slower, but, to be honest, this is not really the main thing, the main thing is that the task has been solved - the battery is charged. Various indicators can characterize intelligent car battery chargers. Technical characteristics in general can be represented as follows:

Own memory - getting rid of many problems

Some car owners believe that, in principle, they may never need smart car battery chargers. Describing the most common and common situations is likely to convince them otherwise. For example, prolonged forced parking of the car, especially in the cold winter period, can cause the battery to discharge. It also often happens with the batteries of those owners who do not have the habit of turning off electrical appliances while the car is idle. In addition, unexpected trouble may occur while driving in city traffic or off-road driving.

In winter, a long parking of a car discharges the battery due to a decrease in the density of the electrolyte in the cold, as a result of which the necessary chemical reactions slow down. As a result, a significant reduction in the starting current is obtained, which, in turn, makes it impossible to start the car. As a rule, during a severe frost, the car owner has only one attempt to start. At this point, anyone will remember about intelligent chargers for car batteries, the technical side of the matter, tested in reality, as a rule, leads to the decision to take care of equipping your car in advance so as not to get into such troubles in the future.

Ensuring constant mobility of the car

Usually, while driving, the battery is constantly recharged from the operation of the car generator. And, for example, many do not understand how off-road driving can harm. The reason is simple: when driving off-road, there is a threat of destruction of the battery plates, which, in turn, can provoke a short circuit and discharge the battery.

How traffic in traditional traffic jams affects battery life is also explained quite simply. In this situation, several frequent starts and stops of the engine are carried out in a fairly short period of time. And this is the threat of loss of battery capacity and a significant reduction in the time for its discharge. In the above situations, a car charger powered by 220 volts will literally become your salvation.

In any case, intelligent car battery chargers, whose characteristic includes a compact size, will ensure that your car battery is charged in time. And I must say that it is not such an expensive pleasure to risk your mobility and comfort.

An article on how to choose a charger for a car battery. Types of devices, important nuances of choice. At the end of the article - a video about a simple do-it-yourself battery charger.

The content of the article:

A modern car is equipped with an increasing number of devices that are powered by the on-board network. The role of the battery is to provide additional energy in situations where the generator cannot cope with the loads. And rechargeable batteries, as a rule, are discharged at the most inopportune moment. Especially in winter. And unlike batteries of other electrical appliances, batteries for cars are not equipped with a charger; it has to be purchased separately.

Types of chargers and their features

Z / y have several classifications and, depending on their type, are endowed with certain qualities.

By charge method devices are divided into 3 categories:

Fixed current method

Such devices charge the battery to the limit and quite quickly. However, at the end of the procedure, the electrolyte tends to heat up excessively, and this reduces the life of the battery, provoking accelerated aging.

Constant voltage method

In this case, the electrolyte maintains the required temperature and there is no need to control the charging process, since with this scheme the device maintains a given voltage level. The disadvantages include a decrease in voltage at the end of the process. This does not allow the maximum possible charge of the battery.

Combined method

It combines the two options described above - at the beginning the process goes at a fixed current value, and at the end it switches to voltage stabilization. Such a tandem makes this type of device the most effective and in demand.

By way of charging z / y are divided into 2 categories:

Transformer type devices

In everyday life, they are unlikely to meet, as they have impressive dimensions and equally impressive weight. Their purpose is to convert 220V current into direct current (12V).


The principle of operation is similar to the previous version, however, this variety is compact and lightweight. Therefore, they are ideal for home use.

Depending on the model, impulse chargers may have:

  • charge end indicator;
  • indicator of incorrect connection (polarity reversal);
  • short circuit protection function,
  • automatic charging function;
  • polarity protection function, etc.
Unlike transformer ones, pulse ones charge using small pulses, and not a constant current. This is their feature.

Transformer models are cheaper, but in addition to the shortcomings described above, they also require control during operation. Therefore, the impulse option is preferable.

Depending on the power supply, s / y are divided into 3 categories.

Powered by electricity

If the car is in a garage where electricity is supplied, then this option is the easiest, most convenient and reliable. In this case, the battery can be recharged while the machine is not in use.

Powered by cigarette lighter

The disadvantages include the fact that with prolonged and / or intensive (in some models, the speed is regulated) recharge, there is a risk of overloading the on-board network.

But in case of unforeseen situations, you can charge the battery at any time and in any place.

solar powered

They are rarely used, since high-quality products are expensive, and cheap ones, as a rule, are ineffective and short-lived.

And of course, they need sunlight to work. The solar model can be useful as an auxiliary option. For example, for those who have a network charger, but often find themselves "far from the outlet." For example, a fisherman, a lover of outdoor recreation or a hunter, such a device is sure to come in handy.

according to purpose, s / y are divided into 2 types.

Charging-starting (or starting-charging)

They perform the function of not only recharging, but also starting the engine - they work in two modes: automatic and maximum current output mode.

Some models are universal, with their help you can restore the operation of the internal combustion engine, charge your phone, laptop and other devices. You just need to have a set of plugs of the right size.

It is important to follow the operating rules and use the device for its intended purpose only after the terminals are disconnected from the on-board network.

Charging and starting

They are used only to recharge the battery, it is impossible to start the engine with their help. This is due to the fact that the devices are characterized by a low value of the operating current. The advantage is that when using them, there is no need to disconnect from the on-board network.

What to consider when choosing

Before you start buying a charger, you should carefully study the documents for a specific battery and car (in particular, the parameters of the onboard network). This will avoid many complexities and concretize requests. In fact, the information indicated in the instructions is enough to select the right device. However, there are some minor nuances that should be considered when choosing.


There are few such products that can win the competition with chargers in terms of the number of fakes. Therefore, it is best to buy devices from authorized dealers, or at least from outlets that have a good reputation.

If you have decided on a particular brand, you should search the Internet for information about the features of the brand and its copies. It may not be possible to determine a high-quality fake in this way, but it is quite possible to rid yourself of low-grade Asian consumer goods.


It is better to get a charger with a small (precisely small, you should not be too zealous) current reserve. Such an acquisition has two advantages: the device will not have to work at the limit of its capabilities, and if the battery is replaced with a higher capacity model, there will be no need to change the charger.


It happens LED and instrument. LED does not differ in such accuracy, but for domestic use it is quite enough.

Auto mode

If possible, preference should be given to the automated option. This will relieve the owner of the need to control the operation of the device and the possible consequences.

Manufacturer country

Many domestic products are not inferior in their characteristics to foreign counterparts, so you should take a closer look at Russian products. It not only wins in price, but the risk of buying a fake is almost zero. But even a domestic device inferior in quality is better than a fake prestigious brand.


For cars with automatic transmission, the best option would be a pre-starter charger, since it does not need to be necessarily disconnected from the power supply from the onboard network.

Maintenance free batteries

Wrong connection protection

In the event of a so-called polarity reversal, the function will help not only prevent damage to the battery, but also to the charger itself.

Desulphurization function

Allows you to restore the battery with the formation of lead sulfate on the plates.

Rated charge current

Rated current refers to the current, which is 10% of the battery capacity. Having information about the battery (can be found in the documents or on the product case), it will not be difficult to calculate the required charger power.

For example, a 6A charger is suitable for most 60-70 Ah batteries that are equipped with cars. But for a truck or a jeep, you will have to look for a more powerful device.

Battery type

If you have a lead battery (WET), then it will need a special device. For batteries of other varieties, any charger is suitable, but their features should be taken into account.

Gel batteries (GEL) and electrolyte impregnated batteries (AGM) are sensitive to temperature changes and overheating. For them, you need a charger with a current adjustment function and an extended temperature range.

But it is best not to engage in experiments and purchase a rechargeable battery recommended by the manufacturer.


Some motorists rely on the alternator, considering battery health a minor issue. However, the presence of a charger can greatly facilitate the life of the driver, because you never know how soon the battery will need help and when it will be completely discharged. And for this, sometimes it is enough to leave the marker lights on at night or park the car at the entrance for a while with the alarm turned on.

If such devices had appeared on the scene forty years ago, they would have been booed. Because everyone knew: a real charger is a heavy box with a huge transformer inside, all kinds of twists, a voltmeter and an ammeter outside. Everything else is irrelevant.

A modern charger is, as a rule, a pretty nice automatic box with a minimum of controls. Or even without them. However, for some reason, many of them are very similar to each other. But are they the same at work?

Eight devices taken for the test, we tested at two temperatures: -10 and +20 ºС. Let's say right away that you should not believe the statements of individual manufacturers about performance in more severe frosts. Firstly, the intensity of the charging process in the cold drops very much: at -25 ºС, the charging current of the 55th battery will be only 4-6% of the indicator at plus twenty-five. And attempts to raise the charge voltage are fraught with the destruction of the active mass and corrosion of down conductors. Secondly, at lower temperatures, the insulation of the power wires of the presented devices hardens and breaks. Thirdly ... However, two reasons are enough.

We have summarized kilograms, millimeters and volts with amperes in a table, and supplemented the photo gallery with notes for each instance. In general, we can say that the devices honestly issue the declared charge programs. The reason for nitpicking was the fuses instead of electronic protection, the lack of distinct inscriptions on the case and the overpriced price compared to the "colleagues" with approximately equal talents.

8th place


Estimated price, rub. 4950 Looks very nice. Everything is intuitively clear, except for the term RECOND: you can’t figure it out without instructions. However, you can do without this mode to restore discharged batteries. There are no complaints about automation and circuitry. In general, everything is fine, except for the price. Well, no gate!

7th place


Estimated price, rub. 4200 Immediately blame the lack of inscriptions in Russian. But there is an LED to illuminate the space. The whole process is automatic and does not require intervention. Charging via the cigarette lighter socket is provided. By the way, if desired, the product can be hung on the wall. Overall good, but the price ruined everything.

6th place


Again offended the Russian language: all the inscriptions on the device are not ours. However, there is nothing to read: plug it in and forget it. There is protection against polarity reversal, sparking, overcharging and short circuit. But for the shameful unit of measurement of the capacity "A / h" in the instructions, its authors should be ashamed. That's right: Ah!

5th place

, China

Estimated price, rub. 3000 Inside is a heavy transformer. Just do not believe the inscriptions on the box: the device is not a launcher at all. Look at the thin wires with "crocodiles" - well, what a launch with them! No wonder it is sold on the Internet as a regular charger. It works fine, but the fuse did not please. And it seems that someone adapted a suitable case for a different filling.

4th place

, Russia

Estimated price, rub. 1070 The simplest outwardly product and technically uncomplicated. A fuse as protection against erroneous connection is not the most user-friendly solution. There is no charge mode for storage. But, based on the principle “it doesn’t get easier”, many will be attracted by the complete absence of bells and whistles. The price, which is several times lower than the rest, is also an important factor.

3rd place

, China

Estimated price, rub. 3220 Perhaps the most presentable. At least put it under the tree! The pictograms are clear and do not require translation. Cooperates with 6- and 12-volt batteries. Crocodiles without wires look funny: the consumer must screw them on himself. There is a hanger on the wall for ease of use. But here's a fuse as "protection against a fool" - this is outdated and inconvenient.

2nd place

Universal charger device "SOROKIN" 12.94, "made for Russia"

Estimated price, rub. 2000 The cute fool-proof device can work with both 12- and 6-volt batteries. The charge is carried out cyclically, in several stages, while a “desulfation” mode is provided for almost dead batteries. The set includes various connecting wires, including those for plugging into the cigarette lighter socket. In general, not bad.

1 place

Berkut Smart Power SP-8N, China

Estimated price, rub. 2650 The Chinese "Berkut" is quite familiar in Russia: even the inscriptions are made in Cyrillic. It's simple: turn it on and use it. There is protection, the current is solid, the automation works, there are modes to choose from, the price is average, the look is modern. No comments, all is well.

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