Big Foot. Is Bigfoot real? What is another name for Bigfoot?


Testimonies about encounters with “bigfoot” most often feature creatures that differ from modern man denser physique, pointed skull shape, more long arms, short neck length and massive lower jaw, relatively short hips, with thick hairline throughout the body - black, red, white or gray. Faces are dark in color. The hair on the head is longer than on the body. The mustache and beard are very sparse and short. They climb trees well. It has been suggested that mountain populations snow people they live in caves, forest animals build nests on tree branches. Carl Linnaeus designated it as Homo troglodytes(cave man). Very fast. He can overtake a horse, and on two legs, and in the water - a motor boat. Omnivore, but prefers plant foods, loves apples very much. Eyewitnesses described encounters with specimens of varying heights, from average human height to 3 m or more.

Ideas about Bigfoot and its various local analogues are very interesting from the point of view of ethnography. The image of a huge scary man can reflect the innate fears of darkness, the unknown, and relationships with mystical forces among different peoples. It is quite possible that in some cases snow people people with unnatural hair or feral people were accepted.

origin of name

He was named Bigfoot thanks to a group of climbers who conquered Everest. They discovered the loss of food supplies, then heard a heartbreaking scream, and a chain of footprints similar to human ones appeared on one of the snow-covered slopes. The residents explained that this is a Yeti, a terrible big Foot, and categorically refused to camp in this place. Since then, Europeans have called this creature Bigfoot.


Most modern scientists are skeptical about the possibility of the existence of Bigfoot.

... about Bigfoot he said: “I really want to believe, but there is no reason.” The words “no basis” mean that the issue has been studied and, as a result of the study, it has been discovered that there is no reason to trust the original statements. This: is the formula of the scientific approach: “I want to believe,” but since “there is no reason,” then we must abandon this belief.
Academician A. B. Migdal From guess to truth.

The attitude of a professional biologist to the question of the possibility of the existence of “Bigfoot” was illustrated by paleontologist Kirill Eskov in a popular article:

At least, I don’t know any laws of nature that would directly prohibit existence in the mountains Central Asia relict hominoid - “ape-man”, or simply large ape. It must be assumed that, contrary to its name, it is not connected in any way with the eternal snows (except for the fact that it sometimes leaves traces there), but should live in the belt of mountain forests, where there is ample food and shelter. It is clear that any reports about North American “bigfoot” can be thrown out with a clear conscience without reading (for there are no primate species on that continent and never have been, and in order to get there from Asia through circumpolar Beringia, as people did, you must at least have fire), but in the Himalayas or the Pamirs - why not? There are even quite plausible candidates for this role, for example, Meganthropus - a very large (about two meters tall) fossil ape from South Asia, which had a number of “human” features that bring it closer to the African Australopithecus, the direct ancestors of hominids […]
So, do I admit (as a professional zoologist) the fundamental possibility of the existence of a relict hominoid? - answer: “Yes.” Do I believe in his existence? - answer: “No.” And since we are talking here not about “I know/don’t know”, but about “I believe/don’t believe”, I will allow myself to express a completely subjective judgment on this matter, based personal experience: […] where a professional has once set foot, not a single animal larger than a rat has a single chance of remaining “unknown to science.” Well, since by the end of the twentieth century there were almost no places left where a professional would not have set foot at all (at least on land) - draw your own conclusions...

- “Cryptukha, sir!”, article. Kirill Eskov, Computerra, 03.13.07, No. 10 (678): pp. 36-39.

Currently, there is not a single representative of the species living in captivity, nor a single skeleton or skin. Nevertheless, there are allegedly hairs, footprints and several dozen photographs and videos ( Bad quality) and audio recordings. The reliability of this evidence is questionable. For a long time One of the most convincing pieces of evidence was a short film made by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin in 1967 in Northern California. The film allegedly showed a female Bigfoot. However, in 2002, after the death of Ray Wallace, for whom this filming was made, evidence appeared from his relatives and acquaintances, who said (however, without presenting any physical evidence) that the whole story with the “American Yeti” was from beginning to end. the end is rigged; The forty-centimeter “footprints of the Yeti” were made with artificial forms, and the filming was a staged episode with a man in a specially tailored monkey suit.

However, it should be noted that Patterson’s film aroused genuine interest among researchers from the National Geographic Channel. In the section “Reality or Fiction” (broadcast in December 2010), an attempt was made to study and examine Patterson’s film from the point of view of the possibility of its falsification. Experienced make-up artists, a tall actor imitating a gait, special effects specialists and scientists were brought in as experts. Evaluated appearance creatures in the film, their fur adjacent to the muscles, the proportions of the limbs, the dynamics of movement, the shooting distance was taken into account, etc. As a result, according to the unanimous opinion of the experts involved, even at the current level of development of the media industry and video effects, not to mention the level 1967, it is almost impossible to achieve such a degree of realism in the plot of Bigfoot.

On the other hand, from enthusiasts of this topic one can hear accusations against “official science” that its representatives simply brush aside the available evidence. Here is a typical text of this kind:

In fact, those who say “there is no reason” simply do not even want to get acquainted with what has been “dug up” by enthusiastic researchers. “We hear countless examples of this in history.” I will give only two. When the Canadian Rene Dahinden at the end of 1971 brought us a copy of the film shot by Patterson in 1967, I personally once approached the then director of the Institute of Anthropology of Moscow State University V.P. Yakimov and offered to show the film to him and the staff of the institute, he literally put his hands forward, like would recoil from the proposal and say; "No! No need!" But this did not stop him from declaring that there was no reason...
And when at the international symposium, which he (Yakimov) chaired, Professor Astanin went to the podium to present to those present the materials of an anatomical study of the hand of the Yeti from the Pangboche monastery (Tibet), Yakimov did not allow him to speak and drove him from the podium in violation of the democratic traditions of such forums - to the protests of the participants... As a result, some of them left the symposium meeting.
AND recent example: when I arrived from the USA after a five-week “investigation” of the events at the Carter farm in the fall of 2004, where, according to the owner, a clan of Bigfoot lived, and offered to speak and talk about the results in the anthropology department of the Institute of Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, its head. S. Vasiliev declined under the pretext of being busy with other issues.
At the same time, when there was a noise in the press about the existence of a “bigfoot” in the Shoria mountains (south of the Kemerovo region), the same Vasiliev stated without hesitation: “Alas, we do not have data on the existence of humanoids anywhere in the world"…
Igor Burtsev, Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Director International Center Hominology, Moscow.

The Soviet scientist B.F. Porshnev paid much attention to the topic of Bigfoot.

Commission of the Academy of Sciences to study the issue of “Bigfoot”

Commission members J.-M. I. Kofman and Professor B.F. Porshnev and other enthusiasts continued to actively search for Bigfoot or his traces.

Society of Cryptozoologists

Mentions in history and literature

Abstract drawing of Bigfoot.

There are numerous known depictions of creatures similar to Bigfoot (on art objects from Ancient Greece, Rome, Ancient Armenia, Carthage and Etruscans and medieval Europe) and mentions, including in the Bible (in Russian translation shaggy), Ramayana ( rakshasas), in Nizami Ganjavi’s poem “Iskander-name”, folklore of different peoples ( faun, satyr And strong in Ancient Greece, yeti in Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan, ghoul-baths in Azerbaijan, chuchunny, chuchunaa in Yakutia, almas in Mongolia, ezhen (野人 ), maoren(毛人) and renxiong(人熊) in China, kiik-adam And albasty In Kazakhstan , goblin, shish And shishiga from the Russians, diva in Persia (and Ancient Rus'), Chugayster in Ukraine , dev And albasty in the Pamirs, shurale And yarymtyk among the Kazan Tatars and Bashkirs, Arsuri among the Chuvash, picenus among the Siberian Tatars, abnauayu in Abkhazia , sasquatch In Canada , teryk, girkychavylin, worldygdy, Kiltanya, market, arysa, Rackem, Julia in Chukotka, trampoline, sedapa And orang pendek in Sumatra and Kalimantan, Agogwe, kakundakari And ki-lomba in Africa, etc.). In folklore they appear in the form of satyrs, demons, devils, goblin, merman, mermaids, etc.

Opponents of the version of the existence of Bigfoot, which includes most professional biologists and anthropologists, point to the lack of unambiguous evidence (living individuals or their remains, high-quality photographs and videos) and the possibility of arbitrary interpretation of the available evidence. There are frequent references to a well-known biological fact: the long-term existence of a population requires a minimum size of the order of hundreds of individuals, the vital activity of which, according to critics, simply cannot be invisible and not leave numerous traces. The explanations put forward for the evidence generally boil down to the following set of versions:


see also


  1. K. Eskov. “Cryptuh, sir!”
  2. Patterson's film
  3. B. F. Porshnev Current state of the issue about relict hominoids Viniti, Moscow, 1963
  4. Soviet "Bigfoot" Itogi magazine
  5. Zhanna-Marie Kofman
  6. see, for example, “Popular Biological Dictionary”, 1991, Ed. USSR Academy of Sciences, edited by Corresponding Member A. V. Yablokov
  7. V. B. Sapunov, Doctor of Biology. Sciences Bigfoot in two dimensions, or an alternative to the noosphere
  8. J. Kofman At the origins of a new science (To the 40th anniversary of the publication of Professor B. F. Porshnev’s monograph “ Current state the question of relict hominoids" VINITI 412 since 1963) magazine "Mediana" No. 6 2004
  10. Trakhtengerts M. S. Habitat of primates of the Alamas species, journal “Natural and Technical Sciences” ISSN 1684-2626, 2003, No. 2, pp. 71-76
  11. Dmitri Bayanov, Igor Bourtsev In The Footsteps of the Russian Snowman 240 pages “Pyramid Publications” 1996 ISBN 5-900229-18-1 ISBN 978-5-900229-18-8 (English)
  12. B. A. Shurinov 20th century paradox « International relationships» 315 pages 1990 ISBN 5-7133-0408-6
  13. A Russian biologist considers Sasquatch and other yetis to be feral oligophrenics.
  14. Beiko V. B., Berezina M. F., Bogatyreva E. L. et al. Great encyclopedia animal world: Scientific-pop. edition for children. - M.: JSC "ROSMEN-PRESS", 2007. - 303 p. UDC 087.5, BBK 28.6, p. 285.

The Yeti or Bigfoot is of great interest. There have been various rumors about this creature for several decades. Who is Yeti? Scientists can only guess, since it is very difficult to prove its existence due to a lack of facts.

Eyewitnesses who met the strange creature describe in detail its fearsome appearance:

  • a human-like monster moves on two legs;
  • limbs are long;
  • height 2 - 4 meters;
  • strong and agile;
  • can climb trees;
  • has a foul odor;
  • the body is completely covered with vegetation;
  • the skull is elongated, the jaw is massive;
  • white or brown wool;
  • dark face.

  • In addition, scientists were able to study the size of the monster’s feet from prints left on the snow or ground. Eyewitnesses also provided scraps of fur found in the thickets through which the Yeti made its way, drew it from memory, and tried to photograph it.

    Direct evidence

    It is impossible to determine with certainty who Bigfoot is. When approaching him, people begin to feel dizzy, their consciousness changes and their blood pressure rises. The creatures act on human energy in such a way that they are simply not noticed. In addition, yeti inspire animal fear in all living beings. As he approaches, there is complete silence around: the birds fall silent and the animals run away.

    Numerous attempts to film the creature on a video camera proved virtually fruitless. Even if this was possible, the pictures and videos were of very poor quality, despite the high-quality equipment. This is explained not only by the fact that yetis move too quickly, despite their enormous height and dense physique, but also by the fact that technology, just like people, begins to fail. Attempts to catch up with the fleeing “man” were unsuccessful.

    Those who wanted to photograph the yeti say that when trying to look into his eyes, a person loses control of himself. Accordingly, pictures are simply not taken, or foreign objects are visible on them.

    Fact. Eyewitnesses from different parts of the planet describe creatures of either female or male gender. This suggests that Bigfoots most likely reproduce in the usual way.

    It is not clear who Bigfoot really is. Is it this alien creature, or an individual from ancient times who miraculously managed to survive to our time. Or maybe this is the result of experiments conducted between humans and primates.

    Where does Bigfoot live?

    Tibetan ancient chronicles tell of encounters between Buddhist monks and a huge hairy monster on two legs. From Asian languages, the word “Yeti” is translated as “someone who lives among the stones.”

    Fact: the first information about Bigfoot appeared in print in the 50s of the last century. The authors of these texts were climbers who tried to conquer Everest. The meeting with the yeti took place in the Himalayan forests, in which there are paths leading to the top of the mountain.

    The places where the mystical creature lives are forests and mountains. Bigfoot in Russia was first recorded in the Caucasus. Eyewitnesses claim that as soon as they saw the huge primate, it disappeared right before their eyes, leaving behind a small cloud of haze.

    Przhevalsky, who was studying the Gobi Desert, encountered the Yeti back in the 19th century. But further research was stopped due to the government’s refusal to allocate money for the expedition. This was influenced by clergy who considered the yeti to be a creature from hell.

    After this, Bigfoot was seen in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and other places. In 2012, a hunter from the Chelyabinsk region encountered a humanoid creature. Despite his great fear, he managed to photograph the monster on mobile phone. Then the yeti was seen many times near settlements. But his approach to people has not yet found an explanation.

    Even though no one can say who the Yeti is, . This is supported not only by weak facts, but also by faith, which is sometimes stronger than all evidence.

    There are many rumors and legends in the world, the heroes of which are. They come to life not only in folklore: there are witnesses who claim to have met these creatures in reality. Bigfoot is one such mysterious character.

    Who is Bigfoot?

    Bigfoot is a mysterious humanoid creature, possibly a relict mammal, preserved from prehistoric times. Enthusiasts all over the world talk about their meetings with him. The creature is given many names - Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, Angey, Migo, Almasty, Autoshka - depending on the area in which the animal or its traces were seen. But until the yeti is caught and its skin and skeleton are found, we cannot talk about it as a real animal. We have to be content with the opinion of “eyewitnesses”, dozens of videos, audio and photographs, the reliability of which is questionable.

    Where does Bigfoot live?

    Assumptions about where Bigfoot lives can only be made based on the words of those who have met him. Most of the testimony is given by residents of America and Asia, who saw a half-man in forest and mountainous areas. It has been suggested that even today Yeti populations live far from civilization. They build nests in tree branches and hide in caves, carefully avoiding contact with people. It is assumed that in our country, yetis live in the Urals. Evidence of the existence of Bigfoot has been found in such areas as:

    • Himalayas;
    • Pamir;
    • Chukotka;
    • Transbaikalia;
    • Caucasus;
    • California;
    • Canada.

    What does Bigfoot look like?

    Since information about Bigfoot is rarely documented, its appearance cannot be accurately described, only guesswork can be made. The opinions of people interested in this issue may be divided. And yet the Bigfoot Yeti is seen by people as:

    • a giant from 1.5 to 3 meters tall;
    • massive build with broad shoulders and long limbs;
    • with a body completely covered with hair (white, gray or brown);
    • head having a pointed shape;
    • wide feet (hence the nickname bigfoot).

    In the 50s of the twentieth century, Soviet scientists, together with foreign colleagues, raised the question of the reality of the Yeti. The famous Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdall suggested the existence of three species of humanoids unknown to science. This:

    1. Dwarf yeti up to one meter tall, found in India, Nepal, and Tibet.
    2. The true Bigfoot is a large animal (up to 2 m tall) with thick hair and a conical head, on which long “hair” grows.
    3. A giant yeti (height reaches 3 m) with a flat head and sloping skull. His tracks strongly resemble human ones.

    What do Bigfoot footprints look like?

    If the animal itself is not caught in the camera, but the footprints of Bigfoot are “discovered” everywhere. Sometimes the paw prints of other animals (bears, snow leopards, etc.) are mistaken for them, and sometimes they inflate a story that does not exist. But still, researchers in mountainous areas continue to replenish the collection of traces of unknown creatures, classifying them as prints of the bare feet of the yeti. They strongly resemble human ones, but wider and longer. Most traces of snowmen have been found in the Himalayas: in forest areas, caves and at the foot of Everest.

    What does Bigfoot eat?

    If yetis exist, they must have something to feed on. Researchers suggest that the real Bigfoot belongs to the order of primates, which means that it has the same diet as large apes. Yeti eat:

    • mushrooms, fruits and berries;
    • herbs, leaves, roots; moss;
    • small animals;
    • insects;
    • snakes.

    Does Bigfoot really exist?

    Cryptozoology deals with the study of species unknown to biology. Researchers are trying to find traces of legendary, almost mythical animals and prove their reality. Cryptozoologists are also pondering the question: does Bigfoot exist? There are not enough facts yet. Even taking into account that the number of statements from people who saw the Yeti, filmed it or found traces of the beast is not decreasing, all the materials presented (audio, video, photos) are of very poor quality and may be a fake. Meetings with Bigfoot in its habitats are also an unproven fact.

    Facts about Bigfoot

    Some people really want to believe that all the tales about the Yeti are true, and the story will continue in the near future. But only the following facts about Bigfoot can be considered indisputable:

    1. Roger Patterson's 1967 short film featuring a female Bigfoot is a hoax.
    2. Japanese climber Makoto Nebuka, who chased Bigfoot for 12 years, suggested that he was dealing with a Himalayan bear. A Russian ufologist B.A. Shurinov believes that mysterious beast of extraplanetary origin.
    3. A monastery in Nepal houses a brown scalp believed to be a snowman.
    4. The American Society of Cryptozoologists has offered a $1 million reward for the capture of Bigfoot.

    Currently, rumors about Yeti are growing, discussions in the scientific community do not subside, and “evidence” is multiplying. Genetic research is being conducted all over the world: saliva and hair belonging to Bigfoot (according to eyewitnesses) are being identified. Some samples belong to known animals, but there are also those that have a different origin. To this day, Bigfoot remains an unsolved mystery of our planet.

    Bigfoot is a creature that has become almost a legend. He has many names - Yeti, Sasquatch, Bigfoot. Carl Linnaeus called it Homo troglodytes - “cave man”. Who was the first to tell the world that Bigfoot really exists? Michel Nostradamus also said that there is a creature on earth whose appearance is something between a huge man and a monkey. The first to mention the Yeti in passing was the traveler Colonel Wendell, who made an excursion to the Himalayas in the 19th century.

    Appearance of Bigfoot Yeti

    Photos of Bigfoot do not give a clear idea of ​​what Yeti looks like. Its appearance is based only on hypotheses and assumptions. They say that the yeti has a very dense physique, long arms, a pointed skull with a protruding frontal part and a very massive jaw. This is roughly how Carl Linnaeus described it.

    Bigfoot Yeti is much taller and more massive than the average man, his height reaches 2 m or more

    The body of the yeti is covered with fur. In some areas, people came across a Yeti whose hair was black, according to other eyewitnesses - red, while others claim that Bigfoot people are covered with gray (white) hair.

    Interesting fact. All researchers and eyewitnesses agree that Bigfoot has a beard and mustache. Yeti, Sasquatch and Bigfoot have an unpleasant odor, they live in caves and are great climbers. Although, there is an opinion that snow people build their nests among the crowns. A contradictory portrait, you will agree.

    However, there is some pattern. , claim that relict hominids, as scientists call the snowy yeti, move on two limbs. Their growth varies depending on the area of ​​residence. Thus, in Central Asia, where Homo troglodytes bears the name Yeti, and in North America, where Bigfoot is called Sasquatch, their height does not exceed 1.5-2 m. Larger individuals live in the Himalayas and Tibet - up to 2.5 m. But African yeti - “babies” - up to 1.5 m.

    Are there photos and videos about Yeti?

    When approaching snowy yetis, people become dizzy and their blood pressure rises. Plus, the creatures act on a person’s subconscious, forcing them to simply not notice their presence. Bigfoot people inspire fear. When yetis appear nearby, the birds become silent and the dogs stop barking, and some simply run away in fear.

    The Yeti Bigfoot allegedly hypnotizes all those who meet him

    Attempts to shoot a video about the Yeti or take photos were very numerous, but the equipment stopped working as usual, and this is why researchers note the poor quality of pictures and videos about Bigfoot. The Yeti moves very quickly, and despite its rather large dimensions, some researchers tried to catch up with it, but to no avail.

    Many eyewitnesses who tried to take a photo of the yeti claim that when he looks into a person’s eyes for a long time, he falls into a semi-conscious state, ceasing to be aware of his own actions. Maybe this is why many people simply forget to take out and connect the equipment to take photos and videos about Bigfoot people?

    Interesting fact. All eyewitnesses claim to have seen a male yeti and a female yeti. Moreover, in different parts of the world. So, Bigfoot not only exists, but reproduces? Where do yetis actually live?

    So who is the snowy yeti really? An alien or the progenitor of the human race, who somehow managed to survive, preserving primitive traits? Perhaps the Yeti is the result of a failed experiment in crossing a primate and a human? It is known that similar experiments were carried out by the Third Reich, but no documentary evidence has survived.

    The habitat of the yeti is Africa or Asia?

    In the chronicles Buddhist temples Tibet has preserved ancient records of meetings of monks with mysterious creatures huge, completely covered with hair. It was in this part of Asia that Bigfoot, the Yeti, was first discovered. By the way, yeti is translated as “a creature that lives among the stones.”

    Interesting fact. The first reports of snowmen appeared in the world press in the mid-50s of the last century. Their authors were climbers who were trying to climb the peak of Everest and were looking for suitable paths among the Himalayan rocks. The adventurers were replaced by groups of scientists, intrigued by the stories of the athletes. So, the hunt for the legendary Yeti has begun.

    Plaster cast of the Yeti footprint found in Tibet

    The prerequisite for the first serious study of the yeti was a series of fairly clear photographs taken by Eric Shipton during an expedition to the Himalayas (1951). The photographs were taken in the town of Menlung Glasir, which is located at an altitude of 6705 m. The photo shows the footprints of the Yeti, their size is 31.25 by 16.25 cm. From that moment on, scientists from all countries where the presence of huge monkey people had previously been recorded began to undertake very serious attempts to understand the origins of Sasquatch and Bigfoot.

    Bigfoot Yeti in Russia

    The Yeti phenomenon was also studied in Russia, namely in the Caucasus region. This was done by the historian B. Porshnev, and later by D. Kofman. Numerous stories from local residents about encounters with snowmen, covered with hair and having enormous growth, were confirmed by the food supplies found by the researchers. Caucasian bigfoots are shy; when they see a person, they instantly disappear. According to eyewitnesses, a haze appears before the eyes, and when it disappears, the yetis seem to evaporate.

    Interesting fact. Back in the 19th century, Przhevalsky, who was researching the Gobi, also encountered Bigfoot. However, the Russian government was afraid to allocate money for an additional expedition. Fear was fueled by statements from clergy who spoke of yetis as creatures from hell.

    Meetings with Bigfoot Yeti also took place in Kazakhstan, where they were even named Kiik-Adam - “ wild man", and in Azerbaijan, local residents They called the snow people Biabanguli.

    Presumably a site of Bigfoot people in northern Russia

    A hunter in the Chelyabinsk region almost collided head-on with a snowman. In 2012, in Chelyabinsk, a local huntsman had to meet a humanoid creature, in which the hunter immediately recognized the legendary Bigfoot. According to the hunter, he “got goosebumps,” but that didn’t stop him from filming a video of the Yeti on his mobile phone.

    Since then, Bigfoot's visits to Chelyabinsk region have become more frequent. It is noteworthy that they are not afraid to go out, and come very close to places inhabited by people. Perhaps there are so many yetis that they are trying to expand the boundaries of their habitat?

    In contact with

    Bigfoot is a humanoid creature supposedly found in the highlands of the Earth. There is an opinion that this is a relict hominid, that is, a mammal belonging to the order of primates and the human genus, preserved to this day from the time of human ancestors. Carl Linnaeus designated it as lat. Homo troglodytes (cave man).

    Description of Bigfoot

    Judging by hypotheses and anecdotal evidence, Bigfoot people differ from us in having a denser physique, a pointed skull shape, longer arms, a short neck length and a massive body. lower jaw, relatively short hips. They have hair all over their body - black, red or gray. Faces are dark in color. The hair on the head is longer than on the body. The mustache and beard are very sparse and short. They have a strong unpleasant odor. They climb trees well. It is alleged that mountain populations of Bigfoot people live in caves, while forest populations build nests on tree branches.

    Ideas about Bigfoot and its various local analogues are very interesting from an ethnographic point of view. The image of a huge scary man can reflect natural fears of the dark, the unknown, relationships with mystical powers among different peoples. It is quite possible that people with unnatural hair or feral people are mistaken for Bigfoot people.

    If relict hominids exist, then they live in small groups, probably married couples. They can move on their hind legs. Height should range from 1 to 2.5 m; in most cases 1.5-2 m; encounters with the largest individuals were reported in the mountains (Yeti) and in (Sasquatch). In Sumatra, Kalimantan, and in most cases, growth did not exceed 1.5 m. There are suggestions that the observed relict hominids belong to several different types, to at least three.

    The existence of Bigfoot

    Most modern scientists believe that Bigfoot is a myth.

    Currently, there is not a single representative of the species living in captivity, nor a single skeleton or skin. However, there are allegedly hairs, footprints and several dozen photographs, video recordings (poor quality) and audio recordings. The reliability of this evidence is questionable. For a long time, one of the most compelling pieces of evidence was a short film made by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin in 1967 in Northern California. The film allegedly showed a female Bigfoot.

    However, in 2002, after the death of Ray Wallace, for whom this filming was made, evidence appeared from his relatives and acquaintances, who said (however, without presenting any material evidence) that the whole story with the “American Yeti” was from beginning to end. the end is rigged; The forty-centimeter “footprints of the Yeti” were made with artificial forms, and the filming was a staged episode with a man in a specially tailored monkey suit. This was a major blow to enthusiasts trying to find Bigfoot.

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