Tests of the oral part of the exam in English. Task C4 – make up questions. What is it and what has changed in recent years

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All the necessary theory. Quick ways solutions, pitfalls and secrets of the Unified State Exam. All current tasks of part 1 from the FIPI Task Bank have been analyzed. The course fully complies with the requirements of the Unified State Exam 2018.

The course contains 5 big topics, 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, simply and clearly.

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The oral part is carried out on a separate day in a computerized form, without the participation of an interlocutor, based on special software. The tasks are presented to the examinee on the computer display; the computer program contains precise timing of the time for preparation and response. Audio recordings of examinees' answers are provided for evaluation by experts who have undergone special training.

exercise content level


time for

1 Read aloud an excerpt from an informational or popular science text that is stylistically neutral base 1 1.5 min 1.5 min
2 Ask 5 questions on a specific topic (travel, shopping, food, transport, sports, etc.). The examinee is given a visual stimulus and key words (what to ask). base 5 1.5 min 1.5 min
Tell a friend about the photo you took, why you took it and why you want to show it to your friend (one photo of the examinee’s choice out of three) base 7 1.5 min 2 minutes
Compare 2 proposed photos (for example, beach holiday and hiking), identify similarities, differences and talk about your preferences. high 7 1.5 min 2 minutes

Strategies for completing tasks

Evaluation criteria

Interactive real-time simulators

- Simulator 1 (Demo 2015)
- Trainer 2 (open bank tasks)
- Trainer 3 (open bank tasks)
- Trainer 4
- Trainer 5
- Trainer 6
- Trainer 7(tasks test exam 26.02.2015)
- Simulator 8 (Demo 2016)
- Simulator 9 (tasks early Unified State Examination 2016)
- Simulator 10 (Demo 2017)
- Simulator 11 (Demo 2018)
- Simulator 12 (Demo 2019)

In 2017, changes were made to the wording of task 3. Please note this when using trainers 1-9, as they were created earlier and remain the same! Now the speaker is not necessarily the author of the photo; he can even say that he himself is depicted in the photo. Now the first point of the plan suggests that the student must say not only WHEN, but also WHERE the picture was taken. Word present changed to describe and the word disappeared imagine.


2015 2017

Task 3. Imagine that these are photos from your album. Choose one photo to present to your friend.

  • when you took the photo
  • what/who is in the photo
  • what is happening
  • why did you take the photo
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend

Task 3. These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.

- What is meant by lexical errors?
- What is meant by grammatical errors?
- What is meant by phonetic errors?

Hello, dear readers!

Today I want to show you one lifehack , which you can use in preparation for Oral part (Task 3). I think it will make your life much easier while preparing for the exam. But first, let's define what this buzzword means. lifehack ”.

Reference :

“Lifehack is a strategy or technique adopted in order to manage one’s time and daily activities in a more effective way.”

Source: Oxford English Dictionary

Lifehack (literally "life hacking" ) is a set of techniques and techniques to simplify the process of achieving your goals with the help of various useful tips and clever tricks.

I promise it won't hurt to break it. You will definitely like it!

So, let's take my sample answer to Task 3 of the Oral part of the Demonstration version 2017, presented on the FIPI website.

Using homemade preparations, you can easily construct your monologue during the exam.

See what I did in my new video.

Before we begin our task, I want to remind you that in the exam you must choose a photo to describe in literally a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, you will not have the opportunity to make any notes. In addition, the response time is limited to 2 minutes, so the speech rate must be quite high.

How to choose the right photo

- choose photos where the objects are clearly distinguishable and do not cause double interpretation

- choose photos that show people (or a group of people), as you will have the opportunity to describe them emotional condition, appearance, occupation, in contrast to static pictures with images of architectural monuments

- if you choose photos of people, do not waste time during the exam coming up with names for them. Call them after your friends, relatives, acquaintances.

For example, In the foreground of the picture you can see my sister Ann (my brother Andrew, my aunt Mary, etc.).

- use your life experience when describing the scene. This will give you confidence in the exam.

For example, I took this picture last summer when my family went to Sochi on holiday.

- by choosing a photo, in no case Don’t change your mind, because you simply won’t have enough time to come up with a good answer!

- don’t choose a photo that you just like; Be guided by the amount of knowledge you need to use when describing a photograph.

Read about which cliches to use to describe photographs.

Well, now I will show you how you can use my template to describe photographs of various subjects by changing a few phrases.

Task 3These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

  • where and when the photo was taken
  • what/who is in the photo
  • what is happening
  • why you keep the photo in your album
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”

Task 3

Sample answer

I’ve chosen photo number 1.

Well, recently I have started a blog about a healthy lifestyle. I write short stories about healthy food. Also, I often take pictures of my friends and relatives to show to my followers (readers) which exercises they do to keep fit. (3)

So, this picture was taken a week ago when my sister and I went jogging in our park near the river. (1)

In the foreground of the photo you can see my elder sister Stacy. She is running in the park at the moment. The morning is sunny and quite warm, so Stacy is wearing a nice T-shirt. She looks pretty slim because she does her regular exercises and maintains a balanced diet. She says it always helps her to be in a good mood and shape. (5)

In the background of the picture there are lots of green trees. The air is usually fresh in the morning. And I think it’s the best time for doing sports. (3)

I know that you are trying to lose some weight. So, I show you the photo of my sister to encourage you to take up jogging. Also, to gain the best results, you can follow her eating habits advice. (3)

That's all I wanted to say.(phrase for the examiner)

Now let’s replace photo 1 from Task 3 of the Oral part of the Demonstration version of the Unified State Exam 2017.

Task 3

Sample answer

I’ve chosen photo number 1.(Be sure to start your answer with this phrase after selecting the photo number.)

Well, recently I have started a blog about people's hobbies. I write short stories about different leisure activities. Also, I often take pictures of my friends and relatives to show to my followers (readers) how they spend their favorite passtime. (3)

So, this picture was taken last summer when my cousin (sister) and I went to the country side to visit our relatives. (1)

In the foreground of the photo you can see my cousin Irina. She is riding a horse in a grassy field at the moment. The horse looks very strong and beautiful. My cousin feels very confident on the horse back because it has been her favorite hobby since her childhood. She says it always helps her to be in a good mood and shape. (5)

In the background of the picture there is a thick forest. The day is not very sunny, so you can see lots of clouds in the sky. Nevertheless, I think such weather is good (suitable) for horse riding. (3)

I keep this photo in my album because I am going to use it on my blog. (1)

I know what you want to start a new hobby. So, I show you the photo of my cousin to encourage you to take up horseback riding. Also, you can meet her and ask about the details any time you like. (3)

That's all I wanted to say. (phrase For examiner)

Well, now it’s your turn to try to describe the photo using this template.

You can suggest your answer options in the comments field after the article, or send me a private message on VK. The best answer will be published on the site (of course, only with the permission of the author of the answer).

Teaches English at Russian State University for the Humanities

Unified State Examination English language- it’s pain, but it’s even more painful than that oral part. True, you won’t have to suffer for long: speaking lasts 15 minutes, and during this time you can earn a maximum of 20 points.

What does the oral part consist of?

  1. Reading text aloud
  2. Questions
  3. Description of the photo
  4. Comparison of two photos

How will it go

  • Good news for introverts - you don't have to communicate with... real person. You will sit in front of the computer, the headset will record your answers, and the timer on the screen will helpfully count down the time.
  • In this case, an organizer will be present in the audience to monitor the progress of the exam.
  • You are given 1 minute 30 seconds to prepare for each task. During this time, you should carefully read the task and draw up an answer plan.
  • Once you make a mistake, you can correct it. Just be careful - it is the last option that counts as the answer, regardless of whether it was correct or not.

🔎 Detailed criteria for evaluating the Unified State Examination in English can be found in the FIPI demo version.

Task 1: read the text

All you need to do in the first task is read aloud small text. Question price - 1 point. To do this, you need to make no more than 5 phonetic errors and no more than 1-2 gross errors that change the meaning of what was said. If there are more errors, you will receive 0 points.

Task 1: Just read the text out loud

Based on how you read, the examiner evaluates your overall preparation. This is why the first task is very important. An experienced examiner, after reading a few phrases by you, can determine the result with which you will come to the fourth task. The way you read the text immediately shows how familiar you are with the language, whether you have the communication skills that you needed to master in preparation for the exam, and whether you can think and express yourself in English.

  • Read the terms of the first task carefully. The intonation with which you read the text should correspond to the language situation. If you are required to tell the content of the text to a friend, your speech should not be too dry and strict. To practice, read texts to your younger siblings or pets.
  • When you read a text, do not allow pauses where they should not be, but be sure to make them where they are needed. Your speech should be easy to understand. While preparing, listen to as many educational audio recordings as possible. Not songs in English, hehe.
  • Be sure to follow the tone of the English language. You need to know where a falling tone is used and where a rising tone is used. This is the minimum that examiners will look at.
  • Watch the rhythm of your phrases, but don't get too hung up on the stress. If in general your speech flows freely, if you respect the intonation pattern of your language, the emphasis may shift, but it should sound natural. Don't forget about the length of vowel sounds.
  • Emphasize key words in the sentence. Insignificant words, on the contrary, can be slightly compressed and, as it were, “swallowed.” Most often, keywords are nouns, they carry more information. Pronouns and articles are “swallowed”.
  • A keyword surrounded by several less significant ones gives a semantic unit. A sentence can consist of two or three semantic units. Be careful: incorrectly selected keyword will lead to intonation errors when reading.

Task 2: asking questions

Task 2: Ask questions about the ad

  • Don't try to embellish the answer by asking fancy or difficult questions. This will not add points, and the risk of making a mistake and losing points will increase.
  • Avoid indirect questions, including “Could you say...” phrases.
  • Formulate questions to obtain specific information: “What is the exact location of the lake?”, “How can i get to the lake?”.
  • Ask only direct questions. They come in two types: general and special. A general question is asked to the entire sentence or to the predicate, a special question contains a question word. Observe grammar rules asking questions. Be aware of the form of irregular verbs.
  • Pay attention to intonation, it is also evaluated. General issues require a rise in intonation, special ones require a fall.

Task 3: tell us what we see

You need to choose one of three photos and describe it according to plan. You are expected to be able to tell what you see freely spoken language. 2 minutes to answer, 7 points for everything about everything.

Task 3: choose one picture and tell me what you see in it

  • Use exaggeration words, they are popular in English. For example: splendid, gorgeous, awesome, incredible (magnificent, amazing).
  • Learn a few synonyms for feelings words in advance. The more varied your vocabulary is, the better. It is convenient to select synonyms on thesaurus.com website.
  • Your answer should contain 12-15 sentences. Clearly mark pauses between sentences.
  • The task contains an answer plan. Write down how many sentences there will be in each of the points of the plan. Usually this is two or three sentences. Use more sentences at the point where you feel most confident.
  • Write down the text you will recite in in writing It’s easier to formulate thoughts and track mistakes.
  • Make sure that the sentences are arranged in a logically coherent text.

Task 4: compare

Two photographs are given to compare based on the plan. Fluency in speech is tested. You can earn a maximum of 7 points.

Task 4: compare two images according to plan

  • Prepare material for this task in advance: words that are used to compare and describe the image. For example: in the picture, in the background, on the left.
  • Follow the plan. Write down how many sentences there will be in each paragraph. As in the third part, you can make more suggestions in the part in which you are better oriented.
  • Do not miss a single point of the plan; points will be deducted for this.
  • To prepare, use exercises in which you need to compare two pictures. This will help you quickly spot differences.

Many of the graduates taking the 11th Unified State Exam class in English, refuse to take the oral part of this exam. This happens because they are afraid of not being able to handle it. Let's not hide the fact that even now in many Russian schools, not all English teachers can prepare students to pass the exam. But this is not a reason to be upset and give up, because every motivated student is capable of passing the Unified State Exam with the maximum score.

To prepare for the written part, you can solve examples from training reference books, learn grammar rules, read texts, etc. What to do with oral part? What does the oral part of the exam mean? How does it go? And the main question: how to prepare? Let's sort it out in order.

Conducting the exam.

The oral and written parts of the Unified State Exam in English are taken on different days. In 2019, the oral part will be taken before the written part: the oral part will be taken on June 13, and the written part on June 18. Formal delivery time is 15 minutes, i.e. You will have 15 minutes to complete the tasks and fill out the registration form.

The exam organization is the same as OGE exam. There are waiting audiences, and delivery audiences. Initially, graduates are assigned to waiting rooms. There they are instructed, and then wait for their turn in the exam room. The waiting time depends on the number of equipped classrooms for taking the Unified State Exam and on the number of examinees. Exam classes are equipped with computers and a special headset (headphones and microphone). After entering the classroom, you sit down at the computer, put on headphones and fill out the registration form according to your option number, then complete the tasks.

Exam structure.

There are 4 tasks in the oral part of the Unified State Examination in English: reading a text, writing questions, a monologue description of a picture and a comparison of 2 photographs. The first task is considered a basic level of difficulty, the second is higher level, but the third and fourth are of a high level.

How many points can you get for the oral part?

The English language exam has a very interesting system assessments. It is not similar to any other system for assessing other USE subjects. Why? The fact is that the primary score coincides with the secondary score.

The entire English language exam is divided into 5 blocks: listening, reading, grammar, writing and speaking. AND maximum amount points for successfully completing each block is 20. Accordingly, the maximum score for successfully passing the oral part in English is 20 points. For reading the text you will receive 1 point, for writing questions 5 points, and for monologue and comparison 7 points each.

What to expect from your first assignment?

The first task the student will face will be reading the text. The text will not be very long, approximately 150 words.

Reading the text is aimed at identifying the student’s correct pronunciation and the absence of speech defects. The better the examinee reads the text, the more likely he is to earn a point.

Frequent mistakes in this task are: incorrect pronunciation of words (most often numerals and geographical names), incorrect stress in words and distorted intonation.

To prepare for the first task, the graduate must learn the rules of reading, pronunciation and know the exceptions.

What mistakes are made in the second task?

In the second task, eleventh graders are required to know how to write direct questions.

There is a situation in which the examinee is asked to immerse himself (for example: you came to a dance club or were planning to go on an excursion). And to receive complete information the graduate needs to ask questions. After formulating the task, below will be presented the topics on which you need to ask a question (for example: price, opening hours, location...).

Frequent mistakes in this task are: writing questions that do not fit the stated topic, deviation from the question plan, grammatical errors, replacing questions with requests, using the pronoun It in the first question instead of denoting the subject. To fully understand the question, in the first question you must mention the subject of your clarification. Other errors include incorrect word order, omission of auxiliary verbs, and inconsistency between subject and predicate.

How to prepare for the third task?

Fewer students cope with the third task, since it requires more preparation than the first and second. But, all the same, it is doable and if you understand it, then it may seem easy to someone.

There are three photographs that are supposedly kept in the graduate's album. From these pictures, the student needs to choose only one and describe it, imagining that he is showing it to his friend. You need to describe the photo according to the plan presented in the assignment. Items included in this plan include: where and when the photo was taken, who/what is in the photo, what is happening in the photo (holiday, walk, trip, etc.), the reason for keeping the photo in the album, and why the student decided to show the photo to a friend. .

Frequent errors in this task are: description of three pictures instead of one, violation of the plan points for describing the picture, lack of reference to the interlocutor (to a friend), lack of introductory and concluding phrases, incorrect use introductory structures, speech and grammatical errors.

Fourth task: difficult or easy?

It is believed that task 4 is the most difficult task in the oral part, as many experts and unprepared students say, and some are ready to shout that it is generally impossible. But we are ready to argue with this. If a graduate knows the algorithm for preparing and completing this task, he will not have any difficulties.

The task is a comparison of two photographs/pictures. 2 pictures are given, a plan that must be followed for comparison.

As a rule, the contrast is immediately visible: city - countryside, vacation - work, paper book - e-book. But there are more difficult options: playing sports in the gym and on fresh air, maintaining cleanliness environment volunteers and family...

Frequent mistakes in performing this task are: describing pictures instead of comparing them, primitiveness of comparison, as well as many mistakes made in task No. 3.

The most important skill for successfully completing all oral tasks is the ability to accurately allocate time to complete all tasks.

As you can see, the oral part is in English Unified State Examination language not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to prepare properly and not lose motivation.

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