What does it mean to buy candy in a dream? When you couldn't buy it. Candy Islamic dream book

A dream in which you saw sweets foreshadows a long courtship of a young man, which will end with a traditional proposal to marry him.

Receiving a set of expensive chocolates as a gift means you will be invited to a celebration.

Giving a box of good chocolates in a dream means being the first to confess your love, which will be rejected.

Eating candy in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity in business, have a fun life And happy love.

Sweet candies mean profit, sour candies mean illness and irritability, mint candies mean annoyance and disappointment will take the place of boundless trust.

If in a dream you eat caramel, it means that the person whose reciprocity you are seeking is not indifferent to you.

Lollipops in a dream foreshadow betrayal on the part of imaginary friends.

Chocolates mean that you will find the people you need and the matter will begin in full swing.

Making candy in a dream means you will achieve your goal thanks to tireless and painstaking work.

Buying candy is a complete waste of money.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Candy

A dream in which you eat a crispy candy indicates that you will be happy in love and live social life, rich in pleasures. However, sour candy portends disappointment in a loved one.

If a girl dreams that she receives a box of chocolates as a gift, in reality this means that she will have to deal with the persistent advances of a young man.

When a young man dreams that he is giving a box of chocolates, it means that he will propose to a girl who will reject him.

Interpretation of dreams from

A person who in real life limits himself to real sweets may dream of a lot of sweets, but if we are not talking about a diet, such a dream most likely means that the dreamer is too hard on himself and does not allow himself even small joys. He needs to pamper himself with something: buy a cute little thing, devote the day only to himself, acquire an interesting hobby, etc.

When analyzing why you dream about a lot of candies, it is advisable to remember which candies appeared in the plot of the dream and think about their name. For example, “Takeoff” lollipops foreshadow a journey. "Little Red Riding Hood" warns that you should not talk to strangers, troubles are inevitable. If you dreamed of “truffles”, the dreamer can expect a visit to an exotic restaurant, and “Bear in the North” clearly promises a business trip to not the warmest climes. If the dreamer, unwrapping the candies, discovers that they are chocolate, this may be news of the imminent receipt of a fairly large sum in paper bills, while candies, even if there are a lot of them, symbolize just a pitiful handful of change.

If you dreamed about a lot of candies, you also need to pay attention to what exactly happened to them and analyze the plot of the dream: candies can be given as a gift, bought or even made by the dreamer, in addition, he can remember the taste of the candies.

So, if the dreamer was given several boxes of chocolates, it means that he will be invited to some kind of celebration, accompanied by a feast. Eating candy in a dream is most often a good sign; it promises a meeting with nice people or an erotic adventure, but only if the candy was tasty. Sour, bitter, unpleasant-tasting candies symbolize disappointment where it was least expected. But eating a pill in a dream means that the dreamer is in control of every detail of his life, not missing a single detail.

When buying kilograms of sweets in a dream, in real life the dreamer must be prepared for unnecessary financial expenses. Treating friends with sweets foreshadows the meeting of these friends in reality. Giving someone boxes of candy is a sign of disappointment and unfulfilled hopes. If the dreamer himself makes candy in a dream, then his life will improve, but this will not happen thanks to a happy accident. In order to achieve prosperity, he will have to show remarkable diligence, but the efforts made will pay off in the very near future. If the dreamer decorates with candies christmas tree, he will be able to solve complex problem solely due to the prudence shown.

But if the dreamer scattered a lot of candy in a dream, he should concentrate better in real life, otherwise his absent-mindedness can lead to trouble. You should also be wary if you experience an aversion to sweets in a dream - in reality you may get sick.

In general, dreams about candy bring a person back to childhood, since any child wants to eat candy without restrictions at least once in his life, and an adult dreamer wants to relax and be himself, push the boundaries and boundaries that interfere with life.


Why do you dream about chocolate candies?

Why do you dream about chocolate candies?? You ask, and the answer to your question will be interpretations from popular dream books.

Do you want to know what chocolate candies mean in dreams?

If you dreamed a lot of chocolates, you can expect:

  • success in the financial sector;
  • good changes;
  • wedding or addition to the family;
  • wealthy patron;
  • successful financial deal.

Miller's Dream Book. What does it mean to see chocolate candies in a dream?

Miller interprets chocolate in a dream very positively: a person seeing in a dream a lot of chocolates, is someone who is able to take care of others, provide for his family and knows how to choose the right partners for joint business. However, Miller suggests that buying stale chocolate may face illness and disappointment in various fields. Unlike Freud, he gives a different explanation for the dream in which a person drinks hot chocolate. In his opinion, this is a process meaningful that the cycle of failures and disappointments is over, and you are on the verge of new beginnings that promise you prosperity and success.

Freud's Dream Book. What does it mean if you dreamed about chocolate candies?

If a person dreamed chocolate candies, Freud claims that such dream can explain a person’s experiences, as well as provide an assessment of his sexual activity.

  • Human, giver chocolate, tender in bed, and capable of satisfying the most demanding partner.
  • If you dream that you are drinking hot chocolate, the psychologist advises you to take it easier on failures in the sexual sphere and not take them personally. Very often the cause of problems is a partner’s bad mood or simple fatigue.
  • If you were burned by hot chocolate in a dream, a person will appear in your life who will amaze you with his temperament and evoke previously unknown emotions and feelings in you.

Hasse dream book. Chocolate candies

Hasse views such dreams as nothing more than a promise of prosperity and excellent health.

What is the interpretation of the dream: Longo’s dream book gives chocolate candies

Longo-like dream interprets it in his own way:

  • Human, eating This delicacy in a dream, in real life, looks for easy ways and strives for an existence unencumbered by vanity and hassle. A person who consumes chocolate in a dream considers himself undeservedly offended, because people around him underestimate his merits, which is the cause of an internal conflict.
  • Giver If you give chocolate, it is likely that someone will try to deceive you for profit, so you need to be especially vigilant in the first three days after you were treated to chocolate in a dream.
  • If you find yourself in this role, it means that you are also looking for an approach to a person for selfish purposes, trying to bribe and appease him in order to achieve what you want.
  • The one who is busy with the process of making sweets is a bright, unusual personality who likes to be the subject of discussion and envious glances.

What else could a dream about chocolates portend?

This favorite delicacy for many people brings pleasure both in life and in dreams. However, the circumstances that accompany a person’s actions in a dream can more clearly decipher the interpretation. If box of candies in a dream was intended for you, prosperity and success await you. If you have seen a picture where you acted as a gift giver of sweets to your partner or girlfriend, most likely in life your offer will not be accepted, and you will be bitterly disappointed.

If you see chocolate candies in a dream, should you prepare for good things or expect problems?

You can find confirmation or refutation of your own interpretations by trusting experts in this field, most of whom interpret such dreams as something pleasant and joyful, but there are exceptions, which can be identified by an accurate reconstruction of the picture and circumstances surrounding the fateful moment.



I dreamed about Candy, what is it for, what does Candy mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Meaning of dream Candy:

You dreamed about Candy, what is it for - a joyful event.

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does Candy mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream What does Candy mean in a dream - In a dream you make candy yourself (or marmalade, marshmallow) - the dream suggests that a happy occasion takes up little place in your destiny; everything that you have achieved in life and what you will still achieve is the result solely of your purposeful activity; qualities such as self-discipline, perseverance, diligence, etc. are the key to your future success. You dream of a chocolate candy - the profit will be small, but it will also please you. In a dream you eat delicious, slightly crispy candy - you have to spend the evening in secular society; for some there will be conversations, for others there will be dancing, and you will meet your love (even if you are not sixteen for a long time). You eat caramel in a dream - perhaps you will meet a person you once loved; your feelings will flare up with renewed vigor. The candy you seem to be eating is sour or old - the disease will make you irritable, intolerant, selfish; everything that doesn’t turn out your way will make you angry. A girl dreams that she was given a box of chocolates - this girl will be uncomfortable with someone’s intrusive advances, compliments will seem rude or far-fetched; the girl will see the persistent admirer as a hypocrite.

Home dream book Why do you dream about Candy in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: You dreamed of Candy, what is it for - the joys of life. Eat - satisfy your needs; to receive as a gift is good luck; influential patron; refuse to accept - desire for more attention or love.

Jewish dream book What does Candy mean in a dream:

What do Sweets mean in a dream - Laying out sweets on the table A dream you had on Monday night means that you will have suspicions that someone is deceiving you. Dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will receive tempting offers from people whom you cannot completely trust. A dream seen on Saturday or Sunday night means that you will choose your own entertainment. Trying to chew on hard candy Dreaming on Monday night means that you will find yourself in a difficult situation. If you had a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will have to pay for the mistakes of your friends. This dream, on the night of Saturday or Sunday, is a manifestation of unreasonable stubbornness.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream about Candy?

What does it mean to see in a dream? You dreamed about Candy, what is it for - expensive - social entertainment. Sweets in a box - praises and compliments. Treating with candy means sharing something dear. Receiving candy as a gift means hearing recognition.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Candy mean in a dream:

What do Sweets mean in a dream - Improving well-being. Imagine yourself enjoying eating candy. On the day after sleep, it is advisable to treat yourself to candy.

Phoebe's big dream book Interpretation of the dream Candy:

You dreamed about Candy, what does it mean - a gradual but noticeable improvement in well-being. Imagine a table completely covered with vases of sweets. There are a lot of candies, and they are all different. It is advisable to imagine candies that you love and that you would like to try. Imagine that you come to the table, take a candy from one vase, unwrap it and eat it with pleasure. Imagine what kind of candy it is - what kind of wrapper it has, what taste it has. Then you try another, a third candy from other vases, and take turns eating. Then move on to the next vases. The more candies you try, the better.

Russian dream book What does Candy mean in a dream:

What do Sweets mean in a dream - for a love date.


Chocolates are a favorite treat for a huge number of people. These sweets help cope with bad mood and irritation. Dreams in which chocolates appeared are also a symbol of positive emotions and inspiration. To get more complete information you should use the proposed interpretations.

Why do you dream about chocolates?

If you are given a box of chocolates, this is a positive symbol that foreshadows material success in life. In the near future, you can safely invest money, enter into contracts, etc. If you give candy to someone, it is a symbol of empty hopes and unrealizable plans. This may also be a harbinger of thoughtless spending, but it will not affect family budget. In a dream you had to buy chocolates, which means that distant relatives will soon visit you. A night vision in which you prepare sweets yourself predicts an improvement in your financial situation, but this will require a lot of effort. Seeing chocolates in a dream means you can expect romantic adventures and surprises in the future.

If you are holding a melted chocolate candy in your hands, it means that in reality you should be more restrained and not meddle in other people’s affairs. A dream in which you treat someone with sweets is a symbol that you are trying to gain favor important person so that you can use it to your advantage in the future. If a young girl dreams of chocolates that she receives as a gift, it means that she will soon hear many compliments addressed to her. This could also be a harbinger of a meeting with a wealthy man. Night vision in which you see sweets with nuts predicts meeting interesting people.

Why do you dream of eating chocolates?

Such a dream most often symbolizes a visit to inspiration. If the candies were tasty, it means that soon there will be a chance to realize your desires and plans. Bitter or spoiled sweets are a harbinger of grief and health problems. One of the dream books offers other information, according to which eating chocolates in a dream is an unfavorable symbol that portends a serious illness and you will have to spend a lot of money to recover. Another dream like this can be a harbinger interesting acquaintance. If you bite into a piece of candy, it means you can expect serious emotions in the future.


Why do you dream about candy? Depends on taste

You probably have a sweet tooth if you dream about candies and sweets. Yes, such a dream will only give you positive emotions and a pleasant awakening (if, of course, the sweetness was eaten in a dream and did not disappoint in taste). Don’t want to know what interpretation your dream has? What to expect and what to prepare for? Now we will tell you in detail.

Subliminal information

Psychologists explain very simply why children and adults dream of a lot of sweets. Most likely, you are a sweet tooth and will never refuse to please your stomach with some candy. Children often dream of sweets. And this is explained simply: the mother probably does not allow the baby to eat a lot of them due to the fact that this can affect the health and condition of the teeth. This is right. After all overuse chocolate and caramels, lozenges and nougat can lead to serious dental diseases and internal organs. It’s clear why we sometimes dream about candy. This is all on a subconscious level.

What will the dream book tell you?

Why do you dream about sweets? Dream books and dream interpreters have a different opinion. They are deeply convinced that it is necessary to take into account all the details of the pictures seen in a dream in order to clarify their meaning as clearly as possible. It should be said right away that the dream carries very positive information. There are several interpretations. Let's start with the most pleasant ones. So, a candy in a bright and beautiful wrapper symbolizes the one who sees this dream. He worked hard, and now it's time to relax and enjoy the reward for all the work and effort. You are a very conscientious and responsible person. Management values ​​you. Perhaps very soon you will be celebrating new position. Your career will skyrocket. Emphasis should be placed on why young people dream about candy unmarried woman. She is considered to be the epicenter of attention. She is showered with compliments from her fans. There are many suitors, but not all of them have good intentions. Among them there are people who flatter, trying to benefit from an acquaintance. If a young man received a beautiful box of chocolates as a gift, he should take a closer look at the women in his circle. Some of the passions are two-faced and, by deceiving, try to earn trust and sympathy for themselves.

What does the candy taste like?

Remember, did you try candy in a dream? What does it taste like? If it is sweet and pleasant, then you have holidays and parties planned in the near future. You are entering a period of entertainment and pleasure. Do you know why you dream about candy that tastes sour? Such a dream carries negative information. Possible illness associated with respiratory system. If you tasted sweetness and spat it out in a dream, then the illness will be short-lived and mild. Dream books also say that sour and tasteless candy means irritation, disappointment and annoyance.

The dream promises marriage

Pay attention to why you dream of candy in souvenir packaging. Get ready for the wedding. If a man saw such a dream, it means that he will soon propose to his beloved. A young charming woman received a souvenir in a dream - you can start collecting a dowry. Please note: in a dream you refused a sweet gift - this promises disappointment in your chosen one and a break in the relationship.

Briefly and clearly

Let's summarize? In general, dreams with sweets are favorable. It promises pleasure and pleasant events. And only a few points can cloud the interpretation. On the other hand, maybe you didn’t like the taste of the sweets in your dream for the reason that in reality you are indifferent to them and do not support those who eat this delicacy on both cheeks.


Dream Interpretation Candy Cookies

Why do you dream about Candy Cookies in a dream according to the dream book?

Dreaming about cookies and sweets is a sign of well-being. Soon you will be able to accumulate a lot of unexpected knowledge that will definitely find application.

New horizons and successful prospects will open before you. Take the chance to settle down in life.


See a lot of candy

Dream Interpretation Seeing a lot of candy dreamed about why you dream about seeing a lot of candy? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of candy in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Dream Interpretation - Candy


See a lot of chocolates

Dream Interpretation Seeing a lot of chocolates dreamed of why in a dream you see a lot of chocolates? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of chocolates in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Candy

A dream in which you saw sweets foreshadows a long courtship of a young man, which will end with a traditional proposal to marry him.

Receiving a set of expensive chocolates as a gift means you will be invited to a celebration. Giving a box of good chocolates in a dream means being the first to confess your love, which will be rejected.

Eating candy in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity in business, a cheerful life and happy love. Sweet candies mean profit, sour candies mean illness and irritability, mint candies mean annoyance and disappointment will take the place of boundless trust.

If in a dream you eat caramel, it means that the person whose reciprocity you are seeking is not indifferent to you. Lollipops in a dream foreshadow betrayal on the part of imaginary friends. Chocolates mean that you will find the people you need and the matter will begin in full swing.

Making candy in a dream means you will achieve your goal thanks to tireless and painstaking work. Buying candy is a complete waste of money.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Dreams about candy foretell pleasures, good news, meeting nice people and enjoying life. Of all the dreams about candy, the only one that fails is when the candy turns out to be bitter or sour. A box of chocolates in a dream means a proposal made to or by you.

However, do not expect anything serious after such a dream in order to avoid disappointments and disappointments in the future. Hanging candy in a dream is a sign of prudence, which you can show in your decision. important problem. Treating you with candy in a dream foreshadows a pleasant conversation.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

If you made candy in a dream, then your well-being will improve thanks to diligence, diligence and hard work.

A dream in which you eat crumbly, crispy candy foreshadows secular pleasures and promises love.

Sour candy is a sign of illness or annoyance and irritation.

If you received a box of chocolates as a gift, prosperity lies ahead of you. If you sent someone a box of chocolates, your hopes will not come true.

A dream in which you eat candy foretells exciting experiences in intimate life.

And donated sweets dream of a risky relationship.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Seeing candy means the arrival of guests.

Making candy means improving your financial situation thanks to hard work.

Eating candy is a sign of social pleasures and intimate pleasures.

Sweets with a sour filling mean illness or disappointment.

Buying candy means being deceived by someone; treating someone with candy means losing your hopes.

Receiving candy as a gift means prosperity and sexual pleasures.

For a young man, such a dream means the hypocritical attention of some woman.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Eating candy in a dream means a good chance is knocking on the door.

If a married woman eats candy, it means a wedding invitation.

If an unmarried man eats candy, it means a rich and solemn wedding.

If unmarried girl eats candy - a rich man will become her chosen one.

The patient saw that he was eating sweets - a sign of a long illness.

If you are given candy in a dream, it means a promotion.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Making candy in a dream means improving your well-being thanks to diligence, diligence, and hard work.

To dream that you are eating crumbly, crispy candy speaks of secular pleasures and promises love to young and older people. Sour candy is a sign of illness or that frustration and irritation will replace the former boundless trust.

He promises to receive a box of chocolates as a gift young man someone's persistent but hypocritical harassment. Usually this dream promises prosperity. If you yourself send someone a box of chocolates, you will soon make a proposal (business or marriage), but you will be disappointed: your hopes will not come true.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

A dream in which you eat a crispy candy suggests that you will be happy in love and live a social life rich in pleasures. However, sour candy portends disappointment in a loved one.

If a girl dreams that she receives a box of chocolates as a gift, in reality this means that she will have to deal with the persistent advances of a young man.

When a young man dreams that he is giving a box of chocolates, it means that he will propose to a girl who will reject him.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

They are a symbol of minor everyday joys.

Eating them in a dream is a sign that you are tired of troubles and are not bothered to somehow brighten up your existence.

Finding candy in your pocket means that in the near future some pleasant little thing can brighten up your life.

An empty candy wrapper: a sign of disappointed hopes and not too deep disappointments. Such a dream encourages you to be careful, not to trust other people’s promises too much.

If you dreamed of a box of chocolates: perhaps organized entertainment awaits you soon.

Any troubles associated with sweets (for example, if they are bitter or if you bite your tongue): warn you against being too carried away by the joys of life - this can turn out to be harmful to you.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Candy - If in a dream you give someone candy, it means that you will agree to marriage, but very soon you will be disappointed in your chosen one.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Eating candy in a dream foretells the approach of exciting, intoxicating pleasures in your intimate life. Receiving candy as a gift in a dream means that you will soon experience a captivating but risky joy.




I dreamed that I was cleaning the house and putting the scattered candies into a beautiful New Year's box and stuffing the scattered cotton wool into a bag. What does this mean?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Sveta, perhaps your dream about folding candy suggests that you will have to organize something in your life.


I dreamed that I bought a lot of different chocolates, putting them in different bags

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Natalya, perhaps a dream about buying chocolates promises you some kind of pleasure in reality.


I treated a guy I really like to chocolates... but for some reason he preferred white chocolate ones)

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Tatyana, perhaps a dream about treating a guy with chocolates and choosing him in favor of white chocolate sweets suggests that minor disagreements are possible between you.


I dreamed that I was eating a round caramel... and I was choosing exactly the same candies from a vase among others... but I didn’t feel the taste... I just ate it and that’s it... what was this for?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Dasha, most likely a dream about you eating caramel candies indicates that in reality you can experience some kind of pleasure.


I dreamed that I was eating chocolates, very tasty.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Natalie, the fact that you ate delicious candy in a dream most likely means that prosperity and success await you.


Hello Julia! Tell me what my dream is about. I, looking around, stole candies without wrappers from a cardboard box. The candies were in the shape of fruits, colorful and beautiful. I saw a boy about 10 years old and treated him to one piece of bread.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Larisa, the fact that you stole such candies probably promises you forbidden entertainment.


Hello! I dreamed that we were sitting in an embrace with a guy (in reality we haven’t communicated for a long time) and he kept leaving and bringing me delicious chocolates, I still remember the taste! What is it for? Thank you!


Hello! you know, I dreamed that my husband asked me for candy and I gave it to him, what does that mean?


Hello. Today I dreamed that I was treating poor children with sweets, taking them out of my purse and handing them out. What could this mean? Thank you.


I dreamed about how a guy who likes me hugs and flirts with a girl. I went to another room, came back - they were gone. There were a lot of beautiful chocolates in the vase. I filled my pockets with them and left a few in a vase. and the same thing from the neighboring one)
I think... well, even if you were unlucky with the guy, you have pockets full of candy. strange dream.. I’m not greedy and I don’t steal =)

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that you took candy in this dream probably means that you will be unlucky in love, but your personal life will still be rich.


Hello! On Christmas Day I had a dream that I was carrying out a suitcase full of sweets. They are such very long and large lollipops (they were released before). Around me, in the room, children are sitting and waiting for me to give them candy. I remember that I take out candies, they are of the same type, but in different pieces of paper, and I begin to divide them by quantity. At this point the dream ends. What does it mean? Thank you

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that there were a lot of candies in your dream probably indicates that your life will be filled with joy in the future.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that you had a lot of candy in this dream most likely indicates that your hopes for the future are too high.


Hello) I dreamed that I was sitting next to a guy I knew and we were eating one piece of candy for both of us, and at the same time he smiled at me and hugged me.
What could this mean? Thank you.


I dreamed that my soul looked like a huge Raffaello candy, it glowed with a soft light, so big that it wouldn’t fit inside me and sticks out instead of my chest) It’s funny to me.


I dreamed that I took candy out of my pocket, which I wanted to give to my neighbor, but then I changed my mind and put it back in my pocket


My mother and I buy chocolates at the confectionery counter. The seller looks like a gypsy. We choose 3 identical medium sizes and 1 larger one. It turns out 3.30 rubles x 3 + 4.45 x 1 = 14 rubles 35 kopecks. for all. (strangely enough, I remember the numbers exactly). I know for sure that my mother paid for everything. But I come alone to pick up candy. Moreover, knowing for sure that everything was paid for, I specifically, as if checking the seller, asked her a question - whether the price was paid for the candy or not. She is trying to deceive me, she says I still have to pay, but I don’t give in, I say that I’ll call my mother now to confirm the payment. The seller becomes quieter than water, lower than the grass, and I take the candy.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream most likely warns you that you may be seriously shortchanged; be careful in financial matters.


I dreamed that I was eating Turkish Delight candies straight from a bag! Big and small! It was very, very tasty! Thank you!


I dreamed that in a perfume store, out of nowhere, there were so many chocolates, and I started eating them right there, I wasn’t even afraid that they would catch me. and in the end she stuffed her pockets full of them, and left with her friend, and also took a few nuts, and treated her friend to nuts, while she ate the candy, satisfied! On the road where we were going, I was eating candy, and I looked down, there was a book lying under my feet, it was called “mirror,” I picked it up, and thought, I’ll come home right now and read this book. What could all this mean? Thank you!

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that there was such a candy in your dream most likely indicates that a temptation awaits you, which it is better to succumb to.


I dreamed that I was a guest at a wedding. The celebration is already over, and I’m about to leave, I see a bag of candies and take out two very large different interesting candies from it, I’m going to take them home with me as a gift to my mother and sister. And then the groom comes up and doesn’t seem to like that I’m taking candy. But when he saw that she only took two, he allowed her to take them. What could this mean? Thank you.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

This is most likely your dream. indicates that you will have a very pleasant time in the near future.


And I dreamed that I was at school, and Vladimir Putin was present at the lesson. I walk insolently and shoo him away from the chair, because in another place I can’t see what’s written on the board. I tell him: Get up, I can’t see you!! There is another chair and it is also close to the board, sit on it. He answers in a calm voice: Well then, maybe you can sit on it yourself? I took it and sat on that chair (all this happens during the lesson, only the teacher is not in the class). And while all the children in the class are working, I sit and chat freely with him... We laugh. and in the end Putin liked me so much that he gave me a whole MOUNTAIN of candy! He said that he would give them to me every week... The whole class is jealous of me! I’m happy, I’m sitting there eating these sweets... Then I see that the end of the lesson is soon, and I haven’t done anything yet! I ask the class: WHAT should I do? , everyone is offendedly silent (and when I received the candy, I didn’t brag about it...) I went after the teacher and asked: What is given to do. She replied: I should have listened earlier. And I woke up! Help! why such a dream?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The dream that you described above most likely indicates that you will cope brilliantly with a responsible task.


I dreamed that I was treating my friends to sweets (lollipops in wrappers). She took the candies out of a plastic bag. What is it for?


I dreamed that a young man who was not indifferent to me was treating me to tea with sweets. True, he served tea only in a white saucer, although he poured it into a cup. I was a little upset about this, but I didn’t show it. She didn’t drink the tea, but ate the candy that was lying among the others around the saucer in various candy wrappers. Most likely it was caramel. I don’t remember the taste, I just put it in my mouth. When he turned his back to me to sit at another table, I didn’t recognize him. His figure, especially in the lower part, resembled that of a very fat woman. He was dressed stylishly - a blue shirt and black trousers with thin white stripes. He sat down at another table next to the computer, half sideways to me. And when asked how he was doing, he said that today was not very good. In reality, we are connected by work, and with it, light flirting.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that there were such sweets in your dream most likely means that you will have a very pleasant time.


I dreamed that I was walking down the street and saw friends selling candy. I came up to say hello, and they gave me 2 large, large candies, and then they said, take as much as you want). They had a lot of people


I dreamed that I was going to see my friends on a bus and bought two bags of sweets. On the bus I treated one granny and several other people. And the candy was lying on the seat, and the granny looked at me menacingly and began to ask for more, and then she began to take it away! I took it by the handful! I quickly took the rest and got off the bus. What could this mean? This impudent granny completely outraged me!


hello, I dreamed that my house was full of all kinds of sweets. I take several pieces from each type and take them to treat one guy. I don’t really remember anything else what it means. in a dream I treat a person who is very dear to me at the moment.


I dreamed that a man I really like gave me a box of chocolates, I took a bite of them and they were sweet and delicious with a white filling, the remaining box of those I didn’t eat I hid in my bag


Good afternoon I had such a dream. I’m in an unfamiliar house, I see a young, pleasant girl in front of me. She invites me to play some game...something like a lottery. Asks you to choose one of the candies. I stick my hand into a large dark box. I can feel the candies only by touch; they are all different sizes and shapes. With interest, without hesitation, I take out one of them. The girl unpacks the candy in front of me and shows me the candy wrapper. It says: “You won 500,000 rubles.” I am joyful and satisfied in my sleep. The girl really hesitated a little and didn’t want to give me the money. She started asking questions: “Why do you need them?” “For myself, my beloved,” I answered. And in a dream I myself felt wild happiness! Please tell me what my dream means..

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that there was candy in the dream most likely indicates that you will receive signs of attention from a pleasant person.


I dreamed that I came to a candy store and bought a lot of chocolates: I bought a box and 2 types of chocolates by weight. Moreover, I clearly felt anticipation of the sweet and aromatic taste of chocolate.


I dreamed that I had a lot, a lot of candies in my chest of drawers... but all the candies were exclusively caramel... the chest of drawers itself was divided into compartments, and in each compartment there were candies of a certain type... there were striped candies, and flat ones, and convex and short... as if I was running my hands through these candies and sorting them out, I tried many of them - I remember I came across lollipops and chewy-soft ones, like marmalade... there were a lot of these compartments with candies, and there were a lot of candies themselves in each compartment - stacked up I got the impression that there were 100 kilograms of sweets. The taste of the sweets I ate was pleasant... but I was especially impressed by the variety of their shapes.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, in which there were such sweets, most likely indicates that you can receive pleasant signs of attention or material rewards.


Hello! Help me interpret the dream. I dreamed that I was visiting a person for whom I had feelings. We are having lunch, talking, suddenly he begins to complain that the skin on his shoulder hurts, I see there are huge scratches... At that moment I turn my gaze to the table and see his friend with a huge bowl of candies: all delicious identical yellow caramels in beautiful bright candy wrappers . I'm just about to take one when my lover asks for help with something and distracts me. What does it mean? Thank you in advance!

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream most likely indicates that you will be able to get closer to what will give you the true pleasure that you so strive for.


Hello! I dreamed that my lover and I were eating candy, something like toffee, but larger in size, eating at a table using cutlery, i.e. the sweets were on plates, eaten with a fork and knife. My beloved’s little cousins ​​were also sitting at the table with us, they also ate sweets and argued about how to eat them correctly. My beloved and I watched them argue, but We didn’t participate ourselves. What does this mean? Thanks in advance!


Hello! Today I dreamed that I was chopping in the kitchen and on a cutting board, afraid of cutting my fingers, and then I beat the meat into chops, and then I take a wafer-chocolate candy and start chopping it on the same board, chopping it with a knife. What is this dream for? But I actually did chops today.

Elena D.:

I dreamed that I asked a friend for candy who was pregnant in real life. she gave me one, then another. I ate them.


Good day! I dreamed of my mother, in my dream she was eating candy. What could this mean? Help me explain, because... I'm worried about her.


I dreamed that they gave me a lot of sweets, including candy. the entire balcony was covered in them. and I took one piece of candy and ate it


I dreamed that I opened the refrigerator and on the top shelf I saw two large Raffaello boxes. One of them was with chocolate Raffaellos. What is this for? Thank you.


Hello. I dreamed that I stole from my former classmate and now my friends have big, delicious chocolate candies. Please tell me the meaning of this dream.


To Mom At some fun (wedding or some kind of holiday) when everyone had left, SHE started sweeping the very dirty floor, and then she saw candies in a bag and started eating them. (I put the candies in a bag and then I estimated that I ate about 20). diabetes. major problems with eyes. mother is 49 years old. she reproached herself for eating them. good sleep?


I dreamed that I came to the bride’s viewing to marry a prince. I already have a princess’s crown on my head. And I’m waiting for the prince to appear. And another contender (my competitor) is sitting with me, for the prince’s hand and heart. And I’m sitting and eating chocolate candy from white chocolate a lot


I dreamed that I was sharing a huge pile of jelly candies with my grandmother. They were scattered in large piles throughout the house.


I dreamed that I bought a box of chocolates in a store, I really wanted them. I came home and ate them, and not just ate them, but actually stuffed them into my mouth. 3-4 pieces at once.


Hello. Please tell me what my dream means.
I chew sweets. Like candies but with liquid filling, and suddenly they stick to my teeth and I can’t get them off. I’ve been sleeping all night.
I mumbled and woke up ((


DD!! In a dream, I found candies on the top shelf, climbed up there and there I found a lot of the coolest candies and started collecting them all for myself. What is this for? Thanks for the answer!


Hello! Help me decipher the dream. I had a dream that a guy who is in love with him treats his wife with 12 pieces of sweets, and then treats him with only armfuls of such sweets. YACH


Hello! Help me decipher the dream. I dreamed that the guy I’m in love with treats his girlfriend (with whom he lives) with chocolates, gives her 2 pieces, and then treats me with the same candies, only he pours a whole mountain into his hands. What does it mean?


In the dream I was in a building that was unfamiliar to me, which was completely filled with open boxes with a variety of candies, there was an awful lot people in that including me and my friends. You could eat any candy for free. I ate a lot of different candies)


about a dream I was in a restless state
me the building that was
completely stuffed
open boxes with the most
there were different candies
an awful lot of people, including
I'm with my friends. Any
you could eat the candy
free.I ate a lot
different candies)


I sleep with my boyfriend. At one point he hugs me and I dream that we are two candies. and the bed is our wrapper. and we are very small in size..and I felt like little candy


Hello! Yesterday I dreamed that a guy I really like told our mutual friend, that is, his relative, that he would give me a lot of sweets, and she told me that he said so, and in the dream I began to think, and apparently he found out what else one of them gave me candy, so he decided to give it too, and he also said a lot, that is, more than that one. I really want to know what this means, thanks!

Lyudmila S:

Hello and greetings to all New Year's holidays! At Christmas I dreamed that I found two lollipops, and there were a lot of wrappers from the same candies scattered around them. I wanted to clean up the mess, and while collecting all the empty wrappers among the pieces of paper I found two lollipops. Before that, how I found these two lollipops, my the husband said his desire out loud. Why is this? Thank you very much in advance!


I dreamed that a lady came and gave me some chocolate chips in a bag and said to treat them to Sasha, what a great lad I was already greeted by him.
she knows about us. I said that we broke up a long time ago, and she said, welcome me if you make up, then I took 2 tsukerki and said that the stink will rot melodiously if I serve Sasha with them, because we won’t have any at once, but I deprived the tsukerki of every episode. Help what does this mean.


I treated a guy I didn’t know but liked with chocolates, we took one from a box of chocolates, I ate my whole candy, and he bit off half, gave the rest to me and I ate it. The candy had a chocolate filling (dark)


I dreamed that I was walking down the street and 3 people gave me 3 bags of different toffees. The fang fell out without bleeding. I bought plastic flowers for a grave. then I see 8 children on a bench, 4 of them with Down syndrome. I also talked to their mother, and she was crazy beautiful woman was. I walked the streets alone and there were unfinished houses and a lot of cellars. And of course I saw the general)


We were sitting in a cafe. Besides me and him there was another company. There were 6 of us in total.
In short, he was chewing gummies. He gave my friend 4 pieces, then he gave me 6 candies. 2 of them fell on the table. I picked them up and held the candy in my hand, but didn’t eat it. After that, he looked at me 3 times, then at the candy in his hand and seemed to say, “Why don’t you eat them?”
It's a meaningless dream, but still.


Hi all! I dreamed that I was sitting on the second floor, lowering my hand, as if knowing that there were candies there, and first taking one of these chocolate ones with marmalade inside. Then the second, in my opinion, a roundish truffle, then the third, a rectangular pure chocolate one. I only remember the first taste. So, what is all this for?


I had a dream as if I was in a store and saw in front of me a large assortment of chocolates and I selected each in a certain quantity, with the goal of then giving them to my loved one. What could this mean? By the way, I don’t communicate with this person at the moment.


Hello!!! Today I had a dream that I took a candy on the table in a very beautiful package, unwrapped it, it also looked very interesting... then I approached my loved one and we bit it together at the same time. It tasted very good too. Please tell me what this dream means. Thank you in advance!!!


Good afternoon I had a dream that I was choosing and buying different candies for my parents in a large supermarket. What could it mean?

Also, please clarify what a dream in which I am walking with my late grandfather to a cemetery could mean? He passed away this year, and unfortunately I didn’t make it to his funeral.


Good afternoon, today, on the night of January 10-11, I had the following dream: a relative I knew gave me 2 boxes of chocolates and said that these gifts should be given to the boss and I looked at them, but the box for the boss was a little worn out; there were no more sweets and I I decided to eat and try the candy in another box for the deputy, and then when I give it to him, I say, they gave you a gift, it’s true that the box was started, but now he can’t give it to anyone.


I dreamed that I was sitting with a guy who was not indifferent at the same table and he took my hand, put it on the table (palm up) and held sweets (various) in his fist, then he gently put his fist on my palm and I felt a strong warmth, I didn’t even want to take my hand away (as if we were one, it was very hot, but pleasant). Then he gently unclenched his fist and left the candies on my palms and smiled tenderly. The candies were delicious (sucking and waffle, chocolate, 5 pieces)


I dreamed that I came to a casting. I posed in front of the mirror for a long time, and then came to take photos. THERE WERE NO PROBLEMS WITH THIS, BUT WHEN THE TIME CAME TO READ THE VERSE, I STARTED HAVING PROBLEMS WITH DICTION


I buy delicious chocolates in a beautiful wrapper (I put them in a bag myself) in the store, 1 or a little more kg


This afternoon I fell asleep and had a dream that I was in a beauty salon. They wanted to give me a facial. Also, looking in the mirror, I saw myself as a blonde, although in fact I am brown-haired. And then some woman offered me chocolates from a glass vase. I took it and started eating. Then she offered more. And then I took some more and started eating. But besides this, I put 2 more candies in my pocket.


I saw in a dream how my cousin and I were sitting at the table and eating various chocolate truffles, which tasted very good; my sister was cutting them into slices with a knife. Thank you


I don’t remember the whole dream, what remains in my memory is how a boy I knew was treating me to candy, then a girl who was with him and her parents ran up and also brought me a handful of candy... I dreamed about my parents, quite young... They have been dead for a long time... Me too - young, slender, in a long colorful skirt... Unfortunately, I don’t remember anything else... But we couldn’t meet our parents...


I eat large delicious candies in a warm red wrapper, they are chocolate and it seems to me that I have never tried anything more delicious. Friends came, we started watching some strange news on TV, I shared candy with my friends. We eat candy and watch TV. I look at one of my friends to see if the candy tastes good to him, if he likes it as much as I liked it... but the dream ends


From Thursday to Friday I had a dream that my husband got a truck full of different candies and the car poured all these candies out onto the street. It turned out to be 3 large piles of candy in the yard, one of which my husband offered to take to a man he knew. I was very surprised by this a large number sweets and why my husband easily wanted to give his earnings to a distant person, 1/3 of a pile of sweets, without even consulting me. thanks for the help


The candies were lying in a basket, the small basket was standing on a napkin. In this basket there were chocolate and caramel candies of the same name.


I was stealing candy with my friends, I only managed to steal toffees, but my friend treated me to chocolate candy and I ate it


In a dream, I gave my mom money (paper) so that she and dad would go and buy me shawarma, but I don’t remember what they wanted, I was sitting at home and my mom came and bought me Rafaelo, and I was upset and went into the room to be alone and there I saw a refrigerator and there was a lot of frozen stuff inside, but I didn’t eat, then I left the house, it was night, and I looked into the distance, then I saw a cat and fed it, and then the cat came, and then I woke up. Please help me understand what my dream means


in a dream I saw a huge table and many people among whom were colleagues and relatives. the table was full of all sorts of dishes, including sweets. At first I divided them into several “piles”, and then I unwrapped mine and bit into each one.


I dreamed that I was handing out candy at some wedding, there were a lot of people, a huge line of people and everyone was looking at me. I think I’ll keep the candy for myself because it will last for a long time and they are so different, but more sucking, lollipops for children.


I dreamed that the mother of our church was treating me to candy (a lot of candy)! I'm supposedly at her house, standing over a table on which there are a lot of sweets and she pours them all into some box in my hands. What is it for?


I dreamed of a guy I liked, as if I was going home and he came up and said, “Will you have some candy?” I answer, “No, I have some.”

And another dream with him, it was as if he pressed his back against the wall and kissed my hands and said something


In the dream, the gypsy took a handful of candies out of a bag of candies and left. The gypsy woman had a child in her arms. There were 2 gypsies. Everything took place in a room similar to an indoor market, it was light and sunny. But I was left with the feeling that the money was gone. But as a fact, I didn’t see it, I just felt it


In a dream, I stole marmalade candies from my relatives, put them in a bag and hid them behind the sofa. Also, a month ago I had a dream that a person to whom I was not indifferent was stealing me and the feeling in the dream was that he was taking me away from my children.


An enclosed space similar to an indoor market, filled with floor-to-ceiling racks of sweets different types(bagels, cookies, waffles, crackers, gingerbreads, candies...). I go with my daughter and ask her to choose something she likes so that she buys it. She chose large chocolates wrapped in a bright blue wrapper with a yellow design.


In a dream, I gave candy to a friend. Moreover, the person to whom I gave candy in a dream is connected with my husband. My husband has one very worried question that is not decisive, and this person to whom I gave candy in a dream supposedly needs to clarify, so my husband is waiting for an answer from this person. I saw this man from whom my husband is waiting for an answer in a dream and I gave him a lot of candy.


I was in a strange house, but very interesting and cozy, a full-fledged family lived there, and for some reason I was there. We went to the waterfall, people were jumping there, it was very high, I looked down, the depression was very deep. Then we all returned, in this there was a guy in the family who attracted my attention (I liked him) I saw his drawing (on a piece of paper) and he was very handsome, nature was drawn. There was a feeling that we had a sympathy with this guy, we talked, he treated me to candy, I I ate it safely. Then I woke up.


I dreamed that I was preparing something to eat and then I bent down to see what was under the radiator and there were a lot of chocolates there and I started sharing them with my friend


I collected candies on the roof of the house and constantly walked in circles... I remember clearly I constantly put 2 candies in my mouth, and they were red)


The children's parents were putting out candies and cookies from boxes into bags for some kind of holiday for the children. Then my parents wanted to have a snack with the leftover sweets and asked me for fish. The salted fish ended up on the windowsill. At that time I was getting ready to go home, walking around with some kind of large bag. I was about to leave my parents and woke up.


I had a dream in the morning... a lot of people, especially girls, acquaintances and strangers, among them the former chief director of the club... everyone is in high spirits... everyone is in the hall in my mother’s apartment and there is a mountain of very sweets poured on the table... so I see myself in in some spacious corridor with stairs and in a pale blue elegant dress, I walk airily and almost taking off... then I notice a friend and suggest that I go up to my former boss to chat and, turning around again, I notice a lot of candy on the table (((


I dreamed that I was eating chocolates from a bowl, which were also doused in liquid chocolate. I remember that it tasted very sweet!)


hello, I had a dream that I was in a cemetery and I saw a fresh grave and I remember it was elegant. And then I see my old friend at the table. She told me that she buried her father.
I was holding some kind of container in my hands, it seemed like a bucket. and she poured a bunch of candy into this bucket for me. I tried one candy and I liked it.. And that’s where my dream ended. What is it for? Tell me please. Thank you, good bye.


on kitchen table There were baked candies and I began to put the candies in my pocket, thinking if I don’t hide them now, I won’t get them tomorrow. Also on the table were various banknotes of money tied with bows, I took them in my hands, turned them over and put them back


A friend has cancer, I can’t get through to her for 3 days and I dreamed today that she was handing out candy to children and said I was undergoing an examination, she was so happy, smiling...


It's like I'm handing out candy to young men, I have a huge box filled with candy. Someone is trying to take this box from me, but he doesn’t succeed, I didn’t give it back, but continued to distribute it. And for some reason it feels like there is a war going on or something like that, but I'm very calm


Dad recently died, and 30 days after him, mom died, 16 will be 40 days for mom. I dream about my mother being alive and asking for candy. But my mother was 20 years younger than when she died, and I woke up immediately.


I had a dream that a chocolate candy appeared in my hand and I broke it and there were three small nuts... thank you very much if you answer


A former young man offered me some colored sweets in a box, I didn’t take them and they fell to the floor and crumbled


My friends and I are sitting at home and we are waiting for some guy to congratulate him on his birthday. And everyone has good, expensive candies, but I have ordinary caramels, and I take a few candies from one of the girls and throw them in my box, how to cover your caramels with good candies. Please explain my dream [email protected]


I bought candy at the store, Pink colour. Then she walked joyfully with a large bag of sweets. In a dream I was arguing with someone, but I don’t remember with whom


I bought some candy and came to the car, and in the car next to me there was a guy I knew and I decided to give him a treat. He got into my car and started choosing candies in the bag.


The guy I like threw a box of chocolates under my door (at night) and quickly left so that no one would notice him. I went to pick up the sweets.


I’m dressed in a beautiful fur coat and kissing a former colleague (we weren’t friends), and then I remember that I forgot the candy in the room and come back for it, the candy is very sunny in color.


I was on a ship where there was some kind of holiday and among the guests there was a disabled man, before my eyes he began to dance. I came there with a bag and there was a lot of chocolate and sweets in it. Everyone asked me to share sweets with them, but I didn’t I wanted to, but I had to. After that they started asking about the CLAN, the question was which part of the ship to break? And I said the bow.


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I was taking candy. They were in bulk, in a bag. The candies were expensive, good and supposedly tasty. I didn’t eat them. I took them in my bosom. I tried to take as many as possible.


at the beginning, I saw from the side a funeral ceremony, a coffin with a person unfamiliar to me was being taken out from a house unfamiliar to me. .


Hello! I had a dream that in a clothing store, there was a vase of sweets on the table, and I started filling my pockets with them (stealing). Tell me why you dream about stealing candy. In my real life I have never done anything like this)).


From the common vase I chose the most delicious and beautiful, in my opinion, chocolates. And she ate everything herself, without sharing with my brother, who asked me.


Hello) I had a dream in which a dog takes candy from me and all this happened at work, the boss was unhappy that I was running after the dog while I was having classes, so I would like to know what this dream is for?


I had a dream. that I eat chocolates. At first the candy was old. I took a bite and didn’t eat any further. the rest were very tasty


Good morning! I dreamed that a colleague was asking me to go and buy Alenka chocolates. I only saw my colleague briefly, but recognized her by her voice


I dreamed of 5 huge cakes and a bunch of sweets that were lying on the ground
near the station, when people started getting off the train, they started putting candy in bags, taking them, at the moment when I shouted that they couldn’t be taken, I snatched the bags from people... and in the same dream I dreamed of a cat without one eye


I dreamed that I ate candy that was given as a gift, of a type and taste that I had never seen or tasted in my life. Incredibly tasty and beautiful.


I dreamed of a friend who is now serving, we went to visit for something, and he saw candy, there was a lot of it, he asked to take some, and then began to row a little more than half. The most interesting thing is that I am not greedy, but at that moment for some reason there was a feeling of greed mixed with anger or something like wow grabber take a little something, why are you still rowing???


A little background: the day before yesterday I confessed my feelings to a girl, but they turned out to be unrequited. And in a dream, we stood with her at the table and ate candy, and when the bag of candy ran out, someone brought it and gave it to us again. And that’s how the whole dream went, nothing more


I had a dream that a loved one came to me and would take me Rafaello candies, but not in a box, but simply in bulk and began to take them out of the bag, I don’t remember the details, but in my opinion I opened one to eat


I came to my grandmother’s room and started taking candies from the buffet and putting them in my pocket; they weren’t chocolate.


I WAS AT SCHOOL THE NIGHT CLASSES CAME TO THE DINING CLASSES THEY WERE GIVEN STEP CANDIES, but no one ate them. I and my friend collected these candies into packets, I collected 4 packets and took them home


I dreamed about mice, there were a lot of them. I work in a store and they are everywhere, even in the display case with sausages. There I also see bags of sweets - cupcakes, rolls, candy without candy wrappers, too many, I eat them.


i dreamed that I was buying in a store where there was a lot of sweets, the candies were very tasty, I didn’t try them, but somehow I know that they are very, very tasty, and then I give a few to my dad, a few to some man and I'm saving it for my mom. I want these people to also enjoy the taste of incredibly delicious sweets


I dreamed that I was in a building... I felt a slight earthquake... then I walked around the building, it was beautiful and clean... then I find candy... I clearly remember - pieces... but big, right on my whole hand... then I leave the building - and the city is quiet, clean, not many people......then the flood (the river overflows) and I run away from it...the water is clean.....and I didn’t even get wet, it was like I got out to the upper street...I watched as it overflowed onto the lower streets …..it was seething….but clean……and that’s it….I woke up……


Hello! I dreamed of a guy I like! At first he didn’t talk to me, but smiled and looked into my eyes! then he started asking for candy. I can’t understand why this is...


Hello, I dreamed that I came to the kitchen and there were a lot of chocolates lying there, and I didn’t eat them, but I’m sure they were delicious, they were in a bright wrapper, colorful and bright


I have a lot of candies in my hands. I give out stale candies to people and leave good, identical candies for myself.


The guy I like brought me a bag of candy, and I stood next to him. He smiled, handed me the bag and left.


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed of my late grandmother in her house. She asked to sort through the candies, which apparently had been lying around for a very long time. There were different candies: chocolate, kozinak, toffee, etc. When I sorted through them, I felt and understood that these candies could no longer be eaten, but it was better to buy new candies. Even in my dream, I looked at a beautiful clay flower vase, with poems about love on its surface. The vase was empty. She fed the cats with milk (two adults and one kitten). At Epiphany I also dreamed of my grandmother, but together with my grandfather. It was as if I had visited their house (and my childhood home) in reality. We looked at black and white photos, and then they asked me to pour milk for the cats. And I poured milk over the edge from a large can of milk. Previously, I often dreamed of my grandparents as if they were reality. Now very rarely and usually on the eve of major holidays.


I dreamed of a lot of sweets, we poured them out of the boxes into one pile and had to share them equally with everyone. It all happened at work.


the patients gave a lot of candy to the orderly, so that I, the nurse, would not stop the patients from doing dirty tricks, and I was very surprised that the candy was so expensive and there was so much of it, it seemed like I had eaten one candy


I dreamed of several friends with whom we were sitting on the sofa, and we had boxes in our hands
from New Year's gifts of sweets, and I eat from it together with my former classmate, we laugh happily with him, I see very well what kind of sweets there are and I choose and eat the most delicious ones. Why such a dream?


hi, I see that my neighbor is calling me and I’m walking, but on the way, my mother gives me candy, I chew this candy. By the way, the candy was chocolate, and it was also brown.


I came to visit a friend. I’m standing on the threshold. Her mother comes out and pours unwrapped white candies with red streaks of different shapes into my hands.


I dreamed that the guy I like gave me candy, we were sitting at a concert in college and he gave me candy and invited me to meet


I dreamed that I was sitting indoors and sorting through a huge pile of candies. A man comes to me and says change my money. But I don’t see the money, one and a half thousand hryvnia. But I have money in strange bills of 635 UAH. What does this mean?


I had a dream on the night from Thursday to Friday, bright in color and very pleasant, where I was surrounded at the table by several very beautiful girls, one was not very pretty, they all smiled at me. Near me lay a bunch of different candies, chocolate, caramels, etc. I began to divide the pile into parts and then began to give the candies to the girls. The brightest moment in the dream was that I gave the first bunch of candies to that girl who was not very pretty, but for me she she was the dearest and closest person in the world, I felt it and clearly saw her image; she had a mole on her cheek. The girls looked at each other and were indignant at how we are such beauties and you gave her the first candy, then I began to calm them down and give them candy, they began to smile at me and calm down. Something like that. (I myself can explain many things since I am involved in esotericism and the transcendental cosmos, but this is something forbidden where my intuition does not give an answer and the Akashic Chronicles are silent) I have a logical explanation for this. I want to hear your knowledge of the science of dreams.


Hello! The door of the house opened and my mother came in (she died 2 years ago) and, smiling, handed me some candy and I took it. Then the dream got mixed up...


I dreamed that I was just sitting in my kitchen. And then two guys I know came in, I started giving them candies lying in a vase (caramels, different colors)


I dreamed of some kind of apartment, in the closet on the shelves there are a lot of different sweets, chocolates and caramels, and I take everything for myself, put it in a bag, in a bag, after I folded everything I see my deceased cousin, and the doorbell rings. the guys came to him, and he told me ... - everyone, Marina, go away, they came to me, and I left ...


I see how I’m holding two little kids, a girl and a boy, then how I want to buy candy in the store and my son-in-law gives me a whole big bag of candy for free from the store.


Hello, I dreamed of a very unpleasant quarrel with my parents, during which they began to demand to give me chocolates, I began to divide them, and they chose the best ones... I spat and gave them everything, and then found myself next to my friend, pushing several into my mouth sweets


I dreamed of sweets in bright wrappers, chocolate and “Korovka”, I could take them for free, and when I saw that the box was almost full, I started stuffing them into my pockets, what didn’t fit I put into the bag, but still a few pieces didn’t fit.


Hello Tatyana Miller! I dreamed that I found a lot of candies in different bags. In some places small candies scattered, but their quantity was simply huge. I also thought that these were the candies that my mother and I forgot about.


I dreamed that I was sprinkled with candies in silver candy wrappers. There were a lot of candies, and the candy wrappers were very shiny and sparkling.


I dreamed of candies without candy wrappers, they were blue, white and yellow, I liked the white ones, they were chewy, and I gave the rest to the girl.


In a dream, I bought ice cream for my mother, her friend and myself. I bought 5 pieces self made, in the form of figures 2 cm, 119 rub. I realized that I had gotten carried away, my mother asked for a regular ice cream, and went to buy candy with her own money. It was evening, the lights were on. Alien city. Someone advised me to go to the market. I replied that I didn’t know where he was. The speaker was amazed, saying that so-and-so is nearby. I was angry and repeated that I didn’t know where it was. Then I crossed the road and saw a rag tent with candies. I asked the price, they said that only “Crow’s Feet” remained. And I see that there are chocolates in the boxes. I refuse about caramel, they tell me, then here it is. I walked to the left, there were a lot of candies on the display. I asked them to give me (I don’t remember the names), but the girl was rude to me, she said she hadn’t given the change to the woman in front yet. Then she started putting together a package for me, but not what I wanted, but he made an assortment, all for the same price.. I’m perplexed, but I’m silent. Then I still say that I want others. I also ate one of the ice creams, it was very tasty. And I decided to eat everything and buy my mother what she asked for. But my conscience bothered me a little


I was walking through the area at work late at night. I found candies (chocolate dragees) and photographs of people I didn’t know in the bushes, which I actively looked at. The photographs are in color and there are a lot of people in them. Apparently made for some kind of holiday. At first I wanted to return the photos to someone, as if someone had lost them. Then she left it and started eating these same candies. Why sleep?


my friend was at my house and I gave him a bitten candy without wanting to and having taken a couple of pieces in another place


I took the alarm clock. I opened the back cover and pulled out toffee candies in a red wrapper.


I dreamed of candy canes, multi-colored, and some of them were shiny, they were lying on some small shelf that stood on the grass, and there was nature all around, but I don’t remember whether I ate them or not, it seemed like I was looking at these candies and all of them They were so delicious, but I didn’t know which one to try.


I was given candy, not in a box, but loose, chocolate, I’m talking to someone and eating these candies one after another with such greed, as if I had never eaten them.


I remember very well that I ate a delicious candy (the top is covered with chocolate, and inside there is something like a soufflé, in real life I like those).


Hello, I dreamed about candy. I ate one, it was very tasty, and I held the second in my hand, but the second did not look very tasty.


I dream about a male colleague presenting me with 2 boxes of chocolates and asking me to choose which one I like, and which one remains he will give to another colleague. He said like he was at a loss to please me.


A friend gives me candy, she recently gave birth to a girl, and for several years now I haven’t been able to get pregnant. Why is this? Thank you in advance


An acquaintance asked me to buy him candy, the store had a very large selection of delicious chocolates, but at his request I had to buy, in my opinion, not very tasty ones with coconut flakes


Hello, I saw in a dream that I was handing out candies, a lot of them, multi-colored marmalades, and also filling a candy bowl with different candies..


I dreamed that I came home with sweets to my grandmother, who had long since died, and she took half of these candies from me because of this, I had a fight with her and left her without any candies at all, why would that be?


there are a lot of different candies on the roof,
and I crawl so as not to fall and collect handfuls of those that I like in a bag, they are clear, bright colors


there were candies in large boxes, I took a package of candies from each cow. One of them was definitely mmdems


In a dream I was on a yacht, which
it was all covered in candy. and I slept there on a bed with a thick layer of candy sprinkled on it... In the dream, next to me was a man with whom I separated 8 years ago


i dreamed that I was handing out chocolates to random passers-by, and the chocolates themselves were large

candy - See Sugar., Images of Meneghetti

candy - Making candy in a dream means improving your well-being thanks to diligence, diligence, and hard work. To dream that you are eating crumbly, crispy candy speaks of secular pleasures and promises love to young and older people. Sour candy is a sign of illness or that frustration and irritation will replace the former boundless trust. To receive a box of chocolates as a gift promises a young man someone’s persistent but hypocritical harassment. Usually this dream promises prosperity. If you yourself send someone a box of chocolates, you will soon make a proposal (business or marriage), but you will be disappointed: your hopes will not come true., Miller’s Dream Book

candy - A dream in which you saw candy foreshadows a long courtship of a young man, which will end with a traditional proposal to marry him. Receiving a set of expensive chocolates as a gift means you will be invited to a celebration. Giving a box of good chocolates in a dream means being the first to confess your love, which will be rejected. Eating candy in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity in business, a cheerful life and happy love. Sweet candies mean profit, sour candies mean illness and irritability, mint candies mean annoyance and disappointment will take the place of boundless trust. If in a dream you eat caramel, it means that the person whose reciprocity you are seeking is not indifferent to you. Lollipops in a dream foreshadow betrayal on the part of imaginary friends. Chocolates mean that you will find the people you need and the matter will begin in full swing. Making candy in a dream means you will achieve your goal thanks to tireless and painstaking work. Buying candy is a complete waste of money. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

Duchess (sweets). - Eating duchess (caramel) in a dream means a sweet life., Family dream book

montpensier (lollipops, sweets).- Buying monpensiers in tin boxes in a dream means satisfaction., Family dream book

candy wrappers (candy wrappers)- Seeing candy wrappers in a dream means money., Family dream book

chew candy (candy, candy).- You will benefit like never before., Family dream book

candy - Receive - you will be invited to the celebration; eat - you will fall in love., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

sweets - arrival of guests., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

candy wrappers (candy wrappers)- Collecting candy wrappers means engaging in unproductive labor., Dream Interpretation by Grishina

chew candy (candy, candy).- To get what you want., Dream Interpretation of Grishina

candy - If you made candy in a dream, then your well-being will improve thanks to diligence, diligence and hard work. A dream in which you eat crumbly, crispy candy foreshadows secular pleasures and promises love. Sour candy is a sign of illness or annoyance and irritation. If you received a box of chocolates as a gift, prosperity lies ahead of you. If you sent someone a box of chocolates, your hopes will not come true. A dream in which you eat candy foreshadows exciting experiences in your intimate life. And donated sweets dream of a risky relationship. Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

helmet, helmet as described - If in a dream you pick up a helmet (helmet) and try to put it on, the dream foreshadows poverty and losses that threaten you, which can be avoided by making vigorous efforts. . Chocolate To see chocolate in a dream means that you will provide very well for those who depend on you. Seeing chocolates promises you suitable partners in work. If the chocolate is stale, then expect illness and other disappointments. Drinking hot chocolate portends prosperity after a short period of unfavorable events. . Ramrod If you dream of a ramrod, expect misadventures. You will have something to be sad about. If a girl dreams of a bent or broken ramrod, it means that her dear friend or lover will leave her., Miller's Dream Book

cook according to description - Cooking some dishes in a dream means that a pleasant responsibility will soon pass to you; in the near future, expect a visit from your dear friends. If something doesn’t work out for you during cooking, events may await you in reality that will cause anxiety and disappointment. Cooking potato dishes in a dream foretells a job suitable for you. Cooking some kind of meat in a dream is a sign that others will be the first to achieve what you are striving for. To dream that you are making coffee foretells failure in business. Preparing a cocktail means that you will mislead your friends about your inclinations and will enjoy the company of dishonest, frivolous men and women, posing as their equal. If you dream that you are cooking sausage, it means that in reality you will be successful in many of your endeavors. Making dumplings in a dream means making a new useful acquaintance in real life. Cooking breakfast in a dream means that in reality you will soon fall into a trap set by your enemies. Cooking dinner - what seemed uncertain will acquire clear clarity, which contains the grain of future well-being; after such a dream, a turn for the better is inevitable. Cooking dinner - you will be overcome by gloomy thoughts and a state of mental decline. Frying something in a dream means changes in business. Roasting coffee - a possible salvation for you in a hopeless situation may lie in marriage to a foreigner. Roasting seeds - you will find hope, pancakes - for sensual pleasures. Baking pies in a dream means in reality allowing yourself to flirt with unfamiliar men. Baking confectionery means that you will be very deceived cunning man. Prepare custard for confectionery - soon you will receive an important guest in your home. Making candy in a dream means improving your well-being thanks to diligence, diligence, and hard work. Making ice cream in a dream means failure caused by your selfishness and cold rationality. Making marmalade means illness and dissatisfaction with fate, an unpleasant home atmosphere. Cooking jam in a dream means disappointment and empty dreams. There is jam made from exotic fruits, for example, pineapples - good news awaits you. Making jam or confiture from fruit means that peace and prosperity will come to your home and you will find loyal and reliable friends. Cooking compote means that, despite all the rumors and rumors, the reputation of the person you care about will remain untarnished. Cooking jelly means that you may soon get a mild form of a cold. Cooking porridge means a desire to improve relationships with someone close to you. Cooking kvass in a dream foreshadows an abundance of empty and rude inventions about you. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

do as described - Doing renovations in an apartment in a dream means unexpected and not always pleasant events. Making a cane from bamboo means receiving a timely warning. Making a fence portends you active creative activity and corresponding prosperity. Making bricks in a dream is a sign that you will not succeed in your quest to amass large capital. Making mattresses by stuffing them with hay or straw means that you will soon take on new responsibilities and increased responsibility. Making some inscriptions in a dream is a sign that you will soon lose a person dear to your heart. Making ice portends failure in business due to excessive stubbornness and selfishness. Doing something with coffee in a dream foretells failure in business. Making a cocktail means that you will mislead your friends about your inclinations and will enjoy the company of frivolous people, adapting to their tastes. A dream in which you see yourself making sausage suggests that in reality you will be successful in many of your endeavors. Making dumplings in a dream means making a new acquaintance in real life, which will turn out to be both useful and pleasant. Making pies in a dream means in reality allowing yourself to flirt with unfamiliar men. Making baked goods or biscuits means that you will be deceived by a very cunning person. Making sweet cream for confectionery means that you will soon receive an important guest in your home. Making candy in a dream means improving your well-being through diligence, diligence and hard work. Making ice cream is a sign of failure caused by your selfishness and cold rationality. Making marmalade means illness and dissatisfaction with fate, an unhealthy atmosphere in the family. Cooking jam in a dream is a sign of chagrin and empty dreams. If the jam is made from exotic fruits, for example, pineapples, good news awaits you. Making jam or confiture from fruit means that peace and prosperity will come to your home and you will find loyal and reliable friends. Making compote means that, despite all the rumors and rumors, the reputation of the person you care about will remain untarnished. Making jelly means that you may soon get a mild form of a cold. Making kvass in a dream foretells an abundance of empty and worthless inventions about you. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

box as described - Seeing in a dream a box or drawer with nothing inside is a sign of disappointment. If there is something practical and useful in the box, a surprise awaits you in reality, which will be presented to you by a person who is not indifferent to your inner beauty. The box of an unfinished house portends a lack of funds to complete the work started. A laundry box means you will soon receive bad news. Receive a box of chocolates as a gift - in real life, a man who is not your type will show attention to you. If you yourself give someone a box of chocolates, then your intentions will not come true due to the dissimilarity of interests with your business partners. A box of paints or pencils seen in a dream in reality foretells profit and wealth. To see some very small box - you will gain modest family happiness in a small but cozy apartment., Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

bag as described - If in a dream they pour candy or something like that into your bag, in reality you will experience a joyful feeling from communicating with a sweet, charming and cheerful person. A bag of seeds portends tears of resentment and nervous system disorder. Finding a cockroach or some other abomination in an empty bag means a long and painful conversation with relatives regarding the division of property and real estate. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

mint as described - If in a dream you tear and collect mint, preparing it for the winter as a medicine, this means that you will soon have to spend an evening during which you will experience hitherto unknown thrills. Drinking tea brewed with mint is a sign of an exciting adventure in a romantic spirit. Sucking mints portends peace and relaxation after long and hard work. Chewing gum with a strong, persistent mint taste - you will soon feel a change in attitude towards you as a result of the success achieved and taste the joy of victory, honors and universal recognition., Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

nuts as described - Seeing a walnut tree in a dream means a failed matchmaking. Hazel thickets in the forest or on the shore of a lake - you will find a significant amount of money. A dream about hazelnuts foretells peace in the family and tender relationships between relatives. Shaking branches with nuts means a failed business venture. Collecting fallen nuts means chaos in business and confusion in feelings; picking them from branches means a significant gain. Unripe nuts mean a happy fate, ripe ones mean constant anxiety and hard work. Roasted nuts mean a change in fate. Gnawing nuts with your teeth - neglect household chores, stabbing with a nut cracker - harm yourself with frankness, with a hammer - scanty wage, doors - unexpected joy. Eating hazelnuts means you will receive an expensive but unnecessary gift. If you eat hazelnuts, minor troubles will pass pretty soon; eating walnuts is good news; coconut is a sign of futile efforts and vain expectations of success. Rotten nuts mean that your hopes will turn into bitter disappointment; empty - your lover will shift his attention to another. Cooking dishes with nuts - you will regret your unreasonable behavior. Baking confectionery with nuts or buying them is a sign of fulfillment of desires; sweets or chocolate with nuts is a sign of a successful acquisition. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

gift as described - If in a dream you were given a crystal vase, this means that you will soon achieve your cherished desire. If a young woman dreams that her lover is giving her a pearl necklace, happy events await her in reality, during which she will hear words of love from her boyfriend and an offer to marry. To dream that you have a dog fried is a harbinger of a prosperous life full of comfort and pleasure. Receive a box of expensive chocolates as a gift - in reality you will find yourself in an intelligent society, where your talents will be appreciated and will always be happy to welcome you. A dream in which you are given a stunning fur coat made of natural fur means that in reality you will find yourself in an awkward situation when you will be mistaken for the wrong person, and you will not reveal your true name, so as not to aggravate your situation. Receiving jewelry as a gift is a sign of exceptional attractiveness and luck in love, promising a wonderful husband and a luxurious life in complete carefreeness. A dream where you receive a car or a yacht as a gift from some sponsors is a sign of suspicious goodwill of people who have always demonstrated a hostile attitude towards you. To receive wonderfully designed books as a gift in a dream is a sign of joyful news from friends from abroad. If in a dream you did not receive the expected gift, this portends a clear threat to your current position. If on your birthday you received flowers as a gift from a loved one, such a dream predicts good luck in all areas. A dream in which you are given golden things means that you will be able to go far on the path to wealth and universal recognition. A dream where you yourself present gifts to relatives foreshadows financial assistance from them. Giving a gift to your superiors on their anniversary indicates your deeply indifferent attitude towards your leadership, as well as towards any subordination in general. If in a dream you send an expensive gift by mail, in reality you are not using the chance given by fate to arrange your life. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

chocolate as described - Eating chocolate in a dream foretells a deterioration in well-being during the coming day. Buying chocolate means losing a significant amount. Chocolate with nuts is a sign of satiety in love and the search for a new partner. A dream where you are presented with a large set of chocolates as a gift speaks of the impossibility of dreams. Melted chocolate - to frank confession and tears of repentance., Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

bombonniere as described - Seeing - good deeds; to receive as a gift is a consolation; to give to someone - to curry favor; filling with candies is a pleasant fun., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

truffles as described - If you ate truffles (candies) in a dream, you will save a lot., Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

chocolate as described - Having seen chocolate in a dream, you can be sure that you will be able to provide well for those who depend on you. Chocolates seen in a dream promise you excellent business partners. Stale chocolate dreams of illness and disappointment. If you drank hot chocolate in a dream, then you will experience prosperity. True, it will come after a short period of unfavorable events. Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - perhaps not everything has been going well in your personal life lately. Don't take these failures personally. The reason for the fiasco may be your partner’s bad mood or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life. If you burn yourself with hot chocolate, you will meet a person who will amaze you with his irrepressible energy and temperament. Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

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another person's teeth

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A dream about candy in a modern interpretation is a hint at intimacy and other everyday joys. On the site you can watch online for free the meaning and why of this dream, including the interpretation of other dreams and photos.

Why do you dream of chocolates in boxes, there are sweets

The dream is interpreted in different ways. For a girl to see chocolates in boxes in a dream - the appearance of a new annoying gentleman in real life.

If a girl dreams that a young man gave her a box of chocolates, it means that in the near future she should expect a marriage proposal.

If a young man dreams about boxes of chocolates, it means that in real life he will have to commit a number of extraordinary actions.

Dream interpretation of candy: take, choose, steal, buy

If you have a dream about taking candy, you will have a pleasant meeting with friends in life.

Choosing candy in a dream means that in real life you are experiencing a lack of communication, but in the near future pleasant entertainment and empty talk await you.

The dream that you are stealing candy means that you are flirting with a person who has already chosen his other half.

Buying candy in a dream is a waste and unnecessary acquisition in real life.

Dream Interpretation: collecting candy in a cemetery

To have a dream in which you are collecting candy from a cemetery means that in real life you will receive news about sad events in the lives of your ill-wishers, which will make you incredibly happy.

Vanga's dream book candy

In Vanga's dream book, sweets mean the desire to change your life for the better. Also, dreaming about sweets predicts a meeting with influential people, thanks to which your financial situation will improve.

Miller's dream book candy

In Miller's dream book, seeing candy means enjoying life and receiving carnal pleasures.

Eating tasteless and rancid sweets is a sign of disappointment in people whom you considered your friends.

Candy Juno's dream book

In Juno's dream book, sweets in beautiful wrappers symbolize a meeting with people who hide their true essence under the guise of sincerity and flattery.

Enjoying delicious candy in a dream means small talk in real life. If the candy turns out to be bitter, you are annoyed at your mistake.

The egg symbolizes nascent life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life...

A dog, both in real life and in a dream, is a symbol of friendship and fidelity. But seeing a puppy in a dream is not always interpreted as a good sign, as...

Anchor points:

Chocolate candies

Chocolate - to receive a lot of positive emotions in real life. Many ideas will come to your mind, the implementation of which, in turn, will bring financial stability and independence. You will have to create something that will appeal to a large number of people, which will result in a large batch of orders related to your activities. Do not reject offers of cooperation, they will help you achieve more.

Dreams about caramel

Buy caramel- to a quiet and peaceful life. Quarrels and conflict situations will be avoided, and you will have the opportunity to realize your dreams in a calm, friendly environment. Any misunderstandings will only serve as a reason to search for compromises, which will result in new ideas that are attractive to employers.

Buy more than just candy

Candy and - this dream was not just a dream. It indicates that you should remember some loved one who died not long ago. Go to church and light a candle for repose. After this, you yourself will be able to feel how light and calm your soul has become. Nothing will bother you anymore, and empty worries will leave you for good.

When you couldn't buy it

To buy and not to buy– to the occurrence of health problems. You yourself create situations during which the health of your body is at risk. If this continues, you will acquire diseases that will be impossible to get rid of. They will remain with you in a chronic form, periodically letting you know outbreaks of pain and exacerbations.

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