Where the wind blows The place where the wind blows. See what "Where the wind blows" is in other dictionaries

The relationship between man and the wind has always been extremely closely related to each other. It was on this natural phenomenon in prehistoric times (as, indeed, now) that human life often directly depended. With its help, mankind was able to develop crafts and make their lives much easier, which can be observed even in such a banal example as a windmill. There is nothing surprising in the fact that as long as mankind has existed, so many people have asked and still ask themselves and each other the question, why does the wind blow?

This riddle is still extremely difficult not only for understanding a child, but also an adult. Scientists who study inanimate nature are still arguing about why the wind blows, where the wind blows from and where the wind blows.

Scientific and technical encyclopedic Dictionary defines the wind as a stream air masses(a mixture of gases whose particles fly freely in space), which quickly moves parallel to the surface of the Earth. Another interpretation of the wind suggests that the wind is a natural phenomenon that causes air masses to move due to certain changes that occur in the environment.

Wind is generated due to the uneven distribution of pressure in the atmosphere. As soon as he appears, he immediately begins to move from the zone high pressure to the low zone. To put it simply, why the wind blows, then we can safely say that if it were not for the Sun, land and the World Ocean of our planet, then the air after a rather short time would begin to have the same temperature and humidity everywhere, which is why the wind did not blow would never.

How air masses move

Throughout the day, the surface of our planet heats up unevenly. This applies not only to objects that are at a distance from each other, but also to those that are located very close. For example, over the same period of time, things of a darker color heat up (absorb heat) much more than light ones. The same can be said when comparing water with land (the latter reflects less of the sun's rays).

In turn, heated objects unevenly transfer heat to the air that surrounds them. For example, since the earth heats up much more than water, during the day air from the earth rises, and colder air from the sea goes to its place. At night, the reverse process occurs - while the earth has cooled, the waters of the sea remain warm. Accordingly, the warm air above the sea goes up, and the air from the land goes to its place.

Warmer air rises where it collides with colder air. This happens because the heated air becomes light and tends to rise, while the cold one, on the contrary, becomes heavier and rushes down. The greater the difference between the temperatures of the cold and warm stream, the stronger the wind usually blew. Thus, not only a light breeze arises, but also small whirlwinds, hurricanes and even tornadoes.

The air itself tends to be the same everywhere. When a certain heterogeneity is formed (it is warmer in one place, colder in another, in the third - there are more particles of gases, in the fourth - less), it moves horizontally, trying to eliminate the "inequality".

A similar process is taking place throughout the globe. Most warm place on our planet is the equator. It is here that the heated warm air goes up all the time, and from there it goes either to the North or south poles. After that, at certain latitudes, it descends again to the earth and begins to move. Where exactly the wind blows - depending on the circumstances. Maybe further to the poles, or maybe return to the equator.

Earth rotation

The rotation of our planet affects the flow of air masses. It is because of him that all the winds that blow in the Northern Hemisphere shift to the right, and in the South - to the left.

Atmosphere pressure

Our body, without even knowing it, all the time feels the pressure of air on itself - despite the fact that it seems to us absolutely weightless. According to the latest scientific data, the entire atmosphere of our Earth (in other words, a layer of gases), consisting mainly of nitrogen and oxygen, weighs five quadrillion tons.

Atmospheric pressure in different places Lands are different. Gas molecules strive to compensate for this, and constantly move at great speed in different directions (these particles, due to the Earth's gravity, are completely attached to it, and cannot fly into space in any way).

This is how it turns out that the wind is the movement of a huge number of atmospheric gas molecules in one direction. Air masses usually flow from a zone of high pressure (when the air is cold - an anticyclone) to an area of ​​low pressure (when it is warm - a cyclone), thereby filling the voids of rarefied air.

Wind classification

Strong winds that have an average duration (one minute) are squalls. There are such types of winds:

  • Breeze - a warm wind near the sea, where you can observe a light wind blowing on the coast. Wind direction changes twice a day. Day (or sea) often blew from the sea to the shore, night (or coastal) - vice versa. The breeze speed is usually between 1 and 5 m/s;
  • The storm is extremely strong wind, the speed of which is from 16 to 20 m/s.
  • Storm - occurs during a cyclone, speed - from 15 to 32 m / s;
  • A hurricane is a very strong storm caused by air masses moving in different directions at great speed, the speed of which is from 32 m/s;
  • A typhoon is a hurricane of enormous destructive power that blew and blows mainly near east coast Asia, on Far East as well as the Western Pacific.

Wind gusts are short-term (several seconds) and strong (several hours or even months) movements of air masses. For example, for tropical climate distinguish the following types of winds:

  • Monsoons - winds, typical mainly for tropical regions, blow for several months, sometimes changing the direction of the wind. In summer - from the ocean to land, in winter - vice versa. The summer monsoons are characterized by high humidity.
  • Trade winds - such a wind usually blew and blows in tropical latitudes throughout the year, in the Northern Hemisphere - from the northeast direction, in the Southern - from the southeast. A windless strip separates them from each other.

Due to the constant change in pressure, the direction of the wind is constantly changing. But in any case, the wind always moves from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure.

For thousands of years, people have been watching the winds, drawing certain conclusions, putting forward hypotheses, drawing up graphs in order to use this wind as best as possible in their activities. amazing phenomenon inanimate nature. So, the so-called Wind Rose appeared - a drawing, more precisely, a diagram that depicts exactly how the wind blows in a particular area.

The Wind Rose is composed in this way: eight straight lines are drawn from the center at a distance of 45 ° from each other, on which marks are applied with a length proportional to either the frequency of the winds or their speeds. After that, the ends of the marks are connected and two polygonal figures are obtained - the Rose of the frequency of winds, and the Rose of the speed of the winds.

The wind rose makes it possible to determine the direction, strength, and duration of the prevailing wind, as well as the frequency of air currents. The wind rose is drawn both in order to determine the average indicators, and to determine the maximum values. You can create a complex drawing on which diagrams will be plotted, consisting of several parameters at once, which will also show which direction the wind is blowing.

The drawings are extremely necessary for a person– during construction, to solve various economic problems (for example, in Lately thanks to the wind, it became possible to receive electricity), etc. After all, the wind may well be both a friend and an enemy - if you do not pay attention to it and do not take into account its influence on environment, he is quite capable of inflicting irreparable damage destroying man made creation. Although the wind is a phenomenon uncontrollable by man, since he blew and will blow wherever he wants, but now humanity can predict its approximate direction and strength, which can save many lives.

Here you can find information on how to correctly determine the direction of the wind. After all, there are two possible definitions of direction, but we will discuss mainly the most common of them.

I have heard people call the north wind the south wind and vice versa just because they did not know the rule for the formation of wind names. The wind gets its name from the direction from which it blows, not from which direction it blows.

What is wind direction?

Wind direction is one of the indicators of movement atmospheric air. The meteorological wind direction indicates the azimuth of the point from which the wind is blowing; while the aeronautical wind direction is which way it is blowing: thus the values ​​differ by 180°.

How to determine the direction of the wind?

The wind always blows from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure. A variety of instruments, such as windsocks and wind vanes, are used to measure wind direction. Both of these tools work by moving with the slightest breath of wind. In the same way, the weather vane shows the predominant direction of the wind - its tail is directed in the direction in which the wind blows. You can also determine the direction of the wind with a finger moistened with saliva - the blowing wind will cause a feeling of chill on the side from which the air is moving.

The direction of the wind is where or where does the wind blow?

The wind, as a movement, is characterized by quite specific parameters: direction, force and speed.

  • The direction of the wind, meaning which way the wind is blowing, is called aeronautical direction. This is a logical, but not the only measurement of wind direction.
  • Meteorological wind direction indicates which direction the wind is blowing from.

The meteorological and aeronautical wind direction differ from each other exactly the opposite. One can only imagine the consequences of confusion between them! We are also interested in the second point - meteorological wind direction.

There are four main directions winds:

  1. South wind - blows from south to north;
  2. North wind - blows from north to south;
  3. West wind - blows from west to east;
  4. East wind - blows from east to west.

Also allocate intermediate directions, such as Northwest wind or Southwest wind.

You can also remember one mnemonic sea rule:

"The wind blows into the compass, the current comes out of the compass"

If it is written (said) - the wind is north, then it blows from the north. And if it is written (said) - the current is south, then it goes south.

Moving in a certain direction. On other planets, it is a mass of gases characteristic of their surface. On Earth, the wind moves mostly horizontally. Classification, as a rule, is carried out in accordance with the speed, scale, types of forces, their causes, places of distribution. Under the influence of flows are various natural phenomena and weather. The wind contributes to the transfer of dust, seeds of plants, promotes the movement of flying animals. But how does directional airflow come about? Where does the wind blow from? What determines its duration and strength? And why do the winds blow? About this and much more - later in the article.


First of all, winds are characterized by strength, direction and duration. Gusts are strong and short-term movements (up to several seconds) of air flows. If a strong wind of medium duration (about a minute) blows, then it is called a squall. Longer air currents are named according to their strength. So, for example, a light wind blowing on the coast is a breeze. There is also a typhoon. The duration of the winds can also be different. Some last a few minutes, for example. The breeze, which depends on the temperature difference on the relief surface during the day, can last up to several hours. The local and general circulation of the atmosphere is made up of trade winds and monsoons. Both of these types are classified as "global" winds. Monsoons are caused by seasonal changes in temperature and last up to several months. The trade winds are constantly moving. They are due to temperature differences at different latitudes.

How to explain to a child why the wind is blowing?

For children in early age this phenomenon is of particular interest. The child does not understand where the air flow is formed, which is why it is in one place and not in another. It is enough to simply explain to the baby that in winter, for example, it blows cold wind due to low temperature. How does this process take place? It is known that the air flow is a mass of atmospheric gas molecules moving together in one direction. A small air flow, blowing, can whistle, tear off hats from passers-by. But if the mass of gas molecules has a large volume and a width of several kilometers, then it can cover a fairly large distance. IN enclosed spaces the air hardly moves. And you can even forget about its existence. But if, for example, you put your hand out of the window of a moving car, you can feel the air flow, its strength and pressure with your skin. Where does the wind blow from? The movement of the flow is due to the difference in pressure in different parts of the atmosphere. Let's consider this process in more detail.

Atmospheric pressure difference

So why does the wind blow? For children, it is better to cite a dam as an example. On the one hand, the height of the water column, for example, is three, and on the other, six meters. When the sluices are opened, the water will flow to the area where it is less. The same thing happens with air currents. IN different parts atmospheric pressure is different. This is due to the difference in temperature. Molecules move faster in warm air. Particles tend to scatter from each other in different directions. Due to this warm air more discharged and weighs less. As a result, the pressure that is created in it decreases. If the temperature is lowered, then the molecules form closer clusters. Air therefore weighs more. As a result, the pressure rises. Like water, air has the ability to flow from one zone to another. Thus, the flow passes from the section with high blood pressure to an area with low That's why the winds blow.

The movement of streams near water bodies

Why does the wind blow from the sea? Consider an example. On a sunny day, the rays warm up both the shore and the pond. But the water heats up much more slowly. This is due to the fact that the surface warm layers immediately begin to mix with the deeper and therefore cold layers. But the coast heats up much faster. And the air above it is more discharged, and the pressure, respectively, is lower. Atmospheric flows rush from the reservoir to the shore - to a freer area. There they, heating up, rise up, again freeing up space. Instead, a cool stream appears again. This is how air circulates. On the beach, vacationers can periodically feel a light cool breeze.

The meaning of the winds

Having found out why the winds blow, it should be said about the effect they have on life on Earth. The wind has great importance for human civilization. The whirling currents inspired people to create mythological works, expanded the trade and cultural range, and influenced historical phenomena. The winds also acted as energy suppliers for various mechanisms and units. Due to the movement of air currents, they were able to overcome considerable distances across the oceans and seas, and Balloons- across the sky. For modern aircraft winds are of great practical importance - they allow you to save fuel and increase it. But it should be said that air currents can also harm a person. So, for example, due to gradient wind fluctuations, control over the control of the aircraft can be lost. In small bodies of water, fast air currents and the waves they cause can destroy buildings. In many cases, winds contribute to the expansion of the fire. In general, the phenomena associated with the formation of air currents, different ways affect wildlife.

Global Effects

In many areas of the planet, air masses with a certain direction of movement predominate. In the region of the poles, as a rule, eastern ones predominate, and in temperate latitudes - westerly winds. At the same time, in the tropics, air currents take again eastbound. On the borders between these zones - the subtropical ridge and the polar front - there are so-called calm areas. There are practically no prevailing winds in these zones. Here the movement of air is carried out mainly vertically. This explains the appearance of high humidity zones (near the polar front) and deserts (near the subtropical ridge).


In this part of the planet, trade winds blow in a westerly direction, approaching the equator. Due to the constant movement of these air currents, the atmospheric masses on Earth are mixed. This can manifest itself on a significant scale. So, for example, the trade winds moving over Atlantic Ocean, carry dust from the African desert territories to the West Indies and parts of North America.

Local effects of air mass formation

Finding out why the winds blow, it should be said about the influence of the presence of certain geographical objects. One of the local effects of the formation of air masses is the temperature difference between not too remote areas. It can be provoked by different coefficients of light absorption or different heat capacity of the surface. The latter effect is most pronounced between and land. The result is a breeze. Another local factor of importance is the presence of mountain systems.

Mountain influence

These systems can be a kind of barrier to the movement of air flows. In addition, mountains in many cases themselves cause wind formation. The air above the hills warms up more than the atmospheric masses above the lowlands at the same height. This contributes to the formation of low pressure zones over mountain ranges and wind formation. This effect often provokes the appearance of mountain-valley atmospheric moving masses. Such winds predominate in areas with rugged terrain.

An increase in friction near the valley surface leads to a deviation of the parallel directed air flow to the height of the nearby mountains. This contributes to the formation of a jet high-altitude current. The speed of this flow can exceed the strength of the surrounding wind up to 45%. As mentioned above, mountains can act as an obstacle. When bypassing the circuit, the flow changes its direction and strength. Changes in mountain ranges have a significant impact on wind movement. For example, if in mountain range, which overcomes the atmospheric mass, there is a pass, then the flow passes it with a noticeable increase in speed. In this case, the Bernoulli effect works. It should be noted that even slight elevation changes cause fluctuations. Due to a significant air velocity gradient, the flow becomes turbulent and continues to remain so even behind a mountain on a plain at a certain distance. Such effects are in some cases of particular importance. For example, they are important for aircraft taking off and landing at mountain airfields.

Where the wind blows Neglect. Inconsistent in his opinions, decisions and unreliable person. - The rest are even worse: two Pepees, a Zionist and three - where the wind blows(N. Ostrovsky. Born by the Storm).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .


See what "Where the wind blows" is in other dictionaries:

    where the wind blows- chameleon, keeps his nose in the wind, weather vane Dictionary of Russian synonyms. where the wind blows n., number of synonyms: 4 keeps the nose in the wind (5) ... Synonym dictionary

    Where the wind blows, [it carries it there]- Narodn. Unapproved About a frivolous, fickle person. Jig. 1969, 212; FSRYA, 62; F 1, 58 ...

    watching which way the wind blows Synonym dictionary

    walking where the wind blows- adj., number of synonyms: 4 keeping his nose downwind (8) playing along (10) ... Synonym dictionary

    go where the wind blows- keep your nose in the wind, adapt, watch where the wind blows, play along Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    Live WHERE THE WIND BLOWS. Razg. Neglect Live as you will. There lived one bean in our parish. The carcass was called a thin little man, empty: he lived with a pen, back and forth, where the wind blows neither a worker nor a loafer (M. Gorky. In people) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Know where (where) the wind is blowing- Razg. Iron. To have an exceptional flair for changing situations, circumstances and quickly (often obsequiously and hypocritically) adapt to them. BMS 1998, 79; SHZF 2001, 84; ZS 1996, 67; Glukhov 1988, 78 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Psk. Unapproved To adapt to whom l., to what l. SPP 2001, 21 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Wherever the wind blows, there I go- Small. Unapproved The same as Where the wind blows, [it carries it there]. /i> Hurry to lean. SSG 11, 42 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    From where the wind blows, there it tends- Narodn. Unapproved The same as where the wind blows, [it carries it there]. Jig. 1969, 202 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings


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Close eyes. It's simple. Just close your eyes.
What a stupid I am, but how will you read?
Let's agree so that you will read to someone, and this someone will close their eyes.
And then you close your eyes, and someone will tell you about that wonderful place where the ancient mountains give serenity, and the ever-young wind drives the wave first over the sea, and then over the mountains, blowing their grassy hair.

So, are your eyes closed? Dark enough?
Okay, look closely, it's the sky. You see bright stars scattered like pearls dropped by the moon as it fled.
Don't look for the horizon, it doesn't exist. The sky doesn't end, it just becomes the sea.
The sea is the same sky, but without stars. The black bottomless abyss quietly whispers indistinguishable words. It is said that those who were able to disassemble them went to sea, turning into dolphins. Because it is not given to people to understand the meaning of the music of the sea, and those who nevertheless understand have nothing to do among people.

You see, on the right - a dark yellow hulk - this is an old volcano. Once he was hot and threw red-hot blocks into the sea. But the sea turned out to be stronger, and now only the dreams of the old giant remind of a stormy youth, lightning and large drops of rain excite the million-year slumber of the gently sloping neighboring mountains.

And only the wind is timeless. He saw the volcano when he was young. The wind changed its shape, carving wrinkles into the hard rocks. He carried the seeds of steppe flowers along the smoothed slopes of the ancient mountains. He saw the sea, which was still a fresh lake. And when, filled salt water, it became a real sea, raised huge waves that drowned ships.

The wind will always exist as long as the Earth exists, only the stars will survive it. The wind has always been there. He did not calm down for a minute. Because this is where he belongs. A place where the wind always blows.

You see, on the left, over the cape, the sky begins to turn red. It's the rising sun. The darkness recedes and the sky changes color. The sea turns from black to blue, the mountains turn bright yellow, and the peaks of the volcano turn green.

You see? Now open your eyes and listen further.

One day, in the light of day, a man came there with a voluminous bag on his back. He climbed to the top of a table-like mountain, and the wind immediately hit him backhand - How dare he, a mortal, invade the domain of the wind?
But the man just smiled. He was dry but strong. Gray hair covered his head, but a cheerful spark lived in his eyes. During his life he received many blows, but they all only hardened him.

The man stood leaning forward, resisting the furious pressure of the wind. Squinting his eyes, he looked at the valley, the mountains, the bay and the rocks.
- My journey is over. - thought the man - I can not find a place better than this. Places where the sun's rays warm the hilly mountains and warm air currents rush from the earth into the sky.
He took off the bag and untied it. Then he took a tightly bound piece of cloth from the bag and began to unfold it. The wind calmed down a little, it seemed to be examining the stranger and his belongings with interest.
Unrolling a huge piece of cloth, the man threw the straps over his shoulders and belt and stepped into the wind, holding the slings sewn to the fabric with his hands. And suddenly a long banner, filled with wind, rose, turning into one large wing. The man took a step, then another, and... got off the ground.

The wind, recovering from such impudence, rushed at the man in a squall to break his wing, throw him where he was supposed to be, on the ground. But the man, deftly parrying the gust, leveled the wing and whispered something to the wind.
Never before had the wind heard such words. Amazed, he fell silent, then carefully picked up the wing and carried it up to the sun.

They flew together, man and wind. A man said something to the wind, and the wind answered him. And the mountains, the sea, and the volcano below listened to the conversation.

Since then, every year, at the time when the sun painted the mountains yellow, a man appeared on top of a table-like mountain with a bag over his shoulders. And the wind met an old friend.

I don’t know if that person eventually became a bird, because I don’t know if the one who understood the music of the wind will be able to find his place among people.

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