The meaning of the word digest. How to create a digest newsletter: comparing letters Distributing modern digests

Digest structure. The digest structure is as follows:

1. Title page.

3. Preface (from the compiler).

4. The main text is usually divided into sections, subsections, and paragraphs.

5. List of used literature.

6. Applications (illustrated material - tables, graphs, diagrams revealing the main text).

7. Glossary of basic terms (if necessary).

Methods for converting information. The main method used is extraction, i.e. removal from the document of the most semantically valuable quotations.

Also, when compiling digests, the technique of normalized folding is used, as a result of which the physical volume of the document changes, but its information content does not decrease.

Let's consider the main stages of compiling a digest (see Table 7.2):



Stage task

Basic operations, characteristics

Preparatory stage

1. Development of a prospectus plan

The prospectus plan is the main document that determines the directions of work on the digest. It sets out detailed content future digest. This is a “thumbnail” of the main edition. the main task stage - determining the target and readership.

Establish the target (for what) and reader (for whom) purpose of the future digest. Usually take into account age, general education and special training readers. Can be used professional activity readers, their official status. Main groups of consumers of bibliographic information:

Managers of all ranks;

Specialists in various industries National economy, science, culture (doctors, economists, teachers, etc.;


Students of universities, secondary and special educational institutions, students of vocational schools and schools

Select and study a topic

The topic is studied from the point of view of novelty, relevance, reader interest in it, and the availability of literature. The topic can be considered from all or several sides, include or not cover related areas of knowledge, consider the issue only in a theoretical, practical or historical aspect

Determine the type, type and genre

The prospectus plan should identify the types of publications that will be included. This may include books, magazine articles, and other types of printed and non-printed products.

Determine the volumes and timing of the compilation of the benefit

The compiler of the digest in the prospectus notes the number of pages of the future publication and the time frame within which it will be prepared

Select design

The method of printing the publication is selected - typographical or “in-house”, issues of external and internal design (cover, binding, interior design, illustrative material)

Main stage

2. Develop a plan

Plan - a list of sections and issues drawn up in a certain order that should be reflected in the digest

3. Identification of printed works and bibliographic search

The task of the stage is to establish the presence in the library of literature on this topic, as well as materials that are not available in this library

The compiler examines various sources: catalogues, card indexes, relevant sections of the fund, bibliographic publications, databases, reference and search systems, the Internet, handwritten materials, etc.

4. Study of printed sources

Tasks - establishing compliance of the identified works with the topic of the digest

This is done by viewing.

5. Bibliographic grouping

The task is to choose the optimal structure (construction), that is, the formation of a future digest

5.1. The unit of grouping is text fragments (or quotes). Each fragment removed from the text is accompanied by a link to the description of the document as a whole.

5.2. Choosing the optimal construction of the main divisions - sections, subsections and smaller divisions, the order in which they appear one after another. Then - the design of the headings for each, the order in which they appear. The grouping of material can be:


Chronological (temporal pattern);

Logical (internal pattern) - from particular to general or from general to particular. Copies of document fragments are cut out and assembled (glued) in the required order.

The final stage

6. Preparation of the text of the preface and other supporting elements

The task is to reveal to readers the author’s intention and to help them navigate the digest freely

6.1. Preface - this describes the purpose and readership of the digest, provides data on the literature reflected in it, explains general principle construction of the digest, auxiliary pointers are listed.

Stage task

Basic operations, characteristics.

The relevance and modernity of the digest's subject matter is assessed. Novelty is determined, i.e. what new, previously unknown, the compilers brought to the topic under study. 6.2. Applications - illustrative material: photographs, photocopies of covers or title pages of publications, portraits of figures of science, culture, art, etc., tables, graphs, maps in local history manuals

6.3. Glossary of basic terms (if necessary).

6.4. The digest may contain auxiliary pointers:

Subject index - list of located in alphabetical order subject headings with links to relevant pages. The presence of a subject index significantly increases the information content of the publication; The name index contains information about the compilers, editors and other persons. For example: “Yu. Stolyarov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, founder of documentology”; Pointer geographical names - practiced in local history digests. It is advisable to accompany the list of concepts with characteristics (sea, river, locality and etc.); List of accepted abbreviations - Ph.D. - candidate pedagogical sciences; UAN - Ukrainian Academy of Sciences; MES - Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, etc.

7. Editing the digest

Editing all texts

Elimination of mistakes and stylistic shortcomings.

8. External design of the digest

The task is to make a final decision regarding the design of the digest

On the cover you can indicate only the title of the manual, and on the title page - the full name of the organization that issues the digest, the surname and initials of the compiler, the title of the digest, the place and year of publication

The text is printed at 1-1.5 intervals. Point size - 12. Banks: right, bottom - 10 mm, left, top - 20 mm.

Sections and subsections must have headings. Subparagraphs, as a rule, do not have headings. The distance between section titles and text is 2 spaces.

Pages are numbered in Arabic numerals; the number is usually placed in the center of the bottom of the page without a dot. The title page is also included in the general page numbering; the page number is not indicated on it. To set the various structural parts of the manual (preface, main text, auxiliary indexes, etc.), you can use fonts of different sizes. Different fonts are used for headings of sections, subsections and subparagraphs

Digest is a publication containing summary publications for a certain period in an abbreviated and systematized form, short review periodical press; in a broad sense, a thematic collection of fragments from materials belonging to different sources.

Ancient origins of the digest

The existence of digests began in Ancient Rome. In 530–533 n. e. In Byzantium, under Emperor Justinian I, the Digesta, or Pandectae, were compiled - extensive, systematized collections of excerpts from the writings of Roman jurists, which had the force of law and were main part Roman civil law in modern name"Corpus iuris civilis" Thus, the Digests contributed to the formation of the theory of law and the development of Roman jurisprudence.

The technique of brief, systematic expositions was also widely used in theology. Based on the writings of John Chrysostom, a book was written in the Old Slavonic language “Zlatostruy” (c. 1461), consisting in the most complete edition of 136 articles.

According to the principle of a modern digest, the third most ancient monument of the ancient Russian manuscript after the “Ostromir Gospel” and the “Novgorod Codex” was written - the first “Svyatoslav’s Collection” (1073) and the second “Svyatoslav’s Collection” (1076), compiled for Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich. Unlike the first book, the second contained not only excerpts from the teachings of the church fathers, but also extracts from biblical and narrative literature, collections of sayings, etc. A similar type of publication includes the “Catechism” - a book in the form of questions and answers, which is a summary of Christian doctrine.

Distribution of modern digests

In the XVII–XVIII centuries. publications similar to digests - “chimes” (from the Dutch courant - newspaper) - the first handwritten newspapers of a political nature, compiled in Ambassadorial order based on Dutch and German newspapers and other foreign printed materials. Since the 18th century The digest includes not only a brief review of the press, but also handwritten or printed summaries of other documents, which are called extracts, notes, excerpts and are published under the corresponding titles - “Extract”, “Anmerkungen”, “Auszuge”, etc.

The term “digest” entered literature only in the twentieth century. Currently, a digest means a type of periodical publication (newspaper, magazine, etc.), consisting entirely of reprints, fragments or alterations of artistic, journalistic, scientific works, which, due to their simplified form, are accessible to the readership. In this function, the digest is often adjacent to mass literature.

First digest

The first and still one of the most popular digests is the monthly American magazine Readers Digest, founded in 1922 by David and Lila Wallace, after L. Wallace decided to collect a selection of her favorite articles published in different monthly publications, and combine them in one magazine.

The word digest comes from English digest, which means - summary.

In the review presented to your attention we will talk about the digest. What it is? In the age of Internet development and information technologies Many areas of activity are moving to an automated level. The media space is no exception. These days, there are many online commentators who release news segments on an hourly basis about one event or another. This means sites with political, sports, social, economic and other news. If we consider all these resources under the prism of “media fundamentals,” then they are all united by such a concept as a digest. What is it? Let's find out!

Digest - what is it? Definition and Features

Literally translated from in English“digest” is a summary (digest) or summary (the word digerere is translated from English as “to divide”). In Russian, the word “digest” is most often found in This concept implies any information product (selection, article or publication) that contains brief annotations to the topic under discussion. The digest, as a rule, contains the main provisions of articles, which present the most interesting and relevant publications in a brief form (for a certain period of time). The popularity of this format is due to the fact that condensed information allows you to get acquainted with popular news, a separate topic or an entire study in the shortest possible time.

Digest - what is it? Format meaning and application

In the generalized concept of “digest” - excerpts (quotes, epigraphs, etc.) taken from several information sources. The output is a condensed form of a specific genre, topic, or summary. Following the example of this format, the online publication “” operates, which publishes brief news information from the magazine “Russian Language Abroad”. And on the chemical portal ChemPort there is an “organic digest”, which is based in the “News about Science” section. In general, the word “digest” includes the concept of reprinting other people’s materials in an abbreviated, systematized form. There are over a hundred more examples of popular online publishing houses that work on this principle. These include Reader's Digest, a famous American magazine that contains the most current political and news events over the past month.

History of the creation of the format

The principle of writing condensed thematic collections has been known since ancient times. The most notable example is the Digests, short summaries and excerpts from the writings of ancient Roman jurists who compiled the main provisions of Byzantine law. Later, the Digests were renamed the Code of Civil Law.

Ancient Slavic digests

So, digest. What is it and where did it appear? In the history of the ancient Slavic peoples there is also a place for the concept we are considering. The famous book “Zlatostruy” (written in Ancient Bulgaria) was created on the principle of a collection of condensed statements. It contains all the moral teachings and works of John Chrysostom (in the expanded version there are about 136 writings).

“The Collection of Svyatoslav” is the third oldest (after the “Ostromir Gospel” and the “Novgorod Codex”) ancient Russian manuscript book, which presents the works of the church fathers in a brief and comprehensive form. In ancient times, this principle of compiling books was widespread and popular. This category also includes the book “Catechism”, which contains the basics of Christian teachings (the book is written in a question-and-answer format, which also falls under the concept of “digest”).

Based on these connotations, we can conclude that the modern media information platform (books, media, news portals etc.) adopts most of the principles and formats from antiquity. There was no such thing as a “digest” back then. This formulation received its name in modern world. Previously collections brief information and the writings were called “extract”, “note”, “excerpts”, etc.

Digests in Russia

What does a digest look like through the eyes of a Russian person? What is it and how was it used in Russia? The first digest formats in Russia appeared in the 17th century. However, even then there was no such word. All publications, magazines and collections that worked on the principle of information compression were called "chimes". Now the word "chimes" is used as a historical term for Russian-language reviews of the European press in the late 17th - early 18th century. Later, in the mid-18th century, the word “extract” began to be used. The Collegium of Foreign Affairs was the first to do this. The definition of extract meant not only reviews of the European press, but also condensed thematic presentations of other documents (in printed or handwritten form).

Where are “digests” used now?

And if we talk about modern Russia and the concept of "digest"? What is this in the current understanding? The word “digest” appeared in the vocabulary of the Russian-speaking population at the end of the 20th century. The organization “National Corpus of the Russian Language” first registered this term in 1993. However, this word was already used in the 80s. At the beginning of the 2000s, the concept of “digest” became incredibly fashionable, so it is very often used in various fields. Because of this, the meaning of the word has not been fully formed. This concept is constantly being given new and new meaning. For example, “Review Digest” is an already established concept on the popular video hosting site “YouTube”.

As mentioned above, many popular news portals operate on the principle of reprinting information from other sources in a brief form. However, the spread of “digests” does not end there. This principle has long been used in television programs, series, movies and cartoons, etc. For example, on the Russian television talk show “Let Them Talk” on Channel One, digests are often used. Before they start discussing anything in the studio, you will first be presented with a video clip about the topic of the program. Thus, you quickly understand the essence of the topic being discussed and continue watching the program from the middle. Similar video inserts (i.e. digests) are shown after advertising. Some TV shows also insert a digest before the commercial break. This is done in order to interest and retain the viewer after advertising (because most often, when advertising starts, the viewer switches to another channel). The most notable example is the Comedy Club digest. The best fragments from the humorous show are available to the viewer in a matter of seconds.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I would like to continue the “analysis” of a number of concepts that we often encounter not only on the Internet, but also in everyday life (in conversations, on TV, in newspapers). A little earlier, we already touched upon such “layers of the unknown” as , (there is so much in this word...), and others.

Today we have the word digest on our turn. Let's talk, naturally, about what it is, and also consider what Russian word can replace it, how relevant this concept is today and how digests influence our perception of the world and ability to think (independently). I hope it will be interesting.

What is a digest?

This word, as you understand, was borrowed from another language, namely English (digest - collection, summary, summary, classification, digestion), but it also came there from an even more ancient means of explanation - Latin (digestum - extraction or generalization) .

So what does the word digest mean?? You probably already understood from the translation of its English counterpart that this is a certain summary anything. A little higher, I promised to give the most accurate synonym from the Russian language. It seems to me that this word squeeze.

An immense amount of information accumulates in the world (sea, ocean). People sometimes don’t even have enough time to even superficially get acquainted with something that has newly appeared, and only a few are able to rake through the layers of history. That's why digests are very popular now.

But this is not only a milestone of our time. This word goes back all the way to the Roman Empire, when a huge number of scrolls with minutes of court hearings were extremely inconvenient for the local lawyers (lawyers and prosecutors) to use. First find the scroll, then unroll it, then read it detailed description process. Creepy.

That's when we decided to create the world's first digest(from those that have survived to our times). They created the Digesta, which summarized the contents of the most important scrolls. This document became the fundamental set of legal laws and cases. There were a lot of other examples of creating sets of brief summaries on certain (important at that time) topics (they were also called extracts), which also explains the meaning very well.

So, digest is a squeeze, extract from a large amount of information (books, a huge number of articles on the topic, news, periodicals and anything else). Why is this necessary? For many, it is more convenient to get acquainted with information (after all, you want to cover a larger volume, but at the same time there is no time for thoughtful study, etc.).

Moreover, this extract, as a rule, reflects the structure of the information presented in the source. Sometimes this is simply a list of ideas in the order in which they are presented in the source. For example, I have digests on the main topics of my blog - on, on, on.

A well-written digest not only replaces the original source, but also makes it clear to the person whether he should move on to the original or whether the facts presented (concentrated) are sufficient. True, people quite quickly begin to get used to “thinking with someone else’s head” and are content with a brief summary, being lazy to read the source and form their own opinion (after all, what is important for one may not be important for another).

You must understand that absolutely anyone the digest bears the imprint of the author’s individuality(a view of the world through the eyes of the compiler). After all, he not only shortens the source, but at the same time expresses his objective view of all “this disgrace.” Another compiler may note other facts and ideas, considering them as the main thing (placing other accents and choosing other reference points).

Types of digests

Digests come in several types:

Pros and cons of digests

They certainly save us time and allow us to cover a much larger volume of information, which is especially important in our computer age. It's full now mobile applications, offering to “gallop across Europe” and keep your finger on the pulse of literally everything.

On the other hand, a summary is not a source. Essentially, you begin to see everything the way the digest writer sees it. At the same time, you quickly get used to the “accessible presentation” of information and essentially stop thinking. How is that eat mush chewed by someone all the time and lose the skill of consuming normal food.

Agree that reading “War and Peace” is not the same as reading its summary. Actually, in the rest of the area of ​​application of digests, this statement will also be true. They are useful, but in moderation and a priori () they cannot replace the source.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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The section is very easy to use. In the field provided, just enter the right word, and we will give you a list of its values. I would like to note that our website provides data from different sources– encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word digest

digest in the crossword dictionary

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


m. Brief, condensed summary of smb. information, messages, etc.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


DIGEST (eng. digest - summary)

    a type of magazine that reprints materials from other publications in an abbreviated and, as a rule, simplified form.

    A mass publication containing a brief adapted summary of popular works of fiction.


  • Digest - summary other publications.
  • Hash sum, also called digest- in cryptography, the result of transforming an input message of arbitrary length into an output bit string of a fixed length.

Digest (press)

Digest in the media - an information product (publication, collection) that contains brief annotations and main provisions of articles, or which concisely conveys the content of the most interesting publications for a certain period. The format is convenient for getting acquainted with the main news of a certain topic and the content of the study.

In a broader sense, a digest is a selection of excerpts from various sources on a specific topic. For example, the reference and information portal GRAMOTA.RU publishes digests of the journal “Russian Language Abroad”, and the Chemical Portal publishes “Organic Digest” in the “Science News” section. The word digest is included in the name of a number of publications that specialize in reprinting other people's materials. Such publications include Reader's Digest ( Reader's Digest) is a US monthly literary and political magazine.

Examples of the use of the word digest in literature.

Ten pages of non-pareil, hundreds of paragraphs of conditions, copyright abroad, rights to use images, conditions for creating theatrical and film versions, conditions for performance in radio broadcasts, reservations regarding publications in Braille for the blind, the situation in case of assignment of the shortened version to Readers Digest, a paragraph on the creation of a magazine version, guarantees in the event of a lawsuit on charges of defamation, the author’s right to final approval of editorial and proofreading, a clause on the transfer of the case to the arbitration court of Milan if an amicable resolution of the dispute is impossible.

Before starting my work meetings and phone calls, I must look through newspapers, magazines, digests press and results of sociological surveys.

That's how I found out that this digest preparing to publish my interview with BNE.

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