Fortune telling with cards 100. Quick fortune telling with simple playing cards. How to quickly tell fortunes on regular cards

Fortune telling regular maps- a magical action that allows you to find out not only the future of a person, but also the answers to any questions that interest you. A guy’s love, financial sphere, education, home, everyday life are just some examples of what fortune telling is used for. If the ritual is carried out correctly, the layouts will be accurate and everything that is predicted will come true.

It is believed that the most truthful layouts are made on ordinary cards. However, not just any deck will do.

Fortune telling can only be done on cards that are used for magical rituals.

Here are the basic rules for using a fortune telling deck:

  1. new deck
    It is best to buy a completely new deck, which will be used for magical rituals. After purchasing it, you need to leave it overnight on the windowsill so that it gains lunar energy. The next day before the ceremony, you need to shuffle the deck for at least ten minutes, this will help saturate the cards with your energy.
  2. energy
    Only one person should perform fortune telling on ordinary cards - the owner. If they fall into the hands of a stranger, you will need to repeat the ritual that is performed after the purchase. This is done so that no traces of a stranger remain on the cards.
  3. careful attitude
    Fortune telling with ordinary cards is an important ritual that allows you to look into the future. For such an opportunity you need to be grateful to your magical helpers. Special attention should be paid to storing cards: the place should be dark and dry. It is also recommended to periodically pick up the deck so that the cards do not forget their owner.

By following these simple rules, the layouts will be truthful and effective. However, remember that not only the meaning of each individual symbol is taken into account, but also their combination. The combination can either enhance the meaning or reduce it.

In order to understand the meanings of cards in fortune telling as accurately as possible, you should take into account their specific combination.

Below we will look at the main changes that the combination can bring:

  • the left card, as a rule, affects the right;
  • the top card, as a rule, affects the bottom;
  • among three cards, two of the same suit - the designation of the right or bottom is enhanced;
  • a combination of “hearts-spades” and vice versa, the value of the second card is minimized;
  • the interaction of “hearts-diamonds” and vice versa, the interpretation of the second is intensified;
  • combination “spades-clubs” and vice versa, the value of the second is reset to zero;
  • the combination “hearts-clubs” and vice versa, the designation of the second remains the same;
  • the interaction of “diamonds-clubs” and vice versa, the meaning of the second one increases;
  • the combination of “spades-diamonds” and vice versa, the interpretation of the second decreases;
  • interaction “diamonds-clubs” and vice versa, the value of the second card is minimized.

Knowing about the combination and meaning of cards, you can independently carry out card fortune telling not only for love or for a boyfriend, but also for the future, life, education and any other area of ​​life.

Various layouts help you find out the answers to the most various questions: for love, for a boyfriend, for the future, for life, and so on. Among representatives of the fair half of humanity, layouts for a guy’s feelings are especially popular, allowing one to find out his attitude towards a girl.

For this ritual you will need a deck of ordinary playing cards. Having chosen a king who looks like a guy, he should be placed in the center of the table. It will symbolize the beloved.

  • the top ones are the future,
  • lower right – present,
  • lower right – present.

  • Six is ​​a gift;
  • Seven – love;
  • Eight - boredom;
  • Nine is a problematic situation;
  • Ten - conversation;
  • Jack - happiness together;
  • The lady is a good friend;
  • King - support of a relative;
  • Ace - wedding;

  • Six is ​​a holiday;
  • Seven is a gift;
  • Eight – excellent prospects;
  • Nine – doubts;
  • Ten - a happy future;
  • Jack is a good period;
  • Lady - boredom;
  • King - wedding chores;
  • Ace - love.

The best fortune telling in the world

Collection of free fortune telling

Fortune telling is not just casting lots, it is a ritual that helps you tune in to the right wave and achieve resonance with the hidden mechanisms of Fate. Since ancient times, our ancestors have used various spiritual practices to help us look into our tomorrow, and fortune telling is one of these methods. Our website presents the best free online fortune telling services with original interpretations of all possible layouts.

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These are the simplest and sure ways fortune telling on cards. The deck of cards must be unplayed, and in general a deck used for fortune telling cannot be played. First I will give fortune telling techniques, there will be four of them, and at the end you will find an interpretation of the meaning of the cards. For example, you chose the first fortune telling. Lay out the cards according to the first fortune telling, and you will look at the answer to the layout and determine it by the meaning of the cards and their connection. So…

Fortune telling first:

Take a pre-shuffled deck of cards, remove it with your left hand towards you and spread the cards out in a fan, face up, wishing for something. Take out the card and look at the answer in the interpreter. Only nine cards are drawn.

Fortune telling second:

Take the shuffled deck of cards and remove it with your left hand towards you. Take a card from the deck and, depending on its suit, choose a king or queen of the same suit (depending on who is making the wish, a man or a woman). Place this king or queen in the middle of the table and surround it with cards, counting through six to seven, numbering ten. Then the fortuneteller, using the interpreter, determines the fate of what was planned.

Fortune telling third:

Take the shuffled deck of cards and remove it with your left hand towards you. Then the fortuneteller, thinking of a king or queen of any suit, lays out the cards in four rows. There should be nine cards in a row. The cards that appear near the intended person (king or queen) will determine what happens to him.

Fortune telling fourth:

Take the shuffled cards and remove one card onto another on the table, saying out loud in this order: six, seven, eight, etc. until the ace. Cards that come out in accordance with the spoken words (that is, when the word “six” is used, a “six” falls out), put them aside. Do this three times, and place the cards that remain selected in a row. Determine your destiny according to the interpreter.

Card interpreter:

Spades suit:

Ace is a sad letter.
The king is the enemy.
Lady - wish fulfillment.
Jack - empty troubles.
10 - illness.
9 - loss of a friend.
8 - beware of danger.
7 - quarrel.
6 - unlucky road.

Diamond suit:

Ace - the wish will not come true.
King - beware of deception.
A lady is an unexpected insult.
Jack - money worries, jealousy.
10 is a gift.
9 - obstacle.
8 - good news.
7 - betrayal.
6 - fun road.

Club suit:

Ace is a false step.
The king is a true friend.
A lady is a worthy reward.
Jack - sadness, good luck in business.
10 is a lot of money.
9 - sad news.
8 - illness of a loved one.
7 - news from the state house.
6 is a useless road.

Worms suit:

Ace - you are loved.
King - don't worry - everything will work out.
Lady - hide the feeling.
Valet is a pleasant guest.
10 - news of love.
9 - love explanation.
8 - a new face will decide your fate.
7 - beware, don’t joke with fire.
6 - troubles.

Card connection value:

Lady with the King - married woman or secret bride (mistress).
The king at the feet of the card depicting the queen is a proposal or a love explanation.
The lady between the tens is fidelity.
If the king, queen and ten are of the same suit, this means that the king responds to the lady’s love.
King and ten are the same.
Eight near the lady - gossip.
Ace of spades with a seven is a relative’s illness.
A king between an ace and a ten is a promotion.
Four aces - wish fulfillment.
The Four Kings are a big society.
Four ladies - conversations, gossip.
Four jacks is a big hassle.
Four tens - wedding or new love.
Four nines - a change in life.
Four eights are trouble.
Four sevens - tears, death.
Four sixes - a long road.

Who said that fortune telling is on simple maps Does it require special knowledge and experience? You can find out answers to exciting questions about love and future events not only with the Tarot, but also with a regular deck. Simple fortune telling on cards (36 sheets) are laid out in a few minutes and given to the fortuneteller full information about an exciting issue. We will look at some of them below.

The easiest way

The simplest fortune telling with playing cards is the one that will give a “yes” or “no” answer to the question posed. To do this, shuffle the deck and pull out the first card you come across. A red card means a positive answer, a black card means a negative answer.

On request

Fortune telling on simple cards for a wish looks like this:

  • Make a wish.
  • Shuffle the cards and remove the first 15 sheets.
  • Put the aces aside.
  • Everything must be repeated twice. If, after the cards have been dealt three times, all the aces come together, the wish is destined to come true.

Relationship fortune telling "Ace+10"

How to find out which fan is sincere in his feelings? A simple fortune telling on cards will give an accurate answer about the attitude of several fans towards you. It is performed in several steps:

  1. Select all the aces from the deck and make a wish for each of them specific person.
  2. Select all tens.
  3. Mix the aces and tens alternately.
  4. Place the aces face down on the table, and place the tens on top.
  5. Check if there are matches in the suits of aces and tens.
  6. Where there are coincidences, that young man feels tenderness towards you.

Fortune telling "6 cards" for a loved one

This is a very simple fortune telling for love. Shuffle the deck well and remove the cards. Place the top one on the table. Shuffle, repeating the steps until there are 6 card sheets on the table. Each card position answers a specific question:

  1. Thoughts of a loved one.
  2. What's in his heart.
  3. What will happen.
  4. The wishes of a loved one.
  5. What he doesn't expect.
  6. What's happening now.

Club suit:

And the last, spades suit:

Does he love you or not?

This simple fortune telling with cards is related to solitaire. Laying it out is quite fun. Shuffle the deck with a plan young man and sliding the cards. Place them 6 in a row. Look at the matching cards diagonally and put them aside. Collect the remaining sheets from the end and, without shuffling the cards, arrange them 5 in a row. Repeat the steps until there are 2 cards left in a row. After all matching cards have been removed, look at how many pairs are left. This will be the answer:

  1. A young man wants to offer you his hand and heart.
  2. He loves you.
  3. He likes you.
  4. He misses you.
  5. The man is thinking about you.
  6. He is thinking about someone else.
  7. If there are more pairs, lay out the cards another time.

The second method of fortune telling by wish

Make a wish and shuffle the cards. Pull a sheet from the deck at random. The values ​​are as follows:

  • If you get court cards (Jack, Queen and King) of any suit except spades, other people will help you fulfill your plans. The peaks indicate that the environment will interfere.
  • 10 - the wish will come true, but you will have to make an effort, difficulties are possible.
  • 9 - your wish will come true, but not in the way you plan.
  • 8 - today you don’t need what you wished for, you should wait.
  • 7 - the situation requires active action.
  • 6 - soon everything will be resolved, and the wish will be fulfilled.
  • Aces - your wish will come true.

For the future

There is another simple fortune telling on cards for the future, which is a little reminiscent of the previous method. Shuffle the cards while thinking about what you're excited about in the future. Draw a card and look at its suit:

  1. Worms - you don't really need what you want.
  2. Tambourines - what is wished for will be fulfilled, but you will have to make some efforts.
  3. Clubs - there are no obstacles to getting what you want.
  4. The peaks indicate that you will have what you want in your hands, but at the last moment you will realize that this is not what you need.

On the partner's attitude

Here is another simple fortune telling on cards for the love and attitude of the man of interest. Count the number of letters in your partner's name and place the same number of cards on the table after shuffling the deck. Lay out the cards in order, and when the sheets run out, take the deck where the last card was and lay it out, starting with the first letter of the name. Repeat until two stacks remain. At the same time, turn over the sheets and watch for coincidences:

  1. 6 - trip.
  2. 7 - your loved one wants to talk.
  3. 8 - the man wants to see each other.
  4. 9 - he loves you.
  5. 10 - suffering and problems.
  6. Jacks - troubles, vanity.
  7. The ladies talk about having a rival.
  8. Kings - a man thinks about you.
  9. Aces - he wants to be close.

Fortune telling on simple cards, like any other, requires time and experience. The predictions received are recommendations for the actions of the questioner and advice, but not a verdict.

To guess and always get reliable results, you need to know the subtleties correct handling with cards and secrets of true predictions.

In the article:

Rules for fortune telling with playing cards

Before you begin the divination ritual, you need to buy a new deck and. It is necessary to carry out the ritual, since it is necessary to tune the cards to the energy of the fortune teller in order to receive truthful answers to questions.

You cannot play cards or give your personal deck to anyone. If another person is reading the cards, then the deck’s answers will be closely related to his energy.

It is advisable to have several decks for fortune telling. For example, one should be used only in fortune telling, where it is required that the fortuneteller touch it (to transfer energy).

You need to work with cards when feeling good and mood. In a fit of anger, you should not undertake the ritual, as it is quite dangerous.

Cards should not lie unattended anywhere. These are fortune teller's assistants, so you need to prepare a place to store the deck.

Cards should be cleaned regularly. If too much negative energy accumulates on the deck, this prevents you from receiving the correct answer. The cleansing ritual can be found by following the link above.

Don't try to learn everything in one day. Fortune telling is a complex process, and you need to have great energy potential in order to carry out long and difficult rituals.

Fortune telling lessons - what questions can you ask?

Among the techniques used by fortune tellers, solitaire and solitaire are common, in which you can ask a certain question and, by pulling out a designated number of cards, get an answer.

But what should the question be for the answer to be clear and understandable? There are three rules:

  1. You can't ask questions unnecessarily. If the answer is obvious, don't elaborate.
  2. Don't repeat yourself. Twice asked question will confuse the cards, and the deck will begin to give out false information.
  3. Fortune tell your fortune (plans) or for a period of no more than three months.

Be sure to remember when working with cards that 98% correct results are obtained only by professionals. Even if you master the art of fortune telling perfectly, a person has a chance to beat fate.

It is important for the fortuneteller to consider everything possible options events when a person asks a question. Clearly realizing that fortune telling is nothing more than an analysis of future events, it is necessary to work out all the options for situations that can happen to a person.

It is important to realize that a fortune teller is simply a guide. The diviner needs to abstract himself, otherwise he will not be able to interpret the combinations correctly.

Global issues that involve serious topics are prohibited. You cannot use the ability to look into the future for personal enrichment.

Learning to tell fortunes with playing cards - what are “forbidden days”?

There are prohibited days in every month. On these dates, there is a high probability of making a mistake or even ruining a person’s fate.

Unfavorable days:

  • January - 7 days: 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 20;
  • February - 3 days: 11, 17, 18;
  • March - 4 days: 1, 4, 14, 24;
  • April - 3 days: 2, 17, 18;
  • May - 2 days: 7, 8;
  • June - 1 day: 17;
  • July - 2 days: 17, 21;
  • August - 2 days: 20, 21;
  • September - 2 days: 10, 18;
  • October - 1 day: 6;
  • November - 2 days: 6, 8;
  • December - 3 days: 6, 11, 18.

It's better not to take on the deck on Mondays. Fortune telling and playing solitaire are not allowed during illness. Women should not work with cards during menstrual periods.

Any handling of cards must be done with care. You can't mock their power and use the deck for fun.

Basic methods of fortune telling using a playing deck

Fortune telling by wish

You will need a deck of 36 cards. You need to shuffle it and remove one card. Put it aside without looking. Divide the rest equally into 5 piles. Take a card set aside, look at its suit and make a wish.

Having set aside the selected cards, you need to return to the deck again. Repeat the process, only arrange the remaining cards into 4 piles. Manipulations are performed until one stack of five cards remains in the hands. You should open them.

The wish you make will come true if the resulting deck contains cards of the suit you made earlier, from 10 to Ace. If other cards fall out, the wish cannot be fulfilled. To find out what was to blame, you need to complete the schedule below by asking an exciting question.

Quick response

To get a quick answer, you can perform a ritual if a strong enough connection with the deck has been established. To do this, you need to regularly carry cards with you for several days, shuffle them, just hold them in your hands and do.

When the deck gets used to it, the cards will understand what the fortune teller needs. If an urgent question arises, you need to take the deck in your hands, bend over the cards and whisper the question three times. To get a more detailed picture, 2 more cards are drawn from the deck. Depending on (alone and together) you can learn everything you need.

Learning to tell fortunes about future events

Using the following scenario, you can determine the probability of an event or the success of an operation.

You need a deck of 36 cards. You need to shuffle the cards and arrange them into 4 equal piles. Take one card from each and place it in front of you.

Interpretation of the result

  • Four cards diamond- victory in all endeavors, success, glory. Your work will be appreciated; there is a chance to achieve what you have dreamed of for so long.
  • Four hearts- the loved one belongs to the fortuneteller with all his heart and soul. The combination speaks of harmony in relationships and happiness in marriage.
  • Four clubs- profit, possible promotion, unexpected gift from an old friend.
  • Four spades cards- disappointment (in love, in friendship), financial losses, troubles.

Card combinations

Clubs+Queens of Spades- there may be many problems in the future. It is better not to argue, proving your point of view.

Six of spades + club card(any) is a bad road.

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