When will my wish come true online fortune telling. Card fortune telling for wishes

Every person's desire constitutes a certain closed part of his life. People never talk openly about what they want, but they certainly want their plans to be fulfilled as they should. In order to find out at home whether this or that wish will come true, there are special fortune telling.

This kind of fortune telling can be carried out using such items as:

  1. Dice;
  2. Playing cards;
  3. Sheets of paper.

Fortune telling whether a wish will come true or not must be carried out in an atmosphere of complete secrecy. This is very important factor. Because when a person thinks about the secret, he never shares it with anyone. Fortune telling is a simple and effective action that will show whether it is worth bringing your ideas to life or not.

Fortune telling on cards for wish fulfillment

There are many methods of such fortune telling. The cards themselves represent a kind of magical object, with the help of which many sorcerers can bring both sorrow and joy to people. Using an object such as playing cards does not contradict the very essence of fortune telling and cannot harm the fortuneteller.

For the first version of fortune telling, you will need a deck of ordinary playing cards. From it you need to pull out the ace of the cross, the king of the cross, the queen of the cross and the six of the cross. Place the selected items face down on the table. After which you should ask the question - will your plans come true in the near future?

Cards after the question asked are picked up and carefully shuffled. After which they should be laid out in order on the table. The layout should begin with the top card.

If an ace falls out of the deck first, then your wish will definitely come true in the near future. If the ace is followed by a queen, then you should be patient. If the king follows the lady, then the dream will come true in any case, but in what period this event will occur cannot be precisely determined. Everything is completely bad if a jack and a six appear immediately. This means that the wish will most likely not come true.

The second method of fortune telling with playing cards is a little more complicated than the previous one. To do this, take a full deck and divide it into approximately two equal parts. After this, each part should be thoroughly mixed and the panels should be laid out face down. Before you start laying out the cards, ask a question about the outcome of your wish.

If in the end it turns out that large maps, such as kings, queens, aces, and so on, will be more in the first pile, then the outcome of the desire will be definitely positive. If there are more cards with the indicated images in the second deck, then the wish will not come true.

The third method is a mixture of the first two. Half the cards should be separated from the playing deck. The second half of the cards does not participate in fortune telling and is removed to the side. After this, the cards should be laid out in rows. There should be seven playing cards in each row.

After this, you should compare the resulting layout with large cards and small ones. If there are more large cards in the first and third row, then the wish will come true. If the second row and the fourth contain more large cards, then the fate of the wish will be in doubt. If there are more large cards in the remaining rows than in the first four, then the wish will not come true.

If all rows contain approximately the same number of large cards, then fortune telling should be repeated until a more accurate result is obtained.

Fortune telling on cards can be repeated every day. After all, as you know, higher powers have a changeable mood and the fate of a wish can depend on this mood.

How to find out whether your plans will come true using cubes

The second most popular is fortune telling using two dice/dice with numbers from one to six printed on them. Before you throw the dice, you should ask the question - is your plan destined to come true?

The cubes should be placed in a glass and, having mixed the bones in it, throw them on the table. The cube that is to the left will indicate success as a percentage, from one to six. The second cube, which will be located to the right, will indicate the time of execution of the plan, also from one to six. If, for example, the result is a combination of six to three, then this means that the wish will come true in any case, but you should stock up on a little patience.

This method can be done with one cube in a similar sequence. Only the same die should be rolled twice. This method, unlike playing cards, is the easiest, but not as reliable. Therefore, it is recommended to throw the dice three times in a row. The result is considered reliable if the resulting numbers approximately coincide in two repetitions of three throws.

Truthful fortune telling of desire using a sheet of paper

To carry out this type of fortune telling, you need to take a blank sheet of A4 paper. The sheet is folded in four. Then it is torn into four equal parts. On each part you should write the numbers from ten to forty. After this, each leaf should be wrapped in a tube and placed in an airtight bag.

Followed by ask a question regarding success desired desire and pull out one of the paper tubes, after mixing everything well. Actually, the answer to the question will be the number indicated on the piece of paper.

The second type of such fortune telling is also carried out using sheets of paper. You will need three of them. It makes no difference what format they will be. The sheets should be treated in the same way as above. Just write phrases on each sheet: “yes”, “no”, “later”, “don’t think about it”, “I don’t see for sure”, “maybe”, “be persistent”. The remaining sheets of paper should be left blank.

Next, in a similar way, the sheets are rolled into tubes and placed inside an opaque object. After the main question is asked, you should pull out the sheet that comes to hand first. If you come across an empty sheet, you should repeat the action until the final result is achieved.

In order to tell fortunes using the above items, you do not need any special knowledge. High power she will guide her hand and will not allow herself to be deceived. However, it should be remembered For your wish to truly come true, you must:

  • Don't sit still with your hands folded;
  • Don't rely on luck;
  • During the fortune telling process, you must follow the instructions.

If these requirements are met, there will always be an accurate answer to the question asked.

Attention, TODAY only!

Focus on what interests you in this moment. Try not to let anything distract you from the subject of fortune telling.

Are you ready?
Then click the "Continue Fortune telling" button!

The attempt to predict the future has always fascinated humanity. We are afraid of the unknown, and the future, like death, is one of the great unknowns. To cope with this fear, people since ancient times have tried to overcome the mysteries of the future in every possible way. Crystal balls, tea leaves, celestial bodies, human palms, bones, yarrow stems, shells, stones, coins are just some of the objects used by fortune tellers. We offer you wish fortune telling online - the most accurate and modern remedy get an answer to your question about love, money or career, understand the situation, look into the future. And all this without going to a fortune teller, cards and other tinsel.

You will receive a message that is unique, will provide insight, wisdom and will help you make the ideal choice for your specific situation. If you have never dealt with this unusual and rather in a simple way bone divination, we highly recommend trying it out!

Historical excursion

Fortune telling has been an important activity from ancient times to the present. In some cultures, such as the American Indians, the future was predicted through dreams. In other cultures, for example, in ancient Babylon, it was determined by the movement of the planets. Among African pastoralists, the entrails of a ritually killed ox were examined.

The ancient Chinese used oracle bones to understand the future. During the Shang Dynasty, the king asked questions to the ancestors on behalf of the people. The fortune telling ceremony usually took place in the palace. Royal musicians played. Soothsayers asked the gods about the weather, crop forecasts, and the fate of members royal family, wars.

The use of bones for divination (osteomancy) has been known in many cultures around the world for thousands of years.

Religion and Predictions

Interestingly, most religions condemn fortune telling, but their texts contradict this. In Christianity, for example, fortune telling is strictly prohibited, but predictions are made on the pages of the Bible. It turns out that only “special” people can make predictions, holy apostles, etc. All others are declared “heretics” and believed to be in league with the devil. Christianity is not alone in this; most major religions do not allow ordinary people use fortune telling.

Fortune telling online

So what should modern pagans do? Of course, you can buy bones, go to a shaman, or learn to predict the future yourself. There are many ways to look into the unknown. We invite you to use the online version of fortune telling with “throwing the dice”, which visualizes almost all the details of the present. This method is simple and original, and absolutely free. No registration or authorization required. You can use it every morning instead of boring horoscope reading. Whether you're new to mystical pursuits or a seasoned practitioner, we hope you find our open-minded approach to divination interesting and entertaining!


If this is your first visit, notice how simple everything is. This ancient method fortune telling uses 2 dice. In front of you is a notebook of wishes, a glass with dice and an active “Roll the dice” button.

Step 1: Take some time and think about the question you want to ask. Try to concentrate, be calm and dispassionate.

Step 2. Write your question in the wish notebook.

Step 3. After entering the entry, click on the “Roll the Dice” button.

Step 4. The notepad will disappear, the action is happening in front of you, the dice are thrown out.

Step 5. Read the answer in the upper right corner. At this time, the notepad returns to the screen, in case you forgot what you asked. The oracle does not simply answer “yes” or “no”, but shows your chances in relation to a certain problem and predicts your specific abilities to solve it.

Step 6. If you have more than 1 question, you can click on the “Another desire” button that appears at the bottom right and ask the next question.

Important! You shouldn't ask the same question over and over again if you don't agree with the answer. Instead, try asking about the situation from a different perspective to gain a deeper understanding.


Predicting the future through fortune telling can be fun and interesting, but it should not be taken too seriously. If you receive an unsatisfactory answer, maybe it’s just a sign of fate - do you need it? Think about it.

Since ancient times, people have wanted to know their destiny. How will tomorrow go? Will you be lucky in love? Will next year be successful? In ancient times, fortune telling for the future was as common an activity as going online is now for us. Cards, dice, colors and many other paraphernalia were used for fortune telling. Today we offer you wish fortune telling online to find out everything about the future.

What is online fortune telling for wish fulfillment?

Another second and you will find yourself in amazing world wish fulfillment, which was developed by professional fortune tellers, experts on runes and ancient Tarot cards, and card solitaire experts. You don't need to light candles, send a photo of yourself, or walk under the moonlight. Fortune telling is absolutely free and gives a 99% correct answer. Are you ready to find out your fate?

If yes, then close your eyes and imagine the desire you are waiting for to come true. Clearly formulate the question, visualize it and boldly throw the dice (the “Start fortune telling” sign).

Roll the dice

After 2 seconds you will receive an answer to the question:

  1. The wish will come true very soon.
  2. It will come true, but a little later.
  3. It won't come true.

Or maybe everything will turn out differently? It is impossible to predict the answer of our magic dice, because it is individual for each person. Virtual fortune telling When fulfilled, a desire does not easily give dry answers “yes” or “no”, depriving you of the right to choose. Fortune telling pushes you, brings clarity, and going towards your dream is your happy path, filled with experience, sweet anticipation and achievement of your intended goal.

Will the expected come true or not? Now this question no longer worries you, you know whether it is worth going towards the goal, or whether it is pointless. We invite you to plunge into the world of your secret or open desires. Look into the future with magic dice cubes that never deceive and give the most truthful answer.

The background of fortune telling with bones, or all about card predictions

There are many divination technologies: using coffee grounds and melted wax, when Gin or other signs were looked for in a blurred image. Fate can be seen in a mirror or ball of fate, read it in a book, simply by wishing for the page and line number.

Fortune telling with cards probably appeared with the invention of the first card deck. Of course, these were still primitive drawings, and the decks were used for games. But only enlightened and naturally gifted people knew that in their hands, cards turn into messengers of the future and predict the most accurate development of events.

Today you can tell fortunes for your wish to come true for free on the Astrog website. For example, card " Gold fish", "Yes-no", "Four Kings" and others. The principle of these online fortune telling on cards is simple: each card and its suit has its own meaning. So, for example, an ace of hearts in fortune telling is good news from afar, and an ace of clubs denotes a friend, and ace of spades means sad news.

Remember that for fortune telling on a real deck, you need “unplayed” cards, that is, a new deck. Cards on which “Fool” or “Preference” were played lose their true power.

A simple way of card fortune telling

The simplest way to wish is fortune telling using the 36 cards of a standard gaming deck. Make a wish, if you can’t concentrate, then write it down with a pen on paper. After this, shuffle the deck and pull out a card. The red card is good luck and success, and black meaning- pipe dreams.

History of bone divination

Fortune telling with bones is as old as the world; generations of people have resorted to it, and dice are found even during excavations in the territories of disappeared cultures.

The use of bones, as we have already understood, is rooted in sorcery and fortune telling. Initially, parts of the sheep's spine called astragalus were used for these purposes. This part of the spine has a relief surface, it was convenient to throw it and, what is important, it was convenient to interpret meanings from it.

Such ancient bones in each culture were made using a special technology: they were carved conventional signs, painted patterns with red and black natural paint. The latter option is the great-grandfather of modern dice, which are made of plastic, wood is also used.

Surprisingly, fortune telling with dice according to desire gave truthful answers. But the person who made this wish had to throw the dice. If an outsider is guessing, then you should put the cubes in a glass, shake them and throw them on a table or other flat surface to get an accurate result.

Plunge into the world of your desires and find out the most accurate answer using online dice divination!

Will your plans come true, will your plans come true? Fortune telling online will help you figure this out. To find out whether what you want will come true or not, enter your question in a special field and click the “get forecast” button. Our online oracle will instantly perform fortune telling on your wish!

Enter the question you are interested in in this field

You may be interested in other online fortune telling:

Virtual prediction

Our ancestors could not use wish fortune telling online. But this does not mean that people were not interested in fortune telling before! There were many ways to perform fortune telling on a wish - whether what you had in mind would come true or not could be found out with the help of a coin.

However, the arsenal of amateur oracles was not limited to fortune telling “heads or tails.” Our ancestors did not need to go online to find out whether a wish would come true or not. To get a prediction, you just had to get up early in the morning and look out the window! The answer depended on who could be seen on the street:

  • An adult man - your wish will certainly come true
  • Adult woman - very little chance of success
  • Child (boy or girl) - will come true, but not completely
  • Dog or cat - there will be difficulties or delays in the execution of plans
  • Bird - they will help you achieve your plans

As you can see, online fortune telling is not the only method of predicting your destiny. Of course, listed simple fortune telling do not allow you to get answers to serious questions or solve complex problems. Those who aspired to become a real oracle had to spend a lot of time mastering card layouts.

What determines the accuracy of prediction?

Will online fortune telling for wish fulfillment be reliable? The answer to this question depends on several factors. To determine the probability of fulfillment of a particular desire, the Oracle focuses on planetary cycles. But he also senses the mood of the person asking the question. If you want to make fun of the Prophet, then the answer will also be a joke.

Sometimes the online Prophet cannot foresee the future. This usually happens when the influence of Mars or Saturn is activated. If a forecast cannot be made at this time, you will see the message “The future is very uncertain, it is impossible to give an exact answer.” In this case, try repeating the fortune telling the next day.

When you dream about something very much, you really want to know whether what you want will come true. It seems that looking into the future is not an easy task, but this is not entirely true. In fact, anyone can do this with the help of fortune telling. Fortune telling by wish is not particularly difficult and can be done by both children and adults; it is enough just to know a few nuances.

Have you made a wish and want to know if it will come true? Tell your fortune!

There are several ways to tell your wish at home, requiring different time and different means. But choose for yourself best option will not be difficult, and there is also very simple methods and you can try them all.

Rules for fortune telling

Representatives of any age group can guess if they wish. But for the predictions to come true, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules.

First you need to choose a time for the sacrament. Accurate fortune telling takes place on the full moon in the evening until sunset. It is not customary to tell fortunes on the new moon as well as at night, since night is the time for other rituals, such as conspiracies, spells, love spells and the like.

  1. Monday, from early morning until midnight, is completely suitable for fortune telling for any desire.
  2. On Tuesdays and Fridays, you should refrain from asking “childish” questions; ask something worthwhile.
  3. To guess whether wishes related to work or study will come true, preferably on Wednesday.
  4. Questions on financial topics related to financial well-being and profit will be good for Thursday.
  5. Friday is generally a deceptive day; wish fortune telling on Fridays will rarely show true information.
  6. On weekends, fortune-telling is rarely done to make a wish come true; other types of fortune-telling are held in high esteem.

Card reading

When you talk to our people about fortune telling, they certainly remember cards. Therefore, traditionally, we will initially consider fortune telling on cards. There are four methods of fortune telling using a deck of playing cards.

An ordinary playing deck will help you find out whether your wish will come true

First way

The method is quite simple, but effective. It originated in Spain and migrated to us relatively recently.

For fortune telling, do the following:

  1. Say your wish out loud three times.
  2. Take a new deck of thirty-six cards.
  3. Pull out the aces and place them on the table.
  4. Choose one of the aces (don't think too much, choose the most attractive one).
  5. Remember the choice.
  6. Shuffle the remaining cards thoroughly.
  7. Place one card face down on each Ace.
  8. Repeat step six until the deck runs out.
  9. Turn over the cards lying on the chosen Ace.
  10. Count the number of cards of the same suit (Ace also counts).

If there are at least five cards of the same suit, your wish will come true. If it is less, the dream will not come true.

Second way

The simplest and quick fortune telling. To carry it out you will need a deck of cards and a minute of time.

How to tell a wish:

  1. Select aces from the deck. Put the rest of the cards aside, we won't need them.
  2. Shuffle the aces while mentally repeating the desire question. Please formulate your question as precisely as possible.
  3. Place the aces face down on the table.

Choose one of the cards:

  1. If you open an ace of the cross, your wish will come true, but only if you put all your efforts into it: manna from heaven will not just descend on you.
  2. If the chosen card is the ace of hearts, then your wish, regardless of the circumstances, time, place and effort, will come true.
  3. If you chose the Ace of Spades, then this time you are out of luck. No matter how hard you try, your dream will never come true. It's better to choose a new one right away.
  4. If you get the ace of diamonds, your wish has a chance to come true, but only with the help of friends or other random and non-random people. However, in this case, the period of fulfillment of the desire may be very delayed.

Did you see the Ace of Diamonds? The wish will come true, but only with the help of friends!

Third way

To find out whether your wish will come true, you can use another simple card method.

Do the following:

  1. Talk about your desire.
  2. Shuffle the cards.
  3. Move some of the cards right hand to myself.
  4. Make a spread of four piles with an equal number of cards in each.
  5. In the pile that is to the left of all, remove one card at a time until you meet an Ace.
  6. Set the stack aside.
  7. Repeat steps five and six with the remaining three stacks.


  1. You have collected all the aces - your wish will come true with one hundred percent probability.
  2. You have collected three aces - the probability of your wish being fulfilled is seventy-five percent.
  3. You have collected two aces - the chances of getting what you want are one to one.
  4. You have collected one ace - the fortuneteller will never see what he wants.

Fourth method

You can get a prediction using another reliable method, which, although more complicated. However, this fortune telling allows you to get a yes or no answer.


  1. Say your wish out loud. Try to formulate it as precisely as possible.
  2. Shuffle the cards.
  3. Place fifteen cards face down on the table.
  4. If there are aces among the cards, put them aside.
  5. Repeat steps two, three and four twice.
  6. We count the number of “caught” aces for the entire time.

Catching all the aces means your wish will come true. The lack of at least one ace indicates the impossibility of realizing your desire.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards

Another car accurate fortune telling allowing you to find out whether a wish will come true or not. However, this time, instead of a thirty-six card deck, you will need tarot cards.

Use the algorithm:

  1. Shuffle the deck thoroughly.
  2. With your right hand, push several cards towards you.
  3. Ask a question regarding desire.
  4. Draw three cards from the deck.
  5. Concentrate on the issue that interests you to ensure maximum accuracy of fortune telling.
  6. Examine the drawn cards.

From the first card one can judge what was done in the past to fulfill a desire, and how this past affected the present. The second card will describe the situation today, those events and actions that can affect the future, and, accordingly, the fulfillment of desires. The third card will answer the primary question: will your wish come true?

Fortune telling with coins 1

When asking one of the questions: “Will my wish come true?”, you can safely ask the coins.

Coin prediction is quite simple and accurate. Refers to folk fortune telling, which appeared in several places at once.

  1. For fortune telling, it is important to choose the right day.
  2. You cannot guess on paired dates of the month.
  3. Regarding the day of the week, girls can only guess on Saturday, Wednesday and Friday. Guys - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

You will need fifteen identical coins. It is advisable that their face value should include a five. For fortune telling, do the following:

  1. Arrange the coins in rows of five. Total - three rows.
  2. Toss the last coin from the first row and the last coin from the third row.

Notice how the coins fell:

  1. If you come across two tails or two heads, you will very soon be lucky and your wish will come true.
  2. If a coin from the first row lands heads, and from the third row lands on heads, then you will not have any luck: your wish will not come true.
  3. If the first coin lands heads and the last coin lands tails, then the wish may come true, but the time for fulfillment may take a very long time.

Fortune telling with coins 2

Another way to guess whether a wish will come true or not is using coins.

By fortune telling with coins, you can predict whether a wish will come true or not.

Follow the plan:

  1. Take ten to twenty coins in your palms (it’s better to choose an unpaired number).
  2. Say your wish out loud.
  3. Toss them so that they all fall on one surface (table, floor).
  4. Count the number of tails and the number of heads.

If there are more heads, then what you want will not come true, but if there are heads, you can already celebrate your victory: your wish will come true very soon.

Fortune telling with coins 3

In this common method, you will need three coins of different denominations and sizes:

  1. Take three identical leaves.
  2. Write on each one your dream that you want to tell fortunes about.
  3. Wrap the coins in leaves.
  4. Place coins under your pillow.
  5. Go to bed.
  6. The next morning, put your hand under the pillow and pull out one leaf.

The chances of fulfilling a wish are directly proportional to the size of the coin in the elongated piece of paper.

If you pulled out the largest one, your wish will definitely come true. If it’s average, the probability is fifty-fifty. If you have the smallest coin in your hands, you should not wait for what you want, it will not come true.

Fortune telling on a cat

The cat has always been the embodiment of magical knowledge, a symbol of magic (usually black), and many serious rituals did not take place without its participation. Modern owners of such an animal have the opportunity to obtain accurate fortune telling with the help of their pet.

  1. Let the cat go outside. If the cat is domestic and does not go for walks, it is enough to put it outside the front door.
  2. Before you let your cat back into the house, think about desire and ask the cat, “To be desired?”

If the cat entered with the left paw, your wish is destined to come true, if with the right paw, then this will not happen.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve

This minute fortune telling on Christmas night is very simple and requires a minimum of time and a minimum of effort.

Christmas night has a strong magical power. Conduct fortune telling at this particular time and find out whether your wish will come true

Order of conduct:

  1. Ask a question about desire.
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Walk around your home clockwise with a candle in your hands.

If the candle goes out, your wish will not even think of coming true, it will remain burning and will come true.

Fortune telling on the mirror

Fortune telling is more complicated than the previous ones. First of all, you need to prepare the following set of magical accessories:

  • large mirror;
  • candle;
  • coal;
  • spray.

How to perform a fortune telling ritual with a mirror

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Wax the mirror thoroughly.
  3. Write your dream on the mirror using charcoal.
  4. Place the mirror in a cool, dark place for several hours.
  5. Fill the spray bottle with water.
  6. Take out the mirror and spray it with a spray bottle.
  7. Look at the inscription.

If she remains unharmed and clearly visible, the wish will come true; if she disappears, then you will not see what you want.

Fortune telling with dice

The modern method of divination is based on the use of dice. True fortune telling It will work only if you haven’t played with cubes yet.

The action plan is:

  1. Say your wish out loud.
  2. Take a cup with a wide round bottom and place two cubes in it.
  3. Rotate the cup with your left hand so that the cubes begin to rotate clockwise.
  4. Turn the cup over and let the cubes fall out.

Find the dice and look at the rolled values:

  1. One-one, two-two, three-three, four-four, five-five, six-six - the wish will certainly come true.
  2. One-two, one-five, two-four - dreams will come true only if you put your hand to it.
  3. One-three, one-four, four-six - the desired will come true only if other people interfere with its implementation.
  4. One-six, two-three, three-six - what was planned will not happen.
  5. Two-five, three-four, four-five - the probability of implementation is fifty-fifty.
  6. Two-six, three-five - you will need money for implementation.

Fortune telling on lilacs

A method of divination familiar to us from childhood.

To find out whether your wish will come true, you can use ordinary lilac

Besides being simple, it is also very beautiful:

  1. Gather a bouquet of lilacs.
  2. Ask a question about desire.
  3. Look through the entire bouquet for the five-leaf flower.
  4. If you really come across such a flower, then your wish will come true.

Good old fortune telling, known to all children, allows you to get the real answer.

Fortune telling on tree leaves

This method is also called wish tree fortune telling. The technique is not complicated, but as practice shows, it is very effective in getting answers to simple questions. You need to guess during the period when the leaves begin to turn yellow:

  1. Choose a tree at random from your garden.
  2. Reach for the first branch you come across.
  3. Pull the branch firmly and see what happens.


  1. If an even number of leaves fell, the wish will come true very soon.
  2. When an odd number of leaves have fallen, you will have to wait a long time, but your wish will come true.
  3. If all the leaves remain on the tree, we say that your wish is not yet destined to come true.

Fortune telling with beads

In this fortune telling, as in the previous one, everything is extremely simple. All you need are beads of red and white flowers and semolina:

  1. Take a deep bowl or plate.
  2. Pour beads of both colors into it.
  3. Pour the semolina over the beads.
  4. Stir the contents.
  5. Whisper your wish over the bowl.

Pull the bead out of the semolina by touch, so that you do not see its color first:

  1. If you pull out a red bead, then what you want will soon become reality.
  2. If it’s white, then this time luck will turn its back on you, but don’t despair, it’s for the better.

Remember: in any fortune-telling, wishes must be REAL; make a wish that is realistic to realize.

Fortune telling by book

Bibliomancy (another name for this fortune-telling) is a fairly simple fortune-telling, but very effective and extremely truthful.

Bibliomancy - effective fortune telling using a book

  1. Take the first book that comes to hand.
  2. Make a wish and say it three times in your mind.
  3. Open the book to any page and point your finger at a word at random.
  4. Read the entire sentence that contains the word.
  5. Interpret the proposal yourself regarding the chances of achieving what you want.

Evening fortune telling

This modern method guessing yes or no, and therefore it has not yet taken root with us:

  1. At night (at seven or eight o'clock in the winter, at nine or ten o'clock in the summer) you will go outside.
  2. Walk and don't think about anything.
  3. Approach one of the houses.
  4. Ask your desire out loud.
  5. Count the number of windows with lights on.

If there are a pair of such windows, then your plan will come true; if not, then you shouldn’t hope.

Morning fortune telling

Another simple way to find out if your dream will come true. You will go out early in the morning and walk along crowded alleys, repeating to yourself the essence of your dream. First Living being, which you will encounter is the answer.

The main thing now is to interpret this correctly:

  1. If the first person you meet is a man, then your wish will come true very soon without your efforts or effort.
  2. If the first person you meet is a woman, then your dream will never come true. Perhaps it's for the better.
  3. If the first person you meet is a child, it's good sign. A child means that the dream will come true within a month.
  4. If you meet a dog, then the fulfillment of your wish directly depends on your efforts. Put your strong hand into this and everything will work out. Believe.
  5. If you meet a cat, then the dream will remain a dream. You have a competitor who will get it before you and won't let you do it.

Fortune telling using lotto

Fortune telling is very simple, you only need lotto.

Lotto is exactly the requisite that will help you find out whether your wish will come true

Order of conduct:

  1. Take the bag of lotto kegs.
  2. Say the wish you are wishing for.
  3. Take three barrels from the bag.
  4. Sum up all the numbers (not numbers) on them.
  5. Find out the answer.

Example of number calculation. You pulled out barrels numbered seven, ten, twenty-one. This means the number: 7+1+0+2+1=11=1+1=2.

  1. If the number is paired, the dream will come true.
  2. If the number is unpaired, you won’t see what you want.


Dreams and desires are a serious matter, and also very unpredictable. Fortune telling helps bring clarity. There are a lot of ways to tell fortunes.

For fortune telling, you should adhere to certain rules and ask questions only about a real desire, one that can be brought to life. Choose the right time for fortune telling.

For fortune telling they use cards (both regular and Tarot), coins, beads and semolina, mirrors, candles, lilacs, dice, lotto and even cats! You can guess without any improvised means. Which method to choose is up to you, because they all predict equally correctly.

Good luck! May all your dreams come true!

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