Extraterrestrial civilizations: Sirius, Orion, Dessa, Daya. Alien mothership behind the sun The moon is a ship or base

Humanity has always been interested in whether life similar to ours exists somewhere else in the Universe, whether intelligent Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Every second, powerful receivers of various types of radiation, tuned to receive information from space, wait for signals. But space is silent and does not want to give away its secrets. Are we really alone in this endless world?

But, in fact, we don’t want to believe in our loneliness. Could God have created such a huge world and populated just one planet? Is this reasonable? Why then are other planets, stars, Galaxies and Universes needed?

Search question Extraterrestrial Civilizations occupied and continues to occupy the minds of thousands of scientists and self-taught researchers. There are a huge number of hypotheses, conjectures, assumptions. We will also try to figure out whether there really are Extraterrestrial Civilizations, and is it possible to contact them? Moreover, interest in To Extraterrestrial Civilizations, in fact, also turns out to be an interest in clarifying the role of earthly humanity in the processes of our Universe.

Now we can say with confidence - in addition to the planet Earth, in our Universe there are other inhabited planets that are part of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Representatives of these Extraterrestrial Civilizations have the opportunity to communicate with earthlings and convey to them important information about how other worlds work, what problems their inhabitants face and how they can help earthlings.

We are the inhabitants of the Earth and there are representatives Extraterrestrial Civilizations. On Earth we are on a kind of business trip.

QUESTION: Why don't we find signs of the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Assuming that the level of technological progress Extraterrestrial Vivilizations is very high, and they have the opportunity to hide their presence using various means, then everything falls into place. For some reason, it’s just too early for us to know about this...

All habitable planets Extraterrestrial Civilizations carefully protected from the curiosity of earthlings. Because earthlings do not need to look for alien intelligence, but to cleanse their energy and undergo karmic lessons.

The protection works in such a way that when passing by a spaceship, or the same UFO, you simply won’t see it. And what can we say about earthly telescopes, through which they strive to see life on other planets...

QUESTION: Why do Extraterrestrial Civilizations not seek to inform us of their existence?

ANSWER: Moreover, Extraterrestrial Civilizations not interested in this. Why? Fear is, to some extent, the engine on Earth. If we know for certain about the continuation of life after life, that all real troubles and problems are tests, exams, then will we be acutely worried, suffer, think, work on ourselves? No. And when in our minds this life is the only one, then all sensations, all events, all questions acquire unprecedented urgency. This is what is required for complete and high-quality cleaning. It is no coincidence that it is said that the soul is purified by suffering.

Because Extraterrestrial Civilizations there is no interest in revealing oneself. Earth as a training base for these Extraterrestrial Civilizations, will immediately lose its meaning.

QUESTION: What Extraterrestrial Civilizations are currently known?

ANSWER: These are like this Extraterrestrial Civilizations, like Sirius, Orion, Dessa, Daya, Alpha Centauri. Division into Extraterrestrial Civilizations, firstly, territorial, and secondly, despite all the similarities in the final development goal of each Extraterrestrial Civilization your own accents, methods, your own Path.

Specified Extraterrestrial Civilizations are located in the Milky Way galaxy. Life also exists in other Galaxies, there are civilizations there too, but they are far behind in their progress along the Spiritual Path.

Oleg Dal talks about Extraterrestrial Civilizations

“The law of evolution is the law of gradual growth. Extraterrestrial Civilizations have traveled the path from mineral to Homo sapiens and built a world where there is a place true concept– the idea of ​​equality and brotherhood, where there is no dictatorship, no autocracy and at the same time no anarchy, where everyone determines their standard of living by their work, where main value- this is culture, spirituality, and everything else is subordinate to it and serves as an auxiliary in arranging everyday life, since the dense body is also our clothing. We don't make a cult out of it.

However, some sins have not yet been eliminated, and mistakes characteristic of the material world are still being made. Any unrighteous act, mistake, evil emotion is a source of negative energy - imperila, which does not disappear without a trace, but has the property of penetrating into any existing matter and infecting it, increasing in volume and subjugating more and more new spaces. Imperil can jeopardize all conquests in any industry, can serve as a brake on evolution itself and bring to naught any developed civilization.

The actions of Extraterrestrial Civilizations were quite bright, progress was obvious, when the question arose, why, in the presence of highly developed technology, with constant improvement of the spirit, our civilization still stands still, and it would be okay if it were just in a frozen state, but it has a place to be something else, quite frightening and alarming, namely: technical thought began to outstrip the thought of the heart.

Not without the help of the Hierarchy of our Bright Brothers we found the source of troubles. Imperil existed, acted and had already begun to penetrate into space. And our civilization became the birthplace of imperil. Declaring battle to the dark one in Space is not enough; it is necessary to de-energize the primary manifestation.

At the Council of Civilizations, which constitute the Hierarchy, a proposal was put forward to create base-schools, acting as purgatory. Every resident of our civilization is required to be sent three times to such a base, where they drop imperil, which is then destroyed as it accumulates. One of these bases is Earth.

Earth is a planet not of artificial, but of natural origin, found by us 15 billion years ago (according to earthly reckoning). At that time, life on it was just emerging, but then, still in infancy, it was in danger of death: a comet was approaching at terrible speed and a meeting with it would be catastrophic for the Earth. We softened the blow to the maximum possible, and the planet survived, but slightly changed its speed and axis degree. During the impact, a piece broke off from the Earth and remained in orbit as a satellite - Moon. Other fragments also went into space.

The consequences of the impact are the acceleration of the evolution of life from the simplest to the animal class of primates. However, having reached the level of monkeys, growth slowed down and stagnation occurred. A new threat to the life of the planet has arisen in the approach of a new comet. We diverted the trajectory of its movement, and the Earth did not die. It was a sign of the Absolute, and we decided to use the planet as a base.

Several hundred pairs of the most highly developed monkeys were selected ( Neanderthals) and the first souls of volunteers were infused. Civilization ( Cro-Magnons) was started and developed successfully. The evolutionary path was overcome with minimal losses.

The geography of the Earth then was strikingly different from today. At that time, the land consisted of three huge continents connected by isthmuses. You can guess what we're talking about. Yes, we are talking about Atlantis. Atlantis was inhabited by Aryans. This is what the settlers of the Dessa civilization (Cygnus Delta) from the planet Aria called themselves.

At the peak of their heyday, when the Atlanteans were developed both spiritually and technological progress was evident, a third Force intervened in their lives. This Power was Mars. We will not describe the conflict that occurred, there is no way, let’s say one thing: Atlantis and Mars did not have a war as such, but a peaceful, calm life ended. Doubts and fear of a possible war did their dirty work and Atlantis undermined itself.

The epicenter of the explosion was in what is now the Indian Ocean. The explosion was funnel-shaped, of enormous force, which led to a shift in the degree of the earth's axis and caused the continents to move apart. Cataclysms and floods were reflected in the history of the Earth as the biblical flood.

No more than a hundred Atlantean communities survived; the rest died for the Earth and returned to Dessa. Next was the Council of Civilizations with the participation of the Hierarchy of Light Forces. And the Earth, roughly speaking, was leased to three civilizations.

So, the Earth has three main tenants: Extraterrestrial Civilizations Dessa, Sirius, Orion.

I, Oleg Dal, as you yourself already understood, am a representative of the Dessa civilization - an Aryan.”

QUESTION: What do the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations look like?

ANSWER: The word "civilization" implies an intelligent society. Science fiction films usually use the image of some kind of green men, creatures with tentacles, etc.

In fact, residents Extraterrestrial Civilizations- these are ordinary people. At the level Extraterrestrial Civilizations The same laws of biology, physics and chemistry apply as on Earth. The only difference is in intelligence and level of Consciousness. That is, they are biologically and physically similar to us, but have an expanded consciousness.

QUESTION: What is expanded consciousness?

ANSWER: This is the ability to synthesize information, navigate not by superficial data, but by deep ones, realize abilities, operate with energies, and cover many incoming elements at once.

For example, on Earth we have certain ethical standards. Everyone knows that stealing is bad. And the representatives Extraterrestrial Civilizations such standards are not needed. After all, numerous norms on Earth are political and social regulation, not designed for high Consciousness. High Consciousness does not need many norms. It is on Earth that it is necessary to introduce a law that theft is bad, and to determine some kind of punishment for this theft. And for Extraterrestrial Civilizations such a law is not needed. He's absurd. The sin of theft is so obvious there that it does not require reminders or threats of punishment.

QUESTION: That is, there are no criminal codes in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: No. They don't need such codes. However, the residents Extraterrestrial Civilizations has its own principles:

    Don't offend the weak.

    Don't get angry, but be patient.

    Communicate only with those who are pleasant and sincere.

    Do not lie unnecessarily, but there is only one need for lying - to save fate.

    Do no harm.

    Ask the Teacher's consent.

    Love everything that surrounds you.

QUESTION: These principles are similar to earthly ones...

ANSWER: Yes it is. But unlike the Earth, these principles are fulfilled by the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations consciously and everywhere. Ideally, the basic principle is the same. For residents of Extraterrestrial Civilizations God- Truth and Supremacy, and Love- ubiquitous and unconditional.

QUESTION: Are there any descriptions of Extraterrestrial Civilizations in religious sources?

ANSWER: Many religious and esoteric sources have a description Extraterrestrial Civilizations. For example, the Bible begins with these words: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth".

"Sky"- these are Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the Hierarchy of Light Forces, and "Earth"- these are Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the Hierarchy of Dark Forces. The Bible also contains information about the arrival of representatives of the World Center on Earth. Book Genesis 6.4: “At that time there were giants on the earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them: these are strong people who have been famous for a long time.”

QUESTION: The Vedas say that above the level of the earth there are planets of demigods or heavenly planets. Who are the demigods?

ANSWER: Demigods are the inhabitants Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Since they have an expanded consciousness and, accordingly, wider capabilities, they are described as demigods.

QUESTION: Vedic scriptures contain information that on the higher planets time passes more slowly. Approximately the following ratio works: 360 years pass on Earth, and only one year passes in Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Is this really true?

ANSWER: The thing is that the flow of time on Earth is set artificially. This is done so that all processes take place not so much deeply as acutely. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations there is practically no time.

Three levels of the Universe

QUESTION: What levels is our Universe divided into?

ANSWER: Very conditionally, our Universe can be divided into three levels. Eat light forces- the forces of Good. This is the Hierarchy of Light Forces (ISS), and there are dark forces, the forces of Evil. This is the Hierarchy of Dark Forces (ITS). Accordingly, Extraterrestrial Civilizations are divided according to the same principle. Civilizations Sirius, Orion, Dessa, Daya- all these are Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the Hierarchy of Light Forces.

There are also ground level. This is the level of incarnation planets, purgatories, where a person undergoes purification.

But in general, Hierarchy of Light Forces- this is the Spiritual world, which is in direct contact with God.

We can find one of the first descriptions of the levels of the Universe in the Vedas. For example, Extraterrestrial Civilizations ITS is guna of ignorance.

Purgatory (incarnation planets like Earth) - guna of passion. Extraterrestrial Civilizations ISS - guna of goodness.

You can strive from purgatory into the guna of ignorance (Extraterrestrial Civilizations ITS) or into the guna of goodness (Extraterrestrial Civilizations ISS). It is in purgatory that the direction of this aspiration is determined. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the ASC there is passion, but there is no ignorance. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations ITS passion is manifested, but there is no goodness.

QUESTION: How are the worlds of ITS fundamentally different from the worlds of ISS?

ANSWER: Differences can be found in everything. First of all, the difference is in energies, including the energy of Time. A completely different organization of the psyche, mind, Consciousness. Hence a different ideology. Alien and disgusting. Just imagine: in one picture there is a blooming garden filled with sunlight. This is ISS. Another picture shows the gloomy damp mustiness of a gray-brown basement and a rotting environment. This is ITS.

Life is in full swing both in the ISS and in the ITS. There is a constant struggle between the worlds of ISS and ITS for Souls, for Time, for Space, for additional energy capacities.

QUESTION: Is it possible for residents to migrate from Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the ISS to Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the ITS?

ANSWER: Yes, such a transition is possible. Unfortunately, according to the latest data, there are more people leaving for ITS. This served as a signal that certain measures needed to be taken.

QUESTION: Is there an impact of the subtle worlds on Earth?

ANSWER: Naturally. But, as a rule, the Earth is very tightly sealed in its energy-information field and subtle energies can only manifest themselves through the EIS.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius

It is located in the constellation Canis Major. This is the leading, self-generated and oldest Extraterrestrial Civilization. An amazing coincidence, because Sirius is the brightest star visible from Earth.

QUESTION: What is a “spontaneous civilization”? Is it possible for something to arise on its own?

ANSWER: In fact, everything is the Creation of the Lord. What is meant is that Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius is a derivative of the Creativity of the Lord, and not of others Extraterrestrial Civilizations. That is, this is a civilization that was formed in the process of spiritual evolution. From a stone to a highly organized intelligent being - a person. There is Extraterrestrial Civilizations, which “branched off” from the older civilization. For example, Daya is an Extraterrestrial Civilization that spun off from Dessa.

In technical terms, Sirius was ahead of all other Extraterrestrial Civilizations of our Universe by many centuries. This is a very pragmatic, tough and disciplined Extraterrestrial Civilization.

QUESTION: How does the toughness of the Sirians manifest itself?

ANSWER: Rigidity manifests itself only in relation to its incarnate earthlings for their own benefit, as well as in relation to the organization of civilization itself. This refers to the social plan. But at the same time they strictly distinguish between external and internal. There must be order in the external. And this order: planning, discipline and control - ensures dynamics, movement, growth due, first of all, to the ordering of energies, balancing of energies, and implementation. And the inner world is soulfulness and spirituality, which must be treated with care and discernment.

For Sirians, 80 percent is spent on planning and calculation, and they leave 20 percent of feelings for their personal affairs, for a narrow circle of interests.

QUESTION: Many beliefs and traditions of the ancient world were brought to Earth by Extraterrestrial Civilizations as the foundation for the development of culture. Was Sirius involved in this?

ANSWER: Yes, sure. An example is the cult of Osiris in Ancient Egypt.

QUESTION: Are there representatives of Sirius on earth?

ANSWER: Representatives of Sirius on Earth are the yellow race (Mongoloids) and the red race. But such a division existed at the very beginning of the settlement of the Earth. Now peoples have mixed, and there is no longer a strict division by race.

The Baltic states, India, Japan, France, Spain, Brazil are the sphere of interests and influence Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius. Although this influence is no longer as clear as it was before. In connection with the development of transport, communications, and the blurring of borders between countries, this division into spheres of influence is gradually erased Extraterrestrial Civilizations on the ground.

eastern religions.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Orion

It's very famous Extraterrestrial Civilization. She, like Sirius, is mentioned in many esoteric sources. Located in the constellation of the same name.

Orion is also spontaneously generated Extraterrestrial Civilization. For Orion, strength is of great importance: the strength of the body, the possibility of physical influence and influence.

“A hand full of strength can do more than a bag full of laws.”- this is the credo of this Extraterrestrial Civilization. “Power techniques” are very important for them.

Help in creating something for the Orions is equivalent to help in destruction. Orions are not tormented by ethical and philosophical questions. Orion is a fulfiller of orders in exchange for the services he needs. Methods of execution are dictated by the situation, and not by the norms imposed by the public of the Universe. Orion does not take politics and diplomacy well. Prefers forceful methods: ultimatum, stubbornness, insistence on one’s own.

At the same time, Orions are smart and spiritually developed people. Orion is simply better than any other Extraterrestrial Civilization adapts to unexpected conditions. By the way, Orion has the strongest medicine. The Orions solved the problem of disease and body change.

QUESTION: How does the spirituality of the Orions combine with their aggressiveness?

ANSWER: When we talk about aggression in Extraterrestrial Civilizations, there is no need to relate this aggression to that which is known on Earth under this concept. Strict obedience to the rules is also aggression.

Orion is a strong and dynamic civilization. This means that incarnate Orions, in the conditions of rough vibrations of the Earth, acquire not only dynamism, but also aggressiveness. This is why many terrorist organizations often pretend to be Islamic, although they are not.

Orion prefers not soft methods of persuasion and “recruitment”, but hard, forceful ones. In this way, Orion supports the force strategy and saves time. And Orion has become more active recently.

There is also such a moment. All extraterrestrial civilizations are going through stages of formation and growth. Orion is currently going through a growth crisis. After the crisis has passed, it will be possible to talk about Orion as a full-fledged Extraterrestrial Civilization Hierarchy of Light Forces. So far, Orion is only a “candidate”.

QUESTION: Which countries are under the supervision of Orion?

ANSWER: These are the countries where Islam- main religion. China can also be included here. Representatives of this Extraterrestrial Civilization on Earth are the Negroid race and Arabs.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Dessa

Dessa- Extraterrestrial Civilization, born of Sirius. Located in the constellation Swan.

Dessa is characterized by community, unity, brotherhood, but not equality. Everything is based on Love for yourself and your neighbor. This is a civilization of cheerful, loving and quite problematic people.

Dessits (inhabitants of Dessa) are distinguished by their emotionality and sensitivity. This is an impulsive, rapidly experiencing civilization. In her touchiness she is quite vindictive, but in her sympathy she is sacrificial. Therefore, there are some difficulties in interpersonal relationships. They also have certain contradictions between their heart and mind. At the same time, they have a very careful attitude towards nature and a complete lack of pragmatism. This is the most heartwarming Extraterrestrial Civilization.

QUESTION: And perhaps the most emotional?

ANSWER: Dessits have 50 percent emotions, and the rest is planning and calculation. First they will shed tears, and then they will count.

QUESTION: Which countries does Dessa oversee?

ANSWER: Representatives of the Extraterrestrial Civilization Dessa on Earth are the white race. Dessa's influence is strong in Russia and the Caucasus.

Religious teaching on Earth - Christianity.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Daiya

Extraterrestrial Civilization Daya located in the constellation Ursa Major. Daya is a civilization born by Dessa a long time ago. So long ago that the connection with the “parents” has been lost, but there is goodwill and a friendly attitude. This is a powerful and beautiful civilization.

The inhabitants of Daya are a strong and intelligent people, but they are stubborn. Dayans are endowed with sufficient pragmatism and are inclined towards politics. Representatives of this civilization on Earth are Jews.

Religious teaching on Earth - Judaism. The main idea is suppression Ego through a narrowly limited community, chosenness. In a narrowly limited community, that is, in a relatively small team, a person more clearly demonstrates the features of his individuality, and this in turn means that it is easier to work with those manifestations that negatively affect the evolution of the species. What is manifested is already material for work. Until the flaw is discovered, there is nothing to work with. And in a large team these shortcomings are hidden. That is why we are talking about a narrowly limited community, for example a clan.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Alpha Centauri

To be more precise, this is not Extraterrestrial Civilization, and a populated planetary administrative system uniting governments and scientific institutions of all Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

Ideas and meaning of life of Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: What ideas are there in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Any thinking space, and our Universe is such, cannot exist without an idea. As soon as the idea disappears, spiritual evolution stops, and after a while the reverse process begins - spiritual degradation. You can observe a similar stop on Earth. The technical revolution replaces the Spirit.

Material world is a crossroads of ideas. Each Extraterrestrial Civilization your own priorities, your own methodology for bringing ideas to life.

More specifically, prioritization can be shown using the example of an approach to medicine. Sirius: improvement of medical technologies. Growing new cells, new organs, cloning. Renewal of the body by replacing old with new, sick with healthy. Dessa: searching for and eliminating the causes of painful changes in the functioning of the body, due to the harmonious development of the Spirit and body. Orion: from the very birth of a person, preventing illness and changes. Routine, diet, exercises aimed at improving the body.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” is Orion. “A healthy spirit - a healthy body” is Dessa. “High technology - health” is Sirius.

On Earth, Sirius's idea of ​​health was sublimated into the saying: “If we had money, we’ll buy health”.

QUESTION: Are residents of Extraterrestrial Civilizations also engaged in self-improvement and their spiritual growth, just like earthlings?

ANSWER: Yes, sure. They also believe that true growth is possible only with a full and deep awareness of one’s “I”, which is achieved only through the accumulation of experience in each individual.

However, as on Earth, representatives Extraterrestrial Civilizations I am not alien to both materialism and pragmatism.

Daya, however, has a different approach. Daya is a proponent of collective intelligence. Daya does not accept the infinity of the “I”, immortality, and accordingly she is little concerned about medical and physiological improvements.

It is necessary to distinguish between the Soul and individuality. The soul is immortal, but individuality can be mortal. Upon contact with the monad, individuality is destroyed, only the Soul remains.

Daya is focused specifically on the Soul, and not on individuality. Whereas other Extraterrestrial Civilizations are more inclined to combine both the immortality of individuality in constant development and the development of the Soul.

QUESTION: Is there a priority idea in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: The purpose of life in Extraterrestrial Civilizations is to come to understanding essence of things and determine for yourself, perhaps once and for all (meaning a certain evolutionary stage and circle), what is still more important in the life of human intelligence: the possession of such a tool as body, or incorporeal existence in pure consciousness and in pure Spirit. This takes a fairly large amount of time, during which a person manages to visit Earth several times. As practice shows, sooner or later everyone comes to the conclusion that mastering the energy of the Soul is more important than mastering tool-body. But it’s one thing to imagine all this speculatively, and even agree, and it’s a completely different thing when you feel it with every cell - the cell not of the body, but of the Soul.

The universal idea or, so to speak, the meaning of life in Extraterrestrial Civilizations- improvement of the material world and the evolution of consciousness. Such evolution as selection acts in the Lord’s Plan as a mechanism for improving the Spiritual World. Thanks to this evolution, it becomes possible to build new worlds.

Extraterrestrial Civilizations are already at the level of evolution of consciousness and Spirit, and on planets such as Earth, the evolution of matter is still ongoing.

The physical world is given as an arena of experience, thanks to which the hidden Divine powers of man are developed so that through suffering, joy and all kinds of trials he achieves the goal: to become a self-conscious spiritual center acting in accordance with the world law, otherwise - with the will of God.

This golden rule of ethics of Extraterrestrial Civilizations contains the history of the world and the answer to the question why the human Spirit is placed in a physical shell.

Relationships between Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: How do Extraterrestrial Civilizations interact with each other?

ANSWER: Extraterrestrial Civilizations are in intensive contact with each other, exchanging various scientific and technical achievements. For example, Dessa borrows all technical developments from Sirius.

Although this was not always the case.

QUESTION: Are cinematic star wars echoes of past events, ideological confrontation between various Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: The time has passed when controversial issues were resolved in this way. Only on Earth, due to weak consciousness, the violent solution of issues continues, and in Extraterrestrial Civilizations there is already enough level of culture and level of consciousness to get by with negotiations.

QUESTION: Do Extraterrestrial Civilizations help each other in critical situations?

ANSWER: In historical development Extraterrestrial Civilizations Anything could happen, including coming to the aid of dying civilizations. But, sad as it may be, such assistance did not play a positive role. For those whose time has come to perish, you yourself understand...

But death never happens just like that. And there is no death as such. There is a cessation of a certain program of action. For example, at one time, planet Earth had the potential for its own path of development, its own life. But such development has reached a dead end.

There were attempts to come to the aid of dying civilizations, but these attempts bore the character of youthful maximalism on the part of those who were eager to help. But in reality, no help was needed. I just had to let the program finish. This program ended with these civilizations anyway.

State structure of Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: Do Extraterrestrial Civilizations have any kind of government structure?

ANSWER: In the material world for everyone Extraterrestrial Civilizations not only the same physical and biological laws apply, but also the laws of social structure. There is a Law of Hierarchy for the entire revealed world. It is this law that determines the subordination of some segments of the population to others. This determines the presence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations governments, the Council of Governments and the rulers themselves, on the one hand, and various services and organizations, on the other hand. And all together they are the people.

QUESTION: What forms of government do Extraterrestrial Civilizations have?

ANSWER: Form of government in Extraterrestrial Civilizations, speaking in our earthly terms, is communism. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Communism is the form of society that is realized in Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

On Earth, communism is still utopian. The idea itself is good, but it requires a developed consciousness.

QUESTION: Do Extraterrestrial Civilizations have services such as police, justice, and prisons?

ANSWER: The need for them Extraterrestrial Civilizations No. There are legal research bodies that resolve controversial issues. But the disputes in Extraterrestrial Civilizations never reach such a level that violence is used, both by the disputants themselves and from the outside, by the judges.

QUESTION: Do Extraterrestrial Civilizations Have Governments?

ANSWER: Government Extraterrestrial Civilization- these are two rulers and the Government Council. The two rulers act as balancing forces. One ruler oversees technical, scientific, administrative and material activities. Another ruler is culture, creativity, humanitarian and spiritual activities. These are all different energies.

QUESTION: Do Extraterrestrial Civilizations have constitutions, laws, codes?

ANSWER: In Extraterrestrial Civilizations There are Laws of the Cosmos, personal codes, and there are constitutions. Each Extraterrestrial Civilization also has its own laws, but it has the right to implement these laws only on its territories for its peoples.

Social structure of Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: Is there a social division of people in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Social division of people in Extraterrestrial Civilizations there is no such thing. Residents Extraterrestrial Civilizations differ from each other only in the level of consciousness. And a certain level of consciousness attracts people with the same level of consciousness. Therefore, in Extraterrestrial Civilizations there is a division according to levels of consciousness. This division determines the type of activity of each. Conventionally, the entire population can be divided into three levels.

First level- these are, let's say, engineers engaged in certain work, for example, introducing some technologies, improving living standards, exploring new planets, etc.

Second level are the scientists who develop these technologies.

AND third level- this is the clergy. Representatives of the clergy are engaged in preaching life in the Lord. From the third level Extraterrestrial Civilization a person can move into the Spiritual World.

QUESTION: In theory, representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, having such an expanded consciousness, should all or almost all strive for God. Does this need to be preached further?

ANSWER: Everyone goes to God. But before devoting yourself completely to Him, it is necessary to complete all worldly affairs, to accomplish everything that was planned. Otherwise, the rebellion of the Spirit will not give concentration.

QUESTION: To some extent, representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations are not alien to both materialism and pragmatism. How is this combined with Spiritual aspirations?

ANSWER: We are talking about the first two levels. Their representatives must follow the path of materialism and pragmatism. You cannot give up what has not been completed. Material experience is still necessary for immature Souls.

Training in Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: Are there educational institutions in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Yes, sure. People, despite their expanded consciousness, Extraterrestrial Civilizations constantly learning. If a person knew everything, the meaning of life and the Path would be lost.

QUESTION: Do children go to school in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Of course. Children are taught only by those people who get pleasure and satisfaction from it.

There are no schools in the sense that there are on Earth. Certain conditions are created for children where they are observed and helped to most fully and quickly realize their natural potential. The task of educators is to help the child choose the right direction.

Conventionally, training consists of three stages. They teach all children the basics, the basics. Next comes individual training. Training at each level lasts depending on the student’s condition and abilities. A child can be on the third foot until adulthood, which occurs at 21 years of age.

Training is completely based on an individual approach. It lies in the fact that the beginning of training does not depend on age. There are children who should go to 1st grade at 10 years old, and there are those who should go to 5 years old. This approach is based on human energy. For the Mind to work actively, certain energy indicators are needed, otherwise disturbances develop. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations this is very significant, and on Earth everyone, in general, is treated with the same brush. The result is many suffering children.

The basic principle of learning - life itself - is both a subject and a visual aid. This makes the learning process easy and interesting. The child goes through what he sees. And what his adult aunts and uncles wrote to him is, as a rule, boring.

QUESTION: What subjects are required to study?

ANSWER: A compulsory educational subject is literacy in communication, perception and delivery of information. If a child from the cradle does not know how to convey his own thoughts and perceive the thoughts of others, conflicts will definitely arise. And conflicts are the accumulation of negative energies. Negative energies in the body mean poor health.

Therefore, the basics of communication are the main topic of training. The child learns everything else by living life. He himself pays attention to something. And the teacher immediately explains what he drew attention to. This is the basic principle.

This approach has not yet taken root on Earth. A “tradition” has developed here that the main thing is not concern for anyone, but power. The authorities dictate a completely different approach. The main thing is to organize it, squeeze it into a framework, and hit anyone who sticks out.

According to the agreement of civilizations, on Earth from mixed marriages of Dessites and Sirians, children - dessits, from extremely rare marriages of Sirians with Orions, children: boys - Orions, girls - Sirians. From marriages of Dessites and Orions - children Orions.

Relationships between people in Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: Are there any differences in the relationships between people in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: In Extraterrestrial Civilizations slightly different dynamics of the development of human relations, a different speed of the flow of internal mental processes of a person. Everything is much slower there. And there is less joy there. Because you have to think more. Therefore, there are much fewer reasons for joy than it seems. On Earth, it’s the opposite. There is more spontaneity, therefore more joy and emotions. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations less spontaneity. However, the joy is deeper there. And on Earth there is more joy, but it is poorly motivated.

A person is always emotional, no matter where he is. Whether we hold back the emotion or release it immediately - it doesn’t matter. There are always emotions. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations people are always aware of where this emotion comes from, what it is for and why. On Earth, they first throw out the emotion, and then begin to think.

The first thing that is respected in Extraterrestrial Civilizations- This Liberty. No one has the right to violate this freedom, and not because it is impossible, but because it would never even occur to anyone. If a person needs and wants something, then he has every right to it. And, naturally, the breadth of consciousness will never allow a person to desire and need something that could harm someone.

QUESTION: That is, on Earth people are more spontaneous?

ANSWER: This is what makes Earth so attractive. Without spontaneity it’s also not very good. Spontaneity allows a person to be surprised more often. And be upset. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations less surprise. And their surprise turns out to be too “sophisticated”, because everything else is very easily predicted and understood even before it happens. They always keep in mind the entire volume of information: a chain of events, consequences that are hidden for a spontaneous person.

QUESTION: Is love in Extraterrestrial Civilizations spontaneous?

ANSWER: Although love there is spontaneous, it is always calculated. Resident Extraterrestrial Civilization You may not like some person, but he will always understand why.

Everyone has feelings. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations a person always gives an account of what his feelings will lead to. He is always responsible for any of his feelings. For what could happen to him or to another person. And if this feeling can harm someone, he knows about it in advance.

This is a very good model just for the Earth, because Extraterrestrial Civilizations There are more opportunities and fewer dangers. Such a philosophy would be very useful to many earthlings who react sharply to something.

QUESTION: It turns out that life in Extraterrestrial Civilizations is largely predetermined and calculated?

ANSWER: This is not entirely true. People in Extraterrestrial Civilizations- thinking and responsible for all actions, for all steps. You can only be responsible if you know where, what, when and where. This knowledge contains the answers to many, many questions. And everything else is irresponsible. Spontaneous feelings, in a certain sense, are irresponsible, because they can do a lot of things that will be sinful from the standpoint of philanthropy, humanism, etc. and so on.

For example, something spontaneous arose. That is, you are not responsible for it. So where does this take you? Maybe this will lead you to murder? Or something else?

In Extraterrestrial Civilizations If a person feels something, he knows perfectly well that he will never allow any meanness towards the object of his feelings. This responsibility can only be based on knowledge. Responsibility is never based on feelings. This is expanded consciousness.

On Earth there is everything. And a sea of ​​feelings, and dirty tricks, and spontaneity. Full set. And this is very good, from the point of view of working out the negative.

QUESTION: What is the attitude towards women in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: The attitude towards women is excellent. It is on Earth that men and women compete. And in Extraterrestrial Civilizations they simply figured out who was better at what. For example, men are better at operating the console at the Abrenocentre. Because women are impulsive and overly emotional.

Family relationships in Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: Are there families in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Although Extraterrestrial Civilizations There are also families, where it is not family kinship that is valued, but spiritual kinship. There are no lonely people there. This is the pathology of the Spirit - to be alone. Even in the Spiritual World, liberated Souls live in communities.

QUESTION: What does a family look like in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Family in understanding Extraterrestrial Civilizations- this is the Unity of Souls in the pursuit of improvement and growth. Unity, of course, presupposes a Path together. But this does not mean sameness and dissolution into each other. The Lord honors individuals who are equal to each other in potential and Consciousness and who at the same time know how to combine their individualities.

QUESTION: How are children born in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Children are born in the same way, not by cloning, not by budding, or by any other artificial means. Everything is the same as on Earth.

QUESTION: Until what age do children live with their parents?

ANSWER: In Extraterrestrial Civilizations, age is determined by wisdom. When a child can already represent something on his own, be a Creator, no matter in what industry and in what direction, then he no longer needs parental care. Then he is already an adult.

QUESTION: How do residents of Extraterrestrial Civilizations feel about betrayal?

ANSWER: In Extraterrestrial Civilizations, spouses do not suffer from a sense of ownership, and do not treat Love as a Duty. This is their expanded consciousness.

In Extraterrestrial Civilizations, people live out of the need to live with each other, and not out of duty, not out of economic expediency, not because of accepted traditions. Everyone is free to be who they are. And as long as he, such as he is, suits his partner, people live together. And if they live together, then the need to live with someone else does not arise. Because as soon as such a need (to live with someone else) arises, this is a signal that the need for the first partner is falling, and a dominant need for another partner has appeared. People disperse, remaining friends and like-minded people.

Adultery– this is promiscuity and satisfying momentary desires. Therefore, every marriage in Extraterrestrial Civilizations is checked by periodic celibacy.

Medicine in Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: Do residents of Extraterrestrial Civilizations get sick?

ANSWER: Although medicine is Extraterrestrial Civilizations the level is much higher than that on earth, their inhabitants suffer from various diseases, since biological bodies remain biological bodies, the environment remains the environment, and life, from bacteria to higher beings, also exists. Accordingly, there are also problems associated with heavy energy, the penetration of infections, etc. etc. - all this has the possibility of happening.

QUESTION: Do residents of Extraterrestrial Civilizations pay less attention to their health than earthlings?

ANSWER: Every resident Extraterrestrial Civilizations, unlike an earthly person, knows perfectly well about his energetic state, about the state of his subtle bodies. This condition affects not only physical health, but, first of all, the dynamics of a person’s movement along the stages of spiritual and personal evolution.

Spiritual and personal evolution is directly related to physical health. If a person does not grow, if he does not move, then very soon he begins to get sick. The disease puts all energies into stress mode. The stressful effect of energies causes cell death and aging of the entire organism.

However, if on Earth the emphasis in medicine is still on treatment, then Extraterrestrial Civilizations pay more attention to prevention, strive to prevent illness. It's like taking arithmetic in first grade. Health issues are posed just as strictly and clearly, because not only physical health, but also mental, spiritual, and evolution itself depends on prevention. On Earth they don’t understand this and treat it only when all the roosters have eliminated everything.

In Extraterrestrial Civilizations As a rule, protections, blocks, filters are already installed from the very beginning and, accordingly, control is carried out. This is a required level. Just as earthlings can read and write, so do the inhabitants Extraterrestrial Civilizations know how to diagnose diseases and monitor their condition.

Spiritual teaching of Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: Are there Spiritual Teachings in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: In Extraterrestrial Civilizations a single Spiritual Teaching operates. The exception is the Extraterrestrial Civilization Daiya. In fact, the higher the level of development of civilization, the less differences there are in what unites people, that is, in the perception of the Highest Divine Principle of each being.

Earthlings can make differences in rituals and manifestations of religiosity. After all, each of us, carrying God within, has an individual perception. Confessional differences are only external manifestations of a single Divine Principle. Extraterrestrial Civilizations do not strive to demonstrate these differences. They are more determined to demonstrate the Unity of their inner worlds, and God is One.

QUESTION: What do they believe in Extraterrestrial Civilizations? Are there Temples there?

ANSWER: In Extraterrestrial Civilizations, this is rather not Faith, but a certain aspiring knowledge. People there are well aware that there is a certain Power. In the CC it is called Primary Matter, Nature. This Power spiritualizes everything that is in the world, in the Universe, and this Power forces itself to be respected, because it contains both Heart and Mind.

Therefore, in the EC there are certain Temples and even certain rituals that are performed. But they are not performed according to the instructions of the Temple workers, but because the people of the EC know that if, suppose at a certain time, a certain prayer is read, then a harmonization of energies and subtle bodies occurs.


QUESTION: UFOs - unidentified flying objects that earthlings see - are they spaceships of Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: What earthlings mistake for UFOs are usually not spaceships Extraterrestrial Civilizations, and clots of imperil (energy slag) periodically breaking out from the Earth’s core. They often take oval plate shapes or cigar shapes.

Yes, there are a huge number of photographs and videos that allegedly show these same UFOs. It is quite possible that some of them are indeed images of real UFOs. Everything else is various optical effects, images of probes, rocket stages, airplanes, meteorites, cold plasma emissions, etc.

UFOs exist, but you will never see them even if you really want to. Because they know how to block space so that you will pass by and not notice.

Everything you see is usually very dangerous! We can only say one thing: if you see a plate, run away. These are definitely not Sirians or Orions... Someone from outside.

QUESTION: Why can UFOs be dangerous?

ANSWER: The fact is that Extraterrestrial Civilizations, which we talked about, have already studied our Earth quite well. Therefore, they do not need to fly to Earth. There are special portals that allow you to transmit information, move simple objects, and rarely, but also people. Known to all esotericists, Shambhala is not some kind of world, but a central portal connecting the Earth with the Adaptation Center of Sirius.

But in the Universe there are other worlds, other civilizations. It is representatives of these civilizations who can visit Earth and abduct earthlings. These are well-developed civilizations, the most powerful from a technical point of view. But they experience a certain lack of biological structures. And they have the ability to periodically make raids. Victims, as a rule, are those who spend their lives on Earth in a less than satisfactory manner. Everything is interconnected.


Moon is an artificial satellite created Extraterrestrial Civilizations back in the time of Atlantis. On the Moon there are technical bases of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, with the help of which they monitor the Earth and earthlings.

An interesting fact is that the diameter of the Sun is 400 times greater than the diameter of the Moon. Also, the Sun is approximately 400 times farther from Earth than the Moon. Thanks to this supposed coincidence, the sizes of the Moon and the Sun that we see from Earth are almost the same. And during a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun. Is this a coincidence? Maybe during a total solar eclipse, some events occur on the Moon that we should not see?

Of course, nothing is accidental. During eclipses, equipment moves. Earthlings should not see this. Therefore, earthlings cannot see the other side of the Moon.

QUESTION: How much influence does the Moon have on our planet?

ANSWER: The Moon is a recording satellite and does not have any influence on the Earth. It simply coexists synchronously and registers the state of the magnetic field. The Moon is an artificial satellite and is rather dependent on the Earth.

QUESTION: Scientists say that on full moon days, crime and suicide rates increase. Why then does this happen if the Moon does not have any influence on the Earth?

ANSWER: Information about the increase in suicide and crime during the full moon is incorrect. The point is not the Moon, but the suspiciousness of the unstable psyche of asocial elements of society.

Mainly divided into four main form factors.

  1. Small spherical or disk-shaped objects from 20 to 100 centimeters in diameter. They appear most often at low altitudes. This phenomenon is also called fireflies.
  2. Small UFOs are disc- or egg-shaped with a diameter of 2-3 meters. Just like the previous type, they most often fly at low altitudes.
  3. Basic UFOs, discs or saucers. The diameter is equal to 9-40 measures; they also have an elevation in the central part of the object with a height of one fifth to one tenth of their diameter. Capable of moving at any heights, as well as landing.
  4. Large UFOs are cigar-shaped or cylindrical, ranging in length from 100 to 900 meters or more. They predominantly appear in the upper layers of the atmosphere and do not perform complex maneuvers or landings. Eyewitnesses often claimed that smaller objects were separated from such objects. Less common are disc-shaped objects with a diameter of 100-200 meters with behavior similar to cigar-shaped objects.

The forms listed above are most often described by eyewitnesses who saw UFOs and are captured on video and photos, but this is not all of the alien ships that appear. There are a number of features that distinguish some devices from others. It is on these grounds that some ufologists divided them.

Ships of alien civilizations

According to some, scientists studying the UFO phenomenon, the difference between the ships is not accidental; it attributes them to different alien civilizations. We will give a description of some of these ships, and indicate which civilization they belong to, and also note the approximate percentage of observations of the total number of cases of UFO sightings.

  1. Gray disc-shaped devices. Shape and color are most often easily distinguished. They practically do not perform complex maneuvers, but have enormous movement speed. The diameter of such objects is 10-20 meters. It is believed that these devices are completely earthly and belong to new military developments. Approximately 30% of observations.
  2. A black pyramidal triangle, reaching several meters in width and more than 10 meters in height. According to researchers, he belongs to the reptioid race Alpha Draconis. Approximately 10% of observations.
  3. Multi-colored, iridescent disk with a diameter of 10-30 meters. Venus belongs to the Pleiades. Approximately 3% of observations.
  4. A sphere with a bright green color. The same applies to the Pleiadians. About 1% of observations.
  5. A black triangle with three brightly glowing holes at the bottom of the fuselage, sometimes with a fourth hole in the center of the triangle. It has a high speed of movement and is almost silent. It is a completely terrestrial object called Astra TR-3B or XR7. About 1% of observations.
  6. A cigar-shaped ship that looks like a huge airship. Most often it hovers high in the sky. Sizes range from 300 to 1,200 meters in length. Belongs to Zeta Network. Occurs no more than 1% percent.
  7. A medium-sized gray cylinder, often located vertically. Belongs to the Andromeda fleet. This object is observed no more than 1%.
  8. Translucent, as if blurry devices, in which contours and flickering lights are mainly visible. They have different shapes and sizes. Also called “interdimensional” ships. Belong to the Orions, Sirius B and other systems. The percentage of appearances is about 3.

Purpose of alien ships

In addition to form factor and accessory alien ships divided according to purpose and perform strictly defined tasks.

  1. The highest class ship, called the mother, is an intergalactic battleship, heavy, armored ship. Most often based on the outskirts of the galaxy. It has colossal dimensions. Volume from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of cubic meters. The length reaches tens of kilometers. Carries reserves of fuel, provisions and other technical devices. Also inside such a ship there are 7-10 headquarters cruisers.
  2. The headquarters cruiser is designed for interstellar travel over relatively short distances. Its length varies from 3 to 10 kilometers, and its volume is tens of thousands of cubic meters. Capable of carrying up to 5 light cruisers. Several cases of sightings of entire alien flying cities have been recorded, these are just second-class ships.
  3. Astran. Used for movement within one planet. Volume from several tens to one hundred or more cubic meters. Some ships of this class are capable of carrying on board smaller devices of two lower orders.
  4. Technorave. A small or large device, often performing tasks such as providing communications or monitoring the weather, can also be used to land on a planet. It is not large in size. The volume is no more than several tens of cubic meters.
  5. Flashorb. The smallest object with a volume of no more than ten cubic meters. It is often piloted automatically. Performs tracking and reconnaissance functions. If absolutely necessary, it can use the self-destruct function.

In this material we tried to collect all the data about alien ships, which were found in various sources. We do not undertake to evaluate the reliability of the information described here, and provide it as information, as one of the versions of those who study the phenomenon

Many ufologists believe that the presence of numerous UFOs and aliens on our planet is associated with some universal tasks that we have not yet been given the opportunity to understand. Some researchers believe that the aliens are friendly towards us, others are hostile, and others are ambivalent, since there are representatives of several extraterrestrial concessions on Earth. So far, they have only one thing in common: they do not want (or cannot) enter into direct contact with us, although there is evidence that contacts with the governments of leading powers already exist.

The question is different: Where does such interest in our planet come from, since the location of the Solar system in the Universe, according to astronomers, is far from the most attractive? Although these conclusions may be erroneous. According to secret data that is leaked on the Internet, aliens never travel in the Universe the way we imagine, that is, overcoming vast distances in space. For this, there are special instant travel portals, or rather, a network of such portals. And in this network of time-spatial portals, our Solar system represents a kind of “Silk Road”, very attractive to many extraterrestrial civilizations.

Is the moon a ship or a base?

The closest to Earth and the most likely places where aliens could be based are the far side of the Sun and the Moon, although it is possible that their ships and bases are located everywhere, say, on Mars, Venus, and so on.

If we consider the Moon, it is more suitable for these purposes, since in all respects it even resembles a huge alien ship or an artificially created base. Firstly, it has a perfectly round shape, which is unrealistic for a satellite. Secondly, its soil is different from the earth’s, which is also unnatural. Thirdly, studies of this soil have shown that the Moon is much younger than the Earth; it is no coincidence that there is no mention of it in ancient sources.

Ufologists are constantly inclined to think that the Moon is either a ship or an alien base. This was indirectly confirmed by the American astronauts who landed on the Earth’s satellite. Having landed on the moon, they saw many UFOs and even entire space portals. Later, all the video materials were classified, and a video of the moon landing, filmed in Hollywood, was edited for earthlings, which caused so much controversy and doubt about whether the Americans were there.

It is noteworthy that after the first American landing on the Moon, both the USA and the USSR suddenly lost interest in the “natural” satellite of the Earth. Moreover, now there seems to be all the technologies for conquering the Moon, creating a transshipment base there for further advancement into space, but all attempts by scientists to advance in this direction seem to be stopped by someone. This suggests that aliens have long been cooperating with the leadership of great powers, controlling space developments on our planet and the interest of earthlings in UFOs. It is for this reason that everything related to this topic is strictly classified, and scientists who are too interested in ufology are under the surveillance of intelligence services and often simply disappear without a trace.

What is behind the Sun?

Since ancient times, people believed that gods (and for them the aliens were gods) fly from the Sun. Most likely, this is due to the fact that just behind our star there are other alien bases. The fact is that the Sun, compared to the Earth, is very large, it’s like a huge apple and a small poppy seed. Therefore, we cannot see through any of the telescopes, and therefore know what is behind the Sun. Namely, behind it, astronomers say, there is a planet very similar to Earth, which is constantly hidden from our eyes by a huge star.

Of course, earthlings are not yet able to send a space expedition to check this, although there is an opinion that such technologies already exist, but again, someone is preventing them from being used. And who, if not the aliens themselves, for whom our knowledge about their bases, and especially entire planets inhabited by other intelligences, is completely useless.

Astronomers, thanks to calculations, for example, from changes in the strength of magnetic connections that are recorded by instruments, are confident that behind the Sun there is a twin of the Earth, and that it has approximately the same conditions for life as on our planet. And if this is so, then why have our planets not yet established contact? Ufologists are confident that it is on that planet that we should look for the main location of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. And most likely, there are quite a lot of them there, much more than we can even imagine.

Recently there was strange news about a secret US government project to analyze the alleged extraterrestrial presence on Earth. This is a question of great surprise, with an unexpected return to the old story known as the "Roswell incident" (the crashed alien spaceship). And also to the secret “Serpo project”, without which the story will not be fully revealed.

It turns out that the alien spacecraft that crashed in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico was only part of a larger puzzle. According to anonymous sources, the Americans discovered an alien ship that crashed about 150 million years ago, back in the era of dinosaurs!

In late 2005, Martinez wrote that DIA sources approached him to disclose information about the "SERPO project." This is a later code name for a secret exchange program in the 1960s, 70s and 80s between a group of American military personnel and Eben aliens who .

Other information reported by these sources noted that the US government maintains records collected by US officials and a race of aliens citing visits to Earth in ancient times. In some ways, Project Serpo and the Roswell incident are parts of the same alien-related program.

The most recent news report from anonymous sources through Martinez states that it was "a far-reaching affair that took place in 1968."

Sources also said, “The subject of interest is an alien spacecraft that crashed about 150 million years ago, according to the findings of the archaeological team.

Surprisingly, this does not contradict other suggestions that if aliens have been visiting Earth in recent decades, they may have visited the planet in the distant past.


On behalf of the unknown, Martinez reports: “Our scientists used the decay method of radioactive isotopes to date the object. Sedimentary rock formations and the fact that the object was "grown" into the rock were used to estimate the age of the unknown ship.

The ship, believed to be of alien manufacture, with a diameter of 45 feet (14 meters) - the sources continued - was taken to [redacted] and then to the [redacted] desert laboratory complex [redacted] where we opened full access to the craft.

photos of dead aliens from crash sites

Inside the ship they found two badly decomposed alien bodies and several prehistoric animals (small dinosaurs), apparently taken as samples by the aliens. ([redacted] – this is how it appears on the website).

"Eben" is the name said to have been given to the alien civilization that visited Earth from the Zeta Reticuli star system and crashed into Roswell. However, the discovered ship does not belong to aliens from the planet Serpo.

Anonymous sources added: “... no one could say where it came from, the Ebens also did not know who it was. The alien bodies were too decomposed to be examined thoroughly. They were about 5 feet (1.52 meters) tall and had very large, bulbous heads."

“As far as I know, Operation [redacted] is still a working project. I personally worked on the operation in the early 70s,” Martinez comments on the overly improbable events.

The instruments removed from the ship consisted of small crystal-like devices connected together by fiber optic cable, a technology later mastered by our specialists. The power plant contained a large chamber with what we called "rocks", apparently carriers of some form of energy.

Spacious ventilation ducts located around the propulsion system blew air over the "rocks", presumably forming a power source allowing access to rapid space travel.

At the same time, the ship had no nozzles at all, or anything resembling them. Only the same large channels, located in a circle at the bottom of the apparatus at six points and covered with a separator-type grille.

Among other things, several unknown materials and alloys were discovered that we still cannot identify. The "stones" have probably lost all their energy over the years. They were not radioactive and did not emit radiation known to us. Overall, these are well-finished and granite-like bars that do not contain any exotic properties.

We were unable to locate or understand the actual power system and therefore were unable to operate any equipment contained on the ship. However, we found a "star map" - at least that's how we interpreted the discovered diagram.

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