Oral statements for the Olympiad in English. Olympiad tasks in English on the topic: Workshop on the oral part of the Olympiad in English

Olympiad in English for grades 5-6 Radish O.N.

I Competition for understanding the oral text (Listening)

Exercise 1

You will hear four dialogues. Match the places A -D where these dialogues took place with the numbers of the dialogues. Record your answers in the table. You will hear the recording twice.

A Hospital B Library C Bank B Shop

Exercise 2

Listen to a story about one of the days of Queen Elizabeth II and complete tasks 1-4 by circling the letter A , B , C or D corresponding to the answer you think is correct. You will hear the recording twice.

1. The Queen wakes up at

B) half past eight

D) half past seven

2. The Queen reads personal letters

A) after breakfast

C) before breakfast

D) with her personal breakfast

3. At half past four the Queen receives

A) a group of business men

C) foreign visitors

D) Prince Philip

4. The Queen phones to some members of the Royal Family

A) to say goodnight

B) tell some news

C) to discuss some official papers

D) to make sure that everything goes right

Exercise 3

Listen to Max talk about how he leads a healthy lifestyle and answer questions 1-5. You will hear the recording twice.

    How many times does Max run around his house?


    What Max eats to keep feet?

    Where doesn't Max like to eat?

    Why doesn't Max like to have guests at home?


    What is Max's motto?


II Competition for understanding written speech (Reading)

Time : 30 minutes

Read the text.

A1 Elizabeth I was the Queen of England. When Elizabeth was born, her father, Henry VIII, was very angry, because his new child was a daughter – he wanted a son. She sent Elizabeth away from him. Elizabeth was unhappy but she was good at learning. She loved theater and she could speak many languages ​​– Latin, French, Italian.

A2 Elizabeth "s sister Mary became a Queen in 1553. She put Elizabeth in prison. When Mary died, Elizabeth became the Queen. But she never married and she didn't have any children.

A3 Elizabeth was a great queen. England became rich and strong. There were wars with Spain, but there was also a period of peace and beauty.

1. Match headings 1-5 of paragraphs A-A4. One header is redundant.

    A hard way to the throne.

    A clever student.

    Queen's childhood.

    The best time for arts.

2. Determine whether these assertions are true (True ) or not true (False ).

A5 Elizabeth was a happy princess.

A6 Henry VIII didn't want to have a daughter.

A7 Elizabeth couldn't speak Italian.

A8 Elizabeth didn't like theater.

A9 Elizabeth was the first English Queen.

A10 She had no children at all.

A11 England became poor in the period of Elizabeth's

Participant's ID number



III Lexico-grammar test (Use of English)

TASK 3 USE OF ENGLISH (30 points)
time: 30 minutes
1. Read the sentences. Choose the answers A, B or C.

1. This is a present ____ Kate.

A. four B. for C. far

2. Sarah usually ______ novels.

A. writes B. going to write C. is writing

3. Water in a glass is very ______.

A. clean B. much clean C. the cleanest

4. I _________ this book to my friend yesterday.

A. bring B. brought C. did bring

5. A very clever person is called ___________.

A. interesting B. wise C. nice

6. Jack must not eat so much. He is too.

A. round B. slim C. fat

7. Let ____ wash the floor in the kitchen.

A. her B. he C. they

8. We______ the history of Egypt now.

A. studies B. are studying C. studied

9. This book is not very boring. There are ________ interesting facts in it.

A. anything B. any C. some

10. I don't like this music. Misha doesn't like it ____.

A. then B. ever C. too

2. Choose the correct form of the plural of a noun. (5 points)
a. children b. child's c. children
2. Foot
a. feet b. feet c. feet
a. dresses b. dresses c. dress
a. shelfs b. shelvs c. shelves
5. Lady
a. lady's b. ladies c. lady

3. Choose the right option: (10 points)
a. a b. an c. the d. --
1. She is … doctor. She works in hospital.
2. They are at a café on …High Street.
3. He eats …egg and toast for breakfast.
4. In summer … sky is clear and blue.
5. I want to be … engineer when I leave school.
6. … moon is very bright tonight.
7. My cousin lives in Odessa.
8. It's raining. Don't forget to take … umbrella.
9. I don't like tea with … milk.
10. His younger sister likes … bananas.

4. Put the verbs “has”, “does”, “is”. (5 points)
1. Mary a clever girl.
2. Jane two sisters.
3. Mr. Brown not read magazines.
4. She got a lot of friends.
5. When did your father come home?


Answer sheet

IV Competition of written speech (Writing)
TASK 4 WRITING (20 points)
Time: 20 minutes
Write the short story (8-10 sentences) about your house (flat).


Participant's ID number



V Contest of oral speech (Speaking)

TASK 5 SPEAKING (20 points)
Time: 10 - 12 minutes

Task 1. Dialogue (5 points) (5 min.)
Arrange phrases of telephone conversation in a correct order.
Yes, he has.
Hi. It's Jane here. Can I speak to Mark, please?
OK. Bye-then.
sure. Has he got your number?
Yes, please - can you ask him to ring me?
thanks. Bye.
No, I'm sorry - he isn't in. Can I take a message?

Task 2.Monologue (15 points) (5 min.)
Speak on studies at school.

Criteria for evaluating competitions

1. Listening (listening) - from 20 to 30 points

2. Use of English (lexical and grammar test) - from 20 to 30 points(for each correct answer 1 point is given, in total from 20 to 30 questions)

3. Reading (reading) - from 20 to 30 points(for each correct answer 1 point is given, in total from 20 to 30 questions)

4. Writing (letter) - 20 points(estimated according to Criteria for evaluating the writing competition)

5. Speaking (oral speech) - 20 points(estimated according to Evaluation criteria for the oral speech competition)

For each participant, the points received for each competition are summed up. The winner is the participant with the most points. Prize-winners are participants following the winner in the rating (for the number of winners and prize-winners, see below). Regulations).

Scale of criteria for evaluating tasks in the section "Written speech"

POINTS (for content)

(maximum 10 points)

DESIGN (maximum 10 points)


(maximum 2 points)

(maximum 3 points)


(maximum 3 points)

Spelling and punctuation

(maximum 2 points)

The communicative task is fully completed, taking into account the purpose of the statement and the addressee. The topic is fully covered. The participant demonstrates an original approach to the disclosure of the topic. The participant kept within the specified volume (deviations are allowed in the direction of increasing or decreasing the volume of the text up to 10%).

The work has no errors in terms of composition.

The participant demonstrates a rich vocabulary necessary to cover the topic, an accurate choice of words and adequate possession of lexical compatibility. The work has no errors in terms of lexical design.

The participant demonstrates the competent and appropriate use of the structures necessary to disclose the topic. The work has no grammatical errors.

2 points

The participant demonstrates good command of spelling and punctuation skills. The work has no errors in terms of spelling and punctuation.

The communicative task is performed taking into account the purpose of the statement and the addressee. The topic is fully disclosed, but the work lacks originality in the disclosure of the topic. Or the participant did not fit into the specified volume (deviations in the direction of increasing or decreasing the volume of text from 10 to 20%).

The communicative task is generally completed, but there are some violations of the integrity of the content. The topic is not fully disclosed: all the necessary arguments and / or facts are not given. Or the participant did not fit into the given volume (deviations in the direction of increasing or decreasing the volume of text from 20 to 30%).

In general, the text has a clear structure corresponding to the given topic. The text is divided into paragraphs. The text contains links. Minor violations of the structure, logic or coherence of the text are acceptable.

The participant demonstrates a rich vocabulary necessary to cover the topic, an accurate choice of words and adequate possession of lexical compatibility. The work contains several (1-2) minor lexical errors.

The participant demonstrates the competent and appropriate use of the structures necessary to disclose the topic. There are 1-2 minor grammatical errors in the work.

The communicative task has been partially completed. The content of the text does not fully correspond to the given topic. Or the participant did not fit into the specified volume (deviations in the direction of increasing or decreasing the volume of text from 30 to 40%).

In general, the lexical composition of the text corresponds to the given topic, however, there are inaccuracies in the choice of words and lexical compatibility (more than 2), which do not complicate the understanding of the text. Or: standard, monotonous vocabulary is used.

The text contains grammatical and/or syntactical errors (more than 2), which do not impede the general understanding of the text. Or: simple, monotonous grammatical constructions are used.

The text contains spelling and/or punctuation errors that do not hinder the general understanding of the text.

The communicative task has been partially completed. The content of the text does not fully correspond to the given topic. Or the participant did not fit into the specified volume (deviations in the direction of increasing or decreasing the volume of text from 40 to 50%).

The communicative task was not completed. The content of the text does not correspond to the given topic. Or the participant did not fit into the given volume (deviations in the direction of increasing or decreasing the volume of the text by more than 50%).

The text does not have a clear logical structure. Missing or incorrect paragraph division of the text. There are serious violations of the coherence of the text and / or numerous errors in the use of logical means of communication.

The participant demonstrates an extremely limited vocabulary. Or: there are numerous errors in the use of vocabulary that make it difficult to understand the text.

The text contains numerous grammatical errors that make it difficult to understand.

The text contains numerous spelling and/or punctuation errors that make it difficult to understand.

The scale of criteria for assessing tasks in the section "Oral speech"

Maximum points: 20

Attention! A score of 0 for "Content" results in an overall score of 0.



(maximum 10 points)

Interaction with the interlocutor and speech design (maximum 10 points)

Interaction with the interlocutor

(maximum 4 points)

Lexical design of speech

(maximum 2 points)

Grammar of speech

(maximum 2 points)

Phonetic design of speech

(maximum 2 points)


The communicative task is fully completed: the goal of communication has been successfully achieved, the topic is disclosed in a given volume. The participant expresses interesting and original ideas.

4 points

The participant is able to logically and coherently conduct a conversation: the participant follows the order when exchanging remarks, if necessary, the participant starts first or maintains the conversation, restores the conversation in case of failure.

2 points

There are no lexical errors in the participant's speech; the participant's vocabulary is rich, varied and adequate to the task.

2 points

There are no grammatical errors in the participant's speech; the speech of the participant is rich in various grammatical constructions.

2 points

There are no phonetic errors in the participant's speech.


The communicative task has been fully completed: the goal of communication has been successfully achieved, the topic has been disclosed in a given volume, but the presentation is not distinguished by originality of thought.


The communicative task has not been fully completed: the goal of communication has been basically achieved, however, the topic has not been fully disclosed: the stated provisions are not sufficiently argued.

3 points

In general, the participant is able to carry on a logical and coherent conversation: the participant observes the turn in the exchange of remarks, but does not always take the initiative in maintaining the conversation.

1 point

The participant's vocabulary generally corresponds to the task, however, there is some difficulty in the selection of words and / or there are inaccuracies in their use.

1 point

The participant's speech contains grammatical errors that do not impede understanding, or monotonous grammatical constructions are used.

1 point

The participant's speech is generally understandable, the participant makes some phonetic errors.


The communicative task was partially fulfilled: the goal of communication was not fully achieved, the topic was disclosed to a limited extent: there were few statements made and they were not substantiated.

2 points

The participant is not able to logically and coherently conduct a conversation: does not start and does not seek to maintain it, largely depends on the help from the interlocutor.


The communicative task has not been completed: the goal of communication has not been achieved, the content does not correspond to the communicative task.

1 point

The participant in the dialogue is not able to conduct a conversation.

0 points

Vocabulary is not enough to communicate in accordance with the task.

0 points

The participant's speech contains grammatical errors that make it difficult to understand.

0 points

Understanding the participant's speech is difficult due to the large number of phonetic errors.


Refusal to answer

0 points

Refusal to complete the dialogue task

Annex 1



Surname First name Middle name Class Code

Number of points




Ay Thu LG P G

Jury Chairman

FULL NAME. Signature

Jury Members

FULL NAME. Signature


FULL NAME. Signature

Annex 2


Chairman of the Jury of the municipal stage

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

in English for a student of class ____

_____________________ (full title

educational institution)

_________________ (Full Name)


I ask you to review my work done in the competition ( indicated

olympiad task ), because I do not agree with the points given to me. ( Participant






Appendix 3


consideration of the appeal of the participant of the municipal stage of the All-Russian

olympiads in english

(Full name)

student _______ class ______________________________________________________________

(full name of educational institution)

Date and time ________________________________________________


Members of the Jury: (full names are indicated).

Members of the Organizing Committee: (full names are indicated).

Summary of Jury Members' Explanations (on the merits of the appeal) _______________________



Appeal result:

1) the score given to the participant of the Olympiad is left unchanged;

2) the score given to the participant of the Olympiad has been changed to _____________.

I agree (disagree) with the result of the appeal ________ (applicant's signature).

Jury Members

FULL NAME. Signature

FULL NAME. Signature

FULL NAME. Signature

FULL NAME. Signature

Members of the Organizing Committee

FULL NAME. Signature

FULL NAME. Signature

FULL NAME. Signature

Appendix 4


Jury meetings to determine the winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in English

from "____" _______________ 2013

The meeting was attended by ____ members of the Jury, ______ members of the Organizing Committee.

agenda: Summing up the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad

in English language; approval of the list of winners and prize-winners.


1. Chairman of the Jury _____________________

2. Members of the Jury ____________________________

3. Members of the Organizing Committee _____________________


Solution: approve the list of winners and prize-winners of the English Olympiad

language (attached).

Jury Chairman


Jury Members

Members of the Organizing Committee

Signature __


Expert No. __________________________


Sum of points

V Speaking

Jury member card

2 jury members and 2 participants of the Olympiad participate in the oral speech competition.

All instructions to the participants of the oral speech competition are given in English.

Teachers - members of the jury invite a couple of participants to their table.

Pairs are formed by random selection.

The jury members begin to talk and ask each participant 2-3 questions in order to relieve tension, arrange them for a conversation and prepare them for the oral task of the Olympiad.

The time allotted for this stage of the task is a warm-up, 1 - 2 minutes.

Warm up

Sample list of questions:

How are you?

What do you think about the weather?

How long have you been learning English?

What other foreign languages ​​do you know?

What do you usually do in your spare time?

Attention! Questions that are aimed at finding out the name of the participant, the number of the school where the participant studies, etc. are not allowed.


assessments of the oral round of the Olympiad

Jury members ________________________________________________________

Member ID


Any society needs gifted people, and the task of society is to consider and develop the abilities of all its representatives. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to develop their abilities. A lot depends on the family and the school. The task of the family is to see in time, to discern the abilities of the child, while the task of the school is to support the child and develop his abilities, to prepare the ground for these abilities to be realized. It is at school that the foundations for the development of a thinking, independent, creative personality should be laid. The thirst for discovery, the desire to penetrate the innermost secrets of being are born on the school bench.

Each of the teachers has come across such students who are not satisfied with working with a school textbook, they are not interested in working in the classroom, they read dictionaries and encyclopedias, study special literature, look for answers to their questions in various fields of knowledge. Therefore, it is so important in the school to identify everyone who is interested in

various fields of science and technology, to help bring their plans and dreams to life, to lead schoolchildren on the road of search in science and life, to help them fully reveal their abilities. The modern school is designed to give the student not only and not so much ready-made knowledge and experience in carrying out activities according to the model, but, first of all, the experience of creative activity, the experience of emotional-value relations of a personal nature. Among the numerous methods of work focused on the intellectual development of schoolchildren, a special place is occupied by subject Olympiads.

The term "Olympiad" implies an organized competition, a competition in the field of some knowledge or skills.

The Olympiads search for young talents, determine the most prepared, gifted students who have shown a special interest in the subject being studied.

The goals of the Olympiads are:

Promotion of scientific knowledge and development of interest in scientific activities;

Creation of the necessary conditions for the identification of gifted children;

Activation of the work of optional and elective courses, scientific societies and other forms of extra-curricular and out-of-school work with students;

Assistance to high school students in professional self-determination.

This means that participation in the Olympiad in foreign language / English stimulates an in-depth study of the subject, serves to develop interest in the English language.

According to the "Regulations on the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren", approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, All-Russian Olympiads are held in four stages: school, municipal, regional and final. The stages of the Olympiad are held according to tasks compiled on the basis of exemplary basic general educational programs of basic general and secondary (complete) general education. The winners and prize-winners of all stages of the Olympiad are determined based on the results of the participants in the corresponding stages of the Olympiad.

Olympiad tasks in a foreign language contribute to the expansion of the linguistic and regional outlook of students. The participants of the Olympiad are required to show not only a high level of mastery of the program material, but also a creative approach to the implementation of the proposed tasks, well-read, quick wits, and in some cases - a linguistic guess.

When preparing students for participation in the Olympiad in a foreign language, it should be remembered that the tasks test the practical skills to solve communicative problems in all types of speech activity and the key competencies of the Olympiad participants. It is important to note that the tasks themselves are creatively oriented, have a problem-search character, and are formulated as a specific communicative task.

As a rule, the content of the tasks includes texts and tasks in the following sections: listening, reading, vocabulary and grammar, writing.

Analysis of the performance of the Olympiad tasks of past years allows us to formulate some general, relevant for all age groups of students recommendations:

In listening and reading, it is necessary to develop the ability not to pay attention to words on which the understanding of the main content does not depend. At the same time, it should be remembered that in the audio text the main idea is usually expressed in words that are synonymous with those used in the test question.

It is important to be able to rationally use both the sounding time of the audio recording and the pauses between listening to audio texts to answer.

It is necessary to be able to highlight the requested information and ignore the secondary.

It is necessary not to forget that when filling in the gap, you need to enter only the missing lexical unit, without repeating the words already given in the sentence.

It is important to pay more attention to the compatibility of lexical units.

One should learn to analyze the differences in the meaning and use of synonyms.

It is necessary to pay attention to how the grammatical construction affects the choice of a lexical unit, learn to see the connection between vocabulary and grammar.

You should regularly practice writing assignments of various sizes.

It is important to be able to analyze and edit your own written work.

It is necessary to be able to select the material necessary for the complete and accurate completion of the task in accordance with the set communicative tasks, and after writing the work, check it both in terms of content and in terms of form.

The Olympiad in a foreign language is preceded, as a rule, by a large and painstaking preparatory work, both on the part of the teacher and the student. Various classes are effective forms of training students: individual classes with a teacher-mentor, optional classes and classes in schools for gifted children. The stages of preparation for the Olympiad include several important points. As a rule, this work begins with the identification of the most prepared, gifted and interested students. In this, the teacher will be helped by his observations during English lessons, and the organization of circle, research work, and other extracurricular activities on the subject. It is important for assessing the ability of schoolchildren and analyzing their performance in other philological subjects, the study of which begins earlier than the English language.

What does a student need to successfully participate in this intellectual competition? Given the peculiarities of the English language, the components of such success can be distinguished:

Developed linguistic and regional outlook, knowledge of linguistic and regional material;

Ability to perform grammatical and lexical exercises of varying degrees of difficulty, possession of the necessary language stock for this;

Practical skills, knowledge of the basic techniques of listening, reading, speaking.

These key points determine the main directions of the student's preparation.

Diverse literature plays an important role in the formation of a linguistic and regional outlook. It can be fiction, popular science literature, books about interesting discoveries, about famous people in Russian, then in English, and then about linguistic phenomena. Along with books, a lot of interesting things can be found in periodicals and on the Internet.

Another way to effectively prepare is targeted repetition of the topic. Goals can be set differently, as a rule, this is a generalization, systematization of the material. This may be the creation of reference schemes, tables, research on the topic. In search of the necessary information, the most various sources, the necessary skills are acquired, and the resulting products are then used as reference materials.

Also important for the success of a student at the Olympiad will be a certain culture of designing their work.

Of course, it will contribute to the preparation of schoolchildren in this direction and his participation in research work by subject.

All tasks of the Olympiad are creatively oriented. The assignment format is not a simple repetition of the USE format

Competition tasks in English, as a rule, include two sections: oral and written. The written part consists of:

    Written text comprehension competition (Reading)

    Lexico-grammar test (Use of English)

    Competition of written speech (Writing)

The oral part is represented by tasks of a monological and dialogic nature. (The time for completing written tasks is 2 hours 30 minutes; the time allotted for oral speech is 10-12 minutes)

For effective preparation for the Olympiad, it is important
Introduction to the format of the Olympiad(Four main types of speech activity. Oral text comprehension competition. Written text comprehension competition. Oral speech competition. Written speech competition. Lexico-grammar test. Types of tasks. Duration of tasks.)

Strategies for preparing for the Listening section

Work with test tasks to extract the requested information

(Performance of test tasks with subsequent analysis of the execution of tasks and analysis of typical errors.)

Work with test tasks for a complete understanding of the listened to

(Performance of test tasks with subsequent analysis of the execution of tasks and analysis of typical errors.)

Strategies for Preparing for the Reading Section
How to work with instructions? How to work with a task? How to work with text?

Work with test tasks for understanding the main content
(Performance of test tasks with subsequent analysis of the execution of tasks and analysis of typical errors.)

Work with test tasks for understanding structural and semantic relationships

(Performance of test tasks with subsequent analysis of the execution of tasks and analysis of typical errors.)

Work with test tasks for complete reading comprehension

(Performance of test tasks with subsequent analysis of the execution of tasks and analysis of typical errors.)

Strategies for preparing for the "Use of English" section
Section structure, task analysis

Personal and impersonal forms of the verb, aspect tense forms of the verb

(Repetition of forms of the verb, use of tenses, use of different forms of the verb, filling in the gaps with verbs according to the context)

Passive voice
Repetition of forms of the verb in the passive voice, doing exercises on the use of the passive voice)

Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs (Repetition of the rules for the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs, performing practical exercises)

Plural Nouns
(Repetition of the rules for the formation of the plural of English nouns, exceptions to the rules, doing practical exercises)


(Repetition of the rules for the formation and use of ordinal numbers, performing practical exercises)

Working with test tasks on word formation
(Identification of parts of speech and formation of new words, adding suffixes, adding prefixes, doing practical exercises)

Set phrases, phrasal verbs, idiomatic expressions

(Performing exercises on the use of set phrases, phrasal verbs and idioms)

Methods of control in a sentence (prepositions), methods of composition and subordination (unions)

Work with test tasks on lexical compatibility of units

(Thinking over a possible answer, choosing the right answer, identifying incorrect answers, completing tasks in the Olympiad format)

Strategies for Preparing for Writing, Personal Writing

Strategies for preparing for the "Speaking" section, speech clichés

Practical instructions and exercises to overcome typical difficulties, strategies aimed at the formation of compensatory skills in oral speech communication

Dialogue to share information
(Different types of pragmatic dialogues, strategies for requesting and transmitting information)

The subject of a monologue statement
(Presentation of the topic with discussion)

In conclusion, I would like to note that the multi-stage system of holding the All-Russian Olympiad in Foreign Languages ​​makes it possible to involve a huge number of students in the Olympiad movement, thereby increasing their interest in learning foreign languages, assisting senior students in choosing a profession, identifying the most capable and gifted children.

Of course, as in any competition, there are winners and losers in Olympiads of various levels. Therefore, it is important that the result of the next Olympiad is perceived by each participant as another victory, if not in comparison with other participants, but in comparison with oneself. Such an increase in personal achievements requires serious and purposeful preparation, and constant work on oneself will contribute to the formation of a creative personality and successful activity in all areas.

    to form communicative knowledge for written and oral communication in English;

    study, repeat and summarize the material on those sections of grammar and vocabulary that are included in the main parts of the Olympiad;

    familiarize with the format of the Olympiad;

    develop flexibility, the ability to navigate the types of Olympiad tasks;

    to form certain skills and abilities necessary for the successful completion of the Olympiad tasks, namely: in the field of speaking - to teach to speak on the proposed topic, to express one's opinion with reason, to discuss problems and propose solutions, to keep the conversation on general topics, to ask questions correctly; in the field of writing - to learn to write coherent texts of a complex structure on various topics, to express and justify one's opinion on a wide range of general cultural and socially significant issues; in the field of listening - to form the ability to listen to a text with an understanding of the general idea and with the extraction of information, with a detailed understanding; in the field of reading - to form the ability to read texts with an understanding of the general idea and with the extraction of information, with a detailed understanding;

    to develop compensatory competence, develop the ability to use linguistic and contextual guessing;

    to teach to analyze and objectively evaluate the results of their own educational activities;

    Master the skills of performing Olympiad tasks

You need to show the ability to understand audio recordings in English

You need to be able to:

Understand texts of everyday and professional style of speech;

Choose the main facts, omitting the secondary ones;

Selectively understand the necessary information based on a linguistic guess, context.

It is necessary to demonstrate the ability to read and understand texts on contemporary issues. It is necessary to be able to understand the essence of the text and cope with unfamiliar words and grammatical structures, to separate information important for understanding the text from secondary information, to understand the position of the author of the text

It is necessary to demonstrate an appropriate level of proficiency in lexical material and the ability to operate with it in multiple choice conditions, as well as proficiency in grammatical material within the framework of the secondary school program and the ability to practically use it not only at the level of a single sentence, but also in a wider context

You must demonstrate the ability to write simple connected texts in well-known or socially significant topics, to express and justify one's opinion, the ability to handle grammatical structures, use the necessary vocabulary, write without errors and with correct punctuation, use speech etiquette formulas correctly

You need to demonstrate the ability to communicate in English with another participant in the Olympiad

As part of a monologue you need to be able to:

Compose a coherent message on topics known or of interest to the participant;

State and justify your opinion;

As part of the dialogue you need to be able to:

Start, conduct and end a conversation in standard situations of communication, if necessary, asking again, clarifying

Ask the interlocutor and answer his questions, express his opinion, request, respond to the interlocutor's proposals with consent or refusal, based on the studied topics and learned lexical and grammatical material

Tell about yourself, your family, friends, your interests and plans for the future, provide brief information about your country, city, etc.

Expected results

The main result is the readiness of students to participate in the Olympiad. By the end of this course, students generalize and consolidate the lexical and grammatical material and work out certain skills and abilities in all sections of the Olympiad.
Explanatory note

Relevance of the program

When we hear the word "Olympiad", we associate it with strong students,

excellent students. Such an approach is justified when it comes to regional, regional, All-Russian and International intramural Olympiads. At such levels, the very purpose of the Olympiads

- identification of gifted and non-standard-minded students, determination of the strongest of them.

At present, a network of correspondence subject Olympiads has been created in all academic subjects. The purpose of this type of olympiads is somewhat different - it is to familiarize students with the tasks of subject levels and provide an opportunity to compare their success in studying areas of science with the success of their peers.

Participation of gymnasium students in correspondence Olympiads of the regional, All-Russian and

The international level has a number of attractive moments for both the student and for

parents and teachers:

enables students and their teachers to defend the honor of their educational institution;

creates a situation of success, raises students' interest in studying the subject;

attracts students from primary school to participate in the Olympiad, with the results of all participants according to several criteria: by class, by region,

find out your result on the OU website;

each participant has the opportunity to receive a diploma of a prize-winner or a participant,

The trajectory of preparation for the Olympiads

Olympiad participants training system:

Basic training in the subject;

training received in the framework of the system of additional education (circles,

electives, elective courses);

self-training (reading of scientific and popular science literature, independent

solving problems, searching for information on the Internet, etc.);

targeted preparation for participation in a certain stage of the competition

or another subject (as a rule, such training is carried out under

the guidance of a teacher who has experience in participating in the Olympiad movement).

Preparing schoolchildren for the olympiads.

For effective preparation for the Olympiad, it is important that the Olympiad is not

perceived as a one-time event, after which all work quickly

fades out.

preparation for the Olympiad should be systematic, starting from the beginning

school year;

it is more expedient to use elective courses not for discussing questions of theory, but

to develop the creative abilities of children;

individual program of preparation for the Olympiad for each

student, reflecting his specific trajectory of movement from

ignorance to knowledge, from practice to creativity;

use of a diagnostic tool (for example, smart

competitions in each section of the program in the subject);

pay attention to the improvement and development of experimental

skills, ability to apply knowledge in a non-standard situation, independently

to model their search activity in solving experimental problems;

 use the teacher all the possibilities at his disposal: mental

experiment, lessons - workshops, experiment in the classroom, etc.

1. We identify the most prepared, gifted and interested students through:

observations during the lessons;

organization of research, circle work and other

extracurricular activities in subjects;

assessment of abilities__

The school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in English

2014/2015 academic year

All-Russian Olympiad

schoolchildren on

English language

(school stage)

201 4 -201 5 school year

(grades 9-10)

The written part of the Olympiad (oral speech comprehension competition, written speech comprehension competition, lexical and grammatical test, written speech competition)

( 9-10 classes)

The set of materials required for the written part of the Olympiad includes:

    Description of the procedure for conducting the written part of the Olympiad

    Description of the procedure for conducting a speech comprehension competition

    The text of tasks (for each participant)

    Answer sheet (for each participant)

    Keys (for jury members)

    Recorded disc sounding text in the format MP 3 (for listening in each audience)

8. Text of the entry (for jury members)

9. Minutes of the writing competition (for jury members)

    Scale of evaluation criteria for the writing competition (for jury members)

Dear participant of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in English!

The Olympiad consists of two main parts - the written part and the oral part. Written part The Olympiad consists of a competition for understanding oral speech (a uding), a competition for understanding written speech (reading), a lexical and grammatical test and a competition for writing. The oral part of the Olympiad includes a competition of oral speech (speaking).

Maximum Points, which can be obtained for each of the contests, is indicated in the tasks themselves. The maximum number of points that can be obtained for completing all tasks of the Olympiad is 120 (100 points for writing and 20 points for the oral part).

We wish you success


Time: 20 minutes

Total score for paper 1– 20 points (two points for each correct answer).


Listen to an interview with a one-hundred-year-old man and answer the questions below. Write your answers (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.

1. How does Mr Sinclair feel about being one hundred?

A. ironic

b. serious

C. different

2. How many times has Mr Sinclair been married?

A. once

b. twice

C. three times

3. How many living children does he have?

A. Four

b. Six

4. What is his attitude to a healthy lifestyle?

A. enthusiastic

b. sceptical

C. nervous

5. Was his family wealthy?

A. Yes, it was.

b. No, it wasn't.

C. The interview doesn't contain any information concerning it.

6. When he was young he was strong because …

A. he took a lot of exercise.

b. he had enough to eat.

C. he had to be strong to survive.

7. Why did his brothers and sisters live a long life, in his opinion?

A. It is due to the fact that they had worked hard.

b. It is down to the fact that they had spent lots of time outdoors

C. It's because they took after their father.

8. What does he think you can do to guarantee a long life?

A. You should avoid hardship.

b. You shouldn't pay attention even to tragedies which happen to you.

C. You can do nothing.

9. What does he advise doing?

A. being active and having a positive attitude

b. not smoking

C. doing everything possible to guarantee a long life.

10. Has he ever smoked ?

A. No, he hasnt.

b. Yes, he tried smoking cigarettes.

C. Yes, he has.


Time: 20 minutes

Total score – 10 points (2 points for each correct answer)

Read this text and answer the questions below (1-5) choosing the best answer (A-D). Write your answers (A-D) on your answer sheet.


Lobbying is the practice of approaching politicians in order to persuade them to support a particular aim or cause, and then to speak about it and draw attention to it. In the US it means trying to obtain the support of members of Congress or a state legislature. In Britain lobbying involves persuading MPs or members of the House of Lords to speak in Parliament.

Anyone can write to their MP or a member of Congress, or organize a petition about an issue, but most lobbying is now done by pressure groups or by professional lobbyists. Pressure groups work on behalf of a particular section of society or for a specific issue or cause. Many full-time liaison officers employ to develop contacts with politicians who are likely to be sympathetic. In Britain some MPs are employed by some pressure groups as consultants. They have to give details of such employment in a special Register of Members’ Interests.

Large companies use professional lobbyists to keep them informed of what is being discussed in Congress or Parliament and to try to persuade politicians to put forward their point of view in debates. In the US lobbyists provide information to politicians, sometimes by testing before Congress. They also try to influence the way members of Congress vote, for example by persuading them that a certain policy will be popular with the people they represent. Lobbyists may try to influence politicians by inviting them to an expensive lunch or dinner in a restaurant, or to a party. There are rules limiting what gifts politicians can accept and any gifts must be reported. Some organizations have many lobbyists who are very active. The tobacco industry, for example, has a strong lobby, and its representatives are good at getting what the industry wants from Congress and state legislatures.

In Britain the methods which lobbyists use to influence MPs, and the issue of whether MPs should be connected with lobbyists at all, came to public attention in 1996 when two MPs were found guilty of taking money in exchange for asking questions in Parliament. It became known as cash for questions affair.

1. According to the text, lobbying is …

A. getting one's causes supported by top politicians.

b. being informed of what is being discussed in Congress or Parliament.

C. inviting politicians to expensive restaurants.

D. asking questions in Congress or Parliament.

2. It is contrary to the text that ...

A. some people get paid for developing contacts with politicians.

b. some pressure groups in Britain can legally pay money to MPs.

C. politicians can accept absolutely any gifts if they are reported.

D. In Britain there has been a public debate about lobbying.

3. It is clear from the text that the main purpose of pressure groups is to …

A. provide information to politicians.

b. vote in Congress or Parliament.

C. testify before congress.

D. campaign for or against certain debatable things.

4. Lobbyist persuade congressmen to vote in a particular way…

A. by making them believe that the people will like what they voted for.

b. by limiting gifts which politicians can accept.

C. by putting forward their points of view in debates.

D. by representing people in Congress.

5. The text does not contain information concerning …

A. some ways ordinary people can raise a question with a top politician.

b. MPs’ participation in the work of pressure groups.

C. the public debate about the legality of the methods lobbyists use to

influence members of Congress.

D. the fact that people representing the tobacco industry are good at

approaching politicians.


Time-55 minutes

Total score - 50 points (1 point for each correct answer in tasks 1-40 and 2 points for each correct answer in tasks 41-45)

Read the text below and use the words in boxes (1-10) in the correct form. Write these words on your answer sheet.

The Nobel Prizes are awards that 1. GIVE ____________ each year for special things that people or groups of people have made. There are awards in six areas: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace and economics.

The prizes come from a fund that was created by the2. SWEDEN ____________ inventor Alfred Nobel. He wanted to use some of his money to help make the world a lot3. GOOD ____________ place to live.

many organizations, 4 CHOOSE ____________ by Alfred Nobel himself, determine who receives the prizes. Each award consists of a gold medal, a diploma and a lot of money. Prizes can only5. GIVE ____________ to individuals of all races, countries and religions.

6.ONE ____________ Nobel Prizes were handed out on December 10, 1901 - five years after Alfred Nobel's7. DEAD ____________ . Nobel was a 8. CHEMISTRY ____________ , engineer and inventor whose most famous 9 INVENT ____________ , dynamite, made him a rich man. Although he gave the world such a deadly weapons , Nobel was always against wars and10. VIOLENT ____________ . He therefore left a lot of money that was to go to those who did a lot for mankind.

All prizes are presented in Stockholm, Sweden, only the Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway.

Rephrase these sentences (11-15) using the words in brackets. You must not change the words in brackets. Write these sentences on your answer sheet.

11. He has stopped smoking because he is feeling bad.(given)

________________________________________________________________________________ __

12. She has decided to apply to Oxford University.(mind)


13. Who takes care of your baby when you are at work?(looks)


14. John's parents raised him very strictly.(Brought)


15. It was raining heavily. (cats)

Each of the sentences given below contains ONE mistake. Which of the parts (A-D) contains a mistake? Write your answers (A-D) on your answer sheet.

16. His cheeks are pink because he had been walking in the cold .

17. Jack and Jessica's house is far much bigger than our .


18. The boy spent all his money to sweets at the supermarket .


19. He wondered how long would he have to wait at reception .


20 . I must think what should I do in case my plan doesn't work out.


Read this piece and fill in the gaps (21-30) choosing the best items (A-D) on the list below. Write your answers (A-D) on your answer sheet.

The parents of a boy who has run away to try to 21 ____________ a train have asked railway staff to put 22 ___________ warning posters to stop him 23 ___________ into danger.

Four-year-old Toby Friend has even tried 24 ____________ a ticket at the station near his house in mid-Kent. He has climbed his back garden fence and crossed two main roads 15 times in his effort to 25 ____________ the station. "He just loves the train so much... he thinks he can go on 26 ____________ ," said his mother, Kirstie Field.

"He just loves adventure. We don't drive, so 27 ____________ the occasional bus, train is our only transport. The first time he actually 28 ____________ get on a train and asked for a ticket," she said.

"Luckily the train guard didn't leave the station, but there"s always that worry that he's going to get on a train and not ask for a ticket, and just go and sit down, and the train just leaves as 29 ____________ ."

Railway staff at stations all along the line from Tonbridge to Ashford now have pictures of Toby to help them keep a lookout for him 30 ____________ he try to get on a train again.

(31– 35)

Fill in the gaps (31-35) choosing the words (A-J) in the box below. Each word can be used only once. There are five odd words out. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer sheet.

31. a _______________________________ of sausage.

32. a ___________________________________ of bread

33. a _____________________________________ of sugar

34. a _____________________________________ of butter.

35. a __________________________________ of orange

A. loaf F. lump

b. baton G. drop

C. circle H. slice

D. square I. sector

E. segment J. knob

(36 – 40)

How well do you know the difference between British and American English? Complete the table below. Write British/American equivalents of the words given in the table. Write the missing words on your answer sheet.

Translate these sentences from Russian to English. Write them on your answer sheet.

41. I thought the work would be done by 3 o'clock.



42. We couldn't use the gym because it was being painted.


43. The computer game was so addictive that I played it all night.



44. I didn't know if I could translate such a difficult article.



45. I'll call you as soon as I get Bob and Bill's addresses.



Time - 60 minutes

Total score - 20 points

Continue this short story.

John was having difficulty falling asleep. He was thinking about the argument he had had with his best friend….

Write the continuation of this story in 200 or more words on your answer sheet.

Oral Part Olympiads (oral speech competition)

( Paper 5 . S peaking )

(grades 9-10)

The set of materials required for the oral speech competition includes:

    methodical recommendations

    Description of the procedure for conducting a speech competition

    Participant cards (No. 1 - No. 5) with tasks (2 copies each)

    Jury members cards (No. 1 - No. 5) (for jury members)

    Oral answer protocol (for jury members)

    Evaluation criteria for the oral speech competition (for jury members)

participant card No. 1


Time - 3-5 minutes

Total score - 20 points


jury member card #1



sample questions

1. What is a healthy diet?

2. Do you think your diet is healthy? Why (not)?

3. What do you eat in a typical day?

4. What are your favorite foods?

5. What foods do you dislike?

6. Are you good at cooking? What dishes can you make?

7. Do you think the food served in your school canteen healthy? Why (not)?

8. Why do more and more people choose to eat food made with organic ingredients?

9. What are the pros and cons of going on a diet?

10. Why is eating at home considered healthier than eating out?

participant card No. 2


Time - 3-5 minutes

Total score - 20 points


This picture was published in a newspaper as an illustration of an article. What do you think the article was about? What things were discussed in it? What do you personally think about the topics highlighted in the article?

jury member card #2



sample questions

1. What are some of the problems related to spending too much time online?(problems at school/work, broken communication with family and ‘real-life’ friends, health problems, time distortion, lack of proper sleep, changed personality)

2. Why are the computer and the Internet so addictive?

3. Do you think you are addicted to the computer? Why (not)? How much time do you usually spend on the Internet? What do you usually use your computer for?

4. Do you know any people who are addicted to the computer and the Internet? What makes you think they are addicted?

5. What should be done to solve the problem of computer addiction?

6. What should parents do to prevent their kids from getting addicted to the computer?

7. What consequences can spending too much time in front of the computer lead to?

8. How can the computer be a good thing for schoolwork and how can it be a bad thing for it?

9. Why are social networking sites so popular at the moment?

10. Would you be able to live without your computer? why(not)?

participant card number 3


Time - 3-5 minutes

Total score - 20 points


This chart was published in a newspaper as an illustration of an article. What do you think the article was about? What things were discussed in it? What do you personally think about the topics highlighted in the article?

jury member card #3



sample questions

1. Do you think it is easy to get a job that you enjoy doing, good at and which pays well at the same time?

2. Do you think many people have their dream jobs? Why (not)?

3. What is your dream job? Why?

4. Which jobs pay well at the moment?

5. Which do most young people take into account when choosing their future career – their abilities and interests or an opportunity to earn as much money as possible? Why?

6. Would you like to take on a job that you enjoy doing but pays little or a job you hate but that pays handsomely? Why?

7. What professions are popular at the moment? Why?

8. What professions enjoy less prestige? Why?

9. Do you agree that making a choice of career is only the first step on the road to becoming a top professional?

10. Do you know any people who have their dream jobs? Who are they?

participant card number 4


Time - 3-5 minutes

Total score - 20 points


This picture was published in a newspaper as an illustration of an article. What do you think the article was about? What things were discussed in it? What do you personally think about the topics highlighted in the article?

jury member card #4



sample questions

1. What are some of the advantages of urban life?

2. What are some of the disadvantages of living in a city?

3. What are some of the merits of living in the country?

4. What are some of the downsides to living in the countryside?

5. Why are some people moving from the city to the country at the moment?

6. Why are some people moving from the country to the city at the moment?

7. Why are many villages in Russia increasingly disappearing?

8. Which is better – town or the countryside, in your opinion? Why?

9. Do you agree with the opinion that the difference between urban and rural life is not so huge as it used to be?

10. Why do old people opt for the country and the young choose city life?

participant card No. 5


Time - 3-5 minutes

Total score - 20 points


This picture was published in a newspaper as an illustration of an article. What do you think the article was about? What things were discussed in it? What do you personally think about the topics highlighted in the article?

jury member card #5



sample questions

1. What are the advantages of learning foreign languages?

2. What foreign languages ​​enjoy popularity now? Why?

3. What languages ​​besides English would you like to learn? Why?

4. What professions are associated with a knowledge of foreign languages? Why?

5. Why is it easier to learn foreign languages ​​at the age of advanced computer technologies?

6. What should language students do to improve their linguistic skills?

7. Is it a good idea to study a foreign tongue in a language school abroad? Why (not)?

8. Would you like to take part in a student exchange? Why (not)?

9. Do you think learning a foreign language is beneficial for personal growth? Why (not)?

10. Do you think you will need a knowledge of foreign languages ​​in your future career? Why (not)?


1. To acquaint students with the organization of the oral part, the approximate topic of the assignment, with the card of the participant of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in English

2. Familiarize yourself with the criteria for assessing tasks in the section "Oral speech"

3. Show effective techniques for preparing for the oral part of the Olympiad

4. Organize a speech workshop for students "Oral speech" - Set 1, Set2 (Task1,2)

5. To familiarize with the list of Internet resources for effective preparation of students for the oral part of the All-Russian Olympiad in English.



Workshop on completing the tasks of the Oral Speech section as part of preparing students for the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in English.


  1. To acquaint students with the organization of the oral part, the approximate topic of the task, with the card of the participant of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in English
  2. Familiarize yourself with the criteria for assessing tasks in the section "Oral Speech"
  3. Show effective techniques for preparing for the oral part of the Olympiad

Master class progress:

2 jury members and 2 participants of the Olympiad participate in the oral speech competition.

  1. All instructions to the participants of the oral speech competition are given in English.
  2. Teachers - members of the jury invite a couple of participants to their table. Pairs are formed by random selection.

Stage I - warm-up

Attention! Questions that are aimed at finding out the name of the participant, the number of the school where the participant studies, etc. are not allowed.

Stage II - the main task

Response time of a pair of participants:

1. Warm-up - 1.5 - 2 minutes.

2. Preparation of an answer - 5 minutes.

3. Mini-presentation of participant No. 1 - 1.5 -2 minutes.

4. Questions on the mini-presentation of participant No. 1 - 2 minutes.

5. Mini-presentation of participant No. 2 - 1.5 -2 minutes.

6. Questions on the mini-presentation of participant No. 2 - 2 minutes.

The maximum time allowed for a pair of participants to speak is 10 minutes; the time allotted for the preparation of the task is 5 minutes.

The complexity of the tasks correspond to the advanced threshold level

B2 - C1 on the scale of the Council of Europe. It is assumed that at this level of language proficiency, the participant of the Olympiad should be able to produce both monologue and dialogic speech.

As part of a monologue

  • compose a coherent message of a complex structure on the proposed topic using data contained in the form of a table or graph, i.e. oral statements should have a wide variety of syntactic and grammatical structures, their lexical design should demonstrate a rich vocabulary and adequate possession of lexical compatibility;
  • convincingly and reasonably express their opinion and point of view on this topic, using the data provided.

As part of the dialogue The participant of the Olympiad must be able to:

  • initiate and maintain a conversation by asking questions and giving comprehensive answers to the questions asked;
  • without prior preparation, ask questions using the data contained in the speech of another participant and in the table / map;
  • effectively defend their point of view, convincingly arguing and citing examples and data contained in the table / map.

2. When assessing the performance of tasks at the level B2 - C1Jury members should take into account the following points. A participant's answer is considered a good answer if the participant:

  • has sufficient language skills to make a message, take part in a conversation, and sufficient vocabulary to formulate questions and give reasonable answers, skillfully using tables and diagrams.
  • uses a variety of grammatical structures.
  • creatively solves the set communicative problem.


The main task of each participant consists of two parts:

Part 1. Monologue on a given topic.

Part 2. Dialogue in the form of questions - answers on the topic of the speech.

Members of the jury inform the participants of the competition basic information about the first and second parts of the task. Each pair receives a set of tasks. The time allotted for the preparation of all tasks is 1 minute.

After 1 minute, the participants begin to answer:

Participant 1 - speaks about his point of view.

Participant 2 - asks 2 clarifying questions on the proposed items in the task.

Then the participants switch roles.

The jury members can additionally ask any participant questions in the course of his answer, if there is a need to stimulate the answer or performance.

In the event that one of the partners does not allow his interlocutor to speak and instead of a question begins to express his point of view, i.e. instead of questions, statements are heard, the jury members are obliged to intervene and invite the speaker to be careful about the condition of the assignment.

Participants' performances are recorded on a tape recorder. The recording starts at the moment the answer to task 1 begins. At the end of the answer, the recording stops and, after the participants leave the audience, the jury members write down the identification numbers of the participants of the past pair on tape: “These were the number XXXXXXX and the number XXXXXX.”The maximum time allowed for a pair of participants to speak is 10 minutes.

If three participants remain, one of the 3 remaining participants should be invited to perform two different roles twice in different pairs thus formed: A + B and A + C. The answer of this participant is evaluated once only in the first pair. It is also possible to invite one remaining participant to have a dialogue with a member of the jury.

1. To familiarize with the card of the participant of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in English.

(hand out membership cards)

Students are given 15 minutes to complete the task. The answer consists of two tasks. The task is supposed to perform 2 roles: the 1st student plays the role of a photographer and must submit 3 photographs to the editor of the magazine, characterize them, describe them, tell about the details in the photo, where the photo was taken, how the photo was taken, note the features, convince the editor to publish the photo In the magazine. In the second task, he must answer 2 questions of the journal editor, whose role is played by the student - the interlocutor. Another contestant in the role of a magazine editor should ask the photographer two questions detailing their story.

Student responses are recorded.

2. Familiarize yourself with the criteria for assessing tasks in the section "Oral speech"

(distribute to students a scale of criteria for assessing assignments)

The scale of criteria for assessing tasks in the section "Oral speech"

Maximum points: 20.

Attention! A score of 0 for "Content" results in an overall score of 0.


(maximum 10 points)

Interaction with the interlocutor and speech design (maximum 10 points)

Interaction with the interlocutor

(maximum 4 points)

Lexical design of speech

(maximum 2 points)

Grammar of speech

(maximum 2 points)

Phonetic design of speech

(maximum 2 points)



task completely

completed: target

communication successfully

reached, subject

disclosed to the extent specified. Participant

expresses interesting and original ideas.

4 points

Given 2


issue and

given 2



2 points

In speech

no participant








and adequate



2 points

In speech

no participant


mistakes; speech






2 points

In speech

no participant




task completely

completed: target

communication successfully

reached, subject

disclosed in a given volume, but the performance is not original



mission accomplished

incomplete: purpose

communication in general

achieved, however

the topic is not disclosed in

in full: not

all points of the plan

assignments are reflected in

participant's response.

3 points

Not set 1

question or

not given 1


1 point


3 elements

out of 4 (2



1 point

In speech




mistakes, not


understanding (1-2

errors) or

are used




1 point

Participant's speech

generally understandable





errors (1-2).


mission accomplished

partially: goal

communication achieved

not completely, subject

disclosed in limited

volume: expressed

few provisions.

2 points


2 elements

out of 4 (2




task not completed: target

communication is not achieved

communicative task.

1 point


3 elements

out of 4 (2



0 points


stock not

enough for

communication in


with a task (3

and more


0 points

In speech






understanding (3 and

more errors).

0 points


participant's speech

difficult because of

for a big



errors. (3 and

more errors)

Refusal to answer

0 points


all 4

element from

4 (2



3. Show effective techniques for preparing for the oral part of the Olympiad

Some tips how to be effective in speaking:

  • Play roles (a photographer, an editor) if you should play roles
  • Play roles in an entertaining way (emotions + motions)
  • Give good reasons and bright description
  • Use vivid grammar and descriptive and sensitive lexical material.
  • Give a good performance. Don't use short sentences. Use.... and/but….,…because…, …so… etc.
  • Pay attention to your pronunciation: stress, rhythm, sounds.
  • Be positive, self-confident. Be polite. Don't dominate in speaking. Listen carefully and encourage your partner.
  • Time limit is - 2, 3 minutes. For answering and asking questions you have 2 minutes.

So, you have 3 photos

Your aim: to convince your editor to publish your photos.

1st step – Hooking . Don't speak a lot. 5-6 sentences are available.

Example: I've taken 3 photos. look at them. I'm sure they will be brilliant for our magazine. They are all about animals in different amazing situations. All these photos can grab your attention.

2nd step - Description

Use the plan:

  1. Describe what you can see (people, pets, things, nature, so called environment)
  2. Say what they are doing
  3. Say how they look like
  4. Describe their emotions
  5. Say what you feel

3d step Express your attitude and your opinion.

(reception 5 fingers)

Look at the card of the participant. What do you need to tell about?

(students give information from the card)

How much time have you got for preparing this task?

(15 minutes)

Useful vocabulary:

There is a…/You can see in the photo/at the foreground/at the background of the photo/ on the right/on the left/…..

So, it must be…

We can suppose that…

They may be Ving


as far as we can see,

The _____, who Pr. cont. must be Ving…

The _______on the right must be Ving, as ________Pr. cont.

It looks like/seems to be/feels…

It looks like if…

It gives the impression of being V3

There is a friendly atmosphere there.


It was so funny. My friend has a lizard named Liza. It is a nice creature. Its color is unusual. It is pink. Once my friend said that Liza liked to play computer games but I couldn't believe. Last week I visited him and he demonstrated the lizard's abilities. I was shocked when Liza ran to the joystick which was on the gray carpet and began to press the buttons and watched the motions in the screen. I had only a few seconds. I grabbed my camera and took this photo.

This photo was taken on the bank of the Kazanka river in the early morning in September. Look what a picturesque place is it. There is a beautiful landscape at the background of the photo. The weather was wonderful that day. The sun was shining brightly as we can judge by the reflection of light in the water surface of the river. Yellow, orange, green and red leaves of the trees at the background make the photo especially nice and warm. And at the foreground of the photo there are two main heroes. The girl, who is holding the horse, must be its host. I especially admired the horse. It was so elegant: black with a curly long main. That morning I was walking along the river and met them on the bank. I have made a set of photos but this is the best one.


(reception bookmark)

Task options


Student 1

Task 1

You have to argue FOR the opinion that state schools are better than private ones.

(Monologue; Time: 1 minute)

(Dialogue; Time: 2 minutes)

Task 2

Now listen to your partner's ideas about choosing school for studying. Then ask your partner 2 questions to learn more about it.

(Dialogue; Time: 2 minutes).



Student 2

Task 1

Listen to your partner's ideas about choosing school for studying. Then ask your partner 2 questions to learn more about this topic.

(Dialogue; Time: 2 minutes).

Task 2

Imagine that you and your partner are invited to a TALK SHOW: “EDUCATION OF THE FUTURE – STATE SCHOOLS OR PRIVATE SCHOOLS?” to discuss positive and negative sides of two options for getting education.

You have to argue FOR the opinion that private schools are better than state ones.

(Monologue; Time: 1 minute)

Then answer 2 questions of your partner.

(Dialogue; Time: 2 minutes).

Task: You have some options for traveling (photos). Explain your choice


compare. Use the comparatives of the adjectives.

Develop your vocabulary in using adjectives

Cheep - Expensive

Comfortable - uncomfortable


Interesting - Dull, boring

Useful – useless

Modern, be in fashion – old fashioned

Use phrases:

I'd like to V…. because….

I think Ving….would be better than Ving….. because…

  1. Organize a speech workshop for students "Oral speech" - Set 1, Set2 (Task1,2)


Handout - participant card.

  1. To acquaint with the list of Internet resources for effective preparation of students for the oral part of the All-Russian Olympiad in English.

Lingua Leo


PET oral exam in English. Ytube

  1. Reflection

A participant's answer is considered a good answer if the participant:

Possesses sufficient language knowledge to take part in a conversation, and sufficient

vocabulary to formulate and defend your point of view.

Uses a variety of grammatical structures.

Can speak clearly and fluently, producing statements of considerable length.

Can start, maintain and end a conversation.

Creatively solves the set communicative task.

Skillfully uses arguments and arguments for and against when discussing the proposed topic.

Skillfully and correctly asks questions to obtain reliable information.

The assessment for the oral speech competition is set according to the assessment criteria.

If you want to win you should struggle

If you want to win you should be active

If you want to win ….(students’ answers)

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