Real cases of paranormal phenomena. Unusual stories from life: paranormal phenomena. What's in a shampoo bottle

To believe or not to believe in the supernatural? On the one hand, paranormal phenomena have no scientific explanation and are beyond our understanding.

But on the other hand, how can one not believe the stories of such respectable people as politicians, police officers, military personnel and others who have personally experienced encounters with the unknown. Their evidence can be considered reliable. Although, however, decide for yourself.

Levitating piano

At one of the sessions of spiritualism, which was attended by President Abraham Lincoln, his wife Mary Todd Lincoln and several of their friends, a piano came off the floor and hovered in the air. President Lincoln and Colonel Simon Kase climbed onto the piano, causing it to shake and bounce, forcing them to dismount. After this incident, Lincoln believed in levitation and considered it proof of the existence of some “invisible force.”

Photo of Mary Lincoln with a ghost

After the death of her husband, Mary Todd Lincoln asked photographer-medium William Mumler to take her photograph. Surprisingly, long before the invention of Photoshop, Mumler managed to create a photo that shows the ghost of President Lincoln behind his wife. This photograph is now kept in the library of Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Ghost in the police station

Officer Carl Romero, who was on duty at the Española, New Mexico, police department, was monitoring images on the monitors when he saw a blurry, white, humanoid figure in a secure area.

Churchill and the Ghost of Lincoln

During one of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's visits to the White House, he was placed in the room that used to be Lincoln's bedroom (where else!?). Churchill had just come out of the bathroom, naked and with a cigar in his mouth, when he saw the ghost of Lincoln - he was standing leaning on the fireplace.

According to Churchill, he warmly addressed the spirit: “Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to have caught me in an inappropriate manner." In response, Lincoln's ghost smiled and then disappeared.

UFO over a US-British air base

On December 28, 1980, in Woodbridge, England, military personnel saw an unidentified triangular-shaped flying object. Some inscriptions were engraved on the skin of the alien ship; Sergeant James Penniston touched them with his hand. He later claimed that in this way he downloaded some kind of binary code, which was imprinted in his memory.


Donnie Decker fell into a kind of trance and could cause rain indoors. Water dripped from the ceiling, streamed down the walls, and streams of water could fly in different directions.

The police were called to houses with “rain.” The police were wet, but could not explain anything. The strange rain-making phenomenon continued until the priest performed an exorcism ritual on Donny.

Ghost at the site of the World Trade Center in New York

Retired police officer Lt. Frank Marra said he repeatedly observed a strange African-American woman, dressed in World War II nurses' clothing, holding what looked like a tray with bags of coffee and sandwiches in her hands.

The mysterious figure always appeared at a distance of about 50 yards from him, but each time he inexplicably disappeared when he tried to get a better look at it. Other police officers also said they saw the woman.

Roswell incident

The story goes that a UFO crashed near the city of Roswell in New Mexico, USA, in July 1947. A sensational statement appeared in the press that a flying disc had fallen into the hands of the military. After 24 hours, this statement was refuted, saying that the discovered object was a weather balloon.

Public affairs officer Lt. Walter Hauth left an affidavit where he describes the UFOs and alien bodies he saw at the crash site. After his death, these testimonies were published.

UFOs and nuclear weapons

Captain Robert Salas, who served at a US Air Force base in Montana, spoke about UFO surveillance of nuclear facilities and described an incident in which almost all the missiles on combat duty failed at the moment when a “large oval glowing light” appeared above the gates of the base. an object".

Ghost pilot

When RAF biplane pilot Desmond Arthur crashed in 1913, a commission of inquiry initially found that the accident was the fault of a mechanic who had failed to repair a faulty wing, but then the case was retried and the mechanic was acquitted, placing the blame squarely on the pilot. It was then that a ghost began to appear at the air base, in the silhouette of which his colleagues recognized Desmond.

There was a rumor that the ghost appeared because the deceased pilot was dissatisfied with the false accusations made against him. Under public pressure, the investigation was resumed and Desmond was acquitted. After this, the ghost appeared only once and they said that he seemed to be smiling.

Communication with the dead, leaving the body, reading thoughts, clairvoyance... It is difficult for eyewitnesses of such phenomena to talk about them for fear of being branded crazy. Our experts suggest listening to witnesses to paranormal incidents without making judgments. So, Paranormal Stories narrated by eyewitnesses.

“...Beyond the body”

This happened sixteen years ago. I slipped, fell and hit the back of my head hard - and suddenly I found myself outside my body. From somewhere above I saw myself lying on the floor and people fussing around me. Then a dark tunnel appeared in front of me. I flew along it towards the warm, blessed light that was visible ahead... And unexpectedly returned to my body.” Thirty-five-year-old Mikhail, an employee of a pharmaceutical company, talks for the first time in several years about what he experienced in a state of clinical death. “I tried to talk about it with the doctor, who brought me to my senses. She replied that these were delusional visions that arose due to the fact that my brain was starved of oxygen. But she didn’t explain why I saw from the side how she was giving me artificial respiration! The doctor didn’t even want to listen, she just gave me a sedative.”

Mikhail decided not to talk about it anymore, and also to keep secret those “sudden exits from the body” that happened to him more than once later. “I was scared at first,” he says. “I tried not to pay attention to these paranormal phenomena and immersed myself in my studies. But these “stories” were repeated about once a year, and I went to a psychiatrist. I told him that at such moments I seem to move into something that is nearby, for example a tree, and I can feel what it feels. Probably in vain! The doctor asked if I was using drugs. As a result, he prescribed me tranquilizers and added that my symptoms were an unconscious dream of omnipotence and could indicate the beginning of a split personality.

I left his office in horror, imagining myself in a mental hospital.” A successful professional career has reassured Mikhail about his mental health, but he still fears the “attacks” will return.

Everything incomprehensible is scary, and paranormal phenomena and stories - especially!

“Disputes between those who believe in such phenomena and skeptics are fruitless,” says Stefan Allix(Stephane АШх), founder Institute for Paranormal Research(INREES, France). – Some present their evidence, others refute them with the help of classical theories. Our goal is to bring together the efforts of researchers, psychologists and doctors and provide those who have lived through such experiences with an environment where they can be heard, remembering what matters most: their humanity.” Of course, such perceptual phenomena can be caused by very real mental disorders. “Therefore, it is necessary first of all to listen to the person carefully and impartially,” explains the psychotherapist Isabelle de Cosco(Isabelle de Kochko), who studies cases of obsession and obsession at the INREES Institute. “If “out-of-body experiences” may seem like harbingers of a possible illness, then “communication” with the deceased can easily be confused with psychosis, and obsession can be mistaken for paranoia or multiple personality disorder.”

An unbiased look at paranormal stories

Only by listening carefully to the person and observing how he shares his experiences can we avoid making too hasty diagnoses. Does the narrator show emotions that are natural during such experiences? Is he trying to convince the listener that he is right at any cost? Is he balanced in everyday life? If we listen nonjudgmentally and openly, abandoning common prejudices, then an eyewitness to a paranormal phenomenon will be able to assess the extent of his adequacy. “As a rule, this is a painful experience, and not a disease, because it does not disrupt the structure of the personality,” I am sure Raymond Moody(Raymond Moody), author of the worldwide bestseller " Life after life ", in which he first collected and published stories of those who experienced clinical death. “Those I have met,” he writes, “are not victims of psychosis. They are normal, stable people participating in society. They have a job and a position in society that excludes irresponsibility. They have relatives, friends, and they can clearly distinguish what happens to them in their dreams and in reality. Meanwhile, all these people claim that what they experienced was not a dream, but actually happened to them.”

These words are confirmed by the story of 28-year-old Anastasia: “I have had visions since childhood. At first I was very scared and tried to tell my loved ones about it. But they turned away and turned the conversation to something else. I realized that it’s not worth talking about at all.” Later, Anastasia discovered the ability to perceive other people's physical pain from a distance. “But it’s only now that I’ve graduated from medical school that I’ve gained confidence in myself and am beginning to explore what may be the gift of healing,” she concludes. On this path, she is supported by meetings with people who have experienced the same thing as her, and with scientists who are looking for an explanation for this.

"I know my son is alive"

The son of 42-year-old Andrei died in a car accident at the age of sixteen. After this, events began to occur for which the father could not find rational explanations. Not everyone close to him could understand him.

“Three days after Nikita’s death, I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night - something was glowing above the bed. I always tried to think logically and was not at all inclined to think about God, about the other world, about meetings with the dead... My son was dead, I thought, and that’s it. That night, when I saw the light, I checked to see if the curtains were drawn, if the window was closed... I was too exhausted by grief to worry or think - and fell asleep again. What happened three months later seriously shook my convictions. One evening, my wife and I were in Nikita’s room, and suddenly someone slapped me twice on the back of the head. “Someone hit me!” – I looked back. “Maybe it’s Nikita,” Alena whispered. We didn't talk about it anymore. Alena is a believer, although she rarely goes to church. She then read a lot about the afterlife. I almost unconsciously began to accept this idea: it eased my grief, and most importantly, it explained something. The sudden slap on the head was quite consistent with Nikita’s spontaneous manners.

Soon Alena suggested going to a clairvoyant. I agreed out of curiosity, I thought: what if this meeting will bring me relief? At the very beginning of the session, the clairvoyant's head jerked forward, he said that someone slapped him twice on the back of the head. In his opinion, Nikita thus wanted to communicate that he died immediately. It was a great relief for us: we were not shown his body, and we imagined the worst. The clairvoyant met us for the first time, but, looking at the photograph of his son, he immediately described in detail his character, habits, and his relationship with us. “Maybe it’s just a physiognomist’s talent?” – I thought. But then he accurately described our apartment and said that before his death, Nikita bought his girlfriend a gift and now asked us to give it to us. This both amazed and reassured me. Did it console you? No. I think that after the death of a child it is no longer possible to become the same as before. But my idea of ​​death has changed a lot. Moreover, strange incidents continued: the sound of footsteps was heard, the door slammed, things disappeared or appeared. At first glance, it looks like an accident. But taken together they took on a special meaning. For example, I discovered strange SMS messages on my mobile phone. Where are they from? But even calls to the provider did not help; the number they came from could not be traced.

And I became stronger in the conviction that it was my son who was sending me messages. It’s a pity that the friends we confided in then limited themselves to a condescending answer: “Well, as long as it makes you feel better.” When they found out that we were visiting a clairvoyant, they began to dissuade us: “You might be lured into a sect.” Despite the suffering, I did not go crazy. I realized this when I talked to people who had experienced similar things. Now, four years later, I live as rationally as before. But my life has changed. Minor difficulties no longer irritate me, and I no longer chase praise and recognition. Now I have more tolerance and less selfishness. I did not become a believer, but in my own way I opened up to spiritual life. And I know that my son is alive, because I felt it.”

This article is searched for:

  • paranormal activity
  • paranormal stories
  • paranormal phenomena in real life
  • paranormal phenomena eyewitness accounts

This article brings to your attention several paranormal phenomena that scientists and skeptics have been puzzling over for many years and cannot come to a definite conclusion.

Taos Rumble

The Taos hum is a low-frequency noise of unknown origin. This phenomenon got its name thanks to the city in which it was recorded - Taos, New Mexico. In fact, such phenomena are not unique to this small town: the appearance of unexplained noises has been noticed in different countries around the world.

Audio recording of the Taos Rumble:

Often, these sounds are attributed to industrial origin. And yet, the situation in Taos is somewhat different: only 2% of the local population hear the noise. In addition, people who have heard the Taos hum note that it is amplified inside buildings, and in the case of ordinary noise of industrial origin the opposite would be true.

Basically, the nature of this phenomenon is explained in different ways:
1. Ordinary industrial or other noise produced by machines, acoustic systems, etc.
2. Infrasound, which can be of geological or tectonic nature.
3. Pulsed microwaves
4. Electromagnetic waves
5. Sound waves from low-frequency communication systems (for example, communications on submarines)
6. Radiation in the ionosphere, including that produced within the framework of HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program)
It is important to note that the source of the noise has not been conclusively determined, despite numerous studies carried out by local universities as well as individuals.

Near Death Experiences

Near-death experiences are the general name for the personal experiences people have at the time of their clinical death. The following phenomenon may answer questions about the possibility of life after death. Many people who have experienced clinical death claim that such life exists.

NDEs include physiological, psychological and transcendental aspects. Although different people describe the events that happen to them after clinical death differently, many elements are common to all:

  • The first sensory impression is a very unpleasant sound (noise);
  • Understanding that he has died;
  • Pleasant emotions: calm and tranquility;
  • The feeling of leaving the body, floating above your own body and observing others;
  • A feeling of moving upward through a bright tunnel of light or narrow passage;
  • Meeting with deceased relatives or clergy;
  • An encounter with a being of light (often interpreted as a deity);
  • Consideration of past life episodes;
  • Reaching a boundary or boundaries;
  • Feeling of reluctance to return to the body;
  • Feeling warm despite lack of clothing.

It is also known that in some cases the experiences following the seventh stage, on the contrary, are extremely unpleasant.
Communities of people who experience or study the paranormal are more open to interpreting near-death experiences as evidence of the existence of an afterlife. In turn, scientists often interpret this phenomenon as hallucinations or fiction.
In 2008, a study was launched in the UK that will study 1,500 patients who experienced clinical death. The study will involve 25 hospitals in the UK and US.

Doppelgangers - ghostly doubles

In literature, doppelgängers (German doppelganger - “double”) are demonic doubles of people, the opposite of a guardian angel. The appearance of a doppelganger often foreshadows the death of the hero. Despite the fact that they are generally considered to be literary characters, there are several historical sources that indirectly prove the existence of these creatures.
One of these is the testimony of Queen Elizabeth I, recorded by a chronicler shortly before her death. According to the queen, she saw herself lying on the bed of her bedroom, or rather her double, who, according to her, was very pale.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe saw his own double, dressed in a gray suit trimmed with gold, while riding a horse towards Drusenheim. At the same time, the double was driving in the opposite direction. Eight years later, while traveling from Drusenheim along the same road, Goethe noticed that he was wearing the exact same suit as the one he had seen on the double.
It is known that Catherine II also saw her copy moving in her direction. Frightened, she ordered the soldiers to shoot her.
An unusual incident of a similar nature also happened to Abraham Lincoln: the reflection he saw in the mirror had two faces. Being a superstitious person, Lincoln remembered what he saw for a long time.

The sudarium from Oviedo is a piece of fabric measuring 84 x 53 cm with blood stains. Some people are inclined to believe that this sudarium was wrapped around the head of Christ after his death, as mentioned in the Gospel of John (20:6-7). It is believed that both the sudarium and the shroud were used in the funeral ritual. During the study, the purpose of which was to confirm or refute the authenticity of the sudarium, blood stains remaining on the fabric were examined. As it turned out, the blood on the sir and the shroud belongs to the fourth group. In addition, most of the stains on sudariya come from fluid from the lungs. This is explained by the fact that often people who were crucified died not from loss of blood, but from suffocation.

When I thought about meeting Slavka Firsov in the first years of his imprisonment, I kept wondering: would I be able to shake his hand after my release? He is not just my neighbor in the stairwell, with him we got up at three o’clock in the morning so as not to miss the first bite, climbed through other people’s gardens, played football and fought “yard to yard” in the same team, clung to freight train cars as they moved. Sorting is a busy microdistrict that brings people living side by side closer together. But over time, in the turmoil of affairs, I remembered my childhood friend less and less; I had enough of my own problems. And our paths diverged long before that terrible crime. Different interests after school led to different companies - a common thing. I studied at the institute, he was a driver, we sometimes drank at each other’s birthday parties... And yet, belonging to the same team made itself felt. Everyone could count on the help of a neighbor. After midnight, let in and understand. But... when he was taken away in the morning by a police UAZ, and ominous rumors spread along the street, something turned over in me.

  • Different concepts of time

    When last year the freed Slava suddenly appeared in front of me at the entrance, I remembered my experiences. He extended his hand first, and I automatically reached for it. Embarrassed by the handshake, he rubbed his fingers, numb from his “pincers,” and filled the pause with a stupid question: “Are you just here, or are you on vacation for good behavior?”

    The short, strong man slashed his gray, narrowed eyes with a blade: “What, twelve years is not enough? Did it go quickly?” Indeed, for me these years flew by like one day. For him, they must have dragged on painfully slowly. But neither I nor he spoke about this anymore.

    In Slavka’s life, everything was gained little by little, as, indeed, for everyone in our company. His father drank heavily, but did not attack his son with fists; he moderately quarreled with his wife, an always sloppy woman, overwhelmed with work on the “iron”.

    At school, Slava got straight C's, but as for the streets... Here we all behaved rather wildly: we smoked bulls, put huge nails under the wheels of the train so that we could then sharpen knives out of them, we fired at sparrows with slingshots.

    But what’s surprising is that Slavka not only did not show cruelty to them, he always pitied them. Which means he was a kind person, essentially. At home he kept a cat, which he fattened so much that it was scary to look at.

    Once I saw Slava’s darling and the lazy one nimbly crawling along the trunk of a birch tree towards a birdhouse, from which the voices of chicks were already heard. I attached the birdhouse and therefore decided to teach the cat a lesson. Warbler was not at home. We caught his Senka and flogged him with a rod.

    But when the cat, distraught with fear, was released, a hooligan guy of about sixteen intercepted him and threw a rope noose around the neck of the heart-rendingly meowing poor fellow. The cat finally escaped. Dragging the rope behind him, he jumped onto the tree, but unexpectedly fell from the branch and hung on this noose...

    We buried Senka behind the gardens and cried our eyes out together with Slavka. We thought for a long time about how to take revenge on the lanky man. They decided to throw stones at his windows at night.

    Slavka threw fragments of bricks with particular frenzy. By the way, maybe after that he became very bitter? Probably not. Soon I got myself another cat... Our life was so fast-paced, stormy, eventful that no one focused on one, even a very sad incident.

    From Slavka’s short letters from the army, I learned a lot of interesting things about his life. After training in Mulino, he ended up in Kizil-Arvat, where instead of moonshine, sergeants bought half a liter of water for a dime, and scorpions during the mating season threatened servicemen with instant death.

    Then Slavka froze twice in Nerengi. But the Yakut frosts did not break his cheerful character. Everywhere he was a “social” person, a “joiner”, ready to give his last piece of bread for a friend. At heart, he still remained a hectic kid, a thrill-seeker.


    Slavka not only did not show cruelty to his smaller brothers, he always pitied them, which means he was a kind person

    Scary unexplained facts

    Perhaps he was arrested the first time because of this desire for adventure. Having got a job as a driver of a GAZ car at a car depot, a month later he was caught stealing spare parts. They gave me two years of chemistry. He worked in Dzerzhinsk as a driver. He lived under supervision for a week, and was allowed to go home on weekends.

    By that time he had gotten married, and besides his parents, his wife and infant were waiting for him at home. Sometimes Slavka didn’t come home for the weekend and warned his family in advance: don’t worry, they say, the police won’t let you go. And at that time he was resting with his mistress Lida. He met her there, in Dzerzhinsk.

    Slavka apparently really liked this way of life: they wait everywhere, they greet you everywhere, and they don’t burden you with worries. Suddenly Lida admitted that she was expecting a child from him.

    Neighbors later said that she flatly refused an abortion. Maybe from the heart of Vyacheslav. And she, a girl from the countryside, in a huge city with black and orange smoke, had no one except Vyacheslav.

    Financially well-off, she expected from him, first of all, moral support. And then the most mysterious thing happened, something that seems impossible to decide on in your right mind.

    Vyacheslav, who was allowed to go home after work on Friday, dropped in to see Lida. I had a hearty dinner, drinking a few glasses of vodka for my appetite. After the caressed and tired Lida fell fast asleep, he smothered her with a pillow. And, as if nothing had happened, he returned to his home. A week later the police came for him.

    Police - detention

    The body of the strangled woman was not immediately discovered. The neighbors noticed a suspicious odor coming from the room. The police were called and they broke down the door. Finding the killer wasn't much of a problem.

    Nina Ivanovna, Vyacheslav’s mother, came out less and less often to chat with the neighbors at the entrance. And if I met someone, I immediately started talking about him. And she usually ended it like this: “Maybe for exemplary work they’ll knock off three or four years…”

    The neighbors winked at each other, gloating over the eccentric “upstart”... Vyacheslav’s father never received his son from the zone. He turned yellow and lost his face. Returning from treatment, he said: “I drank away my liver, drank it clean...” Cirrhosis quickly overwhelmed him.

    And Nina Ivanovna, left alone, increasingly began to leave somewhere early in the morning and returned late in the evening. No one knew where she disappeared for days, when suddenly one of the gossips explained: “Ninka is begging!”

    It turns out that someone she knew saw her at the Middle Market in a patched robe. Nina Ivanovna deliberately chose a place away from the Sorting. She carried overalls in a bag. She changed her clothes behind the stalls and asked for alms from compassionate citizens near them.

    Horrible incidents from life

    When Slava returned from prison, he was 36. And he still looked young. Unless the wrinkles spoiled the “sign” a little. He cheerfully, as if nothing had happened, began a new life.

    He moved his wife and 12-year-old son to his mother’s apartment. One can only guess what his “half” experienced when they learned about their spouse’s infidelity and such a heinous crime. And yet they connected. They became almost a close-knit family. Almost. Because the past involuntarily took revenge for itself. No one else saw even a hint of a smile on the faces of Slava and Lyuda.


    And then the most mysterious and terrible thing happened, something that seems impossible to decide on in your right mind.

    One evening Slavka came to me with a bottle. We sat and drank, but I saw that he was not at ease, something was gnawing at him.
    - You, Slava, if you want to tell me something, don’t be shy, you know, I can. “I took him by the shoulder encouragingly.
    And then he told me his other one.

    You know, bro, I thought this murder thing was forever in the past. What came over me then, I don’t know. All the years of imprisonment I thought about it, but never figured it out. I was definitely not myself then. And only recently I began to understand.

    You see, in those days I was very loving. Yes, you know it yourself. I couldn't let a pretty girl pass by. Although I knew that I was doing the wrong thing, it was as if a demon was pushing me from within. I then met another girl - Larisa. I rarely met her, you know, my wife, Lidka.

    In short, after three months I told Larisa that I could no longer maintain a relationship with her. She didn’t ask, didn’t cry, just rolled her eyes angrily and said: “Do you really just want to get rid of me that easy? No, it won’t work!”
    - What will you do to me?
    - I'll ruin your life! - she stood up, slammed the door and left.

    After some time, I began to observe strange things about myself. Believe me, I periodically began to fall out of real life. One day I woke up, standing near my truck in a field, in the distance there was some village. How did I get here, why did I come. It’s seven o’clock in the evening, and the last thing I remember was washing the windows in the garage in the morning. I approached the village, it turned out that I was a hundred kilometers from the city.

    It happened again: I went to work and woke up in the evening in a pub. It turns out I wasn’t at work, I don’t know where I spent my time. The next day I had to go to a doctor I knew so that he could give me a certificate, otherwise the absence would have been counted as absenteeism. Similar stories happened to me several times.


    After the caressed and tired Lida fell fast asleep, he smothered her with a pillow. And, as if nothing had happened, he returned to his home

    Strange unexplained cases

    When this mess with Lida happened, I also fell out of reality. I remember how I came to her. And then... I’m already sitting at home in front of the TV. I began to remember what was there? Nothing... a black abyss... And only then I was arrested. But then I had no idea why.

    By the way, during the investigation I told the investigator about these cases. They even took me for a psychiatric examination, but they found me sane. Yes, I myself knew that I was sane, but I could not explain these lapses in memory.

    But, most importantly, I then completely forgot about this Larisa, whom I so vilely abandoned, I forgot literally the next day, when we broke up. As if she never existed. I forgot not only her, but in general everything that was connected with her. But that doesn’t happen. Although we didn’t know each other for long, I had to remember from time to time. No, not once in all the years of imprisonment. Although I’ve rewatched it hundreds of times, every second of my life.

    And then the day before yesterday I was on the bus, and I saw a woman standing at the bus stop. And I was shot. After all, I know her. Something is connected with her in life, something extremely important and disturbing. I haven’t been able to find peace all day, I can’t see it in any way. And only at night I remembered, I woke up covered in sweat. This is Larisa! The one I abandoned and who promised to ruin my life!


    When Slava returned from prison, he was 36. And he still looked young. Unless the wrinkles spoiled the “sign” a little

    Deal with an unknown entity

    And then I realized one more thing - it’s not me who is to blame for the murder, but she! How she did it, I don’t know. Maybe she herself has some kind of power, maybe she asked someone to damage or cast a spell, or maybe she entered into a contract with an alien force, an entity unknown to us. But it's definitely her!
    - What are you going to do? – I was shocked by his story.
    - You know, he nervously lit a cigarette, it seems to me that she also saw and recognized me. Now we have to leave, the whole family. Otherwise, something terrible may happen again.

    We sat a little longer, finished the vodka, and he got ready to go home.


    It's not me who is to blame for the murder, but that girl! How she did it, I don’t know. Maybe she herself has some kind of alien power, or cast a spell, or maybe she entered into a contract with an alien force

    A month later, Slavka came again.
    - I came to say goodbye. Found a job in Khabarovsk. I'm leaving tomorrow. For now, my wife will be here to exchange the apartment and then come to me with her family.
    I nodded understandingly:
    -Are you afraid?
    - Afraid. Not for myself, you know, I’m afraid for my family.
    I nodded again. Slavka was never anything but a coward.

    Time has passed. The Firsov family has been living in Khabarovsk for five years now. Everything is fine with them. Slavka became the boss at his car depot. True, small, even on the scale of a car depot.

    We sometimes call each other, but every year less and less. Everyone has their own life.

    When humanity stands at a crossroads, its fate is often determined by forces beyond the understanding of mortals. By the way, usually those who have power control everything, and this is the government and military leaders, they can influence many things. Mainly by starting wars among themselves, making great scientific discoveries, or spying on the population.

    The most important historical events - the flight of the first man into space and two World Wars - occurred under the influence of forces inaccessible to ordinary people. Sometimes these forces treat the world like a toy to suit their whims. Sometimes they are completely immaterial in origin...

    Most stories about paranormal phenomena can be explained by optical illusions, tricks of light, calling them fiction and outright lies. People don't believe what they don't understand. However, such phenomena can leave a deep mark in the annals of history, changing the world, even if most people do not believe in their existence.

    A person tends to doubt unknown things. And if many people witness phenomena that cannot be explained, the world often has to accept the fact that such things exist. So, we present ten inexplicable paranormal phenomena that changed the world: from UFOs, the existence of which was recognized by the Pope himself, to the damned Bermuda Triangle.

    10. Miracle of the Sun recognized by the Catholic Church

    How long does it take to recognize that an event has changed history? What about its recognition by the Roman Catholic Church itself? And even with subsequent canonization? The Miracle of the Sun was finally recognized as a valid biblical miracle on October 13, 1930, twenty years after the event itself. It became a sensation.

    Around noon on Sunday, October 13, 1917, in the city of Fatima, Portugal, thousands of people on the street at that time witnessed the appearance of an opaque rotating disk against the background of a stormy sky, directing a blinding beam of light onto a crowd of onlookers, many of whom were able to discern the center of the disk image of the Holy Virgin Mary.

    This phenomenon actually happened, was observed by 30,000-100,000 people of different ages, and was recognized as a true miracle by the Roman Catholic Church. Despite some attempts to explain it by cosmic dust or the play of light, science has still not been able to unravel the nature of this phenomenon.

    9. A curse that takes lives

    The butterfly effect is described in many science fiction stories about time travel, which is not necessarily just about someone having to die. If you kill Hitler, save Abi Lincoln or something else, history will immediately change. As soon as someone dies, their influence on the course of history is immediately forgotten.

    This is why the poltergeist curse doesn't seem so special. Most have heard about this curse from the various sequels or remakes of Tobey Hooper's classic haunted house, or from a know-it-all friend talking about how Steven Spielberg actually made the movie.

    Spielberg is certainly responsible for the untimely deaths of dozens of people who starred in his films. And all because in his first film he used real human bones, not props. Since then, an unexplained curse has claimed the lives of the main cast through various tragic or violent circumstances, even the screenwriter was killed in a car accident.

    8. Forever locked haunted room

    Even if room No. 428 left a very small mark on history, it was still no less significant. Stories of ghosts in one of the student dormitory rooms at Ohio University in Athens go back decades, starting with the construction of Wilson Hall, a residence not only for students, but also for the ghost of a man who died under mysterious circumstances in the seventies.

    The stories still vary, according to some, the spirit of a young woman killed in a cruel occult ritual lives here, according to others, astral projections of former residents were seen here, and, of course, ending with stories about ghosts who were seen by students and teachers, and paranormal activity - objects raised and thrown into the air.

    Since then, room No. 428 of Wilson Hall has been tightly sealed. This is not a joke or a publicity stunt for Ohio University, this room was seriously declared uninhabitable, which is why it was closed, and no one has ever entered it since. Not counting, of course, the crew of SyFy's haunted house reality show.

    7. The Roswell disaster turned the world upside down

    If you've ever heard of Roswell, it's either because you're a child of the '90s, when the quality of talk shows left much to be desired, or because you're aware of the conspiracy theory that fueled the rise of the love for soap opera science fiction stories about aliens in the first place. . Almost seventy years later, this story still gives me goosebumps.

    Many still do not believe that the Roswell incident can be explained by the fall of a weather balloon (or a Soviet spy satellite), being confident that the presence of state secrets in the case of an unidentified flying object that suddenly fell to the ground proves that the United States made contact with aliens. Area 51 is hidden from outsiders for a reason.

    Even if a UFO had nothing to do with it, and there was no autopsy of the alien’s body, which popular presenters Ant and Dec spoke about in their programs, the incident itself became iconic for lovers of the paranormal and changed pop culture so much that the mere mention of the word “Roswell” evokes associations with flying saucers. Google even came up with a new Doodle for this occasion!

    6. Special Forces guys win success

    In order to defeat their enemies, the American military often resorts to all sorts of strange, esoteric methods incomprehensible to the common man. Not long ago they tried to create a “gay bomb” that, when it exploded, would force enemy armies to throw down their weapons and start making love to each other, then there were cases where the CIA pumped people with LSD to brainwash them, and finally a small project called "Stargate".

    Unfortunately, this project has nothing in common with the unexpectedly long-running series (by the way, a remake of Roland Emmerick is expected soon). Its details became known thanks to Jon Ronson's non-fiction book "The Men Staring at Goats", later adapted into the film "Crazy Special Forces" starring George Clooney, Jeff Bridges and Kevin Spacey.

    In the seventies, many representatives of the hippie movement were recruited into the US Army in order to study the possible use of security and remote control programs in weapons. Including a method of keeping an eye on goats until they die. Obviously, the average private or hippie soldier was not trained to use such weapons, but their innovative methods were used at the siege of Mount Carmel.

    5. The most ancient artifacts are evidence of ignorance of history

    According to current estimates - based on paleontological data, etc. – It is believed that humanity appeared on Earth about 200,000 years ago. However, it took us a very long time to evolve from primitive primates.

    But then how do we explain the Dropa Stones, 12,000-year-old discs covered in small hieroglyphic symbols? Or even more incomprehensible spheres from Klerksdorp, found in mines in South Africa, which are about 3 billion years old, also consisting of pyrophyllite and having depressions and carved grooves along the entire circumference? Pay attention to 10 historical mysteries.

    No one knows. Seriously, scientists have been puzzling over these mysteries for years. Ufologists claim that these things came from extraterrestrial guests who once arrived on the nascent planet, but why didn’t they take evidence of crafts and language with them? Perhaps they left them to inspire the first people to develop civilization.

    4. Morgellons disease, or the disease that is not recognized

    A large number of stories about zombies - films, books, games, etc. - have a suggestive effect on a person, he begins to feel that not everything is all right with him. News about yet another infectious disease that the world has never seen before is most often accompanied by speeches from representatives of the US Centers for Disease Control, saying that they have never encountered anything like this before.

    That's what's happening now. The Centers for Disease Control set the record straight by saying they are unsure whether Morgellons disease is actually a disease that causes painful sores throughout the body, whether it is contagious, and that it has so far been defined as an "unexplained dermopathy."

    Changes are inevitable; they will occur along with a change in the physiology of the sick. Some are inclined to consider Morgellon's disease to be complete nonsense, that people actually think that they are sick, only the reason for the appearance of real boils throughout the body is still unclear. A terrible disease that no one really understands.

    3. Disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle

    There is still heated debate about what is actually happening in the Bermuda Triangle (according to some estimates, its size is from 804 to 2,430 square kilometers, located in the ocean between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda), but one thing is certain to say that a huge number of boats, planes and other types of transport that have ever entered this area have never emerged from it.

    Despite the large number of disappearances, it was never included in the latest list of the 10 most dangerous waters for navigation. Some suggest that UFOs abduct people in this place, while others believe that Atlantis was once in this place, and it is there, in the opaque darkness of the ocean, that people are drawn.

    However, something strange is definitely happening in the Bermuda Triangle, as evidenced by the numerous disappearances of civilian and military transport. Bombers and warships all mysteriously disappeared here contributed to the actual death toll of World War II.

    2. Noises from a parallel world underwater

    People spend so much time looking at the stars in search of strange and wonderful creatures, forgetting that the Earth still holds many surprises. After all, we still haven’t explored 95% of the world’s oceans due to the impossibility of being at certain depths due to pressure changes. Can you imagine what strange creatures can live deep in the depths of the oceans?

    It is worth remembering the sound, similar to a roar, a low-frequency powerful noise recorded by experts from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration deep under water, which no one had ever heard before. It can be compared to the sound of shaking ice blocks, broken parts of a glacier falling into the water.

    Some managed to record this sound very well, while others did not do it so well. The sound itself was discovered in the Pacific Ocean at a depth of 1,760 km not far from the place where, according to the stories of Howard Lovecraft, Cthulhu himself, the ruler of the worlds, lives, which in itself is terrifying. It is clear that there is no Cthulhu there, but the roar at the bottom of the ocean once again reminded us that below, and not just high in the sky, there may be intelligent life waiting in the wings.

    1. Battle for Los Angeles against aliens

    The Battle of Los Angeles is perhaps one of the most widely publicized and still unsolved mysteries in modern history. The facts remain facts: on the night of February 24-25, 1942, the US military was alerted in response to an attack by an unknown enemy army in the skies over California.

    The incident took place shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, when America had just entered World War II, and everyone was on edge. In any case, the air defense forces would not have deployed such heavy anti-aircraft artillery fire if the reason was truly insignificant. At first they thought that this was the second attack of the Japanese army, but then this version was abandoned.

    Secretary of the Navy Franklin Knox called the incident a “false alarm,” but could not explain the source of the light that caused all the fuss. Ufologists consider this case one of the most significant evidence of paranormal activity in history, the first contact proving that the aliens are not at all friendly towards people.

    But even if the Battle of Los Angeles is not the first meeting between humans and aliens, it had another, more tangible impact on history: since then, the number of reports of UFO sightings and military interventions has grown exponentially...

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