Fishing for scorpionfish (sea ruff). Sea ruff: appearance, fishing for Black Sea scorpionfish Sea ruff prick

Scorpionfish are one of the most dangerous sea animals. Even the name of these fish comes from the accepted foreign languages the name "scorpion fish", which indicates strong toxicity. Despite the fact that scorpionfish cannot be called beautiful, few can compete with them in the colorfulness and whimsicality of their forms. Systematically, several genera of fish from the scorpionfish family of the order Scorpiformes are classified as scorpionfish. Lionfish and spiny lionfish are very close to them; more distant relatives of scorpionfish are warts, sea ​​bass, gurnards and triggles.

Red scorpionfish (Scorpaena scrofa).

Scorpion fish are small and medium-sized fish, the length of most species does not exceed 30 cm. They are characterized by a large head and a shortened body, sharply tapering towards the tail. The tail itself is small and inconspicuous, but the fins are large, with highly developed rays. The dorsal fin is divided into two parts by a notch: in the anterior part, 7-17 rays have turned into sharp spines; in the rear part there is one such spine. In addition, there is one spine in the pelvic fins and 2-3 in the anal fin. Each spine has two grooves through which mucus flows, secreted by poisonous glands at the base of the spine. This structural principle is a bit like the structure of poisonous teeth in snakes. In addition to spines, scorpionfish have a bony bridge under the eye that protects the head, which is why these fish are sometimes called armor-cheeked. Scorpionfish also have short spines on their cheeks, but they are not poisonous. The eyes of these fish are bulging like those of toads and frogs.

The mouth of scorpionfish is large and, if necessary, can open very wide.

Scorpionfish share another property unique to fish with snakes. The fact is that scorpionfish... shed! Periodically, they change their skin (for example, the Black Sea scorpionfish does this every month), and, like snakes, scorpionfish shed their entire skin in the form of a stocking. But the main thing distinguishing feature scorpionfish are numerous outgrowths that cover the body of the fish. They can be developed to varying degrees - from short tufts imitating moss to branched formations reminiscent of algae or coral. This ambience is complemented by variegated colors.

The richness and variegation of the scorpionfish's coloring is reminiscent of an oriental carpet.

Although the color scheme of most species is reduced to red-brown tones, many small multi-colored spots, lines, stains and halftones make the pattern incredibly rich, and the scorpionfish itself - invisible against the motley background of the coral reef.

The complex pattern of the lace scorpionfish (Rhinopias aphanes) continuously flows from the body to the fins, creating a perfect resemblance to a coral branch.

The color of the lace scorpionfish is very variable: among the representatives of this species you can find red, yellow, black, single-colored and multi-colored individuals. Males and females of all scorpionfish look the same.

This gloomy fish is also a lacy scorpionfish.

Another outfit from the rich “wardrobe” of lace scorpions.

The habitat of scorpionfish covers all tropical and subtropical zones globe. Many species of scorpionfish can be found on the islands of the Malay Archipelago, the Philippines, and Thailand. One of the northernmost species is the Black Sea scorpionfish, or sea ruff, which lives in the Black Sea. In general, all scorpionfish live exclusively in salt water, their favorite habitats are coastal zones and shallow waters of coral atolls, but some species can be found at depths of up to 2000 m. Scorpionfish spend most of their time completely motionless, lying on the bottom waiting for prey. They swim rarely and for short distances, but if necessary they can make rapid leaps. Scorpionfish lead a solitary lifestyle; according to some reports, some species are active only at night.

Echmeyer's scorpionfish (Rhinopias eschmeyeri).

Scorpionfish are predators that hunt from ambush. Not only are these fish difficult to distinguish from the surrounding landscape, but they also burrow into the ground in such a way that only their eyes are visible from the outside (that’s why they are so bulging). The scorpionfish waits patiently in ambush for hours until the victim comes into view, then the scorpionfish quickly opens its mouth and the victim is literally carried into it by the current. Since these fish attack small animals, they swallow their prey whole. Scorpion fish hunt small fish, crustaceans (shrimp) and cephalopods(primarily squid). Deep-sea species of scorpionfish and those that hunt at night detect prey thanks to a highly developed lateral line, which in scorpionfish has moved to the head. Thanks to this line, predators sense water vibrations produced by the prey and determine its location even in pitch darkness.

California scorpionfish (Scorpaena guttata) eats squid (Doryteuthis opalescens).

Scorpionfish lay their eggs in separate portions, packaged in mucus balloons. These balloons float to the surface of the water and there break up into individual eggs. Larvae hatch from floating eggs, which at first stay near the surface of the water, but after maturing a little, they descend into the bottom layers.

Californian scorpionfish caviar.

In nature, scorpionfish have few enemies, given their excellent camouflage, low mobility and strong poisonousness. But for humans, scorpionfish are of dual interest. On the one hand, these fish pose a real danger to divers, swimmers, and even people just relaxing on the shore. The thing is that the skillful camouflage of scorpionfish does not allow them to detect the fish in time, so it is very easy to prick themselves on its spines. What complicates the situation is that scorpionfish often find themselves washed ashore, and their spines can pierce even light shoes. When an injection occurs, poison immediately enters the wound, which causes very severe pain. The pain increases over time and can even lead to loss of consciousness from painful shock. In addition, the components of the poison cause a decrease in blood pressure, swelling of the lungs and the affected limb, and numbness. Symptoms do not go away for several days, but deaths from scorpionfish poisoning are rare.

Flat-headed scorpenopsis (Scorpaenopsis oxycephala).

On the other hand, the Black Sea and Californian scorpionfish have considerable gastronomic value. Their meat is very tasty and gives excellent fat, so fish soup and fish soups are often made from scorpionfish. Scorpionfish are caught along with other fish, and cut with gloves separately from other species. Meat freed from thorns does not pose any danger. Scorpionfish are also attractive to aquarists, although keeping them at home is not easy. When keeping scorpion fish, it is important to provide them with shelters in aquariums, good aeration and water filtration. Scorpionfish feed on small fish and crustaceans (brine shrimp); with fish of equal size, scorpionfish behave peacefully and get along well with their neighbors.

While snorkeling underwater, I encountered perhaps two main types of fish. The first ones live in the water column and, at the sight of an underwater swimmer, immediately try to hide from sight, swimming away, or hiding in crevices between rocks. The latter, apparently, rely on their natural camouflage. These are mainly benthic species, hiding among stones and algae. Until the very end, they prefer to believe that they were not noticed. To do this, they have all the tools: camouflage coloring, which makes them invisible against a colorful background among the stones, entire forests of algae, hiding them from prying eyes, and, as the last line of defense, various poisonous thorns and other troubles for the predator. Here in the photo and video is a typical example of such a fish - Black Sea scorpionfish, she's the same sea ​​ruff, she's the same scorpida(lat. Scorpaena porcus). I met her at shallow depths in Omega Bay in Sevastopol, when I was snorkeling there. On this day the sea was very rough and the seaweed was constantly swaying in all directions. The sea ruff lay on the bottom, and the current either completely hid or exposed its body in the thickets of algae. But apparently he considered them reliable protection, because he allowed me to get close enough without sudden movements. Or maybe he just relied on his poisonous thorns in case of my aggression. Anyway, he allowed a few photos to be taken and a few seconds of video to be taken before he ran away, scared of something.

In the Black and Azov Seas, as well as in the Kerch Strait, you can see quite interesting fish, nicknamed the sea ruffe or small scorpionfish. She is interesting to watch, but it is absolutely not worth getting to know her closely. This is one of the most unfriendly marine inhabitants, and its spines, located throughout the body, are quite poisonous.

This is a real monster - a large head covered with outgrowths, horns, bulging crimson eyes, a huge mouth with thick lips. Rays dorsal fin turned into sharp spines, which the scorpionfish, if disturbed, spreads out; at the base of each ray is a poisonous gland. This is the ruff’s protection from predators, its weapon of defense.

And the attack weapon - jaws with many sharp crooked teeth - are intended for careless fish that approach the scorpionfish within the distance of its swift, furious throw. The whole appearance of the scorpionfish speaks of its danger; and at the same time she is beautiful - and there are scorpionfish very different colors- black, gray, brown, raspberry-yellow, pink...

Due to the fact that this fish is quite difficult to notice at the bottom, many of its victims literally swim into its mouth. She doesn't even have to specifically track anyone down. Sea ruffes grab their prey, making a sudden short throw characteristic of other scorpion fish, and swallow it. The scorpionfish feeds on small fish and various crustaceans.

These spiny predators they hide between stones, under algae, and, like all bottom-dwelling fish, change color to match the color of their surroundings, and can quickly lighten or darken depending on the light. The scorpionfish is also hidden by numerous outgrowths, spines and leathery tentacles, turning it into one of the stones overgrown with marine vegetation. Therefore, it is difficult to notice her, and she herself relies so much on her inconspicuousness that she floats away (or rather, flies away like a bullet from a gun!) only if you approach her closely. Sometimes you can even touch it - but that’s exactly what you shouldn’t do - you’ll get pricked! It’s more interesting to watch a scorpionfish hunt while lying on the surface of the water and breathing through a snorkel...

The danger of the sea ruffe is that when you accidentally disturb it, it will not even think about swimming away. On the contrary, it raises its dorsal spines and takes a protective pose, bending its body into a crescent. Without noticing it among the sea stones and algae, you can easily stumble upon it.

Wounds from scorpionfish thorns cause burning pain, the area around the injections turns red and swells, then - general malaise, temperature, and your rest is interrupted for a day or two. The venom of ruffes is especially dangerous in early spring: At this time of year, due to rising hormone levels, the poison becomes most toxic. If you have suffered from ruff thorns, consult a doctor. Wounds should be treated like regular scratches. The main symptoms of poisoning by sea ruffe are local inflammation (where they were injected) and a general allergic reaction. There are no known deaths from scorpionfish injections. No one steps on it by accident either - curious divers and fishermen suffer from its thorns when they remove the ruff from a hook or take it out of a net. By the way, the sea ruffe is a very tasty fish, but you need to clean it carefully - the poison is retained even by scorpionfish that have been in the refrigerator.

Scorpionfish has interesting features- she sheds regularly, shedding her worn-out skin like a snake, like a stocking, sometimes up to twice a month. Moreover, than better conditions, in which the fish live, and the more food there is, the more often these molts occur.

It lives in the Eastern Atlantic, from the British to the Azores Islands, in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, and is sometimes found in the Sea of ​​Azov. Predator. It lives in the coastal zone and spends most of its time lying in thickets of vegetation on a rocky bottom, waiting for prey. Previously, it was one of the most common fish in the coastal zone, but is now much less common.

The holiday season is in full swing and right now many are packing their bags to go somewhere on the Black Sea coast. Some people are attracted to active recreation and fishing, while others prefer to splash in the warm coastal waves. But both It should be remembered that among the inhabitants of the Black Sea there are also poisonous creatures, personal acquaintance with which can not only ruin your vacation, but even cause death.

Therefore, for everyone who is planning to spend their vacation in the South or is simply curious, here are the names and photos poisonous fish Black Sea.

Scorpion - sea ​​fish, outwardly very reminiscent of an ordinary river ruff. For this similarity, the scorpionfish received a second, unofficial name - sea ruff. Unlike its freshwater counterpart, the sea ruffe has much big sizes. The average weight of a standard individual is 400-500 g, although if you wish, you can find specimens weighing up to 1 kg and up to 35 cm in length. But this is still a rarity, discovering which is a great success, if, of course, that is what you can call a meeting with a rather dangerous fish.

The scorpionfish's spines are located not only on the back, but also on the head. There is a poison gland inside each needle. When injected, the poison instantly enters the tissues of the victim, who experiences severe burning pain. Over the next two hours, a person may develop a fever and swelling in the affected area. And although history does not know any deaths, there is still little pleasant from meeting this poisonous fish of the Black Sea.

Scorpionfish are especially dangerous during the spawning period, which begins in late spring and lasts until the first days of June. So at this time you need to be careful, especially fishermen who encounter the sea ruff much more often than ordinary vacationers.

You can avoid the serious consequences of being pricked by scorpionfish thorns by treating the affected area with hydrogen peroxide, which completely neutralizes the poison. In addition, it has long been noticed that fishermen who have survived several stings of the sea ruffe develop immunity to their poison, due to which pain is completely absent.

Ordinary vacationers may encounter scorpionfish in shallow water, where this fish often hunts in the pre-dawn hours. So, when walking along the beach, you need to carefully look at your feet so as not to accidentally step on a sea ruffe lurking in the sand.

Concluding the conversation about scorpion fish, let us note the gastronomic features of this fish. Most often, fish soup is made from it, which turns out to be very rich, tasty and absolutely safe. The fillet parts of the carcass can be fried or dried, resulting in an excellent snack for beer.

One of the first places in the ranking of poisonous fish in the Black Sea and the entire Mediterranean basin is occupied by a small fish called the sea dragon. Also, fishermen often call it a snake or an underwater scorpion, which already says a lot about the danger of this fish.

An adult reaches 40 cm in length and is very similar in appearance to a goby, which Black Sea coast is the main catch of fishermen. This similarity only increases the danger posed by the sea dragon.

The main weapon of an underwater scorpion is poisonous spines, which are located on the gills and in the head area. Moreover, it is interesting that the danger can come even from dead fish, since the poisonous glands continue to act for several hours.

Even light touch they can cause severe pain in a person, the affected area instantly swells, and the swelling can reach monstrous proportions. If measures are not taken in time, the person’s temperature rises and severe chills begin. But these are only visible consequences. What is more dangerous is what happens inside the body. And there pulmonary edema develops at a very high rate, possibly impaired cardiac function and even loss of consciousness.

As in the case of scorpionfish, The main first aid remedy is hydrogen peroxide. But it can only partially weaken the poison, which will make it possible to deliver the victim to a hospital or emergency room without serious consequences. If you don’t have peroxide on hand, you can treat the injection site very well. hot waterUnder the influence high temperatures toxins are destroyed.

Experienced fish use the old-fashioned method. A match is applied to the affected area, which is then ignited by another burning match. It is stated that if such a procedure is carried out in the first few minutes, complications can be completely avoided.

Just like almost all poisonous fish of the Black Sea, sea ​​dragon is quite edible, moreover, the meat of this fish is not fatty and very tender. However, before preparing a fish dish, you need to carefully cut off the poisonous spines located on the gills and dorsal fin.

Sea cow or stargazer

By studying the names and photos of poisonous fish in the Black Sea, you can find very unusual creature with bulging eyes and strange spikes on his head. This is a sea cow or stargazer - a predator fish that, when hunting, buries itself completely in the sand, leaving only its eyes on the surface. In this position, the eyes resemble telescopes, which nimbly rotate in different directions in search of prey. Hence it is so unusual name- astrologer.

The thorns mentioned above are poisonous, but main danger does not come from them. The entire body of the stargazer is covered with a thick layer of mucus, the touch of which with an unprotected hand threatens a person with a serious chemical burn.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the sea cow looks somewhat reminiscent of harmless gobies, so inexperienced fishermen often grab the caught fish with bare hands. Locals, of course, such an oversight will not be allowed, but visitors often become victims of the astrologer.

Ordinary vacationers should be wary sea ​​cow It’s not worth it - it lives quite far from the shore, so you can only encounter it while fishing. But if, nevertheless, the unpredictable fate of a holidaymaker brings him together with an astrologer, then the affected area should be immediately treated with hydrogen peroxide, and then, as soon as possible, go to the nearest point for medical help.

There are fish in Anapa that it is better not to meet one-on-one in the sea, but it is advisable to try them in fried in the resort cafe. To such formidable representatives of underwater flora Black Sea refers to the sea ruff or scorpion fish.

The scorpionfish lives in many southern and tropical countries, where tourists like to relax. Our sea ruffe, the northernmost species of scorpionfish, lives in the Black Sea and loves coastal rocky places. The fish can be found on the High Coast, the beaches of Utrish and Sukko. The sea ruffe has a red-brown color for good camouflage in dense algae and stones and has a size of about 15-20 centimeters. The sea ruffe spreads its lateral and dorsal poisonous fins when in danger. It is necessary to handle this species with caution, because... You can get hurt from the injection.

How to protect yourself from a scorpionfish injection

It is not as easy for a simple bather to step on a ruff as it might seem. Usually, when a person approaches, the scorpion fish quickly swims away. You need to be careful in rough seas and storms, because... It is not so easy for the ruffe to notice bathers at this time. The main injuries occur when a person tries to become closely acquainted with the Black Sea ruffe. Fishermen, divers and snorkelers who try to touch or remove scorpion fish from a hook come across poisonous spines.

What to do when injected with the Black Sea ruffe

If you find yourself a victim of a scorpionfish injection, do not panic, no one has ever died from this. When injected, poison enters the body. The victim needs rest. The wound site, usually the heel or foot, must be immersed in hot water (temperature 45-50 degrees). You can take antiallergic medications. Usually unpleasant symptoms go away after one or two days.

How to cook ruff

Sea ruff is a delicacy and can be tasted in fish dishes. Very tasty fried fillet of sea ruffe and fish soup.

Scorpena- a predatory bottom sea fish of the scorpionfish family, leading a sedentary lifestyle in the coastal strip of the Black Sea with depths of up to 50 meters. Due to its similarity with its freshwater counterparts, river ruffs, scorpionfish received its second informal name - sea ruff. In addition to the double name, this fish is the bearer of several more mysteries of nature.

TO commercial fish scorpionfish does not apply. It is usually caught by amateur fishermen, although they are also attracted to it not so much by its size as by the taste of the fish soup obtained from it.

In the Black Sea there are two species of this fish: the Black Sea scorpionfish, reaching a length of 30 centimeters and a weight of 1 kilogram, and the noticeable scorpionfish - up to 15 centimeters and weighing 200-300 grams. It is very difficult to distinguish them from each other; not everyone can immediately determine what kind of fish they have in their hands: a noticeable scorpionfish that has reached full maturity or a young Black Sea scorpionfish?

The only acceptable sign for anglers by which it is possible to distinguish these two species is the presence of a noticeable characteristic large black spot on the dorsal fin. There is one more sign: in the Black Sea scorpionfish, the supraorbital processes, similar to rag flaps, are much longer than in the noticeable scorpionfish. But this difference, in my opinion, belongs more to the competence of ichthyologists, because it is unlikely that any amateur will want to run around the boat with a ruler to establish the truth about what kind of fish he caught.

Where and when are scorpionfish caught?

Catching scorpionfish from the shore, unlike catching it from a boat at sea, does not require large expenses, special skills or effort, which is why it is very popular among both boys and experienced fishermen.

The most convenient places are piers, piers, breakwaters, rocks, stone embankments or shores, especially where near these places there are large and small boulders at the bottom covered with aquatic vegetation. In such areas, scorpionfish stay in crevices and in algae bushes, waiting and ambush hunting for small fish and crustaceans (greenfish, gobies, shrimp, crabs).

Hooked by scorpion fish all year round, but for a number of reasons, the main one being comfortable temperature, fishermen prefer to catch it in the summer. This fish is most active at night.

If the bite is good, and it starts at sunset, you can sit out all night long. I’ll tell you without undue modesty: last summer, after spending three hours fishing from ten in the evening to one in the morning, I caught about two dozen scorpionfish of various sizes using a spinning rod and a sea circle.

Tackle for catching scorpionfish

Scorpionfish are not the kind of fish that you need to be very clever with your gear to catch. Nowadays there are many different types of gear, but based on my personal experience, I’ll share with you only two: a spinning rod with the installation of bottom gear and a sea circle. In my opinion, they are the most optimal for catching this predatory fish, are simple and easy to use and at the same time very effective.

Installation of bottom gear:
light rod up to three meters long;
classic inertia reel “Nevskaya” or any reliable inertia-free reel;
main line with a diameter of 0.3-0.35 millimeters;
one bead;

The bead must be larger in diameter than the circumference of the tulip, so that in the dark when winding the fishing line, the bead must not frequently fall into the rings. The bet is a fishing line with a diameter of 0.16-0.25 millimeters with hooks No. 5-9 located on it on two leashes 5-7 centimeters long and with a sinker at the end. The distance between the leashes is 15 centimeters.

Marine circle
The design is a metal ring with a diameter of 25 centimeters or a hoop, bent from thick wire with small cuts previously made on it. The number of cuts depends on the number of leads and serves to firmly fix them on the circle. 4-5 leashes 15 centimeters long with hooks No. 5-9 are tied in a circle. A strong string is attached directly to the ring. The line supply is calculated based on the height of the structure above sea level from which you are fishing and the depth at the fishing site.

Bait for scorpion fish

When fishing for this fish, bait and bait are used extremely rarely. Although even the simplest bait in the form of crushed shells of mollusks such as mussels and rapana will collect scorpion fish from all over the area quite quickly. Cut into steaks is also good as a bait. small fish, for example, horse mackerel.

As a rule, they are used as attachments boiled shrimp, squid meat, chicken and fish fillet. But still, despite the large assortment of baits, scorpionfish most often prefer fresh shrimp or sliced ​​freshly caught fish.

The scorpionfish's gluttony is amazing: it is not at all frightened by large pieces of meat or fish on hooks. Thanks to its huge mouth, which extends far forward lower jaw it is capable of grasping and holding prey that is larger than itself.

Stories about insatiable sea ruffes are known everywhere. I also heard one of these from a diver friend of mine. It turns out that during his next dive, in one of the crevices of the underwater rock, he noticed a scorpion fish, in the throat of which a roulina sticking out, similar in size to it. Everything would be fine, well, I caught myself a fish for lunch, so what’s wrong with that. But it was not there! For two more days, my friend had to observe this picture, and only on the third day the ruff swallowed its victim and remained lying in the same crevice as if nothing had happened.

Fishing technique

The technique of catching scorpionfish using such gear as a spinning rod with an installation and a sea circle is extremely simple. They fish with these tackles exclusively in a plumb line: in the first case, they lower the stake to the bottom, select the slack and, having made a stretch, wait for bites; in the second - lowering the ring on the string to the bottom, leaving the tackle for 15-20 minutes.

When fishing with a spinning rod, the bite of a scorpionfish is felt as a series of short-term pulls, and then a significant jerk. There is absolutely no need for a fisherman to bother himself with thoughts about when a scorpion fish will bite on a circle; it greedily takes the bait and very rarely lets go.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that when fishing with a spinning rod, a delay in hooking can allow the scorpionfish to hide under a stone or in a crevice, and then a break in the rate is inevitable. There is no need to worry about this about the circle, since the fish hooks itself, and the ring and short leashes will not allow it to go far into the stones and tightly hook the tackle.

Removing a scorpionfish from the water is quite simple, but once it is on the shore, the fisherman’s troubles are just beginning. And this is where the well-known proverb comes in handy more than ever: “Take the ruff off the hook slowly.”

Safety precautions when removing scorpion fish from a hook

The caught fish is released from the hook with great care so as not to get stuck on the poisonous spines. And she doesn’t have many or few of them, but only one that you accidentally didn’t notice can cause unbearable pain. To prevent this from happening, I will bring you up to date by going a little deeper into ichthyology.

The scorpionfish's venomous apparatus is represented by poisonous glands located at the base of each ray of the anterior part of the dorsal fin, the first ray of the ventral fin and the first three rays of the anal fin. (see photo)

There are as many ways as there are fishermen to remove hooks from the mouth of a scorpionfish. Without entering into a debate with anyone about the originality of certain methods, I will describe only one, from my point of view, the safest.

Having pressed the scorpion fish with the handle of the rod, I grab it with pliers or a surgical clamp by the lower lip and with scissors I trim away everything that sticks out on it, and then with a clear conscience I take out the hook and throw it into the bucket.

How to avoid unwanted consequences

Scorpionfish ranks ninth in the top 10 most dangerous representatives aquatic fauna in the world. Scorpionfish injections, although not lethal, are, admittedly, quite painful. As a rule, they cause painful shock, swelling and redness of the affected areas of the body. Sometimes there is profuse sweating and vomiting.

But there are also exceptions. An interesting fact is that fishermen who have once received injections from this fish develop some kind of immunity to their poison, as a result of which they are completely free from any reactions and symptoms in the future. Just don’t get me wrong: I in no way urge you to harden yourself in this way, but, on the contrary, I want to warn you against conducting this kind of experiment.

In order not to be taken by surprise when meeting with a scorpionfish and to avoid undesirable consequences, you will need knowledge of the simplest medical procedures for providing first aid. First, it is necessary to determine the injection site; second, carefully remove the thorn fragments; third - compress the wound and allow the blood to flow as long as possible; fourth - disinfect the wound by washing it sea ​​water or hydrogen peroxide, if you have it available.

Unique gastronomic qualities of scorpionfish

Concluding the conversation about scorpionfish, one cannot fail to mention the gastronomic properties and qualities of its meat. The meat of this fish is white, elastic and slightly sweet in taste. Scorpionfish are dried, fried, boiled, used in soups and jellied dishes - all traditional culinary methods are suitable.

And, of course, the legendary Black Sea scorpion fish soup, which, according to rumors, is unrivaled taste qualities surpasses even the sterlet. They also say that with its positive influence on male body Scorpionfish meat makes you nervously smoke the famous “Viagra” on the sidelines.

So, dear fishermen, catching scorpionfish in the Black Sea, and then eating it, is not only a pleasant pastime, but also good good health.

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