Kasatonov Valentin Yurievich professor biography. Who are you, Mr. Katasonov? Spiritual and religious foundations of capitalism

The report of the Ministry of Economic Development is a document of the colonial administration, says a famous economist

“How long can we follow the lead of these, excuse me, weak-minded people? - asks Valentin Katasonov, referring to the geniuses from the Ministry of Economics. - “Ene-bene-slave, kwinter-finter-toad” - and we are trying to translate this into Russian. That's bullshit. This is accountant Berlaga, who ended up in a mental ward.” Economic development is just a sign masking the “ministry of economic destruction and economic destruction.”

Valentin Katasonov Photo: BUSINESS Online


The Ministry of Economic Development wrapped its report in optimistic oil. All this can be called an “oil painting”, and the document is called “Picture of the Economy”. But what is fundamentally important? The ministry talks about how wonderful the cut-off price of $40 per barrel of oil is according to the budget rule, and the Oreshkinites at the same time argue that this cut-off price actually makes impossible exactly what the ministry is supposed to do - economic growth. How can such a document come out of the depths of such a ministry and what is a budget rule in the current conditions?

Here you can chew gum for hours, and I will explain it very simply, as for schoolchildren primary school. The price of black gold today is about 69-70 dollars. The cut-off price is 40. At least half of these forty is to cover the costs of production and transportation. It turns out that the Russian budget receives 20 dollars, and the American budget receives 30 dollars. That is, the budget rule is actually a determination of the proportion: what part of the export of black gold serves the Russian budget and what part serves the American budget. It turns out that the American budget receives 1.5 times more than the Russian one. Here's the colonial model.

This simple truth The leadership of the Ministry of Economic Development is covering it up with pseudo-economic words: “Against the backdrop of rising oil prices, the current budget rule, according to the Ministry of Economy, will already in 2018 make it possible to achieve a budget surplus of 1% of GDP (for the first time since 2011) and replenish the National Welfare Fund by $50 billion. The current mechanism in long-term ensures low volatility of all key economic indicators— inflation, economic growth rates, wages" How long can we follow the lead of these, excuse me, weak-minded people? “Ene-bene-raba, kwinter-finter-toad” - and we are trying to translate this into Russian. That's bullshit. This is accountant Berlaga, who ended up in a mental ward. When we seriously discuss this, we begin to play by their rules. It is correct to understand that “economic development” is just a sign. In fact, this is the Ministry of economic destruction, economic destruction. The government is not a government, but a colonial administration. There is no economy, there is just robbery.

You can, of course, say that bandits on the highway are also involved in the economy, because they redistribute something. Well, let's call robbery economics. Roughly the same thing happens when we discuss the so-called budget rule. In fact, this means that the bandits put a knife to the victim’s throat and say - money or life, wallet or death! Here's money for the metro, we'll leave a few pennies for a loaf of bread - please give the rest. 20 dollars goes to the budget Russian Federation, 30 “greens” go to the American budget - this is an illustration of how a man was walking along the road, and bandits came out to meet him. Accordingly, the Ministry of Economic Development is those spotters, those barkers who led the robbed man into a dark alley. That's all.

Back in the spring, Kudrin, a seemingly super-liberal liberal, complained that the budget rule was too strict and wanted to make some concessions to us, the people of Russia. He started talking about the cut-off price of $45. Apparently, at that time there was a very serious situation with the budget, it was necessary to somehow reduce the deficit. However, it doesn’t matter - Oreshkin and Siluanov still said - no, there are 40 and there will be 40. It doesn’t matter whether it’s 40 or 45. The main thing is that there’s a robbery going on. Why are we going to discuss how much we left in the poor traveler’s wallet - 30 kopecks or 35? When we discuss a topic in this way, I believe that we are losing. We slavishly, servilely agree with the predatory principle and discuss only how many kopecks they will leave us. I cannot agree with this, I am generally against the budget rule, this is my firm position.


The message from the Ministry of Economic Development comes ahead of a document from the United States Treasury Department, which will concern Putin’s immediate oligarchic circle. Confirmation of the inviolability of the budget rule is perhaps not the most expressive white flag, because they have been throwing out this white flag for many years; the budget rule has existed for more than one year. Here we should rather talk about other white flags. I would remember the Ministry of Economic Development in connection with the “pig story” around the WTO and pork. Several State Duma deputies appealed to the Committee on Economic Policy so that it would prepare a detailed request to the Ministry of Economic Development about this whole “swine story.” Regarding how effectively we promote and protect our interests through the courts. And also - what are the interim results of our stay in the WTO - soon it will be 5 years since we have been in this cage. And the last point - how advisable is it generally to remain in the WTO and does the Ministry of Economic Development consider it necessary to leave the organization? The Oreshkinites hurried. When such an initiative was taken by a group of deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, they prepared a report on this topic on the same day. There are countless reports there! And in this report there is the following phrase: “The competent authorities of the Russian Federation do not find it appropriate to even discuss the issue of Russia’s withdrawal from the WTO.” There you are!

Indeed, there are no even estimates of how much we have lost or gained from WTO membership. From my point of view, of course, we lost, this can be seen with the naked eye. And in this case, the Ministry of Economic Development has again shown that it is the Ministry of Economic Destruction, which acts in the interests of our geopolitical enemy.

Time works against us because we are losing even what was created by previous generations. And this, of course, is a crime. This crime is not only economic. The other day I read St. Nicholas of Serbia: something similar happened in Serbia. He said: “You are not just stealing from one person, you are stealing from millions of people. Therefore, this sin—the sin of embezzlement—is much more serious.” But the budget rule is embezzlement! The beneficiary of this embezzlement may be our overseas “partner” or a specific official. “Moreover, since the budget is mainly created from the taxes of not the richest people, but low-income or even poor people, then you are stealing from the poor,” this is what Nikolai Serbsky said. And then keep in mind that how many generations shed blood, shed sweat to create all this wealth, this entire country. You steal from your ancestors, you steal from generations, you bring upon yourself the wrath of God. This is a very serious thing, it is primarily a spiritual thing. Since some of our officials like to go to churches, I just think that it would be nice for them to read aloud the speech of Nicholas of Serbia, which he addressed to those embezzlers who stole in Serbia on the eve of World War II.

The 2% economic growth that Oreshkin prophesies for us under the current budget rule and WTO membership - what is this from an economic point of view? Is this a statistical error or does it mean something?

First, of course, this is statistical chemistry, as I say. There is no advantage there. Secondly, even if there was a plus and not even 2%, but 10%, keep in mind that all these “plus 10” would have been privatized either by our oligarchs or by our overseas “partners”. Therefore, economic growth in conditions where the country is in a state of semi-colony is completely absurd. We do not need such economic growth at all, because the beneficiaries of this economic growth are everyone except the people.

Valentin Katasonov

“Tomorrow”, 01/16/2018

Valentin Katasonov— Doctor of Economic Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship, Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO, Chairman of the Russian Economic Society named after. Sharapova, author of 10 monographs (including “Great Power or Ecological Power?” (1991), “Project Financing as new method organizing investments in the real sector of the economy" (1999), "Capital flight from Russia" (2002), "Capital flight from Russia: macroeconomic and monetary and financial aspects" (2002) and many articles.

Born in 1950.

Graduated from MGIMO (1972).

In 1991–1993 he was a consultant to the UN (Department of International Economic and social problems), in 1993–1996 - member of the advisory council to the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

In 2001–2011 - head of the department of international monetary relations at MGIMO (U) of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov(born April 5, 1950, USSR) - Russian scientist-economist, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO. Publicist. Specialist in the field of environmental economics, international movement capital, project finance, investment management, monetary system, international finance, economic sociology, economic history and history of economic doctrines.


Graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations of Moscow state institute international relations USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1972 (specialty “foreign trade economist”).

In 1976–1977 he taught at MGIMO.

  • In 1991-1993 - Consultant of the UN Department of International Economic and Social Issues - DIESA.
  • In 1993-1996. - Member of the Advisory Council to the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
  • In 1995-2000 - Deputy Director of the Russian program for organizing investments in environmental improvement (project World Bank on management environment).
  • In 2000-2010 - Economic Advisor to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • In 2001-2011 - Head of the Department of International Monetary and Credit Relations at MGIMO University (University) of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
  • Currently, he is a professor at the Department of International Finance at MGIMO (U) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Social activity

Corresponding member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship, since January 2012 he has headed the Russian economic society them. S.F. Sharapova (REOSH). He is actively engaged in journalistic activities. Prize winner International competition business journalism “Presszvanie” (2014), winner of a number of literary and journalistic awards. Chief Editor the print organ of REO - the magazine “Our Business”. Author of about forty books - scientific monographs, philosophical reflections and journalistic works. Author of the documentary film “World Cabal” (2014; four episodes). Regular contributor information resource Global Research (Canada) and other foreign electronic publications.


Famous Russian economists Stepan Demura, Mikhail Khazin, Mikhail Delyagin and others highly appreciate the qualifications of Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov as an expert. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO Vladimir Burlachkov spoke positively about the monograph “Gold in the History of Russia,” noting its complexity and consistency in studying the issue posed.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Renat Bekkin spoke critically about the journalistic book “On Interest: Loan, Judicial, Reckless,” noting the book’s permeation with conspiracy theories and the author’s desire to adjust historical facts according to a predetermined scheme, biased selection of sources and utopian economic “recipes” for solving the problem posed in the book.

V. Yu. Katasonov was awarded diploma of honor Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and received gratitude from VTB Bank.


Books on applied economics

  • Project financing as a new method of organization in the real sector of the economy / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 1999. - 167 p.
  • Project financing: organization, risk management, insurance. M.: Ankil, 2000.
  • Project financing: world experience and prospects for Russia / V. Yu. Katasonov, D. S. Morozov, M. V. Petrov. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Ankil, 2001. - 308 p.
  • Flight of capital from Russia / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 2002. - 199 p.
  • Capital flight from Russia: macroeconomic and monetary and financial aspects / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO, 2002.
  • Investments in the fuel and energy complex of Russia: main indicators, sources and methods of financing / V. Yu. Katasonov, M. V. Petrov, V. N. Tkachev. - M.: MGIMO, 2003. - 412 p.
  • Investment potential economic activity: macroeconomic and financial-credit aspects / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2004. - 318 p.
  • Investment potential of the economy: mechanisms of formation and use / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 2005. - 325 p.
  • Gold in the history of Russia: statistics and estimates. - M.: MGIMO, 2009. - 312 p.
  • Banking: textbook. allowance/answer. ed. V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2012. - 266 p.
  • Money. Credit. Banks: textbook for bachelors / ed. V. Yu. Katasonova, V. P. Bitkova. - M.: Yurayt, 2015. - 575 p.

The fundamental works of the Russian scientist, Doctor of Economics Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov explore the history and ideology of capitalism - monetary civilization, which created new system slavery, more effective than the traditional slave system.

]]> General link to all works listed below. ]]> (click on the white square at the top left, then click "download")

Gold scam. The New World Order is like a financial pyramid.

Year of publication 2013

MGIMO professor and famous publicist V.Yu. Katasonov, in his new book, reveals the background of the global financial crisis as the machinations of banksters (the word is a derivative of “banker” and “gangster”), seeking to force the world to choose between bad and very bad. The banksters are playing a win-win gold scam. Moreover, the role of “suckers of last resort” in the global financial system is destined Russian citizens. Who is withdrawing money offshore and how will it be withdrawn? What do you need to know about the coming global confiscation of bank deposits? Who stole all the gold in the world? Will gold become the world's money again? What awaits the dollar, euro and ruble in the near future? How to save your money in the face of bankster robbers? Read about this in the new book by Valentin Katasonov.

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Capitalism. History and ideology of “monetary civilization”.

Year of publication 2013

The fundamental work of the Russian scientist, Doctor of Economics Valentin Katasonov explores the history and ideology of capitalism - a monetary civilization that created a new system of slavery, more effective than the traditional slave system.

The author convincingly proves that the basis of capitalism is the ideology of Judaism, dividing the whole world into a certain chosen minority and the rest of humanity, called upon to serve it. Katasonov explores the genesis of the development of capitalism from Ancient world to the present day, showing the emergence of tax and debt slavery.

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World Cabal: Jewish Robbery.

Year of publication 2013

Valentin Yurievich Katasonov - professor at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics - is known as a researcher of the behind-the-scenes aspects of the global financial system. In his books, he shows who and how regulates financial flows in the world, and most importantly, why Russia, with many unresolved internal problems, is now a sponsor of the West and transfers billions of dollars there.

According to the author, the powerful banking clans of the West, primarily the Rothschilds, have long developed their own global financial doctrine and are doing everything to ensure that Russia invariably remains a monetary and raw materials appendage of Western civilization.

How was this doctrine developed, what specific actions were and are being taken to implement it, what role is assigned to the current Russian authorities- Valentin Katasonov dwells on all this in detail in his new book, presented to your attention. The materials presented by the author have been collected over many years and are of an exclusive nature.

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About interest on loans, jurisdictional, and reckless.

Year of publication 2011

A systematic analysis of the underlying causes of the global financial and economic crisis provides a wealth of problematic material for research in seminars and lectures with students and senior students of economic universities and departments.

The author examines the origin and formation of the so-called “monetary civilization” or market economy in the context of the spiritual and moral evolution of society. Overcoming the permanent crisis, according to the author, is possible only with the complete dismantling of “monetary civilization.” The author’s rather radical conclusion allows us to maintain and deepen interest in the study of economic disciplines. Retrospective and predictive presentation of the material allows the reader to build his own cause-and-effect scenarios, models of the present and future, allows him to agree with or oppose the author, which makes the book an effective teaching aid.

]]> Volume 1. Download ]]>

]]> Volume 2. Download ]]>

From slavery to slavery. From Ancient Rome to modern Capitalism.

Year of publication 2014

The book represents an attempt at a metaphysical understanding of human history from Ancient Rome to the present day. Despite many changes in everyday life, the incredible development of productive forces, the emergence of many technical innovations, the people and society of Ancient Rome and our time are surprisingly similar. We habitually call the society of that time a slave system, and modern society- capitalism. Meanwhile, at that time there was slave-owning capitalism, and in our time we have capitalist slavery-owning. Two thousand years ago, humanity found itself on the brink of an abyss. Today it balances over the same abyss.

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Religion of money. Spiritual and religious foundations of capitalism.

Year of publication 2013

The proposed book for the first time in a hundred years extra years Since the publication of the works of German sociologists Max Weber and Werner Sombart, he has returned to a fundamental understanding of the religious and spiritual roots of modern capitalism.

The author exposes critical analysis the works of these sociologists, separates the “wheat” from the “chaff” in their concepts, reveals new phenomena in capitalism, caused by the spiritual transformations of man and society in the 20th century - beginning of XXI centuries The work puts forward a fundamental thesis that today all the major world religions are undergoing a process of transformation into a single world religion, which the author conventionally calls the “religion of money.”

Such a “diagnosis” is extremely important for humanity to understand the underlying causes of the crises and cataclysms impending upon it and to consciously begin to dissociate itself from the “religion of money.” The final part of the work briefly outlines the Christian (Orthodox) alternative to capitalism.

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Owners of money. 100-year history of the Federal Reserve.

Year of publication 2014

In the twentieth century, the United States managed to become a hegemon. In the 21st century, America is the sole superpower, the world's creditor and the world's policeman. And it owes all this to the Federal Reserve System, the structure that stands behind all American politics.

This year marks the centenary of the Federal Reserve serving as the central bank of the United States. Over the course of a century, politicians and statesmen, who tried to curb a private corporation with the sly sign “US Federal Reserve System”.

Today, for most Americans, the threats associated with a permanent financial and economic crisis have become obvious. Gradually, an understanding began to emerge of the role played by the banksters and the US Federal Reserve System, which owns, in creating this crisis. printing press" But the Fed is becoming the target of criticism and harsh attacks not only from the Americans.

This is the first Russian study by the Federal Reserve. Its author is Valentin Katasonov, professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO, Doctor of Economic Sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship. He has written many monographs and books devoted to how the modern financial system functions.

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Graduated from MGIMO in 1972.
Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship. In 2001-2011 — Head of the Department of International Monetary and Credit Relations at MGIMO University (University) of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 1991-1993 - UN Consultant (Department of International Economic and Social Problems). In 1993-1996. - Member of the Advisory Council to the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
In 1995-2000 — Deputy Director of the Russian Program for Organizing Investments in Environmental Improvement (World Bank project on environmental management). Specialist in the field of environmental economics, international capital flows, project financing, investment management. Author of ten monographs, including: “Great Power or Ecological Power?” (1991), “Project financing as a new method of organizing investment in the real sector of the economy” (1999), “Capital flight from Russia” (2002), “Capital flight from Russia: macroeconomic and monetary and financial aspects” (2002) and others.
List of scientific works:
Project financing as a new method of organizing investments in the real sector of the economy. M.: publishing house Ankil, 1999.
Project financing: organization, risk management, insurance. M.: publishing house Ankil, 2000.
Project financing: global experience and prospects for Russia. M.: publishing house Ankil, 2001.
Flight of capital from Russia. M.: publishing house Ankil, 2002.
Capital flight from Russia: macroeconomic and monetary and financial aspects. M.: publishing house Ankil, 2002.
Investments: in the fuel and energy complex of Russia: main indicators, sources and methods of financing. M.: publishing house MGIMO-University.
Investment potential of economic activity, macroeconomic and financial and credit aspects. M.: publishing house MGIMO-University.
Investment potential of the economy: mechanisms of formation and use. M.: Ankil publishing house.

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Valentin Katasonov, publicist, professor of economics, a very well-known figure in the Russian Internet space. This man has put so many lies on the ears of gullible people that we cannot so easily pass by this and not show, firstly, the scientific inconsistency of Katasonov’s views, and, secondly, his true essence and background. Go!

31.30-32.10 One could just as well say that all money is labor money, for they are all created by someone’s labor. Also, all money is “dirty” money, because there is not a single transaction in the world where one party or another was not deceived by at least 1 kopeck. Also, all money is speculative money, for it all passes through the hands of one speculator or another. Money is the blood of the economy and passes through every vessel, and therefore to say that all money is credit means, with the air of a thoughtful sage, to talk about the most banal things, to talk about something that has absolutely no meaning and is a flat tautology. .... Debt is created by people, not money, just as a house is built by workers, not bricks. And there is nothing wrong with debt itself. It all depends on the purposes for which people borrow money. For example, entrepreneurs are happy when they are given a loan and are even terribly indignant if the bank refuses them a loan. Because credit allows entrepreneurs to accelerate the turnover of their assets, and therefore receive more profit. If entrepreneurs did not pursue their own benefit, they would not take on debt. It is clear that money capitalists lend, expecting that the industrial entrepreneur will share with him part of the profit that he extorts from the labor of his workers. If the money capitalist did not receive as a reward interest on the capital that he lends, then it is not clear what would motivate him to lend at all. In any case, this percentage is always less than the profit that an industrial entrepreneur receives thanks to this money, otherwise the entrepreneur would not have borrowed. Proof of this is the statistics according to which the loan interest rate is usually always below the average rate of return in the industry. Exceptions include periods of crisis, when banks artificially increase interest rates in order not to go bankrupt, because... capital is flowing away too quickly. From this we see that Katasonov’s complaints that money creates debt are unjustified. Credits in a capitalist economy are an accelerator of the movement of capital, they are a benefit for entrepreneurs, and not at all a bondage or a yoke. Problems modern world lie not in loans and not in loan interest, but in the system of “market” relations itself. Even if it were possible to artificially prohibit the activities of banks, then industrial enterprises would start lending to each other. And even if this were banned, there would be no competition, in which some people go bankrupt while others get rich. Large entrepreneurs would also ruin small entrepreneurs and turn them into hired workers, just as large, wealthy peasants once turned small peasants into rural proletarians and forced them to work for themselves. But in real history, over all the thousands of years of the existence of civilizations, there has not been a single day when, with the existence of money, there were no loans and debts. Talk about a normal economy without loans is the fruit of the fantasies of ignorant would-be economists who, instead of analyzing the real state of affairs, try to justify things they do not understand through the intervention of some external forces, be it Gods, world Jewry or alien civilizations.

32.27-35.15 ... although in theory they could, because debts must be repaid, once you have taken them. ... Since you cannot organize your business in such a way as to be competitive. Although these are far from our problems, we will give you more time to organize your affairs. In the end, you could run your own business with your own capital. Nobody forced you to take out a loan and do business with other people’s money, or risk other people’s money. It's your problem that you don't know how to run a business competently. In the end, you could go to work for hire if you don’t have an entrepreneurial spirit. But despite this, we will act humanely and give you more time. But, of course, we’ll take a percentage for this. Otherwise, what good is it for us to give you capital that we could invest in some other profitable business. ... Yes, accustomed to taking money and not giving it back. ... This is how crises are created. A touching conclusion. Who is the victim here is the moneylenders. After all, they did not receive either their money or their interest. What is the point of this whole scam? In fact, if we rely on this example, the moneylenders allowed careless entrepreneurs to live for 10 years, instead of initially letting them die. With this logic, Katasonov should work as a janitor, but not at the Department of International Finance at MGIMO. Moreover, this is not how crises are created. Anyone interested can read Karl Marx's book "Capital" and see how all processes in the economy actually occur.

8.12-8.23 It is a pity that Comrade Katasonov does not know that foreign exchange reserves are needed to maintain a stable exchange rate of the ruble, in the event of an insufficient influx of dollars to Russian market. If there are no reserves or if they are not used in such cases, as the Central Bank did not use at the end of 2014, then the ruble will fall, as it fell at the end of 2014, and there will be a crisis in the country, which, by the way, we are already seeing. Aside from the question of why the Central Bank did not use gold and foreign exchange reserves, such a well-known economist as Katasonov should understand why reserves are needed.

8.24-8.41 In a “market economy” the ruble cannot be untied from the world currency, because if it is untied and fixed at a certain amount, then in the event of an insufficient influx of dollars into the country, many enterprises will instantly fail. Being pegged, the ruble adjusts to the amount of dollar supply in the country, which allows everyone to receive dollars if necessary. Let's take, for example, a factory that produces using raw materials imported from abroad. Due to the pegged ruble to the dollar, the ruble will fall if there is a shortage of dollars, and importing raw materials for the enterprise will become more expensive, but it always has the opportunity, albeit at a higher price, to get the necessary dollars and import raw materials from abroad in order to continue production. The enterprise may begin to produce in smaller volumes, and may even become unprofitable for a while, but it will not stop. If the ruble exchange rate is not tied to the dollar supply in the country and is fixed, then the head of the enterprise, having come to Once again to the bank, you may encounter a situation where there simply won’t be any dollars in the bank. Since the dollar exchange rate is fixed, being cheaper than with a floating rate, it will be bought up by other enterprises or citizens. This means that this enterprise will not be able to purchase raw materials from abroad. This means that it will simply get up and crash. With a floating exchange rate, you can always, even if the exchange rate is unfavorable, still be able to go abroad at any time. If all the dollars are bought before you, then you will simply get stuck in Russia, and all your business or any other plans related to other countries will be ruined.

8.41-8.44 There was socialism in the Soviet Union, there was a planned economy, oriented towards complete independence from capitalist countries. Foreign trade was so minuscule that the domestic economy practically did not depend on it. Enterprises could not get up due to a lack of currency. Yes, a socialist economy is capable of decoupling the national currency from the world one. But you and I live in “market conditions”. From the point of view of socialism, the dependence of the economy on random fluctuations in exchange rates is insanity, like all capitalism as a whole with its competition. But you, Katasonov, are giving out advice on how to act within the framework of capitalism. You don’t call everyone to communism. And since you propose to act within the framework of capitalism, within the framework of “market” relations, then why are you talking nonsense about the independence of the ruble from the dollar? Under capitalism the principle of floating exchange rates is the most optimal.

9.02-9.15 This can only happen if all external mutual settlements are carried out by the state. In a “market” economy, mutual settlements are carried out by citizens of the country and private entrepreneurs, and the ability of their external mutual settlements depends directly on the number of dollars in the country. It’s not just the ruble that depends on the dollar, but the very possibility for individual economic entities to conduct foreign trade. It is obvious that what Katasonov proposes is pure utopia.

9.38-9.52 These are, in fact, the rules of the game in a “market economy”. How do you think it should be in a competitive environment? Everyone is against everyone, everyone is against everyone - this is the law of capitalism. Would you like there to be competition, but at the same time no one competes and acts harmoniously?

9.52-10.20 And here I want to draw your attention to demagoguery. Any storm in the economy is the result of uncoordinated actions of subjects of a “market” economy. Everyone pulls the blanket over themselves. Everyone is trying to influence the economy in one way or another in their own interests, trying to sink their competitors. Moreover, the larger the economic entity, the more money it has, the more it pulls the blanket over itself and the more it influences storms. Storms in the economy are the result of competition. Katasonov is trying to change the concepts. He wants to impose on us the view that storms caused by the actions of small economic entities are of a different nature than storms caused by the actions of large economic entities. He calls them the owners of money. As if every small business entity does not dream of growing into a large one and in the same way influencing the economy, having the opportunity to pull the blanket over itself on a large scale. Katasonov tries to present the matter as if such storms are not the result of a hierarchy in the economy generated by competition and the suppression of the weak by the stronger. Katasonov wants to present the matter as if evil Jews are sitting at the very top, and below it is as if everyone is so white and fluffy and as if there is no such thing that everyone is also trying to drown their competitors and pull the blanket to their side. Katasonov wants, therefore, to present the matter in such a way that if there were no Jews, then a “market” economy based on competition would exist without competition.

10.20-10.37 - what should it depend on? From internal factors? From which ones? From some people? Where is the guarantee that these people will use the money in the interests of the people?

11.55-12.07 Here we hear good old conversations in the spirit of an old man. They are designed for foolish jingoistic patriots who are unable to adequately assess the situation. In reality, there has been no independence for a long time. All types of business, all industries in different countries ah are connected to each other by numerous threads. IN joint stock companies the presence of representatives from different countries has become the norm. For example, more than half of the board of directors of Avtovaz are French and representatives of other countries. Russian officials buy real estate abroad, foreigners establish production facilities in Russia and make investments. People fly to other countries and, if they wish, stay there to live. Foreigners fly to Russia and stay to live there. There is a movement of culture and technology. Entrepreneurs themselves always think about their own profits first and only lastly about national interests. Level of patriotism Russian entrepreneurs The sanctions imposed on Russia clearly demonstrated this. Instead of making import substitution, which would be in the national interests, entrepreneurs preferred to simply raise prices, because some of their competitors were cut off by sanctions. As a result, they turned into monopolists and didn’t care about anything other than their own pockets. And it is impossible to force them to act differently, because their enterprises are their private property, and they are free to dispose of it as they wish. If the state begins to force them to do something, then it will be dictatorship, totalitarianism. After all, most jingoists hate communist ideas so much, but when the Starikovs or Katasonovs propose to take control of enterprises, essentially violating the private property rights of businessmen, then for some reason the jingoists do not object to this. The level of hypocrisy is astounding. You're either there or there. Either you are for communism and for the destruction of private property rights and for the nationalization of enterprises, or you are for “market” relations, then you have no right to touch other people’s private property.

12.07-12.28 No, it’s a shame specifically for those responsible persons who allowed the collapse of the national currency, as well as those economists who shift the blame from these individuals to the long-suffering people who are not involved in business at all.

12.28-13.54 At first glance, it seems that Katasonov began to think in the right direction. But this is only at first glance. Where is the answer to the questions asked? Why is Mr. Katasonov needed if he cannot understand this problem? Why was the Central Bank not held accountable for its actions? Why are speculators becoming more and more impudent? They are not affected legal norms? They are acting! There are two options left: a) either the executive branch, the government, acts in concert with the Central Bank, b) or the Central Bank is a “5 column” that deliberately harms the Russian people. But then two more questions follow from this option: a) Why do our people need such a worthless, spineless government? b) why did it happen that the budget benefited from the actions of the Central Bank? If the 5th Column wanted to put the government in a difficult position, then it is very strange that it works into its hands. From all these situations, only two possible consequences follow: a) either the government is in cahoots with the “5th column” represented by the Central Bank, or the Central Bank is not a “5th column”, but is still in cahoots with the government. The same conclusion follows from these two consequences - the government and the Central Bank are in a conspiracy against the people, and the Central Bank does not act in defiance of the government, but, on the contrary, the actions of the Central Bank are sanctioned by the government. It was this situation that put Katasonov in such a difficult position that, instead of announcing this conclusion, he simply threw up his hands and said: “I don’t know.” He knows everything perfectly well, but his only task is to sell people nonsense about conspiracies of Jews and Jewish Freemasons.

13.54-14.21 there.

14.21-14.46 - wonderful logic. It is not the prosecutor's office that is to blame, which is silent when it sees a crime; it is not the government that is to blame, which is silent when it sees a crime. It is the Constitution's fault that the Constitution is violated! Maybe we can go even further and say that the people themselves are to blame for choosing the wrong guarantors of the constitution?

06.20-20.50 - Katasonov forgets to mention that in the USSR there was socialism and a planned economy, there was no competition and the right of private property, where the government was responsible for all spheres of economic life, regulated production at each plant, and therefore it was not profitable for him to abuse his powers of printing money . Katasonov essentially proposes the same thing as Starikov proposed - the nationalization of the Central Bank in the conditions of capitalism, in the conditions of commodity-money relations and competition, where the government is not responsible for the situation of entrepreneurs and the working masses. Any printing of money beyond the needs of the economy causes inflation, which affects the lives of the people. If the government is entrusted with printing money, then where is the guarantee that it will not print 100 or 1000 times more money than is needed? Where are the guarantees that the government will not abuse this power in order to solve the financial problems of officials? Everyone knows that with inflation, people's savings are burned, and wage workers lose income, because... their salaries do not have time to be indexed in accordance with rising prices. Thus, the principle of private property is violated. People's entire lives, their incomes and savings are made dependent on the arbitrariness of officials. If you trample on private property, then to the fullest. Then Katasonov would have to announce that we need to build communism, which means the government must, in addition to the right to print money, take responsibility for all the people of the country. But Katasonov does not want to build communism. He wants to preserve the right to private property. Those. he proposes to simultaneously trample on private property and preserve it. What does it mean? This means that he wants to give the ruling elites and monopolists the opportunity to defend their right to private property by trampling on the private property of all other people in the country. Those. in this matter, Katasonov, like Starikov, stands on the side of the oligarchs and officials against the working masses and small entrepreneurs. The separation of the Central Bank from the government was invented for a reason, just as the separation of the judicial system from the executive branch was invented for a reason. It is clear that those in power can influence both Central Bank officials and judges through bribery and other levers of influence. But in this case, at least the appearance of observing the principles of democracy is preserved. Do you think foreign capitalists will want to invest in the Russian economy if they know that market conditions depend on the arbitrariness of the Russian authorities? Don't think!

Katasonov, like Starikov, operates with vague concepts. He constantly talks about the sovereignty of Russia and the Russian economy, without specifying that the Russian economy, like the economy of any other countries, is based on competition; there is no formula within the framework of market relations under which everyone would be happy. What is good for some is bad for others. The fall in the ruble has ruined a large number of people in the country and at the same time corrected the affairs of the Ministry of Finance and speculators who had insider information. Nationalization of the Central Bank will give excellent bonuses to the ruling classes and at the same time throw large working masses at their feet and make them dependent on their tyranny. When Katasonov speaks about the interests of Russia, he speaks primarily about the interests of the upper classes. When Lenin spoke about the interests of Russia, he spoke about the interests of the working masses. As such, Russia's interests do not exist in isolation from the class structure of society. There are workers and there are those who profit from the workers. There are ideologists of the working people, such as Lenin, and there are ideologists of the ruling classes, such as Katasonov, ideologists who exist at their expense and appear on their channels. Their goals, like the goals of those classes whose interests they defend in the information field, are directly opposed to the interests of the working people. Who to listen to and whose ideas to accept depends on what class you belong to. If you, for example, are a hired worker, then the best ideology for you is the one that will allow you to free yourself from the yoke of wage slavery, i.e. communism. If you are the son of a rich man, an official or a major entrepreneur, then, of course, the ideas of people like Katasonov will be close to you, because these ideas will help you rob working people more effectively and live at their expense. All this talk about world Jewry, about the 5 columns, about fascism, etc. are just fairy tales designed to cover up the true affairs of the ruling classes. With his tales, Katasonov tries to create the appearance that all the problems of capitalism are not a product of competition and private property relations, but the evil machinations of the world behind the scenes. One could just as well say that alien civilizations are to blame for everything. The whole joke is that fighting with a non-existent enemy is impossible. And since struggle is impossible, then it’s not even worth straining. Added to this are soothing rantings about God, saying that he himself will do everything, he himself will lead the outcome to the end he pleases. (22.50-23.15 KATASONOV ABOUT GOD) What remains in this case for working people? Nothing! To be a slave of the system, an obedient working animal. It is noteworthy that Katasonov himself in 91-93. worked as a UN consultant just during the collapse of the USSR. In 1993-96 he was a member of the advisory council to the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. And in 2010, he worked at the Central Bank of Russia, precisely in all those structures that, according to him, are subordinate to world Jewry. For some reason, his anti-Zionist beliefs did not prevent him from working side by side with the enemies of the Russian people and taking advantage of all the advantages of warm places. Based on this information, I think you will be able to assess for yourself what the price of Katasonov’s words is. No one will tell you from official propaganda that the “5th Column” is actually scary only to the ruling elite. Nobody will tell you that the West is not against sanctions Russian people, but against the Russian authorities, who do not want to comply with the norms international law. Official propaganda will not tell you that the war in Ukraine is not being waged against fascism, but for the selfish motives of a narrow stratum Russian oligarchs, and also in order to divert people's gaze from domestic policy into the external sphere and play on their people’s fear of fictitious fascism. People like Katasonov and Starikov won’t tell you all this. But they will tell you a lot about the world Jewish behind the scenes, about the evil Ukrofashists, about geopolitics and about God. Because they do not need sensible people who can ask questions, but an obedient flock of sheep.

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