Witch bottle - ancient secrets of making. Witch bottle - a unique magical amulet The most powerful witch bottle for attracting money


The technique is quite simple, but the power is incredible. Making bottles like this is a lot of fun)

There is an ancient magical technique used by all witches called the “witch bottle.”
These are such creative witchcraft bottles, independently made by a woman and “charged” for certain witch purposes (of any nature) ...

There are love bottles, there are amulets bottles for the home that protect the witch and her space, and there are bottles with a negative effect on people or situations.

The point is that a woman witch fills an empty bottle with special magical objects, enchants it, and the bottle begins to “work” for its owner.

Here are the most common options for making such bottles.

“Love witch bottle” for finding or maintaining love

Light the red candle. Take a small transparent bottle made of red glass or plastic. Next, put two objects there that you associate with love - it can be anything (two butterflies, 2 hearts, 2 swans, etc.). Fill the bottle with rose petals - this is a mandatory ingredient, and add any herb (or a collection of different herbs) that attracts love. It can be lavender, cloves, any citrus fruits (lemon, orange, etc.), acacia, hibiscus, jasmine, ginseng, ginger, clover, cinnamon, juniper, narcissus, wormwood, chamomile. Fill the contents with honey. Place the lid on and seal with candle wax. Keep it in your bedroom. No one can see her.

A bottle for expelling evil spirits and bad luck from the kitchen

Take a small glass bottle with a tight lid, pins, nails, needles, dry wormwood, salt, cloves (spice), red wine, and a church candle.
Light a candle. Fill the bottle with the above ingredients and top up with wine. Shake the bottle 9 times, saying the following spell:
“In the name of the Goddess, wormwood and salt, needles and cloves, keep this room from all troubles. Let it be so!"
Seal the bottle with candle wax and store it in the kitchen.

Money bottle

Take a green glass bottle, 5 old white metal coins, 5 50 kopeck coins, 5 1 ruble coins, 5 wheat grains, 5 sesame seeds, 5 cinnamon sticks, 5 cloves (spice), 5 allspice peas, 5 nuts pecan or peanut, green candle.
Light the green candle. Place all the ingredients in a bottle, shake it and say the spell:
“Herbs and silver, copper and grain. Let my money grow and flow into my home.” Place the cap on the bottle and seal it with green candle wax.
Keep the bottle in the house.

Amulet bottle for the home (buried near the house).

Light a church candle. Take a glass bottle, fill it halfway with sharp objects: rusty nails, pins, needles, broken glass, fill it with salt water, close the lid and seal with candle wax. Say the spell three times:

“I’m walking across an open field, and seven demons with half-spirits meet me, all black, evil, unsociable. Go, you demons with half-spirits, to dashing people. Keep them on a leash so that I will be safe and sound from them along the way and on the road, in the house and the forest, among strangers and relatives, on land and on water, at dinner and at a feast, at a wedding and in trouble. My conspiracy is long, and my words are strong.”
Bury the bottle deep in the ground near your house. This bottle keeps protection for 5 years.

“Witch’s bottle” - a talisman for the home (kept in the house)

Light a church candle. Take a small vessel with a fairly large neck. Collect pieces of multi-colored glass (it is better if these are bottles of different shades), wrap them in a rag and tap them with a hammer, add chamomile flowers, calendula flowers (you can use a pharmacy collection), needles, pins, hairpins, blades, paper clips and thumbtacks. Fill your bottle with all of the above, saying as you work:

“Glass, chamomile, calendula, pins, needles, hairpins, paper clips, buttons, wine in this witch bottle of mine, protect my home, me, my family, loved ones and friends from troubles and enemies. This is my will, so be it! Amen!"
Imagine in your mind how all these items act as a protective shield. Pour red wine over everything. Sprinkle cinnamon crosswise. Then close or seal the container and drop some melted candle wax onto the lid.
Place the bottle in a small box and hide it away from human eyes. And so that no one knows about the hiding place except you, and no one gets to it.
You can bury the bottle in a pot of soil and store it in the house.

Your bottle should not fall into the wrong hands, so it must be securely hidden from prying eyes. But even if the bottle remains untouched, the effect of the spell lasts no more than a year. Then you need to make a new bottle.

Witches Bottles is a very creative process. You can make a bottle according to your recipe, following your intuition. Small glass bottles are used. You can take transparent ones to reflect the negative, but for accumulation, it’s better to take dark ones.

Protective bottles are made on a dark or waning moon.
Money bottles or bottles for good luck - on a waxing or full moon.

Before work, nails should be cleaned under cold water or under moonlight; it is better to take new paper clips and other office supplies.

The whole action is performed in complete solitude, slowly, in a good state of mind. It’s better to write down everything you say and memorize it in advance. During the process, you should not be embarrassed or stammer; you need a firm intention and a decisive request/order. At the moment of pouring, we do one more very important thing - visualization. While we are pouring, clearly, turning off all brains, we imagine how this liquid (alcohol, oil, etc.) absorbs “all the bad things,” and nails and blades cut and destroy all the negativity.

The witch's bottle is an ancient amulet that is quite common in our time. Its main purpose is protection, but witch bottles are also made for money, good luck and many other purposes.

In the article:

Witch's bottle - what is it and how does it work?

A witch bottle is technically a glass bottle containing certain ingredients, which you can learn more about below. In order to make a protective amulet from an ordinary bottle and these components, you need to approach the process correctly.

It is very important to realize that you are not just putting objects in a bottle, but creating an object that has magical powers. Below are protective spells that can be cast on a witch's bottle. The right time for such magic is either the waxing moon, it is advisable to choose Tuesday, after sunset.

The bottle collects all the negativity that is directed at your home or you personally. This is envy, the evil eye, damage and even magical rollback. It will contain all the negativity that you should have had. It is believed that a transparent bottle will send negative energy back, while a dark bottle will accumulate it inside itself. Therefore, it is undesirable to touch the bottle, because you can take on everything that is stored inside.

The witch's bottle is either kept in the house or buried somewhere nearby, for example, near the entrance or behind the fence. The second option is more convenient, because it allows someone to take it in their hands and... Moreover, it was impossible to open it.

The shelf life of any such amulet is seven years. If it was stored in your home, wrap the bottle in a dark cloth and bury it somewhere (alternatively, you can drown it in a body of flowing water). If you previously buried your amulet for protection, then you cannot dig it up, just make a new bottle. In the distant past, such things were built into the walls of the house for protection.

Even if you bury such a talisman near the entrance and then move to another place, it will continue its effect and will serve you for another seven years. After that, make a new one. If your hidden thing is found and broken or opened, it will stop working, and the one who did it will receive all the negativity that was in it.

If there was a secret enemy among your friends, after creating a talisman from a bottle, he will leave your life, perhaps causing a noisy scandal as he says goodbye.

Witch bottle - making

The future protective bottle can be dark, light, transparent or not - it depends on what goal you want to achieve. As already mentioned, transparent bottles send negativity to its owner, and the more opaque your amulet is, the worse it copes with this. But any option will not let negativity come to you. A transparent bottle will contain less negative energy, so it is considered a safer amulet option for home storage. However, it is still not worth touching it with your hands and making it an interior decoration.

Now we move on to the items that will fill the witch's bottle. One of the main components is sharp objects. You can take needles, broken glass, open pins, blades, etc.

Herbs must be present in the amulet. You can take one plant, or you can collect all the protective herbs that you have in the house. Whether they are fresh or dry does not matter:

  • Sagebrush;
  • Cloves (spice);
  • Valerian;
  • Elecampane;
  • Verbena;
  • Nettle;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Laurel;
  • Mint;
  • Thistle;
  • Ivy;
  • Garlic;
  • Pine needles;
  • Rosemary;
  • Dill.

And many other plants.

Sometimes saliva or blood of the person for whom the amulet is made is added to witch bottles. But this only makes sense when you really need strong protection, for example, if you know for sure that . You can also add sea salt for cleansing, but this is not always done. Salt and herbs weaken negative energy before sending it to the sender. Many people think this is unfair.

The last thing your amulet should contain is liquid. Very salty water (use sea salt), strong green tea, red wine, olive oil and vinegar are suitable. The liquid traps the energy within itself and prevents it from leaving the bottle except to be sent back to the one who sent it.

Now let's start making the witch's bottle. In addition to the bottle itself and what you fill it with, you will also need a candle. Take a red or black candle - these are colors that are well suited for.

So, light a candle. Fill the vessel with sharp objects and herbs (possibly also salt) in layers, alternating layers of needles and herbs. Pine needles are more of a herb. Herbs can be mixed together, or each layer can be made from different plants. The contents should fill half the volume.

After this, saliva or blood is added if you need it. Then the liquid is poured in and the bottle is capped. On top of the cork you need to seal the wax of the candle that you lit at the very beginning. The easiest way to do this is to place a candle on the cork.

When the candle burns out, bury or hide your amulet. No one should see you do this. If you live in an apartment, you can bury it near the entrance. How deep should a witch's bottle be buried? Minimum - 30-40 cm.

There are many suitable ones. You can choose when to read them yourself. This can be at any stage of creating the amulet - while filling the container with components, sealing the neck with wax, burying it, or immediately after hiding it in a secret place in your home. Or you don’t have to read the spell out loud, but write it on a piece of paper, burn it and pour the resulting ashes into a witch’s bottle. You can even combine all of the above, because there are a lot of methods for creating a witch’s bottle - it was popular in many countries, among a large number of different people.

Examples of conspiracies:

Sharp needles, nails, herbs, glass, I ask you, protect my home, keep it safe.
Sharp edges, laurel, wine, drive away trouble, drive away evil! I command fragile glass to keep its home! I said - so be it!
Secretly at night I dig a trap for all enemies, they will never come out of this sharp trap!
On sharp needles, on glass, I will catch pain and harm, and we will stay away from sorrows and troubles. From the hated vanity, from envy, you gave a bottle, strength, to hide - and so be it!

Spell for protection on a child:

(List of items in the bottle: first a list of sharp objects, then herbs and the name of the selected liquid). Protect my child from troubles and enemies. This is my will! Let it be so!

A witch bottle for money is one of the types of amulet, only it will protect not you, but your material well-being.

In order to make such a talisman, you will need a small green glass bottle. If you don't have one, you can paint a transparent bottle. It is not advisable to take a container of any medicine. If there are no options, at least rinse it as thoroughly as possible so that the aroma and traces of the medicine disappear.

In order to fill the bottle, you need 15 coins, 5 of different denominations and five:

  • grains of wheat
  • Sesame seeds
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Cloves (spice)
  • Allspice (Jamaican) peppercorns
  • Orekhov

In addition, a green candle will come in handy. Light it, place all the ingredients inside the amulet and say, shaking:

Silver and grass, grains and copper. Money will grow and flow into my house.

After this, close the talisman with a lid, and seal the lid with wax from a green candle. You need to store it in the house, but so that no one accidentally finds it. A closet or desk drawer, for example, works well. You don’t have to bury it, but after six months or a year the contents of the witch’s bottle are burned for money, and after that you can make it again from the same bottle.

This amulet is made to attract and preserve love, as well as to refresh the relationship with your spouse after several years of marriage. From time to time (six months to a year), the contents of such bottles are burned, with the exception of crystals. Like the bottles themselves, the crystals need to be washed thoroughly, after which they can be used again.

The container for the love bottle amulet should be transparent and red. You can paint a glass bottle with clear paint, but avoid plastic bottles. The candle should be red, and liquid honey should be used as the liquid. You definitely need two paired items, for example, two identical hearts or small figurines of swans, as well as rose petals.

In addition, you can add herbs that are of great importance in love magic:

  • Lavender;
  • Jasmine;
  • Clover;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Chamomile;
  • Mint;

Light a candle, place paired symbols of love in the vessel first, then herbs and rose petals. After this, the contents must be poured with honey, closed with a lid and sealed with the wax of a burning red candle, lit at the beginning of the ritual.

You should keep the love bottle in your bedroom so that it does not catch the eye of strangers.

The next version of the love amulet is also kept in the bedroom. It contains mineral crystals, so it can be stronger than the previous one. The glass for this amulet should be pink or transparent.

The components that should be placed inside the talisman with a lit candle, and then closed and sealed with wax: rock crystal, carnelian, rose quartz, rosemary and yarrow in equal parts. It is desirable that the crystals are also approximately the same size. You can take stone chips, tumbling or even powder.

Witch bottle for forgetting a person

Such amulets are made so that someone has parted with them. To make them, you need completely transparent vessels, and they do not need to be sealed with wax. There is also no need to hide them, and the time for such magic is the waning moon, after sunset.

For the first version of the talisman against unhappy love, you will need about a handful of yarrow, apple seeds from nine fruits and nine orange flowers. The latter can be quite difficult to get, so you can take the peel of nine oranges or the corresponding essential oil.

No candle required, no liquid either. Once you have added all the ingredients to the bottle, do not cover it with a cap. Place it near the head of your bed, for example, on a nightstand. When the aroma of herbs completely disappears, the contents of the bottle are thrown into running water, buried or burned.

Another version of the witch bottle for forgetting old relationships requires the following ingredients: cyclamen, angelica, salt and water. Place the herbs and salt in a bottle, fill with water and close the lid. A candle is optional. Every day at sunset, shake the bottle, imagining a happy life without the one who betrayed you.

There is no need to open this bottle. When it has completed its mission, bury it or throw it into a body of flowing water.

A few years ago there was construction work going on in the south side of London. At that time an important event occurred. The workers discovered a rare find, which the researchers were very interested in. This find turned out to be an interesting, ancient vessel. Later, its contents and purpose became known.

The witch's bottle is a powerful talisman

The discovered glass container was made in the 19th century and was called a witch's bottle. The surprising fact of the unusual object was its integrity. He was completely safe and sound, even the neck of the bottle had not been damaged for so many centuries. Previous to this discovery, research centers had found many different bottles, but all of them were damaged to one degree or another. Thus, it was not possible to determine the exact contents of the vessels.

After the material was examined, it became known that the bottle was filled with pins, hair and nails. Today the glass vessel has been fully studied. But many people want to know what function does the witch's bottle serve? Will it be able to protect against damage, the evil eye and how to make it correctly?

Witch container (bottle), what is it

If you read popular English legends, you will find out that the witch's bottle is a powerful talisman that wards off evil and protects the monastery and its owner. After the bottle was filled with the necessary contents, it was buried in the ground. People believed that as long as the container was deep underground, safe and sound, nothing threatened the person. Thus, he is not afraid of slander, damage and the evil eye.

The witch bottle has been around for centuries.

A little about historical facts: the witch's bottle has existed for many centuries. Even during the construction of houses in ancient Egypt and India, various containers with sacrificial food were buried. The Slavic peoples believed that if the plate of the deceased owner of the house was filled with food and buried, then protection for the home was ensured.

That's why today archaeologists are finding a lot of glass objects buried all over the world. The vessels are buried under thresholds, porches, in plots, and concreted into walls. The bottles are all made from different materials. Researchers have recorded hundreds of glass, stone, gold and silver vessels. Archaeologists have proven that stone vessels were relevant already in the 13th century; even then people were protected from damage and misfortunes.

Protective rituals associated with the witch's bottle

The Witch Bottle is a protective item. Its purpose can be completely different, it all depends on the capacity, cooking technology and target areas. The substance that was placed in the vessel can act as protection for the home and owner, as a talisman against damage and the evil eye, and also attract good luck and money. It is worth considering the most common options for magic bottles and methods for making them.

The witch's bottle can protect the entire house

One of the most effective protections for the home and the whole family is the witch’s bottle. This talisman will be able to protect not only you, but also your children from damage and evil spirits. To make a protective container, you will need to buy a bottle of wine (red), the color of the glass should be green. Pour the liquid into any container, and place cut nails, hair, nails, pins, needles and a silver item in an empty bottle. After one third of the container is filled, add 150 grams of salt (coarse) and fill the entire composition with wine. Then say the spell:

“I walked through the fields, through the forests. Demons and spirits are coming towards me. Their bodies and thoughts are black and evil. Go to bad people, restrain their evil deeds, so that my home and family are whole and unharmed.”

After reading the spell, dip the bottle cap into melted wax and seal the container hermetically.

When the whole process is completed and the magic bottle is ready, bury it in the area and remember this place. Such protection will be valid for five or seven years. She will protect the home from negativity, and family members from evil and damage.

Ritual using healing herbs

You can protect your family and home with the help of medicinal herbs. They are the ones who free you from negativity, dashing gaze, damage and aggressive actions caused by envious and unkind people. Many herbs common in our country are placed in a glass container.

You can use mint to create a witch bottle

You can use: calamus, verbena, elecampane, St. John's wort, nettle, onion, wormwood and mint. Fill the plant with dry wine, salt water, green tea, olive oil or vinegar. All types of liquid substances presented have enormous protective properties.

If a magic bottle is made to protect a specific person, then a drop of blood or saliva should be added to the liquid composition. Such actions will provide the container with special magical power. However, do not forget that you can add bodily substances in one case: when you are completely sure that they are preparing to use black magic against you.

It must be remembered that manipulations with blood are risky and can lead to irreparable consequences. After all, witchcraft is to some extent similar to medicine. A large amount of vitamins and medications does not benefit a person, and too much magical protective rituals can be harmful.

Important: the witch’s bottle is capable of combining several magical, protective rituals at once. Sharp objects placed in it attract all the negativity sent to a house or person, twisting it around its edge. Needles, nails, blades, and glass are used for these purposes. Metal items must be purchased from a store.

Properties of the bottle and time of its production

A very significant and important point when making a witch bottle is its transparency. Consider the properties of transparent and dark glass:

  1. If the glass of the container is dark, then it will attract negativity to itself, but will not return to the messenger of evil. Therefore, a dark bottle is suitable for those people who do not want to return the evil to their offender. There is another very important point, characteristic of dark vessels. All misfortunes are collected in one container, so you cannot allow the glass to be broken, otherwise the closed evil will come out, the consequences can be the darkest.
  2. If the glass of the container is transparent, then negative actions will be returned to their original messenger. But the negative message sent will be somewhat weakened, since herbs and wine are responsible for this. A transparent vessel is less dangerous for people who unexpectedly stumble upon it.

For the bottle to work effectively, it must be created during the hour of the full moon, on Tuesday. You can start making it immediately after sunset.

The cooking method is simple. Buy a red light candle and light it on the full moon. Then fill the glass jar with sharp materials and healing plants. Choose the liquid that suits you and fill the contents of the container with it. After this, dip the bottle cap in wax and seal the container. As soon as the candle burns out, bury the magic bottle. If this is not possible, then hide the vessel in a room located near the exit. No one should know where the glass safety container is hidden. After one year, the ceremony must be repeated!

A witch's bottle will be able to protect the home from bad energy, as well as protect the owner from damage, the evil eye and illnesses. Even when moving to another city and a new home, the protective power of the vessel will protect you and absorb all the negativity!

The witch's bottle is an ancient amulet that is quite common in our time. Its main purpose is protection, but witch bottles are also made for money, good luck and many other purposes.

Witch's bottle - what is it and how does it work?

A witch bottle is technically a glass bottle containing certain ingredients, which you can learn more about below. In order to make a protective amulet from an ordinary bottle and these components, you need to approach the process correctly.

It is very important to realize that you are not just putting objects in a bottle, but creating an object that has magical powers. Below are protective spells that can be cast on a witch's bottle. The right time for such magic is a full moon or a waxing moon; it is advisable to choose Tuesday, after sunset.

The bottle collects all the negativity that is directed at your home or you personally. This is envy, the evil eye, damage and even magical rollback. It will contain all the negativity that you should have had. It is believed that a transparent bottle will send negative energy back, while a dark bottle will accumulate it inside itself. Therefore, it is undesirable to touch the bottle, because you can take on everything that is stored inside.

The witch's bottle is either kept in the house or buried somewhere nearby, for example, near the entrance or behind the fence. The second option is more convenient, because it allows someone to take it in their hands and... Moreover, it was impossible to open it.

The shelf life of any such amulet is seven years. If it was stored in your home, wrap the bottle in a dark cloth and bury it somewhere (alternatively, you can drown it in a body of flowing water). If you previously buried your amulet for protection, then you cannot dig it up, just make a new bottle. In the distant past, such things were built into the walls of the house for protection.

Even if you bury such a talisman near the entrance and then move to another place, it will continue its effect and will serve you for another seven years. After that, make a new one. If your hidden thing is found and broken or opened, it will stop working, and the one who did it will receive all the negativity that was in it.

If there was a secret enemy among your friends, after creating a talisman from a bottle, he will leave your life, perhaps causing a noisy scandal as he says goodbye.

Witch bottle - making

The future protective bottle can be dark, light, transparent or not - it depends on what goal you want to achieve. As already mentioned, transparent bottles send negativity to its owner, and the more opaque your amulet is, the worse it copes with this. But any option will not let negativity come to you. A transparent bottle will contain less negative energy, so it is considered a safer amulet option for home storage. However, it is still not worth touching it with your hands and making it an interior decoration.

Now we move on to the items that will fill the witch's bottle. One of the main components is sharp objects. You can take needles, broken glass, open pins, blades, etc.

Herbs must be present in the amulet. You can take one plant, or you can collect all the protective herbs that you have in the house. Whether they are fresh or dry does not matter:

  • Sagebrush;
  • Cloves (spice);
  • Valerian;
  • Elecampane;
  • Verbena;
  • Nettle;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Laurel;
  • Mint;
  • Thistle;
  • Ivy;
  • Garlic;
  • Pine needles;
  • Rosemary;
  • Dill.

And many other plants.

Sometimes saliva or blood of the person for whom the amulet is made is added to witch bottles. But this only makes sense when you really need strong protection, for example, if you know for sure that you are being damaged. You can also add sea salt for cleansing, but this is not always done. Salt and herbs weaken negative energy before sending it to the sender. Many people think this is unfair.

The last thing your amulet should contain is liquid. Very salty water (use sea salt), strong green tea, red wine, olive oil and vinegar are suitable. The liquid traps the energy within itself and prevents it from leaving the bottle except to be sent back to the one who sent it.

Now let's start making the witch's bottle. In addition to the bottle itself and what you fill it with, you will also need a candle. Take a red or black candle - these are colors that are well suited for protective magic.

So, light a candle. Fill the vessel with sharp objects and herbs (possibly also salt) in layers, alternating layers of needles and herbs. Pine needles are more of a herb. Herbs can be mixed together, or each layer can be made from different plants. The contents should fill half the volume.

After this, saliva or blood is added if you need it. Then the liquid is poured in and the bottle is capped. On top of the cork you need to seal the wax of the candle that you lit at the very beginning. The easiest way to do this is to place a candle on the cork.

When the candle burns out, bury or hide your amulet. No one should see you do this. If you live in an apartment, you can bury it near the entrance. How deep should a witch's bottle be buried? Minimum - 30-40 cm.

There are many suitable spells for protection. You can choose when to read them yourself. This can be at any stage of creating the amulet - while filling the container with components, sealing the neck with wax, burying it, or immediately after hiding it in a secret place in your home. Or you don’t have to read the spell out loud, but write it on a piece of paper, burn it and pour the resulting ashes into a witch’s bottle. You can even combine all of the above, because there are a lot of methods for creating a witch’s bottle - it was popular in many countries, among a large number of different people.

Examples of conspiracies:

Sharp needles, nails, herbs, glass, I ask you, protect my home, keep it safe.
Sharp edges, laurel, wine, drive away trouble, drive away evil! I command fragile glass to keep its home! I said - so be it!
Secretly at night I dig a trap for all enemies, they will never come out of this sharp trap!
On sharp needles, on glass, I will catch pain and harm, and we will stay away from sorrows and troubles. From the hated vanity, from envy, you gave a bottle, strength, to hide - and so be it!

Spell for protection on a child:

(List of items in the bottle: first a list of sharp objects, then herbs and the name of the selected liquid). Protect my child from troubles and enemies. This is my will! Let it be so!

A witch bottle for money is one of the types of amulet, only it will protect not you, but your material well-being.

In order to make such a talisman, you will need a small green glass bottle. If you don't have one, you can paint a transparent bottle. It is not advisable to take a container of any medicine. If there are no options, at least rinse it as thoroughly as possible so that the aroma and traces of the medicine disappear.

In order to fill the bottle, you need 15 coins, 5 of different denominations and five:

  • grains of wheat
  • Sesame seeds
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Cloves (spice)
  • Allspice (Jamaican) peppercorns
  • Orekhov

In addition, a green candle will come in handy. Light it, place all the ingredients inside the amulet and say, shaking:

Silver and grass, grains and copper. Money will grow and flow into my house.

After this, close the talisman with a lid, and seal the lid with wax from a green candle. You need to store it in the house, but so that no one accidentally finds it. A closet or desk drawer, for example, works well. You don’t have to bury it, but after six months or a year the contents of the witch’s bottle are burned for money, and after that you can make it again from the same bottle.

This amulet is made to attract and preserve love, as well as to refresh the relationship with your spouse after several years of marriage. From time to time (six months to a year), the contents of such bottles are burned, with the exception of crystals. Like the bottles themselves, the crystals need to be washed thoroughly, after which they can be used again.

The container for the love bottle amulet should be transparent and red. You can paint a glass bottle with clear paint, but avoid plastic bottles. The candle should be red, and liquid honey should be used as the liquid. You definitely need two paired items, for example, two identical hearts or small figurines of swans, as well as rose petals.

In addition, you can add herbs that are of great importance in love magic:

  • Lavender;
  • Jasmine;
  • Clover;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Chamomile;
  • Mint;

Light a candle, place paired symbols of love in the vessel first, then herbs and rose petals. After this, the contents must be poured with honey, closed with a lid and sealed with the wax of a burning red candle, lit at the beginning of the ritual.

You should keep the love bottle in your bedroom so that it does not catch the eye of strangers.

The next version of the love amulet is also kept in the bedroom. It contains mineral crystals, so it can be stronger than the previous one. The glass for this amulet should be pink or transparent.

The components that should be placed inside the talisman with a lit candle, and then closed and sealed with wax: rock crystal, carnelian, rose quartz, rosemary and yarrow in equal parts. It is desirable that the crystals are also approximately the same size. You can take stone chips, tumbling or even powder.

Witch bottle for forgetting a person

Such amulets are made to forget the person you broke up with. To make them, you need completely transparent vessels, and they do not need to be sealed with wax. There is also no need to hide them, and the time for such magic is the waning moon, after sunset.

For the first version of the talisman against unhappy love, you will need about a handful of yarrow, apple seeds from nine fruits and nine orange flowers. The latter can be quite difficult to get, so you can take the peel of nine oranges or the corresponding essential oil.

No candle required, no liquid either. Once you have added all the ingredients to the bottle, do not cover it with a cap. Place it near the head of your bed, for example, on a nightstand. When the aroma of herbs completely disappears, the contents of the bottle are thrown into running water, buried or burned.

Another version of the witch bottle for forgetting old relationships requires the following ingredients: cyclamen, angelica, salt and water. Place the herbs and salt in a bottle, fill with water and close the lid. A candle is optional. Every day at sunset, shake the bottle, imagining a happy life without the one who betrayed you.

There is no need to open this bottle. When it has completed its mission, bury it or throw it into a body of flowing water.

Witch's bottle for separation

Such bottles are made with the goal of ending relationships - both yours and someone else's. This is a good way to make your loved one break up as a mistress.

You will need any things that can symbolize people who must end the relationship. Those that the person you are interested in have used, as well as hair or nails, are good choices. There is no need to seal such a bottle with wax; a candle is not at all necessary in this ritual. But liquid is needed, and it should be either vinegar or missing milk.

The separation bottle is buried as far as possible from your home immediately after its creation. You cannot store it in the house. You can do it outside the home.

In general, a witch’s bottle can act as a talisman or a talisman for any purpose, because it all depends on what items you put in it. This is magic that works primarily on the power hidden in plants, jewelry, metal and glass.

Witch bottle - ancient secrets of making - all the secrets on the site

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The harmony of a magical amulet with your biofield depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired goals. Do not forget about the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The amulet is always made personally; the talisman and amulet can be purchased. In addition, the talisman attracts positive energy, and the amulet protects against negative energy.

Magic is older than most people can imagine. And the witch's bottle is an ancient invention. Similar items are periodically found during archaeological excavations in Egypt, India, and European countries.

A witch's bottle is a container that contains certain items and provides its owner with protection. Traditionally, the purpose of making such a talisman is protection from spirits, ghosts, damage, curses, evil eyes and other destructive influences. But often the witch’s bottle is “entrusted” with other tasks. For example, she may be responsible for:

  • attracting and maintaining love and marriage;
  • attracting money;
  • ensuring good luck and luck;
  • harmonization of relations;
  • keeping unkind guests away from home, etc.

The creator himself determines why he makes the talisman. Several amulets can be made at once to cover all areas of life of interest. The main thing is to focus on the troubling issue each time and not confuse them with each other. For example, a protective witch bottle should not also attract love. One amulet - one task. The average duration is seven years, after which the talisman is renewed. Some people change their amulet once a year to be on the safe side.

Witch bottle: how to make it yourself

You can order a talisman from a professional sorcerer, but it’s still better to make it yourself. A witch's bottle is a rather intimate object from the point of view that when making it a person uses his own knowledge and insights. The most widely used protective witch bottle; it's not difficult to do.

You will need:

  1. Vessel. It can be a bottle, or just a jar or other container. In terms of materials, glass or ceramics is preferable; plastic is not suitable due to its unnaturalness and low strength. The color of the witch bottle depends on the purpose of its creation: transparent vessels reflect the negative and return it to the sender, darkened ones absorb the bad and store it.
  2. Sharp objects. Suitable fragments of pebbles, small nails (can be bent), needles, pushpins, open pins, broken glass, pieces of mica, plant thorns, etc.
  3. Attachments to yourself. The bottle must “know” for whom it was created. Therefore, clippings of your own nails, hair, saliva, baby teeth, and a small amount of urine should be placed in it. Some magicians also practice adding blood, but such a binding is too strong and can attract negative events to a person or point him to evil entities of the other world. For beginners, it is better to limit yourself to more “modest” biomaterial.
  4. Herbs. Each plant contains powerful potential that is used to achieve magical goals. Plants should be chosen for a specific occasion: protective, attracting love, attracting good luck, etc.
  5. A silver item and a handful of coarsely ground non-iodized sea salt. These elements have the ability to purify and neutralize negativity.
  6. Liquid to fill the bottle. Typically used: salt water, red wine, vinegar, lemon juice, olive oil, honey.
  7. Wax candle. One or more. The traditional color is black or red. But you can choose other options: pink for love, green for money, yellow for luck, etc. You should be guided by your own ideas about the relationship between a certain color and the chosen area of ​​life.

The container is filled approximately halfway with sharp objects and herbs, then their bindings, silver and salt are added there. The whole thing is filled with liquid and closed tightly, additionally sealing the cork with candle wax for a tight seal. After pronouncing the spell, the talisman is ready.

If desired, the “production” technique can be changed (for example, sharp objects and silver are not needed to attract luck). The phase of the month influences how effective the witch's bottle will be: the waning moon is suitable for setting up protection, while the waxing sickle is ideal for love and money magic, attracting good luck and other benefits.

Witch's bottle: where to store the amulet

The amulet works on the personal strength of the operator, so there is no need to pay any fees. But in order for the talisman to fulfill its task, it must be placed in a suitable place:

  • In the old days, a witch's bottle was buried under the hearth or in the corner of each home: in this way, the protection of the house was ensured as fully as possible. In modern “apartment” realities, it is permissible to bury the amulet in a tub of earth (without a flower) or simply place it in a place inaccessible to other people;
  • a bottle created for personal protection, especially if the practitioner has strong enemies, is placed in the ground away from home to a depth of 30-50 cm. You can go into the forest and choose a tree that seems suitable;
  • a talisman to ward off unpleasant people from their homes is buried on the road leading to the sorcerer’s house. You can draw a circle on the bottom of such a witch bottle to confuse and spin an unnecessary person;
  • It is permissible to keep amulets for love, money, and good luck at home, even in a visible place. But it is impossible for anyone else to touch the amulet.

Choosing a “place of residence” for a witch’s bottle is easy if you understand its purpose. You can keep a talisman that attracts positivity near you, since nothing bad will be attracted. It is better to bury a protective amulet so that the negativity goes into the ground and does not affect the magician.

How does the witch bottle work?

The principle of operation of the talisman is simple. A certain energy is accumulated and stored in the container, which either does not reach the owner or attracts certain benefits towards him (depending on the purpose of production). Speaking about the classic witch bottle, we can highlight the following features of its work:

  1. Bindings force the negative to go into the container. What happens to a part of the body affects the person. That is, a blow to the magician is automatically sent towards the biomaterial and plunges into the ground.
  2. Sharp objects destroy everything bad and hurt the offender (both on the energetic and physical level).
  3. Herbs perform their direct function - cleanse, protect, absorb negativity (depending on the chosen plant).
  4. Salt, silver and metal (nails or pins) neutralize the destructive influence, freeing the attachments, and therefore the person himself, from it. During the attack, the owner of the amulet may feel unwell, depressed, or have a headache, but these will only be echoes of the blow - the main load will fall on the witch's bottle.
  5. If the liquid is caustic (vinegar, salt water), then it also destroys negativity and makes the enemy suffer. Neutral substances (wine, olive oil) simply preserve the energy message, ensuring the normal functioning of the talisman.

Theoretically, if the witch bottle bursts or breaks, then all the negativity it has accumulated will be returned to the owner. This is why it is so important to choose durable containers and seal them well with wax: spilled contents mean the end of protection. An amulet kept at home allows the magician to control his condition. Spoiled liquid indicates that the witch bottle has become unusable and requires replacement. This can happen even within the first few days if the owner has strong enemies and is constantly under active witchcraft attacks.

Witch bottle for protection against damage, the evil eye and any negativity

You will need:

  • dark green glass bottle;
  • black or red wax candle;
  • own biomaterial (hair, nails and urine);
  • protective plants (St. John's wort, thistle, rowan sprig, hawthorn, elecampane, etc. - to choose from);
  • nails, needles, hairpins and pins;
  • salt;
  • silver product;
  • red wine.

They sit in front of a lit candle. The bottle should be filled about a third full with sharp objects and herbs, bindings and silver should be placed there, then the contents of the container should be filled with a handful of salt and filled with wine (but not to the very neck). Next, read the plot three times:

“I’m wandering across the field, I’m bringing trouble, I’ll take it away from me, I’ll take it into the forest, I’ll cover it in the ground, I’ll cover it with leaves, I’ll hide it forever, I’ll dare it from myself, I won’t see it in my place, I won’t give free rein to dashing people, I won’t let them near me, I’ll stab them with needles, with glass I’ll scratch you, I’ll drown you in wine, I’ll entangle you in shackles, I’ll put you on a leash, I won’t get any harm from them.”

The cork should be sealed with wax, after which the resulting talisman should be buried away from the house. Such a witch's bottle is a talisman against any evil. She will be able to repel both a magical attack and a return after an unsuccessful ritual. The amulet begins to work immediately after burial.

Witch bottle for love

Finding love is a natural need for everyone. To achieve this goal, you will need to build a special witch's bottle on the growing moon.

You will need:

  • beautiful container;
  • pink, white or red candle;
  • rose petals, basil, oregano, jasmine, lavender, clover, marigolds, gardenia, cloves, damiana (one or more plants to choose from);
  • your own curl, tied with a beautiful ribbon;
  • small crystals of rose quartz, carnelian and rock crystal;
  • good honey

It is important to focus on the goal and realize your need for love. Next, you need to light the candle and get to work. Plants, hair and stones are placed in a bottle, all this is poured with honey, after which the plot is read:

“With the sweetness of a rose, the tenderness of honey, I call love, I attract it to me, I am enveloped in it, I am entwined with it, I endow it with the hardness of a stone, so that neither a hammer nor a knife can damage it, so that it will be attracted to me with a floral aroma, left next to me, and given a drink of sweetness.” "

It is recommended to pronounce words directly into the neck of the bottle. It is then closed and sealed with wax. The candle is allowed to burn out to the end. The witch's bottle for love is kept in the bedroom. It can be placed in a visible place or hidden - as it seems more convenient. Such a talisman acts slowly but surely, attracting the best candidate to the heart of the owner of the amulet. If the contents of the bottle suddenly begin to deteriorate or the container breaks, it means that one of the ill-wishers is causing damage to the magician’s personal life.

Witch bottle for good luck and wealth

A talisman for attracting good luck and luck in money will not be superfluous in any home. You should wait for the waxing moon and start working.

You will need:

  • capacity;
  • candle of your favorite color;
  • golden ribbon;
  • banknote;
  • basil, yarrow, creeping cinquefoil;
  • several beautiful stones;
  • salt.

It is acceptable to work without being tied down, but if you want, you can put your hair in the bottle. You need to light a candle and concentrate. You need to place stones in the container, plants on them, and on top - a bill tied with a ribbon. All this should be covered with salt - either entirely or partially (as you prefer). Then it is recommended to say:

“Just as mother nature takes care of her children, she does not forget about me, but sends all good luck to me, fills her pockets with gold, fills her purse with silver; luck comes to me, bypasses dashing people, swims across rivers, flies over mountains, passes through forests, tramples fields, comes to me, brings gold and silver, bestows me with luck.”

Next, such a witch’s bottle for wealth and good luck is corked, hermetically sealed with wax and placed somewhere in the house. After some time, the operator will notice that he has become much luckier than in the old days. This means that the talisman has become active. If the container breaks or falls for no reason, it makes sense to suspect an external negative influence on the deprivation of happiness. In this case, it is recommended to acquire additional protection.

The witch bottle is a purely intuitive product. You can safely change components and even break the rules regarding the lunar phase. The main thing is to feel confident that you are right; then the creation of the amulet will definitely go smoothly.

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